Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Oct 1911, p. 4

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NOTKMIJKU r> 1911 THE F L E S H E KT O N ADVANCE '^ \ ) i '1 i JUST ARRIVED AT CEYLON A Consignment . . OF . . Wagons AND Buggies ^' Iiich will be Hold at prices that can Nut; I:.- Beat considerini; styU' and iiuiility, , ..«ja full lii.u i.f tilli^o, Haivi'iting I 1 ickiiies and Wind Mills, Fence Wire, j ^ ible <luttit«, Hay Furks, Hopes andi . ^ friers. Now is the the time to get » idy. A call ndiciti'd. Sntisfttction| gu.r.nteed. | ^yjlj^jj DoCtOFS S. HEMP HILL Disagree Consult GENERAL GROCERIES \Vt' have a full stock of general groceries (»ii liaiul. Sugars for preserving, icings and tal)le use. Canned goods of all kintls, tobaccos, teas and candies. ' . ' FLOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR! We I »r.dle an ininunse (|uantlty of Hour and kiep on liand Ogilvie'a Ki yal Huutehold, Fords and Disiidalk Flours in the aevtml grades, iilso I'ran and shorts. Ouldhawk's tread bandied. Choicest homemade Ice Cream re.'idy for serving. :iiul cyolirt; Suiiinier Drinks ahvty W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton CEYLON HOLSTEIN-FRIHSIAN CATTLE an CUford Down Sheep and Tamw S'K'ine â€" Brown Leghorn Poultry a apecialty. ItOUSTEIN-FRIcaiAN BULL FOR SERVICE- i.LK\N CU.>inKlJl.\ 1)1 KK lieKOLi No. (â-  .Si hU!K yiiefu's I>i.-Kol I>uk« N.i. i:tl>i,) H. O.^M BelKan C'uucMnlia Di'Kol No. (l.llOi II. J ., wboM (jrauil (lam huld tho WIIKl.DK lUT- '' It KKfKHU a ffM years imo MAKINCl .'O 1 .s.. lOOZ. IN 7DAV.S. rtiis youDK auitnal i*> rising :t year^i. i^i of t;oo<l ^.'..•ana iiidivldiialltv. liaviOKWon tlirue 1st ami • .! aoconilprize a» acsK at noiiip of the pruiii i ':it ceutrmof Ont.. anil liaR wan Ut I'laue at < â-  HDi two year* old at Kant (irvy tall fair. I' -iherton. Mintâ€" Oradoii tl.W. tliorouglibreln i^M.OO, I vablalit of Jan. .\ll cowh uot ireKularly I irn*<i will becli&rKad. ItlCHAl'.D ALI.KN, 1 • 170 2 N. E, T. & S 11 Kleiliwrtou P.O. 1 i ;neU o..h OP^'cian-j^^/'.^^ J Official Figures For Elast Grey ARTKMESIA SEASONABLE IN Nervousnessâ€" headaches â€" sleeplessness and dizziness, often pu/zle the best physicians. Nine times in ten eyestrain is the direct cause. Nothint*- can efTect a permanent cure that does not remove the cause. Ti at is what our scientifically fitted glasses do. W. A. Armstrong:. GOODS FURNITURE 'J lie l.iiKfsl .iiiU liest .'-lock of Furniture ever nIiowii in Flesherton. Thi.s with'Ui fear of con- tradiction, ouie .'ind see some of nice things in Side Boards, Dinin;{ Room Chairs, Parlor Sett.s, Hed KiHun .SettH. A special reduc- tion ju«t now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER !? Flesherton ANADIAN PAOIFIC SPECIAL RATES TO THE COAST VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE PORTLAND SPOKANE FROM TORONTO acCONO CLASS, SCP PROPORTIONATE ONTARIO POINTS THIOUOH ' »• . TO OCT 1 » RATES FROM T«*IN rOKONTO TO 10. 30 P. M. DAILV. VANCOUVtn S. Rand, Affent. Ceylon m mm. t Telully Corrected Kacli Week 'icat "•"> to 7^ • •>•<• .'17 to 37 ' HH 80 to 80 !