Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Sep 1911, p. 5

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September 7 1911 FLESHERTON ADVANCE .« it' •I- THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA eoB^ TRANSMITTING MONEY E^uUiiUl 1873 For sums up to $50 our Bank Money Orders are convenient and inexpensive. For larger amounts we issue Drafts or Bills of Elxchange. Money sent at once to any banking point in the world by Telegraphic or Gible Transfer. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. IXESHERTOff BRANCH Ceorile Mitchell, Man^^er cans AXJto at otntHAM and bahriatox 86 C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesberton Station as follows : Going Sooth Going North 7.43 a. lu. 11.28 a.m. 4.3.'i p.m. 8.53p. m. The mails are closed at Flesberton a.i follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and Ci p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 4.45 o'cluck. For morning train ' A fierce electrical stonu passed over here Saturday last. During the passing of tbe£torm a Hue frame liarn belonging to Mr. F. Ganoe of Eugenia was struck j by liglitoing and burned to the ground, j The building contained all of this ; season's grain. Insured in the London Mutual for 11200 on building and $800 on contents. south I Mr. L. W. Smith, editor of the Ditched by Steamboat Express Turn Black has been drawing lumber from Rock Mills to the .station. Ud Monday after unloading he started f»r! home. There was als" on the waguii j Sam Black, Dave Armstrong of Eugenln, { and Andy Spolt. A line of freittlit cars i drawn by a Urge engine was standin<; on \ the siding with eni^ue sputtering and I blowing cloie to the street crossicg. | Just as Black passed the eni(ine and on I to the second track the ateamboat ex- press came rushing along and struck th» hind wheels of the waggon. There was a sudden summersault of wagon, men and horses, all rolling hither and thither in a promiscuous jumble. The wagon was considerably smashed. Sprott jumped and was unhurt. The driver ' came off without much injury, but Sam Black and .^rmstroDi; received injuries the extent of which is not yet known. The two men and broken wagon were Every line has been purcha3e<l for cash from the best drawn home later in the evening. AI- ! though the horses were bawled over so| suddenly they did not receive a scratch. A NEW STORE With Bright New Goods Ready for Business Saturday, September 2. After an absence of five years I have returnd to Flesherton, ami am ' STOCK o{ General Merchandise and solicit a share of vour business. opening out an ABSOLUTELY NEW v^---*-^ available sources and you will receive the fullest benefit of every .. reduction on that account / VICINITY CHIPS X. mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g. j Farmers' Sun, will deliver an address on ^â€" recipro.ity in the town ball on Friday ' evening of this week. Mr. Smith is stroni;ly in favor of reciprocity, both in and out of his paper, and what he has to s:iy will uo doubt be interesting and instructive. The public and high schools reopened on Tuesday with a strong staff of teachers. Mr. Holland, Miss Bell and The tang of autumn is in the air. Miss Ella Karstedt returned Saturday afti-r a three week's visit in Toronto. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong is spending week with fi lends at Niagara. Mr. Frank Cole of Poutiac, Mich., visited *ith his parents here over Sun- d*y. Lbbor Day was not observed among the business men of Fle.sheiton. Mr. \V. Boyd raised the frame of his new skating rink on Saturdiy afternoon. Mr. Percy Bellamy of Orillia i«pent a few days the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bellamy. Born â€" In Flesberton, on Friday, Sept. 1, to Mr. and Mrs. John Heard, a daugliter. Miss Ada Limin of Durham and Mr. H. G. Savage of Chesley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Armstrong. J. & W. Btiyd have purchased the C. W. Bellamy hardware stock and took it over la.st week. Mrs. R. Moore spent a few days iu Dundalk List week. Mr. Moore drove down on Sunday and she him boiue. Miss Young of Urin, Hill Bros, of Orangeville, has taken a position with F. G. Karstedt as uiilliuer. Dr. J. P. Ottewell left on Tuesday for a trip to the West] and expects to be absent until Oct. 1st. Dr. C. Ottewell will look after the prictice in the mean- time. Mrs. Douglas and family, who have been living in Dundalk for some time, have taken up residence in Flesberton, where the children will attend high and public schools. The Advance it sorry to announce the serious illness of Reeve A. Muir. Mr. Muir was taken dangerously ill of heait trouble at his home last week and, though slightly improved, is not yet out of danger. Arteiuesia township council was to have mot for business on Saturday last, but owing to the illness of Reeve Muir and Councillor Douald McLeod the meet- ing was postponed. Miss Lulu Mitchell, who recently ac- cepted a position as kindergarten direct- less at Lethbridge, -X-lberta, arrived at her destination last wesk ami entered upon her duties. She is delighted with the prospects. Prof. Joseph SUfford of McGill I'ui- versJty, Momreil, who has been out to the Pacific coast this summer o'»i biologic- *1 work, called ou his two little daughters here for a few days during the past week. Mr. Geo. Mitchell received a tele- graphic despatch on Saturday last an- Mounciug the dangerous illness in Grace hospiUl, Detroit, of his brother. Dr. D. \V. Mitchell if Harrisville, Mich. Mr. Mitchell left by Saturday evening train for Detioii. The late Mrs. Samuel McLareu, whose a Miss Switzer look after the public school, : Mr. Marcellus and Miaa Philp of Iroquois uver the Rural High school. I Although only abcut forty pupils attend- I ed the latter for the first day, it is ex- ' pecte<l that the attendance will reach about fifty in a few days when all the pupils are gathered. As usually cn-ace<l, a spralneil aukie will disable a man for three or four weeks, but by applyin); Chamberlain'^ LJuiiuenC freely as soon as Che injury is received, and ob- serving the direciaons with each bottle, a cure can be effected in from two to fimr dajrs. For sale by W. K. Richardson 4 Son. Miss Irene Gaudin, who passed her Entrance here this summer, returned on Tuesday from a visit to her parents at Cross Liike, Kewatin, and will attend the rural high school. She was accom. panied by tbedaughterof the HudeonBay factor at Cross Lake, Miss Christena Mc- Leod, who will attend the Flesberton public school. Mr. Ford, a student of Wyckliffe college, preached in the Methodist church Sunday evening on behalf of the Upper Canada Bible Society. He also occupied the Baptist pulpit in the morn- ing. Mr. Ford is a young m«n ot won- derfnlly wide experience and what he had to say was listened to with very rfreat interest. GENERAL DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. %^ Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Resolution of Condolence The following resolution of condolence explains itself. Mr. Carruthers of Kim- berley died at Sperling, Manitoba, re- cently : " Whereas God, in his infinite wisdom, has called one of our number away, and . whereas his departure has saddened our accompanied ; ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^j ^^^ I brevity and uncertainty of life, and the formerly with i necessity on our part of being prepared ' to answer the summons when it comes to us. Therefore, be it resolvedâ€" " 1 That we, the members of the Friendship Bible Class of Sperling, Man., in this formal way •ipiesa our apprecia- tion of the sterling worth of the late Mr. Joseph Carruthers, his christian charac- ter as it was maniteated in his manner of living, his purity of speech and conduct. He was an earnest, helpful .