Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Aug 1911, p. 7

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c h to « SUMMER MONTHS FATAL TO SMALL CHILDREN Tli<» sumin«r months are the htr<l»^t of tho year on small child- rnu. ( holara infantuiu, diar- >Ia>«a, djientry and stoinacli trou- blej ar^ all commou at thin time and iiiatiy a precious life it »niif- fe<i .jut after only a few hours' ill- n&ii. .\% a i^afeguard mothers ahoviul keep Baby's Own Tablets in ihtt h >iMe. An occasional dose of th<j Tiiljlets will prevent stomach •ad b'jwel troubles, or if the trou- ble ni»inf>i on suddi^ly will bring the little one through safely. Mrs. Larry l)e<jrace, Mizonette, \. B., write*: "'Last summer my baby suf- fered greatly from her stomach and bowels and nothing helped her till I began giving her Baby's Own Tablets. They regulated her bow- els, sweetened her stomach, and now she is a big. healthy, happy child." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2't cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Mttdicine Co., Brockville, Ont. THE ONLY OBSTACLE. "Lady," said the fortune-teller, â- huffling the cards, "th© fates de- cree thac you will visit foreign land*. You will mingle in the Court life of kings and queens. Conquering all rivals, you will marry the man of your clxoiceâ€" a tall, dirk, handsome gent of dis- tingiii.slie<l ancestry ; in fact, a peer jf the realm." "Will he be young f "Yes, young and rich." The visitor in her excitement clutched the seer's arm. "But how." she cried eagerly, "how am I to get rid of my pre- sent huiband ?" The Foe of Indigestion.â€" Indiges- tioM is a common ailment and few are free from it. It is a most dis- tressing complaint and often the suffering attending it is most se- vere. The very best remedy is Parmelee's "Vegetable Pills taken [ A .SOFT AXaWRR. "Always remember, Ferdinand, " ' said iiu I'jving parent, "that 'a soft answer turneth away wrath.' So if any little boy or girl hits you, be your mother's own sweet dar- ling, and d'jn't lose your temper." Then Ferdinand trotted off to school, and when he came home to lunch his mother a.sked him : 'â- And did my boy remember what he wis told !" "Yes, ni.i. A boy called me a fool, but I did as you said." '"And what soft answer .'id you make .'" "I hit him in the eye with a soft tomato !'' EXTRACT FROM A LETTEfl. "Oh, Alice, I must tell you about a boy stopping here at our board- ing hou.se who is a perfect little gentleman. The other day he brought his sister in to dinner and introduced her as follows: 'Ladies and gentlemen, this is uiy sister.' Then, turning to the girl, he ad- ded : 'My sister, these are ladiei and gentlemen.' We all roared." HAVK YOU A BAD SORL{ If So, remember these facta â€" Zam-6uk is by far the most wid«ly used balm in Canada? Why has it become so popular! Because it I heals sores, cures skin diseases, and does what is claimed for it. Remember that Zam-Buk is at the same time heiling. soothing, and antiseptic. Kills poi.son inst.intly, and all hirmful germs. lb is suit WHERE WILL I INVEST? % To any person of means the above is a pertinent question. ^ BONDS represent the safest kind of an invest- ment as the payment of both principal and inter- est is guaranteed by the corporation issuing the bond. % We would like an opportunity to place be- fore you a list of bonds that afford not only abso- lute safety bit splendid interest return. % Your enquiry will re- ceive prompt attention. ROYAL SECU RITIES CORPORATION U I M I T E 3 BANK OF MONTREAL BUILOIMG YONCE AND QUEEN 3T3. TORONTO HE WANTKD TO