\ Items of News by Wire Notes of Interest as to What Is Coin? on All Over the World Canada. London Fair -will get a Provin- cial grant. Daniel Vail, teamster, was killed in the G.T.R. yards at Brighton. Mrs. Thos. Rily of Hamilton was shot and killed by her husband. Mrs. Brian McEnany died at Mount Forest at the age of 101 years. Occupants of a rooming house in London had exciting capes from a fire. Wellington County in to spend $400.000 on permanent roads and bridge*. The steamer Manitou was badly damaged by fire at Owen Sound and sank. George T. Tuckett, a prominent business man of Hamilton, died at the age of fifty-three years. Sites for drill halls in Napanee and Picton were seJected by the Minister of Militia. The local option by-law was car- ried at Forest by a majority of four over the three-fifths-. The Warden of Hastings County will pay the fares of all members of his Council to the good Roads convention this year. The Steel Corporation is to seek incorporation from the Ontario j Legislature for a new city at its Canadian plant near Sandwich. Great Britaia. The women of Ireland are de- manding enfranchisement. The Nationalists won the London- derry seat by a majority of 57. The House of Lords rejected the home rule bill by 329 votes to 69. More than thirty suffragettes were committed to jail in London, for two weeks. Special services will be held in | Great Britain in the interests of woman suffrage. The trades unions bill allowing the use of funds for certain poli- tical purposes was read a third time in the British Commons. I nit-il States. A singJe six-year term for Presi- dent was approved by the United States Senate. Chairman Underwood announced that the . Democrats would reduce the duty on boots and shoes. President Taft will decide upon the qestion of the importation of wood pulp and paper from Quebec. A HKiE BEQUEST. Nearly $5.000.000 Loft by Robt. Ar- lington for Missionary Work. A despatch from Xcw York says : One of the largest bequests ever made for missionary work is dis- closed in an appraisal of the estate of Robert Arlington of England, which was filed in the Surrogate Court on Wednesday. Although the value of the entire estate is not given, the personal property alone i appraised at 84.593.000, all of which is left to two London mis- sionary societies the Baptist Mis- sionary Society and the London Missionary Society. The will di- rects that the money be used for "giving to every tribe of mankind that has them not and which speaks a language distinct from all others accurate and faithful copies of at least the Gospel of St. John and the Gospel of St. Luke, together with the book of the Acts of the Apostles, printed in the language of that tribe." The will further prescribes that at least ten or twelve persona of each tribe shall be taught how to read a a, BRITISH SAILORS LOST. Feared That Lieut. Humphrey and >lne Men Drowned. A despatch from London says : Lieutenant Humphrey W. Smith and nine bluejackets belonging to the crew of the British cruiser Perseus are believed to have been lost while watching the pirates on the Oman coast of the Persian Gulf. They had been detached in one of the cruiser's cutters which, it is fearad, sank with all hands, during recent gale, as no trace | of them has been found. NEWSPAPEH ADVERTISING. Mr. Rogers, of New York Globe, Says It la Best Medium. A despatch from Syracuse, N. Y., says : In an address before the As- sociation of American Advertisers at Syiacuse on Wednesday Mr. Rog- ers of The New- York Globe outlined an aggressive policy which the as- sociation is embarking upon in or- der to emphasize the superiority and importance of newspaper ad- vertising as against the benefits ob- tained by advertising campaigns in the magazines. Mr. Rogers said, in part: "Much of the lost motion and waste in modern business is represented by a misconception of the relations which should exist