NovemBER 16 101 1 F L E S H E K T X A 1) V A N C E k7. THE STANDARD BANK E-hw-a 1873 OF CANADA «B««fc- A Complete Banking Service Available (or Manufachiiing and Commercial Houses, Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, Corporations, tarmers and private individuals. 80 Savings Bank Department at every Branch. IXESHERTON BR.ANCH George MitcKell. Manager aSAMCHEJ AL^O AT DUR.HAM ANU RARR-LSTOX C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesberton Statiim as •follows : Going South 7.43 a. lu. 4.:',:? p.m. Going North 11.28 a.m. 8.5;?p. ra. The tuiiils are clused at Flesheiton a., follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. : and the afternnon mail soutti at' 0.40 o'clocK. For morning train sc^uth uiHil clii'e at y p.m. the previous ev'g. ; VICINITY "%. Artemesia Council minutes are held over until next week. Dr. Wiiu^^Ii, H. .S. Inspector, examined the Kchool here last week. Mr. W. J. Bellamy attended the ftineral of his brother-in-law, Jacob Parliament, at Pai.sley. Mr. Mitchell's huntin.^ party returned hiime on Monday after a mnat â- successful and enjoyable bunt. His jiarly was located in Parry Sound di.strict. Mr. R. Gentham attendsd the funeral of his uncle, Mr. .Jnhn S^'eir, at Sina- hampt»n on Monday. The fid gentle- man was over !K) years of ai^e. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Boyd will leave Mrs. &L Phillips visited her sou, about the tirst of December for Claude. Oscar, for two weeks. [ where the former will take chari/e of a Miss Ruby Trimble left last week to i larae farm and fishery owued by a Ne* visit her uncle i\\ Detroit. i York gentleman. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson spend a J. W. Ben'_'ough, the cartoon man. couple of days in Toronto last week. j wa.s greeted with a gwid house on Friday Owen Sound is the largest town in the I evening last, when he put on one I'f his province, having a population of 12,555. charming cait' on lectures. .As is usual Bornâ€" AtEmo. Ont . Nov. 2, to Mr. '*'''''"">• "'•*"y "^ '*>« '""l celebrities and Mrs. W. G. HacKiiig, a dau;,'hter. :* """ burlesqued, which bmui'ht forth ! much aiuuseinenl. The proceeds Mr. W. Osbocne of Fevershatu, visit- i. .,,„.., . ,. «,o t, ^ .. r \ amounted to 94.S. The entertainment ed with his sister, Mrs. W. J. Bellamy, \ _.., .,„j„_ .i t .l i. j ' â- '' . wai under the auspices of the band. Jacob P.irliaraent, one jf the early A unique experience was that of four Indianapuliji prisoners, who were taken for an automobile ride A tea miles the other day and saw in an hour the de- velopmenta which have takea place in 40 years. One convict has served 40 years, one 3?i years, one 17 years, one 13 yeiirs. .\11 are 'lifers.' The ride was from Michigan city to La|)orte, where two "f the prisoners saw for the tirst lime tro'Iey-cars automobiles and many other evidences of modsrn achievements hidden from them by prison walls. So great was the surpriie of the piisoners that two of them utterly colUpsed from j nervouR excitement. â€" Bruce Times. | A rather amusing an.swer was given by i one of the prisoners at the Barrie jad ; during church service at that institution on a recent Sunday afternoon. Rev. , Andrew .Snutli, who was conducting .serTice. asked the prisoner if theie was ; any hymn for whicli they hsd preference. One youn^ man promptly renuested ; "We've reixhed the land of corn and wine, ' and the hymn was lorthwith sunt with a heartiness that was evidence that the prisoners apprecia'e the conif!