Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1913, p. 1

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" TRUTH BEFORE FAVOE." PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN. 1 VOL 32, NO 531 Flestierton, Ont., Thursday, February Q, 1013 W. H. TflDRSTON EDITOR and PhOPIIlKTD Eugenia Paragraphs Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cooey of Owen Sound are visiting friends in this locality ami are guests of Ml'. nd Mrs. Jake Williams. Mies I' t i tin Williams is home from Markdale on a visit, Mrs. Len Latirner is spending a week in Toronto. Miss E. Smith has gone to the city on a visit. Master Willie Williams had the mis- fortune to have two of his tinkers badly cut une day last week. Master Delbert Fatten i-f Flesherton (pent the week end at Mrs Parliament's. Mr. S. Campbell took i sleighing party over to Mr. Geo. Warling's, Van- deleur, on Thursday evening last. A good time was enjoyed by all. (Juite a number from here attended the hockey match in Flesherton Thursday Mr. and Mis. McKechnie of Markdale pent Sunday at Mrs. Fisher's. Their daughter, Mamie, who has been visiting here for a fortnight, returned with them. Mr. Walker Sloan has returned to Mount Albert after spending a couple of weeks with friends here. Great credit and thanks to Mrs. Pick- ell of Markdale for the well written ar- ticle on the discovery of our Eugenia Falls, which we all aa residents of this town thoroughly appreciated. The beauty and grandeur of our falls in sum- mer, when so many come from far and near to view it, is of course pleasing when the summer heat and green jjrass, rocks and tumbling waters are displaying themselves at that season of tha year, but we beg to inform any who like to be- hold a scene that i* an exact contrast, when, especially this winter there hare been so many thaws and froets and not too much suow, to be able to view the beauty from all sides the grandeur of the scene is well worthy uf mention. Last Saturday morning, as the bright sun (slmne over the tree tops and lit on the rolling waters, icicles and frosted hunches, the view presented the most beautiful rainbow encircling the scene. Everyone should avail themselves of % look at the falls ftt the present tim. .Mrs. Large aud children are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Car- ruthers ot Mountain View farm. Mr. Wesley Cooey spent the past week with fnetHls at Portia w. While driving with & friend there a dug ran out and frightened his horse and upset the occu- pants and gave them a bad ihaking up. Some hours later Wes. missed his gold watch, which he Iris not been ablo to find since . Mr. James and Misa Lily Rusaull of Portlftw were the guests of Mr. J . K. Willisms the past week. TBE LATE THOMAS LATDER Courtesy of the Durham Chronicle The deceased gentleman cnme to Can- da from Cumberland, Eng., in 1851 nd entered mercantile life in Port Col- orne, where he remained until 1856, hen he came to this county and en- aged iu farming for a number of years, n 1871 he w;is appointed to the resis- rarship, and held the appointment con- inuously to the time of his death. For he past yenr ha was unable personally to lischarge the duties of office, but these were ably attended to by his son, Mr. A. V. B. Lauder, who acted in the capacity f deputy, tie was married in Port Col- >orntf to Susau Grabellf, and tha union esulted in a family of three sons aud five daughters. HN follows : Thomas G., Durham : Dr. Edwarl Lnuder.Cleveland; A. W. H , the Deputy Registrar ; Mrs. W. J. Younv, Durham ; Mrs. R. S. tfundel!, Derby ; Mrs. James Davidson, deceased ; Mr*. Archie Little, Swift Cur- rent, Sask., and Mrs. J. J. Haslett of Winnipeg. Riverdale Mr. Will Canuthers of Toronto, was a caller in our burg last week. Mr. and Mrs, H. Burns, accompanied by Mrs. D. Johnston, visited friends al Vandeleur recently. While engaged felling trees in the wumls on Wednesday, Messrs. Dunn Lee And Dave Boyd had the delicious experience of diicovering a large bee nest. Several milk cans were re<|uirec to contain the luscious goods. Urn efficient school ma'am, Miss Olive Hatch And "pjtl" attended the oyiter jubilee at Temple Hill, on Tues day evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wy ville uf Markdale were the gues's of [the latin's mother Mrs. B. Cutting, on the first of the week Three new phones have been installei in this vicinity uiinn/ the past months by the Riverdale electrician, Mi-. Bruce Walker. This makes a total of sixteen phones on the Riverdale circuit to date Mr. and Mrs. H. Erskine gave delightful At- Home to the young people of Kiverdale, one evening recently. Many are the instances related coo cerning the inclemency of the weathei ^JonTthtmt^ BS EFlSk 'te Mr - Tho '" a ' DW 1 f Wi rt n -P-nl fetwon of the , KJNt "* " e ;^ .