Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Feb 1913, p. 1

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/leshtclxrn TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PRINOIPLEb NOT MEN. 1 VOL 32, NO 34 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, February 27, 1O1C3 Eugenia Paragraphs Mesdnmes Walton Williams and Rob rt Purvis of Toronto are visiting friends in this vicinity for a few weeks and also Attended the wedding of their niece,Miss Cora Williams. The Orangemen of Eugenia, with their fi i i n Is, assembled in their hall here on Friday evening to enjoy themselves to- gether, and they were certaiu'y not dis- appointed, as it was an entertainment in which not a few took part, and one and a'l merrily danced the light fantastic to music given by the Eugenia orchestra. \ choice lunch was served by the ladies and all report a good time. We are sorry to hear (hat Mrs Jacob Williams' mother, Mrs. Stuart of Flesh- erton, it very low at present. Mr. Harry Stewart of St. Pauls called on friends here the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams visited Mrs. H. Smith of Flenherton the past week. IUSSELL WILLIAMS A pretty wedding was solemn ze<l a- the home of Mr. and tin. John E. Wil- liams, Eiigenia, on Wednesday, Feb. 19, at 5 o'clock p.m., when their eldest daughter, Cora, as joined in holy wed- lock with Mr. James Russell of Idaho. As Mrs. Jacob Williams, aunt of the bride, played the wedding march, the jouo? couple took their places under the arch in the parlor. The bride was given nway by her father and looked charming in the soft candlelight. The ceremony as performed by Rev. Mr. I'li.ilen of Markdule in the presence of about eighty guests. After the congratulations all re- paired to the dining room, which was beautiful'y decorated for the wedding breakfast. The bride, who was unat- tended, was gowned in white bridal satin and carried a bou<|uet of white carna- tions, lily of the valley and maidenhair fern. The groom'* gift to tin- bride w.-is a beautiful gold bracelet . The many beautiful and cosily presents showed the esteem in which the young couple nre held. The happy couple leave this week for their home in Idaho, and will carry with them the best wishes of a large circle of friends. South Line, Artemesia Your cor. has been a sitent reader of your paper for months, but him decided once more to wake up and tell of the in- cidents which take place from time to time. Another thaw visited us last week and tpoik'd our excellent roads, leaving ev- erything .sheeted with ice. A few from this line attended ;i prayer meeting at Mr. W. Mead*', O.D.U., Thursday evening. Mr. James Dinjwall paid i Hjing visit to friends here last week. Mr. James McLean has rented Mr Johnston's farm, llith con. Proton, and intends moving soon. We are all sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. McLean from ou r midst. A number from here attended n social hop at the home of Mr. David McDonald and enjoyed a good time. Mi -. Win. Dingwiill i.s visiting her mother, Mrs. R. J. Carson, Proton Sta- tion, who i.s at present laid up with a severe attack of la grippe. Mis. James Oliver is ill at preset!', but we hope to hear of a speedy i ecovery. Eighth Line, Artemesia February is fast running out and we hope it may run out all the cold with it. Sawlogging seems to be the principal occupation of the day here. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Simmons of Drayton are visiting the latter'e paiuntr, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Parliiment. The Methodist social held at Mr. John Parsons' on Thursday evening was a de- cided success. A number of our young pe< plculteud- ei the At Homa at Eugenia, held in the Orange hall on Friday night, and report a goosl time. A large concourse of friends attended the funeral Saturday, of William Irvine, a pioneer of Benlinck township. He was a stalwait in the Reform ranks for over a geneiatioti. Mr. Irvine was over seventy years of age, and in 188t> con- tested fcouih Orey as Liberal candidate for the Legislature. Rev. Mr. Nowton, formerly of the Baptist Chinch, Durham, is ill in Godc- lich with little hope of recovery as his nilnii-nt has been OMtg&cwed as his ailment has boon diiniionsJ as oncer of (lie liver. Kimberley Budget Weather very