CLOSE QUARTERS OR, THE HOUSE IN THE RUE BARBETTE CHAPTER Xl.-(Cont'd) ot the slightest," said Brett, ng, "except perhaps this, that 1 ol call.iig oil Tulb't ening you may be looked t'i> charae of housebreakinK." had not thought of that. It tv.v *u*i bu . ...i :a i n. i\ So here got j to get my traps r Lord Fairrtilmo's rett took matters easily, fie put in an appearance at i-tiirc until late in l!ie af- und, as he surmised, the applied his shoulder t'i the door. The lock yielded 5 ' <|iiite readily. In<leed. the dam.'ige clone by Lord Pairhulme was hut temporarily re- paired, and no special precaution had been taken to favt<.,i the place. All was quiet within/ The first room thej-'Kvanlicd *'a:; emptv. So ivas the seeond ; byt in ,'i the door of whion was locked and required forcihlr6 tn-.-iuiK-nt, an ex- ti'.-ioidinary idglit nu-t their eyes./ , Stretched <m the lied, gagged and securely tied, was the figuro of the diminutive Frenchman, who, little ni"r>S than twciitv-foiir hours earlier wh-om y-^n ie el: 1 - 1 ' "^ Buggested that B ' -.hould he murdered. possible, you must compel the con- cierge to conceal the fact that you have visited the house. Let him put all the blame on me. They know | that I am mixed up in tho inquiry, and fear me far less than the re- cognized authorities. "Oblige me in this respect a xl you will not regret it." The policeman was wise enough to fall in with the suggestion. An hour later "The Worm" was taken in a cab to the Prefecture, as his condition was yet so hope- '(s that little real benefit could ensue for a searching cross-exam- ination. 80 lirett parted company with the officials, having made an appoint- ment with the commissary for the next day at noon, when they as- sumed that the prisoner would In- considerably recovered from hi* weakliest) and fright. The barrister nubxcquenUy Aade a round of the minor cale*- x f'^|he neighborhood of. the ver. -After uu'^ xv V On the Farm quest ionV information "S of which s night had even '1 at his oflicc. \\'ii i .v. the h-irr^t. 'lie official, who o\/' .1 an expl,-i.i.-itk.|, Brett . monsieur, ir.-hout the . . began', ,' - * in^, -''he e 1 ming at s. He as- . B the winter entertainment South of France. ,11 whom he gleaned ,nt facts said that he ivorthy friend iu Mar- j would easily be able to whether or not L.a Bolle ,.KC intended to rejoin her r profession. Jirott secured arty co-operation by a libor- jii.-itio!) f"i- expenses. ihe barrister Resolved to pay an- WINTER PIGS. There is a decided difference in caring for the pigs of autumn far- rowing and those of the spring lit ters. On the average farm the lat- ter have the advantage over the former of coining in previous to the advent of the springing grasses, and have, a more generous supply of milk and other laxative food- stuffs to keep them growing and in perfect order, writes Mr. G. W. Brown. It has been my practice for a ui t u ber of years to raise two litters of pigs a year. To do this success- fully I find that one must not al- low over-stocking, but rather should sell off a portion of the pigs soon after weaning time, keeping only many as he knows he can ac- "|ts Delicious Drawing Qualities" Are manifested in millions of Teapots dally I! THE TEA OF STT. RLING WORTH BLACK, MIXED or 6REEU Sealed Pachata Only FREE Sample Hailed on Enquiry <>:< Adtfre** i "SALAUA." Tcrvnte SO < HIM ;tV> Rood quarters and " must not .. i movements .I* -i-rvation." . house?"' It was monsieur's which culled .ant able object. They removed the the Ix-ivis. The poor other visit to Cabaret Noir ground oyster shell to very young chicks. It is all right to give it to a full grown bird, but it is death to youngsters as it causes white diarrhoea of which they die in three or four hours. Many persons feed their fowls oats, but we do not believe it is a good thing, as it is likely to cause irritation in the intestines. iV.vou nav" a ma]e birdt'iat has proved a good breeder do~n*Tr>.ili, s card him until .you are quite