February 27 19115 THE 1< L E S II E R T N ADVANCE Til K. Qltamme Aj> independent new|>a)>er, published every TWH-sday at the office, CnllllifpvixKi Street, f loherton. Subscription price $1 1 .. i annum, when paid in advance; *!..'> i when not mi paid A'h rrtUiii^ rate* un np|ilicatinn. CirouUt on 1.100 weekly. W. M. ThurBton - Editor PURE FOODS AND FIRE EXTINGUISHERS There were 'wo itfiiu published in the daily pre*a the other day ilut f nned a laughable commentary on our twentieth century method of doiun things. The jueimsosof a ceituiil tic extinguisher ni4iiii!'.i:iiii .::. ciiiiipiiny in Toronto took lire and wire luirned U> tDOfrrVUttd, Over in Chicago two huudn-J young women Attended n pure foJ demonstration and I'M'i <>f tliein were (jiii.simi-d l>y j tuiiiaine pofeontag. The deiiruclion -f tin- Toronto pren:- lif- does not ]>m\e that the company Oid liol in iim'.irMnr va'uable article, nek' ther did the wholesale poisoning of tliuse young women (who. liy the way, all n coi'erel) prove thai there is no su.h thing as pure fi-od. In rcHptct to whole' Mine ft.od, however, our expeits uppear to be at vmiaiice. In thi case undetect- alik- dccy lmJ mrreptitiouily iiibinuiited itself iiito the canned good*, ai.il hat Wis su|'poed to lie pun was f.ir from it. Jusi now we tire in.-ikiiii; a cl.-ad set a^iiiKt the house fly. He is tin- fad for the iiioini'iit and the det-Hjini; household a.i'i'it> M'lrch be c<>iuamca fe not tak<n into account. He is .- nsiderrd to bell e scarce of many of our ills and di-ea.si f. We will Hper.d our pucrgus in extermi- nating him. Incidentally we on-tlook a few hundred ot'iei things that prey on the human form divine. As a m;itter of I'act there is fur morn illi:e.-8 dining the winter leaBon, lirn i.itme lus Lei-elf temporarily exterminated ih-i Hy, than there is in ^bunimei \\lun Unit u.x-it ciawls in colonies over l>a'd In Jids and 'ivakf'iit foods. I/ okinu t it llui wy, what do you in. I'M' of it ' \\'H have all MirU of fads for prolong- ing life, but the mortuary tatl.s of the insurance companies yi 'o piove that we have not made much of a success of tt. Tliis is the age of the ni crolie hunt and a lot of them have IHCII Jscovered and their baleful n.lhience d-.-btroyed, but < >thei'8 appear to continually sprinx up from uukuuwn sources, just ;is two mos- juitoen appear t<. take the I'Uce <f every one killiJ in the HioMjuil'i season. The itiest would appear to be hopelets, yet we truht that it will i.ot be iilwndoned uutil the grippe microbe litb l>o n il^.- tiovered and hit ravaera rendered harm- JefB. We would like to " stt.-U " him i'.<ii^ with Ihetly. ui SI-K-IHI-.IN hhmilil call uff their inveitigatiuQH into the most llutiilli'UH foods mid HB to whether wlns- JiiTH should or sliiuilJ not lie worn in inter, HI. d go after the grippe, niicn.be with hauiii.rr ai.d ton^s. Tin- o'.lier !iii _; can wail. As .1 iinif.i-r ol I .n". tliL'ic are no h<ul- thier people in the world than those who lit i- out if do. .is in the n r h country and whose daily fure is composed of two- tbirdt cinders and uslas. and li" are bled profusely by blutk tins, mut ijuituee, Ijot tiles, .1 er (lies, blow Him and nipped occasionally by winded, sink or red iht. It ^ives them btamina. It seem to UN that even our physiciai N have t I I to leiro about the ilbi that hummi tlesli i hen to, as well as the inventors of pure foods and lire exlingu shers. L at-' 50, I. Mitchell 41, K. Wilco k 40, K. I . u. ' :iL'. FOKM I. I'm -li tV Cnnad'an History Hebecca McLmen (>'2, I- . , n. Kuut 50, Lillian Mcl'luiil 50, Winuie Sc.lley 45, /-lla Kent hum 4;">, I'lliner Wright 4;i, Adelaide Giudin I.', Muiiel McTavish 38, Maurice Wright 38, Herbert LeGard SI, Minnie Winters .'11, Nettie Teeter L'l. FORM If. lliiii-li.v CiuiadiBii History Gladys White 811, Hurry Fild 81, Kate Mc- Millan <i!t. Maud Hoyd (i8, E'sia Wright Ii7. 