Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Jan 1912, p. 6

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/ '< HE COULD NOT ' SLEEP AT TIM, HE POT NO RI1IJKF IN KIDNEY TILLS. Fred. Swunion, of Saskatchewan, sends A message of cheer to those weariness and dis- that comes from who h-:-l the roiir;i;:< uii'iil broken n -!. Macklin, Sak., Jan. 1 (Special). Thobi* who suffer from sleepless nights and get up in the morning feeling tired and discouraged will liinl renewed hope in the statement made by Kred Swansou of this place. He could not sleep at nights. Ho discovered the cause. Zt ws Kidney trouble. Ho discov- ered the cure. It is Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. "YVs." Mr. Swanson says in an Interview regarding his case, "I was troubled with my kidneys for over a year, so bad that I could not tiler], at nights. After using ono box of Dodd'c Kidney Pills 1 found great relief. Four boxes removed ali my pain and now I slc-rn well and 1 Jim UH strong in my Kidneys as any in.'in." If the Kidneys are wrong the blood becomes clogged with irn- jmriti'-s and natural rest is an im- possibility. Strong, healthy Kid- neys mean pure blood, new life all ovor the body and that delightful that is the sweetest thing in ,.. Dodd's Kidney Pills always N make tslroiig, healthy Kidneys. Till: ITALIAN SOLDIER. Mm MI ML- (.rr. i| Itr.'iMM-y in Their War With Turkey. Even if Tripoli should prove worthless to Italy the war will have eerxed tln> purpose of showing the fighting ijuality of Italian soldiers. Tin- fishermen of Naples and Sicily who arc serving in the- navy and I lie |, * .1 -in' fnun small vil- lages scattered between the Alps and Sicily who are serving in the army h;ive overcome difficulties whii-h might have stopped veteran coldirr*. A soldier on outpost duly had his helmet pierced through by a bullet. ilo took it off and cfu'cly examined the two holes. "A c !<!-> vhave, eh?" remarked his officer. "What did you feel?" ' Wind through my hair, nir," the man answered, and went on firing at the Turks. A \v;ir oorreependent camo across a mule driver whose beast had been shot dead by a Turkish bullet. Tin- driver w:is calmly taking off the load from the mule's back, and in MJ doing ho muttered: "I am sorry for thee, but, better tliou thiiu I. ' Many of tho soldiers writo to their iiiolh< rs at. home., sending them tins money they save from their nna.ll pay Mfl saying that they do not need it, as they are get- ting exlra rations. Their unsol- fishneM in on a par with their cour- age. Xor in tho patriotism of Italians at h'nnr> !<>- marked tlmn the pluck of the. soldiers ill ihe front. I'otir \ eople ,'tus money to contri- ute it. to the fund for the wound- ed in v;ir ;n ! everybody is buying |ii'fM-iilh l'i eml to tin- K)ldl6H for Christina". An old womnn bnnd- ed a |ia'-k,-ii;c of c;ikcs to an officer nnd a 1 (%'<! him (,, -iv.d it to Tripoli for tli' 1 'i.l'liri' Ml xlu; said ly WHY of explanation was: "I intend- ed to n-iid l.lirin In my son, but lie, IIHS bci-ii killed. n I thniight the others might have them." WhySaouIdlUse Cuticura Soap? "There is nothing the matter with my skin, and I thought Cutirura Soap was only fur skin troubles." True, it is for skin troubles, but it:s f;rcat mission is to prevent skin troubles. " For more than a generation its deli- cate eiiiollir.nt and prophylactic properties have rendered it the Standard for this purpose, while its extreme purity and refreshing Iragranee give to it all the advan- tages of the best of toilet soaps. It is also jnvr lu.il.le in keeping the hands soft and white, the hair live and fclossy, and the scalp free from dandruff and irritation. While its first cost is a few cents more than lhat of ordinary