KoveinHKU 16 1911 THE F I. E S H E R T N ADVANCE JUST ARRIVED AT CEYLON A Consignment . . OF . . Wagons AND Buggies Which will Ik- siM at prices th»t ciiii Nut lie Hdat consltloi iiig etyh' niul i|imlity, aldii a full lii.« <.f tillix^'. Haivosling iiiachiiiPH and Wind MillH, FetiCi^ Wire, Stalilc Outtiti, Hay K.il<», ll<>(>e» and c-irriers. Nnw is the the tiiiii- tn get ready. A call a .licitod. Sntisfactioii ginr.i III >â- (â- !]. GENERAL GROCERIES We hjivu ii full stiK'k of generjil groterios on hand. Sugars for preserving, icing.sanil tiil)le use. Canned goods of all kinds, tobaccos, teas and candies. FLOUR I FLOUR ! FLOUR ! Wi> |i»i:dle .'III iiiiiiit use i|iiant i(y of Hiiur Hiid kiep on luiid Ogilvie's IIi'y'Hl Hou^ellold, KkkLs mid Dundiilk Fli'tn.H in the Hevirnl grades, also hraii Hiid shurts. (.inldh^twk's trend hmidled. Choict'.st liimieiiinde Ice Cream and conlin;.; Siiiiinior l)iiiik.s i v. ready for aerving. W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton '1- 1 1 K- S. HEMPHILL For Eye Rest CEYLON Stock for Sale A few cltoico <»xlord Dowu liam Lambs for salir. r.red froiu Import- td Sires. Prices reasonable. Four j,'ooil cows fji sale, do to freshen December and January. lilCltAUI) AI.l-t'IN. l^t no i; N. K, T. * .H It Kl.'Hln-rloii I'.d. ) .Uiii' )1 /lcsl)erton ^^oance An iiide|ieiidfnt newHi>a|i«r, i)\ibli«lied every Tdursday at thf office, Ci>lliiif(\vood Street, Kli'idiertipii. .Siiljseriptioii price i<l iieranuuin, wlii^ii paid iiiadvHiice; .^L.'i.J wlan nut an paid. Advertixinp rates on rtpplicatioii. Circulatiun I.IW) weekly. It . Xliurrtttjri - Kclltor TRU TH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN hiltty >ia .i coiiiiiiittal of a people lo the building and aupport of a navy ahould he taken upuii the shoulders if any gov- ernment without drat aecuring a tiatfrom the pe>>[ile ii reproseiittt. There you are, Mr. .Star. Thai ia our ataod on ti.e navy. We do not pretend to the great wihdoin controlled hy the brainy writer on the Star â€" he ha« it allâ€" but if our ideas are ad'.pted it merely allows that The .Advance la a ){ood guevuer, which the Star waa not, of recent date, neither were hm ideas on reciprocity accepted by a hard-hearted people, which no doubt is reipi'iiHible for the deleiioration of his digestive and niuntal or);»iis. I ALL POLITICS During the p;ist two week.s several iinportant eveiilH have cccuned in tlie DOS FURNITURE SEASONABLE GOODS IN The lai-;;i'>t :iiid liest stock of Funiiliire ever shown in Flesherlon. This without fear of con- tradiction, (line and see some of nice thinj;s in Side Boards, Dining Koom Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Uooin Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton M l3 obtained our scientifically litteJ glasses. Tliev cMiable t!ij oves to Jo as ";"'•' "' J"^','"^'^- ""-- ""-' '"'P-rt-i "f which was the resignauon of Hon. A. d. much work and possibly more McKay, leader of the Ontario OppoM- tiiiil. Mr. McKay c'aiina tli;it this step was made iiii|;eiiitive owing to .itlacks made upon his character us a private cit- izen. No puhlic man today is entirely inmuuie from attacks on liis private character, and the man who cannot sil- ence or destioy ihi-i eiitmy must suc- cumb. Mr. McKay has made a haid anil costly ti^lit for his parly, and reaps no reward. He ia desc-rviiii! of sympathy ami »e are pltajed ti know tli.it his pally in his own riding still stand by him. without tiring tlian they ever diJ. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Eyes tested free. W. A. Armstrong:. This May Interest You We u.iiil a reli.ihlc man to sell our well- known i-iiecialties in fiuit trees, small fruits, .