Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Oct 1911, p. 5

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NuVEMBKR 5 1911 FLESHEKTOy ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK E-.Wi^l873 OF CANADA 80B««k. TRANSMITTING MONEY For sums up to $50 our Bank Money Orden are convenient and inexpensive. For larger amounts we issue Drafts or Bills of Exchange. Money sent at once to any baniting point m the world by Telegraphic or Cable Transfer. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. 86 TLESHERTOfr BRANCH George Mitchell, Manager mSULKCUtS ALJO AT DVR.HAM AND HARR.IJTOX Train follows C. p. R. Time Table. ^ letive Flesherton Station as Going South Going North 7.43 a. m. 11.28 a.m. 4.."J3 p.m. 8.53p. m. The tunil.s are closed at Flesheiton a.^ follows ; J'or the north at 10.40 a.m. and Jlr. EJvfard Whitien and fiiinily re- moved this week to their new home at Long Branch, near Toronto, where Mr. Whiiten hiu* erectod during the past summei' a handsome new residence on a lot recently purchased. Mr. F. G. Cole showed some peaches at the fall fair here that would do credit Sip.ni. ; and the afternoou mail south at J ^" '•h* Niagara district. The tree is in his 4;45 o'clocK. For morning train south [ garden in town'and is a seedhD-?. The fruit wail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g. i i, first class in' size and .luality, with an â-  appearance like a Cr.iwford. ' The Epwor-.h Lea^aa convention and Methodist district meeting to be held here to Jay and tomorniw are expected to bring a Li'gi number of visitors to Mr. Fri'd Hicklini; was in Toioat" this I town, probably near the 10*J mark, as VICINITY CHIPS -%.' y for week on business. The last steamboat express season went south on Sunday. The Dundalk Herald has installed a Potter power press and fo'.der. I Home 75 have already siguiSed their in- the Mention cf attending. The people of Flesherton will give them a hearty wel- come, and feel ijuite secure in tendtring to ihem the freedom 'of the town. The lecture Thursday evening by Dr. Daniels Miss Gertie Bellamy of O. S. l^"*i«ie»8 | „„ .. 7,,^ gwing of the Century - is ei- tollege was home for fair days. j p^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ audience. Rev. an J Mrs. Wm. Gaudin of Win-' ^y^j^^^ 3^,,^,^^ ^.^^^ tri-umed whiskers dermere. called on friends here last week. | j„ Flesherton some years a;{0, and who Mr. E. Vai.Zant of Toronto was up en ' Liter had one leg amputated, is still pur- business last week and gave The Ad- sued by evil genii. Tne Bruce Times vanee a Cill. s.iy^; : Having had one of his lei^s am- Rev. K G. BflUiiiy <.f Mine-jing will putaled above the knee ai.d being thus occupy the pulpits on the Baii'iit field ^ obliged t.) hobble about on one foot, here next Sabbalh. | Farmers' Club rally Thursday ninh*, 5th inst. All members are requested to be present. C. W. Bellamy, Secretary. Miss Florence Bcome of Wareham spent a few days the past wei-k with Miss Agnes Henderson. Walter Booth, the hub barber, would 1 soem to have liad sutticieut troubles of his own without f ite interfering on bis beblaf. But the old scriptural injuac- I tion, to those that hath shall be given, was furnished with an illustrious e.xaitipie on Friday night as Mr. Booth's troubles ! began to multiply like tleas in June. Mrs. Thompson, accompanied by her ; wi â- ^ . â-  c u .1 ^ I .