laughs With Joy! No More Indigestion Montreal Han So 111, Thought He Would Die of Stomach Trouble. Found a Simple Remedy That Has Kept Him Well Ever Since. The experience of Mr. Larose is one very common to-day : "I suffered from dyspepsia and Indigestion for five year*. I suf- fered so much that I oould hardly Attend to my work. I was weak and lost all courage. I enjoyed no rest until I decided to follow your treatment. To any great surprise I immediateJy began to feel better. I am now using the second box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and I feel eo wel] that I want to tell you that I owe this great change to your fam- ous pills. I recommend Dr. H&mil- ton'a Pills to every person who is suffering from dyspepsia^ Your grateful servant, D. E. Larose, 338 Joliette street, Montreal, P.Q. All who have weak stomachs, and those who Buffer with indigestion, headaches, biliousness, can be per- fectly cured by Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c. per box, at druggists and storekeepers, or the Catarrho- rone Co., Kingston, Ont., and Buf- falo, N.Y. THE ROBIN'S FOOD. Chiefly Moths, Butterflies, Earth- worms and Cutworms. Onoe upon a time some one got the notion that the common robin i* a foe to the orchardist and berry- grower. The alleged discovery was promptly published broadcast, and the fruit-grower loaded his shotgun and went forth to slay the robin. Since the robin redbreast in the commonest of our song-birds, ex- tremely sociable in his habits and unsuspecting in his disposition, he naturally fell an easy victim. The fruit-grower felt himself perfectly justified, for did not the bird de- ' stroy the early oherriee, pick the young apples from the trees, and help himself to any number of quarts of berries? He had been caught in the act again and again. The fruit-grower's investigation into the food habits of the robin went no further than observing that he sometimes ate cherries. It ne- ver occurred to the man with the shotgun to examine the contents of his victim's stomach. If he had done so with a mind open to con- viction, a surprise would have met him. The robin does eat fruit, but the quantity is small in proportion to the number of insects he des- troys. His diet consists chiefly of moths, butterflies, caterpillars, earth- worms, cut worms, and other crea- tures that the farmer can very well spare. The small fruit that the bird consume*} is only his dessert after meat. If the robin plucks small apple* from your trees, would it not be well to examine tho apple before- killing the bird? He may be doing you a great service. Probably you will find that he has not eaten the young apple, after all, but has dropped it on the ground. A little further investigation will show that it contained a larva of the destruc- tive codling-moth ; the bird was not after the apple, but the larva. Nestling birds live wholly on in- sect -*ood. The writer once watched a pair of robins that had their neat on a porch cap. From the time the young were hatched until they were ready to leave the nest the parents visited them on the average once every fifteen minutes, and brought DUKE OF MARLBORO UGH. Despite the efforts made by influ- ential persons to heal the breach between the Duke of Miirlborough and his wife, no success has been achieved in this direction, and the Duke's sister, Lady Lilian Greu- fell, acted as hostess. Their two sons, who are rapidly growing out of boyhood, spent their Christmas at Blenheim and then joined their mother on the Continent. The Duke is the head of the pow- erful Marlborough family, to which Mr. Winston Churchill is related. The first Duke was the famous eoldier who gained the great vic- tories of Blenheim, Ramillies. Ou- Dukt- of Marlboroiigh. denard, and Ma-lplaqiiet, and the family have always figured conspi- cuously in military annals. The present Duke was born forty-two years ago at Simla. In 18'J5 he married Consuelo, the daughter of Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt, the