1'ieston iJeaUie (il, ^'iola Cornfield oL', Murray Legite 52. Viv* Seilley 50, I . 'ii 1 .1 Buallio 46, Harvey Shunk 41, Valeria Stafford 41, Kvn Spencer 3P, Tummy (rr lili, Ruth S^pncer :!5, Mabelle Henderpoii ;:4, Stella Orr and Sadie Hawkins, absent. FORM HI. Ancient History W. Kernuhan 90. L. \Vhewell 8!, L. Ellison 80, A. Wriylit 7<i, '/.. Lawlor 7.">, L. Legate 74, A McMillan 7JI, L. Bunt 71, H. APcn 71, K. \VuWk70, M. McLdugliry 05, K. Lourks :">!, I. Mitchell u8. FORM 1. Geoinetery M. McTavish 'M, F Bunt 79, L. Mcl'hnil 7i. '/.. H-ntham 61 M. Winters ."p(i, A. Gaudin 44, 1ST \\'i .^ht 40, K. Mcl/ireii !, H. LeG..id :), W. Scillpy '.'9, X. Teeter 24. FORM II (i oiuvtry- Kate McMilUn i, GUlys White *il>, Harvey Shunk (H, Yalerii Stafford (Ml, T. Orr <H), H. Field 51, S On 4i, M. Legate 4li. R. Spencer 50, M H.yd 40, L. Ueilii.. 40, M. Heiulerw.i Ifli. V. Scilh-y :il, S. Hawkins 30, F B. atlie^O, K. Sj.enciT 20. FORM Ml. Literature Lillian Hunt 7-, Annie McMill.m 01. \V, Kvinalian OH, Add Wiijlil til, Mamie MeLnu<>l:ry (tl '/, Liwlor u(i. Haxol Allen Til, \A Kllison 4S, L-na Le^.ite 47, Ed, Luck 47, Ivi Mitchell 45. &Qms&j?*, MAIL CONTRACT SKAI.KnTKNDKKS tt'lilrt'ssulto the I'ontinas tei (ieiii'idl, will liurvcnived HI Ottawa in.ti noon, on Ki'i'ln", the 'Xtli March. I'M lor the cnnvovaiiCL' o' His Maju>t>'<< Mail" 01 a i>ropo*uil Contract for tour yuan* six time pur H0t*k rn.-li way Over Rural Mail Route No. 1 from From Clarktburg, Ontario, tocommenc at tlio ii'i-aMire, of tliu I'ostinaster Oouera Printed notions contalulug lurtlir infuruia tion -i tt <-o iliti'Mis of |>ro|io*<>il ('untrue tu&v bit scan anil lilauk forms uf Trii.ii-r nia )> ulitaini'il at tliu lost Ofliuviof ( 'laikxlurj l>iiliril.li. IloutlircitU Ml I at tllll DITii .- Of Ii. I'ost Ol!li:u Ii)H|>i*ctur, at Toronto. I'oBtollice Di'piiiliiH'iii. Miil -'orvico Ilia nc Ottawa, lltli I'Vliiiiary. 131:t. <i. ( . ANDKItHON. Mupi'iiule'iilent A WESTERN PHENOMENON A Saakaluoii uhysician has diacoverud that the people in the West live faster i Inn they do in Ontario. The noinml pulse l.nl, h aaytt, in Ontario i.i l>0 to to 72 ; in the West he Kndi it to range; from 80 10 10*1. Thin, he clainm, i the rosu't of living in a higher altitude wliuin tha air in more raretird. Il limy be so, but ponaibly land 8peculation and sub- division nchenieti have also aoinething to do with an ncclcrat'on of the ,.nl-< . enpecinHy ai Dr. Staffurd would find it around Saiikatoon. High financing may )>e just BH i ,-h|,on i i.li- for i In- phenomena ita I.IL' i' ill n ii..- Weekly Report Of I I es her ton High School FORM I. Arithmetic- K Bunt ti8, K. Wright *1, R McLaren 60, L. Mcl'hail 48, / H.-iit ham 40, U. LtGaid, :J, A. (inudin 35, M. Winters 32.} W. Seilley an, M. McTavisli ), M. Wright 15, N. 