toilet soaps, it is prepared with such c-arc and of such materials, that it wears to a wafer, often outlasting several cakes of other soap, and making Its use, in practice, rnost econom- ical. Cuticura Soap is sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, but the truth of these claims may be demonstrated without cost by ending to "Cuticura," Dept. ;M, Hoston. U. S. A., for a liberal sum- J ROYALTY ON S1IIPWKECK8. .i Spanish Prince and Hi* Wife Cost Ashore on English Coast. The Duchess of Fife ' and her daughters appear to. be the only royalties of recent years to under- go the ordeal of shipwreck, with the possible exception of the Arch duke John of Austria, who, accord- ing to one theory, lost his life at sea, says the London Chronicle. Prince Henry of Prussia, however, who circumnavigated che globe twice before he was 20, has on two occasions braved a watery grave. When he was a lieuU-uunt his ship was caught in a violent squall and one of the &ailrs was washed over- board. Prince Henry plunged af- ter him, and despite the hoavy sea, succeeded in effecting a rescue. Some years later he rescued another sailor from drowning off the South American coas^ at a point where the sea is infested with sharks. The Dorsetshire coast was once the Bcene of a royal shipwreck. In 150C Prince Phillip of Castile and his wife Juana were sailing from Flanders to Spain when a violent storm 'cast them ashore ne-ar Poole. Philip was prevailed upon to ac- cept the hospitality of a local mag- nate, Sir Thomas Trent-hard. But Henry VII. invited the Prince to Windsor, adding that he would take no refusal. The Earl of Arundcl, with a troop of 300 horse, escorted Philip to the royal residence, where he was entertained for about a fortnight. Henry took advantage of the enforced visit to extort some concessions from the Prince on matters at issue between them, and then sent him to Spain by way of Falmouth. AS GOOD AS A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in every home where there are little ones. They ar as good as a doctor; are absolutely nafe and can always be relied upon to d;iv-e away any mal.-uly arising from de- rangements of the stomach or bowels. Concerning them Mrs. O. A. Wheeler, Northlands, Sask., says: "I have found Babv's Own Tablets an invaluable niodicine. I live twenty niik-s from town and doctor, so am glad to have so re- liable a medicine at hand. I con- sider the Tablets a real necessity in the home and shall never be without them. They have kept my baby well and have made him a bonnie baby." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- Medicine Co., lirockville, Ont. Ncwcdd I hope these eggs are as fresh as the ones we jjot last week. Mrs. Newedd Oh, yes, dear. I telephoned tho grocer to be sure and send me om<j of the same lot. A Corrector of Pulmonary Trou- bles. Many testimonials could be presented showing the great efficacy of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in cur- ing disorders of tho respiratory processes, but the best, testimonial is experience and llm Oil is recom- mended to all who suffer from these disorders with the certainty that they will find relief. It will allay inflammation in the bronchi, il lubes as no other preparation ra-i. Give a small boy a piece of chalk and he will proeoed to make, his mark in the \\orld. nro dis&gurmfinti th.i tlis;i|i)>oar when treated with Hoi lowuy's (Jo rn Cure. HOW TO SHOOT STHATGHT. Vnry few ponplo, ovon iicnoinplish <<! sliot-s, know luiw a revolver to lie bandied, Troops are taught, in aiming, m-vcr U> look al weapon at all, Imt t<> I.