New York millionaire. He served with the Yeomanry in South Africa, and acted as A.D.C. to Lieutenant- General Ian Hamilton. He has al- ways maintained a keen interest in AFTER EFFECTS OF SPEEDILY VANISH WHK\ YOl USE DODU'S KIDNEY PILLS. Loron (i, Lndd only fo:ind complot r<>li<-f after iiNing (he Grou Canadian Kithx-y Itcmody. Ladd's Mills, Stanstead Co. Que., Feb. 24 (Special). That th< seeds of disease left in the bod after an illness are sure to causi trouble is the experience of Lorer Q. Ladd, a well known young mai in this community. Mr. Ladd ha also learned that those seeds car be cleared out of the body and per feet health restored by Dodd's Kid ney Pills. "At the age of six I had Scarle Fever," Mr. Ladd .states. "A twelve I had Typhoid Fever, and u, fourteen I had Measles. About year later I began to be trouble by swellings of the face, feet anc hands. The doctor told me I h,u Kidney trouble. He gave me m dicine but the swellings continue* to come at intervals of a week to a month. "Two years ago one box o Dodd's Kidney Pills stopped th swellings. Last winter the swel lings returned and again I wa cured by using Dodd's Kidne\ Pills." Healthy Kidneys strain the se"d of disease out of the blood. Dodd' Kidney Pills make- healthy Kidneys DOGS FOR SENTRY WORK. British Officer Tolls How They aw Used in li.'ilkuns. Lecturing in London, Major E. H. Hichardson, who has just re- turned from a visit to Montenegro, strongly urged the use of doge in the army for scouting and sentn work, for searching for the wound (d, and as messengers and ammuni- tion carriers. In peace- times the dogs couJd be politics, and from 1903-1906 he was I trained at a centraJ establishment at r-.'i-di visit from one to thre<* in- eects. Cut worms and army-worms were the chief ol the youngsters' diet. Another brood, reared in an ap- ple-tree, near a large orchard, were fed almost exclusively upon codling- Could Lawyer Defend Him Better. "What do you mean, Robert, by taking more cake than I said you might have?" "I was just making believe, mo- ther. that another little boy was spending the day with me." NO RHEUMATISMLAST WINTER Montreal Man Conqu-rod his Old Enemy by using GIN PILLS Mr. A. Beaudry of 597 Panel Street, Montreal, thus expiesse* his great satisfaction with GIN PILLS. ' ' It affords me great pleasure to inform you that I have used GIN PILLS for about six mouths, and that they have done me a great deal of good. I have had Rheumatism fora couple of years, and last winter I saved myself from it by using GIN PILLS." joe. a box, 6 for Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toiwwto. > 35 Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies. GOOD NATIRED AGAIN. Good Humor Returns with Change to Proper Food. "For many years I was a con- stant sufferer from indigestion and nervousness, amounting almost to prostration," writes a Western man. "My blood was impoverished, the vision was blurred and weak, with moving spots before my eyes. This was a steady daily condition. I grew ill-tempered, and eventually got so nervous I could not keep my books posted, nor handle accounts satisfactorily. I can't describe my sufferings. "Nothing I ate agreed with me, till one day I happened to notice Grape-Nuts in a grocery store, and bought a package out of curio- sity to know what it was. "I liked the food from the very first, eating it with cream, and now I buy it by the case and use it daily. I soon found that Grape- Nuts food was supplying brain and nerve force as nothing in the drug line ever had done or could do. "It wasn't long before I was re- stored to health, comfort and hap- piness. "Through the use of Grape-Nuts food my digestion has been restor- ed, my nerves are steady once more, my eye-sight in good again, my mental faculties are clear and acute, and I have become so good- natured that my friends are truly astonished at the change. I feel younger and better than I have for 20 years. No amount of money would induce rae to