Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Dec 1911, p. 7

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EVERY PLACE ON THE WIDE PRAmiES TELLS OF CURES MADK DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Bl t r t â- I '; M: 1 4 '-H»r h % «' / Thos. Griffln, of Peace River Land- ing, tells bow he got rid of liis RbeuDiafism â€" houestly earned popularity. Cold Springs, Peace River Land- ing, Alta., Dec. 20 (Special) â€" Just why Dodd's Kidney Pills retaiu their wonderful popularity is eaa- ily shown by a trip across the prairies. Every t-own, village and post-office has at least one man or woman who is ready to tell of pains relieved and health restored by the great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Let Thos. Grilhn of this place add his statement t-u the hosts already published. 'When I came to this part of the untry," says Mr. Griffin, "I was nmbled with a bad back and Rheumatism in my shoulders and hips. I sent fur six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and they gave me re- lief at once. I also recommended them to my eldest son who was confined to his bed from Rheuma- tism. "Now I know that Dodd's Kid- ney Pills are the best medici.ae for Rheumatism and the Kidneys. I recommend them to every person I hear complaining of not feeling well." Dodd's Kidney Pills matle their popularity by curing sick Kidneys. They keep their popularity by keeping on curing sick kidneys. A AlXnOR FOKiHT AMAZONS. Frederic Martyn 'Mis of Advent- ures With French Foreign Legion. 'I have held a commission in the] nel and power of the Foreign Leg enforced by some marine infantry. Any one inclined to sympathize with the Amazons on account of their sex and look upon the combat be- tween them and our men as unequal may take it from me that their sympathy would be misplaced. "These young women were far and away the best men in the Dahomeyan army, and woman to man were quit© a match for any of us. They were armed with Spenc- er repeating carbines and made much better use of them than the men made of' their rifles ; and for work at close quarters they had a small, heavy backed chopping sword or knife, very much like a S<juth American machete, with which they did great execution. They fought like unchained demons, and it driven into a corner did not dis- dain the use of their teeth and nails." It was in this same campaign that the following incident occur- red : A Dahomeyan warrior was killed while in the act of levelling his gun from behind a cotton tree at Capt. Battreau of the Legion at point blank range, and as he fell his rifle clattered down at the of- ficer's feet. Capt. Battreau, see- ing that it was an old Chassepot. picked It up out of curiosity, and suddenly became very much inter- ested in it. He examwd it very carefully, and then exclaimed with a gasp of a.stonishment : "Well, this is something like a miracle '. Here is the very rifle I used in 1870 during the war with Germany 1 See that bote ''n the butt? That was made by a Prus- sian bullet at Saint-Privat. I could tell that gun from among a million by that mark alone ; but here's my number stamped on it as well, which is evidence enough for anybody. Who would have thought it possible that I could pick ,up in Africa, as a Captain, a rifle that I used in France, as a serg- ent, twenty-two years ago % It is incredible !" Aside from the interest of the narrative, the book is valuable as conveying a notion of the person Thousands Now Use This Low-Gostjough Syrup A Family Supply for 60c, Saving You tZâ€" Th« Quickest, Best Thing You Ever Died, or Money Refunded. The prompt and pciitlve results given by this ln«xpenslve cough medicine have caused Jt to bo u?e<l In more homes in the U. S. and Canada than any other cough remedy. It gives Instant relief, and will usually wipe out the most ob- stinate, deep-soated cough Inside of 24 hours. It tiuickly succeeds, even In whooping cough and croup. A 50-cent bottle of Pines, when mixed with homo-made sugar syrup, makes IB ounces â€" a family supply â€" of the most pleasant and effective ccugh remedy that money could buy, at a saving of %'l. Easi- ly prepared in five minutesâ€" tall direc- tions in package. Children taise Plnex Cough Syrup wU- 'ingly, bocauso it taster good. It stimu- lates the appetite, and is slightly laxa- Uve â€" both excellent features. Splendid for hoarseness, throat ticl<1e, bronchitis, etc., and a prompt, successful remedy for incipient lung trouble. Pinex Is a EpeCal and highly concen- trated compound of Imported Norway White Pino extract and is rich in guaia- col and other natii.