Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Jan 1912, p. 1

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"TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PRINCIPLES' NOT MES. VOL 31, SO '27 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, January 11. 1912 W. H 7ECRSTON i \ ; Kimberley Budget Not much like an open winter now, as there is >oiu two feet of snow and on Saturday morning last the mercury j dropped to ten below zero. Mr Kenneth Hurd of Toronto visited friends here during tlie past week and was the guest of his grandparents, Sir. and Mrs. Henry Hurd. Don't forget the Orange concert to be held here on Jan. 26. Eddie Piggott of Toronto will be one of the chief eiuei- Uiners. The ice rink opened here on Wednes- day nig'it of last week. A large number of skaters were present and spent a very cnjoyablw eveuiu?. Zero weather doesn't stop Oeo. Proc- tor s hens from laying, in fact on Satur- day Ust, whun ih* thermometer regis- tered ten below zero, they Vroke their record by laying an extra egg or so, 1C in all. Mr. Proctor's poultry house is open acroB the entire front. Mr. Victor Kllis, eldest sou of Reeve Kilis, will, on Tuesday of this week, un- dergo an operation for apendicitis at oue tf the hospitals ol that city. Victor's many friends sincerely hope that the op (ration will prove successful. Mrs. Kllis left on Saturday Ul to attend his Wd- fcide. Mr. David Thompson of Dundalk is xiuiting friends here and is the |?u s t f Mr. John Plewes. Mr. Thomas Clark of Collin^w.^id is the guest of his brother. Mr. Win. Clark, vallry nad north. Th nnul tea and entei'.ammeiu held liere on New Years niu'ht, iu connection with the Methodist church, wis a good fucce and well attended, consiUeiinj: the rather inclement weuhr, ;?>od program being proided. Miss Wilda Stuart, s-.loist, >f Guvlpli, contributed to the program 1-y tb ainging of si'lo. Miss Stuart [KWeses a clear, stnn' and i nationally well trained voice. We predict a brill lanl fulune fw this young wloist. Mr. Hetheringtoii "f Coldwater is ilteodii-n the bedside of her father, Mr. Jurues Fawcett, sr., who is Tery low at piexeut. Messrs. Uutledge StatTuril and <J. H. Walter were ;.i>ointd repi-esentatives of the Iwcal Karmers' Club to a;tenda meet- ing at Mrkdal Fb. 1. the object of which is to form a county crjtanizatic.'. All of the Farmers' Cluhs in the county are expec'ed to snd dele^aies. Mr. M. K. Uichirdsori <>f Flesherton *as a caller in .ur burg one day lately. Mr. Ashley Kawcett visilnd fiiends t Heathcote on Sninrlay. Mr. Kobe.t Holley wh.-, durius; the pt year, has wucoissfully conducted a general store luisiness hen-, recently sold !iit.>ck to Mr. David \VcWr, who will in future conduct the business. While here Mr. and Mrs. Hollvy male many friends on account of their sterling >|iial itie, and tlu-ir many ueijilibors and friend* much rrijret their dejt inure from our ini.Nt Ou Wednesday night list the regular nieetuig of the FarniiT' Cluh wan ad- dressed i>y Mr. II. C. Duff, district rep resenttive of Agriculture, mi " Diaiu- .ise.' 1 The address ciiutained much valu able iufoniiition. Here it iiedy tht will cure "yonr c<-KI. Why waste time ami money experin-entiiis when you euii a a prei*ra:in tht ba-< uu a world wiili- re|iiitaliini by its riives of this disease aud can always IK? de|<ndeil ii|ou? Il i known everywhere > ClmHilwrlam's (",>ii);li Kfinflv. and i" medicine f r'al merit. Kr sale Viy all dealers. East Mountain (<ood .sli'i-lniv^ and cold wenthcr. Mr. Alex. Madill of the So > is in this part. Mr. (!o. Uorley remains about the same. Miss Elsie Martin spect last week in Thornbury, the guest of her mother. A number from tlvs part lock in the whiil i Mr. Jak William.