-.eed poijiloes, Moweiiiii; shru'-s. m u l- - > â- . i i m â- ,, » J â- t II "If- McKay s place is t.iken by Mr. rosea etc., in tiixy county during fall , l- . and winter months. Uutrit free, ex- ' ^- *^ • '^""â- «"' '>•• *-'•• of 'I'on.iuo, « ho elusive t'iriiofy, pay weekly. has i.ssued hij platform. This platform 600 Acres of Nursery Stock embraces several advanced ideas and has ,, i,,,i . ,1,.,, a good Btiong ring of sincerity about it. .Ui<. SII1UO-. I nat '^ ry n 4 ClBaii well t^ionii liee I will satisfy your ciis'ome.-. Kaily and I good delivery guaranteed. K^tahlislied I over •'>.'> years. Write for whole or pait time terms. Sales Manager, IM:I,II.a.M .VrBSKRVCO., !."> Dee. 11 Toronto. B oar I'tirebietl V. r'. er> id- on lot :!.'â- . %\.m. for Service sliii « I U e are told that the new leader is a man of Htrict inlegriiy and enthuMasm. If this be M> the lU'form I'.irty possess a jewel and the country will be better for his leadership. The new platform em- braces tax reform and abolition of the [ three-tifihs clause, two things towards which the present premier appears to possess a ^tloIlg anti|)athy. Otherwise the new platform does not differ very lii.iii .' n„iu oM, for , materially from the Conserv.itive policy. ». AlteM;u9iA Terms \\\ iftmns. Carefully Corrected Each \Vc Wheat So to Wats A*.'i to Peas .... '•"> to Barley W to Hay lit 00 to 10 Butter 'Jl' to Eegs, fresh 2.^ t Potatoes per hag (>.'» to Geeao 1-2 to Ducks ... ID to Chickena 10 to Turkeys Jo to Wool 20 to eu j % Si (lO, 22; 25 II.') 10 10 in It! o-< Colts Came Astray Cuiie lo my premise!", lot 4, ci'ii. 4, .\itemesia, about Nov. ti, two colts. The owner is iei|iiested to prove property, pay expenses ami take the same away. - WM. Fl.KTCHKK, Ceylon I'.t). -.M.KX. (AMICHON. | 'i-|„. eampaigii in East Grey has i scarcely got into fill suing as yet. Mr. I iMuCullouoli purposes makin;^ the lun of his life ill opposition to ttie present rep- lesentative, Hon. I. B. Lucas, and hopes to shunt bun oti'the tiaek. Hard work and poor p:iy f'r the man wiihout the business irainiii lothe JOHN HcPHAIL F^ricev^ille AGENT Foilâ€" Frost Si Wood TiiiplemeiitH, Fleury iind Perrin Plows, Tudhope Wagons and Oirriages, Melotto Cream .Separator, Singer Hewing Machines, Organs and Piiiioi on easy terms. loDic' FARM FOR SALE 1,1)1 No. IHii |H7. ill tlie s.M-iph.l ian(,'eeast, *J'oront<) an I Sydi'iihain U..u<l, \i teiiit-sia. containing 'Jin acres of first class land \^ I binldinff'^. plenty of uatei, ni'ur eliitrrli and school; thr^)- miles fii,m I'li.Um .Station ; 211 acres ko'hI hardwood bii li. Iinlaiiee cleared and in xooil state of cultivation. For pal li.Milais apply to. \V. .1. .lACK.SON. I'loct I'ort I. aw Fo a new catalogue describing a "N.irtli ern Training ' W'e guarantee to placi every Gradiiite. C. S. Fleiii'm;, F.C.A., G. D Fleming I'riiicipal. Secretary. I ..liim:\v(M,ii iiu-in.i-^ ( Bli.lovs ttie ilistilietoni ol belli;; till- most wi.liOy alt.oiileil. l.e^^t (â- I ami b,'-t inaiiai.''-.] itiPtitiiliAiiK M irs kiti'Iin WeSleiii llntaiio. ITi.- eiiroll- iii.'ijl this \i.av %va-t almost ilout.i.- tliat o(aM> pie\ioiis \i's(, au'l nearlvever> ;;i!t>luatn \^as plK<;eit. Fall Term Opens Sept. 1st. ' Henil for hrtlHN"i.u* lU'W eataUiiint*. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE The Advame i-oiifeises that it docs not like the stand taken by Premier Whitney on the all-important subject of ta.x reform. We h.ad hoped for some- lliing belter from him. His arguiiieiit Write appeals to be iliat the placinu df tdxes I on land values would beiielit the wealthy. Kven .so, should the vast sriny if farm- ers and artisans he depiived of justice because ot the possibility that the weal- thy Would also lieiierit '. .