Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Nov 1911, p. 3

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1 : THE STAIiiCllSE ItST It You Oannot Pass It Yo::r Htaltli Is Failing, ' When you suffer acute palpita- tion of the heart, dizziness or •faintncs3 every time you go up stairs ; when exertion of any kind 'leaves you breathless and tremb- 'Jing, it ia a warning that your iblo<>d is defective â€" that you are janaemic. If these warnings are neglected worse disorders will fol- ' lowâ€" perhaps decline and deadly consumption. If you are in this eondition you need the new, good .blood of health tha,t has been given . to thousands of suflerers by Dr. â- Williams' Pink Pills. These pills banish all the ailments arising • from poor blood, tone up the wys tern and make weak men and wo ' men well and strung. Miss Eliza- beth Campbell, Almonte, Out., • Bays: "I was living in Pembroke at the time my liealth failed me 'I kept growing we.aker every d.ay . until I at last grew so weak I fo\ild _ not walk up stairs without help, and I could not go down street â-  without sitting down and resting. , iWy mother got quite anxious about me and took me to a doctor ' who said he wa-s quite suro he . could restore my health. He gave me a little bottle of medicine, and I continued its use until I "had ' taken four bottles, but instead T)f getting stronger I was growing ' weaker all the time, and was only a mere shadow of my former self. My parents believed I was in a de- '. cline and could not get better. My mother had heard so much about â-  Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that she , decided I ought to try them. I , did not notice much change until I had taken five or six boxes, when a decided improvement set in, and • from that on I grew stronger and stronger each day, until through a continued use of the pills I was ' back to my old-time health and , strength. I believe Dr. Williams' , Pink Pills the best remedy on earth for sick people, and cannot too strongly urge other weak girls to give them a trial." Sold by all medicine dealers or • by mail at 50 c-ents a box or six , boxes for $2.50 from The Dr- Wil- liams' Medidne Co., Brockville, .' Ont. LONDON'S STREETS. FoliMhod Surface of Thoroogbfares Show Great Care. After a spell of dry weather the streets in London, England, paved with woo<l and asphnlt, become polished to a very high degree, and the sheen upon Victoria street and Piccadilly, and some other roads, is so remarkable that at night they shine almost like ice in the glare of the lamps, writes Lord Montague in London Car. If an unused section be observ- ed over which motors do not run, no plush will be seen, but in the middle of the street the surface, though curiously enough, not slip- pery in its dry state, is polished like the floor of a ball-room, the natural effect, when one comes to think of it, of rubber and steel in juxtAposition, and the sliarht but continual slipping of wheels over a surface of hardwo<^;d. One effect of this polish i.s to make it impos- sible for any light or loose mat- ter to rest upon it when there is anv wind at all. The centre of the streets has become marvellously clean, and all the hor.se refuse is blown into the gutters near the pavement, which, being often flushed with a trick'o of water, collects most of this light and dangerous detritus which would otherwise he blown farther afield. I have often written of the^Ebony Wa" down the Champs Elysees in Paris. We have now in London many ebony ways, but not being eiven as a nation to so mudb overlubrication as our (Sal- lie neiarhbors, our rosds are not as black, owing to dripping oil on the surface. The surface of our streets i« becoming more like polishetl ivory tha < polish*'d ehonv. The effect of the Road Board and ita grafts is already to be seen nil over F,n»rlan'' in reeard to the making of main roads dustless. GRIPPE W HIM A CO:iFiiMIO DEPENDS ON WHERE HE IS "How old would you say she iai" "To her face or behind her backr' Away With Depression and Mel- ancholy.