ent. It also possesses a value OB sour, heavy soil because it iieutr- lizes the soil acidity and improves its physical condition. generous feeding, slight pigs during cold weatiiei, either in housing or feeding. Besides dry nesting-miaiUris. tho "-.' - ' 1 1 1 I- I f 1 I SOIL COII1& KJ 1L13V4J pigs should have a good-sized lot tnat } u .s days of usefulness are over ; should take warnin GERMAN RKD TAPE. A Comical Instance of the Way It Li Carried Out. Those who insist upon the Govern- merit regulating everything and ig eveJ^Piing, from individual bank deposits. in which they may get plenty of exercise. Growing pigs should not be crowded into close, filthy quar- ters, exposed to vermin and dis- case. a i Our winter pigs are very profit ablv fed upon whole corn in the fodder, as they delight in getting their feed from this material. I hnd that thev eat very much of the fodder, which forms a fine diet. Th ; cobs and coarse -but keep watch for that event. The best prices for breeding bird:; rom the con- dition in which the (fcrrnans find, themselves. Endless *& tap* are obtained at the poultry shows. ; binds every German's acti " , hue that evening, but he waited up and burned .freq affo, | i*-tch/ re- 1 Th'-n V"U d<> not know that nn j tnr.incd on his back unable to raove, individual whose identity may be : though lie flinched somewhat when much more important than mine is (he police, as gently us possible, an inm.Tte tif the apartment at this moment pri.babh a captive against liis will, jMis'-ibly a corpse ; The frenchman's huge moustache bristli-"! wit'i alarm and annoy.-i!i'. "It is a strange thing, momieur." he cried, "that an English g<"it> in.-'ii should come to I'aris and know more about the movements and haunts of criminals than the French police." It was no part of Brett's design to rub the official the wrong way, to j. .'.1 gcntly- "Your remark is (|iiite justifiable. in the hotel until nearly ten o'clock in anxious expectation of a tele- gram from Kairholme. 4t last the message arrived. Its contents were laconic. "|{;i?ht first time," it ran. "In- valid 'lady's name 'Jack." Some- what exhausted, after Ion}? confine- ment. Edith delighted. Jack visits thongs to cut deeply into his sk;n. I u IK lr-r- .Secretary to-night. We all Hrett was the first to reali/c the 1 " unfortunate wretch's chief require- ment, lie procured some water. loon-tied tlie leather straps from his wrists and ankles, for his use- li.-id c.'iusx'd tho raised the man's head, a .id allowed propt morrow joining you iti Paris Do you approve? 1 ' to- ing the pigs a generous supply of charcoal Hrett promptly wired, "Yes," f _, . . and then set out for Montmartrc, that they will not sprout. When I aim to keep a cow, for every litter of milk-stuffs I can grow a bunch of winter pigs, and with the milk and a supply of pigs equal to the spring litters. KEEP SEED POTATOES COOL. Potatoes intended for seed should be kept hard and plump during the winter, and this can be ~ . i i l_ _^. 1 Beginners "generally get the fever j s never for a moment about that time. j [ e el himself f;ee from some rest' lien who have lost money in the tion, and the officials are continu business say it costs fully fifteen ]y poking into every detail of 1"*,, cents per pound to place a broiler and regulating it. A comica^n- on the market. That is the cost of stance of the way in which^pse eggs, hatching and feed, leaving officials proceed" is furnished By an. nothing for the man who does the incident from Berlin. A country. girl employed about a thrashing machine was injured so as to have both of her legs amputated. one applied to the Stat-e insurance fund, r,st rprr-ipvw) a monthlv pension of work. LIME IN THE STABLE. To disinfect a stable and destroy i ' $3 50. One day the officials uotifi- ., , ed to $3. . I i Jp^J.OU. \>Ilt? *JJ wic vii*.