Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Aug 1911, p. 4

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Auor.sT 31 1911 T HE F L E S II E RT O N ADVANCE F. C. KARSTEDT. - FLESH ERTON ONT.. August Sale commences now Itig letluctioii in all lint!', «liicli «ill Inst until tlio ind of the iiikijIIi coniniencii)!j wiili this issue. (Jirin o Uck of flixir space wu arc forretl to jiur seahuimble jjoodt on thy iniiiki't at n rediu-tinn in order to in»ke room '<ir our fall import i;uods now boiii}< shipped. All who tiike udv»ntii<>e of these prices will Ju well in doing eo ^.i\ .Slaii^littT ill Semi- Keiuly Cl(itlu\s. In these »re to be fuund all the latest suits iiiTweed-i, Serges, and Worsteds, in Greys, I$rowns, (ireens, etc. in St, iji^B, diagonals oi pKiii. All of these ;ire th(> late.st styles, in double find Hinj;le Lreasted, willi trousers made pen top style, which j,'ive them a strik- ins «pi)p»iiince. Now, in order to get rid of these we offer »di.sc(uiit (if 10 per cent. Intending pur- chaters will do well ro take advantage of this. .Slau^'hter in Mens Work Shirts. This week we are putting on ."> or 6 dozen of Men's Heavy Work Sliirtu in fancy black and white strips, floral designs on all colors, in all sizes. The regular ,,rite of these shirts is W and 75c. to you, this week 49c. Iteductions in Wiisli Goods. In order lo reduce uur HicW in l'rint.s, Giiishams. Linens, Cliambras, etc. These are reasonable mmds at:d «hould h^ve a ready sale. â-  We offer the follnwini; b.'ir^rains : CJingliaiiis, Linens, etc., ri'x. priio 25c fur iMc per yd. (â- inj;hains, I'lints una Chanibrays reg. 18c for Ic a yd Prints, Chinihrays, Ktc. regular IDc forl3o per yard Piini.s at regulur price, 12i cents ^for lie per yard. Men's and Ladies' Footwear. Without a doubt the Etnpress Shoes for ladies have no equal. This is recognized by all shoe dealers. They excel all others in style, Quality of leather and in the tit. In all prices from 82.00 to f.j,00. Just got eon)e leaders in Men's Footwear. A Pebble tan Boot, heavy sewed and pegged sole, solid leather, water proof. If U>uglit in regular way would sell for I.1.75. Our price now is $2,50. r ' ! Still have the Famous Williams Boots in Knglish, C.'inadi.tn and Frenth Kips. These ore a Standat<-1 line and giiie utmost «ati.sfaction tor Fall and Winter wear. j(^^r!njrj ^^ » 'â- â- ' < » •»-» . â-  â-  ' ' "i* ^ ^'^' ' * 2^^ *'jL<' ,^JV ' ^'^.^r *^ >^f-: ' . '' . ' A '; ^ ' / ''' ^y' < {^/\: ^ j^^. '*^ JUST ARRIVED AT CEYLON A Consignment . . OF . . R 6S YEABS' EXPERIENCE Wagons AND Buggies Which will be sold at prices that can Not Be Beat considering style iitid <iuality, i also a full line of tillage. Harvesting machines and Wind Mills, Fenca .Wire, Stable < >uttit», Hay Forks, Hopes and cirriers. Now is the t!ie time to get' ready. A call s)licitt'd. Satisfaction :;iiar«iil'.'i'il. S. HEMPHILL CEYLON Tradc Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anrode§on*11ng a slielfli an J de^crlpfl'-n may qiilrklf Mfortain niir opinfifi fre« whotlior ui liivoriti'm IS pr-<halilr r'»'«"'"'»'«»- <''mriitinle» liunsfltrictlrcodtldentlKl. HANDBOOK on i'ntmiU •eiil (roe Oldest ii«eiior for ae'Urii>it putenia. I'litPfUi takun tliroutfli Muiiit A Co. rttC«lT« fjxTl/i. n-ttUCt without c harn e. in tbo Scientific Htnerican. A tmri'UonielT lUu»»rat«l wwkly. I-anr-'«t dr L-iilMton 'j( auy irit-niiiic jimriLAl. lerm* tor » uiiAa*. $s.T5 a year. pu«t&if« prc|i*uL Sold \r, ±l\ tittwstleAlert. MUNN& Co." "»"««'«' New York Unuicb utDc«. <i?i K St_ tVv"tiii«i ju. 1>. C. JOHN HcPHAIL Priceville AtiKNT FDR- Frost &â-  Wiiod Implements, Fleury and Perrni Plows, Tudho[>e Wa^jjons and CirriaKcs, Melolte (Jream Sepanitor, .Sinijer Sewing Machines, Or;4ans and Pianos on easy terms. 15l)ec HOLSTtlN-IHItSIAN CATTLU Oxford Down Sheep and Tamworth Swine â€" Brown Leghorn Poultry â-  specialty. M0L»TEIN-FR1E»IAN BULL FOR BERVICE- OKliLFAN t'0.>n)UlJI.\ 1)1 KK DuhOli No, :J«si KIHK gueons DoKnl IJuke No. ens".! H. ' ii U \M UelUaii Concordia DuKol No. n:!