Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Nov 1911, p. 8

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NovemBER 16 1011 â- â- ^â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" râ€" T II E F L E SH E R T O N A D V A N C >. ^Advance* Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU Ik'siNEss Cakds M OULbOUOH * YOUNO liaukciB Markdtle „«aeral baokiuit bunluuHS. Mouey loaoed at t'uaiioakblo ikliw Call ou uit. TUhlKl.KTT, • PoMmantrr. Ceylon. Commimioner iii H. C. .1 , Conveyancer, ilaeda, iuort«aKi)». leani'i', wills etc, carefully ilrawn up ollectioui ua<l.>. cliar(;eii reanunalilti. AUo eroceriea, Dour, feed etc. ke|itlu stock, Trices liKtit. R.I SfttOULB, KleahertoB , ommiinioner in H . C J., Auctionee Con- veyancer, Apjiraiser ami Money Luuder Heal KstatB and lunurauce ARout. Deedti. toortisatcB». loaaea and willH carefully drawn and v*luatione made on BborteBi notice oaey to loan at lowett rated of interoBt. Col. ectioat attended to with iiromptneaa ebargea low. Atfent tor Ocean UomluioD Ht«»msbip Cootpaoy. A call aoHoitwl. Farms For Sale or Rent WARM KOltKAIiK-Lot no J. in lliu Mh cod • ci^HHion ul the luwiiHlii]) of ArUinvsia, cou- tainiu^ lOU u<:reH, ei^hty-nve Kcn^t' clared, balaiiti tianlwood iimhor. i'ropt-rty ol tlie lateW, J. Jlualty. Thure id a tmiik bam tkiid ruii^licaMt hout*ti on preuiiHtiK an<i in well wattituj. Will lie noil on renKO.itible t«nuK. Apply to JauieaL. McMulleu, Ctjyion p. o.^Uut. F'Olt KAIiRâ€" i'beap an 1 easy termu. If not , Mtlil Boi>u, fur HMit to Huttab^u tenH*~t, North half lot fJ aiiliut 10, rou, 11, Artemesia, { anil lot 1, con. 1*2. Osprtty. -AtO acruM. about l:H) cleartM) balaneo niuutly tiitibui-erl land, bard , a.,,d soft wood ; Koo.l Hton** clwellluK and franiu barn, Ktabliun under ; wiill water*;<I with nevur- I f%tlin({ sniall Hpriii^creek ciOBHin^' fariu cIohu I to barn: Tbis it< an exc«lleiit h'rain or f^ra/in^ I farm and will be hoM very cbiftiii if taken at OIUH3 and on i^kv terms. Applj to It. J. Spronlti, FluHbtjrton, Out. J DMcI'HAIL. I.icennBd Auctioneer for tlie • County of Orcv. Terms uioderato and .atitiaction guaranteed. The arrauKement« a" dates of hale, can l.e made a>, Thk Ai.vANCB ifl.ce. Kenideuee and I'.U.. Ceylon, Telephone coDDection. Dec. 0.07. . IITM KMTTINO, Licensed Auctioneer for VV the' counties of lirey and Sm.coe^ Farm and Htock sales a Rpecialty. Tein.s moderate satistaction Ruarantted. Arrautje- ients lor dale, mav be made at the Advance iffi.e orAlT. Hutchinwn's store, teverbhaui by addressiuK me at FeversUam, Ont. UK HALK aheap and on easy termsâ€" Lots 1 ami 2. con. 11 Osprey ; -JOO acres; franle . dwelling, frame barn and stabling under; about ' 17U acres cU-arerl and under cultivatioij, Siinie Npleudid oedai with other mixed timber on balan(;e. also tw> Hinall orchards hearing. Wcl I watered ; novel failing sjiriug creek. Kpleudid grain and grazing farm, .\pplv to It J.Hproule ' Kleshertun or Sanaiel Osborne, Maxwell. DL-DD MATHF.