- < i tlieir oye on tin; oliji'.rt to he etriu-k. In quick I'miR, an<l ('specially in booting I nun Inn'seli.'ick, innel lieller results arc ohtaiiuihlo in tliis way. A man throwing a s(,on<> ,l,ii ; not look al his Imml ; neillior does a billiard player si(j;lit. iiKiii his e.uo. The Kanic niU-s apply Ii Ilio use of Bort \veaf)nii. Me.u lioen trained to shoot BXOflllenUj a mark wlien they could not. see their pistol sights at nil. 1'iecewol piis!elionr<l were ia-lein"l just ill front of the < .vlind'iM'K, which effect- . ually prevented the from us- (heir lorfHaightoi niwl greatly in- creitsed the rnpi<lity <if thip.ir firo. Nearly anyonn <'nn sit^ht a pistol correctly, the inaccuracy of tlwi aim heinn dun to tho Irenihlin^ <if (,li boncUr bfllora tho triKgor IH prc od. l?y hi<Iinff tho sipfht, tho i. . i i ., i !,,n if> hol<l t^o long is ro niovi', and the first aim- nfnornll tlu! mast accurate is preserved. Sho (flattering with eyes and voice) "Arthur, donr, I And that we still need a few things to make our little hoiiBohold more serviee- ahle." lie "\yhnt is it now?" iSli<- "Well, for instance, we need a new hat for mo I" Hilda "Woil, there's one thing I can say. I never mndo a clonk of my religion." Bertha "No, dear, there's not enough of It for that. Might be enoiighj perhaps, to tnnko you a pocket-handker- chief." "Let "Dick" H ' Choose POI irotir blrd't iood dlah afrMh With the ad you bar* b n using, thn put aome ol BROCK'S w I thin reach, and h ow qulck!v Dick pick* out. " Brock'a ".' Feed him for a month on BrocK's Bird Seed -let him mloy the cake of Brcdc'a BUd Treat t hat comea In avt ry box and notice the Improrement In bia plumafo, health and sonj, Let "Dick" try this Bird Ton'c it our expense. Mall \a the coupon below, (Died In, J we will aendyou. absolutely free, >TO 'J'.-il.-s cites of Brock's Bird Treat. 45 NICHOLSON & BROCK 9-11 Fruicb St, Toronto. For this coupon pleoM sand m, free of charge or obligation on my part, two full alze cakes at fiiock'a Bird Treat, and obllee. % NAM* . DISCOURAGING PROGRESS. "You're not doing as well in your mathematics as you ought U be, Johnny," said Mrs. Lapsling "at your age your cousin Horace was half way through differentia calipers." An Always Ready Pill. To those of regular habit medicine is of little concern, but tho great majority of men arc not of regular habit. The worry and cares of business prc vent it, and out of the irregularity of life comes dyspepsia, indiges- tion, liver and kidney troubles as a protest. The run-down system demands a corrective nnd there is nono better than I'armelec's Ve;;e- tible Pills. They are simple in their composition and can be taken by the most delicately constituted. A LOUD DRESSER. Mrs. A. "Your huband always ihv'scs so quietly." Mrs. 15. "He does not. You ought to hear him when he loses a collar buttjn." A Boon for the Bilious. The liver is a very sensitive organ ami easily deranged. When this occurs there is undue secretion of bile anc the ac-rid liquid Hows into the sto- mach and sours it. It is a most dis- tres-iing ailment, and many are lirono to it. In this condition a man finds the best remedy in Par- melee's Vegetable Pills, which .ire warranted U> speedily correct the ili^ordiM-. The iv is no better mcdi cine in the entire list of pill pre- parations. Over 11,000 women are engaged in lace-making at home in the city of Nottingham, England. MInard's Liniment Cures C.ui:'?- In Cow* e The Tailor "I can't make- you another suit until you pay for the last." The Customer "(Jreat Scot! I can't wait that long." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY ko I.AXATIVK HKO.MO Quinine Tiililrtii. ]lri".'