*»<.. ^ f • f J ivvhile ret'irmng from Hanover thit r* . is visiting her mother, Mrs J. ^^ h'", ' „i,h Hector McDonald, their horse look for a few weeks. I fright at a pausing auto, aod plunged . â-  Mr. Robert Bellamy, who has been in ' [pio the ditch near Mr. W. J. McNallys Aho Standard bank here for the past 1 fj„„, j,, ,|j9 ,„jx.up which followed ' year, has been removed to Ailsa Crai^, , fi,e bugijy turned turtle and buried Mr. and left on Wedseaday for his new ' B^^th under the debris, from which he I position. was released and driven into Walketton ' Rev. Mr. Young of Martdale, preach- by Mr. Robert Goode, who happened ed two strong Thanksgiving anniversary { aU>ng about that time, thi examination J seruluus in the Methodist church on , here it was fmnd that his right arm was Sunday, Rev. H. K. Wellwood taking' broken above the elbow, while two , Jlis work at Markdale. fingers were alw discovered to be brokeo We give this week the correct result of "•» ">« ^ef* •>*•>'*• the recent pollins! '" E*3C Grey. None â-  IVrsous troubled with partial paralvsia are •xjfthepapers that professed to give the 1 "f'^" ^'"â- >' â- Â»Â»>â- â- '' benetitetl by ma.s,^iaK ^ , . 1 I J .u „, _ .. .„ vv the alfeoted partK thoroughly wh<?ti applving , hgures last week had them correct, "ei,^, ,,..,. *'.,.. '' • » ' L If â-  1 1 • ) Chamberlain 3 Liniment. 1I113 liiiiiiieiit alsu waited for the othcial thins. j relieve* rheumatic pains. For sale by .Ml ~, Several gentlemen around town are ! Dealers. wearing new hats as a result of the defeat of the Launer government. Over con- Honro Rolls fident supporters of that s?entlemen put' > ^p tiig prn;e. I Report of Flesheiton Public School, Mr. Marcellus of the high school »Uff }'"<"»» ^< f^'^' September. ' is now J. E. Marcellus, B.A. He re-; .Jr. oâ€" Amanda Stewail, Aletl a ' <!eived word last week that he had pa.ssed Bkkeley. Almeda LeGard, Mary Colgau, his recent examination, which entitles him to use the first two letters of the alphabet as a handle to his name. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Beatlie an- nounce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Etta Myrtle, to Mr. Grover hhamar Willis of Vancouver, B.C. Tlie wedding is to take place early this month at their home, " Iimlehame. " The Rev. Johu Gray, D.D., the Gnaa< «ial agent of Knox college, Toronto, was here on Sabbath and preached in each of the Presbyterian churchesâ€" Flesherton, Eugenia and Proton â€" and presented the .claims of the new college buildio)? fund. The day was far from favorable and the attendance small, but all present seemid ' deeply interested in the enterprise aid ) doubtless will respond when Dr. Gray calls upon them during the week for aid to the new college. Mr. Wm. Stewait of Swinton Park has a gander that has been doing his full duty to posterity this pa.st summer, and ought to bo entitled to another year of grace. Last spring the gander's mate died on her nost while endeavoring to bring into existence a family of goslings. About the same time a hen brouxht out a hatching of thirteen du(jks, and the gander at once adopti^d these and has â- ^b.ought every one of them through the dangers of infancy to adult duckhmvd. Mr. Harry LeGard had a valuable heifer calf stolen from a field across the road from his house on Thursday night last. The calf was about six mouths old, red, white star in forehead, soaio white on body and white tip on tail, splash of white on one front leg. Mr. LeGard can ili afford the loss and it it hoped that the thief will repent his action and place the tMiimal back whore he found it Sr. 3 â€" Mabel Fenwick. Clara Lever, Alice McLeod, Aleda Mitchell. 