Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Nov 1911, p. 6

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^(:!ji^0%m 'nmnL\9^xk\i\s NQ STROT>PmG-N0 ^0^(ING^^ i«!^fte, t,j^;;: -Kf.<';'--:j'-';!iSi;«as;« To the busy man time is money. AVhy waste It? The old way of shaving is slow. It'a unsafe, tooâ€"you may gash your face any day. Besides saving time, the GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR saves your face. With it you can shave as fast as you likeâ€" no cutsâ€" iio scratches. AiJt srour dealer to show you th* GtlXCTTE. If he hu not th« 8oo<U or oar cjilalonue, writ* ui. W* writl ••« tKat jrov ar« lupplivd. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA, UMITED. Orric* «n<l Foclonr. 63 Si. AUxander St.. Montrnal. HO STROPPING - NO HONINO Th. GILLETTE St.'vndard Set: triple •ilver • plMt.d raizcr • nd lcloz.blAite«,$5. J::i,^-^aiai, e CLOS E' quarte r: OR, THE HOUSE IN THE RUE BARBETTE ==^ 9 tb« excitiug RtatemcnU which in duo&d them to accoi)ii).iny him, but Bixttt Btepptxl into the breach. "It is i|uite truf," he naid, "that iny frit-nd wa^; anxioua on my oc- oount. It was yven jwssibl© ther.r Tc.rkish gentlemen here and myself might have proceeded to extremi- ties, but the affair hua eudrd k.iUk factorilv, and i( jou will allov. ;no " He put his*liand iut-o hiK pocket and a dight monetary trant action t-eriniiiatod the incident plea- •antlv for a!l partiee. (Soon Brett and Fairholrac found themselves; in th« street, and again did the banister draw in deep and iuvif{orating drnughtB of I'arifi air. "Where now?" said Fiiirholmc. •Tell me," cried Brett l^agerly. "did you notice iu which directioL the little man who left No. 11 about t*>n minutes ago '(" "Jietter than that, I heard where he waa going U>. He was in such .a fiendish funk that he paid heed to iiobodv hut flunj; himself into a parsing cab and yf lied, 'Take me to the Cabaret Koir, lioulevard Montmartrc' " •'Qond. You arc a splendid dc te'-'tive. You have saved me hour.s of search and perhaps days of fail are. (!ome; let u», too, go to the Cabaret Koir." =J) CHAPTER VIII. -(Cont'd) To hia acute brain there came an immediate ooDfirmation of bit theory. Evidently the diamonds had not been previounly in the Turk's possession. The little Frenchman had just delivered them, and this in itself was a strange cir- cumstance in view of the fact that the genuine stones in\ist have been in Paris at least three days. Brett concentrated all his drama- tic faculties in look, voice, and ges- ture. "You tools!" he cried. "You have been swindled by a device which a child might tiiispect. These are not the Stil* j'«.,^il!amonds. These are frauds ci(>crTj concoct- «d bits of crystal and alum -intcud- «*d to keep you hajjjiy until you re- turn to Constantinople and discov- er how thoroughlv v<jii were urceiv- *d." "You lie!" roared the little Frruchmau. "They are genuine." Brett wanted to punch the di- minutive scoundrel heavily in the face, but he restrained himself. Turning with a magnifit-ont assump- tion of court«ou9iicb3 to Huttsciu-ul- Mulk, he said-- "Com^j I told you you were act ing childiehly : this proves it. A iriost outrageous attempt has been made to swindle you, if I may use such a term to p<;rKi.'iis who confes- sedly aie plotting to rob another. Surely this will convince you that you have nothing to fpur from uie. 1 am here as the agent neither of the Sultan nor the jjolice. It is u nimple matter for you to verify my utatement. .Ml that is iiece.ssary ia for one of your \- u"' to take any of these alleged dir '< nd« 1 would suggest the smallJv'fone, so as not to create suspicion Ut any jeweller Ml the district, ami he will test it for \iy\\ immediately, thus proving the truth of my statement. Look fine; 1 will convince you myself." He took the inu;i*^ter diamond ir reverently in his hand Ix-forr Hus f.ein III Miilk could prevent liim and turned to the winfiow. He pressed the st4jne against the glass and tried to make it cut. Jt failed. Ho jilaoed It against his dieek. It was \«'arm. A pure diamond would he i<y cold. More than this, a small portion of the composition of which the imita- tion had been hastily (â- oncoele<l, liiokr off in Ills litig<'r^. "Voii see." he laughed. "Do you re((uire further proof!' l'!