Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Dec 1911, p. 5

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DecemBER 28 1911 FLESHERTON ADVANCE I A â- J a J THE STANDARD BANK E.ubU«dl873 OF CANADA WBr-cJ-. TRANSMITTING MONEY For sums up to $50 our Bank Money Orders aro convenient and inexpensive. For larger amounts we issue Drafts or Bills of Exchange. Money sent at once to any banking point in the world by Telegraphic or CaUe Transfer. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. m FLESHERTON BRANCA George Mitchell, Manager matAMemss al«o at dvrham and barkuttox All the nountry ichool children in Uii- tftrio will hesorry lo learn uf the defeat of Mr. Phil. Bowyer the late C'onsevative member in East Kent. It was Mr. Bow- yer who fathered a bill through the Legislature eranting ruritt schools a further two weeks' extension of holiaayt al midKuinmer in order tu make the country school vacation the .same lengih as that anjoyed by the mora favored urb^n schools. If it had bean left tu the country school childreu to do the electing, Mr. Bowyer would have been returned to the Legislature by a Pennsylvania majority, and the reader)* of the Ridge- town Dominion, which is pulilished by Mr. Bowyer, would have been spared from readine the siid post-election refrain, which flowed from the pen of the editor after the lutltle, when he said, "We had the distiction and now follows the ex- tinction. -Bruce Time*. C. p. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as Mist Ethel Trimble of Owen Sound is I visiting the parental home. She was accompanied hy Miss Cume. I Mr. and Mrs. Miller from VICINITY CHIPS Trains follows : r< â-  a ..L <-. • XT L * Mr. and Mrs. Miller from the West (jroing South Going North , ..... „ _ ... , . £,o ' we visiting the latter s parents, Mr. and 7-*'^»-"'- '-• 11.28 a.m. j_, ^ „7 „ „ u m n ii . „.. „ ... Mrs. C. W. Bellamy. Mrs. Miller will I remain for some month.s. The mails are closed at Flesherton a^l â„¢, ,, , ,. r, , , , follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and) The Methodist Sabbath school enter- 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at, tainment will be held on the evening of 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south ( J«ew Years day. Good prooram, good mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g. wj^^^ ^^^^ Tea from f> to 8 Free ' will offering. For the first time in the history of The .Advance we had to turn work away last I week, and this notwithstanding we had extra help on the staff. This was caused by the short time allowed in which to get out hnaneial »tatement3 for Osprey and Arteraesia tawnabips, some thirty pages of pamphlet work. all inisie of a week, in addition to issuing the paper. We owe a public apology to those who fai!ei to have their wants met and were obliged to go elsewhere. All priuting oftices are exrremely buisy at this season of the year, but thia season with u.s has been exceptionally so. A L)e« Moines man had an attack «if mns- cular rheumatism in his shoulder. .\ friend advised him to go to Hot Spiinifs. That mean t an expensie of SlVt.'W or more. He sought for a i|uicker and cheaper waj- to cure it .ind found It in Chauiberlulu's Liniment. Three days after the first application of this liniment he w:is well. For sale by all dealers. Orange Valley L. O. L., No uO'.t, held their annual meeting in their hall on Dec 4lh, when the installation of otticers took place for the ensuing year a.s follows : W. M., Geo. Beighton, D.M., Jno. Ben- nett, Chap., Fred A. York; Rec. Sec, W. Teeter; Treas., John W.Gibson; D. of C, Robt. FiizsimmoDs; Comniitee:â€" J. L. Irwiu, I John Vadden. Carter Irwin, Oeo. Little- Johns, Hairy Wyvillc; Audiiura, W, I Gibson and L. Irving; Caretaker, F. A. j York. The books were audited and the j lodge found Lo l>e in good circuiustances. I When you have a bilious attack give ' Chamberlain's Tablets a trial. They are I c-xcelleut. l''"r sale by all dealers. Dr. and Mrs. Webster of Toronto •were in to*-n on Christmas day. Prof. Joseph Stafford and bride of Montreal are guests of friends here. Emerson Adams and E. Blakely of the Bell telephone were home jor Christinas. Miss Belle Loucks of Tara spent the Chriatnias holidays at her parental home. Mr. Charles Kyle of Teston, is visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Burnett. Mr. Albert Uichard.son of Brampton spent Christmas holidays with his bro- ther, Robert. District L. U. L. meets at Ceylon on January '.