>rt of their surroundin;»». The jail menu cos's but Sic. per man per diy, not withstand- ing the ever-increasins; cost of livintj. â€" Mt. Forest Confederate. ^ Odds and Ends ^ AUCTION SALES I CHIPS ^ A union credit clearing .sale "f fHi-m stock, buigies. carts, c-U'ters and hnuse- hold furniture will he held at the manse, FItsherton, on Thursday, Nov. 2:! Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. See bills. D. Mc- Phail, auctioneer. ARTICLES FOR SALE For sale chea^i, one .;ood faJUi mare. 102U pounds or would exchange tor a^ood driving horae or mare. K. J. Sproule, Fleshertoii. Heavy drauzht horse, five years old for sale. James Oliver, Ceylon. I i Butt' < irp-ngton cockerels for sale. ! .James Turner, Ceylon. ] last week. i Mr. Xorniaii Boyd of Toronto, spent a few days recently with his cou.sin, W, J. Boyd. j Mrs. Oscar Phillips returned last week \ settlers of .Vrtemesia, died at Paisley on the 7th iiist. in hi< H2nd yeai. Mr. Parliament settled in the early sixties near Port law and remaved t) Paisley from a two weeks visit »ith hor brother i gome 15 years ago. He leaves a widow in Powassan. land jive of a family viz.: David of Mrs. P. Uolroan left week to Paisley, Ate, in Michigan, .laoob of spend ilie winter with her daughter 1 Artemesia, Mrs. J. Blakey of 0-prey, Mrs. Chard in Markdale. I Mrs. J. .Stoddart of Paisley. The Bornâ€" .\t Woodbridge, on Tuesday. fu"ef»l to^'k pluce at Paisley on rburs- Oct. 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Rut- , ^^'S '"»•• ledge, a son. [ _^ .jyi^t but very pretty little wedding The tax collector is now ou his rounds \ '""'' P''":'" '" Cleveland, Ohio, on Tliurs- leaving those little missives that m) ; •^''y- ^'"*'- '• *•'«" -^''ce, divorced wife delight the property owners heart. | i>f VV. A. Smith and only daughter of Mr.C.H.Munshaw, Immediate Past ! *'â- â- â- "'"^ *'''^- J"""^^ -V=*hdowu. Owen Master of Prince Aithur Lodge. ,„ 1 ^"""J. J^'- ""'ted in marriage to Mr. presented with a handsome Pa.t Master's .^^ *";' ^' ^^*'^'"y' i>'*«'l<'r. "f Cleveland, Jewel recently. '" presence of only the intimate I friends and relatives. Rev. Wm. Brown Mr. Boales' barn in Euphrasia performed the ceremony, at the coiiclus- was burned to the ground a week ago \ i„„ of which a dainty wedding dinner Sunday night. A liinteni exploded was served at the ho:ne ..f the groom's while he was working in the barn and ' sister, Ou returning from their honey- the chaff caught hre. Mr. Boales â- hrew j moon Mr. <.nd Mrs. Maloney will be at his coat over the flames and thought he ^ their home .m Superior avenue, Cleve- had put them out and than went to the ( hmd. after Dec. 1. house for another lantern. On looking j out a few minutes later he found the , -^ '^"®'^ ^f"â„¢ Mr. Andrew Graham of whole buildiiiLC in a mass of tlames. One i ^â- 'skatchewan,who went we«t last spring, and the season's hay were burned. | '^'"^'^ ^"^â- - 1- **>'â- ''â- " ^^'« »re having The loss is about 81,000, with small I '><?«"<''"'• '."'i^lit weather now, but very â- cold at nights. The ground is frozen I haid. It registered 6 below zero this hue, Artemesia. celebrat«l their .silver i "'"."""f' '^^'^ '"'**^ ^"^ buildings all ,j. 1,^ â- 1 . »- o nnuhed up for the winter and forrv wedding on hiiday evening, ^ov. 3. , , ' "ouei .um lurcy c • 1 . ( ,-â- 1 1 acres ready for the seed drill next "iirin"/ briendsv/ere present from Kwnberley, : , . ^ "= -ocu uim iie.