\en while he »<i>oke tlie diminu- tive little Frenchman turnexj and boiled. One of the Turkj< drew a revolver and rujfied after him, but Hussein ul Mulk uttered iKjme au thoritative words wliich prevented tlie man from tiring. The Frencli- nnan was evidently an adapt vn the art of dodging pursuit. In the pas- sage he duck^xi suddenly and threw the Turk heavily to tiie ground. Then, wiUiout further interference he «Upj>ed the latvh of tlic door and â- lammed it hastily behind him, leav- ing Brett silently laughing at Hus- •eln-ul-Muik. "Can it be possible that what you •ay is true?" naid Hussein-ul Mulk, in such piteous accents that Brett was moved to further mirth. I "Surely you do not doubt the evi- denced' he said. Take any of these stones ; they will crumble to pieces on the hearth if struck the slightest blow. Bee, 1 will pulvcr- iie one with ray heel." And he did bo, though the .amazed and despairing men whom he ad drecwed would have restrainco him, for they still could not bring them- selves to believe. Hu8sein-ul-Mulk was the first to recover his .scattered senses. "Wc can not choose but believe you, Mr. Brett," ho said. "We .arc j even indebted to you for making this disastrous discovery at such an early date. We paid our agents so highly that we thought their hon esty was assured. Wc find wc are mistaken, and <:onscfiuently we aix)logizc to you for using threats which were unnecesFnry. We rely on your honor not to incriminate us with the police. All we can t-cll you is that your friend is not dead, but we do not know his whereabouts." "Nonsense," cried Brett angrily. "Why do you seek to mislead me in this fashion 1' "Sir," said the Turk, "I am tell- ing you the truth. We believe that j Mr. Talbot is a prisoner in I/ondon,! but w€ do not know in what local- ity. My friends here and myself, as you have already surraisrcd, are merely members of a jxilitical or- ganization. It was nccc>^sary for us to secure jiossession of the Imperial diainiwul and its companions. We spared no expense, nor hesitat.<-d at any means that would accomplish our purfxise. We have been foiled foi- the moment. T can tril you no- thing else, and I advise you U) leave us and forget that such persons ex- ist, for 1 swear to you by the beard of the Prophet that bad events turned out differently you would now be a lifeless corpse in this room, whilst your l)ody would not be discovered for luany weeks, as we intended to leave Paris this af- tern<Kin as soon as the diamonds came into our jjossession." At this moment a thunderous knocking reverberated through the house. The Turks gazed at each other in affright. None of them moved l.o o[>en the door. But the knock was not repeated, for the door itself was thrown bodily from its hinges, and the stalwart form of Lord Fairliolmo accompanied by two i>olicemeii, ap- peared in the p.issage. "Ah," cried Brett, intervening with ready tact, "I had forgotUjn you, I'airholmc. I see you kept your appointment. These are not reriuired," he rattled on ple.isant- ly, turning towards tlie stern-look- ing sergeuls de villc ; "I ajn iguite alive and uninjured. My friends here and myself had a few earnest words, but we have settled matters satisfactorily." The suspicious policemen glanrod from the smiling Knglishman to the perturbed Turks. At the first eound of danger HuBsein ul-Mulk had closed the case in which lay the spurious diamon<ls, »o these preten- tiouS'looking geuie did not excite the curiosity of the men of law. Th« ecnior officer demanded from Lord Fairholme an <ixplnnatioii <if CHAPTER