â€" These two evils are the accomi>aniiiient of a disordered sto- mach and torpid liver and mean wretchedness to all whom they tisit. The surest and speediest way to combat them is with Parmolce's Vegetable Pills, which will restore the healthful a('tion of the stomach , and bring relief. Tliev have proveil their usefulness in thousands of , cases and ivill continue to give ro- lief to the suffering who ai'c wise enough to use them. HEARTLESS. Cholly â€" "Miss Jones, life with- out you would bo, for me, a de- sert. What is your answer?" Ethel â€" "Buy a camel!" TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY IV Red, Weak. Weary, Watery Eyes MB4Qr«nulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Caart â€" Sootbes Ey« Pain. Druggists S«U Murine Bye Remedy, Liquid, 2IJc, EOc. $1.00. Murine Bye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 26c. $1.00. E.ve Books tni Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eyo ReoMdy Co^ Clilcaso> above all the mammals save man himself. Mlnard's Liniment Curat Diphtheria. A FULL REPORT. One day an 8-ycar-old girl, who had been taught to re[>ort her niiR- deeds promptly, sought her mother with an aspect of grief denoting great ix-iiitencc- "I broke a brick in the fire- place," the youngster explained, between sobs. "Well, that isn't beyond re- medy," smiled the parent, "but how on earth, child, did you do it?' "I was jtouuding it with father's watch f DON'T LET mi mm ROB YOU OF SLEEP You protably know all too well how it go--,'j, Justasydi'. doze off, tlie tickling starts iu your tIiro,it. A jjcnllc cough, still a.^lc(;p. A harder cougti, ;iii(l then .TUoLher. Pirst thing you kuow, you're wiJe awake, coi'.gUiiig your hi.Mil O0. A few nights of th.nt and you're so wont out and weaken cd that the cough takes a tight grip on you. But why endure it? Na-Dni Co Syrup of Liu.seed, Licor- ice and Clilorodync will soothe that exasperatiug tickling, loosen the phlegm •ud cure tht iuflaiuiuationof the nincoii;! meinbrr.ne. It not only stops the cough quickly, allowing you to get sound, ic- treshiug sleep, but it goes to the root of the trouble and drives out the cold com- pletely. Children willingly take Nn- Dni-Co Syropof Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne, because it tastes so good. Vonr Druggist has it or can quickly get It for you lu 25c. aud ,soc. bottles, ' Tnc National Drug & Chemical Co. o( Canada, Limited, iis A WARNING TO MOTHERS No mother can expect her little one to escape all the ills of child- hood, but every mother who accepts fair warning as to the treatment of those little ills can save her baby such suffering. Thousands of mo- thers of young children keep Baby's Own Tablets in the houseâ€" .ill mo- thers should do so. The Tablets are a never-faJling cure for all the minor ills of babvhood and child- hood. They can be given with per- fect safety â€" they always do good ; never harm. Constipati<jn, indiges- tion, colic, simple fevers, colds, ete-, all rapidly disappear under treatment with the Tablets. The Tablets are sold by medicine -leal- crs or»by mail at 25 cents a bo.x from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. BUT HE FOUND CURE IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. " Qiicbco PostmuHter was ooaflned to bed when be started ♦« use Dodd's Kidney Pills â€" They cured him. Tippins, Pontiac Co., Que-, No-t. 27 (SiKwial).â€" Postmaiiter F. Tip- pins, of this place, who f'.' three years has l>een more or lens of an invalid, and who for some time wa* confined to his bed, i.s up and around again, a healthy and he.^^ty man. