Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Sep 1911, p. 8

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Sfi'TBMBER 7 1911 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCJi 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU Business Cards «i OULLOUaH 4 YOUNQ lianken Ukrkdftia •nertl banking builDeu . MoDcjr loaned at rMtooabla rate) Call ou us. TCIlWLKTT, • roatmaitrr, Teylon. CominiBnioner iu H. C. J .ConTeTancer, dMdi, Iiiort»;«ei<. !<»»••, wlUii etc. carefolly drawn up OIltclioDt u)ad>. chareet roaaonahle. AUo roceriuf, ilout. teed etc. kaptiu atock, Frloei Rht. Farms For Sale or Rent FARM FOB SALK-l.ot no 3. In the .'.tli cod cub«ion of the township of Art«uieiii9, cou- tainiDK 100 acrea, eiRbtytlve acreii clare<l, halaue hardwuod timber. I>ro|er,y ol the lateW. J. lleatty. There la a bank barn knil ruuRlicast houBu on prumiaeK and ia well watered. Will be »ol I on roaao.iublo terms. Apply to JanioaL. McMullou, Ccyion p. o.,<lut. IPOH SAIiEâ€" Cheap ani «a«y terms. It not •old aooD. for rent to iiuitab:o tena-t, North half lot:«iaucllot 40, con, II, ArtomeBia, and lot 1, con. li Osprey, DOO acres, about 150 cleared balance mostly tiinb<irad lurid, hard ajdaoft W€X)d ; good stone dwelling and frame barn, stablinx under ; well watered with never- 1 falliuK ainall spring creek ctoasing farm close R.) 8PR0ULB, Flesherton ^ommlsaloner in H.C J., Auotionea t:â„¢* ,,»,„„„ „,„,„ „,„,„k„.=». ^. »»...„ veyaaeer, Appraiser and Money l-eiiacrUo barn: This is an excellent grain or Kra/.iuc Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Doefls. ( j^^.^^ ^u,j ^i, I be sold very ohoap if taken at mortgagaa, leaaea and will" carefully drawn j ^^j^j,^ ^^^ ^^^ g^,^ tornia. Apply to It. J. and ralaationa made on aborteHt notice (jy,g_ Fleshertou, Ont. oney to loan at lowest ratea of interest. Col. ectioDi attended to with proinptneaa ehargea low. Agent for Ocean DominloD Btaamabip Company. A call^olicited. DMcPHAIL, Licensed Anetloneer for the • County o/ Grey. Terma moderate and aati.lact.on guaranteed. J>-« »"»"«';;j';^'';; and date* ol sales can be made a>, ""«*'"'**â- '•; office Kealdence and r.O.. Ceylon, Telephone connection. Dec. e.07. WM KAITTINO, Lloenaod AuctionMr for the conniiea' of tlrey and Bimcoe Farm and Stock sales a Bpecialty. Terms Moderate, satisfaction guarauued. Ar>-»"Ke- Sents for date. n.av be ma.lo at the Advance Sfflee:orA:T. Hutctlnaon a store, keveraham by addressing me at Feveriham, Ont. fOIlSAIjE ohoapand ou easy termsâ€" Lots 1 and 2, con. 11 Osprey; aoo acres; frame dwelling, frame barn and stabling undir; about, ' 170 acien cleared and under cultivation. Some splendid cedar with other mixed timber on balance, also two small orchardH bearing. Wei watered ; never falling spring creek. Splendid grain and graining farm. Apply to It J.Sproulu Flesherton or Sanmel (Isboruu, Maxwell. RUDD MATHEWS. Markdalo, L'e*?*^, auctioneer for the county of Orey, Good â- ervice at reaacnable ratet. Dales can be made at The Advance. o09 IHAUVKY I'EKIOOB. broker, Flesherton Oenetal brokerage business. Insurance of ever kind placed in Pafe and liberal compane. Heal estate etc.. Open accouuU and past duo ?ote. h^'ll^and money advanced thereon. Correapoodence aoUclted. UAUM FOK SALE-Very cheap, 100 acres. ^ lot 9, con. 7. Osprey. only S:«X», reasonable cash payment, balance easy terms, 65 acreit cleared, well fenced and in high state of culti- vatiou, balance timbered, good comfortable frame dwelling, stone cellar under, never fail- ing spring well and windmill pump at door, new fraiiio barn, well finished, stone stabling; with spring water under, also in shed. It i)i situated i uiilo troni Maxwell village where thcrs are stores, post otDcos, good sclii'Ol, and is on the gravel road,9i miles from railway station. It sold at once, above price, though VKKY CHRAl" might bo shaded a little. Apply to 11. J. SPUOULE, Fleshertou, or THOMAS GUY. on preu^ises. M pOlt S.