• r:«jr r.o to 50 ' -V 10 00 to 10 00 I II -or 22 to 22 i-i', fresh 23 T 2J 1 ' •'aloes jier b«f{ «ii to ti.') •; -se 12 to 12 F' 'cks 12 to 12 • •ckent 12 to 12 Ti leeyi 1.5 to 1« Wol 20 to 22 Stock for Service Diirliaiii I'ull and Itark^liire hoc for service on lilt 7. iron. I. .S. D. V.. .\rti-iues.a. Tcriniâ€" -l.'-O oatih canh. -1,. McAltl'IU l;. I'rICfVillo. .^1.1 u!y liiio. Notice to Creditors 111! the 111 liter of the entale of James C'lawford, late of the Towii.shlp [ of ( isprey in tlia County of drey, Farmer, deceased. Notice in hereby given, pnisuant to I the Kevlsed Statutes of t'litario lM!t7, Chapter 12!), that all (he creditors and others haviiij claims aL;aiiist the estate of the above named James Crawford who 1 died on or nixjut the twenty .^ixth day of January, \. U. ['Ml, .it the naid town- ship of Oaptey, are reipiired on or before the fourteenth day of I â-ºctoher, A. D. lull, lo send by post prepaid or deliver to William H. Wright, Barrialer, Owen Sound, Out., ihe snlrcitoi- for the JOHN HcPHAIL JPx*iocville \ ;KNT FORâ€" Frost A Wood Implements. Fleory â- â€¢> . ( Pemn Plowa, Tiidho|«' Wagons and ^ â-  II 1 iages, Melo«4.« I 'ream Separator, St- •â- .;er Sewing Machines, Organs and |> oa« on easy lermt. 15Uec /lcsl)crton !^Duance .\n iiuleiH-ndfiit nfuv..i>a|«fr, piii>li..*lie(l every Tnuntday ut the "tficf, CiillinKwoiid Street, Flfsliertiiii. .Subscription price ^1 |)ei- annum, ivli.'u paid ill advance; 81. 5J when not so paid. Ailverti.HJnK rates on HpplUution. t'iirulatioii l.li» weekly. \V. 11. TlmiHlon - Etlltor TRU TH BEFORE FAVOR- PRII4CIPLES. NOT MEN ITALY THE BRIGAND Di.spaii.hes t,ll us tl.at there is a war on between It.ily and Turkey, but lluis far ut least it appeals to be a very one- sided war with a!' belliiii»eiei)cy on the side of Italy, who, like the bad bij; boy of our acliuol days luis been pounding a delencele.ss youii'.is;er and stealing his candy. In thi.-- instance the bad boy is* reDresentea by Italy and the candy by a country larger than Italy itself, Tripidi on the African coast of the Medi'erran- e.iii. Turkey does not scein to have s' ruck a blow for the protectii n and liiaintenance of its province. There is something al'out this occupa- tion if Tripoli by Italy that dues not la^te well when we try to swalloiv it. There are instances, no driibt, where the forcible partition of a country is best ! in the interests of civili/.ation, but in the present instance there are grave dmibtb .Ls tollii; advisability of allowing tile Italian government lo play the biigand aaaiii.-.t (Turkey. The trtuble is rather ajigravat- ed by the f.icl that tierniany has at- teni|/led to play the .s.aine role with Frai.ce, aiid is now receiving her ran- som mi ney in the forni if a orai.t of Congo tenitorpr. Bjtii t.f tiiefitf Sot-crnitieni^ liave stringent laws ai,'aii).st (lieft and liighw'ay robbery, are .suiiposeJ to be humane and christianized peoples, and the clinnipiim.s ot everything ill the shape of innr.ility. The man who knocks another man down on their .streets and posses.ses hini.self