be- tween the seller and the buyer of publicity. According to my con- ception of the proposition, the ad- vertiser should absolutely demand chat every medium in which he spends money delivers known and proved circulation as a prerequisite of the contract. Unless this is done you place a premium on the man of false statements." Mr. Rogers showed how newspaper advertising was the most efficacious and satis- factory medium of reaching the con- sumer to-day, and advanced in proof of his contentions the follow- ing main argument : Newspaper space can be bought in exact ac- cordance with the distribution of goods and in co-operation with sel- ling effort for 100 per cent, effici- ency priced to the hour and enab- led to take advantage of changing conditions. TD.OITO CORRESPONDED INTERESTING BITS OF GOSSIP FROM THE QUEEN CITY. Provincial Treasurer's Death -The Suffra- gists' Movtmsnt Toronto's High Buildings Politic* at University. Th death of Colonel A. J. Matbmon remoTes from the legislature * member who, nan to the Premier hunaelf. had the record (or long rwjrvioe In the House. Hi* ; absence will mak a Urge gap. for Colonel Matheson. eyen .u tiw days of opposition '. when he was only a prirste member, wat UftUmont in. his attendance to duty. It a a rare day when his seat in the Hoax Grain, Cattle and Cheese Prices of These Products in the Leading Markets arc Here Recorded Breadstuff!. Toronto. Feb. 4 -Manitoba Wheat-Lake ports. So. 1 northern. 96c; So. 2. 92:-Se; No. 3. JOc. feed wheat. &5c. Ontario Wuat-So. 2. 9*o to 9Sc for car was vacant. Not only wa he oonocienti- ; lou ouuide, ranging down to 70o for poor oua to a degree, thereby differing from grades. $9.50 to 110.60; No. J. $8.00 to 19.00: Baled itraw. IS.jfl to $10.00. Montreal Markets. Montreal. Feb. 4,-Oato Canadian West- ern, No. 2. 4ll-2c to 43c: Canadian W ell- many members who only report in tae J Ontario Oat* No. 3 whit*. J3c lo J4c at ! "> s - J - * 1-Ze to 4lc: extra Xo. 1 feed, House for the purpose of drawing their western points 37o to 38o on track To- 41c t *ll-3o; No. ! local white. 3Bc; No. 3 ' sessional indemnity, but he took a real personal interest in nearly every topio ronto. Manitoba Oat No. 2 C. W. oau. * T *"J JUAU1LUUA \jmiM .^4J. A u. W . vaUl. **AV ; that came up for di* u.-sion. This wide I track, bay port*; No. 3 C. W.. 391-2e: No. interest in all sorta of subject* wa> one' 1 feed. 391-2c. for prompt shipment. . . prompt shipment. of the distinguishing characteristics of I Corn American No. 3. all rail. Toronto, Colonel Matheson'g mental make -up. and 55 :-2c. it had not a little to do with making him Pea*- No. 2. 11.15 to $1.20 car lou oat- such a useful member of the legislature. tide. He was not a- frequent a speaker aa some others, but when he did apeak i: was not because he likod to be in the limelight. but >.,.,._ in had opinion, arrives* at which he . neld -; In the d> iberation. Buckwheat-No. 2. 5Sc to sic. Rye So. 2. 70c. Soiled Gate Per bag of 90 pound?. K.- . . information or an '121-2; per barrel. $4.70. wholesale, Wind- after du thought, would be of benefit or to Montreal. Barley Good malting barley, ouuide. i3c to fee. M-.llfeed-ltaimoba bran. 119 to $20. in bags. Tack. Toronto; I would say the outstanding feature "f , dlings. J26; Oniano bran. J19 to K8. m Colonel Matheson s character was his ab- baga: bort. 122. local white. 37 cent.-. No. 4 local white. 5c. Barley Man. feed. Sac to $6c ; malting. 76c to 80c. Buckwheat-No. 2, 56e to 5Tc. Flour Van. spring wheat patent*. firsK I5.KI. seconds 14.90. strong bakers' W.70; winter paten:?, choice. K 3S: straight rot- lers. S4.M to $5; do., R.30 to S2.35. His Sincerity and Probity. Boiled oat* Barrelt,. .50; bags. 90 Ins.. $2.121-8. Bran $20. Shoru-tZL Mid- dlingi $27. Monille-30 to $35. Hay No. 2. per ton, car lots. 113.50 to $14. Cheese Finest westerns. 13: do easterns. 12 l-2c ta 123-4c. Butter Choicest creamery. We; do seconds. 