^LE very cheap and on easy termsâ€" *â-  The late Or, Clirisioe's .'l-story brick block in Flesherton with good slable and novor-fail I ing well on piemises. Good large store and good butcher's shop and dwelling; two good istouo eollara under building ; is and can be 'ko|>t well rented ; two good halls on second ned third stories ; Arnt class business stand and will VR CAKTER I *** ***'** cheap as owner is engaged In othei- • M c P * S Ont.Phyalclan, Sorgeon etc businoss in tlm wuKtai.d has no further use for " •"~-^-'""' ,it. Apply to It J. Kjiroule, Kiechertoii. Medical office and residence-Peter at., Flesherton Jp OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon «_ii«.,. Or.dnate of Ootailo Veterinary College. , "°*ce - ascond door south weat.on J. street This street runs aoutb Pi. -crian Church. H, lUiON, Hlackfmith o • ..- . liraduate of tue Veterinary Bcienc A.aociatlon Uurham «roet, on-o"t« Boyd, Uro'a hardware. TOK0.\T(J. ON'l is ri?cogu57.ed as "Cana^Ib's high ('lass Con: meroial School," J'he instruction is absolutely 11...* ..luuu \l'..l... ».. /1a.> r^... ...... - ' lliHt-t'lasH. Write to-day for our catalogue. -Inter now. Dentistry rvr P C MURRAY I.. O. 8 , dental surgeon U h..uo;gra<luate of Toronto University and Koya .'ollege of Oenlal Surgeo.is ol Ontario, Gas aduiisiniatered (or 'o'^^"'^'-''^'''"-' °".„,„„ Ottice at reaidence. Toronto SUeet. He..:erton. Legal , UCAB, IIANEYA- WALLACE-Iiarrist<,r«. L" rtolicitors. etc.- 1. H. I'""",, I^- *-• •, ,m„. Ilanev K C : J. H- G- Wallace. tjlftcea, Toronto M*-«'Tiader. Hank Jlldg phone nialn \i\i- Markdale I-ucaa Hlock, Plioeo a A. Branch oOi^ at Dundalk open ever^Saturday. Wll WUIGHT, Barrister, Solicitor, Convey- ancer eVc.,--0«i.n Sound, and Flesherton. Jt-Fiesbertou oUlco, Sproule'a Block every aturdav « ^_^ A Societies O U W meets ou the last Monday -- in each month, in their longo room Norris' block.lFlesherton. at « l''"?;^ *Jbr^: H C LeGard ; K«c., C. H. uunsiiaw. Fin.. •«'. P. Crossley Visiting brethren invited PKINCE AUTHUll I,ODOE, No. :««,AF& C AM, meets in tbt Masonic ball. Arm- strong's Block.Flosherton. every Friday ou or before the full luocn. C. II. Munshaw, W. U.; Tboa. Clayton, Hecretary. n OUBTTLEKHEIITON, 995, 1. 0. F. DCeeta In ^ Claytons Block the last Wednesday eveiiing of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. It., Dyson; H. B., '1. Henry; Fin. Sec , C. N. Bichardson. Pleaae pay duea to Flu. Beo. before the first day of the month, ^ CIIOBEN FhlENDS-Floaherton Council of Chosen Friends meets In Clayton shall ftrst and third Wednesday of each mouth It p- m Pay aasessmenls to the Becorder ou or before toe first day of each month. Chief Councillor T. Blakelev; Becorder W. II. Bunt- _, 1 1 rpbi Fairmer'aClub imieta in tho high -cliool ^ I building on the first Thursday in b»x-1i month at 8 o'clock ii. '!'â- ,. ^''>'."« '•""w" apocially Invited. F. Chard, President. ( . W. ifellamv. Hoc.