- decaying animal or vegetable mat- , h h fc the pens i on wa s reduc ter lime is excellent to use. but " r manure should be preserved and not destroyed, consequently huio should never be used in or about o a stable where manure is made or j w informed her that they had kept. Its use decompo&es the roa- care f u il y examined her case. They nure and liberates the ammonia na< j f ou ' n< l that since she had no She kicked as well as a ,. who had only wooden and in the course of time the officials in their own leisurely ring the winter, and tins can be I thc most va i ua bl e element of plant' i onKe r any legs she was saved the ne only by keeping them so cool {ood j ft ense of shoes an< ] stockings, a-nd at they will not sprout. VYnenl . -j phosphate, ground rock B \,Z ,-, ulr hfc to be grateful to the CSov- ni.<! under ordinary any such pretence on my part woitld >M' ridiculous. But you must re- monsieur, that I c.ime from Ixmdon possessed of al information which was not ii even t<j the ]K>lice authori- well. He is a pickpocket, an e.\|xTt trf , t ) n ; s appearance. He looked tli.'it city. I am working fnV!v in the private inlen'-l <if per '<.!!- HA in English Society, and it w.iiild not seno tin- pui']M>^ of am <<f tin- (Jovernments concerned nere too much stress pub'ic'v laid this busmcs-. And then lie broke (Ui their connection with t'.is invs- j down and whimpered further pro- If I can succeed in c'.ucidat- I -Mai ions of i tip' problem it, will be a coin- rascal in his line, lnit liardly up to the standard of great events." At the sound <-f his uicknanie a flicker of intelligence came into the little thief's eve. but he was still da/x'd. and did not recognize his rescuers. "I don't care what you do with ' he murmured at last, in weak | cracked voice. "Kill me quiet- 1 Iv if you wa'it t-o, hut don't tie me up again: I have done nothing to | deserve it. I really haven't. J have been acting <|tlitc for the sprouts have to be pulled off. Some farmers make it a point to sprout their pota'oes once or twice U nputra } an( i has the same value' alike whether they speak our lang during the winter, this being done | as riil . t of roa< j c | ust as rtn absorb-! uago or German. me-. :ili'i like a successful impressariu or po- pular Italian tenor. CHAI'TKH XII. The fair-ground of Montmartro. ._ r --. . , wan in full swing when Hrett ar- amount of energy thus lost is con- j - -; rived there. TheVabarct w: . sidcrable and the loss increases as clnrgc of his former aequain- the winter draws to a close. I raise potatoes in large quanti- turo of carbonate and hydrate , | expense _- ------- rock ; she ought to be grateful to the C.ov- furnished her, wooden legs. reminded her that charged with Icohol in lime. It is not so caustic as fresh members weqe preserved. burned lime. Limestone is perfect- ! eminent offices seem very i: to prevent their growing. But the the weary-eyed waiter, and other assistants. The barrister wondered whether Mdlle. licauc'lire had taken her fa- ties, and each year place them in ' cold storage. 1 prefer to pay the expense of the storage and lie sure ther completely into her confidence. ' To make certain lie questioned tho plump state them in a room with a high tempei that they are- kept iu a perfectly than to keep ' t'ir-it:vr'\ <'aM- matter for the po- ire t'. lirit'K tin* real criminals to Justice. .V- a 'tcp ln\\ . -mis that end ' .,,in<- t" you now to p'.-icc j, . in (...^session of a clue which ninv revc-il it"'lf i" the Hue l!ar IM-H--. All I ask is. in the firt in- st:r -.". that the jiffalr ninv b u- dm t<-d with the utmost secri-c-v. ;ni<l ><. ndl.v. that you will prrm't im- in }> )>i'i"-ent when you <'\:iin vc the ft", "ii whoMi I expect t.. find there, ii.-iv lir ali'- to help vou very nia- trri-illy iu yntir (|iie-tioiis, nrovid- cd the iirui i alive and well. Tli'- < >')iiiii^s:irv was soothed Th" b.irrister's judicial io the impnrtiiiK'e and waiter. "Is Monsieur I'.eaucaire in?' confidential .f the inquiry raised in his a da/./.ling vis'.m "f personal and prerc-nu "lit . "Hi- is weak from want of food, and day.ctl with terror," Maid Hrett (iiii-'tlv. "I ^n'-L-est that one of you ^h.