surrender what I have gained through the use of Grape-Nuts food." Name given by Canadian Postum Co.. Windsor, Ont. "There's a reason." Road the little book, "The Road to Well- ville," in pkgs. Ever read the above Ssttar? A new one appears from tlmn to time. They are genulni, true, and full of human Intereet. and drafted to the various regi mentis, where, as is done abroad, they oould be used with the sentries in forts, aeroplane sheds, maga zine, etc., and incidentally reduc< the number of sentries required. Major Richardson also gave his audience the very la/test detaile of the employmemt of dogs by foreign The whole .of the Bulgar- ian frontier is guarded by dogs, which are with the pickets and de tached posts. The French Grovo.rnment has built a traindng establishment art. Fon- tainebleu, a.nd the dogs are Largely used for messengers. Low Colonist Rates to Paolflo Coast Via Chicago and North Weutorn Railway On anle daily. March 15th to Apr 1 ;ith from all points in Canada tr Loo A.ngolCB, Han rrancisoo, Portland, Salt Lake City, Boattle, Victoria. Van- couver. Nelson, llosnland, and maiiv other points. Through Tourist slrepera and free roplininir chair oars from Chicago. Variable rouU's. Llbflrnl stop overs. For full information as to raten, routes and literature, write or call on B. 11. Bonnoit, General Atfcnt, 46 Yongo Htreet, Toronto. Gets Table Supplies Free. The French President enjoys some petits benefices apart from the 8240,000 he draws yearly as oalary and allowance*. Supplies of vege- tables for hia tahle come from the kitchen gardens at Versailles, fruit from, the orchards of Fontaine- bleau, game from the State forests, and hay for his horses from the meadows at Rambonillet. More- over, the State pays the wages of his stable hands arid his coachman, but not his chauffeur's. Pat's Irish wit is a well-head that has never been known to run dry. Pat Maguire had been misbehaving, and appeared before his command- ing officer, charged for the third time with drunkenness. Pat stated his side of the case with all the eloquence at his com- mand, but the colonel was unmov- ed. "Eight days in the guard-house I" he said, sternly. But in writing the "8" on Pat's defaulter-sheet the pen spluttered. Pat noticed this, and leaned for- ward. "Thry if 'twill make a '3' anny aisier, sorr," he suggested, in a persuasive whisper. All Headllncrs. "Our family is most interesting. Jo ha dancen divinely, Tom sings lik an angel, Dave is a famous football player, and Susanne paints with great taste." "And flenry." "Oh, Henry; he's rather a dull fellow, you know. He only work* and supports the others." TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to oure K. W. UHOVE'U signature, in on each uui. Bo, It's the interior of a man's head that counts. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Married Young. An amusing story happened some time ago in one of the Paris courts of justice. A vain, haughty, wo- man was called as a witness, when the magistrate "Twenty-five inquired her age. last August," promptly replied the lady. The next witness was a young man, who at once acknowledged that he was twenty -seven years of age. "Are you related to the last witness?" queried the magistrate. "Yes; I am her son," he replied. "Ah!" mused the magistrate, "your mo- ther must have married very young." ED. 7. ISSUE -'18. Is Fatal Catarrh in Your Family? It RUHR FTuiul In ll.nid With Bronchitis, Weak Thi-out, Pneumonia, CouHiiinpliun. Doctors tate that 95 per cent, of tho Canadian people suffer from Catarrh. Few eseapu it. You can oasily recognize it from the bad taste in the mouth and from f appetite in the morning. In bat: oases the mucous drops from tin throat into the stomach and cauc^r nausea. The throat fills wit! phleepm, tho patient sneezes an<! continually, not infrequent ly there is lassitude and. chilline^ ind aching in the limbs. Doctors recommend Catarrho- zone, it is nature's own cure. Il d- ives out the germs, heals sort p 