-'!:itn refund money if it failii to rim 1 . K. W. CiiOVK'ri HigmiUm< Is on rai-h box. 25u. The Goddess of Justice may bo blind, yet sko occasionally winks the other eye. Sore Throat is no trilling ailment. It may carry disease; germs to any part of the body through the food you eat. When you feel sore throat coming on, use llamlins Wizard "What .did you say last nighl when Jiick askod you to marry him?" "I shook my lie:).;]." "Side- ways, or up and down '(" MInard's Llnlmant Cures Colds, Ac. IIKADACHES VKRY COMMON. "Mary, if Mrs. IJich should call, tell her I'm not at homo.'' "Yes, mum. But would you mind telling me what's the matter with Mrs. Rich?" "Nothing. I havo a headache, this afternoon. Hut why do you ask '!" "If you please, mum, you're/ the fourth lady 1'vo worked for as hasn't ever been home when Mrs. Hieh culled." IKIQNEY .PILLS. ED. 7 A BEGGAR'S AWFUL FATE. Woman Wag Torn to Pieces b; Fierce Mastiffs. . A pitiful tragedy oecurred re- cently in the beautiful gardens that oncirele Prince liuffo'a villa on the I-'laminian Way, outside the of Rome, Italy. A poor beggar woman on the verge of starvation ventured up the main walk to ask alms at the brilliantly-lighted villa, inside which Prince Ruffo was giving a grand dinner in hon- or of a professor newly nominated to the international Institute of Agriculture, adjoining the princely property. Thrust away with harsh epithets by merciless attend- ants, the poor woman was wending her way hack towards the massive iron gate.s, when, overcome with hunger and fatigu, sh* appears to have fallen, into a swoon just inside the entrance. About midnight piercing shrieks and the barking of dogs brought the rrince and a body of retainers outside with lanterns and revolv- ers in tho belief that burglars were breaking into the place. Soon, however, they came upon a scene of horror. A couple of furious rnastiffu, let loose earlier in the evening, had scented out and de- nuded the body of ttife woman, which they were then ferociously tearing to pieces. The unfortunate victim expired in tho hospital tne following day. She waa 72 years of age. QUICKLY STOPS COUCH*. CURCS COLDS. MCALS THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 29 CENTS "Why do you always carry your umbrella'.-" remarked the worst bore in town. "Because," moaned his victim, "my umbrella cannot walk." And purple silence en- veloped the landscape for a short space. Thousands of mothers can testify to the virtuo of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, because they know from experience how useful it is. Many a man who is always talk- ing about what a fool he used to be, isn't very old. TAKE NOTICE. We pnbHiih elmp>. Htniirtit tontimonl- aid, not prcsn agents' interviews, from mil-known people. From all over Ainpr!c they ti>tlfy to tho mrritR of MI\ ARTVH LINIMENT, tho l)fwt of llnu .i, '.,'., I Rnmedlcg. MINAUDS U.NIMENT CO.. LIMITED. If there is any one we would liku to impose upon, it is the chap who is forever, trying to get something for nothing. MInard's Liniment Cures Diphtheric. < It is humane to put somn things out of their misery, shattered nopos, for instance. While more prevalent in winter, when sudden changes in the wea- ther try the strongest constitutions, colds ami coughs and ailments of the throat may come- in any sea- son. At first sight of derange- ment uso Bickle's Anti-Consump- tive. Syrnp. Instant relief will be 6Zperinoe4i and use of the medi- cine, until the cold disappears will protect tho lungs from attack. For anyone with throat or chest weak- ness it cannot be surpassed. ^ * WASTED. "I should think," snid the wo- man of the house, "yon would have :,oo much self-respect to make your living by begging." "Lady," protested Huff on Wratz, sltvaighu-ning himself up, "self-re- spect is wot ails me-! I wouldn't do this fur no other man on earth." When Your Eyes Nacd Care Iry Murln* K.VP Itfiiu-ilv. No Smarting Feel* Flnr AflB Qulckl.v. Try U for U,-,l, \\Vuk, WutiM-y !'