4â€" Elda Kars'edt, Harbie LeGard, e<iual, Florence Bunt, Nettie Trueman. Report of the Intermediate room for September. Sr 2â€" Olive McMullen,Mabel Richard, son, equal, R. N. Cornfield, R*>y Patton, Ada Thompson and Mabel Field, e<)ual. Jr 2 -Clarence Fisher. Violet Watson, Jean Reid and Kendal Boyd, e<iual. Sr 1â€" Cecd Wurts, Harry LeGard and Ethel Field, e<iual, Hilda Uoldhiwk. Report of Piimary room tor Sept. Class 1 jr- Vera Lever, Gladys Lever, e>iual. May Carringtca, Lillian Buskio. |-K[M.\RY Claaa A â€" Edna Ferris, Mamie Mc- Tavish, Cecil McTavish. Class Bâ€" Jamie Wright, Lillian Me- Mullen, Norval Stuart and Harold Bellamy. Class C â€" Errol Trueman, Louie Cargo, Reggie Boyd. Reprt of S. S. No. 3 for Ssptemlnsr. 4 si â€"Mabel Irwin, Robert Sharp, Zella Bentham, 4 jr â€" Eluie Ca.swell, Huaih Moore. 3â€" Willie Irwia, Clarence (>rr, Wirdie Harrison, Ruby Caswell. 2 srâ€" Rhoda Best, Susie Clwrd, 'Willie Orr. 2 jr-- Mildred Sharp, .\lbort Moore. Pt 2â€" Freddie Irwin, Mildred Caswell. Sr I â€" Mildred Moore. Class B Gordon Irwin, .\lcx Hogarth, Lla Breeen Class A â€" Mar^are'. Moore. Adell btfore his consciencj punishes him tool Been, Georgs Aiikins. sovctely. 1 M. Wiuso.n, Ttaoher, Samuel Crombie of Crombie s Crossing niitwithahad Inss. A 2' 'id team jf horses got out of the field to the railway track. One of the animals was killed and the other badly injured. An Owen Sound young nian nametl Mullen pleaded guilty to theft and will be deported to England after serving two munthi in jail. "Refuse notice." Every editor has received them, says an exchange. The postmaster sends them to the editor For instance there is a man by the n ime of, we'll say, John Jones, who re- fased to take his paper out of the p i.st- othce. He did not want it any longer. We wi;ndered what was the matter. Upon investigation of our subscription book we found John was short $5.70. He has stopped his paper as a matter of economy to us. A few evenings ago we stepped into a church and John's melodious voice rang out loud and clear in the soul stirring •^ong, "Jems Paid it." We might have been mistaken, but bis earne3tne.«s impres.sed us. The next day we sent him a receipt in full, begg- ing his [xirdon for not knowing he had made an assignment of his liabilities to the Lord. V y j^ y y y y y y y y y HILL BROS., MARKDALE Special Display of New Styles in Fall and Winter Trimmed Millinery We cordially invite the ladies of Markdale and surroutidiug country to visit oar ililhnery Department where we have on display for your approval and iaspection oue of the fiaest collections of new styles ia Fall Millinery that it has ever beea oar pleasure to offer. The styles this seasoii are particnlarly at- tractive and pretty and cover a very large variety of styles, which makes oar showiug of particular inter- est to ladies. ^ ^ Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Special Sale o! High Class Ladies' Shoes, Button and Lace ALL NEW FALL STVLF.S, AMERICAN LASTS. We have been very fortunate in being able to make tlii.< special o3er. The R«;Und.i Shoe, C inadian Headijuarters for High-cla-ss American .Styles in Shoes, sold us the balance of the stock at a price whicii makes it pjssible for us t.i sell yuu ^.30 Fine Shoe. But:, r. . r La^e Styles. fi,r _ . ._. -^^^^ .*'â- '• A^. Leicester Ram Lambs for Sale â€" choice, well brt-d. Fred Stu.-irt. Kimberlev. A ijuantiiy of young pig", live weeks Old. hve dollars per pair, at H. Stime's. Ram lambs for saleâ€" puiv iu'eu < ixford â€" Arthur .lohnatoii, Vandelour. Repeating rirte for sale, hiah power, in good eondition. .