LKARX HOW. according to directions. They rec- ; horrid cat ? Oh, give her my love tify the irregular action of the sto- j WASN'T THAT ?:XOUGH ! tnaoh and restore healthy action, j Randallâ€" "My wife plays and For many years they have Burglarâ€" Don't shjot me, sir. Householder â€" Ou one condition, that you tell me how you got in able alike for recent injuries and i without waking my wife. diseases, and for chronic sores, ul-l cers, etc. Test how different and | A Sure Corrective of Flat alency. superior Zam-Buk really is. All | â€" When th^ undigested food lie; druggists and stores at 50c. bo.M. | in the stomach it throws off gases. Use also Zam-Buk Soap. Relieves ; causing pains and oppression in the stomachic region. The belch- ing or eructation of tiiese gases is' offeU'sive and the only way to pre- vent them is to restore the stomach to proper action. Parmelee's Ve- getable Pilfs will do this. Simple directio.ns go with each packet and a course i>f them taken systemati- cally is certain to ^-ffect a cure. CANCER IN CI.AT PIPE. r.oadon Ktpert .\No Warn^ Against Alcolirii aod Ciirrira. One of the interesting statements in Dr. E. F. Ba-jhf-jrd's (London, Kogland), report to the imperial canoer research fund is that pecul- iar customs reader persoas espec- ially liable to cancer. Dr. Bash- ford mentions specifically the prac- tic9 of eating very hot rice in Chi- aa, th« use of kangri in Kashmir, and th« chewing of the betel nut. It is not only in the Ka~st, how- ever, that customs conducive to i cancer prevail. Inquiring at the ; laboratories of the imperial cancer , research fund a correspondent was; to that the smoking of clay pipes | was one danger. "Such pipes get very hot and the clay often sticlcs to the lips." it was stated. ".\ny smoker who wishes to run tlie least possible ri.sk of this dread disease should taboo such [jipes. especially short ones. "Alcoholic excesses which may lead to irritation of the stomach also introduces the risk of cancer. Curries and highly seasoned food genera. ly. if taken habitually, are also a source of danger.'' There are trades which render, the workers more liable tluin ii^-j- al to cancer. The workman who runs most risk is the "liiraney ' sweep, whose body is covered with . soot. Unless the sweep is extreme- ; ly careful to keep his skin thnr- j oughly clean the aniline products in the soot will cause irritation. which may end in caiici»r. In ihe sanae way workers in aniline fa.- tories run considerable risk and all persons who make use of X rays are particularly liable to cancer. sunburn and prevents freckles. Best for baby's bath. 2.5c tablet. OH, YOU GIRLS : Daisy â€" 'I shall write Alice this afternoon. Have you any mes- sage .''' Dollyâ€" "What: Writing to that a 3t.ind.ird remedy for dyspepsia j and indigestion and are highly •st-eemed for their qualities. i Randallâ€" "My wife been sings and recites." TKACHIXG THE YOUNG. 'â- 'Pa, what's tetanus!'' "Oil; he waa a Roman Senator or Hjniothiug â€" I forget just what. Now dju't bother me any more." ; BEST AND HEALTH TQ MOTHER AND CHILD. irtus. Wir<sLo\v'9 SoorHiNvi Svbcp has been «.se.l I'lr .ivsr SIXT* YE.^RS bv MII."..IONS of MOTHKK-t for their CHILDREN WHILE TKJiTUISG. with VKBHECT Sfv:i:E!<!». U 600THK.H the CHILI). SOFTENS the OVMS, ar.L.VVSaU f.\l.N-: CIKES WIND COLIC, and U fhi- iKTHt remedy It UL\.KRHCf;.