24c to 3Sc. E?g< Fr-sh. ZTo to 28c: do., selected. :9e : do.. So. 1 stock. 17c; do No. I stock. - Potatoes- Per solute sincerity. If he made mistakes they were mistake* about which there Manitoba Floor First patents. 15.30 jute bags; seooad patents. W.80 in jut* shorts. (22: mid- j bag, car lots. 6ic to 75c. United State* Markets. Minneapolis. Feb. 4. Wheat. May. STJJct double-dealing or other unworthy motive. I i n This fact was recognized by opposition as re ; well as by friend- And while his critics frequently attacked his judgment they never attacked his probity. Colonel MaUweon was not a great orator. He spoke in a high key, and with -consid- erable effort. But hie speeches were made interestiug and carried weight because of strong bakers', $4.60 in jute bags, bags, ten oente more per bar- Ontario Flour Wintr wheat flour. 90 per cent, patent*, is quoted at MOO to 4.10. frown Princess of Germany. RECORD OPERATION. Took Exartly Three Minutes to Re- move the Appendix. A dospat'Oh from Kin,g*ton says: A Kingston surgeon h* perform cxi an operation fr Appendu-itis in the Gent>ra.l HospitaJ here iu exactly vwi minuti> from the time the patient was placed om tlve operati-ng 4able. I* took just exactly tliroe mnuitevn to make t.iie incision and remove the appendix. The opera- tion took place on Friday. It is r'"-i-:.xl i li.it this is a Canadian re- cord. M.VNITOl'LIN GOES DRY. Two Hundred Majority in Favor of Tempera nee Art. A despatch from Little Current, Ont.. says: Manitoulin goes dry, as it carried the Canada temper- i a nee act on Thursday by about two j hundred majority or more. Several j small polls are yet to be heard from, but they cannot turn the pre- sent standing. The town of Gore Bay gives a majority of one for, and Little Current 69 against the act. The township of How land, where local option failed a year ago, went two to one for the act. The township of Sandfield's vot<? was 3S for and 8 against. AGRICTMTRAI. MACHINERY. Experiments Made with Farm Im- plements in Czar's Kingdom. A despatch from St. Petersburg say : An extensive scries of experi- ments with agricultural implements was carried out by the Russian De- partment of Agriculture during the season of 1SM2, with a view to put- ting an end to the dependence of Russia on American manufactur- ers. Over 100 reapers, mowers, hayrakes and other implements manufactured in Canada and vari- ous European countries were put to work under the supervision of of- ficials of the department. A con- siderable number of these imple- ments, according to an official re- port just issued, successfully stood the tests under varied and difficult conditions notably those coming from Canada. Others of those tried were found adaptable to Rus- sian conditions, and it is stated that they can be manufactured equally well in Russia. The Department of Agriculture is sending out copies of the report to co-operative socie- ties and Local Government Boards all over the country, as the Russi- an farmers are largely supplied through these sources. The Gov- ernment hopes to induce agricultur- ists to substitute other implements for the American machines gener- ally in use. Seventy-two per cent, of the business in this kind of ma- chinery is now in the hands of manufacturers in the United States. July. 89 >4? to Wl-Zc; No. I hard. 97 We; No. 1 northern. 86c to 87 l-4c ; Xo. 2. 83 Wo to 86 l-4c. Corn-So. 3 yellow. 43c to 43 1-Zo. Oats No. 3 white. 303-4c to Jll-*c. Hy. No. 1 5*c to 58c. Bran, 819.50. F'.our. on- changed. Dulnth. Feb. 4.-Whea: Nc 1 hard. 87!-4c: No. 1 northern. 86 1-le: So. 2 north- ern. Ml-tc: Joly. 89>*c -.o 393-to asked i May. 90 Me asked. Live Stock Markets. Montreal. Feb. 4 Chon- steer. 86.50 M $6.75: good at $6 to Jt.iS. and the lower grades from that down to 4. while choice butchers' cows brought $5.50. and good part and often returned them in kind. Creamery print*. 