Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Aug 1911, p. 8

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AvfivM ni nui T IT K F L E SII E R T N A D V A X C iL 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU Business Cards MCVLUOVaWfii VOUNQ n«i)k«r* Murlidtli) eacrti bankiag bimine!!! . Money lokoed kt'^reuonabls ttxet Call 00 uh. TCH18LETT. • PMtmutrr, Ceylon. ^S^.. ComiulMlouer lu H.C. J . CooveyiDcer, iaort«««««, leMt". will" etc. c»relully Un deeds, mortcaee*. lew", wumeicciroiuiiy drawn up oilectioni mad.-, cbargeii r«»BOD»blo. AIM) roc erlet, flour, leed etc. kept lu nock, Kht. Prloei .1 SKBOULE a.enjml<i>oQer Tejaocer. Arpr»'»J' Real Ettate Fleebartdn * . H.C J., Aactlonee Cor« and Money Lender ami lD»uranco Aitent. Deedi-. rcBt. Col. I mortsaM.. lea.e. and will" ^'f*'"")"'''.*,'"' I 2 â„¢,? andTiluatlons made on .bcrteHt notice < bproul oncy to loan at lowest raUBOl int^ tfctioui attonde * to ebarge* low. Aitent fiuaiuabip Company. Farms For Sale or Rent F.\UU KOll KALK-l.ot noC!. in the .'.tb con • ccHition o( tbe townnhlp of Artamenia, uou- tainlDf; 100 acres, eit^bty.five acreH clarerl. l)a'at.e bardwootl liuiber, I'roj.er.y of ! the IftteW. J. Huatty. There is a bunk barn I and rougUcaKt house on preiuUtiH and is well watered. Will be nnld on rxtBO.iablo terms. Apply to. I amen L. McMullen, (Vylon p. o,,()ut. F'OKSALKâ€" Cheaii an 1 easy terms. H not •old (ooD, (or rent to suitable tena-'.t, ': North half lot :(0 aud lot 40, con. il, Arteniesia. j and lot 1. con, Vl. Osprey, *iUO acreR, about l.U I cleare<l balance mostly timbered land, hard I a^idsoft wood ; good stone dwelling and frame ' barn, stabliux under ; well watered with never- failing small spring creek crossing farm close tobaru: This is an excelleut grain or gra/.iog farm and will be sold very nliuaii if taken nt, once and on oaay terms. .\ppl} to It. J. Kleshertou, Ont, in. What We Can Teach The Americans By AllTIIL'R BAWKKS. wflb momptnee. 1 I, (IK 8AI.K oUeap and on easy terms-Lots 1 f«r Ocean DomiuiOD , and icon. II IMprey; tUV acres; frau.i- 1 .11 I^llciti<L ' dwelling, frame barn and stabling undii;a'.out A call aolicit«<U D. 170 rtcres cUare 1 and under cultivatiou. Home splendid cudai with other mixed timber nn balance, also tw> small orchards beariu^. Wei McPHAlL, I.icenseil Auctioneer lor tne ^^.g^^,.gJ . „p,,^, f^,|j|,j, j|,fj„^ ^^^^1, S|ilendi Klesherton or Kuiiiuel (Isborne, Maxwell. County of Orey. Tci us moderate »"<> t-rain and grazing fariii. " Anplv to 1! J.iSproulc «;.M«ctlon guaranteed. V'^ Thp'^^Tam'S and dates of sales can be made a', riiK .m>van<,b office Ilesideneeandi'.O.. Ceylon, Telephone , connectipn. I Dec. ejp. A woniAii hurt in a bargiiti cuuuter rush »t Minneapulis KUed the pio- [jiietor. Not only wasshe badly bruised, but she iiii.s»e<l the bargain. Erin Ad- vocate. The attendance at National F^xhibiiion i.s the latu of 100,000 a year. In w;«s COO.OOO ; In liK»9 it whh ;.n litlOit was 837,000. should hit the million the Canadian juiiiijing up Kt iao« it 752,000 ; This year it mark. â€" Bolton t»'M kIaJTXIKB, Xilceused Auctioneer lor *V VhScOnmlM of tirey and Kiinooa. Farm aSd Slock sales a speclty. Terms a:Dderat«. tislaction guarantten. Arrauge- tes may be made at the Advsnce •ce-oVArT. HntcliinBOUs store, ^eversham by addreasing me at fevorsbam. Out. Runn MATHr.'.V8, Markdale. Licensed auCioneer fortue county of drey. Oooil «»r»ice.»l reasonable rates. UaUs cau be ii,ai!c at Tlie Advance, o 09 T HAllVKY I'KKKiOK, broker. Heaherton 1 (ieneral brokerage business. Insurance of every kind placed in sale and liberal compauios. Keal estate etc.. Open accounts and past due notes bandied ind money advaaoed tbereon. Correspondence solicited. Medical ^^m"!