«OiH. U'. wbo»« Rraiid .lam lieM tlio WUUl.DS HUT TKlt ItKCOllI) « tew juars ago M.\KIN(130 â- ..118.. 10 OZ. IN T DAYS. This young ai)liiull(iri«iii(! :i yoa". '» o'lC)"'' ir.eand iudividualitv. liaviai{wou tlirue lut ftnd . ' iiie sMODd pri^e bh a calf at hoiuo of ttio prom- , liieat centres of (Int.. and ha« won 1st iilsco at ' i« and two years old at Kast Oroy fall fair, : KleiliortOD. . ^ ^ \ Toiuiaâ€" Oradei ll.riO, tlioroughbretls txon, payabla lat of Jan. All cows not iregularly 1 olurna^: will ba cliarnad. ItlCHAItl) AM.EN, Ix)tl70 2 N. F„ T. * H Jt. Klodliertou P.O. 1 liini- U A Good Time Piece is a FaitMul Servant. We make a Specialty of Reformior tbe " won't-fo" kind. When we repair a watcli or a clock we guarantee it to go accurately, and guarantee it to keep a-s:oin? accurately. W. A. Armstrong:. )octors Condemn , Oily Liniments 'he Public are Warned to Be Careful of These Strong- Smelling Oily Liniments Containing Harmful Acids, Ammonia, Etc. SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURN I TORE The lari/esl and Ix-'st stock of Furiiitnre ever shown in Flesherton. This without fuar of con- tradiction, onie and Hee sonii! of nice things in Side Boards, Dining Hooni Chairs, Parlor Setts, ISod Room H«tt». A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. , . , W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton JFI^ ^ F /^ r 1 1^ I c HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO MaRitola, Saskitciiewan, Mherta 5|X!cial Tiaiai leave Totaalo 2 00 p.m. ou APRIL 4, II MAY 1, 1(, SO JUME U, V JULY 11, M AUO. I, M SEPT. 5, « Second claM iklitU from Oatan.j itAUooi la p(inci;>al Northwfrt potnli al • LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Winmuet ind trlurn $5) 00; tdmoalon ami cc^ura VII.UO, ud lo othet po««U in p»oponino. TitkeU goori to rrtura wilhia 60 Jty< fron goint dale. TOURISTSLEEPING CARS on «n ficiirriiM. Comfortakl* liertlu. (ullr «iuipp«d wilh tedjinl. cut U) tecund 11 modeiale talei ihrjugh local aieal. F.arly a;>pticalior» muat be made ASK fO« HOMESItHtRS' P»MPHLET coB^auiing tale* aad full iatormalioo. ApiJy to atiCMlC P.R. Agent oiioR I. Thomfwn, Oiit P»«». A|t . Totonlo OMLV DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE Of CARS /lcsl)crton 3l^oatice .\ii independent new»i>a))«r, piililinhed every 'I'riursday at tlif ottice, CdllmffwiMxl .Street, Flesherton. Subscription price $1 |j«r annum, »\fn paid in advance; jl.iW when not so paid. .\dvertisiuK rates on application. Circtilatiun l.loo weekly. \V. II. Tliurrtton - Killtor TRU TH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN EAST GREY POUTICALLY The iiolitical lanks ;iru now closing up fur H strenuous political three weeks' battle ill Eiijt Grey. liy the action of the Reform convention on Monday Dr. Sproule will once more face Mr. Hart- niBii. From the fact that Dr. Sproule has had 33 years of representing this riding at Ottawa, and with the reciproc- ity question berore the people, Mr. Hartnian considers that he has a pros- pect of at least materially reducing the Doctor's majority of 1136, which he se- cured in the last election, or perhaps wiping it out altoi^ether. Mr. Hartinan can scarcely hope for the latter, but he rfill put up a Rood fi|jht. The genial Doctor will have t« familiarise himself once more with the sidelines and conces- sions of his electoral district and allow him.self to be interviewed by his aupport- ers, many of whom, it in reported, look with a coquettish eye on reciprocal trade with the I'nited States, and fail to see any dani^er menacing the empire. The governmeut would have done well to ehmiuato trout fishiug in this county for the next three jeai-3 in conjunction with deer hunting and the season for the former should in any event, be shortened up one month, making the close season commence ou August 15. During the later part of August the trout are full of eggs and should not be taken. O Over in Africa a certain tribe has a peculiar regulation which might work to the advantage of all and the expe- dition of business if transplanted to Canada. The Itugth of an oratorical