-vnd faithful member of this class, and we will long feel his loss in our meetings. t That while we cannot understand the working of the Father who has taken him from us, yet we do not question his love and his wisdom, for we know that all thing* work together for good to tbem that love God; In this hour of sorrow we mourn his departure, but we are com- forted with the assured hope that he is with the Lord, and to him who knows and does all thing* well we humbly say â€" thy will be done. " 3 That we extend our heartfelt sym- pathy and coudolence to the bereaved family, commending them to the God of all comfort, who healeth the broken in heart and bindelh up their wounds. " 4 That a copy of these reaolutions be sent to the bereaved family and lh.it they also be placed on the record book of our class, by the e.xpressed wish of the Friendship Class." â€" MrMicKKN. President. For sale â€" 1 road carr. 1 trotting sulky. W. W. Trimble, Flesberton p. o. EVERYTHING NEW EVERYTHING FRESH. Horses for Sale â€" One old, 1 mare 6 years old v side, 1 colt rising 3. agent, Priceville. horse 8 years rith fwal bv her i John McPhail,! Stock For Saleâ€" Young h.)rse.s and colts for sale. Applv to Joseph Craw- ford, Lady B»nk P.O. FRED H. W. HICKLING Flesherton, - - Ontario. .V few large egg vats for sale â€" Suitable for soft water cisterns, in fine condition, will be .sold fur about half what they cost. Aoply to M. Scully Co., Fle*her. ton. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, aud endorsed " Tender for Extension of Breakwater and Re- Stock for saleâ€" Berksbires and Hamp-naoval of L and Dredging at Meafotd, shire pigs ready to wean, also < »xford;Ont., " will be received at this otfice un- Down Ewes and Ram lambs. â€" U. D. j ti' 4.00 p.m.. on SVeduesday, September i McLaughrey, Drawer B Markdale. j £0^ lUU. for the construction of in Ex- 1 __ fgggiy^ ( j, j|\jjf Bfesk Water and Removal ! Ginsins: Seed For Saleâ€" Stratified seed ' of L on West Breakwater »nd Dredging | ready to plant 60c per 1(X), fresh seed at Meafoid, Grey County, Ont. I Plans, specification and form of ct^n- 1 tract can be leeu and forms u{ tender ob- j Clearing out balance o! g Summer Shoes at S REDUCED - - PRICES, g lained at this dep-trtment aud at tbe| offices of H.J. Limb, Es*)., District En- 1 gineer, London, Unt. ; J. G. Sing, Es«)., j District iUigiiieer. Confederation Life I Building, Toronto, Oni.. and on applica- j , cion to the Postmaster at Meaford, Ont. ' ' Persons tendering are notified that' tenders will nor. be considered unless j ide on the priuted forms supplied, audi These are a few of the Bargadnsâ€"Try a Pair. Women s Patent Pump, reg. %'2Jlo lor i?lJ5 Women's Don Oxfords, regular $-2.10 for !?L60 Girls' Tan & Patent Pump , regular $1.40 for LOO CHlds strap and Pump, regular ^1.25 for 75c. Custom Work and Repairing. CLAYTON'S The Broadview Boys' Institute, Toronto, has held for the past nine years a Boys' Fcill ^Fair, in which the exhibitors are boys eighteen yeais of age, and under, and the Board of Directors, {s composed entirely of boys. L'ist year there was 2,100 ei.triis, made by nearly 600 boys, aud the value of th» prizes 100. fresh 40c per 100. September is the time to plant. Full instructions. Try a few hundred. Address The Advance, Flesh- erton. Village Property for S.ileâ€" The under- signed offers for sale eight acres in one block in the vilUge of Flesherton. with comfortable dweltiog, barn and stabling, well and spring and smalt orchard there- on. Andrew Carr, Flesherton. Z I T"! 