-** B Ont, Physician, Surgeon etc Peter St., Flesherton OlBce and residence â- pAUM Fdll K.\LEâ€" Very cheap, lOO aer«». •^ lot 9, con. 7, ( isprey, only iHUOO, roiisonablii cash payment, balance easy teriiiB, 8.i acreii cleared, well fenced and in Ijigli state of culti. vation. balauco timbered, good couitortablo frame dwellinir, stone cellar under, never fail ing spring well and windmill pump at door, Lew frame barn, well lluished, stone Btabliiu: with spring water under, also in shed. It i)> situated i mile Irom .Maxwell village whern tbers are stores, post otllces. gootl scbuo], and ison the gravel road.'JJ miles from railway station, II soM at once, above price, though VKItY ('IIK.\1' might be shaded a little. Apply to il. J. Bl'ltOULK, Flesherton, or THOMAS aCY. on premlsea. 't FOltSALK very cheap and on easy termsâ€" The late Dr.Clirisloo'sastory brick block in Flesherton with good stable an<l nevevfail ing well on piemises. flood large store and gooil butcher's shop and dwelling; two good stone cellars under building; i^ and can bi; kept well rented ; two good halls on second aTiil third atories ; ftr«t class business stand and will , be aold cheap an owner is engaged in otlier ^busiiiesN in tin- west and has no further use for it. .\pply t" 1'. J. Sproule. Kiesliertou, ELLIOTT. JP OTTKWELL Veterinary Burgeon Graduate of Ootaiic Veterinary residence â€" second door south ialry street. This street runs Presbyterian Church. H WILSON, Illacksmitb „ , _. . Uraduate of tue Veterinary Rcienc Association. Uurbam »ueet, opposite Boyd, Brp'a hardware. roito.Nii). is recognized as "(anailu's high merciai School," The instruction i nrst'Class. Write to-day lor Kilter now. ( lass ( 'cini. absulutuly our ctttalogne. Can you teach your grandmother to suck eggB? SometlmeB; for grand-: teothera aren't always clever. •'I'm very sorry, Mr. Bisflt," B^d an^ «mlnent JudRe to a lawyer who had.K'Uerpnse. argued with him Instead of arguing i A tomato grower near Kingston sent before him, "but I can't teach you any .iway a hundred II quart Uiskets kit law." week, and received a cheque back for a , "that 18 BO. my lord;- dryly repUed^_..^_^ ^^.^^. ^^^^^^,^^^. ,^^^ the lawyer, and sat down. â-  , , , ^ . . ,,, â- 4 TJie Americans are more willing to s*ay in the bank about a thousand dol- be taught than we suppose. They lurs from his tomatoes already, and the tave more to learn then they suppose, ^^.^g^,, ,,,^^ ,,^,f ^^^ y^ ^ Not many of them think they can learn " ' nythlng from Canada or Canadians. Rev. J, A. Ayerst, Provincial In- '0 them the Idea of learning from us spector in Local Option Uistrictf , has about as BenBlble as the Idea of an ^^^j ^ ^ ^^ ^^ â- â-  ^j.^ ,he ilephant teaching a gresB-hopper to » , , • , r, r i J. ' i Alberta Moral and ."social Reform Lea«ue. A while ago a party of United He filled a position in :i manner that tales edltorB was travelling to Win- . ,,^ ^j^^^.^ ^^jj^j^j^^^ ^^^ j^ ^jn ^,^. ^ fi^^clnXn'a'ff^fi^B airp^enUy^to a.mcult task to get another man of equal Siectlons. Said one from Kansas: satisfaction.â€" Star and Vidette. fev/'But they don't have electlous In .,1,11 Canada. Their public officials are Mi.-^fortunes never come single handed, appointed from England, aren't they?" it U saiJ, Malcom McLeod of Beltoun- I The Kansas editor's Idea was a little ,,jj„ certainly had his share on Monday fe* typical. .»'