Sjjptkkber 7 1911 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE > k <yiSirZ'^::i:iZr^>:^/:^:r!^^ F. G. KARSTEDT, - flesherton qnt , August Sale commences now Big reduction in kII linen, nliich will IhkI until the vin\ of the niontli commcncini; wiili IhiH in-sue. C)«in o Uck of floor space w« «ro forced to pur »easoniible ({onds on the market lit ii reduction in rirder lo miike room ''or our fall import );o<kU now being shi|>i)L'd. All who take uiIviiiitiij^L' of these prices will do well in d<iing fio .Slaughter in Seini-Keaily Clothes. In Iheae are to ha found all the latest Huits in Tweeds, 8erf(oe, and Worsteds, in Greys, IJrowns, Greens, etc. in s>iii>e«, diaRonals oi pKin. All of these are ihn latest styles, in double and single breasted, with trousers made peg lop style, which give them a strik- ing appnsrance. Now, in order to get rid of these we offer a dii»c< unt of 10 per cent. Intendinj; pur- chasers will do well ro take advantage of this. Slaughter in Men's Work Shirts. This week we are putting on ."i or dozen of Men's Heavy Work Shirts in fancy black and white strips, floral designs on all colors, in all sizes. The regular price of those shirts is tj<) and 76c, to you, this week 49c. Reductions in Wash Gootis. In order lo reduce our »tocW in Prints, Ginghams, Linens, Chatnbras, etc. These are reasonable goods and »hould have a ready sale. We offer the followinc; bargains : Ginghams, Linens, etc., tog. price 25c for 18c |>er yd. Ginghams, Prints unu Chambrays reg. 18o for 10 a yd Prints, Cli^tiubrays, Kic. regular 15c for 13c per yard Piiuis at regular price, 12i cents ,^for lie per yard. Men's and Ladies' Footwear. Without a doubt the Empress Shoes fur ladies hayy no equal. This is recognized by all shoe dealers. They excel all others in style, Quality of leather and in the fit. In all prices from 92.50 to 95,00. .lust gilt some leaders in Men's Footwear, A Pebble tan Boot, heavy sewed and pegged s<jle, solid hmlhcr, water proof. If Ijought in regular way would sell fur $3.75. Our price ngw is $2,51). Still have the Famous Williams liouts in English, C'juiridiaH and Frenth Kips. These are ii St;>udai^' line and i^iue utmost satisfaction tor Fall and Winter ^2^g vygg afl! ! !gg; ; jSi^^ JUST ARRIVED AT CEYLON A Consignment . . OF . . OVER 68 YEARS' XPERIENCE Wagons AND Buggies Which will be sold at prices that can Not »". Beat considering style and cjuality, 1 .i.iafull line of tilUge, Harvesting o, I ihines and Wind Mills, Fenci Wire, M .ble Outliti, Hay FirWs, Hopes and ( .rriers. Now =8 the the time to get r>.»dy. \ call s dicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL CEYLON HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN CATTLE Oxford Down Sheep and Tamworlh Swineâ€" Brown Leghorn Poultry B specially. HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN BULL FOR aCRVICC- I. i,l>KAN CO.iCnUIJIA DIKK DeKOI, No, • 7'.S| BIUK Quoeii'ii UuKol Duke No. CIIS-.i H. |i DAM MellUn Connorilla UoKol No. (4:140) H, wbow Kranil .lain liuld tlie W()KIJ)'H HUT "t " Trade Marks DesioNS CCPVRIOHTS Ac. AvTOmo flondlnft a Hkctrti atui deffcrlptlnn may qillcklf ns<'ertulii rntr opinion froo nhutlior lui lliv«nll<»ri 18 pruhnbly piit^iitiihlti. (^iiiiniiiiilrit Miinnslrlillyi'iiiilkleiitliil. HAtJDBOOK uli CuteuU •Diit free fiMoHt uL'Otiry f<ir mtrunisf puteiits. I'ntuiitt tukoil flirituuti Munil &. Co, rvcolra tpfcut: notic^, wlttiout e uiirif o. lu ttio Scientific JImericait. A handjomely lllutiraici %Tt*ekly. iJiriff-it r)r. (.'tit&liui] ut utty Hi-icntiiti! juurnitl. leruiH fur ( iiim<la. $.1,7.'. a yojir. jiosUifu prepuitl. Suld t>^ all tHSWAUt^Alurt. MUNN&Co.3'"B««H»«.. New York bmuuti umto. im K SU tVvitiliuiiuii. L). c. 11 llFt'bMO » (»w yii»r» »({o MAKING 30 •.. lOOZ. IN7 1)AYrt. 'lii yoiiDK nu^uial iiiriiinK :i yoari, la oIkooiI 'U>a iiiilivKlUnlitv. liaviiiKWon tliruo tat auci â- -ittCODd priKu K** acalf at koiiio of lliu proin- .