3!c to 32c; do., solids. Se ! $5 to $5.25. with common wiling at o to It was appropriate that when the final to Me; dairy prurji. 25c to ~c; inferior $4 per 100 Ib*. Bolls ranged from $5 to call came it should fliid h:ai in his lib- .bakers . ^k- t,i iic. per 100 lb. Lambs, i rary. for the la:e Provincial Treasurer Honey-Buckwheat. 9c pound in tins and : 100 Ibs. Sheep. $5 to $5.25 per 100 lb. for was an inveterate reader. ! 9c in barrels: strained clover honey, ewes "and a: $4.2S to $4.75 for bocks and uin c,.,. .... n i S-Zc pound m 60-pound tins. 12 J-c in .:.:>. ' 'lives ranged fr.'m $5 to f." each, suitragu Progress. 10-pound tin; 13c in i-pound tins oomb a* to ire and quantity. Selected lou of The local women uffrage movement it I honey. Xo. 1. $2.60 per doaen: extra, $3 hogs were made at $9 to 9 25 per 101 getting a foothold. A year or two ago P er dozen: No. 2. $2.40 per doxen. when the issue flnt began to liven things Poultry-Lire olm-keni. wholesale. !0c to . up in England, the interest here wae pret- llc per pound; fowl. 8c to lOc; ducks, lie ; Country Produce, Wholesale. Eggs Cold-storage eggs. Me to J3c in the sincerity and the cunriction behind ca*e lou; fresh egg*. lie to 3oc; strictly them. | new-laid, at 28o to 32c A bachelor to th end of his days. Col- Clieeee Twins, new, 14 We to lie. and onel Mathe-Min r;i frequently made the large, new at 141-3c; old cheese, twin*, butt of jests in the Ho -c on this ae-'151-*c w> 15:-2o; largd. lie. count. All these, however, h* took In good! Butter Latent butter quotations are; lsow17 : **. lh?.. weiihed off rar. and in a few In- *tan,-es ae high as W.50 wa Pid- Toronto. Feb -. tporl 5 to ty mild and academic, and one rarely met f !jc ,i llve 'urkevs. ; any person, even among women, who ever !0c - Dressed poultry. 2c to x: aboTe lire eot ewited on the subject. Thanks to the , Quotations, excepting dressed turkey*, at spectacular doings in England and to a ' *" w - p. r-:-:ent propaganda by a few local en- 1 .Beans- Primes. JI.^0 and $2.60 for hand- thusiants. this condition of thing? u picked. changing. Suffrage is no* a lire topic of! Potatoes Ontario potato**. So per bag; : - --.on. Aud from a condition wherel c r lot - 7x - N w Uruniwtcki. I nearly everyone profewed to be mildly bag. out of store; JOc in car lots in favor of Tomen suffrage "if they want- il it -there are crystallizing strong de- finite and opposing opinion*. Some of the strongest "antis" are among the Span. ah Onions Per case. S2.JJ to $2 40. 50: fvd medium. *5.50 to $5.75: common. < - *475: .-.ws. $4.75 to 15.25; bulls, uinere. $2 to $150. Calves i?.od veal. M to *9 common, S3 to $325. - - - ind Ki-eders Steers. TOO to 900 pound*. *3.J5 to $5.25; feeding bulk. 900 -.000 pounds. $2.75 to $425: yearlings. 3.10 TO $3.50. . Milkers and Springers tb.eni.-4-lves. and when such are in the i - i the argument is generally heated. Baled Hay and Straw. Baled hay. Xo. 1. 8:350 to 14.W. .. .. From *50 to ITS. Sheep and Lambs L it'll ewes. $4.75 to S5.2S: heavy ewes, 15 to (3.50: lamhs. to t8.50. Hosj M.75. fed and w.i:<-re>l. .ind 5340, f.o.b. A an issue in practical polit-.cs the if- engineering difflcnltiei with) which the ar- frrtge question has o far been a neg'.-.gible erage citlxen find* it hard to gra p. quantity. It is a quest:on if this can be thojgh h can understand :he fa. -t tha: said truly much longer. A conference of no matter what happens there is going men interested in the movement waa held j to be a bill of several million dollar* for the other day and a permanent men's the .