'ta, cleans away every vestige of Cu.tarrhal taint. You send the soothing vapors of he pine woods., the richeKt balsam: ind healing essences, right to the ause cf your cold by inhaling Ca- larrhozone. Little drops of wonder ierfui curative power are distri- buted through the whole breathinp apparatus by the air you breathe. Like a miracle, that's how Catarrh- ozone cures bronchitis, catarrh. "' Ids, and irritable throat. You iimply breathe its healing fumes. uui every trace of disease flees as before fire. So safe, infants can use it, sc sure to relieve, doctors prescribe :t. so beneficial in preventing win- ; er i'ls that no person can afford to do without Cat-arrhozone. Used in thousands of cases without failure. Complete outfit $1.00, lasts three nonths, and is guaranteed to cure : smaller size 50c. all dea.ler or the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. _ >j. _ EXTRAORDINARY FttEAK. Tramp Obtained Luxury of ihc Workhouse Infirmary. The master of the Cirenceeter (England) Workhouse has reported the case of an extraordinary human freak to the guardians. The man was a tramp, giving the name of John Kelly. He was found on the morning after his admission to the workhoiiae with his face and neck badly swollen, and his ailment was diagnosed as mumps. He was iso- lated at once, a-nd spent three or four glorious dava in the infirmary. Then it was discovered that Kelly had the remarkable power of caus- ing swellings similar ho those which are typical of mumps at will, and lit- turned out. The British Medical Journal printed a letiter from Dr. E. \V. H. Meredith, of Wellington, Somerset, warning workhouse officials against Kelly. Mr. Meredith writes:" "He has the power of inflating his jjorotul glands and causing a sub- utaneous emphysenm inflation xtending frorn the temples to th-e mid<l>le of the chest. He takes about a. quarter of an hour to inflate him- self, and about two or three days to absorb." Sentenced to Immediate Death It happens every time you treat n oorn with "Putnam's" -Corn dies never re- urna. Nothing w> certain and painlos* a Putnam's Corn Extractor- try ft. Fifty rears' euccesB guarantees its merit. 2So. wttles at all dealers. . - * --- The Other Doctor. An old negro, taken ill, called in a physician of his own race. There >eing no signs of improvement he at last asked for a white doctor. The doctor came, felt the old man's pulse and examined his tongue. Did your other doctor take your jcmporaturo ?" he asked. "I don't know, sah," replied the negro; "I ain't missed anything but my watch so far." Try Murine Eye Remedy Noamtrtlnv-FMltKln mm mm T T ! '' Red. Wok, W Qnuiulated l , iM.. In ,,.-h Paekut. Acts . cry Krr<i\nd ;;:..., Book Mt'RlNK IB oom- ouixtcid by ourUoultitc- notft"V>tnt ) .. h 1 1 1 1 ," but ud In ncoee0fn! ' _> In t V 0S P -^ ) &f t fta mM ''Una' t*r*otii*e for ui&ny y W t~ <B U amUo bTBl* Now . tta to tho Pnhlln and sold by iEKlftaatKH'-SOoiinr bottle. Murln* Kjo 8 " lve ln Aseptic lubes, CSc-Wo. Murlne Eye Remedy Co.. Chicane 'Why does your servant go about he house with her hat on?" "Oh, he's a new girl ! She only came his morning, and hasn't mode up ler mind whether she'll stay yet!" Mlnard't Liniment Curoi Cargct In Cow*. Limitations. "Is your wife a suffragette?" "Yes," replied Mr. Meekton, "to , certain extent. She thinks she iught to have the ballot, but she cnows a lot of women who she is ure do not deserve it." Don't expect your ship to come n when the tide is out. For Quick Sale 130 acre farm, good location, wit.h half nllo frontage on Hhiifnrap lak, Sl-2 mllep rom C. P. R. main linn. About 16 acres loaned, about 6 acrca bearing orchard, ;imo yonitR orchard, hont>, barn, nhods, pring water, fencing, ttrabor, nomo fur- iture and implements. A good buy, ultablo for fruit or mixed farming, and rill make a good aub-divtiiion. Prloo 9,000; inilr cnah, b<vlnno easy terms, or ill truiln for good wxmrltlen or real en- ate. Write Owner. Drawer 16, Ralmon Inn, B. 0., or Bulmon Arm Uoalt-y