â- u caotrMof Out., aad lias won lat |ilaca at â- •.uii two yaam old at East Uroy tall fair, â- .nertoo, ..iin-<ir»<le« »I..';0, tboroughbrerta »3.00, .ablalBt of Jan. KW cowi not Iratiularly iraed will t>« oharRwI. KICHAUD Alil.RN, I 170 2 N. E, T. 4 a It. KIcJliortoD P.O. SatisractioD Gaaranteed Our guar- antee means something. We are not here to-day and awav to-morrow ; you know just whert to tind us. Comfortable vision or your mone;- bacic. No guess work. Accurate, scientific m»»surements anc tests. Difficult cases i specialty. W. A. Armstrong:. JOHN HcPHAlL Px*iceville AGENT FORâ€" 'â- Krost, A. Wood Implements, Fleury and Pernii Plows, Tudhope W'agons and C'lrriiige.", ftlelotte Cream .Separator, Singer Sewing Machines, Organs and Piaiioi on easy terms. 15Dec ~ SCIATICA EXPECTED DEATH ANY DAY Another Case Where Life Was Saved and Health Eestored by "Nerviline." /lesljerton %tLmna An independent ne»-»i)aper, published every TliurHiluy at tin- office, Collingwood Street, Klinherton. Subscription price 91 per annum, wh>!n paid inadviknce; 81-5J wlien not no paid. .\ilverti8iD(r ratea on application. Circuliktion UlOO weekly. W. U. Tliurston Editor TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN THE BURNING QUESTION We offer no excuse for publishing the letter ^iven elaewhere in this issue from the pen A K. E. Knott, at one time Reeve of Euphrasia, but at present re- siding in Now York. For a long time The Advance has been admitting to its columns matter (not editorial opinions) denouncini; reciprocity, .ind it is only fair that something of the other side should bo heard by the readers of an independ- ent newspaper. Moreover, the letter, which appeared in the Globe last week, has attracted a great deal uf attenti<in in this section, and many who do not get the Olobe are desirous of seeing what Mr. Knott ha« to nay. This gentleman has evidently been playing the role of Hip Van Winkle. He has been sleeping in L'ncle Sam'a domain for the past twenty- five years, and has only now awakened to the fact that conditions have radically changed in cunada during the past t«ei.ty-live years. During that time we have seen two parties diacaid their old clothing and don new. That part uf it need not surprise Mr. Knott. For ourselves, we have taken no de- cided sand on the iiueitioii since it has teen made a (|ue.stioii of politics alone. We rejiret, an we have already said, that tliii should be the sole ijuestion to be discussed. There are others really more important. Periionaly we do n>it think reciprocity would work such a revolution at many appear In think, and therefore it is a very good subject to play political football with. The f<ict that manufac- turer!!, produce funis and Hnanciers are found opposing it would to our mind be a very ^ood argument in ita favor. Ill country constituencies the campaign seems to run almost solely along p.-vrty lilies, although there will lie some disaf- fection on both sides. Silica the days of the Natioiiiil Policy we know of no ques- tion that||has stirred the electorate so deep'y as has reciprocity, and it is aeldom any country sees a more determined po- itieal ba'tle than that which is now in throughout Canada. and is raised now only by the •gents of the trusts interested in the defeat of re- ciprocity in Ciinadfi. " All the leader* of the Unite<l States are to-day opposed to the actiuisition ul territory. Cuba and the Phillipines are evidences. The rise of Canad^i and its power as part of Britain are welcomed by American statesmen. Americans sre leamini{ to know the value of Canadian institutions, and, white they desire to trade with Canada, they have no desire for political union. " Yes, 1 have all the bias of the Orange born, and f^r that reason I am amazed that some of my old asaociates do not recognize in President Taft the greatest friend and ally of Britain siuon^ all the presidents. More