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him. " Mter rrcovering from an attack of Grippe," the Pot^tmaster s.ays in telling the story of his cure. "I took a pain in my back an'l I suf- fered for nearly three year'', final- ly getting so bad that I v .ui con- fined to my bed. "One d.iy I told my wif.' to go and get mc some Dodd'f Kidney Pills, as that would be the last me- dicine I would try. Aft^T using about half the bo.x I began to feel better, so I kept on taking; them. W'hen I had taken two bo.xi s I was able to get up, and ten boxes cured me completely." The principal danger of Gripp« is t'ne after effects. The w.ay to giuard against this is to 8t;i'ngtii?!i the Kidneys bo they can sa-ain all the dregs of the di««!ase out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills arc always the last medicine anyone takes for Kidney Disease. It al- ways cures and no other luodiciue is needed. ;^ A WARNING. "Why, Mandy," said old Mammy Dinah, "what's diss I hyah about yo' marryiu' da» good-fur-nutbin' Sam Johns! ng?" "Ya'as, Mammy, I suttingly am," said Mandy, blushing a ricli ochre. "Why, dat man's de na eralest- born Hirt dere ever wa' on dis yeare earth, chile," said Mam.my. "Why, dey done fiasi>ed him f'm de barber shop' caaze ebbery time he lok in de klass he'd wink at himsel'fl" SURPRISE 'EM. "He makes a fine appearance." "Yes, You'd never guess he'd come to borrow money until he makes the touch." A Simple and Cheap Medicine. â€" A simple, cheap and effective me- dicine is something to be desired. There is no medicine so effective a regulator of the digestive system as Parmelce's Vegetable Pills. They aro simple, they are cheap, they can bo got anywhere, and their be- neficial action will prove their re- commendation. They are the me- dicine of the poor n»an and those who wish to escape doctors' bills will do well in giving thera a trial. CAL.TE AND PIERCE. Hf" â€" "What do you women do at you clubf" Sheâ€" "Talk about the fiults of you men. What do you do at yours}" Heâ€" "Try to forget the faults of the women." GOOD. "Ho has a good wife, hasn't he?" "1 should say so. He can always borrow money from her when ho goes broke himself." Minnrrt's Tiinimcnt Co.. LimitPd. Gontli'incii,â€" Ijnnt wlnt«r 1 rort.'ivpd great hpnefH Irom tbe U8e of MrNAH.T)'S LTNl- MV;N'r ill a sevpro att^ack of Lafirippe. arid I liavn fri-<iin'ntly provoil it to be vory elfirtive in tnw of Inflammation, loum, W, A. HUTCHINSON. BURGLAR- PROOF SAFES NOW. It is stated that Messrs. Krupp, of Essen, Germany, are now manu- factiiriug a type of steel for safes which resists the action of quick- cutting drills and breaks the best bits liivo glass. It is equally proof against the blowpipe. To cut it in this way a li^ngth of time is re- quired not at the disposal of the burglar. To cut a plate 40 mm. thick with a blow-pipe it takes six to fourteen hours, 12,000 litres of hy-drogcn and Ki.OOO of acetylene. This would involve the conveyance of six steel cylinders of c»)ninrc,s- sed gas, each weii<hing 70 kilos., which is presumably beyond the resources of the average burglar at any rate. Often what apjjear to be the most trivial occurrences of life prove to be the most momentous. Many arc disposed to regard a c<'ld as a slight thing deserving of little (• n- sideration, and this ncglz-ot often results iu most serious ailments entailing years of suffering. Drive out c<jlds and c-oughs with Bickle's Anti-Consunintive Syrup, the re(;og- nized remedy for all affections of the throat and lungs- Ninety i)er cent, of the cycles im- ported into Japan are supplied by British mamifacturers. Mlnard's LInlmant Cures Dlstt^mper. AWFUL THOUGHT Neilâ€" "Won't it bo grand when women can vote?" Belleâ€" "But suppose election should come on a day when you have a fitting at your dressmak- er's." HINTS FOR