3^ , ,. „ TT ' signed with their actual signatures, stat- , Farm for Sale or Rent-Lot 3, con.ld. i„g ,i,eu. ,H»:upa:ieHis aud places of resi â-  and lot 4, con 14. Osprey, better known ' jg„^ i„ ^^e case of firm.-., the actual I as the Ceonie Myers f«rm--800 acres-- ; ,ig„,ture», the nature of the occupation, bo under cultivation, s,ood building., well i„j ^,,p^ ^ residence of each member of' wstered. Apply to V\ . A. -Armstrong, ! ^^^ jj^.^, „,y^ ^e given. ; Flesherton^ illL^M Eitch tender must bo sccompanie.1 by „ , 1 ». tv n J I »n accepted cheque on a chartered Ixink, W Fresh hmo for saleâ€" J. « W. Boya, , y^ f^, ,,,g „,.j f ^ Honorable! ^^ ^y,,,~^vk<^,,»,->*<-.*/^-sri*<',a<-»*^ Fle'hert. u. [ [he Minister of Public VVo^k^ equal to ; ^OCKBt8C6C^C8C8^C8-63C8C8CBw8w8« i ten percent, (b) p c.) of the amount ot the tender, which will be forfeited if th#> person tendering decline to enter into a """^ "^j contract when called upon to do so. or The chopping plant at the electric | f^il to complete the work contmcted for. ,' plant, Eugenli.will bo running on Tues- If the tender be not accepted the che<iue i will be returned. . The Depannient d«>es not bind i'self to accept the lowest or any tender. By onler. B. C. DESRtK;UERS, Secretary. Depaitmeut of Public Works, Ottawa. .Vuuust 2», 1911. Newspapers will not be paid for this ildvertisenient if they inser' it without authority frjiu the Depari meat. MISCELLANEOUS days and Saturdays every day later on. and will be open Wanted aud vest making ton. A young lik.ly to learn u«n- S. J. Bowler, Fleshett Boy Wantedâ€" Smart boy to learn general store business, -^pply to Mc- Farland & Co., Markdale. sad demise was chronicled last week, left i j^^^i^j ^^^^ j^oo, „K.itiy cash. The only one child behind. The intaut born i g,t,ii,ii, include vegetables, flowers. iwo weeks before her death was still j p^nj^,^ jogg^ raobits, poultry, pigeons, •born, with which fact we had not been g^„^.ie,, and other pets, photoRraphy, lUtade acquainted. ^j-t^ industrial crafts, coUectious, pen- John Shiie of t>wen Sound went out nian.ship, literature, Boy Scout work .to Chatsworih and proceeded to load up etc. The fair t^ceives recognition and a von ChaUworlh treacle. After getting ' grant from the Provincial Department of Jiis cranial vacuum tilled with buzz gas Agriculture. The competition is open â- he felt so brave that ke proceeded to in- to all boys, everywhere. Prize lists will SECRETS OF HOIHIE LIFE SMoMiis Mde h pabcDts tikisg the Ntw MetJiod Treatoeat Tbey luMw it Cam ,1 ) Fall pautings and suitings just in. Morley, tailor. Notice â€" I am sole agent for the Syden- 1 ham Fire Insurance Co. of <.>wen Sound, | for this district and all communications j addressed tu lue will be promptly attend- i ed to. W. 0. Pickell, Markdale. i Look â€" Canue<i jnods, tomatoes, corn, peas and catsup, 10c a can at L. Becker's Proton Station. be mailed on application, and any boy willing to act as representative for this locality is rei^uested to write the Socret- Biy B.iys' Fall Fair,Btoadview Y.M.C..\., Toronto, suit some ladies. It cost him $13.70 to satisfy justice, besides the ten cents he spent on the fly ooaxer. The inanagemeiit would like to urge every Sunday school in Esst Grey to send a livo delegate to the convention at Markdale ou Sept. 14, and ex^iect iheni to bring back a report to their schoo'. . I>eleg<tes will be well looked after free Mis Annie M. Biown of North Ox- of charge in Markdale while they are ford, « woman of 70 years, coumiiltvd there | suicide by taking poison. Listenâ€" Suear still going up. Best Redpath and St. Lawrence Sugar, 20 lbs. for $1. Highest market prices paid for farm produce at L. Becker's, Proton. Onilvie's Flour, best brands bran and shorts at b>weet p.)asible prices at L. Beckei's, Proton. Lamb name astray, abcut July 1, lot 20 c.in. S, Osprey. Owner ;ple«se prove [iroporty and pay expenses. J. G. â- â- "iott. Fevershani. ^ klli' ANADIAN PA.CIFIO TORONTO EXHIBITION Special Uates and Trains FROM No Nam*> or TMtimoaiab aM<i witliaul written coauDt V.MUCOSB VEENS ClTtBD. Viwr No. IMSS. Symptoms wh»n he uartetl ir«atment: â€" Aii> 21. sinsle. In- dulKed In immoral liabits several years. Varlcos« Velna on both sldea â€" plmpl«» on the face, etc Atter two months' treatment ho writes as follows; â€" "Your welcome lettpr t» hand and am vor>- Kind to say that I think myself cur«k My Varicose Veins have completely dis- appeared for Quite a while and it st^ema a cure. I work harder and feel less tired, t have no desire for that hatiit whatever and If I stay Uk.- this, which I have every reason to believe I will. Thanking you for your kind attention," etc. TorontflT-A Toronto and Return Miss \Voodc..)ck lia.s sgaiu taken charge of J. & W. Boyd's millinery dspartmeut. Straye<l â€" From the premises of the ] undeiMgneJ near Singbanipton one two- 1 year-old steer, dark red in co!or, wi h [ hog riijj iu one far. Finder ple.^sa i no'jfy J*m*s Miwre. Heifer strayed â€" About Aiij. 15, o: o spotted i-year-oKl heifer. Finder plei-se coinnmnicalo Fle-sheit u. niih Andrew Mc.Aulav, Return $2.00 $2.60 â- ^ Daily 1 SeKCIAL BXGUSSION DAYS TUaSOAV AND THURS- SATUROAV, AUO. TO SATURDAY. SEPT DAY or SACH wasK. mctusiva Tickets soo>i toreti ru until Taex. Sept. 12 Ask a«ent tor free icouy of OiKcisJ I'rt - 1(1 ammo and Time Tahle.uiviiii; full details of Kail' Kales. Scecial train service fruiuHl: roi'.lt:>. S. Rand. Agent, • Ceylon. COXSTrrVTlONAL BLOOD UlSE.iSE. Patient No. 1S4H. "The spots are all j.ine (rom my leu .ind arms and I feel «ood now. 1 am very gratelul to you and shall never forget the favor your medlcin.-s have done for mc. Y.u can use my name In rec»>mmending u to anv sufferer. I am going to get mar- ried soon. Thanking you once more, etc." S.\YS TWO MONTHS CntED HIM. rstlent No. 1«1««. Age :3. Single. Indulge.l In Immoral halts 4 years. Ue- posi! In urine and drains at night. Varicose Veins on both sides, pains in back. we.>k sexually. He writes â€" "I received y,»ur lettor of recent date and m replv 1 am pleased to sny ihat after tuktng two months' treatment 1 would consider myself completely cured, as I hav,' seen no »igns of them coming back tone ycor). THE WOKLU SEE.>iS DIFFERENT. Patient No. lJ9'i.1. 1 have not had a regular Emission I don't know when and am fe.-linK tine. The world seems altogether differt^nt to me and I thank God for directing me to you. You have been an honest doctor with me " GAINKD 14 POrXDS IN ON"B MONTH. Pitttent No. \3iit. This patient (aged 5S1 had a chronic case of Nervous l>e- llity and S«-xual Weakness and was run down in vigor .and vitality. Atter one month's treatment he reports as fol- lows: â€" "1 am feeling very well, t hava gained 14 pound, in one month, so that t will have to congratulate you." Later report: â€" "I am beginning to feel more tike a man. I feel my conditi-n la getting better every week." His la.it re- port . â€" "lH>«r U,)ctois â€" .Vs I feel this is the last month's treatment that 1 will have to get. 1 thought at one time I would never be cured but I put con- fldence in y u from the start aaj joa have cured me." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY w- h-..» .nd fur» VARICOSE VEINS. NERVOUS DEBILITY. BLOOD AND URINArVcOMPiAiNTS. iSdNEY XnD BLADDER DISEASES and .11 Disease. -"oJNSL.LtXtION FREE, BOOKS FREE Blank for Home Treatment. If unable to call write for a Quetiioa All Utters from Canada must be addressed to our Can- *^epArtment as follows : & KENNEDY. WINDSOR. ONT. ' |^^3 I I^^Ci AdisnCorrespondence D ^2^^^^_l DRS. KENNEDY " DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich.

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