-Troaa. Berkshires and Tamworths I have now for sale a few very choice Itcik â-  biro pigs, nearly ready to w«an> Hurry your order and get tho best. Also good Taiiiworth bog (our years old, lor aale- ,,,,,, GEO. W. U08H, Maxwell P. O. Our Clubbing List The following prico are for strictly paid ill advaiico HubscriptioriMinly. Wc have no accnunlH with other papers. FleHherton Adviinco $ 1 00 Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 2 0.5 Toronto Daily News 1 85 Weekly (J lobe 8.") Mail-Einpiiu 80 Family Ilurald & Star 85 Toronto Star 1 35 Farmer Sun 85 FarmerH .\dvocBta 1 35 Weekly Wit.ieap 80 Sutiirday Niijht .'{ 05 Homi! Jom'D'jd 00 IViultiy NeWR . . : iiO Poultry Itnviow 4n Rod and Gun magazine 8(3 A Discovery oi Vast Importance It Is Now Admitted That Bron- chitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Coughs, and Colds Can Only Be Quickly Cured By Mixing a New Medi- cine With the Air You Breathe. Boar for Service I'un Hr.d Tainworth 1 Boar fc.r fervice Teruu, II, Cash. N. HinJle, Maxwell, Ont. Bull for Service Tliwrimghbred .Shorthorn liull, BroadliiHik's l,ad, for service on lot lo, con. », O-'prcy. JVdigree (n application. .Seivice, .tfl.lKl for gra<l.i<. tli<,riuK)iliic<l». t-\ W «' »""« "' servii-i', KuU price (lliurK<'<l f"' '-â- "'"'' ""' '^"""•'^- .1: M. lUKNS. Bears for Service Till' umlcrsiKiH-d liaa a tlioronjjlilired York- aliire boar for aervice on lot Itl,, 3r<l ranK', K. T. and 8. IC, ArteiiicHia. Tcrnui, -$1.00 Also llercfirrd Ihdl for service, J.J. Hrown. 1 Jy. Scientists acknowledge that medi- cated air tnutmciit la the only treat- Tient that will cure these diseases, ind that .stomach modlolnes are worse .luin usole.ss. Catarrhozone air treatment hai been found to be the most effective way to sure all diseases of the throat, lungs, I ind nasal passages. Its action It so I prompt that in less than an hour an , >rdlnary cold is cured, and aftar a tiore thorough use of Catarrhozone, .Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all diseases }f the throat and lunga are complete- y ourad. ♦ Catarrhozonr' Is a very simple and lowcrful method of treatment- You limply breathe It tlirouKh the Inhaler mil It Immi-dlately paHses over every ilr cell of thp Ihroat, liiiiR.s, and bron- •hlal tubes, curing and healing: us It <oes. Catarrhozone treatment affords little Jropa of healing for sore places in tho ungs, throat, and natal passages, Catarrhozone Does This, And Cures ^ What The Americans Can Teach Us By .4HTHin HAWKES. I WALL STREET. BULL FOR SERVICE TliorouKhbred Shorthorn l>un,"I>«iidv Jini" 817H^I, for service on lot )"•>, '1. & H. H-, Ar- teuiesiii. This animal is «-f a Rood inilkinK strain. r«li»(roc '"' »l'l'''.'''L'"on.X'"^r'.!l;"~ tirades *l, regisU'fed W. .1 AS. HTIN.SON I'roiirietor. Bull For Sale Tlir.-i- y.MiiiK Hereford hulls fol sale, suit able [or serviee. Y<iii will have tu hiiriy if you want one of these fine vounR snioiala. 14M»ri2 â€" T. & J. WATSON. Dates of Fall Fairs FLKSIIKHTON, Kast Grey, Sejit 28-21) riiceullo Oct, r. and (1 • Dundalk Oct. 12,1.1 . Durham Sept. 26,27 Feveishaiii Oct. ;i,4 JHanovei , Sejil. 12, 13 Markdalo Oct. ;i,4 Mcaford Sept. 2«.2«^ Ml. Fore»t 'Sept. 28,29 j Orannerille S^upt. 14,15 j Kocklyii Oct. 5,(1 j Shslburne Sept. 26,27 } I YOU TAKE THIS MEDICINE IN AIR Price 2jc, fiOc. and 11.00 at all drug- flstB or by mall fnim The t'atarrh- )zon« t'o., Kingston, Ont.. and Buffalo, V. Y. Our Equipment OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO For Ihirly yesis we have jirided onr- aelvcH on our complete eiiuipmeiit Kvery modern device and conveiiienru Ihst enterprise eonld su^^geg "and capital (ilitaii), IH in our luiildiiig. Tlie Miiall school with sma!l cap lal and laesgre C(|uipment caiiiiot kivo yon the SHiiie training that you can got at the Northern. C. A. FloniiiiR, F.C.A., G. D. Fleming, Prinripal. Secretary. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 4th rh« Human 8ld« of Naw Yerk't QrMt I rinanolal Quartar^ To tbe man yf^o looks from wttboot ,, ipon WaU street it seems s plecs of ' leep BDd daageroos mystery, a region I >t decs and cares and labyrinths foil ^' If perils whlcb threaten loss and p«»> Next t« being bora a Canadian, \ ^^ pqIq xa talm wbo enten tbersk rather think I would like to be V>'^ ind nicta In too many instances it ins In the United States. It is a wonder-' proved to bei But nevertheless tbar* ful country It carrlee a wondorttil !b a decided homan side to .WaU people. They are an example to tis 'feet. It U perhaps the iMSt nwfl ^oopio. ixy o , fuced" street in the world. Here men m many thlnge; a warning In othet^ •c^^^' ^^ ^ ^ ^ Wherever they are admirable they sfs j^^^^j^ .o^cess and who ar^ power- often excesBlveâ€" It la a natural defect ^^ )t\ii^, in fact dafly bmsb albows of poBsessIng Immense productive t«r-^^j g^^.^ ^g^g qq^ \x^A. tnosssnger^ rltory, vast populations, and a rather "get-rich-qnlck" highwaymen, silly and short political past. They can teaoh pretty girl stenographers, curb broken UB very very much that we ought to md curb merchants a°^^ *"°f «* know. Take four .or their ^P.endld ^ ^d^t^tted^tiewj^-with^ characteristics: litreet" each momlsg and ebbs ImcIc I' One. Their love of country. j^^^jj, ^j ^j^^j^ Heavens! How they boast; how, yy^u ^ia^% may be said to be the they wave their flag. They insist on ^^^ democratic street in the world, parrying it.-flauntlng it, if ?»" "feâ€" .for aU Ite vast wealth- There is no In every foreign country: and they ^^^ ,^ ^^ ^lon, rVr^h^or >'^u^^'nar"n%h°e?r ''^u! a^lokly thanthe«. -- JPon^ They believe m their country; In its sinalJest pretext "Jf^ J*,*'^ Institutions. The flag Is tho symbol faker selling some newfangled t(^ orii of all their strength, ambition, glory, man glldhig the baU on a flagpole COO There Is a reason. j feet np in the air. A snUragette inak< ! Millions of people have come from (ng a speech wonld transfer practical- all the ends of tbe earth to tbe United |y the entire population from a dosen Butes. They know little or nothing gkygcrapers to the •standing room of the liberty and opportunity of gjj,y» ^ ^^ immediate vicinity. Bat :wblch the States are full. Thf y come ^^^^^ ^^^^ hurries he wUl not get • hopes It files from every school- nearby ofDoe wlndovrs, a favorite sport bouse. The sight of It engenders a imong the brokerage house clerks, ilood of patriotism In the native bom This sort of thing usually takes phice and the allonborn. | during the noon hoar, and at that The American can teach us here. Ume all work Is suspended at tbe first Our flag has flown a thousand years, gound of a l)and In tho distance. His Is a product of the day befvore Everybody flies to the curb. Bosiness Vesterday. We have a tremendous ^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^ busiest of streets for Variety of alien blood and alien speech ^^^^ anything before 2 o'clock, when In our midst ^^ « 'â„¢P|-«^« '"''^,""^ tbe chimes of Trinity sound the after- upon them the magnificence ol tne ^ »,«.