<, 8t week with his sister, Mrs. G feet a young matt, recently itom a town ] Col ,^ 8oBi north of Winnipeg, who eiperieuce u)a a e,$ one foel like reatiktor un an lOc house. OiW wninf about Christ- mas time he kicked the cat out of the door and before h could withdraw his foot it was frozett lolid. - 5eit, please. We recently noticed iu a local paper published not many miles from Frice ville that an experienced old Scot gives the following advice, how to cure a cold. "Load up with good whiskey, (Scotch of Wodehouse What changeable weather I One can- not get tired of the one kind. A jolly load of the young people of .Ins neighborhood spent a very enjoyable evening at Kiniberley, on their skating rink there. Messrs. Will Woods ..ml James Wiley are busily engaged hauling logs for Armstrong Bros. <>f Markdale, flora cklyn to Markdale. Some extrt tine timber is beinn drawn. Mr. Will Best and daughters, Ellie, Annie and Kena, arrived here from Innisfree, Alberta, last week, to spend three inonthi with friend.* here. It is nine \ eais since Mr. Best and family left here. Mrs. Bust died about three years ago. They no doubc see many changes in that time. Mr. Best, how- ever, is a victim of asthma and since his arrival here, has been suffering intensely, so much so, he has decided to return West ae soon as possible, leaving the <(irls to follow. Mr. Best had the best of health while in the west, to he no doubt thinks there is no place like out here for him. His many old friends nro sorry to see him so miserable and not able to enjoy his visit, after such a long absence. Mrs. William Wiley, si-, and Miss Annie Wiley have returned home from a pleasant visit with friends at Maxwell. Mr. Latter of Heat.hcote, ably supplied At thin appointment Sunday afternoon. A meeting was recently held to re- organize the choir, when Mrs. Will Wiley was elected organist, Mrs. Aber- crombie having resigned, A few from here attenaed the auction sale of Mr. Wesley Carson's, on Monday last, on the Meaford Road. They re- ported prices ranging high. " Misa Millie Harris of Toronto is on a month's visit with lu v r ^grandmother, Mrs Harris, here, and also with friends at Kimberley. A slight error crept into our items last week, which should have read tluee brothers survive the deceased Pearl Thompson and \ut one, also 1m and Ida at home, not Lou aud Ida as stated. Kimberley Budget Very stormy weather at present. Hr. J-jhn Plewes, accompanied by his son, Alfred, visited Cjllingw ood f i lends a few dnyi las': week. Mr. Ed. Baker of Vandeleur, wan a caller in our burg on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mundle of Port Arthur, are visiting wiih the fonrer's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Mundle, it present. We are sorry to repoit Mi;s Maud Smith on the sick list, but soon hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr. Ashley Faftcett, who has been barbel ing in Kimberley the past couple of months, returned to Callandar on Monday. Mr. Ashley McCallum of Duncan, visited with bis coiisiu, Andrew Fawcetl, a few days last week. Mr. Stanley Walter left for Toronto the past week, where he haa secured a good position. Geo. Burritt made a business trip to Eppiug on Saturday last. W. H. Sloan visited friends in Toronto, Aurora and Mount Albert the past week. While at the latter place he attended the bedside of his mother, who is very low at peesent. Miss Katie Walter, who has been visiting friends in Toronto, returned home one day last week . Miss Anni* Curry of Rocklyn, visited with her friend, Miss Muni Plewes, a : ew days last wek. A number of the friends aud neigh- dors of Mr. and Mis. Oliver Irwin met at their home on Thursday, Jab. 30, nor to their departure for Flesherton, and presented them with the following address : Dear Mr. aud Mrs. Irwin, It is with sorrow that we have heard that you aro leaving our community. In your de- parture we feel that we are not only losing esteemed business friends, hut also warm personal friondi. We wish to express our appreciation of your work. You have always been williag to oblige and help all who came to you. Nor were your kindnesses confined to the hospitality of yur bouae. You weie always willing to help and sympathize ith any of us who were in trouble. In meeting together this evening to bid you Farewell, we beg of you to accept those chairs as a slight token of our friendship. We all hops that prosperity may attend you in your new home and that you may lonf live to enjoy an abundance of health and happinoss. Signed in behalf of your Kiraberley friends--Robt. Lawrence, Lyness Ftwcett, Harold Ellis, Aihley Fawceu and Harold Proctor. Mrs. W. H. Thurston of Flesherton, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Walter at present. Ceylon A Letter From Mrs. Pickell Markets!.