THE HOME. A great convenience when clean- ing house is a stick with a notch in the end that will lift picture cords off from hooks without so much ateppmg up and down. â- When patching wall paper tear the edges of the piece about to be used. When pasted upon the wall a tear in paper shows less than a cut with knife or scissors- If a meal has been taken within two or three hours of going to bed to sleep on the left side is to give the stomach a task which is diffi- cult in the extreme to perform. Pillow slips should be a half inch narrower than the pillows they are to cover. This snugness in (it in- sures the pillows standing upright when the bed is made up. A cU)an brick represents an ex- cellent makeshift st.and for a flat- iron. Brick retains heat better th.an the perforatexl metal rests which are usually employed for the purpose. If cooked meat is ready for the table before it is required, pl.tee in a dish and set over a pan of boil- j ing water placed on the back of the range and coveri^ with cloth. If baby has swallowed a fish- bone and is in danger of choking, use your forefinger in the form of a hook, and even at the risk of con- siderable pain relieve the little sufferer. A little kerosene added to warm water when washing windows, es- pecially outside, will remove the sticky condition often found bet- ter than alcohol, ammonia, or whiting. Try washing of the hands with a little sugar added to the soap. This greatly increases the lather and cleansing power, and will re- move dirt and chemical stains in a wonderful manner. A never failing rule to follow in piacmg sleeves is to measure one- inch back of the shoulder soara, measure one-half of the arm hole, aud place the underseam of sleeve at this point- aUICKLY STOiB COUaH*. CURES COLDS, MEAL* THe THROAT ANO LUNSS. M CCMT8 PERSONAL. Cholly â€" "How much chloroform will it take to kill a puppy ^" Druggistâ€" "Tut, tut! Stop smok- ing cigarettes and you'll think bet- ter of it." FREE TO BOYS Splendid Magic Lanlem (with twelvf 1«des)j Steam Engine (nearly one fool igh); with whistle, tly wheel and every* thing complete for ruiinini;; (Jiiaranieeil "Starr" doubie-ciider Hockey Skaies; or gti.iranlced W.-ach frae to any boy. Send in your nanii! and we will so-id you 8o sets of Si-irnia views and Chri?ilm.is post cards lo sell at lo cc-nts a set. When sold I send us the money and wc will send you : whichever prize you choose. Wc prepay all charges. Address, UOMER- WARRIiN CO., Depi. 29, Toronlo, BONDS ^^^ BETTER INTEREST •^ ON YOUR MONEY q Inixiint ol security and interest return, thesmalljnvestorin bon:isisonthesame footing as the institution or individual with thousandsortensof thousands toinvest, fl Until Bonds in their present form were devised, it was not an easy thing to find an investment, safe, easily convertable into cash, and simple in form, and yielding as high as 6 per cent, interest. fl Itisamatterol imixirtaiice to you to know that wc generally haveon hand bonds in denominations of $100 and upwards, paying interest of from 4;< to 6 per cent. Q These are seasoned securities, bonds that have demonstrated their ability to pay interest and principal. ^ If you have any money, no matter what the amount, earning less than this, yoQ should ask us how to re-invest it in a way to afford better interest with as good, or better security. DnVAI SECURITIES KU lAL. CORPORATION BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING R, M. WHITE Manager LIMITED YONGE AND QUEEN STREETS TORONTO MONTREAL-QUHBFCMALIFAX-OTTAWA LONDON lENO.I The Ideal Reading Lamp Opticians agree that the light from a good oil lamp is easier on the eyes than any other artificial light. The Rayo Lamp is the best oil lamp made. It gives a strong, yet soft, white light; and it never flickers. It pre- serves the eyesight o( the young ; it