Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Nov 1911, p. 1

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/lesl)ett0n %hmnct. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" •• PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' Flesherton, Ont., Tliursday, ISTovetriber 1q lOl I W. H THURSTON EDITOR nurt PUOPBIETOK penings I friend:} at held » very school house which was in Shute of Hir. A very ndered. The 0. Mis. John e hope soon â-  f Flesherton s here this Samuel Gil- Sunday with jeeh laid up J has been •jv)d for some iry succBsful Mr. D. Mc- r and prices uichased the Will. Foster, i Mis. Geo. . the sick bed Speers, who le VI est back sd her father, \\ e undsr- au is in very icevillo spcDt II this vicinity iw rabbits, er moved to de on Thurs- jears stay iu Mrs. Foster to be kind lis, and ilieir lioud is to be lector, was on ; week. aio.st of foor manly bachelors, but they are bravely nailing up tht» .iiottu, •' Nil desperaiiduin," and scraping together all I available tihhy lucre, and we may expect to see an early stampede for New York and a triumphant return with the angelic daushlers of this wini^les.s wonder. '• It is a pleasure M tell you that Cham- berlain's CouKh Remedy is the Iwnt congh medieiiie I have ever u«e<l, " writes Mrs. Hxigh.CiUnpbell of F^ivoiiia, (!;i. " I have used it with all my chiUren and the results ha\ e beeu highly satisfactory." For sale by all dealers. s taken uuto •rson ef Miss The youiw lost respected many friends wedded life of ndge at its last batch of new nt the home of oy. a very sue- d iniplements. lid will eiii!ai;e Mrs. W. G. visitiiis; friends tU'Idium eele- s.iiy of their supper. The res and spent usic and social ist issue of The of a perfect rk, has created well as aston- here, and i? a vho have been ig could uoine irse (here are H their heads H too tishy.and er said to htr ," she is not a lis world. In lousy will be furore of in- ed by the low- better h.ilfs. ipareut discov- elwi';;n enable will bo hailed by many pmu- ; it will lead to 111 tho pirt of late and live up inod by tluir • the mars and bachelors arc coiis'iatulatinK s so far esciped t, I hut Uiere is e ojlt edijB ar- •e inferred ap- cinbarrasin ' lo Riverdale The melancholy djys are coiue, The saddest of the year ; Of wailing winds and naked woods And mes.dows bn w i and sere. Mr. and Mrs. lloliort Eiskine of Beaverdale were visitors in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. G. Leopard' of Pro- on were the iJUests of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Irwin, for a few diys. <Jur accomplished instrumentalist:, and etticient school teacher, Miss Eitii Elizs- beth Briscoe, visi'ed Miss Susie Hodg- Uinson of Blantyre, on the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. ('lugston of Kocklyii were visitors in our burg on the first of the week. X number of our local sportsmen were out huntirg on Thanksgiving day, but as u-^nal bagging nothing except the knees of their trousers. Miss E. K. Briscoe a feuded the jolly good time at Goriiw on Monday evening. Mr. D. Mcintosh and U. .Johnston i have recently had windmills for water pumping erectetl. Mr. and Mrs. and .Mi.NS Martha He'i- niugiiftlie west back line were visitors in our burt' receiitly. -V number fr^iui here attended the ideal i>yster supper at Beaverdale as previously. There was some ola.ss lo tho lu.scious got.ds and spicy up-to-date prograiii. Our famous fur trap|j«^r and raw fur specialist, Mr. Kirby, is succe.ssfuUy applying hl.s profession on the pole cat tribe, inferring from the .staggering odiir. The rec-iit copious showers of rain have iiiimen.sely facilitated agricultural operations. Mr. Fra-^ov DuiiLp, MB. of Rooklyii, accompanied by Miss Kslher Briscoe, wer« the giiHsts of Miss .A. (iillespie of Berkeley, on the !ir»t of the week. Such is life. Mr. .John Uolson and friend, of Toronto, were the guests of Miss .