-.VS, Markdale I'l«en«f A auCioneer for the county of t.rey. Good fervice at resB< nable rates. Dates can be n.ade at The Advance, o (W T HAIIVEY PKKICiOF,, broker Hesherton 1 (ieneral brokerage business. Insurance of every kind placed in ealeaud liberal couipanies. Keal estate etc.. Open accounts and past due cotes handled and money advauced thereon. Corresiwodeuce solicited. Medical Du #^ A It 'P I** K M (' i' & SOnt.Phyaician. SurK«on etc omce auJ reeidence-Peter Kt.. Flenherton Jp OTTKWKLb Veterinary Surgeon ! V-^**M FOIt KALK-Very cheap, 100 acreH, I " lot D, con. 7, t)8prey, only ♦;«)00, reaHOuablfi caHh pavMient, balance easy terms, 85 aorcti ' cleared,' wtdl rence<) and in hi^^h Htate of ctilti I vation, balance timbered, fjood coiiifortabln I frame dwelling, stone cellar nnder, never fail ' iuu t4print{ well and wiudiiiilt ptinip at door, J bew frame barn, well tluinbeii, Htone utablin^ I with hprin^ water iiader, also iu HJied. ft io situated ^ inilo truui Maxwell viilatje where I tberu are storeH, pout otHcefl, ^ood Hohuol. and i»oo the f^ravel road, 9^ uiilen front railway ' Htatioii, It Hold at once, above price, thoiifjtt VKKY CHKAP uiitiht be flbadod a little. Apply to II. J. siMtOULiK, KleBbertou. or THOMAS GUY. on preu;i8e=i, *f L'OH S.M,*K very cheap and on easy ternieâ€" *â-  The late Dr. < 'hritttoe's .'(-story brick block in FluHhcrton with jjood ntable and never-fail- ing well oil piemirteH. (iood lar^e Htore and tiood butcher H bhop and dwelliiif^ ; two i-ood BtoneuellarH under buildinu ; ih and ran be kept well rented ; twu xood hallH on Hetond and third storieH ; first class biiHineKKhtaiid ami will be sohl cheap an owner is en^atjud in otbur butiineMN in the west arid ha^ no further use for It. Apply to H- .1. Sproule, Ki«^filierton. V \eieriuarj .tuibcu.* „ h -. i J-^r:^'s='aor^or^-l^' That jail UnU l.HV Vary street. This street rune south f^,,,),,, Presbyterian Cbnrch. ' H WILSON, UlackfUiiin o i .,« •iraduate of tue Veterinary Bcleoc inide wliite ra concealed unJer tlit'ir black VMii^is iliaii lliey aro (.'nierally yiven credit for is evidenced by the cimineiid- able linppt'iiiiifj.'i 'hut Dccur from time Id time nil the insiih? i.f ihtt Walkerten jail .\ sjnul lime at;i> we referred to ^-- â€" the lauiUlile perfDriimiice of niie nf the rv, p c MURRAY I.. .^. S , dental surgeon ' D'-hono.-graduHte of Toronto University and [.nsoners I Atsociation. Durham lioyd, llro B hardware Ureet, oiposite Dentistry JRRAY I.. .^. S,; ** liuuoi gradiiBto of Toronto t-.- ,. Koval vollege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, !r ' . 'r."..., 1 «,.,• t«»tl. i-Xtraclion Iiere whn nursed a ennisumptive Koyaivoiiego u. w»..... ...••---^--__ - , convict ihrouah the l«.st .staj,'es of the (ias admisMilstMred for teetn e.\Lracnuii n UtJice at residence, Toronto Htreet. He8.:erton. d .sease.and al the erili Lecal , LCAH. HANKY A W.U.DACK-Harriste.^ •.- wilicitoi«.etc.-l. H. l.ucas, h. C. w. r- I'aney K ^ . : â- >â-  "• "â-  ^^â- Â»l'»''" Toronl'o. KOt-'J Tiaders Hank lilr<g. iient risk eoiilitijt- iiig the |)la(,'iie hinist-lf vnluniarily re- mained with the dyiiii,' man i;iitil he (<ahNed into the care of a tiruater (illi'ces, I Physician in anotlier world, .'^iich sacri- phone z:r â- ;;;â- â-  •w:rkd:!::u:^J^"u!;>ci:n;ourv a! ;'i'=- â- "- a,,p„rentiy n.d â- â€ž>c..mn.on branch odice at Dundalk open every Saturday.' ....::,., , WH WKIOHT Harrister, Rolioitor, Convey- ancer etc -Owun Sound and Klesherton. other prLSuner, who. w, D_Kiesheitou oUice. Sproule 8 lilock every Ktturdav Societies a o U W uioeiB on the last Monday A ,a each month, iu their louge room Norris' block.lKlesherton, at ", l'"',,,,;';,*;..: H ( I.eliard : Itcc, C. H. Munsliaw, "in., \V. F. Irossley Visiting brethren invited DKINCK AUTHUK I.ODOK, No. ;i:«, A.V.4 r A M. n.eolB in thi. Masonic hall. Arm uro.ig s lili>ck.KlBBherton. every 1' ridsy on or before the full luocu. C. II. Munsl.aw, W. W.; Thus. Clayton. Secru'.ary. nOUUrFLI^SHKllTON, Wr,. 