helps and quickens that of the old. You can pay $5, $10, or $20 for other lamps, but you cannot get better light than the low-priced Rayo gives. Made of solid brass, nickel-plated. Easily lighted, without remov- ing shade or chimney. Easy to dean and rewick. Dcalcn cTcrywhete ; or wrile for cSacriptivc circuUr direct lo taj aseticr d The Queen City Oil Company, Lioiited (£Ihen buying your Piano irvstst on havirt^ an OTTO HIGEL' P*aT\o ActioTN FARMS FOR RENT ANO BALE. I ASK DAWSON, HE KNOWS. F you nruut to uoU a farm, uiuniUl 1 1' 7UU nuut tu buy a turm. Uiiueult me. 1HAVB Bomo of tiie hesl. truit. Stuck« Uruiu or Dairy i: urmii lu Ummiw uiul iinuea rlctit. H. H. NIGHTNGALE STOCK BROKER Mambar >^uiui.u>l Stork und Mlolii: Cxctauiga LISTED STOCKS CAKRIEO ON MAROIN t'urrtfspoadoDco tnTit*U. ,3 MT:f.IND.\ ST,, TORONTO 11 W. PAWSON. Niuety CwiliMro* , bli "tla Toroulo. AGENTS WANTEn j 1 UL.NPS WA.NTKD. - A liir^i; FOB ' J\. every home. Wrilo ud for our cholo« < libt ot iigf>uts bUpiiheH. W'ti h.ivu tiitt Kreutcbt ayt^iu-y jirojiosiLioa iii Cuuadai ! tu-Uay. N(i cmiluy nf(^»*:?-iirv. Appiy B, ; 1;. 1. Co.. :!28 Ailxtrt .St.. Otl^iwa. A Power of Its Own. â€" Dr. Thomas' Kclectric Oil has a subtle power of its own tli.it other oils cannot pret'Cnd to, tIion(;h there are many pretenders- All who have used it kuow thia an<I k^ep it by them as the most valuable liniment available. Its u^cs are innumer- able an<l for many ycirs it hae been prized as the leading liniment for man and beast. M^AN THING. Heâ€" "I suppose, wifey, yon wouldn't care to go to the theatre in your old dress V Sheâ€" "Oh, dear, no. Of course not." He- "That's what ! thought, so Iâ€"" She-"Yes, dear-" Ho- "So I oulv bought one tick- et for nivsclf." QUITE NICE FOR THEM. Tall Miss- "Arc the Yuuntt- bom-es BioinK to take a biit liuusci" Little Maidenâ€" "Just a five room t.r,p<5ii for (Vioniselvcs and a w.i.re- lious© for their wedding pre.sc;itB " Kl>. 7 ISStli 4b-U HAD GOOD CAUSE. "He never seemed to have any friends." "Yet the heirs seemed unusually mournful." "Weil, most of his money weat to charily." Hiiixi and soft corns both yield to Holioway's Corn Cure, which is entirely safe to n.se. and ceriain and satisfactory in its action. LEGAL LORE. "As a lawyer, how would yon advise me to sue for a, girl's hand V "Take the case to court and ask for immediate trial." Quick-spoken Customer â€" You keep everything for the piano, don't you ? Kalesman â€" Yoh, sir. We do, sir. Qiiick-si>okcn Custom- er â€" Give mc an axe. Twenty-first Wsrnrow luur. I'ell. 3. LACONia .New Vor)t t(i M.uleiia. liibmltar, Aleoria, Nice, MEDITER- M.mlo i;»rl", Nitplej Thmi c iii«e RAMIAN t<' ^>ct)y. (irencH. Turkey, -\nia Mm 1, ^yrl^i. I'lileatiiid, Kiivpt oil DUNOTTAR CASTLE.Il«l A., ails- pile, of sir lloiiry l.unli. Nsplei EUROPCAIt to l.'li'liiii. IIIU4trHt»l I'r 'Ur.iui. K Witlir â- <*,» v.. MetlioUi'l iluuk Huciii, i'-.r-'iitn. raiia^i ' HELP WANTED. Harduppcâ€" Is Wig.v.-xy honest/ Borr<i\vwcll â€" Well, he ciune amund to my house the other day and Ktoio an umbrella I had borrowed from him. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Ao. There arc eighty thousand kinds of beetles. ^ALKS.MKN SiO PhU WKEK .SKLUMU 10 I'Ui; Uauft r.;;i;-i»fatrr. bumpiu aad tt*rmM ::ot-. Mniiey reiuiided if uiihuiialau* tury. rdlJLaio Mt»;. Lumimiiy. i.jtliug« \v.«.,l, Oiii. 4 T UMCK-ME.N TO LKAKN lAiiUKa J\. trjiat*; cxnirl iiu^trutiiuii; i;oublau« ljri(.i-I u-e; tuolu utje; uiwuyH Muri' «_'iuiiiuy. mciit lor A burtiui'. V»ru« lur I'Hiuluvua, M(.iiT BarbLT Ltilli-go, 'ill vjucuu timt, 'I'urniito. MISLbUkAHfeOUS. 11 Worms sap the strength and un- dermine the vitality of children Strengthen them by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator to drivo out the para.sites. Oats contain a larger amount of flc,>:h and bone forming substances than any other cereal. AV and I'Aii.ii aUALii;,.