« countrymen regarded ^j j ^j j j,^ ^,,g U,rc„oon is, I was going to say, as a poor rela- ,..,," . ,, ,, Ijon, hut we were scarcely in that ami in the afternoon a two-year-old colt eiass. The notion was pretty weU ex- hung itself in the stable, and in the iresBed six months ago by the Wash- y^.^j^j, , ^^ ^.^^1^,^,^,^ ^^^ ^ stuck in the iKton Star, which said, "The native " r^ a â-  11 „ i «... Canadian . . . is merely a dlsplsed ""^e "ear Dufle.m lake and was 'iolonlBt, a Bpeeles of political outcast,. drowned. -Shelburne Free Press, like the man without a country." j ^ ^. ,eri„us accident happened to !> This kind of talk represents a tra- ' , i „: „ Wlonal habit of despising the state ofiMr. A.uly Mitchell in rt illiam.sfora on 'Canada, and of expecting that the Friday afternoon. He was driving a country would come to the United j^^^jj ^^f jj,. jj^ Edmunds threshing Btatea like a pile of """88 to a mag- ( ,^^^.^^^ l^came frightened net. Our neighbors could not under- , , , , , . .,.,,• l white people could a-id l»<>lted overthrowing the tank which 1(1 the ground. and word was founJ a com- of both bones nf the ith arras broken just wrii*. The Dr. had him Dentistry i Dr E. C. MtRHAV I.. .X S , dental .urgeon I bono, graduate of Toronto tniversity and Koyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Gas admisinistered for teeth extract on Official realdonce. Toron to Street. HeH:erton. | Le(;al j , rcAB, KANKVA WAIXACE-ParrlsteM. ,Vane'^''rr'n"H.^-.''"^""«e.''".^-; Toronto t*<>VT add s Hank lUdg.. pl'one i,a.nH12; Markdale I-.icas Hlock. r'-o''" 1*' Kraucb office at Dundalk open every Saturday.,^ iTwHlOHT. Barrister, Solicitor, Convey- anerr elc„-«wen Hound, and Kleslierton. | U-F eabe ton office, Bproule's Hlock every Our Clubbing List The fiillowjng prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptionKoiily. We have no accounts with other papers. aturdav S0CIETIE.S A o last Monday r loiigo room H p.ui. M. W., II. Munshaw U W meets ou the n each month, in the Norris' block,|FleBbertoii, at H (â-  Ijeliard ; Hue., t. . ,. 1 rin.. W. P. < roBSley Visiting brethran iLVitod PKISCR AUTHfll I.OD(lK, No. Ittl.AF* A M, meets in the Masonic lial. Arm strong's Hlock, Flesherton. every hriilay or before the full moon. C. H.Mu-isl.aw, U.; Thos. Clayton, Hetrotary. COL'IlTtFr.ESHHUTON. DOS, 1, 0. F. meets In Clayton « Hlock the last Wednesday evening of each mouth. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. It., Dyson; U. H., â- !. Hot.ry, Fin. H«o., C. N. Hichardson. Plawe pay dues to Fin. Bee. before tlio day of the month. on ' w.l nrst Flesherton .\dvance .... ..* ' 00 Youths Companion ... 2 IN) Toronto World, daily . . . Q ,!.'» Toronto Daily News .... . i .S5 Weekly Globe 8:. Mail-Empire 80 Family Herald & Star. . 85 Toronto .Star ... 1 as Farmer Sun 80 Farmers .\dvucatd ... 1 ;J5 Weekly Wii.iesi' 80 Saturday Night ... .'i 0.') llcpiiie .JiiiiruiJ (id Poultry NeWB 20 Poultry l{eview 4c Hod and (inn iiiaga'/.ino. . 80 **Was Fading A) * â€" ^a) t" "ktand how ... . . *ant to remain outside their political |,i,„ied iMr. Mitchell fence. At first when we declined to ,...^. ^,^,,,,^ ^.^j^^j ;, loin them they were amused, then they *"'.â- ' .rv,,„ ,v,o„ woro dlB-''eiit for Dr. Oldham, wli .•were amazed. Then they were ais-i ' pleased, anil they put up a tariff walluiound fracture ,tbot was intended to starve us Into alright leg and b. 'political marriage with them. lii,,,vo ll That was when Canada of the St. , ., .. ., , , •. â-  tawrence valley had no winter access | removed to the Owen Sound hospital.