1. 0. 1-. u-eetsin 'J Clayton's Itl.K-k the last Wednesday livening around the jail, hk this wetk a .similar petforhiai CO is hoin;^ repealed by an- lindei'stand, is atteiidin^ and nnr.sin;^ a diphtheria patient ihrouiih a trying sietje I'f that disease. It is iiltoijetlier pmhalile that many ehiiiches can't priidiice a worthier recoid in this respect than the local jail, fur if one with a oonlii(,'iiiiis disease ahotild happen into lh<! midst of many a conf,'reKalion llieru would [irobahly lie .'-iieh a K-atterin^' i.t the faithful that ho would linil hiin.self, like tln^ hoy on the Imrniii;,' deck, alone whence all liut he had lied. Itruie 'riiiieii. ^^'"T'C^f^^il'-^J^"'^-''^^^ ' S,.,ck.,aisin. appears to he a ih.ivinK Kin. Kec, C. M. Kichardson. i industry in rocupin,.. Ten ' â- lilliid l-lettse pay dues to Fin, tko. before the nrst , , . , day of the month. > ^^ ''''' f'"""' ' "eie the other clay ,.11 „, alily tlir iithiiurs wlio.fe duty it is t pilOSKN |.Hn';NDH-Klesherton Council of-' , '" •'^ " Chosen Friends meets in Clavlon's hsU nrst force the law siitli and third Wednesday of etch month H p ni i I'roh- I n- Honro Rolls Heport of 8. 8. No. 4, ArtetneiiiH for Oetolier. Class 4 srâ€" Mins Heard, Lillian Stlii- son. Class :lâ€" Mary Wyville.Mary N'icholls, Laura Nicholls, Mabel N'icholls, Marcuj- Heard, Lillian Wyville, and Ellwood Stevens, (eiinal) Kdgar Jiied, Waller Nicholls. ,,, ' 1 â€" Jr 3â€" Tda SiinBon, Luther Lore, Ross Steven, Edna Scott, Lawson Lockhart, Joe Stiiuon and Willie Ueard, etjual, Run Ach«»oi), Walter Wyville. Jr, 2 â€" Ernie Stinion, Pearl Scott, Su.sannt Ludlow, ICcfyie Stevens and .\nle A. Lockhart, equal, Willie Nixon. Pt 2 Viulet Miners, Beryl Rennie. t'KIMKK U â€" Morjiirie Nicholls, Lottie Nicholls. Sielhi Atheson, Gertie Wyville. A â€" Edith Slinson, Allie Little. Average attendance, 28. Lii.i.iAN B. WAi.KEK,Teaclier. Report uf S. S. Ni>. 7, .\rteme5ia, for October, Class 4â€" Walrter Wil.iainson, Ralph Williamson, Clark McMilUn, Lottie Miiir, Archie Whyte. Sr :t - Wilfrid Parslow, Duncan Mc- Millan, Iliihbie Dingwall. Jr ;iâ€" Ethel (Jilcliri.st, liobs Meads, Frank WiUiani.son, Jim McLean. St 2 â€" Peter .Muir, Ehnor Muir. Jr 2- Annie Gilchrist, Sarah McLean. Pt 2 Ruby Muir, Beatrice Watlers, Allie Paislow, Sadio Whyte. .Sr 1 -Annie Dow^, K. Oliver, Willie McLean, Mabel liilchrist. Aver Age ••ittendance 20. Emi.ik Wilson, Teacher. KILL SHARKS FOR FUN. Kanaka* Can Whip th* Man Eatara In a Fair Fight. In the Pacific ocean lires a race ot men vbo outswim tlsb aod who can mil man eating sharks iu a fair flgbt They are Kanakas, the seamen -who are natires of the Hawaiian Islands. "A native can whip a shark because be can outswim bim," states an Amer- ican who has been living in the Islands many years. "1 never beard of a na- tive being Injured by a shark, and there is a superstitition among tbem that a shark is afraid of a Kanaka and will refuse to fight This is not true, however, and grew out of the fact that a native always whips a shark. A Kanaka 'will spy a shark and. taking a knife between bis teeth, dive in after bim. It is a fair light, because the shark has te^h that are as deadly as the knife. The shark will make for the swimmer, and when it is in range will flop suddenly on Its side, which position Is necessary before it can use Its powerful jaws t» crush an enemy. As the shark turns the native 'will sink rapidly and come up and rip