Why doesn't she take NA-DRU-CO Headache Wafers They stop a headache promptly, yet do not contain any of the dangerous drugs common in headache tablets. Ask your Druggist about them. 25c. a box. NATIONAL Oflua AND CHEMICAL Co. or CANADA, LIMITED 132 I room he broke out into fresh in- vectives again the Bonifaces. "When is the wedding to bo1" asked his wife. "Some time in February, I be- BRUCE'S SEEDS SATISFY FREE Write at onca for our 112-page handsomely il- lustrated Catalogue of Seeds, Plant*, Bulbi, Implement*, and Poultry Supplies, etc. ESTABLISHED 1850 lieve. They are house-furnishing already." Mrs. Horner gave air ejaculation of annoyance. "Well, the sooner we leave Lon- don the better," she said. "I'm not going to be mixed up with all thie, we'll avoid any open breach with the family of course, but forj goodness' sake do let tho house und i let us settle down elsewhero. j There's that house at Croydon II was very partial to, and you could up and down easy enough from xjuieumw, there" j exclaimed, "We'll think of it," said Mr. Hor- ner, reflectively. "And, by the bye, we must, I suppose, get them some sort of wedding present." "By good luck," said Mrs. Hor- ner, "I won a sofa-cushion last week in a raffle at the bazaar for the chapel organ fund. It's quiti peace if I left thni here, for Swan- liilcl is after all only a child. It is eo good of Mra. Boniface to liuva asked them 1" "Since you are taking Roy away from us, 1 think it is the leant you could do," said Cecil, luughiug. "It will be such a help to have them this evening, for otherwise we should all be fueling very llat, I know." "And we shall be on pur way to the .Riviera," said Bigrid, pausing for a few minutes in her busy pre- parations; a dreamy look uaiuo into her clear, practical eyes, aud ahe let her head ivsi agaiust the side of the bed. "Sometime^, do ^ou know." she can't believe this is all real. I think I am just imagin- ing it all, and that I shall wake up presently aud find myself playing the Myosotic waltz at the academy -it was always such a good lunu to dream to." "Wait," said Cecil, "does this make it feel more real?" aud hast- ONLY A MONTH; OR, A CURIOUS MYSTERY EXPLAINED. good enough for them, I'm sure. I did half think of sending it to the ; youngest Miss Smith who is to be married on New-year's-day, but they are such rich people that I suppose I must send them some- thing a little more showy and ex- pensive. This will do very well for Sigrid Falek." Luckily the opinion of outsiders did not at all mar the happiness of the two lovers. They were charm- ed to hear that the Homers were leaving London, and when, in due time, the sofa-cushion arrived, sur- mounted by Mrs. Homer's card. Higrid, who had been in tho blessed condition of expecting nothing, was able to write a charming little note CHAPTER XXXVI. (Cont'd) Mr. Jof thanks, which by its straishtfor Horner to his wife a few days , _ "But what a terrible autumn for you!" exclaimed Frithiof. "And to think that all this should have Sprung from pound note ! that wretched five- Our stories have woven together, after this, as one evening he enter- ed the drawing-room. The huge gold clock with the little white far pointed to the hour of eight, the ward simplicity, made the donor blush with an uncomfortable sense of guilt. all," remarked Sip- ily going into the outer room she returned, bearing the lovely wed- ding bouquet which ik>y had sent. "Lilios.of the valley!" exclaimed Sigrid. "Oh, how exquisite ! And myrtle and euc'liarw lilies it is the most beautiful bouquet I ever saw." "Don't you think it IB time you were dressing, " said Cecil. "Come sit dowii and let me do your hair for you while you enjoy your flow- ers." "But fiwanhild's packing, I don't think it is quite finished." "Never mind, I will come back Best Tea At Its Best "SALAD A" TEA is always the same, no matter when or where you buy it. Is the choicest tea green, black or mixed from the finest tea- growing country in the world Ceylon, with its exquisite flavor and freshness protected by the sealed lead packages. OM DANGER IN ELECTRIC LIGHT. Should Re Careful at All Tiim>s With Incandescent Bulbs. Electricity is never absolutely safe. You may nee the common fix ture