â€" to Eu*ope except throuKh American] Markdale .Standard, ports; and when only a few ihen of: the long vision saw a prosperous, popu- Occasionally nne will hear the remark, lated ("anaua; the acknowledged '• 1 wish 1 was out of this lown " and leader of the younger commonwealths iii^ij ^^1,^, f^^^^ j,,.^ snying, "1 wish •'n^K* ^/v,""^ r'^ w»"'^„«, come in I >"'â-  "ere" for a man who stands on the They thousht we must come in. i j have often been asked, In the United street corners, chewing and spitting, lell- Btates, before the present revival of ,„j, ,,hscence stories, cui-sing the town, .eclprodty was put ou the boards, . ^ , ^.^ ,^ , j ^,.„„j,„o,i„i. lether I didn't think Canada was '^ , , bound to come Into the Union. jbecau.-,e she was a woman, claiming that ' And now that Ueclfroclty has come the merchants are a lot of theives, that to serve the very policy for which the t|,g newspaper man would skin a nun to Tnlted States denied It In the years , , , . , ,. uuiiru o.ai^D uc« ^ „„„.»i. „„,„,,. „f a hnish, and H whole lot more, is a nui- •go â€" I mean the aggrnndliement or â-  • the I'nited Statesâ€" it Is taken for sauce and an abomination, granted by our neighbors that union ^,^,^,^ ^^.^ ^.^^^^ ,^ y^^^,^ Is bound to follow. The new plrrase among the foreign diplomats at Wash- ington l8 truthfully reported to l-» a ARXEMEsiA Meaford High School RURAL HIGH SCHOOL! WILL IlE-OPRN ON â€" iTuesday, Sept. 5, 1911 This school will rc-opcn on Tuesday, Sept. 5. 1911 In charge of Mr. J. K. Marcellu.s, Prin- cipal, and Miss L. M. Philp, H. A. Pupils who have passed the Hij;h School Entrance Kxaoiination are elig- ible for admission. For particulars as to courses, etc., apply totiie Principal. No fees charged. W. .1. BKliLAMY, Secretary, WANTED A live representative for Fleslieitou and, surrounding districi to sell high class slock for The Fonthill Xurserie.s More fiuct trees will lie planted in Fall of liill and spring of 11I12 than ever be-! fiire in the history of Ontario. i The orchard of the future will be iho best payinir part of the farm. We teach our men salesman.ship, Tree . culture and how big protit.s in truit- growingcan be made. j Pay weekly, permanent employment, j exclusive territory. Wri^e for particulai-s ', Stone & WeHlngton T ORONTO Bee «h€ "From the Pole to Panama. " ' Now, what Is the answer of Neverlooka to this dominant Jn the Vnlted States? It Is they ai(o a black dog scoured around a part of G^ra^aia in most suspicious auiiner, snapping A Young Woman â€" Scarcelv i f'" "â- "'*'' '' rfTL- . M , , .^ ''big fellow w Thirtyâ€" Seemed to Be Dying on Her Feet. that r twit there Is a great deal more water than boat. The little fellow who i, examinatiou when told that lie must choose whether he nounced it the worst caie of rabiei ^ Dr. Hamilton's PiHs Cured CnOKF.N FBIKSDH-Fleshortoa Vo?",*,'! "l Chosen Friends meets in CIsyton s ball nrst kud third Wednesday nf escli mouth S p. ni I'»y assessment, to the "e<-"r.l;;r on or before toe first (l«yof ea.:h nionlh. Chief Councillor T. lilkkelev: Keoorder W. II. Hunt. liiKh school in eAcli th< The K»riiier» Club meets 111 bulldinil on the nret Thmsdsy month .t% oVIock ,.. 'i'-,.^ ","â- "('«'."'?{." »|iecl»lly Invited. F. ( hsrd, I'resident, ( . W. llelUuiv. Hec. Triss. Kerkshires and Tamworths I have now for sale a few very choice Heik •bireiuKS, uearly rea<ly to woani Hurry your order and Ket the best. Also Kood boK four vmis old, for sale" OKI) \V Tain worth ItOSS, Maxwell I', <». Boar for Service Viire I'.riil 'I'sniworth I Boar l>.r Mi\iie Terms, »I, C»»h. N. HinJle, Maxwell, Ont. Bull for Service TiiiiniiiKlibrfil .Sli.,itli.