the crea- ture open with a quick slash of the knife. Sometimes they will avoid the shark time after time, cutting it on the nose and pricking it to arouse Its anger. "For excitement It oattbrills â-  bull fight"â€" Detroit Free Press. : The boy's appetite is often the "••urie ut 'aiua/.eiii«nt. If you have such an apfjecite A SImpU AntTdota t* Palaan. '^""^ C'liaml«rl»in-.s Tahla-. They m.t only It la a valuable thing to understaad create a healthy appttite, but strengthen the thoro'aghly what Simpla antidote t» !st<.math'and enable it t., do its work uatu- take If one la bo unlucky U to swallow rally. For sale liy all dealers, polaon of any kind. Sweet oil Is to b« found In nearly every bouse, however \fk OlSCOV^Cr\^ Ol humble, and half a pint of It Uken Im- '^ «^mu»^ v ^ mediately la as etfectiaal antidote to ^/acf Imn01*t21IlCC almost aU poisons. Any one with a • OO* SAEEfJVA »««m»^^ strong constitution should take a lar- ger quantity of this slniple remedy.â€" r^ jg jfg^ Admitted That Bron- London Family Herald. trf TUBES FOR LUNGS. Report of S. S. Xj. :ifor Oct..b<-r. Sr 4â€" Mabel Irwin, /.ella Honthani, Rob Sharp. Ji 4 -Elsie Caswell, Hu^jh Mo ire. Class .i-Willie Irwin, Elijah Benthani, Roy Boot, (.'hirence < )rr. Sr 2 -Rhoda Bes*, Willie t>rr, ijusie Chard. Jr2 Mildred Sharp, Albert Moore. Pt 2- .Mildred Caswell, Freddie Trwin. Si 1 Mildred Slo.re. Jr 1 -Cordon Lwin, Ida Breen, .Mex. HoL;arlli, Margaret Moore. Miss Wii..s<in, Teashcr. CompUx Syatam by Which Iniecta Are Enabled to Breathe. While mammals have lungs and fishes gills, lusccts have neither one nor the other. Instead they present a complex system of tubes running throughout the length of their bodies, whereby the air Is conveyed to every part of the system. To guard Insects against collapse from pressure of air, nature has fur- nished the little creatures with a fine thread running spirally within the walls of the tube, just as a garden hose is protected with wire. Many flies live first in the water as larvae. Arranged along each side of their bodies is a series of exceedingly thin plates. Into each of which runs a series of blood vessels. These plates are placed to absorb the oxygen con- tained in the water. The tall ends iu three featherlike projections, and by means of these the larvae cause cur- rents of water to flow over the gills, and thus their efficiency is Increased. Gnats also exist in the water as larvae. But they have no gills. Their breathing is accomplished by means of a tube situated at the tip of the tuil. The larvae floats along head downward In the water, with this tube Just above the surface, so that the creatures may breathe.â€" Harper's Weekly. Hausahold Debata. *^ could bare done better than to marry you." "Ton bring that qtiestlon np at In- opportune times, my dear. Snpposo we place a regular weekly CTenlng on the calendar, to be devoted to Ita dla- cusslon."â€" Pittsburg Post i^^ri-^i*- SufRcIant Proof. Ladyâ€" And you guarantee that tha parrot talks quite a lot? Dealer- Rather. His last mistress sold him be- cause she couldn't get a word In edge- ways.â€" Fliegende Blatter. chitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Coughs, and Colds Can Only Be Quickly Cured By Mixing a New Medi- cine With the Air You Breathe. Quit* a Linguist. "My husband speaCs three languagea flupntl.v." •â- English. French and Gennan?" "No Baseball, eolf and aviation."