many millions of times, ami yet some hidden defect or break down of the distributing system may eventually coat you your life or property. From investigation by flr fight- ers and insurance experts, certain conflagrations have been shown to be due to iucandesoent and arc lamps, or to wires laid baxo by var- ious causes. Cotton, velvet, plush, flannel, which has a fuzzy cotton nap. is apt to take fire from electric fixtures. A large plush theatre curtain which had been considered absolutely safe this afternoon with her and finish i w hen exposed to sixteen candle- every thins, you must let us help power iucandescents. ignited when von lirrl iimt. for nn/ '* J1 you a little just for once. And then us she brushed out the long golden hair she thought how few brides showed Sigrid'a wonder- ful usefulness and care for others, and somehow wished that Roy could golden pigs stil climbed the go- * o Mrs H we rea orner. for if sUo hid not USKCU me to that children's leaned meditatively on his golden , faucv . ba] , T ghould never havo mot staff. Mrs. Hornor, arrayed ;n a have seen her just as she was m her -"""- 1 ...... " ^ '"" den hill, the golden swineherd still fc Horner, arrayed peacock-blue satin, glanced from her husband to the clock and back again to her husband. "News?" she said, in a distinctly discouraging tone. "Is it that which makes you so late ? However, it's of no to me if the een curiously Sigrid." As she thought of the contrast between the two atories her tears broke forth afresh ; she walked on silently, hoping that he would not notice them, but a drop fell right on to his wrist ; he stopped sudden- ly, took her face between hia hands and looked full into her eyes. "You dear little goose," he said, "what makes you cry t Was it be- eauso I said our stories had been woven together?" "It's because I wish they could have been alike," she sobbed. "But it wasn't to be," he said quietly. "It is an odd thing to say ' overdone joints. That fool Boni- j cared for them, but the Homers to you to-night, when your new life ' face has taken me at my word, and well, 1 can not pretend to care tho is bog-inning, but to-night I also am j actually doesn't intend to renew Madame Lechertier, and Iww could we ever have lived all together if it had not been for that?" "In those days I think Mrs. Hor- nor rather liked yon, but somehow you have offended her." "Why, of course it was by earn- ing my living and setting up in working-day apron, too full of household arrangements to spend much time over her own toilet. (To be continued.) dinner is spoiled, quite the con-j mode i lodgings; I utterly shocked trary, I am not particular. But I LJJ her ideas of propriety, and, i . /\ "~ ben- vou won't urumble if the meat u,,, , A^ tVmf nvuvrl.Kn* . beg you won't grumble if the meat is done to a cinder." "Never mind the dinner," re- _ ^^ plied Mr. Horuer, captiously. "I 'have grieved me to displease any f^^^f have other things to think of than j O f your relations if you yourselves 'PV .... tn.,.1 12 , i * . _ when onoe you do that, good-bye ; feet T to all hopes of remaining m Mrs : driven Homer s good books. would an<J th68<i Torpedo Boat of 35 Knots. The British destroyer Lurcher, during an official sea trial of eight hours, achieved a mewn speed of 38.34 knots, or 3-34 knots above the contract speed of 32 knots. The of course was run in deep w.-v- The Lurcher is one of three 285 feet in length by 25 beam. They are by twin Parsons turbines, wiu in contact with a thirty-two candle bulb aad was destroyed, although fortunately discovered in time to save the theatre. An incandescent lamp wrapped! in a wet cotton towel fired the towel and burned part of it to a ooftl. Another left lying on a cheap maitresv ignited the cot^ ton covering and excel sior and caused a serious fire in the store. Sparka from an arc light in a de- partment store set fire to a line of cotton and shoddy cloaks on one of the table*. An electric flatiron left with the current turned on set fire to the covering and table, and the fire spread, causing much damage. Uncovered wires left touching a leaden gas pipe have often melted an aperture in the pipe and ignited the escaping gas. Mice and rats may gnaw the cov- ering off a wire and accident may "short circuit" the current to do damage to property and even per- '<iis. Supporting a bulb a little above any inflammable matter by a silk or rubber tautening will pre- vent actual danger from the current or bulb. "Grace," said the father from the head of the stairs, "is that sweetheart of yours an auction- eer?" "No, father. Why?" "Be- cause he keeps on saying he's go- ing going, but he hasn't gone yet!" BOYS AND Don't Miss This It's the "Best Ever" Semi Post Card to-day for particular*. 