cold 18 below zero on Monday morning in our burg. Mr. Charles Wickens, who has been up in Pctrry Sound district for some time returned home one day last week. Mr. Robert Thompson of Sault Ste. Marie is visiting friends in this vicinity. The pastor. Rev. Mr. Trotter, occu- pied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday morning last. Mr. Joseph Ferris and daughter, Jose- phine, went on a business trip to Owtn Sound on Friday (ast The C. O. F. concert in the town hall on Tuesday, Feb. 18, was a huge success financially and otherwise. Mr. Ellwood Genoa of Toronto as an -entertainer is without a peer and his powers of imita- tion convulsed the audience. Among those from a dittance who took part in the program were : Misses Jean and Grace Mylea of Heathcoti*, Miss Millie Harris of Toronto, also Misses Maggie and Rena Davis of Vandeleur. * Amos McClung and W. Stephensoii of Cheeseville visited at the former's home here on Sunday. Mr. John Plewes made a business tiip to Fleaherton one dy last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Mundle of Pott Arthur, who have been visiting friends in this vicinity, leave on Thursday morn- ing for a trip to Vancouver, B. C. They will stop off at Toronto for a few days on the way. Dundalk It is our sad duty to report the death oi i 'lul'i jnl. the eight-year-old sou of Mr. and Mrs. Nurnmn B. Calhoun, of Napanee. The little fellow was a victim of pneumonia and passed away on Mon- day. Geo. Acliesoc, of Mehnclhon, left ill the Ueiuld orlice a freak hen egg. It had , 1 1 shell but was different from other eg<;8 of the kind in having a tail about three incliet* in length. It was Uid about the time those meteors were trail- ing their wy aeiois the sky a week or two ago. Mr. A., however, did not say Ilis freak had any cunnoctio'i with the meteoric display. Uerald. Ceylon Miss Elirh Hemphill, 4ih line, spent i few days last week at Mr. S. Hemp- li*. Mr. Fred Cbis'e't and Mrs. J. Mc- Millan and babe are visiting their sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Holmes, in Owun Sound. Mr. Coleman, Owen Sound, spent a ew days with his.sister hoie. Mr. T. Colquette of Kegtna, a former leichcr here, called on ftiendh herd on Saturdny. Mr. VVi'son of Maple Creek, who is visiting his parents near Markdale, paid Mr. .las. McMullen a short visit the past ween. A Brave Recue < hie of thu bravest deeds that lias ever been recorded in Party Sound anil one wl'ich hiis thrilled the denix^ns of that district, took place there recently when Mr. Arkle Fair, nephew of Mrs. Fred Perks, :!05 Seventh Street Kast, Owen Sound, rescued a young lady from drown- ing twice within thespace of afow minutes. ne cicumstances under which tlm double rescue took place were exceptionally rm/.- ardnus and it is altogether likely that the young man's heroism will be ritt ngly recognized. While crossing the bay with a Miss Median of Parry Sound both broke through the ice in a place made soft by the presence of a log. Mr. Farr put tha lady on the log and while he was trying to get out the log rolled throwing MIS.S Meehbii under the ice and Mr . Farr was compelled to dive under and bring the the lady out. It was with difficulty that he succeeded and both had a narrow escape. Some Indians took them to King's house who gave t hem dry cloth- ing and drove them to the Kipling hotel. Mr. Farr is a son of Capt Fair and grandson of the Kte Wru. Farr. A a effoi t will be nude to secure both tha Royal Canadian and C.irnegiu medals. George Archibald, Arthur, recently sold his section of lain), about four mile.; from Rigin i, for 8100 por aore, tho total proceeds amounting to J*(i4,<.M>.). His father purchased this lund about fourteen jears ago for $5 p.-r acre. Vandeleur Happenings Miss Mary Stafford of Kimbei ley spent a few days with her sister, Mis. E. Baker, recently. Mrs, R. Genoa spunt from Thursday until Tuesday with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. E. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wailing and Mr. S. Gilbert and daughter, Rosie, attended the Russell- Wi Hams wedding at Eugeirii on Wed- nesday of last weuk. Mr. Will Buchanan spent the week end with friends ir. Owen Sound. A merry party of sixteen y-ur.g people, members of Vandeleur S.O T., visited Mill Creek division Monday evening of last week and report a good time. We are sorry to report our mail carrier Mr. John Weber ill wiili au attack of la grippe. Wo hope soon to h j ar of his recovery. Want Hydro-Electric In the Hydro-Electric report the amount of power requested by municipal- ities in this Northern part ot Old Ontario ii to be found. The horse power for the following towns and villages is appended : Mount Forest 1OO Harrison 150 Palmerstou 250 Listowell -250 Durham 500 Hanover ;KM) Meaford 250 Tbornbury 125 Collingwood 750 Owen Sound I'JOO Shallow Ltke 10<)0 Wi irton . . . . (iOO To-.al 5.475 Up To Owen Sound In the course of an interview with ihe Owen Sound Times E. F. Ewpmiehiud engineer of the Hydro- Electric Commis- sion, said : "We have put a clen cut proposition up to the town, and if Hiey are going to do business with the hydro-electric com- mission we will require t." have a reply to our "il T at an early itnte f</r the rea- son that the commission desires to gut busy on the dt'vulepctneut of the Eugenia Falls at us oarly u date as pos-ible." So declared Mr. F. F. Einenehied, Iho en- gineer of the commission last cvenini* in the course of an interview with The. Timns. The times has come when the town of Owen Sound will be required to <;ive a ilch'mle answer t In- proposals of the Ontaiio hydro eleciric-coiiiniission. When seen l>y The Times man nfter his arrival in Owen Sound the engineer thaj he desired to have the situation ret I e fore the pe pie of the town a: accurately as possible. Being asked to outline the situation in a brief wiv. Mr. Espen- chied said:--" You know Uiat the com- mission h*s taken an option on the Eugenia K.-ills, .ind that the Inking of that option wns the result of the drsiro of the commission to serve the the town of Owun Sound i in i the adjacent part of tho country with the hydro power. \"<>u know further that the plan contemplates the fu'ure linking up of thn Owen Sound line with the great central lines running from Niagara, the heait of the hydro system. Also the Maitland r'ver lines aud possibly tho Severn lints wou'd all be joined in . no great continuous band of encry to supply all the western part it the | rovirce. The development, of the Kir MM, 1 1 proposition depend* alto- gether on what is done by Owen Sound. If they do not wish to have power at cost there is not enough other points take power to n ,A'i it worth while to develop the falls, an I in this oasn the option i li.v h'ls bien taken would probably be allow- ev to lapse. And if Owen Sound docd want the hydro power the lime for them to say so has come. Let the commission kyow that they mean business. If they eo the commission is prepared, to begin the work of developing the requited power .tt once.' 1 The failure to carry Local Option in Lindsay was to a larffe extent due to the placing on the li*ts of a numbir of recent arrivals in the townr on the s'renth of their "incomes." Their taxes were paid by a single cheque from Montreal. A Lindsay deputation last week drew the attuniiou of the Hon. W. ,1. Hanna to the occunence, and asked that the law be iiuuMidc-J so as t] prevent its repeti- tion. Fever sham Items Mr. T. J. Colquutte of Regius, Sbk., is visiting with his uncle, R. J . Colquelte. R D. Colipuettu of Guelph O.A.C. is visiting with his parents, fllr. and Mr. R. J. Colquette. Mr. ll;ii oil I Suottbrd of Collingwood spent Sunday at-his parental home. Har- old is attending die business college in i hat town. Wo are glad to report that little John- nie Robinson is slowly recovering from his recent sick spell. Air. Ern. Han-Ion's two children huve had a seveie sick spell under the care of Dr. Roszell of Maxwell, bat are improv- ing nicely. There are a number of silts this \\uek in this pait. Win Kaiiting is the auc- tioneer. Will is meeting with lirst class succvss in his line. Mr. J. C. Tennunt of Owen Sound, or- .anizer for the C.O.F., is in our village assisting the Ci.urt in in> tailing new members. Portlaw. The Bell Telephone Co.. lust week connected an aditional number of sub- scribeis on the third and fourth line?. The convenience will be appreciated. Mrs. J i:.. Wilson s in a critical state at present, having suflcied a paralytic stroke. Mrs. John Winters has been at Dun- troon lor some weeks paet waiting on her daughter, Sirs. Ferguson, who