I.X. The exterior of thu Cabaret Noir belied its name. Originally, no doubt, it was one of the vilest den.s in a vile locality, but the fairy hand of the brewer had touched the familiar wineshop, and it glistened to-day in much mahog- any, more bra.ss, and a daz/.ling collection of mirrors. "Here wo are," said his lordship cheerfully. "Ijei'a take them by eurpr.se and run over the whole show before any one can stop us." "No," said Brett; this is Paris, and the jwlice here haa ways more mysterious than those of Scotland Yard. We will gain nothing by dras- tic measures. Indeed, had I known the 6ort of plac« wc were coming to I would have visited it to-night and in disguise. As it is, we have been seen already by any one inter- ested in our movements, and it would bo useless to adopt any pre- tence, so follow me. He boldly entered through the main door, and found himself in a light, airy room, filled, in three- fourths of its area, with little marble-topped tables surrounded by diminutive chairs, whilst a bar counter was partitioned off in a cor- ner. The attendant in charge was a fell across the woman's imptjdent, iretly face. There was just a tinge of stage laughter in her tone when she cried : "Really, how interesting I And where in the Ruo Barbette, mon- sieur? In what way am 1 concera- .-d withâ€" No. II, did you say 1" Brett well knew how to conduct the attack upon this lady. His voice iell to a determined nolo, his eyes 'ookexl gravely into hers as ho an- iwcred â€" "It is useless to preteud that you do not underit.and i/ic. You are losing momonts wort'i god, per- haps diamonds ! Within a few min- utes the police will be here, and then it will be too l.atc. Help me first and I will Jet the police take care of themselves, llofuse nie your assistance, and I will leave you and vour friends to the mercy of the district commissaJre." A dangerous light leaped into tho woman's eyes at this direct chal- lenge. "Monsieur is pleased to speak in riddles," she said. "This 'v. a res- taurant. Wc can execute y-jur or- ders, but we are not skillec in act- ing chariides. You will fiu'! better performers in the boot'is out there;" and she ewcpt hei hands scornfully towards the boulevard, with its medley of tents, etalla, and merry-go-rounds. I (To bo continued.) GUARANTEED 7% And a Share in the Profits As a nil« our clients get the benefit of all the "certainties" wo control. To-day we are making use of "An Absolute Certainty" for the purpose of extending our clientele. Here's the proposition in a nut shell â€" -a 7% pront-sharing prtfsrencs itocfc en wtilch dlvldtndi sr» paid twiM a y«ar-a itock Issued hy a eonctrn srltli a rtcord •t U y*arl' tuooesjful and prserMsUs builntsi ex(»erl«ne»-s •onc«rn at pr*»*nt oontralllne Natural Resources wtiloh ars bound te double the valuo ol Its sacurltlos bofor* lorn. We guarantee 7% on this investment. We are practically certain that this etock will pay higher profits. It's the best industrial stock, at par, on tbe market. Furttitrmore, we niarantee to buy it back at par Irom (lata ol Invetlment, li dtilrod. plus 1% Write at one* to, In on* yezr KATIO^â- AL SECURITIES Confederation Life llctg., TORONTO CORPORATION, Lli^UTED 303 Oeard of Trade BIdg., MONTRCAI. or so much twtler fhan ordinary physics. While ihorouEhly effective, they never tripe, purge or cau»« niusea, and never lose their elfcctiveneas. One ol the Leal of the NA-DKU-CO line. 25c. « box. II your druffiil has not yrt stocked Ihein, send 25o. and -we I them. 23 '^-u( and Ol«ml<al CiMnpaiiir of r«i,>({«, IJmil,,!. . • Mitnlrrat. ' 4iE3nMeaKMsaKU<>«aM think that tlu presence of a couple of sight-seeing Englishmen at such an hour was another testimony to the lunatic propensities of the An- glo-B.axon race. "This is tho Cabaret Noirl' ques- tioned Brett. "But yes, monsieur." "A gentleman, a friend of mine, came here a few minutes ago in a fiacre. Ho w.nr. small, slight, so