74 St. Aiitoine St., Montreal, Can. For DISTEMPER Ptnk By* Wpiaootlo. Shipping Fever and Uatarrhal Fever. Bnr cure and jxuHlTo iirovcntivo. no matter how horses at uj aK" ar lnfotd or "ejpo*d." Liquid. Riven on the vmfw, act* on the Blouci and Olanda, expels the poitouous gorran ffotn the body. CUTBB Distninper iu Dogs and Sheep, aud Cholera, la Poultry- Larteet selling lire stock remedy. Ture La Qripp* among human beingR and li a fine kidney remedy. Out thil out. Keep It. Slum it to your druggim. who will gel H tor you. Free Booklet. "Distemper, rail**? and Cures." DISTRIBUTORS ALL WHOLESALE ORUQCIBT8 Spohn Medloai Co., Chemlits and Baoterl jle(ls -S, Ojshvn.l.id. U.S.A happv. because now at last truggle is over now at last my tho the partnership." What '." crud lua wife, 'not now least about them." The two girls were in the little sitting-room of tho model lodgingH fire is burned out. I don't want' that all this affair is cleared up, and j putting the finishing touchpfl to the anything but just th peace of be- 1 vou have apologized so haml-Hjmely white cashmere wedding-drew ing free to the end of my life. Be- lieve me, I ain content." Her throat seemed to have closed up, she could not say a word just because she felt for him so intense- ly. She gave him a little mute caress, aud once more they paced along the garden path. But her whole soul revolted against this no tioii of content. She understood it little as the soldier marching to first battle understands the calm ference of the comrade who lies in hospital. Surely Frithiof was to have something better in his life than this miserable parody of been almost all pain, could surely not be the only glimpse vouchsafed him of the bliss which had trans- his fir indiffe to young Falck?' 1 "No; it's perfectly disgraceful," said James Horuer, looking like an angry turkey-cock as ho paced to and fro. "I shook hands with Falck aud told him 1 was sorry to have misjudged him, aud even owned to Boniface that I had spoken hastily, but would you be- which Sigrid had cut out ana in;id^ for herself during -ie qniot days they had spent at Rownn Tree House. Every one entered most w i t h I heartily into all tho busy proparn- ' tions, and Sigrid could not help thinking to herself that the best proof that trouble had not spoiled or soured the lives either of Cecil lieve it, he won't reconsider the matter. He not only gives me tho sack, but he takes iu my place that scheming Norwegian." "But the fellow has no capital," cried Mrs. Horner, in great agita- I11O BlUMi llllO 111IOCI u-uiv yoiiv/^*/ , . . 1 , rr lo.ve? This passion, which had **". "He is as poor as a rook . r. u ' 4. mnsvlM ,,..,. i . it . , vMiff*. irvfri ired hasn't a single penny to put into the concern." "Precisely. But Boniface is such a fool, that he overlooks that and , the whole word for her? here came back to her the thought 'does nothing but talk of his great of the old study at Bergen, and she ! business capacities, his industry, seemed to hear her father's voice j his good address, and a lot of other aying : rubbish of that sort. Why, without "I should like an early marriage ! money a fellow is worth nothing lor Frithiof, but I will not say too j absolutely nothing." much about you, Sigrid, for I don't j "From the first I detested him," know how 1 should evr spare j gaid Mrs. Horner. ''I knew that you." I the Bonifaces were deceived in him. or Frithiof lay in their keen enjoy- ment of other people's happiness. The wedding was to be extremely quiet. Early in the morning, when Cecil went to see if she coula bo of any use, sho found the bride-elect in her usual drew and her house- keeping apron of browu hollind, busily packing Frithiof's