\i spring. Fi fi 1 . IE. • ! t-'il'e most of ihe West we had evetv evei-shaiii, Hesheiton and Eugenia. 1 >. cc. »c imu every Leicester Ram L^mbs for .Sale â€" choice, well bri-d. Fred Stuart. Kimberley. Horses for Sale â€" One horse 8 years ! old, 1 mare H years old with fual by her â- side, 1 colt rising 'A. John McPhail, | agent, Priceville. Village Property f-r Sale â€"The under- signed otfers for sale eight acres in one block in the village of Flesberton. with comfortjbV dwelling. Iwirn and stabling, i well and spring and small orchard there- i on. If not sold will rent. Andrew Carr. j Flesherton. j Farm for Sale i:r Rent -Lot ."5, con. 13, and lot 4, con 14, Osprey. better known j lus the George Myers farm â€" 'JD*! ticres^ ! K") under cultivation, ijood building', well j watered. Apply to \V. .\. Arni.stnmg, j Flesheit< n. ISi-p tf (iood brick hi. use and double lot for sale in Fleslu'it on. Price and terms I right. Apply t.t Jett. Thiatlethivaite, j 1H5 Church St., Tonm'o. tf Oct.l!» >9 y r r r r r H^^ X HILL BROS.. MARKDALE This week M^e are receiving our second shipment of NEW RUBBERS From one of the most reliable makers, which makes our stock complete in everything you could want in the Rubber line, for men, women, and children. It will pay you to visit this department of our store. Men's Heavy Kubl)ers. all kin(l.>. Boys" Heavy Rubbers, Ladies', Girls', and Child- ren's, Men'.s and Boy-s' Light linbbers. in a large variety of styles and prices low, consistent with jxood tjualitv. New Styles in Dainty Soft Sole Shoes for the Baby J| AT MLX'rf LESS THAN YOU KEGL'LAELY PAY This week we are offering Babies' Soft .Sole Shoes in a great variety of styles, including all colors, such as White. ^jf Blick. Red, Blue. Tan iiiJ Pink, li! sizes. ') to 4. regular 50 uid ti'i lines, rliis week, pnr pair .38c _^ : : : : â€" ^ Special Value in Men's Good Quality Fleece Lined 4 A md Beiver Knitting Mills and are "S 4Sc. SK Underwear for 48c. This line ropreswQts such well-known makes as Pen Angle s. SimD Wool Fleece.dirterent stiipes, special this week, per girmi-n A A Dress Goods Reduced Below Wholesale Cost This week we put on sale abnut 20 pieces .jfDiess tJoods in Heavy Tweeds, Light and Dark colors, C^i-shirere, ^ Serges and Satin Cloths. 50, 60, and 75c. hues, just the thing for Girls' Dresses, reduced per yard to .... 3iJc. ajt ^ A Big Snap in Fine Botoiiv ^Vorsted ^ Hose. A Children's and Girls' Sizes (hily I'.Jc. pair |% T'.iis '.s an exceptional offer as the line is a very tine ^i B^tony Worsted iine and was made to sell at 25, 30 ^f ami 35c. pr.. is to size, ou sale this week 13c. •^ A Special In Ladies' Ringwoou Gloves ISc Pair or 2 Pairs for 3.">c. Nearly all colors, some ire plain knit but thev cms mostly in the fau;y knit makes, ail sizes andtlie price very inucii less than you regularly pay. A Markdale. a ________ _^ .._,,_.,.._ ^ HiU Bros. nisurance. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Meldrum, 4th F .r Sale â€" Span of lieavy spring C'dts and heavy broi.d mare. FrjiiA Chard, ' Fl-'sherton p. o. 2 1st Dec. For Sale or Rentâ€" The Porilaw store. FtT particulars apply fo Mrs. Geo. Thompson, Chatswonh. 