-*' oil Thurs- Uay night. Little Wild* Martin sj>eiit put of liust week in Kimberley with her aunt. Mrs. II. Sloan. Miss Nettie Martin is home from 0*011 Sound fur a couple of weeks. Eugenia Paragraphs Since Santa Clans has gone our friend. Jack Frost, is jjirine ua an interesting vitit The Farmers' Institute are holding their winter meeting in Eugenia jn Jan. 19. The ladies will hj addressed by Miss Powell of Whit by id (ha afternoon in the Methodist church. All ladies of thii locality are requested to be present. Mr. \V. Graham has the riuk again in yood condition for skating. Mr. Robert Purvis of Toronto U spend- ing.! few weeks with friends here. Mr. Alex. Madill of the Sault ^sit- ing with hia daughter, Mrs. Alex. C.u- ruthers. Mrs. Dave Jamieson of Toronto in visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Mo- Master. Miss Muran of Woodbridgd ha* been engaged as teacher in our public school for 11(12. Miss Moran couies highly rec- o nmended as a popular and nccomplishod young lady. We hopj she will enjoy her sojourn among us. Mi< Boycu of Durham and M Geuoe of Markdale visited friends in this vicinity the ['! week. Mr. George Paul of Saskatchewan is visiting the pareutal home for the winter. Mrs. Frank Thompson has gone on an extended visit with friendsat Chatsworth. Mailer Jack White of Ceylon i* the guest of Barbara Thompson of this place. Miss Dell Warringtou <f Penh has returned home ftei vihiting with Mrs. Wallace Airnstronf. \'UI!L' a numi-cr from V;indeleur came over to tile r nk on >.iturdy evening. Mi&a ; i.ce l.iinie-on has returned from hr visit with friend* in th city. Rev. Mr. Milligan acMree*eii his people on S.,M>ar h witK a very appropriate ser- uiou on the openinj of the year, teit taken from Joshua, 3rd chapter and third .nil fouitb vpes : "To go forward with an eye Utned on Chri*t a-t i>u r covenant king." Rev. Mr Campbell, in the evening, addressed the congregation from ihe text, Deut., l~th chapter. Kith vere* . " Ye *h*ll lieiiceforth return no more that way." Tim annual congregational meeting of the 1'ri sbyterian church was held on Friday evening, a favortiMn number of m"inbers being present The following otKcers were elec'ed for church and Sli- bitih school for 1 1)12 : Chairniiu Boird of M.in n-eis. H. Cairns : Treasurer, AUx. Cameron : Auditors. James Carson and Cn-orge Meldrum : Oii;*iiisr. Mrs. Jamb Willi.uus ; Superintendent of Sunday School, Win. Walker . Secretary, Miss D.nsy Smith ; Tieusurer, Duncan Wil- limns : Bible Class Teacher. \Jr. Cairns Inteunedixtc class, Mrs Walker : Infant c';is, Miss Wilson ; Organist, Alice Williams ; Caretaker. Mr. J. K. Wil- liams. Toronto Line North Tilt home ot Mr. aiul Mrs. Thos It. Lever was the M-CIIO of a plexsant tune on b'liJty evening. IVc. i*., I'JU, when their noighliors assembled to j'lin them in eelebra: ing the twentieth anniversary of their "china weddins!. The evening was .-yenl in games and ither aiiivi.sements. Musie was supplied by one esteemed organist. Mrs. Kmerson Wickens, *r,-o<npnnied liy Mr Wirt,ftl on ''i- mouth ongtn. >,!: old and f'lini! :n "HV!S wert- sumj by \ fow of the neuhbrrs who are HUM! singeis. After a midnight repast the guests departed for their hi>nn s. The bride and irrooin of twenty years ago received many beautiful china <jifti s n-cll as C'>ngr:tu- Nt ons from tluir many fr.ends and MtgHb 'i'". Mrs. Win, IhtviHof "Suunvsidv' Farm" spent New \utir 'a day with her in Toronto. Miss Yiolrt McLean of Kimbcrlcy \isitedal Mr. and Mrs. K. WickeoV, J r cemly. l'er-on* tivulilvtl with partial |irlv-i- are ulten \ei V iiiiieh 'lenctiteil t-y ni.is;i|jing the ffect<-.l (wts ihoi, nighty wheu applying Ch.vi.lH'.l.on ' l.ininu'iit. This liuiinrnt aN M-li.M-s rheumatic \wins. For nle !> .ill denier*. Priceville Jottings Good sleighinar, zero weather last week. Several pupils from other bectiona have come in during the past few days tu at- tend the continuation cl.