portman- teau. "Oh, let me do it for you," she "Tho idea of your toiling to- day as if you were not go- ing to bo married!" Sigrid laughed merrily. "Must brides sit down and do nothing until the ceremony?" she asked. "If so, I am sorry for them ; I couldn't sit still if I were to try. How glad I am to think Frithiof and Swanhild will bo at Rowan And she sighed as she remember ' if s m y belief that although his i Tree House while we are away ! I d how his plant had been crossed character is cleared as to this five- should never have had a moment's mod his business ruined, and his pound note business, yet he is real- YOUR CHANCE ) BRIGHTEN WfiNISHED HONOR -REPEAL PANAMA CANAL ACT AND USE- STOVl POLISH No mixing no dirty work no mess when you use the handy paste in the big can. Sound Common Sense Advice Blaek Knight lOce-STOVE POLISH-lOc. It makes work easy a few light rubs bring a brilliant, last- ing slime. Not affected by heat. 46 heart broken how both for him and lor Frithiof failure had been de- treed. Yet the Christmas bells rang on this world of strangely mingled ly a mere adventurer. Depend up- on it, he'll manage to get every- thing into his own hands, and will be ousting Roy oue of these days." "Well, he's hardly likely to do >y and sorrow, and they brought , that, for it eeems the sister has been r much the same message that ' bad been brought to her by the si- lence oil Hjerkinsho : "There is a better plan which an i go wrong," she said to her-; elf. CHAPTER XXXVII. "I have some aews for you," aid , DYOLA IK th. I I H A N P S I . SIMI-l I! S I , I BEST HOME DYR, on* cao buyWlir 7*41 doat e\u hv to know wht KIND ol Cloth your Qoo4 *r mmdm ot"flo MUMka* r IrapoMlbl*. St nd '>! ' Color Card. Arorr BeokUt, *ad BookUt giving i.-.nln o( Dyeing --.[ oth*r olora. 1 hi, JorrN.ION-RICHARDSON CO., MmlMd, Monhtl. t*an*4j. keeping her eyes open and that idiot of a Roy is going to marry her." "To marry Sigrid Falck?" ex- claimed Mrs. Homer, starting to her feet. "Actually to bring into the family a girl who plays at danc- ing classes and parties a girl who sweeps her own house and cooks her owu dinner 1" "I don't know that she is any the worse for doing that," said James Homer. "It's not tho gfrl herself that I object to, for she's pretty and pleasant enough, but the connection, the being related by MMtrriago to that odious Falck, who has treated me o insufferably, who looks down on me and is as stand- off-ish as if he were an emperor." "If there is one thing 1 do de- test," said Mrs. Homer, "it is pushing people- a sure sign of vul- garity. But it's partly Loveday's fault. If 1 had to deal with the Falcks they would have been taught their proper plaoe, and all this would not have happened." At this moment dinner was an- nounced. The overdone meat <lid uot improve Mr. Horner's temper, aud when the servants had left the cul- verts sightly, dangerous, expensive, short- lived. Which kind of a culvert does your waggon cross DOES the road you use paw over rickety, dangerous wooden culverts, that are con- stantly in need of repairs and often washed away entirely i Or is it carried safely across the low places by modern, everlasting culvert*.' Build your CULVERTS OF CONCRETE which not only cannot be washed away, but actually grow stronger with age and use. Every farmer owes it to himself to insist that the money he pay* for road-taxes he s|)rnt to the hest advan- tage. As a ratepayer, lie is entitled to the best roads tliut can be made with that money. When culvr ru are washed out, and the road rendered impauable, h not only Mitfers Inconvenience but may also he cauned financial low by inability to get necessary supplies in time for sprint;; plant- ing. And at best, with wooden culverts, part of the money that should h usd to make better ruad* muit be spent every year for repairs. Insist upon Concrete Culverts It will pay you and everybody else in your county. Canada Cement Company Lam.: _i 104-564 H.r.iU Building, Motrl T BT ul ferd T H cop? nf our frw book " WHal Ifu Farmer Can Do With Cancrvto." J r run in '. )OMW -j i < about Concrete -i. >-ii :i. w r i t Mr Inform > 1 1 n Deptn- ncm. (CONCRETE culverts a"e neat, safe, need no repairs, and are ever-lasting. V