„*» _-uioa things the flag has stood for and noon session and '"^ «^*"/^f stands for. and will stand for. We are down to Us serious bosiness of mak- apt to forget that In patriotism. Ing financial history. Those •who come to us have to be Such Is tbe everyday "outside^ Ut- J)orn again. If ever there was a coun- tie crooked street "with the river at try lu which patriotism should burn one end and a cemetery at the other,'* with a vehement flame, It Is Canada, f^hjcti has sent scores upon scores to Look to it. one or the otherâ€" the street with • Two. Their willingness to adapt aesOny.â€" Strand Magazlna themselves to changed circumstances. -• • Trailtlon Is splendid, within li:n- -- i Its. "As It was In the beginning, is Ghosts Without Heads. now, and ever shall be" Is not an In- Speaking of ghosts, tbe London fallible political principle, for this Is Chronicle says that "headless coaches" a progressive world. lare faUly numerous In England. The There Is danger, too, of falling Into most famous Is tho one that drives the habit of the fellow who said, ^^p, ^ j^^^ on the anniversary of "These are my sentiments; It you ^^^ Boleyn's execuUon. up the are- don't like -em 1 11 change em Tho BllckUng. her Norfolk home, w se man often changes his mind, the """ '" i,„„„ fool never; but the wise man does not The coachman and the four horses change merely to suit somebody else, have not a bend between them, and The American Is pre-eminent In the Anne's own is not upon her shoulders, world for his readiness to change his but she holds It In her lap as she sits method of regarding guestious of In the coach all In whlta At the ball trade and of politics. He thought he ^oor the whole apparition vanishes, could freeze Canada to himself by a j^ae'a father. Sir Thomas, also rides high tariff. It dldnt work bo he tries ^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ headless horses Reclproclty-whlch we asked for long, ^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^ °lf X'go hack to It we show that exciting than bis daugbter-a. Ho has we don't adapt ourselves to changing «o cross forty county bridges during conditions. We have outgrown our the night and a company of yelling de- notions of commercial dependence on mons pursues the coach to keep the the American. We must not bo <;a- horses going. Hut how do the horses Joled Into going back forty years for hg^r ^he nolso if they have no enrat our Ideas. Sir Wilfrid Laurler leaps , backwards over 1907, 1903, 1901 and „„„.„„,. „fc„,„ „, „ . ». 1897-year8 in which he emphatically "^ °^ *?°'*» P'*"™™ Ues in tbes4 repudiated reciprocity. He is like a ''"<'»: Health, peace and competenc« venerable man who goes out to meet ~"epa^ _^_j an old Bweei heart and expects to find , her young and blooming as she was' forty years ago. | Three. Ttieir unbounded faith in the future. Sir Wilfrid has had his spells of this splendid quality. He once said, "The Twentieth Century belongs to Canada." In conformity with this he said, "The beat way to nialutaln friendship American neighbors 1b to be absolute- ly Independent of them." Ijist winter President Taft said, "Canada is at the parting of I ho ways." Canada is ex- pected to make reply, "Thy way, not mine, O Taft." On the reciprocity question Sir Wil- frid spoke again, only four years ago he declared to the Imperial Confer- ence, "There was a time when we wanted Heclprorlty with the United States . . . We have said good-bye to that trade and we now put all our hopes upon the UrltlBh trade." I The future was to he as the past had been â€" a