-uses in our j school here. Th muuicipal election was a hot oue and shuws -.hat the tires oi I'JIO-ll were never (juenched, Kiid won't be during this year. The popular vote would evi- dently liave elected Cjswell for Depu'y Keere, bur owing to several spoiled bal- lots his opponent got A majority of one. J. Burgess of the C. f. R. station speat Christmas with his family in T >- ronto. The Women's Institute uu'eling fur December wvs held at the residence of Mr. .nid Mrs D. Harrow on the 4th line about three miles nottb of the village. The roads were good iad a Urge number of the members availed 'hemseUes of the outing Mr. Harrow and sou. Homer. kindly ti.ok care of thj horses as they inive-1 and m-ide them comfortable in their spacious stables The Indies re- turned hoiim in the evening well pleased at the profitable alternooi. they .-pent with Mrs. Harrow. Where are our police trustees ! Are they hybernating for the winter D. Ma'.heson and S. Ferguson of To- ronto University ami Faculty -jf Educa- tion spe.it holidays at home here. Louise Watson has secured Portlaw school fr thU year. N. E. McKinnu teaches at the Irish Lake scho ! this ye^i. Master George Tryi-n of Detroit was home with h s parents fur Christmas holiday*. Myrfle McArthur was h me with her luxtber for the holidays, Neil K. McKiunoM was winner of the uolil medal IT probciency at the i >.!.('. Portlaw We are yUd to report tliat Mr. Abram DLikey is on the way u> recovery from his severe at.ack of pneumonia. Miss 1'e.iil Jackfou of Duudalk is vis- iting frieitdi- here. Mr. and Mrs. While f Markdal* are ;pudini( the winter wi h their daughter, Mrs. Thomas Taylor. Mr. and Mis. John Walker visited diinns; the liolidiys with frien-ls in To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. R 'berl Fisher worn the recipients of a much-prized New Years i:if: .1 Hue little b y. At the annual school meet'ui;, which was pixsided over by Sir. W. J. Jamie- son, there was . i laiger attendance llian usual, and the reports showed evi-rythiiis; ill a satisfactory shape. Mr. K. IV Mel drum, the retiring trustee, was re-elected for a third term. Mr. and Mrs. Ujder, and Mr. and Mrs. Cliiilou Pedl.tr, visited among fricnas in this [>irt. Mrs. Heitnmn is visiting with her sif- ter. Mrs. Kml Taylor. (h\r schoul trus'ees have ecured tl e services i>f Miss Watson of Priceville. Mr. Wesley Cooey has returned fioiu the West. Notice of Annual Meeting Notiv is hereby given thnt the annual meetmif of shareholders i -f ilie Klesher- ton Motel Company, Limited, will IH> licld .ii the Park 11. -use. Klesherton, on Wediifstlity. Jan -.'4, I'.'lL'. at on o'clock, afternoon. HI SIM'S* 1 To rociev* the report of Directois fi-r the past year. 2 To elect Directors for the ensuing year. It--To make neeessaiy arrangements for liquidating the debt. I Any other legitimate busines. I'.y .uder of lioard of Pncctors. W. H. Bl'XT. Secretary. J M. DAVIS, Pres. Kleobertun, Jau 'Jth, ItflS. __ Mr. JaiuvH VUy "f Sintou Park is 1 ihe owner of a eou that gars birth to A particularly wdafftir haii(ieiu-d i'l three lambs on ftUrch '.Hli, I'.'l 1, :.nu (..u-afmvi on Friday whi-ii Robert, I [! "n th '.'lird of Dcc.-nibvi she gave c u t u > i t i i i birth to two more. She is just a c-ni- Meat son of M.S. A.Hutcht,,*.,, of 1W1- I mo|| bl . tM Wwk ^.j ^.^ Mv bay woinl, died after four d.tys illt ess from j W(lU i.i i^, , (u . Hl . ;j B ,,y OMO has .1 ewe blond poisoning. A fww days before ho that cnn bent this ivcord - rhroniclo. ijut a scrate'n on hi* hand, but i>-ti.i no ttentioc to it,, until it began to fvstcr, :tud then the disome h.d securtd t> o strong a hold. H your rhililirn an* <ubjtx-t tu iittackn uf I'l-onp, watv-h fi tlu- first vni|>tiiii . li";r-r nr. tiive rhmnlu-i Isiti's CniiKli Ki-nieil\ .1^ KIKHI * thp i-liilil IH-COIIICS liiwr-w- a:nl tin- .>t tvkiii*v !>r .