>th at 2 p ni. â€" \Vm. Swanton, District Secretary. Mr. and Mra. John Nixon of Mono and little sun spent Christmas with Mr. «nd Mrs. Alex. Stewart. Mrs. Will Burnett attended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Wilkie. at Bolton, on Wednesday of this week. Mr. Charles StaflMrd, who has been iuj"''^''" D"U>'leday; Fin. Sec the west since litst June, returned htrej last week to spend the winter. The Misses Bertha and Ada Ne.sbitt of Credit Forks spent the Christmas hol- idays with their aunt, Mrs. 1. Sinclair of 4his place. Christmas day passed otf quietly in Flesherton. Absence of snow made it dithcult to l>elieve that Christmas was actually with us. Mr. and Mrs. .Archy Cairns of Manor, Sask., are visiting" relatives and friends! y^j -^^^^^ ,,^3 ui7christmas exper;-' here. It is eleven years since Mr. Chirns Lnced in the home of Councillor A. D. last visited Ontario. | McLeod uf Priceville, when the grim The new year commences on Monday I reaper came on Wednesday of last week Mrs. A. D. McLeod next. May it be a happy and prosperous year to all Advance patrons â€" and others as well, of course. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson of Montana visited with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Burnett last week. Kiniberley Methodist church will give their annual tea and entertainmenr on the livening of New Years day. Sec bills for particulais. • We invite attention to the large page advertisment of J. & W. Boyd on our back page. The firm quotes prices and you will see therefrom the bargains to be obtained during this senuiue clearing sale. The school teachers left for their rea- pective homes im Friday bst as follows: Miss Swit/.er to St. Marys, Miss Bell to Owen Sound, Miss Philp to Ircfjuoi.s, and Mr. and Mrs. Holland to Wood" bridge, Mr. and Mrs, Marcellus remain in town. and suddenly called the wife and mother across the valley of shadows. Mrs. Mc- Leod was engaged in her household duties when she suddenly fell over and expired almost instiutly of heart failure. Mrs. McLeod was a comparativly young wo- man, only 52 years of age. She was born in Waterloo County and was brought up by her grandparents. She married Mr. McLeod 25 years ago, and died on the anniversary of her wedding. She leaves to mourn a husband and six children, four boys and two girls â€" Martin, a tra- vellei ; David at home and two twin boys H years of age at home ; lilsie of Toronto and .Vnnabella at home. Pievious to moving to Priceville ten years ago and engaging in sawmilliiig, Mr. and Mrs. McLeod lived on the 2nd con. ot Arte- mesia. Mr McLeod has been a member of the Artemesii Council Board for the past yeai and Ids name will also appe:ir on the ballot paper this year notwith- standing the tiouble ho is t.ow passing through, and for this decision he is to be .commended. The funeral took place from The Presbyterian Sabbath school held [, he Presbyterian church, Priceville tu a very successful anniversary on Christ- 1 Priceville cemetery on Friday afternoon inas night. The church was crowded to ) '"â- '*f- We only voice the general feeling i fhronghout the townohip when we ex- press our deep sympathy with the sor- rowing family, who are amcng the most highly respected in the locality where they are best known. with a couple of pretty drills, and the usual oratory from the budding orators. Music was supplied by Ceylon orchestra. The proceeds amounted to $t)0.00. Among the visitors here from To ronto for Christmas were following • Dr. Ed. Uichard.son, tieorge Mc- Tavi.sh, Fred McTavish. Fred Kaistedt, Arnold Thurston, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Phillips, Mr. ,uid Mrs. (Dr.) R. H. Henderson, Mr. Alf. Whitten, Willie j Crossley, Ruby aiid Pearl lUdley, Tena j LeGard Jefl'Thistlothwaite, Mis. Aytes. In past years it used to be customary 1 here for the young ptople to indulge in CarehiUy" Corrected Each choral .singing on Christmas Kve, hut ,.., ,^ ^- . „. , . u . , , n^ heat 8t> to So for a few yean tisa teen unobserved,! ^ij. 43 to 43 This year it was revived, when about 25 ' Peas 1 10 to 1 iQ of the beat voices in town went out and I Barley "0 to 7o Von will Knd that druggists everywhere speak well of Chau;berlain's Cough Remedy Tbey know from long experience in sale of it that in cases of couffhs and colds it can always bo dei>emled uixm, and that it is pleasant and safe to take, I'or sale by all dealers. Week treated the citizens to a magnificent sere- nade. The singers were accompanied by a cornet and alto. It is a charming way of ushering in the anniversary of the birth of the Holy Child, and we hope the! D"cks 10 lo .,, til- > .Chickens 10 to practice will never again fill into tl^'su- 'Tuf^py, 18 to etude. iwool ..