\.i.iiie Boales for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Tiossa Lee spent Thanksgiviim with the latter's friends in i )wen Sound. \V<) understand that our imblie school teacher, Miss Briscoe, ha<> decided to reliiii|uish professional duties in our academy at ihe expiration uf the present year The ereclimi of the capacious sawmill ill this vicinity by Messrs. Baird «.t Co. is being expeditiously accomplished. Mes.Hrs. James lUird and J. Gould of the Riverdale Kiigineetinu Co., were charming Cillers at tho home of Win. Boyd on Friday eveuiog. Call again I gentlemen. Miss E. Briscoe and .Miss L. Eugenia Paragraphs The weather this week has been very wet with very high winds on Saturday and Sunday, ending in a snow storm. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bradbury of Tliorn- bury visited friends in this vicinity the pist week. Messrs. Fred Dacketr and Russel Park have returned home from the West. Mrs. Frank Weber is very poorly with heart trouble. We are p'essed to see Mi.ss Maud Duckelt able to be around again. Miss .Adams of Flesherton is visiting at Mr. Munshiw's. Mrs. L La'imer and Mrs. Jake SV'il- liains and daughter, Nea, ate vusiting in the city this week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Osborne of .Max- well were the guests of Mrs. Jaeob Williaios the past week. Mr. Fred Pedlar's -on, .\rthur, is threatened with infantile paralysis. Miss Louie Hyslop visited over Sun- day wall Miss .\lice W illiams. Mr. Kail .•Vtehesou of Kock Mills vis- ited friends at Eugenia >tu .Sunday. Orange Valley (Special to The Advance.) I >raiige Valley L O. L. •")Oil held their annual box social on Fiid><y, Nov. :ird iu their lt>dge room. The program was â-  ipened by the chairntan, Hon. I. B. Lucas, M. P.P., giving a short address and in bis usual happy maimer entHitain- ed ivith his witty .sayiiisjs as the program proceeded. Then foUowed a phonograph selection from, Mr. Yorke's machine and kindly loaned for the occasion. .\ step dance by Master Cecil Teeter which received a hearty encore to whicli he responded; a violin solo by \{r. \\ . Cargo ; a iminbev from the Junior ijuartette rl Flesherton, Elsie and Elmer \^risiht, Muriel and Murray Legale lirought an ei.core to which they respoiideo : a reci'ation by Harold Vorke. "When Father rode the Goat," a waltz by Master Cecil and Miss .\nnie Tteter ; t liese liitle 4people are exce|itiou- ally clever on their feet ; a selection called the Orange Valley Min-itrel Show coinposeU of Messrs. York, Wrivht and Carao with their violins, tambnurine and (Irgui, al.so brought down the house as usual ,- a recilatioii by Mr. Harry Irvin;; was well received ; also a solo by Mrs. K. U. Wright of Flesherton ; a duet by Miss Brady and Mr. Gregory of Van- deleur, w.is h<A'iily encored and they happily responded ; phon. graph num- bers were interspersed llirounliou' the piograni. Following the prograui Mr. W. .1 . Teeter, auctioneer, took charm' an.! auclioneil oil the boxes, alter which the iuniielico disposed of the contents c f the boxes and a very pleasant eioiitiig was .concluded ly .singing 'In National Anrheni. iVlrs. •) . Ijeatty was the Boyd visited Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Walker, south Kiverdale, recently. Miss L iu. Wiley of Meaford High school, spent Thanksgiving at her parent- al home in this vicinity. We were ple.used to ohserve, while reading tho bright, breezy correspond- ent items fioin neighboring vicinities last week, that our genial and optimistic Stone Settlement correspondent is with us again. Some class to that real goods from I'riceville Cor. Hi Co. last week. Wonder if our promisin'.^ littlo mollycoddle evecuted it themselves or did they push the hired man to do it for I hem. organist. §02. 