1 Nov. LOST AND FOIND Lost â€" On Saturdiy evening November llth. t>etwcen Flesherton and Ceylon, an artists brush. F'inder kindly leave the same at "The .Advance " othce â€" oral T. Collinsoos, Cevlon. WANTED X live representative for Flesherton and surrounding distric: to sell high class stock for The Fonthill Nurseries More fruit trees will be planted in Fall of I'.'ll and spring of r.ti2 than ever be- fore in the history of Hiitario. The orchard of the future will lie the best paying part of the farm. We teach our men salesmanship. Tree culture and how big protits in trnit- growing can be made. Pay weekly, periiiaiient employiiien'. exclusive territory. Wri-o for particulars Stone & Wellington TORONTO i CLAYTON'S FOR Boots and Rubbers g THOSE who want goo<l wearing Boots, either P'actory or Hand made for the wet and coKl wpathtM' or tor winter should call and in.specf our CELEBRATED MALTEESE CROSS & LION BRAND RUBBERS, Both Light ami Heavy. . ir> Lost from the valley about 4 ago â€" .\ two-year-old steer, red The guests parti lok of a dainty supper, after which a very pleasant evtniug was spent. The boat and were the recipients of many beautiful presents from friends both here and in Saskatche- wan. A host of friends .joHi in wishing , prospect of a bumper crop this season, but owing to the wer. ctdd weather, it did Hot ripen early enough to escape the frost. So far 1 like it tine up here and think it will be a tine country in a few years. Game ii. very plentiful. liab- 'eeks with horns on. weighing abcut T'X) (jouiids. .\nybody tinding the siiiiie please com- municate with Mark Wilson, Flesheitun. Lost- Veailing heifer.about • >ct.22iid. Finder please coniiiuiiicate with Dan. McLeod, Flesherton. Farm For Sale or Rent Farm for Sr.Ie or K^nt .â- ontaininit â- •.â- -! .jerrs, ,.t» HI and 11 , .-;!,Kii!.hni.sia. .Vi ;ior^. \alual)letin,l)«r. ,to.«i orchiird. »;it.Te.l with "prinRs.: tw., friiiu,- hi>ii>e». oarii MKriil Hfibi.- underneath: IK..U- >ch.~,l, ,hurt.h. P.,,,.- •^I'l'IV" _ W,n. M. Ritl,. ' Kedwiiiij P. o. (lilt Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes. REPAIRING AS USUAL. , c 1 i.u 1 I Ij'ts, prairie chicken and grouse are es- Ihein many years of health and pros- '.,,-, ^ • j I pocially plentiful, there are also lots of I and large game noith of us. The The Stuart huntirg paity returned lakes aie co-ered with ducks." ttum Parry Sound dis'rict Fiiday. ' The actual hunt only lasted a week. ' .^n interesting parlor nieotiug was There were ten hunters In the party and ; li*l«l «t the residence of W. \, Ann- ten deer were secured se -•en bucks and i strong on Wednesday (f last *eek, three docs. Five of ihe bucks ranged when Mrs. James Straiih of Owen around 21)0 (Miiinds each. The hunt was Sound, District Cor Sec. for the Counties the most plea.sant and succes.sful th»t "f|'-''''-'y "'"l t)ufr>«iii gave a report ou the this party has ever enjoyed. There I Provincial and Dominion Convention were no iiccidenls and mf dogs, while | "f the Wcunen's Christian Tenperaiice there was enouijh in the hunt that was | '-"'u'li bold recently at Winchojter and amusing to give snap t" the outing. .Smue Ottawa. Mrs. Siiaith is a plea.sant and 'very tine heads were secured, and The '"'P»'vs-si>e speaker, her enunciation is Advance man is the posse.ssor of one .>f ; distinct, and she is entusiastic. as the hnest. i '» commonly said full of her subject. I .-Vs the i>aiue implies the I'niou is a .\t a recent ineetini; of the Women's Institute, Dr. £. C. Murray gave an address that was very iuleresting and irot'ld prove helpful it put iii'.o practice christian society, and much time is given to the I'.evotioiial e.\orciscs ot each monthly meeting. Mrs. Sliaith a.ave »'-.ofliceri muck valuable iiifornintion present. If everyone followed j - .i • t i .. ^f .