>>;* unit (JriiMnUt.,,1 Ivyt-uiu. lllua* i ii. .i DoiiU In tMU'h I'lU-kam-. Murluo ! ,. 1,11,11,111111,1,1 by our OcullKia ntit "l'n,,.,ii Mpd- ,Mne" but uaml In ajieooaatui rhyatclaim' 1'iuo- l.'o fur inruiy yoarH. Now i!,'itu-iut to tin, I'uh- lo anil suit) by pmnlata \\\ '-'.K- aiut xu- uor Ht>ut*. Mnrlne Hyn Hulvolii AKi<|iilc Tubon, a'* nnd 'Ma. 'lurlno Evii Remoily Co., Ohloago Wltat. busy men nor<l is a scheme :hat will <>nabli< tlu-in to avoid jioo- >lo with si-lu'iiu's. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. 'our dniuui .it will roliind uiiini'V If I'A/.t) III NT- IKNTfalU li> fiira any u "( Iti-luuc. lillml, :l,,,.,I.M -. Mr I', ..' ni.liiii; I'il,'. in u I , . I ily. :>0c. Ho lovea best whose love lastn. "A funny incident, occurred on A Uprman railway truiu wht>roon I vas n passniigor," anya oiw who upends a bit of hid time abixmd. t\ certain stolid Teuton had been asRiptiod to a srat in the coach hat obliged him to ride backward hrintgh tlto Black Forest. At tho \rst stopping pla^ he askixl tho X)8t,maater, pursuant to O<rnian rogulationR, to give him another neat, saying it made him ill to ride mckward. "Aak (lie man opposite o change with yon," said the post- master, grufTly. "Rut thero s nobody oppoHito in*,' proteste<l he German, 'so I cannot ask litn.'" ISSIIE 1 12 MI, i. u. i-. , i ,i,,i M cures Olitemper. Investments for fhe New Vear We hare to offer several first-class bond Investments yielding 6 per cent, net, carrying our unqualified recom- mendation. WRITE FOR FULL pETAILS CANADA SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED 179 Jamas Strait, Montreal. 308 McKlnnon Bull line. TORONTO. - I* Cor.il, 1. 1. LONDON. ENGLAND FURS Trapper*. Munteri and Ucalarft in any kind of Raw : u . cannot a(f>>rd tn Uh- puse f their collec- tions w i th ou t fink otiUlnin:; our quo- FARMS FOR RENT ANA SALE. II 'V. DAWSON. Toronto. 90 COLUOBNE ST.. ONK HUNmiKD .,., Iur , ,, Buildings: m-ar Brampton. ze in 'the f. (Mowing :- . _. ,|...v'--v u- LIBERAL ASSORTMENT. r j tations. which We tpe Dm/ > ElC PI<lCEi>. reiniit.inc forwnl.d urn* reciiJ, eipresi and mall chri on all ' "< .n:|,n,.--it. paid by in. n> >blpuint to lurga ~- or too imill. Canada'! Larrest Fur Opmr. \ . '* Your Ul&Mt I /> IF,.,. H " U!>e and Gooa .n, T. "Thera'a a Reason.' ut,l ctrreip 'iiileuc* aitliciloJ. 1>KKI K John Hallam - TORONTO rrw-K .NtllBKR > STOCK, '! Duiry Farms in Halton. Peel. York. Ontario and Prince Edward C'ouu- c w url CONSUMPTION A New Discovery Mr. Wm. R. Copeland. of 511 Pape Ave., Torunui. after searching over ten yeara. hun dineojered a remark- ablo remedy which has gucceusfully cured a number of casts 9t eoniiump- tion. One, a Toronto Railway ruotor- iii. in. WH given ten daru ouly to live by two doctors, one of them a SKVKRAL GOOD FKI'IT FARMS IN the NisiTara Fruit Belt. MANITOBA. SVSK.VTt'HKWAN. AL- berta anil !!:>, Columbia Laudn. iu t-ui.ill or 1. ,!-._< ill. i-k> IF YOU WANT TO in Y ou *KLL A Farm, consult II. \V. Dawson. Niuety Colborne St., Toronto. AGENTS WANTED 8|)eciali8t. IlltMMted parties will b furniHhed uame und address** of thoxe who have been cured. Price. $1 a bottle, or six for $5. Mention nearest oxprem ofrUv when ordering. CHIN ESE~COM P'LEX fox s~~ The exquisito complexion of the young Chinese women is due not to enamelling, as has been suspected, but to careful manipulation of the face done by expert masseuses. They begin by a gentle pinching of the eheeks between the- tips of their fingers, which lasts fully ten minutes ; then apply lotions on absorbent cotton, then an unguent, and finish by kneading the, ciieeks with an extreme delicacy of touch, always proceeding from the nose and comniisures of tho lips toward the ears. This is a harmless and physiologically correct process which can be recommended in cases, rarer than they should bo, ' where the physician is consulted [ concerning a faded or otherwise unattractive complexion. 