development of com- merce, of social and national sentl- ,ment, east and west, and not predonil. !nantly north and south. We express- ed our confidence in the future. Noth- ing was to draw us Into the seductive embraces of the United States. Wej began a new transcontinental railway that will cost three times as much as was Intended as a proof of our dls- Of the many hundreds of cures wrought tlnctlveness from the big neighbor, by Father Mofriscy's No. 10 (Lung Tonic) And then wo began to play his game, few are more remarkable than the saving From turning our back upon him we of the life of Mm. John S. Baker, of 104 Wan to turn our hack upon ourselves. Hockland Uoad (North End), St. John, When you become afraid of your Fu- ' N.B. .She wrote on Oct. 16, 1909: jture, good-bye to your Future. | "I wish to expresa my gratitude that I Four. Their determination to Hoe I am living to-day, saved from the grave Ithslr own Bow. j by Father Morriscy's No. 10 (Lung Tonic). |i { never heard of a man who chose This time last year I had pleuro-pneumo- )ioelng as a holiday occupation. I ^ "ia and bronchitis, and had In-en given I never liked It when 1 was on the farm. I "P to ftie, and had my lungs tapped iBut ypil can't have a garden without in the City Hospital, and never expected ilentlfuj u»e of this familiar compan- '° *»"« again; I was continually getting on of the backache. It's the hoe that T'"''^^ "^'^fy day- 1 came home from the luts potatoes and beets, carrots and n"sp'ta'.. and everyone was wafching fo laans, and all the vegetable luxurloa "'" '" ,'''*'• . ' 'â- â- ""' eveTvlhing but there 6n the table j ''*^''"''' *o '♦o no cure for nic. What was the hoe In the national ,„"' ^^^""^ taking Father Morriscy's No. development of the United States? I J,"-"" , !? ^?> i .^i «'0"''l«''t *'tho"' It was protection of young Indus ' P'"" ' ",^''"' â- ^- .''.""'p'' «' No 10, a.s I tries. The. SrstaterTefldedZ T^^l TirMl" Znifi^w'^^ 'TTf"- 1 .1 .„.i_» », it.„i„ and lor six months was just a shadow make the most of heir own resoiirces ,„„i, , , ^^ „^„ j , j J; ty helping InduBtrlal expansion with a pood health, an<l surprisinl mo.st of my tariff. They became the grea est man neighlv.rs by gaining so quickly. I feel ufacturlng ooiintry In the world. They j, „,y ,i„iy t„ pul.ji.sh it everywhere 1 can. have dono It by hoeing their own row. „» ,.iti, „il I can say I cannot recommend Canada took a leaf out of their book, it too highlyâ€" it was a life saver to nie, She could not have had her big In- and I am very th.tnkful to recommend dustrial cities any other way. Hei it, a<< it is worth all it in said." home market would have been a negU-j Father Morriscy's No. lOis verydi(Tcr«nt glble quantity If she had been content from the many prcp.trations that simply to be merely a getter of raw material relieve a cough. No. 10 relieves the for somebody else. ! cause of the cough, restore.^ the meinbranea The Americans want her raw mater of throat and lungs to a healthy condition, lal. Let her learn of them and make and tones up the whole gy.stcm, giving the most of her own raw material. It strength to resi.st future attacks. X little Chatham girl was burned to death when tire destroyed her grand- pan nt's residence. Goaded to desperation by repeatnd tHUiitx that he was i-hirkint; hi.s work, a youiij; fHvm hand named Douglas, while t and most effective ^,„,|^^j „t . ,hre,i,in„ „pnf M<.lesworth, n friendship with our ' ' , , . . some eineti miles from l.ii-towel, swung