of l.is walch or pocketbook is sent to penitentiary. Kven while tliLs drama has been in progre.sa It.ily has been endeavoring to punish a score oi .so of brigands who have been fattening on crime. But on a grander Hcalo that government enters the same tield and there is no one to puniah it. There was a tinie not long ago when the Turkish iiâ„¢s.s:»cte.s iif christians horrified the whl^e workl. That was the time when u division of Turkey, limb from limb, would hard been opportisne. It is now rather l.rte to begin fhe procesH, when reforUMttioii has bi^gini within the contines of the Turkish empire itaelf, under Ihe young Tiirl* party, and Abdul Haniiiliaiid his bloody reign are things of the pMH. jj From a .noral point of view Italy h.as n<> right whatever to Tri|MiUi Thers is no «luubt, liwwsver, that it t* not from a Division Hartin.'in yproule No. 1 20 45 2 CO 07 :i 9 50 4 34 39 5 .55 31 C 28 30 7 "' 38 m » 6 COLLING WOOD 46 1 (i 1» o 12 I'J .{ 11 11 4 24 11) 5 2a 28 (i 41 W) 7 13 27 s :<.". 30 » 25 52 10 64 77 11 •1 15 12 !> KIPHKA8IA 11 1 ;> 38 •) 25 4'.t A 10 :m 4 19 <)'.» 22 S4 t> 9 4.') 7 11 0() 8 17 «2 !» 28 HOLLAND 25 1 ;u 35 *> 40 52 :! 20 112 4 .-)1 41 .") 31 75 ♦) 21 OSPRKY 41 I IH 2*.) 2 20 81 .'i i9 tu 4 10 .50 r| 27 25 ti k; 41 7 24 44 .s 1 PlUiTDN 3lj 1 2.") â-  45 2 70 42 3 57 41) 4 :iO 48 r» 7 52 c 45 15 7 *>•* 45 8 4 CUATSWOKTU :«) 1 24 Dl NDALK 2*. I 1 4'J MAHKDALK M) 1 THi'UNBCUY 14;! I « Hi o *»•> 43 :i .•SO 40 CEYLON'S â- '"^oRE I» still growing-it's just about half as large ai/ivin as it was former'y - and with our falUocKis in and lots of help 1 think we can give our cu.stomerii the very beft attention with good aecommodition and goods at rock bottom I'rice.s. We have some exceptional values in Ladies ^"^ Children's Coats III th» very latest styles weave and colors. Can save you from *2 to Jis on theee off regular price.. Men's heavy ail wool so.\, gord value at 25c per pair, 5 pair for *l Bahnoral blankets. Urge size, for 81 35 per pair. _ Men's s-ilk Ties, regnlsr fr >ni 35 to 50e, your choice 2.)e. Men's and Boys' Swe. ter t;oi.ts, all wy.d, from 7-)c upward.s. Heavy all Pure Wool Blankets, large size, 7 lbs., for |4.30. IN GROCERIES 3 pkg Corn Starch fiT ' V; " " V ' "<â-  o^*^ 2 lb. Tins Kitchen Queen Bakina Powder for -.)c 4 lbs. Good Raisins for -£c We are buying Fr»WI, live or dressed-live fowl Tuesdays ai.d Thursdays." dressed fowl .any day. Potatoes 75c p^r bag this week. ^as. 9?attison - Ceylon SenfPal .^ienehant 4^i****+*** 4^4?****4i*4;4Hh*i**; 1475 2500 Majority for Sprjlilc', fihcial, 1085. Here l-i a renii'dy that will cur.' your eoU. Why «ai>te time anil niouey eviieriuieiitiiig wliiMi you can grt a iireparatiim that hai- won a H nlilHidcrr|iutation )v it» in res of tlii« ili.seasfjaiid can always !â-º*• deiiendeil uimhi 1 It i.