-, Feb. .'5, l'J13 Editor Advance : Dear Sir, Since your issue of The Advance of Jan. 16, L-I niiiiniiiis the article re Eugenia Falls, which you mude so attractive by your beautiful illustration?, _ I have received many very interesting le ters from far and nesr. This shows how wide your circulation uj. Thete letters contain much that is complimentary to your paper and myself. Ths leading thought they bring out is How our brave pioneer boys went out into the world and made good. One in his letter says, " We had nothing to lose, and everything to yain. ' A state bank president writes : " I was born at Eugenia ;md spent my early manhood there. You were my first teacher in the little log school house by the side of the road, near the spiing, That war fifty yeais ago." A minister in Michigan writes : 'Mrs. Pickell, I thauk you from my heart for your word picture of old Eugenia Falls. Seventeen years ago my wife aud I vis- ited Eugenia. Together we descended the stain>, together we climbed th hill, and together we stood at Sloan's dam, drinking in the beauty of it all till the western sun showed us we must go. and, like Joshua, we felt the day was too short." A gentleman in Toronto writes : "When I first saw the beautiful pano- ramathe gulch and falls presented, it was a case of love at tint sight." Many more quotatians from letter^ could be given did time and space per- mit, from merchant men, newspaper men, etc. Does it not teem a p'.ty that such a beauty spot in nature has not been preserved in i's primitive condition.' Honour ii due our Artemesia boys who, though far away, retain tender memories of the days when they were among us. Equal honour to the brave boys who re- mained at home ami took up the work that fell from the toil-worn hands of their fathers and made the township what it is. -E. A. PICKELL. Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are dates for 1913: Wednesttay, Feb. 1! Dundalk Wednesday, April 16 Fltsherton Wednesday, June 18 Dundalk Wednesday, Aug. 27 Flesberton Wednesday. Oct. 15 Dundalk Saturd-iy, Dec. fi Flesherton W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, Flesherton, Ont, J FARM TO RENT Lot 2, Con. :5, S. D. R. Artemesm, containing 80 acres of laud in nood state of cultivation, first-class water in drilled well, good buildings, one mile from Priceville. Apply to MRS. DONALD McARTHTR, Townline. Priceville course) and stay loaded until the disease disappears.'' We would iufet from this that tlm alleged Oeorge Washington, jr., at Priceville, mint have a thronio^ "frost on.,, Messrs. 0. ;uui \V I Uiiuy, Badj eros, spent the week end at Mr. Collinson's. Mlns Jean Collinson has returned home from visiling friends in To ronto and St. Catharines. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence 468, 9ih St. East, Owen Sound, Ont. Hours to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Other hour* by appointment Vandeleur Happenings J, M. Davis attended county council at Owen Sound last week. Mr. George Warling has returned home after a two weeks' visit with friends near Wiarton. Mr. and Mi's. Joseph Cooey of Owen Sound visited friends hereabout for a few riays last week. Miss. Kate Fletcher of Stone's line was the guest of her friend. Miss M i :; Leslie of this place for a few dayi. Mr. C. B. Boland spent last Thursday with friends at Meaford. Mr. Sum Buchanan of Owen Sound business college spent the week end with his father and sister heru. Miss Daisy Davis of Toronto is visit- ing at the parental home. We often hear complaints of excessive express rate, and high charges for postal transmission, but it ix a question, after all, if cheap rates by parcel post, or otherwise is not going to be detrimental to all country towns. As it is the big city departmental stores are .sending out more goods to tho country towns and villages than some of tho good stores that help to pay the taxes and support the schools, churches and other institutions. It stems to only a matter of time till il I the smaller places will be crushed out of existeiicc.and once a monopoly is secured the consumer -will pay the piper. The big concerns are barking for reduced transportation, and we'ro all Inn-king with them. We may yet find that we'll pay too dear for our whistle. Durham Chronicle. The marriage of a young girl only four- teen at the time of the ceriuony at Ni- agara Falls h.