effusion in the tribe referred to i? limited to the lime the speaker can stand on one foot. Wlien he is obliged to change to the other foot bis speech is considered complete and he must sit down. What a boon it would be if such a rulenpplied to the political orator in a campaign such as we are now going thiousii. i.s the C. P. R. directing it' accu«lomed vi«or and energy. The best island for a pleasure resort, rich in Indian tradition, risin- proudly out of the waters of Georgian Bay, some twenty-live miles from Victoria Harbor, has been .iciuired by the U. P. R.. say the interested ones. This island is named the Giant's Tonob, a halo of romance surrounds it;, iw lO" (liaii tradition claims it us the burying ground of Hiawatha. The island rises from the slujre line in a gradual grade to a hinh tableland in the centre, not unlike a giant's tomb. The island is composed of tine alluvial .soil, and has a beach of Hoe white sand, in which one can step into the water and for almost half a mile from shore not get out of depth. It is claimed thit the C. P. R. intend to build a niagniticent hotel on the island as a summer resort, and connect it by boat with Victoria Harbor. This would make one of the linest resorts in the worlJ, surrounded as it is with the already world famous 30,000 islands.â€" Collingwood Messenger. Chinook, Montana, landed here laat week to visit relatives that he had left behind, but instead of shaking h'.iad.s with his kith and kin, be woh mournfully conducted to the cemetery, where certain epitufihs f n the tombstones told in mute notes the sad tale. He had given up corresponding with them twenty years ago. and had followed the rolliaf; stone mode of life, but during his rambles his thoughts continually revert- ed back to the old homes and scanes here, and now with the gray silvering his brow be returned to the haunts of his boyhood only to find strange tsces and cold monuments to inform him what had happened. Like Rip Van Winkle returning from his long sleep, Mr. Smith was bewildered at the change that hiid come over the forin.ition here. â€" Bruce Times. Seemed to Give Him a New Stomach. " I sutfered inten.-ely aftrr eating and no medicine or treatment I tried seemed to do any gisnl," writes H. Jt. Voiingi)eter.s, Kdi- tor >fThe .Sun, Lake View Ohio. "The tirst few (loses of Chamlierlains .Stomach r.nd Liver Tablets gave ine surpn.sing relief and the seoontl bottle »eenie<l to gi\ e me a new stomach and i>erfect!v tfo"d health." For sale by \V. K. Kichardson 4 -Son. S. Rand, A.i^ent, - Ceylon M.iny p<>op!.> have clung to the old- a.sliion.-d Id. a that a tlalck. greasy Inltiient Is the best kind. Doctors ay notâ€" and they know. Hecently a number of these white, ily liniments were analyzed, and they V. re found to contain an enormously :nh percentiW?.- of harmful acids, and uch IrrllatiiiB cliemicals as ammonia, ti'. l'"or the nioment they may cause warm sotisation when first applied. Hit their continued use never cures lo-umatUin, and only deteriorates the kin. sets up Inflammation and causes iidless trouble. When a doctor warns you to quit i-luK a whlt.>. oily linimentâ€" do so. He • nows that a thick liniment can't T»'n- trate. cm't sink through the porua 11,1 r.acli the seat of the pain. \Vh. :i u.sked his opinion a few days â- .go. Ur. Roberts stated tliat he con.>»ld- re.i a strong, penetrating. pain-»ub- luliiif liniment such as â- â€¢Nerviline." to II- superior to any of the while, am- iionia liniments. In his twenty-five ,ri\Tf of practice he had witnessed •a.-<es of rheumatism, sciatica, and ui:ib;\','o tliut .slmiily would not r.- .nond to ordinary treatmentâ€" but Ner- .-illne t.iri-d them- The samo physl- â- l.m also spoke of the i^eat advant- iii.'S of keening a preparatljn like N'.rviUne in* the house always, be- 'â- iu.-<e of cramps, diarrhoea, stomacf Visord.-rs, caraihe. toothache, head- ichc and such minor ailments. Ner- viline Is a first-class cure. There If ^iMfoely an ache or a pain. Internal or • xt.