-Ity to pay. ortraniiation formed It if interesting to Again, there It tronble orer a section note that two of the> moet prominent male of the tewerag* system now well on to- propogandists in the catie ar> W F. Mac- wards completion. One of the outlet* into lean. M P.. and Dr. Jae. L. Hughes. Chief the Lake which was taken off the hands Inspector of schools. The Sky-Scraper Problem. We are having a belated discussion on whether sky-scmpem ought to be allowed. | of the contractors some months ago. and ! which has never been used. to said to have j been crumbling to pieced and is already ; practically useless. The fact u that Toronto has such a stu- pendous amount of civic impr.'vc*m i rr MURDER AND SUICIDE. Ottawa Laborer PoLsons Kills Wife and A despatch from Ottawa C>T:11 Lepage, agod 45, a l at the Booth mills, who came hero from Quebec a few years age. shot and killed his wife, &gd forty, and committed suicide by taking Paris With two buildings rearing eky ward from j {Jnder ""wa^thaV the resources" of "public I green, at their rooms, *7 Broad i 6 ^"" 10 ^ 91 !^ 8 ?!!" 1 '^* ^ownership are being taxed to the limit. street . shortly before noon on Fri- ,-nje streets , canyon. Yet Under the. eircum stances it would not to be eurpriaing if certain error* gment and of o\.vu*.:on should n. though the friends of ent are hoping they will BAMiKR'S S0> SUICIDES. Cut His Throat With a Razor in a Winnipee Hotel. FOl R LIVES LOST. Fire naniasMl Imva Hotel. Chica- go, to ExtiMit of .515.1)1)0. A despatch from Chu'asro say* : Three man and on woman were burn*d to death, three men serious- ly inj'jred and a dozen others suf- fered less hurts in a five which early on Thursday destroyed the Iowa Hotel, a four-story brick structure at 330-332 North Clark Street. BRITAIN'S NAVY PROGRAM Twenty-two Battleships and Cruisers to be Bull* At a Cost of $400,000,000 1>K. BKAT1IK NKSB1TT DK.VD. Was Well-known Physirian. Poliiic- i:iD and Bunker. A despatch from Toronto says: At 3.30 on Friday afternoon. Dr. Beattie Nesbitt. late President of the defunct Farmers' Bank, suc- cumbed to a six months' illness. He died at his home, 71 Grosvenor street, with Dr. Graham Chambers and Dr. Walter McKeown, Mrs. Xesbitt. and her daughter at the bedside. Dr. Xesbitt was 46 years old. His death has been expected daily for the past week, owing to the malevolence of tho heart dis- ease and Bright's disease, which wasted the oue-time gonial doctor to a shadow of himself. At IKHJH he l>ec:ime unconscious, and at three-thirty he passed quietly away. wu a degrve that 10 storie* shall be ths limit for the rest of the city, particularly when plans are ready for a hotel and one . or two new office bu:'.il:nir>. one said to be for the Royal Bank to run twenty stories. The corner of King and Y promises soon to look like a on the whole sentiment is far. Table to the ekywraper. They appeal to civic pride, and they furnish light, airy and convenient offices. It is estimated that th new Royal Rank building will ac- commodate 2.000 persons. It. like the C. P R. building and the Trader* Bank build- ing:, in order before It, will be able to announce that it is the tallest building in the British Empire, for. curiously, the American continent, the part of the world ~ * that ha., the m.t uno.vupied h.nd. is the Twenty-four hours only place where the land saving d*vlcs ! cut his throat with a razor, the of building sky-ecrapvrn has taken rtt. u.j_ ,,* ViiiMne TWano a. member SloHt Kurop.-an ctttM hare low buildings. ' a .' a and are prevented by law from having any of a prominent New icrk family, 0t ?Un, of Toronto', bank building, are ! Aiding at 12 Washington square fashioned after the English model low north, was found Thursday night and ornste. This clash of English archi- , j j unclothed on the floor of his Victim . ontMCled ! tecture with American architecture prom- ,- , 11, ,,,.hi In \\ >.