\. U ii a\>- polutely harmlei*'^ Be iuie and ai»lc for "Mrs. WiunUiWv >oothiDg Syrup." and take nu other ktlvL Ivrvnty-dve centv a bot'.itt. SHE'LL GET IT. Hubâ€" ''Y'ou don't need another new dress, dear." Wif»- "Xo, darling, but I must have jne." Dr. C. Gordon Howitt, Domin- Rogers- fects!" "Has she anv other de- Wise mothers w'lo know the vir- tues of Mother viraves" Worm Ex- terminator always have it at hand, because it proves its value. COXVEYIXG IT TACTFULLY". '"Mr. Slocum, "' the young woman said, 'you must not mind Tommy tying your gloves together. He doesn't know that you will be wanting to put them ou in a few minutes." TOO TRUE. "Wh.it is the hardest thing to learn about farming.'' inquired the summer boarder. 'Gettin' up at MInard's Llnimant Curis Colils. Etc. T.alking about investing in min- ing stocks is all rightâ€" if you have sense enough to take it out in talk. ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE hn control n{ thn Dapu^ .•1 ock in the moruin. -.led farmer Corato&sel. â- We have no hesitation in saying that Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordi.'il is without d^ubt the best medicine ever introduced for dy- seni-ery. diarrl-.oea, cliolera, a:id all summer comjjlaiiits. sea sick- ness, etc. It promptly gives re- lief and never tails i -> effect a jwsi- tive cure. Mothers should ne;^'»r be without a bottle when their chil- drea are teething. Temperance Street, Toronto AlBIiat'd with the roiTeriiiT of Toron'i. and undor !h(i fonti-.. .., .i.n lat of Aeriiultura of On'ario. InfirioarT (or !iii-it AiilmaU at tho Cnllofo (LOLLEUE RE-OPENS OCTOBER 'Jnd. lOWv . .• .< H.B.â€" Calendar on appliralion. ,. i,, , E. A. «. CRANQE, V.t.i -«.S.. n-(nfilp«lk - - ^ ^ '"Hal'o! Chumley, where did you get that black eye .'" 'Oh! Ouly a lover's quarrel." ".V 'over's quarrel '. You don't nnean to s'ly your girl did tl-.at to you ''' '"Oh. n } '. It was her old lover, I mean.'' Any man who repeats half he hears t.ilks too much. Don't make 5pi««l " <r>iit ton sweet : four poujids of ii^hj" Mt'ow^!! sugar to seven pounds of -fwiit i* a good proportioii. Wilson',1 Fly Pads ar» s^W hj s practically a'.I Driiggists, ./irVtVSri'.' '.. and General S'fores;' thto-«?0>rM^»» w Canada. They k!'! " m.iny tame- " ' more flies than any other article. AN ANGLER'S ELYSIUM. According to adverti<4ementi4 all lummer r*rtorf« arM alike. They are the beat ever 1 -but If fishing is better anywhere else than it in in (Ji-oreian Bay' we do not know where It is. There i^ a greater var- iety of fish in this water than anywhere el.se, and they are always hungry. The only place where you ran afford to fl»h ia j where the fish are numerous, big and de- I liciout} in flavor, and that pla<-e is <-ie.>ry:- . I ian Bay so the tishermeii say. JSuppone j 1 you send for booklet i.<>sued by the drand i I Trunk Railway Sy:,tem free, tellinz about ! • ... , . . - • ! the home of the bans, piokerel. pike, and ion Lllt'jmologlSt. says, reterring Uhe noble trout family. Address X. E. : to the inf.-intile death rate f rom j I'l^'t't". "â- â- "'"" st ation. T oronto. j intestinal diseases and diarrhoea g^,^^^^ ^^ ^,^^ Brighton Cemetery, .pre,d by the house fly. he believes ,,„g|^„j ,^„,i f,,, ,„^^, ..^^.s ver- ^ that the s<j-called harmless fly is yearly causing the death of thou- ger at the i arish Church. Mr. Wil- • liani Shelly has officiated at 30.i)00 I A BAXDAGE. Little â- Willieâ€" 'Say. Pa, why is Justice always bliadfoided .' " Pa â€" "Becau.se she is forever get- ting a black eye. my son." Thin i» to certify that I have used MIN- AUD'S Linimeiii in my family for years. and consider it the best linimeut on the market. I have found it excellent foi horseflesh. (Sieaed ; W. S. PINEO. "Woodlands." MiddletoD. >i.i>. Gentleman (ent<?ring)â€" "" Do yu wurk here, boy.'" Offi''e Boy - "Only when the governor is look ing." MInard'i LInlmtnt Cum Olphtharla. Have You a Copy % b FRKE of This Catalogue ? ^ BanJi of infants, as well as i funerals. l.tXW baptisms, and 600 Bpreadiiig the germs of typhoid j ^yp<J<^^,„„s fevor. Wilson's Fly Pads are the' only thing that will rid your house of these dangerous pests. NO DISCRIMIXATIOX. "Does your new baby cry much bt night !" "L;iwj! it cries at anything." "I want to se& the head of the house." said the pedlar. 