â€" Chicago Record- Herald. by; Scientists acknowledge that medl- ;ateii air treatment la the only treat- inent that will cure these diseases, jini! that stomach medicines are worse than iweU'SS. I Catarrhozone air treatment has been •ound to be the mott effective way to :ure all diseases of the throat, lungs, jnd nasal passages. Its action is so srompt that in less than an hour an jrdinary cold is cured, and after a i-nore thorough use of Catarrhozone, iSronchitis, Catarrh, and all diseases :>f the throat and lungs are complete- y cured. • Catarrhozone Is a very simple and lowerful method of treatment. Tou imply breathe It through the inhaler ind It immediately passes over every uir cell of the throat. lungs, and bron- chial tubes, curing and healing aj» it 'Oe3. Catarrhozone treatment affords little Rev. Dr. Workman «r;i« awaidfd ity. i"ir~"i' x ~^ „i.^». ;r> the M,. I , . vr • f> -r,o } â-  . Jrops of healing for sore p. aces in tne r. .lu-tice Weir $.i,;-00 aainngei...t'ains»: ^^^^^^ throat, and nasal passages. the Board of (Jov ernois of 'he Wehlfvan Theolo(?ic:il C.i'Ieoe fir di«niis.«al from his prof es.i^.sor ship on allej:ed uiounds o heterodiiiy. Bi'ciiine Tndependei.t ELLIOTT, -Attend Catarrhozone Does This, And Cures YOU TAKE THIS „ ov o )N MEDICINE IN AIR , , , â-  ' ' . . I Price 25c. GOc. and $1.00 at all drug-- Srudenisof ihis year are in po»:lions| y,gts or by mail from The Catarrh- worth fioin 86<J ti> ?HX) a inoiiih. Write ,zone Co.. Kingston. Ont.. and Buffalo, fir Catiiloijue. F-nt-T now. Superior, V. Y. liistnu'tiiii in all D-pariinents. I THE TORONTO NEWS $1.52 DAILY YEAR $1. 50 ORDERS TAKEN AT THIS OFFICE THE NEWS WILL BE SENT DAILY BY IMAIL TO ANY ADDKESS IN CANADA FOR OHE DOLLAR AND A-HALF A TEAK. THB ONLY THROUGH TRAIN TO WESTERN CANADA Is the Canadian I'acihc ''Nancouvei K.\piesH," leaving Toronlo I iiion Station daily at lll.L'O p.m., for Vancnuver. Tlu trip 111 Wiiiiiipei; in inailically a day .shorter than by any other loule. Through ^Ulll.lard and tmu'ist sliie|)errt for Winni pet- and \ iiiK'ouver are carried Cana- dian I'ai'ilic slund.ird - llie service i.s lln- best, and all ciistoiiis or transfer tl•o^lllle^ en route, are uliininated. Id liidness ;il..o, aiKl tnli'i wtifiiiumiav oi imcn iuuhvm <> i-. "• l'»V Biiilu«siii«iitn to tlui lli)i-i)i'ili!r nil m liiitoi'D tee rtmt ilayof aai'li iiiontli. cliicil Councillor T. ltl«koluv;K<-cordur W. it. limit. Tlie Karuiiir'iiCliil) iiiinit» in tlm liilfli mli""! liuililJliif "11 tliu llmt â- Iliiir»il»y ill »»<•" iiim.tli ut n <,'.'l.,i-k 11. 111. V.iuiij; fio'iueiH |.|.n:iHllv iuvituil. K. (lim'.l l'li'."l.l.,'llt, (. \\. llullHiiiv. Sri:. TiiiiK. Brill' SCIATICA EXPECTED DEATH ANY DAY .jerkshires and ramworth.s Another Case Where Life 1 liHVe now fill Mill' ft ti'W vi-i ^n, luiarly 1 iiaily til wim , j orilur anil KBt tlie lii'st. .\li.o liooil M'niMWoitli ] >1iii» III I'llllil'U lll'lli Hiiriy yiiiir liUK ruiiryiHin olil. fur Hftlii (lIvO. W. ItOSS. Maxwiilir. I). Boar for Service I'nri' Ihid 'r.-iiiiviiirlli Hiar fir Mniie Teriiia, II, Caith. N. Hill 111-, Ma\«.-ll, Ihii. Was Saved and Health Eestored by "Nerviline." Bull for Service I ThiiriiiiKhlii'id .Sliuitlhirii hull, lli'imilliuiikh | l.ad, fur «i-rvi(-u on lilt 111, mil. H, Oipny. | IVdinri'i^ 111 applicatiiHi. Hi-i \ iiv, .'*1.IKI fm ' gradt-K. tlioriiiKlil In, *."i, .*:) at tiiiii- "f I sieivire, I'lill piiii- dliurKid for niw.i not retiirnril. .1 M. r.lKNS. I Boars for Service i TIk' iiiiilii»iKii''d hall u lliiiriniKlihi I'd N'lnk- • hire Imarfiir m-rviii' mi Int IliT, 'M'\ laiiK"', I K. '1'. and H. K., .