\s the as,se.ss- nieiii law now stands i poor fanner is olilii^ed to borrow money lo erect neccs- eaiy buildings, and the im-iaiit this is done up go his taxes op these buildiniis and he is obli..ed to pay eamy for his impioveineiiis. .A change in this regard is a crying need in our pro\ ince and even Pieiiiier Whitney will tiiul that lie will have to make a volte f ice in this |jeslion when the farming! community tlieir lep- wo do not wish ibis to be construed as an attack on the \\liiliiey goveinineiit. We ,ue noi alter I hem any iinoe IImUI to point out wliele tte llunk ii reiiieili.ib'e weak- ness lies. The three-hfihs clause and sluhboi n refu.«al of tax 'eforiii are two ill II spois in the ice and large t'iioiik.'h for them to lir. p throiii!h ''of tiny iloiil Wall h oiil." I Proud Position G ':2r::^":zz:t •> liOW eiM |.f â- 'I'llpi T. I!. Ilawkiiis. Principal A OVrR 68 YEARS- EXPERICNCe TnAoc Marks OCSIQNS CCPYRIQHTS Ac. Anvnns â- Dnrtlng it nupirii rimI ilcscrlptlon ninT inlrklr ajcerooii our ni'Oil-.ii fr.H) wlu.flior all lliTelilton l» prohHt.iy |..tO)iilnhlt.. ( "iMituiiilr* ll.mnlrlcllr<'..iillileiillul. HANDBOOK onPalBiiU •tttil frea ol(l(.Ht iiuoiirr turstH iiiiihc imtenis. I'atstils tskoil Ihniuiili Miliin £. Cu. rouelfS t^tiUi- aodfb, wll flout t'l inru B, 111 tbo Scientific Jintcricdm riilfttion of »ny m-inutitli: jourtt-*!. l«niM tor < arm.U. $;i 7& a itAt. i>u«l«gfl yrepm-l. SoUl t«> MUNN&Co."'«"''^' New York Brauob onit«. i)"» If Ml Wiatiiii.ii jii. t". C. To Winnipeg And West ANADIAN PACIFIC TRAVEL BV THE DIRECT ONLY CANADIAN THROUGH ROUTE CAR LINE DAILY SERVICE Solid through train of Coaches, Tourist and Standard Sleepeis and Dining Cats, Toronto to Vancouver 10.20 p.m. diily. S. Rand, Agent, Resherton or M.G. MURPHY, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. A BRILLIANT STAR I The Toronto .Smr gives signs ot a â- bilious unrest in its internal organs i>tnc« its defeat on the reciprocity question It waxes .sarcastic and caustic. If the Soir will look up our files it will easily Iind wheie The Advance st mds on the navy ipiestion. We have said moio ihan once that we have no use for n Heet of w'lr Vissela for a young country like Canada. We have said that the action of .\uati'iilia ill building atid presenting a lirst -class battle bliip to the imperial navy was more in keeping w th le. ipiiremeiits and with our tinaiic ai obligations. .\t the .same lime we have no ipiarrel with a referendum on the (pieslion of what should be done. The Star thinks the loyally cry had a vreat deal to do wi h the defeat of reciprocity. If this be the ca.se the (pu'stion 'f tn what extent iliai loyalty should go in the building of war vessels can well 1 e left to the people to dei'ide. It is our solemn belief that no ouch enormous responsi- ONTARIO Provincial Loan of $1,000,000 THE (iOVERX.VlKNT OF THE I'HOVINCKOF OSlAKlIt, under the authority of chapter 4, of the .Statutes of Ontario, I'.lll, invites subsciiptions from the public for a loan of $I,0<JO.OOO on b( iius of file Province of t)iit.irio, or "Ontario Government Stock." The bods will be dated 1st November I'.tU, and payable on the 1st Nnvembe'-, 1041, in deiioniinalioos of 81,(K)0 each, with cuiioiis attached for interest at the rate of tour pel cent, (ler annum, payable half-yearly on the 1st May and 1st No- vember ill each year, at the ottice of the Provincial Treasurer, Toionto, or at the otHces of the Bank of iVoioreal, in Montreal, Canada, and in New York, N. Y., at the holder's option. Bonds will be made payable to bearer, but on re- quest will be leoistered in the oflfce of the Provincial Treasurer and endorsed as payable only to the order of certain persons or corporations, and on request of holders witl be exchanged for "Onta- rio (iovernment Stock" at any time. The issue [irice during the month of November. 