CX>., 1 SLUMBER SALOON NOW. German Firm IB Building One with Sixty Bunks. An attempt to counteract the evil ffeots of tho "huetle" of modern bu6ines life is about to be made by an enterprising Berlin (Germany) company, which will shortly open a "Slumber Saloon" for Berlin workers. The German, despite the tremen- dous amount of work he i able to (ret through in the day is very fond f his afternoon nap. Until quite recently practically every business firm in Berlin although the working hours were from eight in thn morn- ing until oitfht in the evening, al- lowed its employees two and a half or three hours for lunch. Every- body ''rom the chief to the office boy had time to journey comfortably to his home in the suburbs, partake of lunch in ftfhe bosom of his family and njoy a sound "forty winks" before waking tip for coffee and cakes and returning to his labors in town. But with the adoption of what is generally known here as the "Eng- lish lunch hour" the beloved siesta l>eca<me a thing impossible, and the clerk and his chief after eating lunch in a restaurant could only spend their spare half hour in a crowded cafe or on the streets. The "Slumber Saloon," however, is to give the Berliner his beloved 'tididay nap again, in spite of his shortened lunch time. In a quiet little side street in the heart of the city the Palace of Morpheus is being erected. Tho building will contain sixty little cells or cubicle*, each one. furnished with a broad ottoman and a freshly covered head cushion for each visitor. The floors of tihe building will be covered in thick noise-muffling carpets and deep, and unbroken silenco will be the imper- ative rule of the place. For Croupy Children Keep 'Nerviline' Handy It Positively Brings Children Out of Danger anil Flclicvi-s at Once. A MOTHER TELLS HER EXPERIENCE. "Bringing up young children hau its re- sponsibilities nnder Uio bBt of circum- stances." writes Mrs. E. Q. Pagan, of Holmes' Corners, "but nronpy ooldn add considerable to tho worry. My little family of four all went through tho oroupy era, but I always h;ul Nerviline on hand and nevor felt nervous. I just fol- lo-wcd the directions, and I can tell you that nothing I know of ip surer to cure t-roupy ooldB than Nervilino. "In our home we nso Norvilino frenncnt- ly. For ofiltl in the chest, plcurifiy, honrec- liens, et^., it is fliraply wonderful. My husband UBOB It for rheumatism, and I ften omploy It for neuralgia and pick .leadac.hc. Nervilino hau so mttiiy UBep hat no mother can afford to be without it." The largo family size bnttlo, which ne-llp at 50c., in the moot economical ; trial mze, 3So. Your storekeeper or druggist wlln Nerviline, which is prepartHl by The Ca- arrhoBona Oo., l)uff;Jo, N. Y. m tfr f Another Ananias. A magazine writer who has gone 'ba-ck to the farm," tells about 'sixteen hours of nothing but play." We'll leave it to any throe farmers picked from any commu nity to determine just what kind of a liar that writer is. and Healtli Of Skin and Hair] Promoted Gjflciira5oap and 01 Cutlonra Soap mtd Olntmant are srtfl throuchool the world. A liberal Bumple of each, wlta 82-P&X9 booklet on the cure .ui.i treatment of '-hi fltlti au4 Clip, wmt post-Iree. >- Ti *l "ft'i. Corp.. J ).'l . 27L>. U. 8. A. FARMS FOR SALE. H. w. DAVVSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. C1 ODD STOCK FARM OP T with Throe HouBe; large Bank Barn. Must l nold quick Prl<' is 500 A CUE 9 3&nk Barn rery low. SKVKKAL, DK8IHABLR PARJifl Manitoba. Alberta and Saekatoh PA RUB II* that can bo bought, nnick pale. Worth the money fo* [HAVE OVKE ONE HUNDEED GOOD farrai) in different sections of Ontario on my list. If you want a farm conenll me. rjAWSON. Toronto. T1WESTY ACHE&-FIVE MILEH FBOM London market; soil clay loam; farm IKIUBO; barn. Would ewsliango for c-ity, txiwn or Tillage property or for largoj farm. Tho Western aal EBtate, London. Ont. STAMPS ANO COINS. ^ TAMP COLLECTOK8-HUNDRKD ^ ferer.t Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. Album, only