-al healing pino ele- ments. Simply mix it with sugar syrup Jr strained hon<?y, in a Ifi-oz. bottle, and It In ready for use. Pinex has often been imltatca, out never successfully, for ncthlng else will produce the same results. The genuine la guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or money refunded. Certificate of guar- antee i.s wrapped In each package. Your rtrug<;ist has Plnex or will gladly get It for you. If not, send to The Plnex Co.. 1'oioiito. OnU CANNED GOODS BENEFICIAL. .Minute Qiiaiitify »f Ptomaines Good for ludigestiun. According to a report read before the French Academy of Science re- cently tinned or canned fish and shell fish preserved in oil or other- wise, always contain a small per centage of certain ptomaines (poi- sons of decaying flesh) â€" from .02 to .06 per cent by weight. These ptomaines, however, do not b-^gin to increase in any appreciable de- gree until two days after the can has been opened, and while the oil rather favors than prevents the development of the ptomaines the investigators have found that they are not very poisonous. In fact, minute doces of them seem to act as a stimulant on the appetite and the digestion generally, just as the ptomaines found in cod liver oil. THE LMO.X BANK A RECOUD YEAK, Head Office to be Winnines. Moved to FACT AXD FANCY. The Union Bank of Canada held It.s ITrh annual meeting at the H-'id Ofiice in Quebec on Monday, De- cember the listh, Itill. The meet- ing was a memorable one for sev- eral reasons. In the first place, the reports presented by the President and General Manager \v«?re the best! Sing out tl^p nib. fitng in tl|F n^m. iSing nut tl|^ fulfil. Sing in tl|? Xxm , Ani thr i^Bt nf [ â- jf 19U ' - " V ;â-  ^^:-:- elo fnu. -^v,,"r- - [ Thomas ]. Lipfon fr"'- 1 in the bank's history and revealed I There is a South African frog | the fact that stveral progressive that hatches its eggs by carryinji { steps had been taken during the them in its mout.i. 1 >ear. At the meeting it was also -In aching tooth is, ne.xt to a \ decided to remove the Head Office conflagration, the best thing out. I from Quebec to Winnipeg. This The goldfish never sleeps. ! was deemed a wise move, owing to Eggs, apples, potatoes and all I the fact tiiat out of its total of 242 such articles would sell more justly ; branches the bank has lou west of by the pound. Lake Superior and 76 in Ontario, British army and I have served in the ranks; I have been a traveller in strange places ; I have lived a life full of vicissitude of sorts and 1 was for five strenuous and not unhappy years in the French Eor- eipn Legion." With this paragraph Frederic Martyn opens an account of his ex- periences as a member of the French Foreign Legion. He writes of campaigns in French Indo- china and against the Dahomey- ans, and in both cases the fightinp was often desperate. Mr, Martyn joined, like many others, because of some 9ort of scrape at home So probably did his first and firmest friend in the Legion. "Ivan Pctrovski.'' That was what the young Russian called hniself, although he may hav? been a nobleman for all the au*^aor ever could learn : a likable character, absurdly generous, hot tempered, dictatorial, and above all audaci- ous. Perhaps the campaign against the Dahomeyans is the most interest- ing. There, at all events, it was that the .