Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Aug 1911, p. 5

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AmjusT *J I 191.1 F I. E S H E K T X A I) V A N C E THE STANDARD BANK E-.biij.cd 1873 OF CANADA ^^'""^^^ A DEPOSIT OF ONE DOLLAR is received in our Savings Bank Department, and is sufficient to open an account and entitle the Depositor to a pass Book. The highest current rate of Interest is allowed, and money may be withdrawn at any time without delay. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. 85 FLrESHERTON BiCANCfi George Mitchell, Mai»aae«- aXAMCHS^ ALJO AT DURHAM AMD HA.RW.I.ITOaC C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Fleshercon Station as follows : Going South Going North 7.43 a. m. 11-2S »•«• 4.3:5 p.m. 8.53p. m. The mails aro closed at Flesheiton a.i follows : For the north at 10.40 a.ai. and 3 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 4.45 o'clock-. For morning train south wail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS I The bic; Toronto exhibition is in full 'awing this week and next. Tho country CO Jsins are now hunting up the:r neaj ' and distant relations in the city. Mails, I a.s usual, are late. We must put up j with it for a fortnight. t A credit auction salt of farm stock, im^lament.s and household furniture will b ; held on lot 2t), con. 10, Osptey, on Thursday, Sept. 10, the property of Mr. ; Walter Saigeon, who is going West. Sale at 1. p. m. See bills. W. Kaitling, auction. y >, Division Court will be held here on ' Wednesday of next week. [ James Allen, near Kimberley, died , ast week at the npe age of >^i years. Mr. W. Buskin has workmen encjaged , erecting a foundation for a residence ' alongside his store. Mrs. Spence of Toronto wis a caller on Saturday last. She attended her father's , funeral on Fiiday. Mioses Zilla and Ethel Trimble are taking a trip down the St. Lawrence this week. The public and R. H. .schools will re- epen on Tuesday of next week, Sep- ~tember 5. Mr*. R. Zimmerman of Owen Sound, is vLsitim^Jier nephew, J. J. Thompson, Miss l-ou Lea of Owen Sound is spend- ing a few days with her cousin, Ada Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Turner and three passed aw ly on Wednesday, Aug. 23rd, children of Shoal Lake, Manitoba, are »' '•>« h""ie of his son. Mr. Kphriam visiting relatives hert-. 1 »"»P«- ""^^t back line, at tho age of !)1 . , „, , â-  If ';] ,„ i years (i months. Mr. Doupe wasa native A heavy frost Tuesday ni^ht aid '-"i- | , , '^ aiderable damage to gardens on low-lyin^r The Late Charles Doupe Mr. Charles Doupe of this township lands county of Limerick, Ireland. He came toL'jiiada in 1854 and settled in Mrs. .\lfred MiUoy, Mta. Claude Edlin the township of Blanchard, when he married. L;iter,he moved to the township and daughter, of Acheson, Kn., al•^ ^f Egiemont in 1856 where he remained guests of the former's brother, Mr. A. j ^^^^.j ^^..^ j^^ ^,^.^^ ^.^^^ ^^^^^ ^^_^^.^_^ ^^ ^"y"- i Arteuifisia township, where he remained The nominations fur the Dominion | till death cilled him away. Mr. Doupe election for East Orey will be held in , Il,^3 ij^en a member of the Methodist Fle»herton on Thursday, Sept. 14. j church since he wtis a young man and Mr. Robert Thompson, jeweller of Po ; a member of the Orange Order for about wassan, paid a short visit to relatives sixty years and wa.f buried by that Order, here this week. ' Mf- Duupo had a family of five children, Mrs. Crane of Owen Sound and Mrs. ^ tl>«e boys and two girls, -Sidney and James Trimble of Pittsburg, P. A., ! Ames of New Liskeard. Mr.. Robert spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Trimble. Mrs. S. Shunk is at her parental home near Woodbridge attending at the sick bed of her brother, who is very low. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Thompson of Portlaw spent Sunday at the home of their uncle, J. J. Thompson. The fall term in S. S. No. 3 com- menced on Wednesday, 30th, with the school in charge of Miss W'ilsou. It is Mrs. Samuel Pedlar of Eugenia who has purchased Mr. EJ. Whitteu's property. Mrs. PedUr will take up her residence here. In printing Mr. Henry Tucker's abit- I ' Best near Flesherton, Mrs. W. J. .Spence of Toronto, Ephraim on the old homo- stead. The funeral took place to Flesher- ton cemeteiy on Friday afternoon, Aug. 25th. The funeral service was conduct- ed by Rev. Mr. Campbell iu the absence of his ptistor. Rev. Mr. Wellwood. Mrs. Samuel McLaren Mrs. Samuel McLaren, nee Mi.ss Maud Sharp, died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sharp, near Flesherton, on the 24(h inst., at the early age of 22 years. Mrs. McLaren leaves behind two little children, a boy and a girl, the youngest only two weeks old. Tha funeral took place to FIcKher- uary notice last week the types got it ton cemetery on Sunday afternoon, and and made his age read 87, whereas was attended by an immenHe number of it should have been 77. sympathising friends, Mr. T. Granger, Markdale, an old f lieud of The Advance, gave us a call o:i Monday. He was attending the Reform convention here. Mr. and Mrs. T. Lockhart fl-om Peterbor»ugh visited his sistar, Mrs. Edward Whitten, for a few dsys last week. Crusade Against Consump- tion. â-  * ii .1. ' ' List of Flesherton subscriptions collected by the Field Secretaiy of the National Sanitarium Association for the Muskoka Free Hosfjilal f'lr Con sumptives : The Eugenia L.O.L., after undergoing (.^„^^^j^^ ^,.72 extensive renovation, will be reopeiiea j ^^^ Mitchell '. »1.00 on Monday, Sept. 4, whena b.g time is | ^^^ ^^. ^ ,^,„„tro„g $1.00 expect.d. \V. H. Bunt $1.00 Mr. ThomAs Brown of Markdale was j j,; ]vi4i.ceiiuj $1.00 killed near Markdale by being dragged j d^i^^.^^j^Ij v..... $1.00 in a road cart. Our Markdale eorres- ' c . J. Bellamy $1.00 pondent gives particulars so far as they ! q Richardson »1.<X) are Known. 1 „ , .,.,,- The Seventh Annual Convention of the " ' East Grey S. S. Association will be Walter Small, a young lad who is held in the Markdale Methodist Church, s,nM in name and small in stature, was on Thursday, September 14ih, HUl, 'served with a police court summons commencing at 10 30 a. m. ' charging him with unlawfully destroying The Annual Convention cf Epworth a quantity of corn growing in the g.ilden Leagues and Sunday Schools of !Owen ' of Mr. OiMiJloy. Ho was tried before Sound District of the Methodist church, . Magistrate McNamara a ' few days agi Will be held in Flpsherlou,. Uctt»ber fire and found guilty of the offence, and was and six. â-  ' • ••. - V , ''Hoe(r$1.0<J and costs ami 8.5.00 daiiuigcs, â-  Th*..iramor's Club, will 'meet ..w|,^»''\''« ^^♦»tâ- ''l>''â- '<""'<'"'^.'"f 5^°'"^^^ Thvirsdi»y Evening of this .waa- .i,*. their .\ yotuig fellovs^jfio.'".. I'pvlerjv.Qpd ..in room at the high school buikliiig. The town last week, when asked what he topic will be "The Silo,â€" Method-) of thought of Reciprocity, replied, his Riloiug corn and the value of silage." mother never u.scd any other Ihxu Red L. Fisher will lead the discussion. '< Rose. -Port Elgin Times. Poisoned by Milk One dead and two very ill was the result of a family, living a few miles from Hepworth, drinking i><'i3oned milk last week. The victim, Joseph R. Forbes, was but seventeen years of age and his mother and a brother suffered also from the effects of drinking the milk of a cow which had eaten a poisonous swamp I weed. Poat-mortein exarainatio>i[reveal- ' ed the fact that enough pji.son was in the youig man's system to kill several people The weed which is so poisonous is little known in Canada, but is (juite common in some of the Western States, particu- larly Oregon. Cows eating it are not at all affected but the milk ac once becomes poisoned. The baneful plant is indigen- ous to swamps and low lying land, and in apearnnce resemble.s an onion or leek. O. S. Times. A NEW STORE With Bright New Goods Ready for Business Saturday, September 2. A peculiar accident recently happened on the farm of William Polfusa, near Mildmay, which resulted in the loss of a valuable mare. The team attached to the mower, was being driven over ai'ough spot m the field, when the left horae made a jump forv/ard. tlirnwing its mate into the knives of the mower. The tendons of the mare's leg were sevored, which rendered the mare totally useless. She was valued at nearly $300, and was one of the be.st in the