than any of his piede ces.sors, he stands for the association of the English-speaking peoples. How my jld friendi can distrust President Taft and stand for Bourassa is beyond my comprehension. " The fight put up by Taft against the lumber trust and the whole farming in- dustry may cost him his re-election, but that fight opened, as far as could be d6ne by Congress, the markets of the United States to the (rreat natural products uf Canada, if Canadians fail nn their side it will be a misfortune which all Cana- dians in the .States will regret. But ray most earnci^t word is against this loyalty cry. I am as loyal to British connection for Canada .11 any of my old friends in Grey, and for that reason I deplore this cry of ' Fire ! Fire ' ' when I know there is no tire. " Yes, as an old-time County Grey Or- ange Tory I would urge my friends in Canada not to be deceived by cries I know to be This is the farmer's chance.'' Your Vote and Influence are respectfully requested for C. W. Hartman The Reciprocity Candidate in the present election. Ceone Astray Came to the premises of the under- signed, lot 9, con. II, Osprey, on or about July 20. 1011, one young bull. "The o<fner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take the same away. â€" Walter Isaac. Feversbam, August 22, 1911. FARM FOR SALE I^t Xo. 18(i-If«7. in the second range eaot, Toront.1 anl Sydenham Roat., Artemesia, containing 240 acres of first claaa land ; good buildings, plenty of water, near church and school ; three miles from Proton Station ; 20 acres good hardwood binh, balance cleared and in good state of cultivation. For par- ticulars apply to. W. .T. JACKSON, l.'ioct Port Law FARMS FOR SALE •^ 1 Proud Position I t'olliugwooj DusinesB t'olletje now eujovs the distinction of beiu^ one ol tlie most widely attended, best e<| nipp- ed and best maiiageil institutions of its kind in \Ve^torll Ontario. TUh utiroll- meat this }oir was almost double chat ot any previous year, aud nearly every ^laduate was placed. Fall Term Opens Sept. 1 at. Send for handsome new eataloi^iie. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE Two fifty acre farms for sale, very cheap. couiprisioB lots 3-2J and :«!*, con. 4. Artemesia. Small cash payment, balance easy terms, will be sold together or in separate parts. 80 acres cleared, el acres hardwood bush and balance pastnre land. Good buildings on lot :{U. good ; well near house and barn and also ne"ver failii;g spring, well fenced and in good state of cultivation. For terms, etc.. apply to MBS. W. B.\DGEItO\V.Danda!k. loot. DO YOU USE PILLS ? If In Doubt About the Right Pills to Use Read the Fol- lowing Letter Carefully : T. E. Hawkins. Principal "I am one of those persons whose system requires aid." writes Mr. Young UledhiU. from Picton. "but it is so easily affected by reason of the great sensitiveness of the bowels that or- dinary drastic pills Inflict great in- iury to the delicate coating, and excitd 5uch persistent activity aa to be with (iifficuUy checked. ••1 wish in the highest terms to ex- press the great value of Dr. Hamilton's Pi'.L-i In cases like rair.e. and. I ani sur»» iilso (or elderly people and the very weak there is no pill like them. "Speaking of my own experience with Dr. Hamilton's Piils. I can say they have proved the most stimulating pills tor the liver I have found- I have , proved their tonic action upon diges- tion, and the same results have been secured by friend.s upon whom I have urged their use. The manufacturers iro to be congratulated upon possess- ing so valuable a prescription, and the GOODS n FURN ITURE The larKOfit and Ixjst stock of Fumituro ever shown in Fleahurton. This without fear of con- tradiction, ouie and see some of nice things in Side Boards, Dining llooni Chairs, Parlor Hotts, lied Room Hetta. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stuck. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton CANADIAN Pacific HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Allierta Special Ttaiiu le»ve Torojio 2 00 p.m. oo APRIL 4, II MAY i. II, 10 JUNE 13, 27 JULY 11, M »U0. 8, M SEPT. 5, 18 S«coad cIam lickrii from Oulirto ft«iiuni lo (<iinc4>*l Noil!tweat poinli tl LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES WiooijpeB inJ fflura S3 MX); Kdnwnlo* •i»d i«iuro $41.00, aad lo otKnt poinU in profraitiun. Tickela (o«i lo reluni wiihui fcO *Uyi (rem gimia J*t«. TOURISTSLEEPING CARS on ill ciriuuoni. (l.:-.f^rl«lilf Wrtl.i. lull)' »<iuii>l>"! with L^JJing. CAU bo tecuied tl modcMtc imXet ihruugh local a8*>l- Carly .^.jplici'.i jn rou»t be mada ASK FOR MOMEetEHtBS' PAMPHLET cuntimins i»lel aiul lull iDlotmation. Al>|J» to li«itr«lC.P.R. Agenloilolt. t.. Ilioniptoa, Dill. i**u, Afi . Totonio. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS It Is because he (eels it his solemn duty to tell to the world his faith In. Nerviline that Victor P. Hires makes the foUowliiK declaration: "Kor three years 1 was in the Royal Mall service, Biid In all kinds of weather had to meet the night trains. Dampness, cold, and exposure brought on sciatica that affected my left side. Sometimes an attack would come on that made me powerless to work. 1 was so nearly a complete cripple that I had to give Up my Job- I was lii despair, completely cast down because the money 1 spent on trying to get well was wasted. I was spL'ukilng to my chemist one day, and hi- recommended "Nerviline." I had this good llnltiient rubbed on several times a day, and got relief. In order to build up my gen- eral health and Im- prove my blood I used Kerrozone, one tablet with each meal. I continued this treatment four months and was LUnd. 1 havo used all kinds of lini- ments, and can truthfully say that Nerviline Is far stronger, more pene- trating, and Infinitely better than any- thing I'Ise for relieving pain. I urge <rvcryone with lumbago, neuralgia, rliepinutlsm. or sciatica to use Nervi- line. I know It will cure thfin." Tlurc Isn't a more hiKhly-i'Steemcd clllzi n III Wealohrslfr than Mr. Hire!?. What he says cnn be rflled upon. For six ycurs since being cured he hasn't hud a single relapse. Don't acctjit any thing from your (Uiiler but ".VerviUiie. 60 cents per bottle, trial size, i!Dc That the great Toronto exhibition has not yet reached its apex of glory is abundantly proven by attendance from year to year. During the first week this year Ihe increaao over that of tiie same period Inst year amount- to 61,r>00. The total attendance was a89,5O0, This May Interest You We want a rdial.le man to sell our well j -^'i^/rUn" plaV^Jll' aT ^^Tl'o'r.^- kiioan »iH-c;.Utie8 in fiuu ♦rees. sm.dl t„and." CURED SIX YEARS sold S. Rand, Agent. - Ceylon everywhere, or The Catarrhozone Co-, Klng.'-ton. f)nt. CORNS cy?,f,° Von mil piilnle-«ly romfV<« nnv corn, either hiinl. K>'U. or tile.illnir. by , npplvlii),' I'utnains Corn ICxtrivctor. It ! never burn.s. leaves no scar, contains nt acids- Im hurmles.i. because eomposed onlv of lieullnR- Kums nud balm.i. Fifty i /eiiri In use. Cure (tiiarnnteed. Sold , by nil ilriii,'Kl-'<l '. -"e l>ottle». Refuse I PUTNAM'S PAINLESS > I CORN EXTRACTOR I The Centrul IlHilway of Canada cliiima I,. '100,01 10 H<ris of Km! under «i. old Xnint. The lliitHiio Motor I.eik^iie will oxp.-l " joyiiilers " from nu'iiibei«liii>. m Mum. I u.edilly Mieat. ... Correcto;! Kach Week ... 75 to 7'"' <.,,4 U7 to :i7 1''n.|% .... 75 10 7'' r. r;ef oO to 60 II. >^ 10 00 to 10 OO r>K'or -'1 to 21 i: ici,Vfre«h 'Jii \i ' itoo* per b»;{ (15 to • 12 to .w^s 1'2 to . Tt«ni 12 to '^fy» 15 to J 20 lo 22 •I.". 