anuiiu' on his |iersccutor, Harry Smith, and sent the proug of hn jiitciifiak tlii'oiigh the lattcr'H side. The s'eel yytnin penetrated Smith's left hide m-ar the liasi! of the luni;, and intlicled a dan- Ht'ioiu wound, which iisy ^.ave i fatnl result. Smith is a son of Keevo .Siiiiih of KIma, and a married man, while Douglus is little more ilinn a hoy. PLEURO- PNEUMONIA AND BRONCHITIS Brought Mrs. Baker to Death's Door. Father Morriscy's No. lo Saved Her. ARTJBivEsisiiL Meaford High School RURAL HIGH SCHOOlI ^"^^ "'^ ^pen on This school will rc-opcn on Tuesday, Sept. 5. 1911 In charge of Mr. J. K. Marcellus, Prin- cipal, and Miss L. M. Philp, B. A. Pupils Jwho bave]'paKsod the High School Entrance Kxao,ination are elig- ible for admission. For particulars as to courses, etc., apply to the Principal. NotfeoB charged. . W. J.^BELLAMY, Secretary, WANT ED A live representative for Flesherton and surrounding district to sell high class stock for jl The' Fontliill |Nurseries H More fiuit trees willlx; planted in Fall of l!»ll and spring of li»12 than ever be- fore in the history of Ontario. tOlS^ The orchard of the future will be tho best jiayinfr part of the farm. We teach our men salesmanship, Tree culture and how big prohts in fruit- growing can be nude. Pay weekly, permanent employment, exclusive territory. Write for particulars Stone & Wellington TORONTO SE.M.ED TENDERS addiesBed to tlio auJar- nicnerl, and eiidomed "Tender (or I>rt!akwat«r and Wharf Extension at Thornbiiry, Out," will hu received at this oflice until 4.00 I". M.; on Wednesday. September 13. I'JU, for the con- Hti'uctioii of a Ilreabwater and au extensiou to Wbarl at Thorubury, Urev (onnty. Out. Plaus, specitication and form of contract can be seen and foiiuitof tender obtained at tbid Deimrtuient and at tUe cilices of J, G. SinR. Kscj., District KuRineer, C'oufederation Life huildin),'. Toronto, Out.. H. J. Lamb. Esij.. Lislrict b'u^ineer. London. Out., and ou appli- cation to the Hoatuiaster at Thorubury, l>nt. PorsouK tendeiiugai-e uotirted that tenders will not be considered unless made on tbe printed forms supplied, and Biuncd with their actual siRiiaturim, stating their ovcupatioua and places of resiUeuce. In the case ofarms.the actual signature, the nature of the occupation ai.il piacu of residence of each member of tlao linu must be given. Each tender must be accompanied b> an accepted che<|Uo ou; a clartered baiiK. pav able to tlio order ot the Honorable the Uinisler of Public Work.', equal tuten per cent. (10 p.c.) of tho amount ot tender, which will be forfeit- en if the person tendering doollneto enter Into a contract when called upon to do so, or fail to ^â- mi'leto tho work contracted for. If the teuler be not accuf^ed tao chei]ue will be re- returned. The Department docs not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. Ily Older' It. C. OE8KOCHERS. Secratary. Department of Public Works. Ottawa, AugUBtlG, lOIt, Newspapers will not be paiil for this adver- tisement If tbey innert it without authority from tho DepartuiKut, iTuesday, Sept. 5, 1911 ' When classes will be funned for Matricu- lUtion into all the professions, entrance I into the Normal Schoola and into the I Faculties of Education in Commercial Specialist and Commercial Diplom^i. The rapid growth of this school is a striking illustration of that true old adage that "nothing succeeds like success." We would like all parents having chil- dren to educate to consider seriously the followine