< known eVffywhere a» Chan lierlain's Cough Keniedy. nnd i» a luedieiiie of ri'al iin-rit. For sale by all dealers. The upper end of DuH'erin still o.'iJn- ues to furnish the c<nn)ty jail with people who have lost their »?!»on. On .Satur- day David Craig, a 17-ye»rold boy from Melaiicthon, was coninnnied to jail by P. M. Uutherfoid, and MiKi Mary Meeks aged 20, w^is .sent from Mnhniir. It is simply astonishing the niiRi^er of insane pet sons those two townshift have pro- duced, (iraud Valley 8:»r; A Grateful HMher Kxeoutors of t Iw l.ist Will \\\A Testii ment of the said James Crawford, decea.»- j """"l *tiM>dpoiiil thai she lukes forcible ed, their Chri.stian and aurnivines, s<)- { poiweMNioii. It is a purely mercenary dresses and deseiii>tions, thi-fuil partitH- , ,„„«,,« tknt inaj.ires her, ai-^.w such her .> >acii««. .'tlkottkl t>e looked w^mw with lars of their clainrs, the araCement their accounts and the nature of securities (if any) holfJ by them. ' disfavoo, e»pe«i.illy by rhos* who de.sire And furthei like n-tic.i rha< after , to '•w tilu! »u«ead of christ';»nity among such last nieniionud dam the- .sitid, tihe M>>4i*niiiM»daii nations o6 the east. executors will proceed to distribute thci .________^^___ I a»aels of Ihe said de<"e«s«d anmng' t\\<a\ parties riiitilled thereto, navintj reaard ( 1)1. II. Miller was defeiiiwil in South only lo the claims of wHiich they- ahalP ,, ,, , , ., then hi»»e notice, ami ibat th..- .saidlS^ey !>.y Mr. Ball by the small exe<ut<)rs will not be liaMa for ihu said j uiujioaity of iB. Wo woteUl not be ss»«ls or any ijart thereof lo any persnw i f u .i /• ii i or,,*rso„sofwhose Cairn notio^^hall ""f"*^ '' »"""' ^"e^ *"->'>'^' ^'^ FARM FOR SAI.E I, I No. l*i I»I7. ill the ser.inil ranf,--- *»»t, H'.ir mo an I .Myiieubam Koiul, Ailriiiisia. «-..'i- lining 24<« acreit of first ilans lunil ; K'""! laiiidinna, J>)«nty "' watei. near church anil »u I «.l ; tiirne iiilh'" from I'roUin Station : »! ,,.• •â- Â« good hardwissl bush, balanre cleared Hn i i<i giHsi stats of I'lUivatii.n. For par til- l.r.Spply to. W. J. JACKSON, J â- , .. rort Law not have been received by them time of such distribution. W. H. WitlOHT, Owen Soiind, <'>W.,. Solicitor for the said IBxecBlo's. Dated this Uch day of Sept. A.D.,l»ll! 'I' EXPCRICNCE Tradc M*nR» OcaiQNS COCYRiaHTS Ac. • »nnf»«ni11n« aiil«<l''li mid .iMrripOnn ni«r , inn l.nri hnl.lT liiiiOo'iO'l'' < "niiiiunli'iv *'i- â- .â- |?U \"ifn iTr.,,,;!, Mm,:. * ('o. rc«lTS ,..; ,, wtic, wiii-""^'''"i-"-""'"L ScKMine jfiniericaiu ?,: .: K •vss3.;'^.'S :ui r>IW| Biikde ak i'oitservalion str«iki;liold in ihit {(Hlhconiiiig rediatfibutioii by lM»niiii\^ over Aitemesi* for Mr. ISatl'-s taliiru benefit. \V«W, we make Ik v»ry good fool- Ballâ€" 4m vo in fact /ri.* M I * >* V 1 1"-'"" kicked over the line fence ItllS Ifiay inierCSl lOUl several Ume.s. It provi* our popiw We want a reliable man to sell oui well- liltily. known specialties in fruit trees, small j I fruits, .seed polaloes, t!ow«rri)g shrubs, i VVWn you want a relia'jle meilioine b.r a ! roses etc., in drey county during fall | c.nKh or .old take Cliau.lHtUin'sCon^li Kern- land winter inonlhs. <>utlif free, ex- i eJy. It ran always l>e ile|wiiile.l uis.u ami ia. elusive territory, pay weekly. pleasant ami sale to tak*. F-.r sale hy idia 600 Acres of Nursery Stock , '•*'•* . _ Clean well grown trees .and shrubs that i will s:iii«fy your customers. Karly and good delivery guaranteed. Kil.ablished over 35 years. Write tor whole or pait time terms. ' Sales Mananei, PELUAM NUlbSKRY CO., 15 Dec. !