\mazons figured. "The uniform of these female warriors," says the author, "was a sort of kilted divided skirt of blue cotton stuff. This garment barely reached to the knees. It was supported at the waist by a leather belt which carried the cart- ridge pouches. The upper part of their bodies was quite nude, but the head was covered with a coquet- tish red fez or taboosh, into which was struck an eagle's feather." In one place he says of Senegalese tirailleurs. ".\ battalion of Amazons attack- ed them and gave them a very rough time indeed, but the tirail- leurs stoo<l their ground until re; ion. To the explanation of these thing- Mr Martyn gives a good many rtges, and makes compari- sons between the Legion and the various divisions of the British oniy, with which he was intimate. His firm' estimate of the Legion's value he sums up in these words : "Frankly, I think it is the finest fighting force the world has ever seen Its value to France is not, however, to be measured by its value as a fighting force. The prestige of the Legion is so great with the ordinary French soldier that it occupies much the same position in the French army of to- day as the fam.ous Old Guard oc- cupied in the army of Napoleon, and the presence of a battalion of the Legion among a force of ordin- arv French troops will convince every soldier in that force that he is on the winning side." .;. ShUohh Cure STOPS coucits""a.â„¢'»N"3 During last year Great Britain bought from Switzerland 2.^6, UOO cwt. of condemned milk, valued at £648,012. Guy Thorne has written a novel ! leaving only a comparatively few called The Drunkard. He studied I in the Provinces of Quebec and the the drink question in slum saloons, | Eastern Provinces. This tleeision where, it appears, he was well j on the part of the directors and treated, Snails travel at the rate of one mile in fourteen days. A fight is called a scrap because., of course, it is a broken, peace. shareholders to move the Head Office to Winnipeg is a recognition of the growing importance of the West. The net profits for the year, af- ter deducting e.xpenses of manage- ment and making provision for all bad and doubtful debts, amounted I to •*062,437 as compared with I 8451, G20 for the previous year. The earnines for 1911 were at the rate The greater the irritation in the throat the more distressing the cough becomes. Coughing is the effort of Nature to e.xpel this irri- tating substance from the air pas- sages. Bickle's Anti-Consumptive | ^,f ^ '^t. cent, on the bank's av- Syrup will heal the inflamed parts. ^ ^^age p.aid-up capita! for the year, which exude mucous, and restore -pjjg premium on new stock issued them to a healthy state, the cough; amounted to !?457.000, while the disappearing under the curative : balance at credit of account on MVESTMEMTS FOR THE NEW YEA We have to offer several first-class bond investments yielding' 6 per cent. net, carrying' our unqualified recoin- mendalion. â- WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS C^NAD^ SECUP.JTIE5 CORPORATION, LiMireD 179 St. James Street, MONTREAL. 308 HcKinnon BIdg., TOROH TO. 14 Carnhlll, tOHDON, EnO- ^ ^ RAW FUi Mink. Weasel anil un.v iitll.T Furs yoM h i>(>. t < us, Hislii"*! mirkot ».ilu,i'-iou iuU yuur m'>:i- ey promptly WAOriER, BR«SIER » CO., 83 Frant St. East, TOHO.jTO. FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE, H 'V, D.VW,^0.~> 'roronto. i.-JLBJuNi. r-l.. o .NK UfADltEU .V<'Ui;.-i - uUJD BuiIdiliK^; liiM.- Hrim.il'ir;. effects of the medicine. It is plea sant to the taste, and the price 25 cents, is within the reach of all THEIR CAPACITY. November 30th amounted to 880.- OOO. These sums with tlie net earnings for the year made a ti'tal of $1,199,000 av,iilable for distri- bution. Of this large sum dividends "Lawvers ought not to need long j absorbed .'