* to make down town Toronto Mowd- bedroom in the Roya! Alexandra W, l day. According to the woman a i mother, Lepage came home Fridav ;..w morning and said he was zoinsr to kill his wife and himself. The mo- thor rushed out to summon the po- lice, but when assistance arrived Mrs. Lepag* was found with two bullet wounds in the head, and the man had taken poison. Mrs. Le- pane died en route t* a hospital. A despatch from Winnipeg says : and Lepage succumbed about half an hour later. SMALLPOX IN BKU1.1N. It Is inirly interesting from an architectural standpoint, though it mine forever any prospect of symmetry or ixinaigtency. Party Politics In University. The proposal to introduce party politics SHOT MVN IN MISTAKE. aMSSTW^h 1 .* '"IS! Winnipeg Cons.Mhl,. Tried to Fri ? h- . l.-n.i.i. Into the n versity of Toronto may lead to cv-n-'e- UU.TICCS Ktm thv earliest times to the present day undergraduate politics have be*n colorless, and t<> the outside public t.n a Milk Thiof. A despatch from VVinnipea; avs: lM*n coioriens. ana v uie omsme pnrnc . , n -, .. , , monninglefw There have always been two! John ZOOfJlk, Kuthenian. IS Ivillit in parties, but their platforms were gener- ! t h e Gi-noral Hospital with a i>u \vt ! P atu ally joke platforms without reference to . , -K r*,,\t ,f Iso ation UOBDltal, p.,', :,! party line* or anything e!-v of :l m his n.tfht temn.i- as the- rosin serious nature. The present movement ; 9 revolver shot fired on ThurvJ;i\ a rev 1 morning by \Villi undergraduate bodies. ufh a* the Liter- ly. police constable, fit -1IV ir.:tn A <Ie>spatch from London say : Groat Uritarn's constant effort to maintain b/er supremacy at sea is evidenced by th fact 'that twenty- two bnttlhip.s and battle cruisers lor her navy, all of the most modern dejtfn, will be under cojistruction in British shipyards during th present year. Fur+heirmore, the First Lord of the Admiralty, Wins- ton Churchill, ha* practically promised to a-sk PrlinjiRMit for money for five mor la*go ships, aid it is possible that t^iis number will b increased to six on account of the ituation in the Miditerran- *aji, and the action of Austria-Hun- gary and Italy in increasing their naval programmes. Then there are the three battle- ship* > hich Pre-mier Ik^rden of Caund*. has a-sked the IVvminkvn b-< present U> the mother country, and the vessel for which tlie federated Malay States have voted the money, and which, like those from Canada, will be a modern battleship. British shipyards are also build- ing six more large modern war- ships for foreign governments. The total new displacement under way amounts to 660,000 tun*, and the cost wild run very near $100.000,- 000. To complete these ships with the necessary speed will require very careful Organisation. Already re- oent British programmes are in ar- rears, and there are likely to be- some delays with this record in warship eorM ruction. Heretofore the Admiral tv has calculated on two years; for the completion of a 1 battleship, but k is probabl* 4hat I they will now have to revise this es- timate. TWO WOMEN KILLED. Boy Cried "Fire" In a Motion Pic- ture llou*e. A despatch from New York says : A boy's cry of "fire." and the smoke from ia\ explod^xl reel of a motk>n picture machine in. an Eaat Side theatre on Sunda-y nischt re- sulted in a panic among the audi- ence of -400 persons, and a ruh for the cxit-s, in which two women were killed aJid eleveji other pe-rsn^is were so bodly injured, th*t they had 'to be sent to Jiospitals. THE MALAY PRKSEM. Contract for Kattloship lias Been riaced. A despatch from London says : Th contract for the battleship which the Malay Static will pre- sent to the Admirnlt.v has been placed, and it is expected it will be in commission in 1915. The Youth "Scientists say that trees contribute to the heat of the atmosphere " Tho Dunce -"That's true. A birch has warmed me many a time " as Grits and Tories, bating the public M rli -o ftiindpoint. The backers of the movement say this w<^nld give them a real preparation for public life after graduation, that now they are learning much about the poli- tics of ancicn; Koine, but nothing ahoiit those of modern Canada. Also they point out that U>e undergraduates of O\f--rd discuss politics without harm or molewt:i- tion. On the other hand the t'nivprsity of To- ronto, being a Rtate institution, the did- cnssion of politics therein might rai-< wine delicate situations. Sir Janice Whit- ney made a somewhat oracular deolara* tion on the subject, in which he ecussing and de- i W ' 10 st ''' two ^*tles of milk from i of the day "from a delivery wagon. A despatch from Berlin. Ont.. says : A sriou3 ca.se of smallpox was discovered on Samuel Street .