'I'm sor- ry." replied Mrs. Minns, "but the baby is asleep just now. " FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. OUR BEAUTIFUL CATALOGUE IL- LUSTRATED - It is the best ex- clusively Fur Ca- talogue issued in Canada, it contains one hundred illustra- tions and descriptions cf the latest New York, London, and Paris styles in adies", men's, misses', and children's furs. Do not "fail to write to-day for ....^ a copy of this authentic fashion v^ book- sent FREE to any address on application. f r>^.> V. 'X: When Holloway's Corn Cure is applied to a corn or wart it kills the roots and the callosity comes cut withuut injury to the flesh. Its Virtue Cannot be Described. â€" Xo one can e.xplain the subtle power that Dr. Thomas' Kcleclric ask DAWSON, HE Oil possesses. The originator was. JFjou want to sell a himself surprised by the wonderful "° qualities that his compotind P'-"*" 1 I '^ „f,i ses.<ed. That he was the bcnefac- i ! f.^.. .f Kiimiinlfi- is oVioivn Kv f Ka I 1 HAVE eome of the be«t Fruit. Stork tor ot numanity is sno«n d\ tne ( | ^,^^j„ „^ ^.^^^^ farms in ontarw, myriads that rise in praise of this ' an d pru-es right. ; wonderful Oil. So familiar is ev- ' .j w" d\w.-<o.n. Ninety coibomo ; eryone with it that it is prized as i Xl. t^ireei. Toronto. a household medicine o\erywhere. WE ARE THE LARGEST EXCLUSIVE FURRIERS IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE Write for It To-Day We pay all Mail or Express Charges to your town, no matter where you may ive, on all purchases of S10O.0O and over* When buylns by mail from this_ house you are protected by the following guarantee : TH« SELLERS-GOUGH GUARANTEE "l^on receipt you And that the fure for any r^tiuan â-  re not eatiefactory, write your .tamo and address on the outside at the package and return them in ten days in g;ood condition, stating why the goods are returned, and we will pay the transportation charges both ways and ex- chctnze or refund the money in full." ou want to b'ay a farm, conault and have reached this position by merit and merit alone. Our styles are exclusive and correct, and our immense turnover enables us to give vzdues that are impossible in the ordinary way of doing business. We guarantee every fur that bears our label. Of course it is all right for a t' wait until her husband is m aileep, then wake him up ^k him if he's asleep yet. s LInlmtnt Cuits Cargtt In Covus. SASK.^TOON. SaskatrliBwnn. requir Five riioutaiid Harvester* to take in euormou.'* *-rop. I'ome up anil heln. i.io4)d wagei*. Splendid chaiire to see country and at the same time acrure a Homestead. , , . I On arriral. <all on The Commissionor. (|Uires a reputation of being poor l Board of Trade Offlee.*. Saskatoon, he will Usually a man who would rather be right than be president .soon ac- ' i'lltlUDDKX FRUIT. A vul*.^ had just shown a lady over the \hjp. In thanking him, she s'lid: "I am sorry to see by the rules that tips are forbidden on your ship." '"I.'.ir" bless you, ma'aiji," re- plied the sailor, ''so were apples in the Liarden of E<.len." DODDS > KIDNEY' but honest. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY tor Red. Weak. Weary. Watery Eyes aad Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart â€" Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy. Liquid, 25c, 50c. $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 25c. $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice !">ee by Mail. Alurine ISre Remedy Co.. Chicaxo. HOW IT IMPRESSED Hl.M. .\n .American, who was ente''!-.-;ir.- ing a distinguished English gentle- man, was showing his visitor round Newport. "You observe."' remarke<l ftie host, "that when we .Xmerieans de- ! yote ourselves to pleasure, we do I so regardless of e.xpease." plai' yoli. AGENTS WANTED. A*^ UK.NFS WAN'rt'.D.- A study of otUef i .\;fency propositions convinces uj that none can equal ours. You will al t ways regret it if you don t apply fof , particulars to Travellers Uept.. 22» i .Albert St.. Ottawa. I MISCELLANEOUS. FURS EXCLUSIVELY Our entire capitaJ and time are devoted to the making and selling of furs. We are specialists in the truest sense of the 'word, and, as such, we can give you greater satisfaction in both quality and style tham if you bought in a general way. Our styles, values, and quality are exclusively Sellers-Gough. Compare them with what you have been accustomed to. .*. ' .. •-•-â-  • t . i • . • » M»1 t. • ;-j â-  "' e^.v-a-.t 11 .\Y and KAKM Si-ale Work.«. '-. S(.'ALKS. Kitplanade ^AWMILL MAC'UINKKY. Portable or | lO heavy. Lalhe Mills. Shinile Mills, i Enjincs and Boilers. Mill Supplies. Th» K. Long Manufacturing l.'o.. Ltd., Wen Street. Orillia. Ontario. C\ ANCKU. 'I'UMORS. LUMPS*, etc. In ' / ternal and oxteroal. cured without | pain by our liome treatment. Write ui before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited. Collintwood. Ont. i Our entire business is manned in every department by an expert â€" nothing is left to chance. Every fur imd fur gsuTnent sold in this store is examined personally by a member «f ths firm before it is allowed to leave our Institution. This assures you of not only correct style' and fit, but also correct quzJity and thorough workmanship. •'- \ â-  "' * <. ; • It â-  f r^ ALTERATIONS ^^ ^^^ make your alterations and remodeling now better anij _^_____^__ -»«^^ cheaper than later on in the season, when we have more thai^ we^ RbfllUI/wLINu can attend to. Write to us for estimate, and do it right away. . w :^, PILLS i(i». 1 ISSIK SS It EITE n» to. day for our choice INi gents' Kuiipltes No oiitlu-. Phey are luonev maker,*. Kn- ply B. (!'. I. Co. Ltd., 228 Albert St., I'd hardly put it that way.'" re- Ottawa. Ont sponded the witty foreigner. "Ra- ' WRITE FOR CATALOGUE TO-DAY ther, you devote yourselves to e.\- pense rescardless of pleasure." "There is one time when you mav be sure people are fishing for scandal." "What is that?" "When thev are talking with bat- ed bre'vth." A girl doesn't have to go to col- lege to be a smart dresser. UliMrd'* Ltalm^t CWM 0i*tMi9*r. (i TON SCALE UIAR.\NTEKD. I snale Works. 9 Esplanade, Wilson's Toronto. SPECIALISTS ADVICK KUKS. Conanll ! _ us in regard to any dueaso. Loweai prices in drugs of all kinds ; Trusses fitted by mail. Send rrieasure , â-  â-  re. Writ* lo-d.\> Tlrst-class drug Ont , drugs fusses fitted by mail Oient Cilasses fitted bv for anything sold in . stores to Dr. Bellman. Collingwood FEATHER DYEING 'ItiAlHtHr plfio* U ! BRITISH AMERICAN OYEING Cft Ut».N'tUKAU. I The Sellers-Ctough Fur Co., Limited The Largest Exclusive Furriers in the British Empire TORONTO MONTREAL

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