?3tJ1.000. the sum of memories." ' $200,000 was transferred to the rest "WiVv notf I account, as well as 9457.000 tran;- "Because they are generally sat i ferre<l to the same account f'-om isfied with brief reminders."" i premium on new stock, making a total transferred to the r"st ac- count of $657,000. The sum of 8100,000 was written off bank pre- miums account and the ofiBcers' pension fund received $10,000. leaving a balance carried forward MInard's Liniment Cures Diplitlieria Being agreeable means agreeing with people, regardless of your own opinions. No one treed endure the agony of corns with Hoiloway's Corn Cure at hand to remove them. czema Always Burning and Itching Used Box of Cuhcura Ointment and It Completely Disappeared. THE MANSION HOUSE. The Mansion House, which will be the future residence of the new Lord Mayor, was built by the eld- er Diuce 1 etweeu 1739 and 17.03, says the Westminster Gazette. This prolongc<l delay was caused by i the discovery of numerous springs I of water in digging the founda- tions, which had to be based upon piles. Originally the facade had a heavy attic story commonly call- ed "The Marc's (Mayor's) Nest." The famous Egyptian Hall, which is the principal room, was so styled because intended by the architect to reproduce e.xactlv the Egyptian Hall described by Vitruvius. The cost of the Mansion House, £71,000. is alleged to have been partl.v de- frayed from fines inflicted upon Nonconformist members of the Corporation for not receiving the the sacrament according to the rites of the Established Church, as required bv the Corporation Act of Charles II. "I have suffercil from erzeraa for two years. The trouble began on one arm wIi'to tliers •ppeartd a reil spot or aboiit a liTc-cent sb.e, ami it alwa.va widened, all the time itehing and burning. The lirs' da.vs I didn't care, but seeing that it gained In size, I tried â€" â€" Oinlment and Oinunent, but both without success. It wa'? always burninR and Itching. Having seen in the newspaper the advertisement of the Cuticura Ueinedie.t, I tried a little, and seeins that it improved, 1 bought a box of the Cuticura Ointment. After having u-ied one box, m.v eczema com- pletely disappeared. The Cuticura Ointment (huuld be iiept in cverv home," (tsigned) K. Cstlguy, MaricvUl^ tjuc Jau. 14, 1911. A Generation of Success Tot more than a generation Cuticura Soap •nd Cuticura Ointment have afforded the â- peediest and mast economical treatment for Itching, burning, scaly and bleeding skin and â- calp humors, of young and old. A single let Is often Eunieient. Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. For a liberal sample CLEVER NORWEGIAN WOMEN. In Norway women have the fran- chise and may themselves be elect- ed members of parliament. Even the police force is recruited from women as well as from men. She can use use a ski as skilfully and as boldly as any man. She can swim like an eider-duck and can manipulate a sailboat like a pilot. Her intelligence is great, and, while she is so accomplished an athlete that we might expect to find her an .\mazon, she is, on the contrary, d.iintily feminine, and s,h« can fluently express herself iu sev- eral languages. Her features may not be regular, but she is the em- bcKliment of health, and she knows how to dress so as to make her mmgg,„„ Try Murine Eye Remedy m^^ __ __ Try It tur nod, W'oik. Wiitnry Kyi-sand W O U m Oraiiulotwl K.v.>n<l», UlUBtrand nooU __ In each Vackuire. MCKINE 1» com- , ST 1/r A S nounilml b»ourOi-iilli!t»-nota"Vatont ^J «> ^ .McJlcliie-'but usf'llinureesfr.il Hlivsl- U ^ .^ ^ rmua'lTai-tlce for many yoar«. >o» , f o-i nX n G G a .t-au-ated to tl.o Public and 8old by I 01 ^.l.JO Care iit;nl»TH at â- 2^c-.''0lâ-  I'cr t)otllo. a Salvo iQ A8eptlc Tubcu. Mui'in3 A further examination of the Eje Remed» Co,, Chleaao | report shows that the bank is making rapid progress in every Everv tailor knows a lot of prom- department. The amount of notes in circulation increased during the vear bv .1*1.300,000. the total de- posits bv over 87.000.000. which now stands at .$45,232,000. The paid ui) capital increased by S914.- 000 and the rest account by nearly $600,000. The total assets of the CIVE YOVR BUSH A CHANCE AND j MAKE MONEY WITH IT, | You v.eiild nii; think <>t cutting down , T'iur h.;v or araiii witii hand scythes, and you sliould nnt use old pots and pans. Install a 'Champion ' and njaltH | rat re imd better syrup with less time and f;:-l. More- revenue ;it .i r.":i:i;*ed •y^"* Why not try this? We have one that will just suit you. You are sur'- to w.n. Write for free booklet. THK GltlMM MFG. <"0,, LIMITED. 