>rii Imll, llroudliiHik's I Jul, lor service oil lot lO, cm. II, OKpiey. IVdigre" <n »lil>lic:iticiii. Service, !<l.<lOf"r vriutes. thor.iiiKlibrcils, ».'p, W at time "f wivice, I'ull price dl.nrK.ll for cowi. ii..t "•'"'•"••''• .1. M. IHltNS. Boars for Service The uml.r-iKn'il li»» a tli'>riMij{libreil York- shire l«mrf"r s..rvire on l..t |fl7, :ird runge, K T. and f*. •'.. .\rteniesia. leriiis, UI.IIO Alw Hereford Itiill b.r iwrvice. ./.J. Hrowii. 1^.1 v. BlLl, I OR SERVICK TlHiripiiKMire I Slii.rlhi.rn l.iill,"l>uii<lv .Mm" S17H4, lor service nn Inl 171', T. A S. II., Ar- , teiiiesia. Tills iiiilinal is ii( u KotMlTiiiilkiiiK â- train. IVilinrec ou miplication. Tern s,â€" I Orades «1, registered »:i. .IAS. STIN.SON Proprietor. Bull For Service 'nicriiiiBhlni-d llenfonl Hull for service on li.t 171, cm. :i .S. W, T. and S, K., Arte- nicsia. Terms-*! f..r kâ„¢'Ic, .«i,S f,,r pnie bred .Any cow m-t reliiriu'd will lie chained ill full whether inculfor not. 1 1.MiirrJ -T. & .1. WATSON. Dates of Fall Fairs I "I think It should be the duty of th< schools to tench ( hildren how to ki'ci; , well," wriies Miss Naniii<> K. .Nayilon, n well-known mid lilBhly eateoiii.-.l reHlileiit of Hrlstol. •iBiioniiico of the 1,1 \vs of health and the use of improinT roniodii'H (U-Htniycd my viKor, tiiiil lod I me to the verKe of iiivMlliii.siii. 1 v/tut ;l: I u Kirl riuldy iiml strong. .Vothlnt. scomeil til affcci mo until I was iiboiii thirty. Then kuh liecaii to form in Uu stoiimrh. 1 HiiflV.ii.il with iiloutlliK iiiici I a K'lioiiil fulluie in strtiiKth set In. I' I I went iipstalr.H my lireuth hurt. .M> I Hysli-ni WHS very liii-Kiilar. uinl until I / tin-w pivtty l.iul 1 illihi'i pay much hood I 111 my i-oiKlitioii. 'I'licii I Kot bill,., wiir- rioil all the lime, wakened in tho nlKlii ilid couldn't gel to sleep iigaln. Nuiii' j( the ine(ll<:iii(i 1 tooli helped me. i Mie Uny I was reiulliiK of a \ ery liitere»lliit; .â- aso like mine riiied by l>r. IlumllUiii > i'ills. 1 took the same trealmeiit. 1; AMB Just right â€" didn't physic me i.i Jialh, hut tool; hnlil of the weak, slili jiirlB of my syslein. anil set lliiiii,'., 'iKht. It seems as If Or. Ilaniiltiiii .s I'llls have iiiadi! liie yotniK ucaiii, an. I i\\ my color, spirits, vlKor, and he.iUli j( former days have reliinieil to slay.' Kvery girl and woman should u.ic Dr. llaiiiiltDirs I'ills rejfulurly. Tluv K-lp a wiiinan In many ways. Uewaic if the dealer who asks you to take an inferior iiill on wlilih his iiroflt i.s lurger than on Ur. llaiiillton's. S.ihl in yellow boxes. ::,"ic |)cr box, all deal- er*, or The Catarrhozone, Co., Kln;;- iton, Unt. CORNS CURED Vol! can paliileMyly ri'movo any enrn either hard, soft, or bleedinc. bv upplvlOK Putnam's f'orn Kxtraeior. II never liiiniH. leaves no >iciir. cmilalns m mldb; Is hariiile.s..', because c.inip.iHc.i oiilv of healiiig ifuins and balms. Firiv yeurs In use. Cure gimranleed. .-i..l by all dniKBl?'''^. -'••<â-  bottle'. KilO' •iklU. lit iites. ' PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR Our Equipment and biting at stock and other things . _ and thoui;li several people no'ioed it, that If none took sullicient int^uest to have want union, we don't. The fool ilie dog destroyed. It wa< shot near rocks the boat always forgets j.;,.;^^ ^^j ,|,g ,,g,^j sent to Toronto for the authf.i'ites pro- that is own way. or with the had come before tlicm. What dan..;er big fellow who porsonally did all he ,„„, ,,„„i, f,.