>ii':l tret h'in ^-.itne mivit and wi-ie. uhi v t thi 1 others remain here and "Hut ves, mi nsieur. Vou will find him in the billiard-room." Tliis time Hrett was not conduct- ature, as is done by In the spring the potatoes come out of the cold stor.ian hous<- in pe-- feet condition, and it takes but a to reassure Iiim. MC.-IM cu MM-OUBM the private passage that few weeks for then, to develop led through the rear of the bar. The ' strong sprouts that rise out of n, , Kililelv indicate.! another en- -,il and develop strong sta.ks and while \M- miulit examine the place. Tli' 1 <. ,.'iim s-ary thought Brett's, suggestion a pood one. His assist- ani -uiniiioiicd tlie concierge ami attend* ! to the wants of "Tho Worm,'' \\hi'-t Hrett and the com- i ini--Miry < > ondiictl a careful scrut- iny of tho premises. They found lit He, however, b<v coii'-idcrable accumulation f<^r the ways of Turks nro ', trance, and brought him to the pro- i "A you. 1 with the introductory re- gentlcman who wishes to see room was tenanted by a non- wh<) att4 . nt i on was pi'tmiptly attract-ed by the ap- pearance of a stranger, and a well- dressed one at that. The games in progress at the two i tables momentarily suspended, primitive and the. r habit* niu-a- , , ilst G ,. os j <inni a C o,- r ,ulcnt man snnt in households. It , jdd , e hr| ,,, w]|lisl , legs waseyidcn tliat lieforetakinK their , fl . ai , t ,, t ' ^fSJ^lfeiS 1- ,'o,,i,,db,K.y. advanced, peering yond a of dirt leavei. Many farmers have not the op- portunity to put their potatoes in cold itorage houses, but they should endeavor tu keep their potatoes at a very low temperature. The near- er 33 degrees potatoes arc kept, tho betU-r. \V. S. rOULTKY NOTES. Never mako the mistake of feed- ing commercial feed that contains HEALTH IN PURE <6UGAR Would yon Sujar ii one of the Ust. aud mout widely used foods. ribk your health for ;he gaki of a lw cauts on a hundr.d pouadi of sugar? Buy oul/ Iti EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR Purity and Quality cannot be <juS8tion* Compare It with any other aud note tho dlfforecce in color. PARIS LUMPS When buying Loat Sugar atk for Rtdpath Paris Lump, lold In RED SEAL dut proot carton*, and by the jxjund. Tho Canada Sugar Refining Co., MONTREAL, CANADA. Limited Eilubllshetl In iS4 by John Redpath luid carefully removed or destroyed "Tne matter shall "be cnml'.icted all documents or other articles ritb tlie ntnMt discretion," he, cried. "What force, dues monsieur ecniMder to be i'c|iiisite in order t<i evainiiii- thin house thoroughly, and nreveiit tin 1 attempted ''scape of ot ';<! whom w may find there In addition to th" iiriu described i" I',. ill -,vi|li diflieultv rciiresHcd I do not tli^ili that large ar\ '7 Ui; 1 Ot linl'lC f<.rfe oT police wil If you yourself. a ii iieres- ni. .nsieur, nd another ohVcr will aceompany me in a cab, I urn sure we will be b!e l.i deal with all possible op- pocition. There is no exit from the flat save through the main door, and tlie apartment is equated on the second story. l-lscape by way of the windows i" practically imp<>s- ilile if we act with promptitude." The commissary could not reach the li'ue Harbetlc tun rapidly. He bundled a subordinate into a ii- cre, and 'lie tjireo were driven off at breakneck speed. They stopped the vehicle at the corner of the street and walked quietly to the house, attracting no attention, as neither of the French- nu-n was in uniform. Inquiry from the concierge elicit- ed the information that none of the occupants of the flat tenanted by the Turkish gentlemen had put in an appearance eince the previous Bo the trio mounted V. wid without any pre- I'lfL the junior official curiously benc'ith his bushy eye- brows to get a glimpse of the new- comer, for the shaded light did not fall on Brett's features, and Mr. Hcaucaire wondered who the stran- ger could l)e. The barrister al- most started when he recogni'/.ed his