58 Wellington .St., Montreal. Que, NOT DISPONED Ti.) AK'JUE. Teacher â€" You say the earth is -J.").- \ 000 miles in circuinfei-ence. Will I you step up to the blackuoarti and, demonstrate that proposition .' | Shaggy Haired Pupil â€" What's the] use, ma'am ? I'm willing to admit it and let it go at that. rp WENTY-FIVE .\Cll!; TliMT K.MIil- 1 Brick Hou?," and CSood Build.ugs; >;. Cathariner.. VNCMBi:!! Oi' HOOD -irOl.K, (IK.MX and Dairy I'li-ui; in lljliin. Peel, \iiik. Ontario jnu Pr.u.'j KLvard Loun- : KVERAL GOOD Kltl'IT F.VltXi- IN the .Niagara Vr'l:- I!.-)! \f ANITOBA. .<ASK VrfUEWAN. Al.- i.U berta and Briiiidi Columbia Lands, mall or larifi' bi'jt'kH. IF YOC WA.'vi' TO B'X OH SKLL A I'arm. i'>n-uit 11, W. Ua.v,...>n, .^.uety loi'jorue >t-. Tii-.i.M. .~- . ,, AGENTS V/ANTEO » GE^•T^i W.V.NTtID - \ LLMC FOE jTl. every heme, \Vri;d us t >r our choica Ubi oi agents supplies We toavj tbs Rruateot ageiiry propohitu)!! in innadft \.. n- â- â€¢Â«-:iry. B. 1. C^., 2-j ,\Il).'r; ,^^1 . Otiawi HELP wAMreu. 8 ALi;,--MH.N jji) I'hK WLILIIv ,^ â- ;lli.V(j one h and tu U'-B.' rer .> imiiii- and ter: us 26c. .M<^ney relu idetl if Ull .aiisia> tiji-y, Co. lei;u \l IS, Couipau LOlUUg- W'M d. Out, i r o.NcHAin.N TO Lii.Mt:, bakdek .^JL trade. e:;]>i'Pt instru,.*iiun , L-oiisiant prattiee; toi>i,s iree, aovnys siiro eiupioy- meni iov a barbiT, Wrim l-ir I'aiaiiguo. .Mijiei- Barbe â-  (.jll. u , J,;! Jueeii tast, loronlu. IrtlSCfcLUANtOUS. H AY and FAUM .-< ' A LE.S, Wilson* Seale VVorK,s, i L!.|,iaii,i,li.. T^.joiiio. ising youug men. MInard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. Epping Forest, which is preserv- ed by the Corporation of London as a people's pleasure ground, •comprises no fewer than y.300 acres. These increases also show a gain in the confidence of the public. bank now stand at iii.')S.434.000 as compared with S4(3..-).J5.0O0 for the previous .vear. The increase in the Rub it in for Lame Back.â€" .\ brisk! bank's capital, deposits and assets rubbing with Dr. Thomas' Eclectrici puts it in a position to do a larger Oil will cure lame back. The skin business during the coming ye.ar will immediately absorb the oil and it will penetrate the tissues and bring speedy relief. Trv it and be | During the year the Union Rank convinced. .\s the liniment sinks | absorbed the United Empire Rank in the pain comes out and there are ' of Toronto, which had twelve ample grounds for saying that its ^ hranches in Ontario and a paid up touch is magical, as it is. capital of .S.-i.nP.OOn, Later in the I year it established a branch in London. Engl.TTid. beino: one of the four Cnnadian b.anks having branches in Great Britain. Alto- gether the bank has bet^ti r-hnwin'r marked proaress and enters upon the new vear equipped to do even better work. Fir-trees differ from pines only in the fact that the leaves grow singly and the scales of the cones are smooth, round, and thin. MInard's Liniment Cures Colds, Ac, Iv NOT HIS LUCK. '.\ha!'' and he laughed fiendish- as he read from the morning paper : ''The burg'ar shot the man, whose life was saved by the bullet strik- ing against a button of his clothes." â- 'Well," snapped his wife, "what of thatf "What of that'." said he, ,as he felt his collar going up steadily to the nape of his neck; "oh, nothing, except that the button must have been on !" '^u?','i*''"\^°,?" ''";'/^""""'.'"- """'/T" ' phvsique look attractive, though with 32-p. book on skin eruptloua, send to ! • ' . > iu„_ „ T„„(.„^;„ Pottrr DruR & Chem Corp., oole prope.. 