•! Toronto. Proud Position I : . 'Waalilntu''- ^- *^ Came Astray Came to the premises of the ivndor- siiiiied, lot II, con. II, Oiproy, on or about July 20 loll, ons young bull. The o«iier ih reipiestod to prove property, |)af expenses and take the same away. â€" WaRer I««.ic, FeversUain, Auguat 22, 101 1, I 'olIiiiMWDOit IluilnoHH t 'olle^ft now enjovf. the iliatlnt'tioM of boinu ono of the niontwtilely atlioideil, lie-^t equlpp- (mI aixl liimt iiianim.ul inilittitlouH of Its kliiilin NVuiiteru DntarJo. Tlie iniioll uu'iit thU y»ar was al|iio«t iloublt. that of any urovtons year, uiitl nearly evuvy ^laUuatu wa4 plai'isl. Fall Term Opens S€||>t. Isl. Hen:l for li.in.Uoim* new eatalonni'. Collingwood BUSINESS COLUEOE Ij Tells of Her Daughter's Re- covery. A m<»CJoer will always l>i' worried and uuKlisuas if one ot her it9(UKhters sitnuld be- affected: that tbom any cKuae thv mtural functions of ihe bixfy txaume ri^'larded or suppressx^ Any Inmgularlty, especlitUy In a. groining silt!. i» ai|p4 tu be the fureruniswr i>f a luBtF ebaliMi uf sickness, nott nnfrr- (jus'Uly toiBowed by pernlciuma' ao- lemlv DC cuauiumption. "Uy ilanxhter had just piMa^rd hrr slxSuenth yvar when, owing in. an «x- piMiun at aun inopportune tlirir.. an Im- potttoiB aeHton of the syatenn e««B«<~ Si> writte* Mrs. Thomas E. SL SCtehotas. of .SBaiurtMvter South. "SheULa was sub:i>att to. violent nose lliltvd â€" was hystaBlitat and borne down itr fits of meatUit dv^resslon. She grmr tiutlvss ami:: dt^bEHitated. and her (rogress at sckintl: was prevented by ftroQB^nt jiiuil: aUrnirfnls which kept har at home. AlMur usiiL g hVr roxone sl» t»r seven weeks, -some signs of Inproveinent came, b'jt not suffi- cient t.» show that -<l»e woisld grow na- tural e^uln. It yvns fully Aree months after she had been using Ferroxone be* dikre my worry was i>v,»r. After that Iker system became iiaAiral and regu- tor. I cheerfully rettwinmend Kerro- «me for all troubien Incident to glrl- bood and womanhou.l." Kerroaone Is a w.Ksnunly tonic that supplies to the blouid and nerves the qualities that are backing when he.iUh Is poor. No mediCN'ne la ho nourishing â€"so full of life an.* vlgor-mnklng prop- erties. Try one iw two Kerrozone Tab- lets with your meals â€" watch the re- sult Klfty cents a box, six for $2.50, «U dealers, or The Calarrhoaone Co., Eerrtzone Builds Up Weak Girls ^ J. and W. BOYD merchants ^ Resberton « Ontario i I Fall % Millinery Openings ^ Wednesday, i£ Thursday,] * Friday & J^ Saturday I Sept 27, 28, 29, 30 ^ I3res:? Ooocls (^ III all tl.e new season's stylesâ€" TweeJs, Wi Serges, isa'iti Cloths, etc. Man tic sj Ladies, HisieS and Children's. .See the Convertable ColUrâ€" everything up-to-date. HOOTS A- SHOES McPhersons, Ames Holden &.£ ..,; 3 j McCready's, McLaren and Getty * Scott, ^ t| »>.!;.= Sl.iter. We handle the ^ c .