township. Since our item appeared in last week's issue regarding the beetle that kills pota- to bugs, specimens of which had been secured by Ed. H. B. McKone, a science teacher of London, and Mr. Samuel Lewis, of Violet Hill, we have been informed by Mr. Will Enderwick, of Sbelburne, that he has seen several specimens of this beetle recently. Last week's Brampton Banner told of the discovery of specimens of che beetle by Mr Hugh Wilkinson, of Snelgrove. â€" Shelburne Economist. Daylight robbers appear to be opera- ting in Meiford just now. (Jn Tuesday afternoon some unknown person entered tho home of Mr. Thos. Bradford, Col- lingwood Street, by the back door, and after cutting the teleph(me wire in the hallway, proceeded up-.stairs and started to haul things around generally. Mr!i. Bradford was lying asleep on the bed in one of the up-stairs rooms at the time and it is supposed that the guilty person must have caught sight of her through the open door, as ha immediately look his departure. A purse containing eighty dollars was lying in a drawer down stairs, but fortunateiy the my.ster- ious visitor failed lo find it. There is no clue to the guilty person. â€" Express. Odds and Ends After an absence of five years I have returned to flesherton, and am opening out an ABSOLUTELY NEW STOCK of General Merchandi.se and solicit a share of your bu.siness. Every line has been purchased for cash from the best available sources and you will receive the fullest benefit of every reduction secured on that account. GENERAL DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. Everything Nev/, Everything Fresh. FRED H. W. HICKLING Flesherton, Ontario. ARTICLES FOR SALE For saleâ€" 1 road cart, 1 trotting sulkv. VV. W. Trimble, Flesherton p. o. Horses for Saleâ€" One horse 8 years old, 1 mare (j years old with feal by her .side, 1 colt rising ;}. John McPhail, agent, Priceville. Stock For Sale â€" Young horses and colts for sale. Apply to Joseph Craw- ; ford. Lady Bank P.O. A few large egg vats for sale â€" Suitable for soft water cisterns, in tine cimdition, will be sold for about half what they cost. Apply to M. Scully Co., Flesher- ton. Toronto has inaugurated the only auto truck Collection and delivery pi .-ital service in Canada. Six ears, two of them | with a capacity of A ton of matter and the other fmir slightly lighter have been ordered, and lack only the bright red paint to put them in readiness. They have Ijeen manufactured by a Toronto tiim and are to be used exclusively in this city. Card of Thanks Mrs. E. J. Tucker wishes to thank the friends and neighbors for their kindnes in her time of trouble. â€"Mrs. E. j. Tivkbk, Ceyhm. Stock for sale â€" Berksbires and Hamp- shire pigs ready to wean, al.so Oxford Down Ewes and Ratii lambs. â€" H. D. McLaughrey, Drawer B Markdale. Ginsing Seed For Sale â€" Stratified seed ready to plant 60c per li)0, fresh seed 40o per 100. September is the time to plant. Full instructions. Try a few hundred. Address The Advance, Flesh- erton. Village Property for Sale â€" The under- signed offers for sale eight acres in one block in tho village of Flesherton, with comfortsbic dwelling, barn and .stabling, | well and spring and small orchard there- I on. Andrew Carr, Flesherton. MISCELLANEOUS The chopping plant at the electric plant, Eugenia, will be running on Tues- days and Saturdays and will be open every day later on. Wanted â€" A young My to learn pan- and vest making. .S. J. Bowler, Flesheit ton. Boy Wanted â€" Smart boy to learn general store business. Apply to Mc- Farland & Co., Markdale. Fall pantinga and suitings just in. F. Morley, tailor. . . - . â€" ^ â€" ^ 1. ,-[ 1,1 -1. â€" .^ Notice- I am sole agent for the Syden- ham Fire Insurance Co. of Owen Sound, for this district and all communications addressed to me will be promptly attend- ed to. W. U. PickoU, Markdale. Your Vote and Influence are respectfully requested for | C. W. Hartman The Reciprocity Candidate' in the present election. Came Astray Came to the premises of the under- signed, lot !♦, con. 11, Osprey, on or about July 20. 1011, one young bull. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take the .same away. â€" Walter Isjiae. Feversham, August 22, 11)11. FARM FOR SALE IjOtNc). l'<ii-If<7. in the xeeonil range east, Tiiront.) an 1 Sydonhmn Road, Aitemesin, ci^ntaining 240 acres of tirst class land : lyooii buildin^^, plenty of wiiter. near cliuroli and school -, three miles from Proton Station ; 20 acres good hardwood bu^h, l)alani'e cleared and in good .state of oidtivation. For par- ticulars ni)i)ly to. W. .T. JACKSON, I.'hicS Port Law Clearing out balance of Summer Shoes at REDUCED - - PRICES. These are a few of the Bargains â€" Try a Pair. Women's Patent Pump, rog. $2.2.') tor $1.7.") Women's Don Oxfords, regular $2.10 fur $1.60 Girls' Tan & Patent Pump , regular $1.40 for 1.00 }\ CI ilJs strap and Pump, regular SL-') fur 75c. Custom Work and Repsuring. S ^ CLAYTON^ FARMS FOR SALE Two nfty ftcro fariiifi for .salo. very cheap; coiii|>ri:4in(i iots :I2J and :tJi. con. 1. .Vrtenioaia. Small ca^n payiiient. balauoo oasy teruirt, will be sold together or in separate parts, I^ acres cleared. 8 racres Imrdwood hush ainl balance pasture land, (iood biiiliiiuf^s on lot 'S'i\. KOod ?welt near lionise and l)arn anii also ueVer failiut{ npriny, well fenced and iu good state of cultivation. Kor teriiis, etc., apply 'o MKS. W. HADGEROW. Dundalk. " loot. Look â€" Canned goods, tomatoes, corn, peas and catsup, 10c a can at Tj. Becker's Proton Station. Liaton- Suaar still going up. Best Uedpath and St. Lawrence Sugar, 20 li)a. for ^1. Highest-market prices paid for tarm produce at L. Becker's, Proto'n. (Jgilvio's Flour, best brands bran and shorts at lowobt ]>>ssible prices at L. , lJe«^kci's,.l^'P.tMn.. Lamb came a.slray. alu.ut July 1, lot 20 con. t*, Osprey. t>vtnor Iplease prove property and pay expenses. J. G. Elliott, Fovershaw. ^nl^ Proud Position tolUugwood IkisinesR ( oliego now on.|o>ft tlie liistinction of being one of tbe most widely atteudod. best cquipp- 1.1 an<l best nimnaped institutions of its liiiid iu Wo'tern Ontario. Tbo onioll- iiient this year was almost doublatliat of any previous year, and nearly every t^indtifttd was placed. Fall Term Opens Sept. 1st. Kend for hitn,lscifi «• now catftlouiu-. Colling woed ' t BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. Principal YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT â- We desire to call tho attention of all those .aOlicted Willi nnv Blood or Skin Ditouo to our Now Method TrcatmoDt as a Kuaranteed cure for these complaints. There is no ex- cuse for any person having a distteured face from eruptions and blotches. No matter whether hereditarj- or acquired, our snecitlo remedies and treatment neutralize all poi- sons in the blooil and expel tiem Troni tbe system. Our vast cxpeneni^e in the ti-eat- ineut of thonsamls of tho most serious and complicated casc^ enables us to perfect a cure ^vilhout experinientiuff. Wado business on the planâ€" Par Onlr for the BeneKt You Derive. If you have any blood disease, con- sult us Free* of Charffe and let us prove to you bow quickly our reme<liea will remove all eviileiice-s of tlUeose, Un<tertheint1uence of the New Method Treatment the skin be- cumes clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches heul tip. enlarged glands are reduced, fallen out hair Rrows Iu again, the eyes become bri|;ht, ambition and enerey return, and tho victim realizes a new life has opened up to him. YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE Send for Booklet on Difteaces of Men "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE If unable to call, vrrite for a Quottion Uel for Home Treatment DrsKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit. Micb. All letters from Caiinda must be addressed to otu- Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment ill ^Vi^dsor, Out, If you desire to see u9 porsoti,\lIy cull at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see .md treat BO patient* iij ouri \Vindscfr,.otrices ^'hich are for â-  GorrMpondence and Laboratory for Canadian business onlv. Address all letters as follows : DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont Write for onr private nddre?"". ^ ^â- â- â- â- IMiaMMIPHHHMRIHBWBMaHIMHMHHHHHHV ag- NPTICE

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