04 her eostunip has rather a leutonie Coiuiubua Ave, Uostou. U, ti. A. . than a Gallic aspect. KIDNEYS ED. 7 ISSIK 52 11 EXCEPTIONS. "Skipj/ing the rope is alwavs a dantterons exercise for the health." "Not for the men who have es- caped being hanged.'' Pills of .Attested Value. â€"Parme- lee's 'Vegetable Pills are the result of careful study of the properties of certain roots and herbs, and the ac- tion of such as sedatives and laxa- tives on the digestive apparatus. The success the compounders have met with attests the value of their work. These pills have been recog- nized for manv years as the best cleansers of the system that can be got. Their excellence was re- cognized from the first and they grow more popular daily. SUSPICIOUS. Johnâ€" So you paid a visit to your rich uncle, Jake, and he seemed glad to see you ? Jake â€" Yes. I'm almost afraid the old cuss has lost his money. You are not treating yourself or your farailv fairlv if .vou don't keeji Hand ins Wizard Oil in the house. It's the best substitute for a family doctor and a mighty good friend in case of emergency. They Cle.anse While They Cure.â€" The vegetable compounds of whicii Parmclee's Vegetable Pills are comixised. mainly dandelion an<l mandrake, clear the stomach and intestines of deleterious matter and restore the deranged organs to healthful action. Hence they are the best remedy for indigestion available to-day. A trial of them will establish the truth of this as- sertion and do more to convince the ailing than anything that cau be written 'of these pills. SOUP AXD HASH. "Does death end all '" asked the solemn boarder. "Not for a week or so in the case of a turkey,' answered the cheer- ful boarder. I was eured of Kheumatiu Cout by MI.N.MtDS LINIMKNT. Halifax, ANDRKW KING, I was eured of ,\<nite Bronehilis by MINAKD'S LINIMK.NI', LT.-L'OL, C, L-REWK HKAD. PuBsex. 1 was cured of .\cute RlU'iiraatism bv MINARD'S LINIMENT. Markhaiu, Out. C. S. BILLING. Lakelield, Que, Oct, 9. 1907. CI A.M. i it, IL'liJE^. LLJiPS. etc. Id. / leriiui and external. ,:uieii withoui i>ain by our iiotne ir<,-.(tuien!,. Wrilu ua before too late. u'r. biM,tiiaii iiuuicu* Co„ Lusitod. Coiliugwood. Oi,t., GrON ,StALF GL'Alt.M; I'KLU Wi,,.ioir» Sealo Works, 9 i.s|jhiii.i,ie. Toronto. i GKNTS WANTED - A .SllDV OV .aTIIl. other .-Vjeticy pi-'iiuj^sitioriti conviucee us lliat none eaii eqtial ourn. Yau wi.l al- ways regret it il yott don t ajiply tor par- tieulars lo Travellers Depi.,. .1.8 Albert dt„ Ottawa. SPEClALI.STS AUVIfb I-IIKE, I ..rmJil _ us in regard lo any diseas.'. Lowest pnees in drugs of all kinds. Trusses fitted by mail Send .neasure- ment. Glasses litted by as", Write today for anyihina siilrt iii llrs(-,la.ss ilniif stores to Pr. Reliman, roIliiimvoDil. Onl;. DELHI lANNEUY > I SI'OM ilOBU and Fill- lannini; L',iii,le .uid ilorse Hides make be~; ISohes xiid J ills wheu properly taiiiied. ,Sfiid theai to me and have them d:'i.-~sed null! V.ii will bu well sati^tied. H F. H.-ll, nellii, Miit, Your Overcoats «llil(i>ileasiiin».,u;,ll,«i< h,.(i,.r avert. It no«s-nf ,1 mrt lo to»r town, wriM airect tu M..nl,re«,l, ll»i Iii • ritishi Amarsoan Dyeing Co. The Soul ofaPIa,noistho Action, Insist on the •OTTO HSGEL" Piano Actsor> SKHIOUS PART BKCINS. Jackâ€" "Well, old man, she has aecepled me and named the d;iy. That's a load oft my heait," Married Friendâ€" "Yes; now the load is on vour shoulders.' As a vermifuge there is nothing so potent as Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, and it can be .given to the most tlelicatc child without ^ fear of injury to the constitution. DOESN'T STOP AT LOT LINE. ! "Is he a good neighb<:irr' | "Splendid. He's not at all stingy about how far he shovels snow off , the sidewalk," j MInard's LInlmtnt Cures DIsttmper. A HARD JOB. "What is Billy Hardatit doi i;; these days?" asked Smitliers, "Oh, he's working hL« .son's way through college," said little Binks I DR. DOW STURGEO LINIMENT E.xternal application for man or beast. Everyone knows of the wonderful qualities in the oil of the STlMKiKON for sprains, lameness, etc, I)r, I'ow's formula iias it in its best form. For Illieuaiatisin, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swellings, etc, it cannot be equalled. Try it once and you will be satisfied. Price 25 cents. ASK VOUR DEALER. Hk. SELLS IT. The Brayloy Drug Co., Ltd.. Skde Props. St- .John, N B, V^

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