^ . , â- , â- ,, , ifor their future guidance and work the Dr.s. advice, we fear it would work havoc with his finances ; for among other i{uod things he says it the teeth are kep( clean Ilhey will not decay, but tlicy should receive attention after each meal, at bedtime an.l before breakfast. Kis advice was to visit the dentist twice a year â€" especially the gro«rinjj child. He said that t'lo often the first teeth are neglected to the great detriment of the second set. The Ii'slitute « lus fortunate in securing the -service of the Dr. and regret was felt that ihe weather was so unfavorable, thus causing, a small att»nd- . : Mrs. Riibert Moore gave a reading, Mrs. R. H. Wright and Miss Trimble , each sang a solo. These talented ladies are ever ready to assist every good w<>rk. \ dainty lunch was served to about twenty-five Udies, the waitre.sses being ' Miss r.illian Armstrong and Miss .Agnes Henderson. Weunderstsnd that .sevenvl ladies joined the I'liion. ; Look rut for the grand Agricultural I Society Ci>ncert on Nov. ,T0. Full an- nouncement next week. Strayed lo niy premises, 8, con. 4. Euphrasia. 1 sheep. Owner can have same by proving pioper'y and pajing expenses. H. Hammond, Kimberley. SOCHLS 4ND CONCERTS The Fiesher'oii Branch of the Women's Institute will give a fowl supper on Wednesday. Dec. •!, in tke basement of the Methodist church. A Dioirram will be given in the assembly room vi the li'gb school, .\dniission 2.">c. STRAYED .strayed the premises of the un- dersigned, lot 21, con. 10, Osprey. two ewes and one e»e lamb with bug tail. Ewes with pig rings in eais. Finder i will be lewarJcd. I GEO. THOMSON, Fever.sham. i FARM FOR SALE T.nt .">. con. 111. Ospn»v. coiitaiiiln^ I'Xl acre:: frame dwulUuft, ^ood bain, ^tnbhuM uiitU'v : Qooil (>i-oliar<!. Hover (ailiUR .^priutt urcck cros..- iiiR farm. Sevont.v-rtve acres cleftieil aii.l m Kood state of cuUivatioii. Twetit.v aorfl** h ard. wood btisl). Will bssold clieap. " .\ppivtn JNov K. A. RObEKTS. Lady ftaiik. Opt. Bulls For Sale Three viiiilig H.>reforcl bulls foi s.iIh. suit. able for service. Von will have ti hiiriy if ynii want one of tliese tine vt>un^ aniiials. HMart3 â€" T. A .1. W.\TSOX. Stock for Service Uttrliain bull liad l^to'k^litre ii.>)< for fierWce on lot 7, con. 1. N. D. V., .\i teuie«ia. Termsâ€" ^I.tO iia«h cash. -L. McAKTHlU. Priceville. 3IJuly lino. Notice Chopping (bne every day at Ku^enin. J. E. Williams. F. H. W. HICKLING The New Store With the New Goods Everything Reasonably Priced Some Seasonable Lines You can buy Here to Advantage. Overcoats for the Mcii auil Dc'vs Sweater Coats I udoiwear â€" Wool and Fleece Lined Heavy winter blurts Wool Lined Gloves aud Mitts Boots aud Shoes Felt Lined Boots aud Overshoes Puuctuiv Proof Rubbers Water Proof Coats and Umbrellas Fur Lined Coals and Fur l^aps Ladies' Ftus aud If all Coats Felt liats nud Winter Caps Trunks, Bags aud Suit Cases Crooius. Brusues and Woodeuware Shuts and Collars Men's Neckwear Fiosiery â€" Wool Worsted aud Cashmeio Corsets in all sizes Coinforttrs and Baiting . Wool Sliawls aud To<mes Blanketsâ€" Wool, and Flaunellette Linens (or Eiubroidery Kibbous, Silks aud Velvets -^ ^ Press Goods and Suitiugs Dress Trimmiugs and Braids Linoleum 2 aud 4 yds wide Groceries of every description. Just arrived--A full and complete Kange of Tiu- â- ware and Granite ware. "• HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FOWL, BUTTER AND EGGS.