points about this High School : (1) Building, grounds and equipment unexcelled in th-j Province, four rooms and a gymna.siuin ; healthy town, abso lulely free from fevers ; good board in private families -cheaper than in cities. Fees $10 a year. (2) The splendid work of this school has attracted to it from far and near, large numbers of studentD, and has caused its attendance to increase rapidly. Durini; 1910 our students came from thirty-seven (liiTerent counties. (.S) The high stand taken by its stud- ents in the various universities and the large number of its university graduates I holding fellowships in Caoadian and I American colleges. I (4) A new ai'd up-to-date science room I fully ei|Uippe(l, in which the student per- I forms bis own experiment under the .m- I pervision of the teacher. {o) A fully orgiinized Commercial De- 'partnient in Book-keeping, Stenography,. Business Law. Typewriting, Knglish I Branches, in the hands of a specialist I who is a chartered accountant; .special {attention given to Writing and Spelling. This department is e()uipped with .seven I of the latest u(j-to-date Underwood type- I writers. Each u-raduate receives a beau- ititul diploma. ( )ur graduates easilj' ob- â- tain positions. No expensive fees to pay. ! RECORD FOR 1911 (6) III Kill lhi<v school passed 17 can- didates for entrance into tbe Ncrnial schools, 11 for Junior Matriculation, 4 for entrance into the Facuhies of Educa- |tion, 3 for Commercial Diplomas. ; (7) Inspector Wetherall in his last re- port .says : It is with unusual pleasure- that I make my lirst report on the Mea- ford High .School. No schoul in the Province is in a more flourishing condi- tion. The trustees are alert and pro- gressive and all the members of the ^.taflT I are eneraetic and capable. Tile spirit of I the school is] excellent aud imprvsaes a < stranger at once as quite out of the com-< |inon, 1 Send for beautifully illustra'cd an- I nouncement, mailed free on application. 1 C. T. SfTHERLANP, A. DlND.VS, B. A. Sec.-Treas. Principal Stock for Service Durham bull and Berkshire hoe for service on lot 7, oon. 1. N. D. B., .\rtemesia. Terms â€" ^\XQ eash cash. -L. Mc.\UTHVH. I'riceville. SlJuly In.o. CEYLON'S ""s^RE August Clearing Sale of all Summer Goods Waists in Silks and Litwn.s at greatly reduced prices, and all Summer Hosiery, Boys' Summer Suits, Parasols and rmbrellas, Mu.slins, Men's Underwear, L'jdies' Veats, Low Shoes, Slippers and Pumps. In Prints, Cottons, and Lawns wc can give you great values. Window Curtains- Scriram's and Madras, at prices that can't he beat. All kinds of Fruits on hand at very reasonable prices. Ice Cream on Saturday nights. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL FARM RODUCE ^as. ^attison Senrral -jKe/H^Aant Q^eyL on 3^111 be wUe leivnilng. Trial bottle 25c. â€" regular aire â- 'iOc. At voiir dealer's or from Father Morriscy Medicin? Co., Ltd., Montreal, Que, ^ The Bellamy Hardware W(! have the agency for the Boss Washer, which no doubt is the best on the market. There are at present over one' milHon satisfied users of the J?oss. Will you be another ? Our Granitewaro table is well filletl at present with everything one needs in that line. Preserv- ing time is now onâ€" look over your kettles and see if you don't ntsed a new one. .Dr Williams Fly and Insect destroyer de- stroys Hies'on cattle. Try a can of it and you will bo rowardetl liv its use ikmÂ¥mmmm^K^mmfwmmmm}mmk

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