-,. Wileun* ^AWJllLL llACiil.Nhltl'. I'UUTABLB buh'iiii'u and boui'i'H, Mill Muuiiik'N. Xlia h. L.iii)i; itlaiiuiiit.i.ui'iiit{ CO., IjLU., Waal Sirnu;, Orilua. uiaaiiu. DKLllI l'A.N.<Kitl' -C'liHTOM HOBM uiiU Fur KtijiiiiJt;. i^uuiu and ilors* i^.iifH miiko tH-»i UuueH aiui t.:oHi>i whea liiLvit iiiciii ur^.-?: J^Pjr i{{ia. Vuii will ba well Huiisufd. i* S- <^'.-ii. Of iJii, Out. Government Municipal and Corporation Bonds Correapondencc Invited. CANADA SEGOBITIES COHPOBATION, Limited. Hon, C, J, Doharly, ICC, M,P., PrceiJeut. Rodolpho Forf;nt, M.P., Vi' ePr-iid«nt. Geo, H, Goodnrham, M.P.P., Vico*Pr«aiclcnt. HLAD OFFICE: 179 ST. JAMES STREET MONTREAL. Yon will sneeze ; perhaps feel chilly. You think you are c.itch- ing cold. Don't wait until vou kn.iw it. Take a dose of Hamjins Wizard Oil aud you just can't catch cold. â- â-  Man at birth is the most helpless of all living things. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Garget In Cows. .1. KEW ATLANTIC NAVAL BASE. llarhw for British Home Fleet iu The Firth of Clyde. It is !ftate<l on good authority at Gla-sgow. Scotland, that the nd- mirjilty has decided to make a new naval base at Lamla.-ih Bay. in tho Isle of Arran, in the Eirth of Clyde. Heavy monriuft.s are being laid ♦lown there, and everything points to the niUMiti<in of tho Admiralty to provdo safe act-ommodotion for a complete squadron. Thin new Clyde base is to hoconie tho hcjwl (|uarterf> of the third division of tho home lleot. Hithert/n th.s cast coast has for obvious reasons l)con the scene of the most v till cti.-ngcs in the dis- position of Britian's Naval strength At Roi^yth, en the Eorlh, there aro, as is well known, immense works going forward which will !ii,ake fc'tiis place a very nnport.'int and sl'dng naval ba«« for the larg- est ships. .^t Dundee "imaller craft, inehid ing Kubm.nrines are coneentrnte<l while 6o''pa Flow, in the Orkney Iclii,"/Ii;. Vn5 ."Is/i of !nt.e rp'"r>ivc-'' considerable attention from the a<\ niiralty Lower <hiwn the const, nt TT.nr wi^h, ill Es'^e". is the verv imi-inrt ,T^t headquarters of i.^e de^trover flotilla*. . , •>._ 91,250.000 miles fro'n '^-^-^rtiH-- Cl ,^.lCL.li. lU>iW^^>. L«L>.UI'.-^. >'IC. in* J lunmi ana uxLcriiai. cuivu wltJioal , 11 by uur i.oi^At; iiuaiiucuL. Write uA lifiorv u>o latt' i>r. uuituiuu Uodiuai Ca« Limilod. Coiljiii^Muuil. Uui. i» lO.S Rl-Ai^r, 111, .\U-i-N 1 r.i.U. WilnonS \^ Scale 1\ urkk, y i:^aplanatle. Toronto* AUiiNTs u.u»i'i.u. A sTiiny eg ijinttr Agt'ii<;y iii-oi>o^itiuiiti i^'iiiviiiet't Ub itiul lufiie cull C4U1U uurH. Vuu will ul. niiys regret il 11 >»u aunt tijiiily Inr pan lirularH lo Tra\L-ai.i3 UctJt., iio Ailxrt St., Ullawa. ^i'l-JLlALlsT.-> AKVlcK KICKIv Conimll O ua in ri-Karii to any diui-asc. Laireg) pi it^ia in uru;.-!. uf all kindK TrusBM littod by imiil Hciid mpiiiinr» ineut. Glasses fitted by age. Write to-daj for aiiytliiiis smu 111 lirMt-oiax* drug i>tore>» to l>r. Hellntan, Coiliiiffwood. Ont, CHENILLE CURTAINS uud a1 kiuil# nf ho A' hiitii{iii>:»« alik> LjiCE CURTAINS °'^°.A*^^ w'k''""'"' Write tu ua nn -tit yourK- ADITISH AMERIOAN OYEiNC CO.. Boi liiS, MmitrMl â-  â€" ^=^-^ » « The fact thai, a inuic (l:dnt know any better th.T:i to kick you d'lesn'b add to the eiijoymcut of your btay in the hospital. DR. OOW'S STURO mm m Rxtornal api)iic.'iti'j)i for man or beast. Everyone 'knows of the wonderful qualities in tho oi! of the STUIUIKON for fipraiiie, lameness, etc. iJr. Dow's formula has it in its best form. For Khoumatism, I^miibago, Neuro.lf;ia, Swellings, etc., it cannot be e<)ua!led. Try it once and you will be satisfied. I'rice 2j cents. ASK YOUR DEALER. HE SELLS IT. Tho Brayhjy Drtis (»o., Ldl.. Sole ?r<ipa. St- John, N. B. h r

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