Seven Cente. Marki Stamp roiYin"y. Toronto. BILLIARDS. II VEUYBODV KNJOY8 DILLIARDfl j Brbor and Liv Men in IOWUB only 100 population make big money. Be flr&l 1o writ for book. "How to Stert a Bil- liard llwm" Tost. Easy Temw. eto. Cat*- IOKIUW of tables for Home and Club free. If you have a table ask for our euppl? cataloituc. I!runwiok-Balko-Collender Com- pany, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. CANCKlt. internal TUMORS. LUMPS, ETC.. ami external, cured witB- out Bain bv our home treatment. Writ* us before too lain Dr. Bellman Uedtoal Co.. Limited, nollinirwnnd. Ont. C1 ALL S1UNKS, KIDNIJY AND HI.AD- Jt der fitonee. Kidney trouble. Gravel, Lumbago a:id kindred ailments poitivl cured with the new German Remedy. "Bannl " price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes-Mellittifl. and sure cnro. e 8anol' Anti-DiahetoB." Price $2.00 front dnutgtltl or direct The Hanoi Manufao- Company of Canada. Limited. !t n mp M !t Just a Minute Minard'a Llnimont Co., Limited. Gentlemen,- My dniiffhtiT, 13 years old. waa thrown from a sleigh and injured her olbow so badly it rcnminod stiff and very pninfn] for three years. Four bottles of MINARD'S LINIMENT completely cured her and she hns not been troubled for two years. Yours truly, J. fl. L1VE8CJTJE. St. Joseph, P. 0., 18th Aug.. 1900. An Advantage. "There's one advantage in the high cost of living." "What's that?" "It takes all that I earn to live, so that ahead stock." I can never get enough to invest in worthless Only one "BROMO QUININE" That i> LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVB. Curoi a Cold in One Day. Two Day*. 26c. . Cure* Orip in You can judge what a man hadn't done by what he is going to do. ltd., Salmon Arm, B. 0. Mlnard'e Liniment Cure* Diphtheria. Sure He Did It, While carrying a ladder through the crowded streets of a busy city a big Irishman had the misfortune to break a plate-glass window. Dropping the ladder he started off at a run. Tho shopkeeper, who had witnessed the mishap, dashed after him and caught him by the collar. "See here," he cried an- grily, "you havo broken my win dow !" "Sure I have!" assented the Irishman. "And didn't, yon sen me running home to get the money to pay for it?" Before starting on the, road' ruin a man should secure a return ticket. ' j ffuffererii from protruding at blooding . can be cured by using nature's own re- medy no mediriue- no operation. Thli remedy does not profess to cure internal piles, but is a certain cure for protruding piles. Discovery WH.B made by sufferer ol 20 years' standing, who is now quite well. Full instruction* on receipt of $1.00. WM. B. OXLEY, 294 Berkeley St., Toronto. CLEAN ING LADIES' WALKING OR OUTING SUITS On he dnnft [wrfeotty !,y our French proou. Try Ik British /fmsrioan Dyeing; Co. Muni- .-.: . Toronto, O'luwx and ' >'ot Balanced Right. "I'm a self-made man," said the proud individual. "Well, you are all right, except as to your head," commented th other part of the conversation. "How's that?" "The part you talk with is out of proportion to the part you think with." Mlnard't Liniment Cum Coldt, Etc. The Difference. "The unfortunate peasant women of Europe carry burdens on their heads. ' "So <3o the fortunate society wo- men of this country, but they call them hats." "I 'never could understand whv people dock their horses' tails, aaid Dubbleigh. "High cost of liv- ing," said Jorrooks. "Got to dock something these times." Conatipation Is an enemy within the camp. It win undermine the strongest constitution and ruin tho most vigorous health. It leads to indiestion, bilinusnc indigestion, impure blood, bad complexion, lick hoadachos, und is one of the moft freauent cauacs of appendicitis. T neglect it is slow suicide. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills positively curs Constipation,. They are entirely vegelablt in composition and do not sicken, weaken or gripe. Preserv* your health by talcing Dr. Morse's - Root Pllli