high"-^ illustrating tho stature by hi.") hand. "He was dressed in dark blue clothes with shiny boots. Ho wasâ€"" Brett's eager description waa cut short by the appe.irauce of a new character. Through a narrow door leading into tlie bar came a hand- some dark-eyed woman, aged per- haps twenty-five, well dressed, shapely, and carrying herself with the easy grace of a born Parisienne. Her hair was jet black. Her large dark eyes were recessed be- neath arched and strongly pencilled eyebrows. Her ukin h.ad that pecu- liar tint of porcelain white so often fioen in women of southern bloo<L Y^et there was nothing delicate jn this lady's appearance or manner. .\ rich color suffused her cheeks, and her language was remarkably free both in volume and style. Her manner changed Bomewhat as she addressed herself to Brett and his companion. There was auf- ficient of the landladv in her de- meanour when she said, "And what would messieurs be )>lea8ed to com- mand '(" Now, if there was one type of femininity moro than another which Brett thorouglily underst^iod it was tho saucy, quick-witted, handsome adventuress. He knew that the wo- man scrutinizing him so coolly came well within this oat<!gory. He could not tell, of course, in what way she might be associated with tho gang whose proceedings contained the cxplan.%tion of Tal- bot's fate, but he instantly resolved Uj adopt a determined position with the lady who half-pclulantly, half- curiously. was awaiting his reply. He came nearer to her. "I am glad," ho said, "that I have met you." Tho woman looked him boldly in the eyes. "Was it for the happi- ness of 'leeing me that monsieur h.as visited the house 1" "That might well serve as the rea- son, but tho pleasure is all the grcflter since it was unexpected." "You are ple.iscd lo bo faceti- ous," she replied. "Will you not tell me your business? I have! af- (nir'" to <ieci'py me.'' ".\ssiiredlv. T liave driven here as quii'klv as nof,sible from No. 11, Hue Barbette." Th's attack. «o â- lir'>cf and uncom- proinising, did not fnil to liavf> its cfTccl. A ready mask of RU^picioa COFFEE II£AIIT As Dangeroufl tm tbe Toba<x:o Whiskey Heart. "Coffee heart" is common to tnany coffee users and is l.*ble to send the owner to his or her long home if the drug is persisted in. You cuu run 30 or 4U yards and tiad out if your heart is troubled. A lady who was onoe a victim of tha "oof- fee heart" writes from Oregon: "I have been a habitual user of coffee all my life and have suffered very much in recent years from ail- ments which I became satisfied were directly due to tbe poison in the beverage, such as torpid liver and indigestion, which in turn irvade my complexion blotchy and muddy. ""Then my heart became sffectod. It would beat most rapid'y just after I drank my coO««, and go be low normal as the coffee eftei-t wore uff. Sometimes my pulse would go a« high .IB 137 beats to tho minnto. My family were greotly alarmed at my condition and at lost mother persuaded me to begin the use of Postum. "I gave up coffee entirely ano absolutely, and made Post urn my sole table beverage. Tliirj was Q HEALTH IN PURE 8UQAR Sngar la one ol the tcet, and most widely need foods. Would ynn rlek 7oar bealtb for ihe take of a few cents oo a bundred 9.jUDds ol tuear? £ur ODif EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR Its Puritr and Qaality rannot be questioned any otlicr and note the difference in eolor. Compare It wltb RARIS LUMPS Wh«n buying Leal Sa«ar ask for Rcdpatb Paria Lun»* soUI to BKD 8KAL dost proof cartona, and by the pound. The Canada Sugar Refining Co., MONTREAL, CANADA. Cl«lted Rtt«»lt«a«d la i»SA by Jo hn K«dpat> dreary-eyed waiter, who seemed to [^'^"^^.