\rt.'iii>-iii«. 'IVriiiH, *1.'H» AIk'i llrri'fiii'd Bull fur Hirvicv. .I,.!. Hmwii. I .Iv. I BULL POR SERVICE : TliiiriiiiKlihre.l Hhiirtlinrii I mil, "Dandy .liiii" H\-HA, (ill mix ice nil lot ITfi, T. A .S. !(., .\r- ; ^tiiiieHia. TIiIh niiiiiial in uf a ^niid inilkiiiK â- train. IViliKriie mi i>|i|ilii'atiiiii. 'I'liun, â€" ' Craden *1, ivuinti-i'id i?;i. ,1 A». MTINSON I'riipi'iiitiir. Our Clubbing List The following ptices Hre for utriclly pftil in advance KuliMcriplioiiKonly, Wo have no nccouniN with olliiir paporn, KleHlmrton Advance f ' <KC Yo'jthH Conipainoii iJ (Kl Tortnito World, daily 2 Jo Toronto Daily New.s .'. Ho i Weekly tilobo 85 Mail-Knipiro .... .... 8l) ' Kaniily lloralil & Star 85 : Tnroiito filar 1 :15 ; Fanner Hun 75 Fnrtners Ailvocitf j 1 M5 , Weekly Wit.ieiip 80 i 8Hliirday Nii;ht ;i 1)51 Ifoino •)<iiiro\l (K) I'oultry News .., 21) J Poultry Buview 45 j Kutl And Uun inngaziuo 8U CURED SIX YEARS It is because he fcela it his solemn duty to tell to the woi IU lliu faith in Nervilliie that \U:tor V. llins makes the fiillowiiig declaration: "Knr tlireu yeai'.s I was in tile Uoyal Mail service, and ill all kiiiils oC Ktather had to iiieil the nlBlit trains. UanipliesB, cold, and exiiosnre brmiglit on sciatica that aftei'trd niy lift .side. Hiiimlinu's an utiack wonlil conic on tliai inaiie me poH i-rle.s.s to wink. 1 was so marly a comiili-te cripple tliat I liad to give up my Job t was in despair, completely cast down because tlie money 1 spent on iryiiiB to tfct well was wasted. I was speakiiiK in my clieini.st one day, and 111- ii'ioinini-iuied 'â- N'erviline." I hud tills K"od llninu'iii rul)bed on several times a day. and (fot relief. In order to l>nild up my Kcn- erul health and im- provi- my blood I Ma-y usi-ii I'lrrnzoiie, one OIVV tabitt wilh each meal, 1 continued this li'i'alini'iit four mmitlis inJ wau 1 nil li. I liuvi,' used all kinds of lini- ineiit.s, and can Iruibrnlly Huy that NiMvlllne Is far .stronger, nmre pene- tiatiiiK, and Inrinllcly lutter than aiiy- ttiiiiB else for ri'Hi'VltiB pain. I urB" i-vir.Miiie with lumliiiKo, luiirulKla. I heiimatlsm, or sciatica to use Nervl- liiii'. 1 know' It will cure them." TluTe isn't a more hlghly-osteemed ritiziii In AVeslchcster than Mr. Hlree. What he says can be rolled upon. Kor Bix years hIiici' biliiH; etui'il he hasn't had a hIiikIc rilapce. noiil accept any- thiiiK from your dealer but "N'erviline." iifl cents per bottle, tlinl size, ;;r>c: sold everywhere, or The L'atarrhii'/iine t'o-, KliiKston, Ont. CORNS CURED â- V'nii can imlnle.isly reinnvo any corn, eltliir liqr.l. soft, or bleeUliiK. by iil>IilylnH: Putnam's (""orn Bxlractor. It never burns, leaves no scar, cuntalns ni addc; Is linrmless, tiecausi- composed only of henlinff tcumH nnd lialms. Fifty years In use. Cure fjnnraMtoed. ,'iold hv nil (IriiKirlsts. 'J.'ic botlleo. Hefuse PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN FXTRACTOR A Bargain Indeed Two cents a week is exactly what it COS'S to guarantee you the oreatesi treat you ever eiijoyeil. That small amount per week or one dollar a yeai will secure you the '.greatest amount oi newsp.ipei' reacMnj,' to he had on thi> (^llllinenl. N\'o refer to The Fa nil} ITeraUl ,'ind Weekly Star of . Montreal, liy loin; odds ihc best family and farm paper printed. In addition to the papers most beautiful preniinni picturtj is induiied. It is eiitifled "Home .Av;ian," and is well worth the dollar alonn. No home in I'anada, he it evei .so rich or ever so pom-, cm atloid to lie without this bafLjaiii. Prayer IHalls In Russia. In the villages of Russia the "prayer hall" Is the common izba or cottage of a Stundlst mou.llk, or a shed attach- ed to a very primitive farmstead sur- rounded by prodigious quantities of mud, dust or snow, according to the 8ea.son of the year. K separate build- ing erected expi'essly for worship among the rural evangelicals of Uus- sln Is a luxury yet to be iirovlUed In the great majority of c.tscs. The meet- ing place, whether Izba or outhouse, has walls of earth. It Is without cell- ing. The floor is the bare eiirlh, trod- den hard by innny feet through the lapse of long years nnd worn Into lumps and hollows. The walls are lime wash- ed and destitute of decoration or adorn- ment. There are rough wooden bench- es around nnd across the room. The place Is usually pnckeil to suffocation with men. women and children crowd- ed on the seats, thronging the door- ways nnd huddling together on the top of the huge stove.â€" Sunday at Dome, Two Yorkshire hoivn bolongint; ti .lames I,ivini;slone, iif Mullet recently ijave birth to :i!t pii;s. one had 22, the other 17. tine of Ihe live Canadians to share in the bounty recen'ty distributed by the Cirnei;ie Hern Kuinl Coinniission w.is a well known Keppel lioy, (jl. JaniosShaw, now of (Joderiih. Mr. Kliaw is 41) years of aije and is a son of Mr. (!,'iviii Shaw, of Kepjiel, and a nephew of Mr. J»mesi Sh'iw, principal of Stiatiicoim School, Owen Smind. Ho waa awarded n bronze mudHl and $15l)0 for the purpose of liipiidatiiii,' a iiiortgai;e on his^property.i He rescued llariy M. N'idean .lyed ;ilii yeBi's H lahorer, from a machine, atj (Jo krich, September 1-ltli, 1908. Sha.w' after having tailed in one Httnmpt,! pulltd oll'a belt, tiavellin{{ at Ihe rate of 4,00O feel a minute iu response to a; cry from N'idean, who was ont m^led in a rope , and who was boini? crusheil, liy the machine. Tlie belt catne oil' just j as one of Slmw's .'trm came in coatacti with the pulley, hut he was not injured.! Videan was liadly injured, hut locov- ered." | A t'arrick Tp. thrasher olaiinH to have smasheil all threshintr records by pMltin" throuish ."I'-'o bushels of oats in half an; hour. A couple of youii;.- tliievos i^nt throusjli till! linok window of .lot-h's jowelery store, Orillia, and secuivil about 82t)() w-irth of ring.", etc., on .Saturday morning onrly. â€" Crotfniv)i'e Star; I Singing Wires. Sometimes when a tempest Is raging telegraph wires nre silent, while Iu time of calm they are sonorous. Evi- dently the vibration of the wires Is not due to atmospherical agitation alone. A scientist of Berlin who studied the cause of the singing of wires in time of calm concludes that the vibration of the 'Wires always presages the ap- proach of bad weather. When the Bounds are deep the change of weather may be looked for within two days. When they are shrill or sharp the storm win come within a very few hours. It Is difllcult to determlue the cause of the singing. An Italian scien- tist calls It "seismic agitation produced by barwuietrlc depression and trans- mitted to the wires by the telegraph poles."â€" Uarper's Weekly. Lots of Hunting. The talk had turned upon hunting and by and by one of the adult visitors, noting .Tamie's rapt and eager look, remarked cheerily: "Well, sonn.r, I don't suppose you've had a chance to do much hunting yetT'* "Not many kinds, but lots of It," ex- plalued .lamle. "I've never hunted bears or lions, but I've hunted gran- ny's spectacles most all over the world!"