= > -p '5 i goods of all the leading shoe e Dominion. .stock. T>^=S,5^ houses in the ii â- '""»_ » See the ^•^^•gJi-i HIGHEST PRICK PRjDrCE FOll O 3S J T. E. Hawkins. Principal 'd CURED IN » HOIIIN Kingston, CanaiWi. CORNS Yon can painlessly removi' any corn, cither hard. soft, or bleedlnw. by applying rutnams Corn Kxtractor. It never burns, leaves no scar, contains no jciils; is harmless, because composed only of healliiK gums ami balms. Fifty years In use. (^ure suaranteod. Hold hy all druKslsts. 25c bottles. Refuse S'lb.illllltes. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR Nervous Debility OVR NBW METHOD TREIATMENT wiU cure }-ou and maka- a maa of you. I'Qder ItaiaaueD.'t; the brain beounies».'tive. tl»t> blo<«l purified so that sU pliuples, bl,>tc-lirsand uleers he.il up: the nerves ttecume atroa^ as steel, so that uervousnew, ^ ishfulueis anil desponileucy Uiaapj«ar; the «y â- Â» becoma briafht, th« face full a-rt ^oir. enersy r-ilurm lo the boily. and the moral, physical and mental ayatpmaare mrlToratei; all drsios eeaaeâ€" no more vit-al ivastw from tb« system. You fwl yoMi-selt a mm an t know marria^s cannot t)o a faJora DoaX leb uuacka and fakirs rotiyou ot your bard earned dollars. ^ NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS reter E. Summers relates his expieriems!: "I was troulilad wah Nervous Debility form;iny yoariL I lay It to tndlscretioa sad eii-esaas In youth. I became very Respondent and divln'C care whether 1 wrorke.l or n,'t. I imagined everylsxly who looked at me giMSsod my se<r<'t . Inu^;iuative dreanis at Dl(ht weakoii,,! JniBâ€" inv back ached, kad pains la th" ' t)aclc of my head, hands and feet wer« cold, tireii in the morning, poor appetiti-. Bn^ers were shaky, eyes blurred, hup loose, memnry piH>r, etc. Numbness in the tinkers sot in and iho doctor told bm he fi-ared paralysis, I took all kinds o? inedicinos and tried many first -i-lafi . physicians, wore an •lectrii- twit for three , m,>nths, but received little benefit. I J stroai mEATMCNT wm ."duced to consult Drs. Kennedy A .„„ ... . . . ,.^ ^ Kenn.nly, thou^tt I had lost all faitl'i in »"" Tat«T««t«T doi-tom. I.iko a drowning man I eomnieueed the Nkw Mf.;"oa TamTsiKvr and It savist my life. The Improvetnent was like mazlo-l conld teol the vi jor »>ini; thiv>uKh ' i"!!^!^ I was curft mentally and physically. X have seat them many paUeiiU auu rnanntto to uo so, CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY r.Skl^ST^^.'L'^n^^ BOOKS FREE, tf unaU. to call writ, for a Qu«tIos DrsKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michiijan Ave. and Griswold St., Dttroit. Mich. All letters from Canaila must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Dcpart- â€" .. jnent iu Windsor, Ont. If you desire to .see us personally call at our Medical Institute iu Detroit as we see and treat BO patianta m our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Addrese all letters as follows • DR*;. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont ^'rll« for our private address. B^^NOTICE ' i c^

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