is ill. Miss Nina Watson has been on tho sick list for the past couple of weeks. We liop soon to hear of her recovery. Mr. Suinuul Croft had the misfoitune tn lose a valuable hoise I i--t week. Mr. Herbert Thompson of Chatsworih is visiting with relatives around his old loin e. Another little boy arrived laist .Sunilny at the hume of Mr. HIM Mrs. A. Bl.ikey. * > .vi'ii Sound i.s likely to have a million bushel elevator to replace the ones that were burneJ. The Aylon bridge which went down the liver last spring, and over which thera WHS .1 wns a desperate effort made to have il classed as a county bridge lint which effort failed, is now replaced by a 814,00(1 steel bridge. It was compltt- ed a we.ek or so ago An amusing joke to initiate a green young biiik clurk \v*a recently pitted ill Uoderich. Tho yuong fvlluw was sei.t around the town with ii lingo shotgun, a coinpanied by anoihur bank clerk with the settlements to other bunks. It caul- el considerable amusement to ilie i'i/ n . Hydroelectric power was turned t; r - ed on at Culling <t ond on Monday lasf, when iheevelit was celebrated by tho citizens. Hon. Adam Beck was preset t and in the evening was tendered n bar- i|uet. Tho formal act of turning on the power WHS performed t 8 o'clock in the evening tiy the town's oldest citizen, ex- Mayor (icurge Mobr!y.. Tho Tnra-( 'won Scund stage which IMS been plying between thf*e two points for upwHids of forty years will on the 1st day of .Mulch come to an ei d. Mr. Joseph i H.-UI! who has had the contract for tho pn.st nineteen years received word from tho Government recently to that effect ai.d the rural mail service through Derby will then go into effect. Claience McAlpine of Paisley will have to settle for a valuable driver, which was given an overdose of i ats at the Mc- Donald Motive barns last Saturday. It appears Clarence put his horse in the barn and fed him a gallon and a half of oats, and unthinkingly instructed (ho hostler to do tlie sumo, causing tho animal's dual h tho same, evening. Tho horse belonged to NVni. Rowan of the Hannah Housr, Paisley. Draw a sketch of you; farm, giving the number of acres in each Held, the kind of soil and tho kind of crops grown on il for the pnst three yeais. Also specify tho line you are particularly interested in, namely, dairying, beef production, beef product!) n, .?hcip or lings, or grain growing. Distance from the market is also to considered. Send this to the Commission of Conservation, Ottawa, and they will make suggestions that will bo a material help in deciding the btstciop rotation for your farm. W. fl THORSTON KDIT3B Mid FHOWUETO Flesherton Planing esnenon Planing - . And Chopping Mills J C W 6 I F V am now prepared to do chonninv ^ I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring alorg your grists. Our sash and door factory is always aj, ; your disposal for anything you want in i our line p'aning, matching, etc. FloorJ j iuir, sa^h and doors, and all house fur- | iiiBhings supplied promptly :ind at ieae- unable rates, Get estimates. T. Blakeley, Prop. Febl.j 13 ly Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are dates for 1913: Wednesday, Feb. 19 Dundalk Wednesday, April 16 Fltsherton Wednesday, June 18 Dundalk Wednesday, Aug. 27 Flesborton Wednesday, Oct. 10 Duudalk Saturday, Dec. ti Fleshorton W. .]. BELLAMY, Clerk, Flesheiton, Ont. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT pas. CLOVER SEED ! See our Clover and Timothy Seed befoie you buy. No trouble to show our goods. They are the best that can be produced. Corn, Chop, Bran, Shorts, Five Roses, and Me. (iowan's Flour. (Jet a pail of lard before it goes up. Herring and Trout THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN y&Q&Z^I^ 35 TL O 1 his is . . * Rubber Season! If you are in need of a good pair of Leather Top Rub- bers, High or Low, or with= out Tops, try TH08. CLAYTON Flesherton, Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. Go To Our Spring Stock Will arrive on March 1st, when we will have something worth showing you in Spring Goods : : : Think over your wants in New Spring Suitings and come in ant' see' the New Patterns : S. J. BOWLER The Fashionable Tailor BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT

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