^ *3^' *°^ ''V- "'^' "''i *^l'f digestion, inactive hver and rickety heart action, have passed away, and my complexion has bccona clear and natural. Tho improvenient set in very soon after I m'.do the change, just as soon as tho coffee poison bad time to work out of my system. "My husband has als" been ' great Iv benefited by tho use of Pos- tum, and we find that n simple breakfast with Postum, is at: satisfy- ing and more strengthening tJiaii tho old heavier meal wo used to ha\o with coffee." Name given by Postum Co., Bat- tle Creek, Mich. "There's a reason," and it is ex- plaine<I in the little book, "The iload to Wellville," in pkg-i. Ever read the above letter? A neia one appears from lime to time, fhay krt â- â€¢nulne, true, and full el human Inloresl. A BIRD-LIKE FETLINO. "i feel like a bird." "How'fi that?" "De lady's bull-dog in;ide> mo quail." â-º. i Warmth is essential to com- fort. As you grovr older, it is hardly less essential to health. Get a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater, and you keep warm and com- fortable in your home, no matter what the weather without The Perfecbon gives a strong, widespread heal, and gives it quickly. It is always ready for use cind bums nine hours on a single filling â€"no more trouble than a lamp, h can be carried anywhere ; DO pipes, no wires, no flues ; no smoke, odor or dirt. The h'Mta that gives complete satiifaction. This year's Perfection is finished in either blue enamel or plain sled : nickd trimmingi ; light and omsmenlal. yet itiong and durable as can be made, AU parts easily clcaoeu. Automstic -locking fiame spreader prefents smoking. DoiUneTcnrwbeni ocwriucaaoy saucy c{ The Queen City Oil Cotnpaof, Linuted SiUii. ^jj^ fc'-"'Vy><i WS^^ LY£0V13t$25 WHM BUYING YNJA^ RANGE TlIS FALL. ^AND^yE Bff-nEFSSIfiHTl I ! I'ht&KKillon <>fll>« ^ You Can Bt:y ••DOMINION PRIDE" RANGE At Factory Price Direct From Hie Larocst Malleable Range Works lu Canada F you want to save from $2S to f jo, and at tbe same time get the most satififactorv kitchen range made, write for our Catalogue a:ul looV into Ihe merits of llie "IXJMlNiON I'klDK," at from |4i to I49. ]f we sold you i !entic»Uy the saine range in the usual way, through a dealer, you woiild have to pay from f69 U> J78 for it. Vou would be paying two extra profitsâ€" to wholesaler and retailer â€" which would add f -,') to $30 to the cost of your raugc, but absolutely nothing to its value. Ilr»titee C4>«tln|r much less ttian other ranges in U* rla^A, tke "unjiIINION PHIOH" U marh more satisfactory It is maiie nf lauck, â- (rang, malleable irtnlinil the l>e>t Uaa polisliMl tl*«t-'Batcilal« whUh will not wu-p, cxsck or broak. Thr poIUhctl ttcel does not ufrti Mackiafâ€"iimplj mb it o».-f with a rloili. With its cold rolled sterl )iUle ortn -aeclloDal iroa fire-box Ualac. with nlr chawbrrt-anct douMr-waltrd ftuea Hne<1 with asbntoe- the "nOUINlON PRIDIt" is tT>e molt rcoaoinical iSBve yuii can bur. Acttuil Ictis liavc proTcil (bat It taTU 0T<r 301b of (uaT, haniloK rlthrr wueU or coal. \VE PAY THE FSEIGBT A "DOMINION PRinK" Ranft, i;llh U(h closet shelfaad rltrat«(l tarU or flush rrrfrTnlr, with sine sheet to go nader ranae, 8 i«elt«TM Itinc polished atcel pipr and two elbow.*, will be delivered to aay stallaii iu Outarlo, Quelle or the Maritime Vrovlnces for f4i. or ta asy s<nt4ou l-.i I IU.I,. â- _ I... r... I the (our Weatera Proviocea for |4,,-t5 to t« aaot wliV on!«r«nil Iwiaa. e I.. nrriie larrreetsry, b- |«li1 when the ltan»e la d«U»ertii at your alalWo. 1{ â- Â«( conTMilaiu to ^ nil- n.i,T,n,,jLjT -"-*•'â-  -"--"-.-â- ''-â- .--*â- '* pay <*•!> •" wiU arraas* t* accapt your not*. Canada Malleable & Steel Range Mfg. Co., Limited, Oshawa, Cnt. W:i«& wHCinc it will b* m, dUtincI faror to u« if you will mantion tKi> p»»«r. 7 "Hie tvolulion ol the Cook Sluve** TKIJ.S abotit i-onklng (ram the lime the Care PweUeri (lro}tprtUiotttottCt iuto tli«|iot to boll il. It al^Q trtUall nbtjut "Uoittlnloa I'ri.ie " Rans^i Wlifthrr TOH uetd a Vanicr ]u»t now or Bet you will enjoy reatlin^ thta b^ok. Write lor frtt r«»y.

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