12 12 12 1(1 GENERAL GROCERIES \\v have H full .stock of {general groceries on hand. Sngnrs for preserving, icings and table use. ('nniied goods of all kinds, tobaccos, tca.s and candies. FLOUR I FLOUR I FLOUR! Wo liHiiille an ininuise (|uiiii:ily of Hour nnd kteii on liuml DKilvie's Ki.yiil llounehold, Fc.rOs and Duiit'alk Klouis in Iho soviral jjradcs, also limn and fhorls. Uoldlmwk's brend hninll.Hl. ('hoicest homemnde Icu Cream ready fur servinx. and coolint; Suinmor Urinks nlwiy W. L Wright, Grocer, Flesherton E. E. Knott on Reciprocity " Asa Cansdiiin-born, an Orangeman and :in old-time Tory, lam mimzed and diagUHted by the flop-over of the leaders of the political [larty in which I was bom and reared," ssid Mr. Elijith K Knott tc a representative of the Olobe, in discvis- sinj} the present political campaign. Mr. Knolt is a native of Kuphrasia township, and was its Roeve at 21. He comes of old Orsnge-Tory stock, and claims hundreds uf bliMKl relatives in tbn couniyoKiiey. His father, James Knott, was a lifelong fiicud and supporter of Senator D. L, McPherson, Geo. Jackson, David Creitjhlon, A. W. Laudet, and W. K. Fleilier. He himaelf wat a delegate from Cirey to the Cousorrativo conven- tion in Toixtnto at which Sir John Mac- donnld unnouncsd the National Policy. Ho was secretary of the Conservative ctnvention in Kshi; Orey that noniin^ted Dr. Sproiilc as succes.uor 'o Mr. W. K. Klesher. Kecallint; these thin^. of which he is evidently proud, Mr. Knolt said : " I was a member of the United Kin- piro Club, atid was all a xuod Tory w.-ts expected to be in that rock-ribbetl riding of Eisl (jrey. And to-day, after 25 year of life in Now York and Washington, 1 am in as close touch with Canadian poll- lio-, and especially with affairs in Ont.krio AH 1 would havo been had I never left Kuphrasia. "I have been particularly interested in thi< reciprocity c»nn)aii;n. It tiniply staggeis me. In face of the Iraditions of the Conservative party tnd the oponly declared policy of its loaders, not only in my time, but ever since it* present op- posilion to reciprocity, ita sudden right- about wheel is to me politicd inndncss, 1 regret it so keenly, and feel «o certain that the leadois have blundered, thai, â- were I still an elector iu (Jroy, I would do my to save the party from the blind f"lly of ihwD evil coun.sullors win., ure now lendiuR it n.<itrar. " As fur tbeaiine.xation bogey, it would be a joke were it not tint playini; with lire never is ii joke, 1 left Canada in Iho d rk daya cf Canadian depression, but my experience in the Unitoi States has convinced nie that the p(diti'.'al union <f the two count ties would bo a initttiike. 1 know from long per.wnal study of move- iiienis on ihj AmeriRiin si4le that Ihe idea of annexation was lont; ago abar.doued, fruits, .seed po'atoes, tlowerini; shruhs. rosis etc., in Grey county during fall and winter months. Outtil free, ex- clusive territory, pay weekly. 600 Acres of Nursery Stock Clean well s»riiwn trees and shrubs that will satisfy your customers. Karly and good delivery guaranteed. Eat.-tblished over ">a years. Write for whole or part time terms. Sales Manager, PELHAM NURSERY CO., 15 Dec. 11 Toronto. Xo other pill for constipation, for liver, kidney, or stomach trouble, com- pares with Dr. Hamilton's Pills; thejr irc inild and sure always to restore health. Refuse substitutes. Sold by ill dealers, 25c per box, or The Ca- tarrhozone Co., Kingston Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Pills A Family Medicine J. and W. BOYD merebants Flesherton « Ontario I Mid-Summer Clearing ... White Lawn Waists REGULAR «ill)0 FOR 7 A CEXTS. " 1.25 '• 98 " 1.00 '• 1.15 " 1.7:> " 1.S5 Parasols in Black and Fancys, at Reduced Prices. Muslins and Ginghms \ largo range of patterns and colors. Ueg. loo. .\11 going at 10c. Childs Ready-Made Dresses All made in fast color mxterials and a larjo variety of patterns. Sizoi, 4 to 12 years old tor. f l.CO to |3 00. Ladies' Tan Oxford^ Wo have an over slock of Lndie.s* Tan Oxfordi in prices $2 Oti, S2.2o, $'i.30. Yeur choice foi .11. Boys* Jerseys We have another lot- lo hand in colors, white. Siios, 26, M, 30, 32, at srcen with red, i;reon With iti