>u Thursday ntorninit. The \-ietim la believed to have contracted the dis- 1 c:use in Waterloo, where his bro- | ther and family are affli.-Nv.) and ! are in the I^->'.it:.in Hospital. The to the !<x-al and his house SiuKi.ihv -chool. which was attended by the children of the victim, lias been closed, and tile pupils have been orderetl to be vaccinated TRADE DOUBLED IN 10 YEARS The Dominion's Record for 1912 Is the Largest Her Historv in A desna.toh fi\>ni Ottawa says : I creAse over the year 1911 of at preocnt they" "greatly ' i>reilonini'ate That notwithstanding the fact t!rt l.);?.v9. or 13. B per OMII. It may numericiilly at the fniveivitv whether t j Canadian tr.-ule figures for I91i be of iivterest to oi.sorve that Ute this fact h.s UlTwiBI to do with the , . movemont or with Sir James 1 hostility constituted n record in tlie history i U>tl trade of Canada for the last cannot be stated. Probltms. o if the Dominion, in view of the un- : paralleled activity which abounded The Scarbom Waterworks' difficulty, ] in every industr\. i\>ntinu<xl ill- nu-iitio,,,.,! !.,-t w.--k. is hut on.- of many crtva8es ' in C - a!UK ; iau tra j o n ,i p ht engineering problems wnicn art 1 piiaxiing tlie \e;n \vas more tlwui double trade of *>n!y t<Hi vears alto. eiftinccng proes the brain* of all citiaens who are inter- bo expected KM some time, is the! cent. the increase in that time :uiuutnt- ing to $4oO.TiT.3,')0. or 100.3 per esu-d iu municipal problem* at the pfe- 1 sUt teme*U .s>llt-iin<s.l in tho annual sent moment. For eiamj>l. the city*, . , lx *7SO.OOO nitration plant has b*n m.id. the report of the LVptlty Minister ot object of at taok It is charged that tt is Trade and Commerce, just issued. leaking at the rate of several million gal- ,, T . ieM a day. The leak* run Iboth .>ys. I In niy l*st annual reixnt, says Engineer Haiien, an American cmert puted to IH> one of the best in his biisl- m-s IK' ilcnies the nllcgationo an>t has |H<rmittod the o)>j>or!unHy of proving trade of Canadiv fvr the fiscal year 1911 ove-r tliat of 1&1(5 be ex- tioni wrong, with, it i< :>id. eonsiuerabls i . n.-ocsn. In this oatw the cititen who Closed. wants to know i* informed that the oas rextw on tile iiecuracy or otherwise of **n- tnri meters, which are d to measure tlio flow. The citimen Is, of oor-<e. im- Th-:i though it i doubtful if he iser. ttiiTo in the Tladuct problem In wh!di the rnilwiys and the oity have heen ceeded wha th* fiacal year 1912 This prediction has been amply borne out by subsequent re- tu.rn*, th tot-aJ import* and e-x- porte for th last ftscn.1 ywvr ' Amounting to no loss a sum t.h*n $874,637,794, the largest volume of Kicked in contmversy for years paot. Her, too. there is a mail* of figure* and torv of C aJ!*ia. trade for any one year in th hi*- This was an in- "Again this year, after ft c-areful survey of every sruroo >>f conunor- eiaJ inforin*ti<'n ihrouuhout the whole of Canada, it w ottce nume \ery apparent, in view of tlic un- paralleled i^-tivity whiyh abounds in every industry, tliat c. n-tnuu-o * in Canadiaq trade IMV b ' expected for some time. In Ihis counection it may bo. observed (bit the total foreign commerce of Can- ad* for the twelve months ended October 31, 1912. amounted to the splendid sum of *si!M.7 t <>.iV74. :vs eompai'ixl with '-^Hi .'.MV.x fi>r tlie oorrespomlinit ix-ri>i(t . -f the jve-. i- ous year, showing an inn. isi- .>( !>187.&o3.iS7. or o^.a per cent."