â€" Chicago Record Herald. A Sticking Business. "Well, Mrs. Smith, and how's your htisbnndV". .. .^.â- --:i;i:!l:}trLSJ>^' v "Oh, lie'.s doing well, thank 70U, mum. lie's got a job at the glue fac- tory now." "Ah, well. I hope he'll stick there!" â€"London Mall. Hair Stealers. It was .unsafe for Kngllsh children to walk ont alone In IfilW, lost they tjhould be robbed of their hair ftir wig- makers. NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN, the victims uf early Imliscretious and later ei. cf sses, who are failures iu lifeâ€" y»'U are the uneswe can rvst^re to niauhood'aiid revive the spark of eueriry aud vitality. l>«'n't jrive up in dosjKiir because vou have treated with other dootoi-s. u>ed eiectric belts aud tried various Uruj; store uostruuis. Our N«w Method Treatment hat snatchM hundreds fr"m the bri:;k uf despair, has re- stored happiness to Iiaudnds of homes and ItaA niaJe successful men of tho:>e who were 'down and out." ^Vo prescribe spocilic rem- edi<'s for each individual case acconiiitj to the syinptonjs anil ci'iupUculiousâ€" wo have uo p'ateut metiicines. Tliis is one of the se^ri-ts of our wonderful siicces-i as oirr treatment can- not fail. f'*r we pii*scrit»o reniedies adauted to each individual case t)nly curable cases ao- c«'pte4l. We have done butincM throushoilt Canada for over 20 Year*. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY QPanrp .\reyou a victim? Have you lost nLnULn hupe? .\ro yon \uWnkX\i\)i t^ marry? 1 Lis your i'lo<.».l b<i-M uis^a-vcd? Havf you any v^euKiKss? Our New Method Treatment will cur*' \ou. What it has done for others it will do for you. Consultation Free. No matter who has tr*'ate\l yon. write tor au honest opinion Free of * Charcc. Booka Free â€" "Poyhoo-1. Mioih â€"• I. latLcrhood." ^lUusCrat- ed I ou L'iseased uf Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No namet on boxes or envel- opei. Kvcrvthine Confidentiul. Question List and Co«t of Treatment FREiil FOR HOM£ TREATMENT. DrsKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. MichiganAve. and GriswoidSt., Detroit, Mich. All letters Irom Canada must be aiiilresse<l to our Canadian Conespondenco Depart- ment in Windsor, t)nt. If you desire to see us jier.sonally c.il! ;t mir Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat BO patient* in our Wiiulsor offices which are for Correspondence and I,alK>ratory for Canadian business oulv. Addre.ss all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. Write for our private addressi. a^^NOTICE |Lllll,U'>lillll>l(|lf Contentmont la natuml wealth. Lux- ary Ig artlticlal poverty,â€" Socrn tea, Satisfaction or Your Money Back! That's the condition that goes with every bag of Cream of the West Flour. It's 9 fair, square guarantee, and I want you to take it to mean just what it says. Cream iL West the hard Wheat flour guaranteed for bread Give Cream of the West a fair, square trial. If you don't have satisfaction in baking bread, you'll get sat- isf' "lion at your grocer's. We guarantee one or the other. Cream of the West is a superior bread flOur. Ituprove your home-made bread by using it. The Campbell Milling Company, Limited,Toronto ARCIUBALU CA.MPBELU Preudent 108 Sold by W. Buskin, Flesberton & Jes. FeUiscn, Ceylon.

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