1011. will be 102 for each 8IIH),and after the .'Will day of November, 1011, 1 he i.->sue price will tie ll'2 and iiitere.-t .iccii; r d from the 1st November, 1011. ALL BOND.S AND INSCRIBED STOCK ISSl ED rNDEUTHEAlTH- OKITY (»K THE SAID ACT ARE FREE FROM ALL ONTARIO PRO- VINCIAL TA.X E.S, CHARGES, sec- CESSlttN DCTY AND IMPttSITIONS WHATSOEVEU. Puichasers of Suick or Bonds will be requirid to send cenitied cheque with the applicalimi, payable to the order of the ••Provinci.il Treasurer of Ontario." This loan is raised upon fiie credit of the Coii.solidated Revenue Fund of Ontario, and is cbari/eahle thereupon. A.J. MATHESo.V, Ptovincial Treasurer. Tiei.siivy Departinent. Parliament Build- iii'.4S, Toronto, 1st Xovember. 1011. Newspapers inserting this adier'i-c- ment without authority fiom the De- partinent will Hoc be piii;l for it. Another 0. P. R. .Steamer, the Prince Sophia, has been launched at Paisley. ''Bill' Miner, the notorious tr»iii robber who escaped from the jsil in Georgia a few days ago t»aa captured in a Ik)x car at St. CUir, Ga., on Sunday last Moore, his accomplice, irbo re- sisted arrest was killed. A retired railroad conductor joined the Methodiat^ chui-ch and was aCKjn afterwards steward. One of the duties of the ottice was to pass the plate when the colhetion wsa taken, and whenever he came to anybody who didn't give anything he would reach for the bell to stop the train. I .•Ml s'oriea about the hardness of I negro's skull.s were put into the back- giouiid by two happening* which occurr- i ed at Philadelphia the other day. 1 Followini^ a quarrel, a negro, Henry | Lewis, was shot four times in the head^ at a range of Itfa than five feet. After' DO YOU USE PILLS ? If In Doubt About the RigW; Pills to Use Read the Fol- lowing Letter Carefully: "I am one of those persona whoao lystcm require* aid." writes Mr. Young Uleiitiill. from Picton. "but it is ao .asily affected by reason of the gr.iiit lensitiveneas of the bowels tliat or- lii.ary drastic pills inflict great in- mry to ttie delicate coating, and excita jucli persistent activity as to be witti tiifficulty checked. "I wish in the highest terms to ex- press the great value of Dr. Hamilton's PKls in cases like mine, and, I am sun* also for elderly people and the very weali there is no pill lilce them. "Speaking of my own experience witli Dr. Hamilton's Pills. I can say th-^y have proved the most stimulating' pilla for the liver I have found- I hav« proved their tonic action upon dig-!s- tlon. and the same results have be^n secured by friends upon whom I hava urged their use. The manufactur.'.rs are to be congratulated upon possess- aiid dropped to the flu ii'.g .so valuable a prescription, and tha penetrating the rtesh the bullets flattened! public .should know that so valuable a, I Ti, „.a ft'tnedy has been placed at their com- loor. The man **" piopH'- taken to the hospital, but was permitted I No other pill for constipation, f.>r to go to his home. Hia assailant escaped. | -^ ve. kidne^or ^^,--^}e; -^^ .Yno'.her colored man, Win. Putfen, i ^xv mild and sure always to restora while harnes.sing a mule, was kicked on ' "•''alth. Refuse substitutes. Sold ., . , , , , , , ,, . ' ill de.ilers. 25c per box, or The the he.ad and knocked down. Getting ;^rrhozone Co Kingston Ont. by Ci- to his feet, he discovered the mule lying oQ the griund. Exauiinaticn showed that its leg was broken. Putfen i was to the Germantown ilospital, where' six stiche-s were put in hi.s scalp. . I Dr. Hamilton's Pills A Family Medicine Victoria Comers Mrs. II Wtrner left on .Suturday for her home in Ciislorville. Mr. H.irktns of Caistorville visited his brill her-iiilaw, Mr. H. Warner, last week. Mrs, J. Best is now on the sick list. Mr. Geo. Ludlow has moved to his new home. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Gallagher return- ed from Swift Current, Sask., where they have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. McConnel. A Surprise In Store. Several subscribers to "The Family Herald and Weekly Star" in this district have received their copy of the beautiful premium picture entitled, •Home .Again.' A copy has aUij reached this ollice. It certainly surpasses any pic- ture ever oi\en by that gre.it paper lefnre. How such a beautiful work of ail, all ready for framing, can be includ- ed with such a groat family paper for the small siiiii of one doll;u- a year is a mys- tery. "The Family -Herald and Weekly .Star" shouM add ihousanila of new sub- scribers tliia season. They will deserve it, fur no such value has ever before been given. There is a big surprise in store for those who.receive the picture "Home Again." MILUS 2710 iMILHS TORONTO AND VANCOIJVKR WiTHOtT CHANGE CANADIAN PACIFIC WAY Catiadiiin Pacific all Canadian route entirely over its own rails, operates its own ei|uipiiiei.t of standard and tourist sleeping cars, iliniiig cars and coaches every day 111 the year between Toionto aiie Vane 'liver wiihout changa of cars. A train in very truth lliat is the last word III luxury. The rmiie is via Fort William, Winnipeg, Brandon, Regoia, Moo.se daw and Ctlaary, Connections for all points in Canadian West and North Coast points. I There is a minister who appreciates the editor. At a recert editoiial conven- tion he on'ered the following tiuist: "To aave an editor from ^tatvation take his paper and pay for it promtly. 'l"o save him troiii bankruptcy adveitise in his paper liberally. To save him from des- pair send him every item of news of which you can tet held. To save him fi'oni profanity write your correapond- encc plainly on one side of the sheet and send it in as soon as possible. To save him from mistakes bury him. Dead peiiple are the only ones that never make inis','>kes." BUSY STORE CEYLON^S Prizes to Biggest Buyers To the persons buying the most good- here for one month coui- meocing the Igt day of November and ending the 30th of November. The foil ,)wing prizes will be given : 1st prize â€" 1 China Tea Set consisting of 1 di.z Tea Plates. 2 Bread Plates, 1 doz. Cups and Saucers, Creaiu .Iuj and Howl. 2iid prize 3rd prize Boys' Pea Jacket. -China 5 o'clock Tea Set. if I'nderwear in Pea'body's, Penman's and Unshrink.ible, also the Fleece lined and We have a good stock i Defiance Brands, all wool, I'nions. We have some lovely ladie=.' t.'loth Coats for this winter, ii'so Fur lined and Fur with collar and laiiells of Sable fur. Men's Pea .lackets Cloth lined. Cordoroy lined and Sheep .Skin lined all at very reasonable prices. We have a nice range of Men's and Beys' Cloth Overcoats in the latest .styles, al?o the Furs and Fur lined and prices to conqiHte with anybody. Heavy, laige, pure .all wool Blaukets at from $;150 to J4.50 per pair. Highest Market Price paid for all Farm Produce jfas. Aattison cteneral ^Ce Ceylon J. and W. BOYD merchants Flesberton « Ontario „! Furs Furs ! | This season we are showing some Extra Values iii Furs in Men's and Womc'i's Fur and Fur Lined Scarfs, Caiierines, Milts and Caps. Pi ices cannot be equ where W the Clothing e lia\e some excellent value in Men's and Boys' Suits, tailored Newest Designs. Some very neit Patterns to choo.se from. bef. Overcoats We are showing the largest range of Overcoats we ever showed lu. Patterns and Styles cannot be e.xcelledand prices right. Drsss Goods i We have .something very new in Dress Goods, colors at [rices for 50c (iOc and jil,.50. a large range of Ladies' Jackets We want t > sh<iw vi I.adi, â- lackets. This sea.son we h.avo the r*nge and .some of the very Newest, at prices from $7 50 to 81«.00, ;*-