'iVelei 10, S. Smart and L. Truetnan, ardent. FOIIM II. AND n; III. Harvey Shunk 74, V. ticilley 08, 0. White, DA, II . Pield 110, Hazel Sliunk f>8, T. Orr. 62, E. Wright 48, V. Stafford 47, D. Tburtlon 4. M. Stafford 45, R. Spencer 44, K. McMillan 41, M. Legate 41, M. Mendcraon 40, M. Hoyd 36, I. M. Wiliuu 25, E. Spencer 24, L. Heuttio^, V. Cornfield , 8. Hawkeu o, 8. Orr absent. FORM III. Alegrra Zadii Lawlor !M1, Liln Kllismi 4, Hazol Allen 08, W. Kernalinn 08, Lillian Bunt 65, At!d, Wright l, M. .', A. McMillan 6fl, L. When Doctors Disagree ; Consult an Optician Nervousness headaches sleeplessness and dizziness, often puzzle the best physicians, Nine times in ten eyestrain is the direct cause. Nothing can effect a permanent curs that ckies not remove the cause. That is what our scientifically fitted glasses J.. W. A. Armstrong. Flesherton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Hive Entire Satisfaction Tuesday L.\rXDUY Bisket niiiht, delivery Fiiilay eveni-ig. CLKXSlNf! nd DYEIXO We nre njients for I'arker's Dye Wotlu Cl"th'W cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHCR, - PROPRIETOR F. H. W. H1CKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Clearing Winter Goods At Reduced Prices ! For' the remainder of February we offer Spec-ial Reduced Prices on all our Winter Lines. We (lo not wish to carry any over to another season, and we need the space they occupy for Spring Goods, which are arriving now and will be on ex- hibition alter March 1st. Men's Overcoats Reduced Hoys' Overcoats Reduced Km- Coats Reduced Ladies' Furs Reduced Ladies' C'loth Coats Reduced Sweater Coats Reduced Wool Goods Reduced Rubber Footwear. Reduced Aluminum Ware \\'e are siiowins; a 1 iru" a.s--ortinent i'f this very desirable w.re made up in a variety of useful Kitchen I'ter.sils. It ii inurh Mipperior to Granite or Knuinrl ware, lighter in weight, does not chip, ; ru^t, or corrode whh any kind of acid or vinegir, d' es not scorch food FO easily either and and is easily cleaned. All Reasonably Priced Frv I'ins, F're^erviii!! Kettles, i'ie Plat s, Pudding Dishes, Sauce Pans, Rice Boilers, Cereal Cookers, Waste 1'nil-. Also ever) thing you nied in Granite and Tinware. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Look ! Listen ! Do You Ever Seep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at tlie present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at tho head of this advertisement will only cost you 5.00 $5.00 .Just received :i lot of Tine Spring Suitings. ,$'.':].00 Suits selling sit $15>.50. Also a new i- angenfOverc.oats and Spring and Summer Pantings. Come early and get your new Spring i-uit at the Tp- To- Date Tailor Shop C. BLARELEY MAIL CONTRACT SK\|.M> TKSDKIIS ii.i.trr-,*,.! to tli.-l'.i. O0D0fAl, Will l>t; i.'iii.i.i nt Ottau ":i'il iiuon, on h'liilay the -JH Hi Ma i-li. I'.H f ir tliurnnvuvuiici! of Hit Majiwtv'x Mails on a Contract for four y, i ars Htx Ihiius p ) wiN-li i-ach ^av Over Rural Mail Route, Lily Oak way, From Berkeley, Ontario, to commence t tin' I'liiasiire ot Iliu 1'oMniaBtor (iriiural I'riotuil noticex. contain inu dirt hur inruriiia- tl .111 an tO OOnoltlODI Of propotrxl Co'itract may i. ...... K.I blank tornii or I....I. . i.iay be ulitaiiifil ut tn<- I'.iKi Otlli-ii uf Ilnihuloy nt thn Ollli'r 01 till' I'list t)llirir liisiM-rtor at ToronkOi I'imt ( Illiru Dt'liarllni'llt. Mail Hi'l -yicu HlMIM'h, Ottiiuii. II Fvluiidiy, lui:<: O. '. VNDKKSJN, Sii|icriutim>loiit,; $5.00 (ict something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. (If course we have oilier beds at nther prices, ail equally low in pi'ic< Sanitary Bedi such as everybody wantt). SpritiRS and .Mattresses to fit nil bcl.