-rnal that Nervllln,. wont cure. In thousands of homes no other paln- r.lleving medicine Is us,nl. Hfty n ars" continued success and the en- ! Jursement of the profession ar,; prool that Nerviline Is the linlmont for tne I no me. CORNS CURED I v.iu r:in paiiiles.-ly remov,' ,inv corn. I .iituf har.l, soft, or bleedlnn, by iDDlvlnn I'utnains Corn It-xtractor. It I'.ver burn.*, leave.f no se.ir. coiilains no I u I.I;.- l-i harmless, l.t-eau-te omposed 1 )nly of he.illiiB gum.-, aii.l balms. Fifty ' /ears In use. Cur« guaranteed. Sold I ;y all druggists. 25c bottles. Refuse I iilistllutes. DUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR Rod and Gun No better number for a delightful holi- day month has been issued than Hod and (iun in Can;ida for August, published by W. .1. Tsylor, Limited. Womlstock, Out. Ill the openiiiji story "From the Log of A Nautical Tfaiiip," the holiday spirit prevails and is prevalent through the two following papers â€" Luxurious Trout Fishing and I'p the Maganetawan, a Kiver of Dauin: In addilion there is an abundance of other material, articles and sloiies dealiiia with tiihiuK, deer, moose and bear hunting while other phases of outdoor life receive recognition and treatment in a manner tint must appeal to all sportsmen. This is particularly the case with the little paper on the subject of wounded game and a pioneer's stories while the conclusions of the com- mission in.jUirios into the fisheries of -Mberta and Saskatchewan must interest anglers all over the Dominion. The [Miper on .-i New I'se for the Red Fox may not only create a new interest in fox hunting but alao lead loan extension of the tox farms which have proved such a success in I'rince Kdward Island aid in Middlesex county, in Ontario. Al- tOKethet it is a number which no sports- man should miss. Walkerton At a late hour on Mondiy of last week when.Iohn Hodgins had hit the mattress for the night, he heard a noise at his granary that didn't use to be, so becom- ing suspicious that someone was violat- ing that comiusndmeut which forbids stealing he raised a window and made a racket tint was evidently disconcerting to the thief, *s that individual dropped a bag of chop which he was lugging oB'and matle his esca(K; under the cover of the night. The following morning the granary door was found open and the tag of chop d'scovered where it had been deserted during the night. Like a bad penny, however, which always turns up, the thief a few niuhts liter, made his apjiearance again, but this time at the liome of Uoliert Lymlerr. He was scared ort'als') on this occasion, but left enoui/h evidences behind to show that the last thief didn't swing when Soapy Smith was hanged. The Pearsons auto party who left Tor.'Oto on Saturday to visit friends in W.-iikerton received a summons shortly af'.er their ariival here rhaiging them with exceediii'g the speed limit while motoring ou^ of Toronto. The chai'ge lai.l by a member of the city police force who took their number as they sped by, and a jxilice court trial is scheduled to be held to deterntine the guilt or innocence of the accused. .\fter an absence of over forty years from Walkerton, .lames Smith of Catarrhal Deafness Success! ally Treated By Catarrhozone Deafness is not so common as blind- ness, yet thousands are more o less afflicted by it, and their comfort sar- iously interfered with. Catarrhal deafness manifests itself but slowly, yet It must be acknowledg- ed that the great majority of those who become totally deaf might have avert- ed this uiifortur.at-^ condition if they had treated the catarrhal inflamma- tion at its beginning. The only remedy that can be safely employed for all forms of catarrhal deafness is Catarrhozone. You simply charge the air yu breathe with this healing, soothing agent, and by forc- ing It gently through the ears destroy the germ life which keeps up the In- flammation, and at the same tim-? by the soothing, healing action it heals tha Inflamed surfaces .'f the middle ear. C.\.T.