-is been anulled. Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day iu the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you want in our line plan ing, matching, eta. Floor^ ing, sash and doom, and alt house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at ieas- onable rules. Get, estimates. Blakeley, Prop. Priceville Jottings Mr. February walked in vefy coolly last Saturday. Siuce the last thaw the roads are a convex sheet, of ice and the majority of work horses have no shoes on the hind feet, therefore the single driver, "sharp all round," does the outing at present. The l.O.F. concert on Friday evening was pretty well attended, but the stormy evening and bad state of the roads pre- vented a full house. McLeod's sawmill is kept humming these days cuting custom logs. Thomas Nicholl, Reeve of (Jlenelg, and P. F. McArthur, merchant, are the Priceville representatives to the Fairs convention in Toronto this week. We notice that J . A. McDonald has a^ain burn appointed .issessor for the t iwnnhip of Olenelg. J. A. must cer- tainly be an expert land valuator now, with eight or nine years' experience. The last dose th.it we administered to the dictionary gourmaud at Biverdale had a good effect week before last, for it brought on a violent yip-tady-ay and he threw off great <|uantitie of imperfectly digested dictionaries and other goat food, which will at least give temporary relief, and now, if his attendant nurses can Koveru his gluttinous uppetite for cheap, fictitious-made to sell, you know lite- rature pretending to treat on Geology, natural history, etc., his ultimate recov- ery may be looked for, but great cure is necessary. Pure Bred Holstein Bull Changeling Prince Joe Bred by Changeling Butter Boy out of Tidy Abbekerk Princess Josephine. The greatest butler making strain known. Terms of service 92 for grades. $."> for pun' bred. GEO. MOORE & SON, Props., IFeb. 14 Proton Station. ewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies, A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT Fever sham Items Mr. Chs. Perigoe has returned to Regiua, Susk., after spending :\ mouth with Ins parents here. Mrs. J. A. Kernalmn is visiting in Toronto. Mr. Will Colquelte is visiting with his sister iu Collingwood. Mrs. Win . Brownridge of Maxwell is spending a few days with her daughter. Mrs. Sam H;iwton. Mr. Win. L'.jultlwrd is visitii.g wr.h friends in Collingwood township. Miss s ulie Julian give a party to her young friends on Friday evening last. We arc glad to report lilt)* Johiiie Robinson improving. Mrs. John Paul, who has had a severe attack of of lagiippe, we are pleased to say, is recovering. Mrs. R. Brackenbury, sr., is very ill at present. Mr. Ern. bawton's little girl is re- covering from a severe sick spell. Miss Florence Brackenbury of Mark- dale, spent Sunday with friends here. Mis. Tlios. Stephens of Pretty River Valley, is visiting with her dnughter, Mrs. Ern. Hiiwton. Mr. Geo. Barber, who is down from the West, spent last week with friends iu Thcnibnry. Q O O u. U O H co flat a. (d GET SOME OF PRATTS FOOD Pratt's Poultry Regulator and Oyster shell make hens lv. We have your'Jiupply, of Fin Haddy, Sin-'ked Herring, Lake Superior Truut and Herring, Honey, Syrup, Mince Meat. Cheeee, Biscuits, Bread. FLOUR Five Rflsts, Cream of the West, McGowan's Eclipse, and Pastry. Bran, Shorts, Low, Grade, Chop, Linseed Meal, Oil C*ke and a full line of Groceries, at THE FLESHERTON GROCERY SJ O o n O O O W. BUSKIN This is . . Rubber Season ! If you arc in need of a good pair of Leather Top Rub- bers, High or Low, or with- out Tops, try TH08. CLAYTON Flesherton, - = Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. Go To BOWLER For that New fall Suit A Full Line of Tweeds and Worsteds to choose from. Prices very Moderate We are here to do Your Tailoring ! SI nrttA/T 17 D THE UP-TO-DATE . J . OU VY L HIV, TAILOR BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.

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