4 GKNTS WANTED. - A LINE I-'OB ^\. every houie. Write us for our choice list of agents guppUes. We have th frcatetft agency proposition in Canada to-day. No outlay mvosaary. Apply B. C. I. Co.. 23 Albert St.. Ottawa. HELP WANTED. UAUUOQI-4N PER WEEK SELL1XO * ' oue Hand EKK-l>eater. Samulo and terra* -,. Money retundcd if un lory. OollctU ill* Company, wood. Out. rilWEM'Y TO FlrTY ItAUliEKS ADVER- M. lived for in Toronto papers alone al- most every uay; let us teach you barber trade: expert instruction: constant prac- tice; toola free. Write tor catalogue. ilolcr Harbor College. ^-1 vjuutn Eat. Turouto. MISCELLAUtOOS. 11 AY and FAKU M Ai i .-.. >calo i\ : ,, .. 9 Lapiuuud WiUoos ' C A .MI.,;. VUMUatt, LOMFb. ic. 1 leriiiil u, a I-IUT,,., ,. cured nllboul 1 ..,ii by our uuui tri'itiuienl. Write ue bi-Cora tno late l)r. btniuiuu Ueuicni Lo, Limited. I'olitiigwood. Out. GTO.N St. A I. K U I. A U A .N I 1-. t.U. W 1 1 so in MM Works. 9 Lgpl&uuda. Toronto. VGKM'rt WANTED. - A STUDY O othi-r A^fiicy pnipoKitioim convincvi u- thiit none can equal ourg. You will^H* ways n-gret it If you ilou t apply for par- tu-uhirs ;o Xravi'llei's Uvpt.. L.O Albert St.. Ottawa. SPECIALISTS ADVIl'B KRKK .-<.n.iil| J ua 111 regard to any leu. Luwrat i u-r in drugs uf all k>n,K .1UK8H rltteU by mall Keiul mcaure> meut. Q1UMI Sttrd by age. V\ rite to-day for anything sold in tirst-i-liiMn ilru* >torri< to Dr. Bullaian. Collingwood. Out. FEATHER DYEING ITIeaning ami Curling .1,1, 1 Ki I <)l,>r i-leauej Tua- van IK, seni by oust, ic per o. the liy-' plu-eU BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING C(X MO JIUKAU That when you put a salve onto your child's skin, it passes through the pores and enters the blood, just as surely as if you put it into the child's stomach ? You would not put a coarse mass of animal (at, colored by various mineral poisons (such as many crude salv.s are) into your child's blood by way of the stomach? Then why do o by way of th; pores? Take no rlik. Use a'way i tb pure h.rbal townees provided in /..un I u>. . Z m-Buk Contains DO trace of any animal oil or Ut, and ii > poisonous mineral cot r- lug matter. From start to (iuuh it u furely hctbal. It will lu-.i! sors> ulcf r.i, ab^ces- ita, rruptiov-i, varicose ulceis. Cuts, burns .' J bruits ni tt quicklf than any otuet k owu pteparation. It is at) eptic, quickly stop? the (martine of a sore or cut, cures pil.s, infiamed t.,rn and blood potsonin^. It is combination of healing powerand (ciruttiic purity. Atk, those who have proved ii. Jll drufiffiitti (in-l it MI* .'i\) bwt or Zitm-Xuls (.'"., Tvrvuta, far frtet. SHOULD BE IN YOUR NOME "The Most Be.iutiiul Ignition in New Yoik City." HOTEL SAVOY Fifth Ave., 58th to 59th Street Ocrrliwkinv Central Air* Affording a delightful resicW., from which all the principal control of thn city are roadity acceitilile. "'" : Vl.l I " k |..r. i. , fvv. . ln(tl u-l UK '1,1,. ,iil,,n. SIM. i','U tc.Uiuiant. |uliii K m^rii, I'llhaol room. ,V. - '8 STURGEON Gil LIN!IVi[NT Internal a>>>> : ii"it ; ii for man or beast. K\oryo'io knows of tho wonderful qujilir.es in t!ie oil of the STl 1U!KON for sprains, lameness, el<- Dr. How's formula has it in its best form. For liheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swellings, etc., it cannot be equalled. Try it once and yon will be satisfied. Price 85 cents. ASK YOUR DEALER HE SELLS IT. Tho Ilraylrj ?rug Co., |,id.. Role Prot-i. St- John, M B. ACBES GOOD '

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