-. Kxaniine our stock any- 1 way, before phasing tr ^ j Fe8herto n's Leading Taior i fj DinMT 1 Standard Bank Balding THE HABIT OF C\: I? Jt. O 1 : > 1 : R FLESHERTON, ONT. CEYLON'S STORE Special for This Week in Furs ! Men's Fun'oais, f 28.00 for .................. $-2200 Indies' Fur Coat, 830.00 fjr ............................ $19.00 Hulls ami Stoles, S8.:x) for ...................... . . $5.50 Ruffs and Stoles, 87.00 for ................... f 5 CO Hufl'4 and Stoles, f 6.5(1 for ........................ $4 50 Click Fur curly Caperine, lonj front, wiih four fiih on, f ur . . .$4.50 Mult', 812.00, for .................................. j. 9 _- h*ve our new Clover and Grass Seed in now, (iet it mrly aud get the best. I MAIL CONTRACT ; i '. M ii i i.\ nil; ,.,,,,,,. ,..i to the I'.itt. mutur . i. i..i. will lio . . . i.,.i nt Ottawa until noon on Friilay, tlif. '-Hi Mari')i, l')l:i, for t h. couveync of Hi- MajttMty'tt inaila on a . i..i . . i contract 'or fuiir yoan, tl< tiinuu pur wuuk Over Rural Mail Route, North-Eait, from Holland Centre, Ontario, to commence at tlie pleasure of thu l'otiuaater (ieiieral I'rlntail noticeB uontaiuiiiK further infniina- ' icin aa to conditions of propnaeil Contract may l>ean arid blank forum of tender may li oh- taiuud at tlie I-...I Ollioea of Holland Centrr Ktratliavuu Walter's Kailn and attheoflico ul tue Pout Office Inspector at Toronta, PoKtoflice Department, Mm I Herviuu liraucb Ottawa, llth day of February, l<i|:i 0. C'. ANDKUHON, Kiipetlntuudrnt. MAIL CONTRACT SKALED TENDERS mldressed lo the I'lWtmMter Oeneral, will he received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the .'ih M.uvh. I'll:!, For ili.' conveyance f Ilia Majeiily'H Mils on n proposed Con- tract for four ycnrc, lix times per weou Over Rural Mail Route No. 1 From Eugenia. Ontario, to commence at The pleaiure of the Postmaster General. Printed notices containing further in- formation as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained nt tho Pogt i inn,, s of Eugenia, FovershHin, nd BltlhmtoOt ""I at the Orh'co of tho Pogi Office Ina|iector nt TOD into. Port OttM DfpMtnra'i Mail Horiico Hniiich, Ottawa, lltlh Folinmiy, 1013. O. C. ANDKItSON, Superintendent. I VARICOSE VEINS CURED I |9* NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. i Confined to His Home for Weeks. ,(-VK-> . "Ileary work, BCTPFC st mini ne and evil habits In youth brought on | ^^X^KTv Yin...." VuiuH. Wbn I wurkuil hard the aching would become sovuro and 1 was ot'u-n laid up for a week at a time. My family iihyslt'lan tuU ino an operatHB wua my only hope tut I dreaded It. triad sovural si>cclalUts, but soon found out all they wanted was my money. I o >muu ucttl to louk u;x)n all doctors as littlo better than rogut-s Ouo day my boss .1 . - i uia why I was olf work to much aud I told lilm my condition. HeaJviscd me to consult Drs. Kenneily & Ki'nnedy, as ho bud taken treatment from thorn htmsrlf and knew thoy were snuaro anil skillful. 