2o. The proceeds aiiiouiiteil Ceylon Last Week's Items Mr. Ben Sinirh met with an accident while woi king for 5Ir. H. Piper. He was returning from work riding one of the horses and Icadii.g a colt. The colt pulledliiiuotfthehor.se which stepped on his hand and oi>ened up a larsje giusli between the iliuiiib luni tiiiiier. The doctor had to put ill seven stitches, but his hand is doing well We are very Sony t» relate the acci- dent which happened Ui Wm. Sargent iu Hamilton. He got his head crushed betwottu two cirs, susi.iining a comiiound fracture of the skull, which had ro be trepanned He is now doing ;is well as can be expected. .Miss Blanch McConnel spent a week with her mother recently. Our teacher, Miss Coleman, spent her Thanksgiving with her parents in ()«eii .Sound. Jlrs. Mateman of Markdale, .Mrs. Kd. Thoinp.soii and Mias B. Wood of Flesherton s|jeiil Sunday at Mr. .). L. Wo. d. . This Week's Items Winter seems to have set in iu earnest. Miss N. A. Colliiisoii has retnrued home after visiting friends iu Toronto for a few days, Mr. James PattisoD. who has been under the weatlier for some time, is around agaiu. Mrs. John Gilchrist, too was 'luite poorly for a few days but is now im ptoving. Mr. J. F. Colliiisoti lias retnrueJ home after a three mouths' trip through the West. Wm. Sargcaut is, we aie informed, steadily improving. T. A. aud .â- \udrewi4iilc'"ist attend- ed the fnueial of their ajBcle, Mr Jolui Weir of Siugliamptoii on .Monday. They went down pu Sunday and re- turned alter the iutertueiit. Mr, N . r>oyd of 'I'oronto has spent a week visiting with his friends, •!. W. Ciibsou'aud others, iu this viciuitv. " ^ ^ Three colts one of them ^a'd to be worth ?".'()0. beloiigi.ig to Hidjert Bredin, Beetoii, got our of the field and into ilie station yard there on Friday night last and were killed by a freight tram passim.' through. .\ bunch of sheep were also killed a short distance ftom there ilie same night.- Creemore ."star. hospital ill the ariihulance where he sank lapidly, death coining about o'clock, he never regaining cunsciousiiets. \ Coroner Dr. Porter was a'so on the ; " There â- â- ould 'oe no l)ei.tcr itcuiiine than Cliaiiiberluinii s C"U({h Remedy. M.v chl- dreii Were all sick with wh<M)|iing einigh. One uf them was in lied, with a hi(;h fever, and was O'M^'liing up l)lo<id. < »ur doctor gave scene and when the details of the ac- ibeai Chainljerlain's Cou(rh Remedy ami the cident were investigated, he decided first dose ea-sed them, and three tmttles that'au iuiiuest was not nece.s.sarv. | cmed them, " says .Mrs. R. A. I».inalds,.ii of mpiest was not nece.s.sary. Murtymor Daniel Egan was one of the brightest little chaps in this town and' the news of his death cast a gloom over the entire populace. Especially do the ] young ones regret his .sudden departure ' from ainoiigs' them, which was evid- enced by the large number of boys and girls of his own ai!e wh<' visited his late 1 home on Tue^d^y to pay their last re- spects to their departed comrade. Of all this host of friends there is not one wIm is takinsj It harder than Harvey i .)as,)er who so unwittingly caused the death of his little friend. "Mutt " as he i was called was but thirteen years of age. 1 .Mr. and Mrs. Egan and family have i the sincere sympathy of ^ larye number | of friends i-i their bereavement. . The body was taken to Hamilton I on Wednesday where the funeral was hel.l. â€" Wslkertoii Telescope. The decea.sed when a little chap was well known in Fleshertou, as he fn- i|ueiuly lisitc'd his aunt Mrs. John; Kuiistedtler. The .\dvaiice lenders its sympathy lo the bereaved relatives. â€" E.l. .\dvaNce. ( Le.xington, Mies. I'or sale hy all dealer*. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. Christmas Tailoring J iist received a bunch of uobby new coatings, an immense choice of newest reasouafcic prices. Leave your order for suitings and over- patterns aud at very Clniatmas Suit now. We aim to please and we hit the bull.seye every Call and look over out samples, anyway. time- S. J. BOWLER, THE UP-TO-DATE TAILOR Udii't wa.ste .your money buyhig strength- eithig plasters Chamlajrlain's hiiiiinent is cheaix-r and Ix'tter. Dampen a liiece of Han- nel with it and bind it over the atfecfed |iarts and it will relieve ihc pain and soreness. Fat s.de by all dealers. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEORATH OflicoaiMl Residence- 4<hS, !Hh St. Fiast, Owen Sound, Ont. Hoursâ€" 9 to ISft.in , l.XO to i.'M p.ni Taylorâ€" McQuay .\t the Presbyterian manse, Uuiulalk. by the Rev. J. A. Buchanan, on Wed- nesday, Nov 1, at 4 p.m., Manila J., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Quarry of Maxwel', Wiis married to Fred T. Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor of Poit Law. The bride was at- tired in a blue itei go travelling suit and wiue ti l>lue hat with white plinies. She was attended by her sister, Miss Bea- trice Mcljuay, who also wore a blue sergj suit and blue hat with white plumes. The gn oin whs attended by Mr. O. K. Ucderby of Shelhnine. The young couple will liv<i at Port Law. Is your husliand cro.ss ? .\ii irritable, fan't iiiiding disposition is often due to a disor- dered stomach. .\ ni an with Kood ditcestiou i< nearly always goinl natuied. .A. great many liave been ]^ernlanelltl.^â-  cured of stom- ach trouble by taking ("hai.ibetlain' Tablets. Kor sale by all dealers. Mtiyor Elias Lemon h.as lautichcd a strett railway project for Owen Sound by which if tho phiii is carried into execution, tlie town will build, own and opera'e, six niile< of electiio lailw.iy, the initial co.st being 8100,00.. I3R. BURT â- specialist In dlstasis ul the Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat Office--30 lOlh st. Wtst, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2iid Thursd.iy each iiionlh from 8 to 12 a. lu, 7 lo » ii.in. Other hours by nppo'ntment I DuudUk, 1st Thursday of each uiouth Fatal Shooting Accident at Walkerton. .\ very (icp!or:ible .iccident took place on Thaiiksgivnig Day 'oy which a bri'jht jounglil'e was suibienly ushered into eteriiuv. This was the result of one of the many shooliiisi accidents which t'ol, place oil that day llirouohoul t'aiiad i. The viciiin ill this case was .Muryluo.'i Eynii ,igcd i;i yeiirs, sou of Mr. T. .1. Kgau, proprietor of the liiplor st'ore, who receiveil a bullet from a 1 itie which wis acdJenlally di.scharged while in !l;c hands if Harvey .lasper, son ot .M i - \V:ilier .lasper of C'arrick. The two lads had arranged to ^lo liunr- iiig on Thanksgivii.g Day as did scores of oilier Illinois from town, each boriowing a riHe from (larucs in town for that pur- pose. They proceeded to the home of young Jasper in Carrick fioiii whence they went to the woods and about three o'clock they treed a .si|uirrel. Voung Jasper had Hred a shot at it and had rcloiiued, jiut then young K;;ai: ran in front ot him and as he itid so the utlo in some manner was again discharged, the bullet striking Kgan on the head, pierc- ing the brain. Ihi seeing what he had diuie, being but a lad of 12 years he was at a loss to know what to do. Luckily there were oiliers ill the Woods at ihe tune and his cms attiacied Vic O'brecht who on .seeing what had happened sum- inoned Hoy Wesley who was also in the woods at the time. Ivoy took iu ilic silua'ioii at a glance and tiuding that Kitaii was still alife, took him in his arms and with the assistance of O'brecht earned him to the home of Mr. Phil p tiress, which was the nearest dwelling. .\s it was a cons derable distance the boys were so fatigued by the time they arrived there that they could scarcely stand. .\ boy was at once despatched to Mr. .la'pei'a where the news of the accident was phoned to Walkeitou. On the arrival of the doc'iu-s it was found that the wound would ino--t likely prove fatal. The wounded lad was removed lo tho I When you want to spend A $ OR TWO Go to the - Flesherton Grocery You will get the worth of Your Money 1 W. BUSRIN

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