„„ ,i„Mlog'« actions i. mit could to thwart hlu business ambl- \ „ , .â-  ,. i..« tlons; and who chooses the big fellow V'l known, but a calf of .Vlex. Carroll « In the belief that he Is serving his own v^as destroyed on Tue.sdsy because it was permanent Interestsâ€"well; It doesn't ^.i^.^,, ^.,.„i,y^ gj.,,, m,,,,^ .y^„^ „j. ,heep of â- eem much use telling him he Is at , , ,,, ,,., z: "*"'-" " fi {.idsciih Turners. 1 he utmost caution the parting of the ways. , ,, . , , The American says. "Train with me. should be exercised by farmers to pre- Come my way. Never mind the plana yont any aft'ecled animals doin^' more you have been making for yourself." j^,„ j,;,_,,. .^„j vidette. What will you reply? Can you "^ leach blm anything? You can If you 'n,o folhiwini; item, taken from the were t'anaila a spokesman this la ' .. ., , about what you would say: \ ^^ ''"«'"' lelegraph, refers to the bravery "Permit me to offer you the lesson'of .Stanley Stephenson, grandson of Mr. you taught me. When I was a national ,n,j Mis. David Fiutney of Mildmay: Infant 1 tliought I needed your help, j, ,^ , ,^^^^^ ;,, ,^.,„ and that without It I could not attain ^ *â-  , ,, , the stature of a man. I wanted to sell mmt' in the canal opposite th.- old Heatty my goods to you. You turned your plant on Sunday afternonn. Ho wm tack on me. You did It many times. u,i„„,i,. „f water wings, which slippe I You showed me how to rely on myself , , ' i i i u- ».. and my kinsmen across the seas. I ^•"' from under him, lejivinj; him m ei«ht did not know what 1 could do till I f»tt of water without any support. An- gled, lotlier lid who swam to bis rescue vi.is ! "The Vast time I Bent my represen-; .,,,,j^^.j , ,,^ ^^^^ a.id almost ,.ulled tatlve to you he came hack with the ^ ' ' •tory of your own hardness, and with ""'l'^'- Stanley Stephenson, iged htteen the news of tho RUie foundation on years, son of Contractor Stephenson of SEALED TENDEItSaddressed to thcuuder- siKued, sod endorsed "Tender for lireakwater â-  iind Wharf Exteusiou at Thorubury, Out," will lie received at this oftlce uutil 4.00 I*. >!.; on Wednesday, September i;i. rjll, for the con- st ruction of a lireakwater and ao exteu'^iou to Wharf at Thorubury, (irev County, Unt. Plans, gpccitlcattou au>l form of contract can be seen and fornix of tender obtained at this Uepartuieut and at the oltices of J. G. Slue, F.sq., Uislrict En»;ineer, Coufederatioa Life ItuildiuK. Toronto, Out., H. J. Lamb. Ebij.. Lisrrict Fui;ineer. Loudoa. Out., and ou appli- cation to the Postmaster at Thornbury, Out. Persons tender ing are uotirled that tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied, and siKued with their actual sitjuHlures, statinK their occupations and placesof residunce. lu the case of flrius.the actual siiiuature. tbe nature of the occupation ai.tl place of residence of eacli member of the linn imibt be given. Each tender must be accouipanied by an accepted cheque on^ a cbartered bank, 'pav able t<' the order of the Honorable the Minister of Public Work.', equal toten per cent. (10 p.c.l of the auiouut of tender, whicli wrill be torfeit- en if the person tendering decline to euter into u contract when called upon to do so, or fail to ccuiplete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted tae cbe«| lie will be re- returned, Tbe Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. lly order- It. f. DKSltlKHEBS. Secretarv. Departiuent of fablic Works, Ottawa, .\u;;o8tlG, I9I1, Newspapers will not be paid for this adver- tisenieut if tbey insert it without authority fro^i the Departuient, When classes will be funned for Matricu- lation into all the profes.