\URHOZOXE. to those who aro just a little deaf, and are growing In- creasingly deaf, i.s an agent capable- i>f affording the utmost satisfaction, and its use is attended without' danger, arid as the treatment can be carI^ed on at home no person threatened wi;h th-j affliction of deafn.^3s shouit* postpone one moment in beginning its use. From every part of the Dominion glowing accounts of the beneficial ac- tion it exerts upon catarrhal condi- tions of the middle ear have been sent in, and you will be resorting to tha only method of cure, and the simplest method too, if you try Catarrhozond. Dealers everywhere sell it, 25c, 50c, and $1,00 By mail frcm The Catarrhozons Co.. Buffalo, N. Y, and Kinaston, Ont. This May Interest You We want a reliable man to ,sell our well- known specialties in fruit trees, small fruits, seed potatoes, Howeriiig shrubs, roses etc., in Grey county during fall and winter months, duttit free, ex- clusive territory, pay weekly. 600 Acres of Nursery Stock Clean well gn.wn trees mid shiulis that will satisfy your customers. Katly and good delivery guaranteed. Established over 35 years. Write for whole or part time terms. Sales Manager, PELBAM NURSERV CO., 15 Dec. 11 Toronto. NM-sa va'sa ^sa-sa-Nj NS-sA^va- ss,^va-\a-\a-vava •*•'>•'>•â- >• a, M.-va^ ^I'Wilf- J. and W. BOYD mercbants Flesherton « Ontario Carelully Corrected Kaoli Week I Whbat 7."> to 7.T, «mtli ;<7 to ;i7: |>e»H 75 to 7') i I!,uley...' f'O t., fiO, Hay 10 00 to 10 UO I llialer - '.Jf t<. 20j Kags, fre.sh aO •.< 20 1 rotaloes per bag !>•> to ll."i ; (Jeese. 12 lo 12 Ducks 12 t" 1-' • .'hickeni 12 »«' 12 Turkeys 15 to 1(1 Wool 20 lo 22 GENERAL GROCERIES We have a full stock of genoial giucerio.s on hand. .Sugar.s for prcservi'.ig, icings ami table use. ('aimed goods of all kinds, tobacco.", teas and caiiilit'.s. FLOURI FLOUR I FLOUR! We l;i.i.d!efin inmunse .|nan)lty of Hour and liCOj" on baud Ojjilvie's III ynl Hoii>ehold, Fords and Dundiilk Flours in the "aevtr.al â-  gradw, also Ltnn and fhort*. OoldJt^wk^s trend h.indhsd. Choicest homeinade fovt'rcairt ami coding Jsututher" l>ilnk»» idwtij- ready for serving. W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton C. p. R. Plans According lo resident observers, Vic- toria Ilarber ii destined to become one of the tiiost famous lake ports on the .\tuerican continent, h is said that the C F. 1(. has aci|uiiod all the islands in the harbor, wit h connections to the niainliiud, elevators are already built ou the island, harbor rights, etc., aci|uired, and docks aro under construction. Kverytbing is so neai completion that next year will see C. P. U. trains from Ihe Tarry Nound line, at a near point to Victoria Harbor, running diretly there. The harbor has very dee|p water, and the biggest lake boats built can easily unke the channel. "It is, therefore, safe to conclude," say the shrewod ones, "that the C. P. H. lake trulho is all destined for Victoria Harbor- grain, p.issenger and freight â€" the 8oo trallic to Fort William and I'oit Arthur. What this means to Owen Sound is at once evidenf. Tlie ' long haul to Owtu youiul, with all its ilifliuulties of the hor..<VHliiJe cuivo and hills, or grades, where it iti slated <, ail c;is(iuo can .only haul one-third t>{ the frai);ht that can be l!(ikeii by one.isogine over the iiok ignite,. c;iii hardly io.ii|>etn with ihe new con- ditions. Not only with an eye to business for profit, but to the profit from ple.isurc. Mid-Sumtner Clearing . . . White Lawn Waists UKGILAR 81.00 FOR 78 CENTS. 1.25 "98 ^ • : • , " 1 i^ " 115 - " 1.75 " i.:«; Parasols in Black and Fancys, at Reduced Prices. Muslins and Ginghms A largo range of patterns and colors. Uog. Vk: All going at 10c. Childs Ready-Made Dresses All made in fa^t color materials and a largo vaiiety of lattern.s. Sizes, 4 to 12 years old for »1.00to 8i2 00. Ladies' Tan Oxfords j\ We have an Over stock of Ladies' Tan Ox'ovds in luices $2.00, $2.25, 92.50. Yeur choice for $1.6.5. Boys' Jerseys We hav-eahother lot to h.and in colors, greeu wi;h red, green with white". Sizes, 20, 23, HO, 32, at ... , ,,,....;. :*;.\ . . . ..â-  .'•â- JSfe;'- (I • X 1 ' » •

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