\pply to John 'Vriiiht, Flesherton. Hordes for Sale â€" I >ne horse S years old, 1 mare t) years old with foal by her side, 1 colt rising '.'. .lohn McPhail, agent, Priceville. Village Property for Sileâ€" The under- signed ort'ers for sale eight acres in one block in the village of Flesherton. with cumfort*b!e dwelling, bani and stablin:;, well and spring and small orchard there- on. Andrew Carr. Fle.sherlon. Farm for .Sale or Rent â€" Lot o, ci^n.lo, and lot 4. con. 14, Osprey, better known as the George Myers farm â€" ilOv) acres â€" 05 under cultivation, .^ood buildings, well watered. Apply to W. A. Armstrong. Hesh'eiton. ISep tf LOST A.ND FeiND Strayed about Sept. 20th, »> sheep â€" 4 ewes and 2 r.nn lanib«. Two of the ewes were black faced aiid - Leicestei ewes and two ram lambs. T. F. is marked oil 1 black faced ewe and J. F. on '.'> others. Any person knowing any- thing of their whereabouts pleas« com- municate with Jos. Fenwick, Flesherton. y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Special Sale o! Men's High Class iClothing Sample Suits SIZES 35,36, 37, and 3S0NLY 75 only Men's Sample Suits, in Fine Tweeds. Blue and Black Serges. Cheviots. Single and Double Breasted Styles, all well made and excellently trimmed. This tine lit .f Cl.jthing represents Suits at tT.50. $8.50. f.t •>*) ill). 50 and 111 50 regular v ilue. this week on sale a: one price, your choice for 95.75. If these sizes repre-^eii: yours you cannot arf'.rd to iu:s« this clur.c-. This Week we are Showing Big Stock of New Fall and Winter Underwear Made by such MaDutac!;urers :is Pen.naiis Peiian-le Brand. Srauiieid s Cnshrmkable Brand and Simpson's Underwear, and our prices ».'<; less than you usually piV. For instance . Penman 3 Heavy Fleece Lined L'liderwear. Penniii'le Brand! in plain and fancy stripe styles, the same .is y<>u Usually pav 50 and 75c. f.jr. special at this stc^re. per .'arment riil â- - ' ' 'â- * Mens Fine Wool L'n.shrink able L'liderwear at 75c p^-r garmentâ€" a price -.v-.ich i> more than special. This line conies in ail si.!e.s. a nicer garment yoc never handled and the i.iice reprcseuCs e-ttraordiiiary value. Per gann- ,>n: •-• 75c Ladies'. Giris'. and Mens, seliina; from I'i.Vc per garmeu: to $1 50. V ijit tki.< store for your Cnderiei.-, Ir will pw yu. -^ Many other lines ir. Boy; Hill Bros. MISCELLANEOUS Contractir wanted t" tike out lania- rac, cedur, spruce and balsam this win- ter, .^pply to D. Roberts. Lady Bank. For Sale or Rentâ€" The Portlaw store. For particulars apply fo Mrs. Geo. Thompson, Chatsworth. 1 Nov. Heifer straysd â€" .\bout .\ua[. 15, one spotted 2year-old heifer. Finder please communicate with Andrew McAulay, Flenhertiin. STRAY ED Stniyed from the premises of the un- dersis{ned. lot 21, con. 10, ( Nprey, two ewes and one ewe lamb with loni{ tail. Ewes with pig rin^s in eais. Finder will be rewarded. GKO. THOMSON, Feversham. FARM FOR SALE Lot 5. con. 11. Osprev. cootaiolDa 100 acret: fraiutt dwtflliog. good bain, 4tabliug und«r ; f{0«d orchard, usvar fajliag sprint; creek croiis- Iqr farm. beveoty-tiTe acrei cloarvd and in good stats of cultiTBtioa. Twenty aoras h ard- wood I)u8b. Will ba Mid cheap. .\D|<ly to ISov n. .V. ROBERTS. Lady Bank. Unt. FARMS FOR SALE Two fifty acre farms for sale, rery cheap; compri.iinff Iot» :fi^ and Xi^, con. 1. .Vrteiueeia. Small CAih payiueut, balance eaay teruiti, will be sold toeetber or in separate parte. So acres cleared. H acres hardwood bush and balance pasture land. Oood buildinss on lot :t^. (jooil Swell near house and barn and also never failiuu spring, welt fenced and in good state of cultivatioo. Kor terms, etc.. nvp'.i to MBS. W. B.iDGKKOW. Duoda:k. " loot. Balls For Sale Three ynuiig Herefonl biill< foi salf. m'.l- able for sfrviw. You will hate to huny if vou want one of those tine vouiifr aniaialf. 