^ions, entrance into the Normal Schools and into the Faculties of Education in Commercial Specialist and Commercial Diplom.t. The rapid growth of this school is n striking illustration of that true old adage that "nothing succeeds like sui;ce«a.'' We would like all parents i.iving chil- dren to educate to consider jeriously the foUowinii points about thi; High Scho<jI : (1) Building, grounds and ei|uipment unexcelled in thy Province, four rooms and a gymnasium ; healthy nwn, abso- lutely free from fevers ; good board in private families -cheaper fh.in in cities. Fees 810 a year. (2) The splendid work of this school has attracted to it from far and near, lari»e numbers of students, and has caused its attendance to increase rapidly. During 1910 our students came from thirty-seven iiiil'ereut counties. (3) The high stand taken by its stud- ems in the various universities and the large number of its univer.sity graduates holdinj; fellowships in Canadian and American colleges, (4) A new ard up-to-date science room fully ciiuipped, in which the student per- forms his own experiment under the .iU- pervLsion of the teaciier. (.5) K fully organized Commercial De- partment in Buok-keepinc;, Stenography, Business Law, Typewriting, English Branches, in the hands of a specialist who is a chartered accountant ; special attention given to Writing and Spelling. This department is eiiuipped with .seven of the latest up-to-date L'ndeiwood type- writers. Each (graduate receives a beau- tiful diploma. Our graduates easily ob- tain positions. Xo expensive fees to pay. KECORD FOR KUI (6) In lltll this school pa.ssed 17 can- didates for enirance into the Normal schools, 11 for .Junior Matriculation, 4 for entrance into the Faculties of Educa- tion, 3 for Commercial Diplomas. (7) Inspector Wetherall in his last re- port says : It i.s with unu.sual plea.sure that I make my lirst report on the Mea- ford High School. No scho ll m tho Province is in a more flourishing condi- tion. ITiB trustees are alert and pro- giessive and all the raembors of the statf are enemetic and capable. The spirit of the school is] excellent and impresses a stranger at once as ciuite out of the com,- inon. Send for beautifully illustrated an- nouncement, mailed free ou itpplicatiun. C. T. SrTHKRLANii, .â- \. Dr.siiAs, B. A. .Sec.-Treaj. Principal Stock for Service Durliftiu bull and llerkshire hoK for service on lot 7, con. I N. D. K., Artemesia, Terms â€" ^^l.COeash cash. â€" L. McAUTHUK. rrio«viUe. ei.Iulv iMiO. CEYLON^S '^"'^ .which my inosperlty could rest. was Tou His I liariier .\venuo, who was just getting name was l.aurler, and he Informed , , , , .. . r i i -i , he Informed tho rest of the world, ''""'â- '*''''• ''^â- ''"' ^^'^'^ "'"^ ^"' '"''f"' ''" [that I had turned mv back on the l>liini;ed into the water and soon had '^. FLESHEllTON, East (Jrey, 8opl 28-2U PriceviUc Oct. 5 and (1 Dundalfc «>et. 12,i:i Durham S«l't. 2<l,27 Fi>Tor«li«ni Oct. ;i,4 Hanover «ei>t Maikdalo <'ct. •'â- ^ . _ ^ Meaford Sept. 28,21> i (,.j[„j„j^ ti„jt y„u g„„ Mt. Forest H"Pt- 88,2» j Nortl^orn. Orangeville I*n>^- ^*M j 0. A. Flominfj, F.C..-V., RcKjklyn "<^'- ^'••' ' Principal. Shelburne '='«l'l- 2(i,27 pALL TERM OPENS OWKN SOl'.ND, ONTARIO For ihirly years wii have prided our- selves on our complcto ci|uipment Every modern dovid'o and convGiiienco that enterprise could suv(?es''and capital 12, ];i ' obtain. Is in our building;. Tho small .school with small ca|ittal and nieagie cipiipmont oaniiot give yon the same get at the O , D, Flouting, Secretary. SEPT. 4tF, I had turned my back on the P'ungei 'hopes that had centred In you; and both boys nn shore, badly frightered, Vd turned my face to British busl- ,,j„ „„j j, -^^p,, s,epUen«on learned to mess, and was building railways to . .