1 wrote thorn ami got THE New METHOD TREATMENT. My pro^rwas wna somewhat slow and during ih in t month's Ireatmnut I was somewhat iliscourattod. However, I continued treatment for three months longer anil was rewarded with a complete cure. Icmild only earn J1J a week In a machine shop lieforo treatment, now I nm earning J-'l and never loose a uuy. I wish U auiu'i n j knew of your valuable treatment. __._._ . LOCUST. Jas. Patfison & Co., General ?ylon HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POISONS are the most preyalent and mot snrlous diseases. They sap the rery life blooU of the victim and unless entirely eradioaud from the system will cause serious complications. Beware of Mercury. It may suppress the symptoms our IiLW M I .n lo|> cures all blood diseases. YOUNO Ott MIDDLE AGED MEN. Imprudent acts or later excesses have broken down your system. You feel the symptom* stealing over you. Mentally, physically and Titally you are not the man you used to be or should be. w Ul youheed the danger signals? DrinCD AreyouarletlmT Have you lost hope f Are you Intending to marryr Has itAUtll your blood boon "dincancdr Have you any weakness? Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you. what It has done for others It will do for you. Consultation Fr. No matter who baa treated you. write for an honest opinion Fr of Chut*. Buk. FrM "UoyhooJ, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Illustrated; on biseaaesof Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No n.m on bo... or nr.lopM. Er.ry.hm, CafidiUal. QuUoa Lbt and Ceil of Tr..tm.nt FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. DRS.KENNEOT&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. , H AT I J* f All letters) from Canada must be addressed NU I lOt to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- js^s^ijsjsjsji nient in 'Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see IM fersonally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat paiint in our Windsor offices win :h are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Writ* f or en prtTsU address. FARM TO RENT Lot 2, Con. 'A, S. D. R. ArtemcRw, coiitaininu 80 HoreH of Und in L'ood htntu of cultivation, liist-clnHH water in drilled well, good iiuildinKii, onu mila from 1'ricoville. Apjily 10 MK3. DONALD Mi-AHTHl'R, Townline. Piiceville Pure Bred liolstein Bull Changeling Prince Joe Hnd by ClmngclinR Hutti-r l!y out of Tidy Alibukork I'rincoss Joipphinu. The greatest liuttor 01 ikn : strain known. Terms of Miirvice --$2 for grades, ?5 for pun? hred. (!KO. M(HRE A SON, Prop> , IFeb 14 Pro'.on Station. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 50 acre*. Lot 132, onn 3, Artcmeaia. nuvrr falling apring, well fenced, 15 acres of Timber, the ret in pasture over 15- years, good stock hum Would sell on IMSJ- ii'1-nis for quick anle. Apply to J'kines N.i Ii, IiinliLake. P. O. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence 468, Oth St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hours 9 to 12a.m., 1.80 to 4.31) p.m., 7 to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment i Clearing Sale CONTINUED ! We still continue to sell at greatly reduced prices. We have a lot of stock that must go. In crock ery we kave a large stock of staples which we must sell. Dinner Setts, regular $16.50. for 12.00 Kegular $13.00, for $9 . 00 Regular $10.50, for 1359 Cups and Saucers, regular $1.00 per do/., for 80c. Also Vases, Pitchers, Toilet Setts, all kinds of Fancy China ware. Prices reduced accordingly. This stuff must be sold. A large stock of Stoves also must go. We are bound to sell the goods. We want the money and must have it. EF ACCOUNTS A lot of people pay little or no attention to repeated demands for settlement of accounts. Please don't keep us waiting any longer. We need th money, need it badly. A word to ill* vise i- sufficient. J. & W. B O Y D FLESHERTON, - ONT. i