fellow-passenger, the man who travelled to Paris with faultier and himself. Gros Jean bowed politely enough, and murmured something , . ., about 'being at Hrett 'B service. [am liar 'bow-rtnap of Constantly ,, { ^ . ( -^ n( , (hing ,, f ^ rcat im . which might throw light on their proceedings, The leather thongs which bound the prisoner evoked some comment from the barrister. "These are somewhat unusual articles," he said to the commis- sary. ''You will notice that they are cyt from ra\v cowhide and well stretched. In other words, they iKiple, and warranted not to yield i if twisted round tho neck. 1 think they will answer for other pur|H>a- es than tying people to beds." "\Vc must find these Turks," said the commissary. "They are desper- ate characters." "Kind thorn by ull means," said Brett earnestly, "but on no account arrest them." 'And why, monsieur?" cried the other, with elevated eyebrows. "Because if you do you will para- lyze our future actionn. When all is said and done, the only charge you can bring against them in a trivial one. It in evident they merely tied up this man, either with th<- object of frightening him into a confession, or leave their hands free whilst they dealt with his employers-. Perhaps they had both objects in view. In cither eveut the appearance of the police <in the scene would clone their mouths more, tightly than nn oyster. As it in, 1 expect tke| will return, and, if , portance," said Brett airily, as he ......' was not anxious to attract t<> much observation from the unwashed hu- manity who took such iut-erest in him. "I merely wish to know when it w ill be convenient for me to have some conversation with mademoi- selle, your charming daughter 1" "May I inquire the reason, mon siciir?" said the ot'ier. "Certainly. I have heard of her | skill .as an artist, and it is |x>ssib!e 1 may be nbl to arr-nge a London engagement for her." "Ah." said the landlord -lepre- cntingiy. "what n pity! Had mon- sieur called here yesterday be could have seen mademoiselle. She lian now left Paris for some weeks." HEAD ACHE in 30 , without at>} harm to any part of your ystem, V taking 1' adache Wafers DROQ *HO CMIMICAt CO. (n CANAC* LlMITIO. " ^*^~- ^ MONTREAL. 3? Hrett. "1 mav -if meet'Mg her elsewhere. T mvxe'f di""irt to-mor- row mi n tour ; .M ('' South < Km nre. It is possible that roadf iroielle m-"' be "'nployed iu ROHIO of th" southern cities. If '< T will e<-fVi'ilv ivki 1 it my business to call on her." (To be continued.) ' Perhaps." h'lve llm pleasure Fond Mother "Oh. nr.ife*-" what do von think of little Art'nir > a v'oliniiit?" Profewor "T likn tho way he puts the fiddle back into th case." L This Concrete Root Cellar Costs Less Than Wood and is Much More Durable Cement is particularly adapted to the con- itruction of Root Cellar floors and walls. Experience provrs that for the farmer, Con- crete is superior to wood in every point oi comparison. Concrete permits of a desirable degree of coolness without freezing. There is no question as to its durability. Concrete lasts, not for years, but for ages; and needs no repair. Anyone who has scooped vegetables from the old plank floor will appreciate the fact that Concrete offers a smooth, continuous surface with no pro'ectinj plank ends or nails to damage the scoop or ruffle the temper of the cooper. -.S .f " Ca Cane" 1 '-" The various uses to which Concrete may b profitably put, on the firm, are plainly nd simply in our 160-page book, "What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete" which ihowi how th fallowing farm hulMmgs and utilities van be constructed of concrtlo: Barns. Cisterns. Dairies. Dtp- ping Tanks, Foundations. Fenc Posts, Fsidlng Floors. Gutters, Hens' Ntsts, Hitching Posts, Hora* Bl*cks, Houses, Poul- Shelter Walls, Stables. Stairs, Stalls, SUps, Tanks. Troughs, Walks, and to forth. Send for It It's free though It reKularly sails for aSc, \\rlta to-day. CANADA CEMENT CO., Limited 30-35 Nation*! Bank building, MONT REAL H