*...'..*.".*..'....". ..20 to Hay. 10 00 to 10 Oo Butter 25 to 25 Eggs, fresh 30 c Potatoes per bag 60 co Geese 10 lo ELECTION CARDS To the Electors of Artemesia : Ladies and Gentlemen, --Hiving been earnestly solicited to offer myself as Deputy Reeve for the year 1912, I here- by consent, promising to look to the interests of the township to the best of my • ability. Thanking you for your liberal support in 1911, again asking your vote and influence, I am yours respectfully VV. J. CASWELL. Flesherton, Dec. 16, 1911. To the Electors of Artemesia : La»lie8 and Gentlemen,â€" Having been requested by ratepayers in all parts of the township to become a candidate for the Deputy-Heeveship for the ensuing year, 1 have consented to dc so. Having served as your Councillor for two yeai-s and three years previous working with the councillors, which aives me an ex- perience of five years in municipal work, I feel that I am iiuslified to till the position, and would reijueM your support. DON.\LD McLEOD. To the Electors of Artemesin : Ladies and Gentlemen, â€" As it is the wi.shes of the ratepayers that I be a can- didate for Councillor in the coming elec- tion, I have given my consent, hoping to get a liberal support. Your Truly -S. THOMPSON December 18, liUl. To the Electors of Artemesia; Ladies and Oeutl jmeu.â€" Korthe past year.as a member o( the Municipal I'ouacil of Arteio- esia, I iiavo endeavored to serve your iuterests to the tiestof my ability, and trust that I have succeeded in measuriug up to your stamlard as a servant of the municipalitv. It is my desire to contiaue to represent you at the louncil Board for the year PJI-2, aud I wculd respectfully ask your support. Siucarelyyours- A. D. McLeod. To th8Ele:torsof Artemesia Township: Ladies and Geutleu>eu, -HaviuK been solic- ited to offer myself a.'i a caodidate for the olUcu of Deputy Ueevc, I hereby consent, promising to do tliat which is rijfht so far as I know, or is in my power to asuertain.for the best interests of a majority of the electors, witliout fear or favor, aud am willins to be advi.-,ed at all times on any subject atfectiug your welfare. I re- spectfully ask your vote a'ld iuftuuncu on my behalf. â€" J. L GRAHAM. To the Electorsof .Vrtemesia : Ladiei and (ieutlemen.â€" HaviiiK bee 11 re- peatedly requested by ratepayers hi all parstof theTowuship to become a candidate fur the Reeveship for the eusuiog year. [ have con- sented, to do so. With my eijjht years' almost coutinuouse.xperieuce iu the ( ouucil, aud four vears as one of your lepresentatives at the ( ouuty t'ouncil. I feel in a positiou tofjive you eBicient (ervice if vou should elect nie. Thauk intj you heartily for your iieuorous support in the past, and agaiu solicitiug voiir esteemed favors, Kespectfully vours. T, H. McKKNZIK. Port Law, Lee. 11. lUll Odds and Ends MISCELLANEOUS Farmers desiring custom sawing dime at Eugenia .should bring in their logs this winter. I will guiuantee to be on hand to do the sjiwing â€" M. Beard. Noticeâ€" .Ml parties indebted to the undersigned are notified that payment must be made by Jau. 1, litl2, otherwise account.s will be placed in other hands for collection. James McClocklin. ARTICLES FOR SALE Feed wheatâ€" >Ve are expecting a car of wheat in shortly. P. Louck». New Prolific Seed Buckwheat fur Sale â€" Extra strong in straw, heavy yielder, large grains, from imported seed '. $'2 jjer bushel. Farmers, renew joui seed. J. E. Wright, Ceylon P.O. Fur sale cheap and easy terms, or rent -immediate possession, first o'ass brick veneered dwelling in Eugenia, good fur- nace and soft and hard water in house, splendid garden and orchard. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton, Ont. 27cedtf For sale- Cheap and on easy terms, good coMifurtable frame house, and two good villiage lots, in Flesherton. apply to R. J. Spoule. Lumber for sale â€" VVe are now giving up business, and having a quantity of dry hemlock to dispo.se of, for which we solicit enquires. Also some haidwood I inch, IHnch and 2 inch, suitable for inside wiprk in bains i>r stubles. Thii we are offering at a low price. Gibson Collison, Ceylon. Shorthorn Stock Bull, Castlegard, No. 7439t5, for sale â€" also two youns; animals, from the above and Broadhook's cows one 1 year old and the other 10 months. James Findlay, Markdale. Lots for sale at reasonable prices â€" .\ numbei of good buildina lots on the late W. K. Flesher estate, Flesherton, on Toronto and Sydenha n and Durham streets. Apply to R J. Sproule, Flesherton, Out. Farm for Sale or Rent â€" Lot 3. con. 13, and I'lt 4, con 14, Osprey. better known as the Georsje Myers farm â€" 200 acres â€" 65 under cultivation, liood building.", well watered. Apply lo SV. A. Armstrong, Fleshei tc n , ISep tf LOST AND FOUND Lost --Black and tan hound with four white feet, about December 4th, between Fleshciton and Markdale. Finder please communicate with F. Duckett, Eugeui.'i. ^H^ ^ HILL BROS., MARKDALE i This week we are receiving our second shipnvent of NEW RUBBERS From one of the most reliable makers, which makes our stock complete in everyihing you could want in the Rubber line, for men, women, and children. It will pay you to visit this department of our store. Men's Heavy Kubbeis, all kinds. Boys' Heavy Rubbers, Ladies', Giils, and Child- ren's, Mens and Boys' Light Rubbers, in a large variety of styles and prices low, consistent with good <|uality. New Styles in Dainty Soft Sole Shoes for the Baby AT MUCii LESS THAN YOU KEGULAELY PAY This week we are offering Babies' .Soft Sole Shoes in a great variety of styles, including all colors, such as White, Black, Red, Blue, Tan and Piuk, all sizes, to i. regular 50 and tJO lines, this week, per pair 3Sc Special Value in Men's Good Quality Fleece Lined Underware for 48c. This line represents such well-known makes as Pen Angle's, Simpson's and Beaver Knitting Mills and are Wool Fleece,ditt'erent stripes, special this week, per garment 48c. Dress Goods Reduced Below Wholesale Cost This week we put on sale about 20 pieces of Dress Goods in Heavy Tweeds, Light and Dark colors. Cashmere, Serges and Satin Clotli.s. 50, tiO, and 75c. lines, just the thing for <iirls' Dresses, reduced per yard to .... "8c, Special In Ladies' Ringwood Glove.s 18c Pair or 2 Pairs for 35c. Nearly all colors, some are plain knit but they come mostly in the fan?y knit makes, all sizes and the price very much les-s than you regularly pay. A Big Snap in Fine Botony Worsted Hose. Children's and Girls' Sizes duly lite, pair This IS an exception il otl'er as the line is a very tine Botony Worsted line and was made to sell at 25, .'(0 and .'{.")C. pr., as to size, on sale this week 19c. Hill Bros. ft ft A Markdale. a A WANTED A live repre.sentative for Floslierton and surrounding district to sell high class .slock for The Fonthill Nurseries More fruit tree.-^ will lie planted in Fall of I'.'ll and .spring of l'.li2 than ever lie- fore in the history of Ontario. The orchard of the future will be the best pay ins; part of ihe farm. We teach our men salesmanship, Tree culture and how big protits in Irnit- growiiig can be made. Pay weekly, permanent employment, exclusive territory. Write for particulars Stone & Wellington TORONTO Farm For Sale or Rent Kami for SiJi- or Ki'nt rimtaining L'.^i) :w,'res. Icics TO ;incl 11 con. H, KM|jlinusia, .">(> .lerea Vaiual lie timber, ({ood orchard, watered «i th .springs ; tw" fninii- liou»e.<. oarn ."lOx.'iO .stables imdenieath: near school, ciinrcli. I'lwtOttice. Apply to Wni. H. Hatli. Ueilwing I'. O, Hut i CLAYTO N'S FOR - Boots and Rubbers THO.sk who want good wearing Boot.«, either Factory or Hand made fur the wet and cold weather or tor winter shoultl call aud inspect our CELEBRATED MALTEESE CROSS & LION BRAND RUBBERS, Both Light and Heavy. Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes. X REPAIRING AS USUAL. g F. H. W. HICKLING The New Store With the New Goods Wc wish to express our Thanks to our Many Friends and Customers for the Generous Patronage Extended to us during the past season, and we wish them A Very Happy 81 Prosperous New Year. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FOWL, BUTTER AND EGGS

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