(,),> t off. For sale bv \\ Ceylon Too Ute fi.r l;ist week Mr. and Mrs A. Archibald and chil- dren. Mr. Ed. Carltoti and brother, from linind Valley, Mr. and Mr-. Allvurt Mc- Coiineil from Keldou, spent t'liristaias ith Mr. au<i Mrs. James Spront Mr. Ernie Spruat of Alberta was also present at the gittheriog. Mr. K. P. Logite of Clgnu. Alt*., is home, and Mr. and Mrs. llobert SVnght ind family of Klesherton pent Christmas with them. Mr. and Mrs. T. Chisiett spent the Sunday before Chr^tiiias w: h tlieir daughter in < ><en S. uuJ. Mr. aud Mis. Isaac Sargent or" "wen Sound spent t.'liMstm.is nitli Mr. >od Mrs. Edwaid Sargent here. Mr. James Sprrat ha sold hi* prop- erty litre aud intends to migrate to Aib-rtv Mr. W. C. Whiti- i* the pur- chaser. Mr. A. B. LIrtlfuur and on i.f Port Dalhousie is jpeiidm^ her hnliUay* at her parents'. Mi. G. Collins, n - 3Ir. 11. H. C.M>k ' sister mJ ln< ^raud- dughrer, 'iladys Cnsbiiie, of Tornt". spent a few days with relatives hera and at Traverston. 1 1 I! 1! H II' II FINE TAILORING ! ! ! ! The uiideraigued invites the public to c:\!l in wid vee what we have to offer ic Material, Workmanship and Price, before ordering their next Suit of Clothes. W e handle Tailor Made Suits Made to Measure in our own shop Froii $14.00 up. auI g'.wrantet; <atiifacti.;n. AUL'USI RunsUdt'rr, oue i>f :h < Idest horsx buyers iu this section of country, died in W.tlkertnn on Sunday \*t a^<(i 76 yeir. The deceasetl was well and favorably kuuwn amotij th older settleis in this iegi"ii. At u tune he was in fairly comfortable circumstances, liut for tunedeseitfni him in the winter of life and his declining years were nut encum- bered with su,>eittui.us wraith. Kruce Tunes. ,. BURT 5pMlall*t In dl<ea*e ol tk Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Qffic;--30 10th tt. We*t. Owen Sound At the Rovoro house, Murkdalo, 2nd Thursday ench month from S to Ii a. m. Dundilk, 1st Thuisday of each mouth. Catarrh and Bronchitis ill 1 4 !<1 i i ii fii !! We Will Treat You Right, knowing that you |^| will ccme again. Yours to Serve, FRED MORLEY^ NEXT DOOR TO BANK M Flcshcrton, - - Ont. !!<! '. lie Bane of Ihousa nds. and has Hitherto Battled the Skill ol Medical Sdeict. Catarrhozone Dry air treatment ! the on* treat- ment that will cur* thes* diseases. What stomach medicine ha* ever been known to cure Catarrh or Bron- ehitia? Catarrhozon* Is not a stomach med!- I .ino. but an air in<>(1loiii. that iirrti* to tho remoti-st parts of the throat lung. and air cells little drops i>f heI- ingr so curative that whenever il touches germ life it kills and eradicates them from the sy#t< in. Thousands of doctor* and patient; havf been disappointed by using stomach medicines for ccuiths and coids. Have you not found it a rathvi roundabout way to reach the dtoeasei portion of the throat :ml lungs? Why not use ratarrhosonr. which b breathed to the very rot of the dis- ease and heals so quickly ami per- fectly that every spot is rebuilt wltr new healthy tissue? Catarrhozona is the only modicini that will cur*. Thousands hav* testi- fied. Think for moment. Is !t not iensl Littl* drops of healing th* air car ries them just where disease exists That is why Catarrhozone Cures Price. 25c. ">0c. am! $1.00. at al ilruitRists. or by mail postpaid fron The Oatarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y. ind Klnsston. Ont. Christmas Tailoring Jusl reetived tniucb of aobbv new guiuugs iiid over- coatings. u immense choice of newest patterns aud at very reasonable prices. Leave your order for a Christmas Suit now. \Ve aim ;o please auJ we hit '.he btillseve every dine. Call ami look over oui sample*, anyway. S. J. BOWLER, THE UP-TO-DATE TAILOR CHRISTMAS MEATS Jewelry \COMPLETE STOCK OF CHOICE MEATS ON tUND FOR THE CHRISTMAS TRVDE. SICH AS BtEF, PORK, SAUSAGE, HEAD- CHEESE, SMOKED MEATS AND CHICKEN. Fresh Oysters always on hand. YVIL.SON <& FLESH E A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Ollico ami Residence t'i- 1 *. !Hh St. Bast, Owen Sound, Out. Hours-!' to l-_'a.m. l.:'0to 4.30 p.m. 7 ;.. S p.m. Other hjuurs by ppo:ntnient Groceries J Groceries J We ban lie only the (.Meanest tuul best Grix'erii's. all grades of Floor and Feed Get your supplies from W. BUSKIN GROCER. Flesherton, - - Ontario. I

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