•' ,, . / ... , imalte secure and permanen- that same"""'" »«â- ""' tl>8 ""<'""' "^ '"" l-"''*"'''- buslnesa. Ho can now appreciate the value of ' "The difference between what I U-nrning Ibat manly art. He deserve ,|thoughtlneeded alongtlmeago and „edil f..r bis presence of mind iwhat I now know 1 can no without, Is " in the difference between a poor, timid ""J timely assistance. Mildmay (oiz farmer looking for a loan and thatette. same farmer turned bank director. "I admire you. Your business abil- ity Is marvellous. You have a perfect genius for obtaining control. , 'I have discovered that linked with the mere buying and selling across a counter, and witli the hauling of wheat iln a box-car, there are deep and strong [tides of national life. You don't hesl- Itato to tell mo you want to control my trade, I don't Intend to have It con- itrollcd. You had your chance when I [was young and green. I've got a country that hasn't all the advantages of climate and variety of resources !thaf yours has. Hut It Is one of a worldwide clusler of countries that have tbe greatest possible part to 'play In the world's history. It reaches i6ut to tho Old World from Its Kastern 'courts. It louchea all the wealth of lAsIa and the Islands of the Sea, from its Bhorea on tho Pacific. I have nn aBset In the Obi Land tliat yon have iorfeltpd. 1 have a stake In the Orient that you cannot hope to emu- late. 1 have a destiny, which a jcourso, uutotterod by entangloments *Uh you, win help to mako glorious. JYou tell me that 1 am at the parting S^ys. So let It be. You go your way; I'll go mine." •â-  ; And the American \vlll learn a whole Lfc vvhftn vuu talk to him like that. ANADIAN PACIFIC TORONTO EXHIBITION Spooiiil Ixatcs iiml Trains FROM Toronto & Return Toronto and Return $2.00 $2.60 Daily aaTUNDAV, AUO. TO taTUKoav, itrT. o»v or >«0H waCK. ' incluiivi Tickets Kood to roti)rnuutil Tues., Hopt. li aeaciAL bmcursion OAva TUaaOAV AND TMURB- .\sk asent for free icopy of onlcial I'ni. Rraurine and Time Table, KlvhiK full detail-i of I'^air Itatcs, Siiccliil train service from all point.*. S. Rand, Agent, • Ceylon. STORE v«/%^%/%« %%^«^«^%% %^k^«>^^% %. «/%^%%% vik-m^m/^^ August Clearing Sale of all Summer Goods Waists in Silks and Lawns at greatly reduced prices, and all Snnimor Hosiery, Boys' Suiiinief Suits, Parasols and I'mbrellas, Muslins, Men's I'nderwear, L.idifs' Vests, Low Shoes, Slippers and I'unips. In I'rints, Cottons, and Lawns wo can give you ureat values. Window Curtainsâ€" Scrinnn's and Madras, at prices that can't be heat. All kinds'of Fruits on hand at very reBs:)nable prices. Ice Cream on Saturday nights. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL FARM RODUCE J' as. JL attison . • wey/i on The Bellamy Hardware Wo have the agency for the 15oss Washer, wliich no doubt, is tht; best on the market. There are at present over one million satisfied users of tlio Jioss. Will you be another .' Our Graniteware table i.s well Hllod at present with everything one needs in that lino. Preserv- ino' time i.s now onâ€" look over your kettles and see iCyoti don't need a now one. .Dr Williams Fly and In.sect destroyer de- ^ stroys Hies on cattle. Try a can of it and you will 3 bo rewarded by its use ...*

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