14Mari2 â€" T. A J. WATSON. ELJJOTT •roRON'l'O, ONT. is rccogni/.ed as "(.'auadk's hiijh I'Uss I oiu- inarctal School, " The iustriictioii is absolutely first-class. Wnte to-iay for our cataioi;ue. Kuter now. Our Equipment OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO For thirty years we have prided our- selves on our complete e<|uipiuent Every modern device and oonvenience that enterprise could su|/ges'* and capital obtain, is in our buildinij;. The small .school with small c.ifiital and meagre eiiuipment cannot sjive you the same trainini,' tliat you can get at ths Northern. C. •â- <. FlemMiR. F.C.A., 0. D Fleming, Principal. Secretary. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 4th WANTED A live representative for Fioaheitoti and surrounding distric: to sell high cla-sa sti>ck for The Fontliill Nurserie.s More fruit trees will lie planted in Fall of I'.IU and sprinsj of 1012 than ever Lh;- fore in the history of 1 totario. The orchard of the future wiil be the best payiniz part of the farm. We teach our men salesmanship. Tree culture and how bi'.; profits in truit- growing cap be made. Pay weekly, permanent etnployment. exclusive territory. Wrre for particulars Stone & Wellington TORONTO Farm For Sale or Rent Farm for Sr.lr or Rent om>;aininir 'VM acres. Iota Waud 11 con. 3.Eupbrai«ta. 5() acre* Valuable tini be'', good oiebard. watered wi;i sprinirs,: two frame hoiLtrs. Darn .~)05(.>» sraWes imdeineath: near ."ch'.wl, t.'hiiroh..Post-OtScf. .\pplv to VVm. H. Bath. ReUwinif P. 0. On! A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Markdale. a A ^^^^^^^ Siip'* 9^ fis.y g Clearing out balance of -s Summer Shoes at S REDUCED . - PRICES. § <k . S These are a few of the Bargainsâ€" Try a Pair. X Women's Patent Pump. reg. %-2.-2o iov '-j^Lrr) ^ Women's Don OxtbnU, regular ii<-J. H> for .>?1.60 GirU" Tan v.t Patent Pump .regulai- 1.4o for $1.00 CI ilds strap ami Pump, regular S\..'27> for 75c. Custom Work auid Repairing. CLAYTON^ I F. H. W. HICKUNG Merchant, Resherton, Ont, The New Store With the New Goods Everything Reasonably Priced Dress Goods Suggestions Just now we are :showin^ a Pretty Collection ot Ladies' Suitings in Popular Shatles aiul Weaves in Fashionable Tweeds for Fall wearâ€" no two Dress Lengths alike New coloringsâ€" Greys. Browns, Greens, all pretty combination*. Prfces. oOc, 7oe.. $1.00. $1.25 and $1.:>0 per yard. A Special in All Wool Venetian 52 Inches Wide A Special purchase enables us to offer you a good range of 52 inch all Wool Venetian in Ladies' Cloth at the low price of 63o oer yard. The ijuantity is limited but the colors include. Grey, Reseda, Tan. Myrtle and Old Kose, This cloth is excellent valup at 75c per yard, considering its extreme width and weight. OUR SPECIAL PRICE 63c Will cut any length so that this is of special interest to mothers porchasiug for the needs of growing girU. Everything Seasonable in Stock r Boots. Rubbers, Kaincoats, Ladies' Fall Coat.s, Men's and Bovs' Overcoats, Underwear for Men, Women, Boys and Girls, Gloves and Mitts, Fur Coats, Fur Lined Coats, Fur Setts, tall Caps, fi'lt Hats. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE.

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