February 27 1913 THE FLES HIE ETON ADVANCE C 'Advance* Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS 1OULLOUGH A YOUNG Baoken Markdal. jjenera) banking bualneas . Mouey loaned at reasonable ratei Call on ua. TChlBLETT. Postmaetvr, Ceylon. Commissioner In H. C. J . CooTeyancer. deeds, mortgages. Inaiwii, wills esc. carefully drawn up ollectloos nia.l . cliargM reasonable. AUo r oceriei, flour, feed etc. kept Iu stock. Prices ibt. DMcl'HAIL, Mci-osed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Terms moderate and ailnacuon guaranteed. Tbe arrangement! and dati of sale, c.n be mad* a'. THB ADTANCK office Keaidence and P.O.. Ceylon, Telephone connection. Dec. 6.07. WM KAITTINO. Uceoaed Auctioneer foi the counties of Urojr and Kiuicoe. Farm au.l Stock lales a specialty. Terms SSSraU .ati.factlo.. K uar.nUed. Arrauj^ meats for dale, may be made. at * h * d "" | ,. or Central telephone on.ce * eversuaui byaddreaaing uie at Kewrsnam, Ont. EVERY GRADUATE PLACED With the Unrest attendance in iis history, The Collingwood Business College has placed in H m""! posi- tion, every graduate of the present year. Winter term from January 2, I'M.: Send for h.-tndsume Catalogue. C'ollingwimd BUSINESS COLLEGE Principal T. E. Hawkins. Bl'DIl UATHK'.VS, Markdal., R .uc-ioneer for the' county of aervice at reasonable rate.. Dates made at Tbe Advance, o 09 Licensed can I MEDICAL 8 Ont. Pby.lclan, Surgeon .U Office aid re.ideuce-Peter at., Kleeberton p OTTBWELL Veterinary Surgeon Farms for Sale 50 Acres West half lot 8. con. 11. Township Ol Hi.. 50 Acres-Bast half lot K, cou. 11, Township Of '.II:. .W Acres West half lot 1, con. 11, Township of Osprey. 50 A :re-East li lU lot 7, C3ii. 11. Townlil)i of Osprey. 100 Acres Lot :t2. Con. 10, ArtemeaU. 100 Acres-Lot .'fl. Con. 11, Artemesla.i -"i Acres .-Lot s, Ton. 1.1, lot 4, Con. Osprey. lOOAcres- i con. 14. Artemenia. 100 Acre* Lot . con. 14, Artemesia. 100 Acres Kast half lot 7, cou. 2, Ku'phrasia. at Acres I<ot vi4 and 2S, con. H Artemosia HU Acres-1'art Lot Ui.H.i, 146, Con.:t, N. !:. T. 8. H., Ar'eniesin. 200 Acre* Lot 3 1, anil 40, con. 12, Artem.sia. '> Acres 37, cou. 12, Artmii'aia. W. A. ARMSTRONG}, Flesherton June l.itf Pr.ttyterian Cbnrcb. DENTISTRY s\r E C MURKAY U O. fi , denUl surgeon D 1,01)0.' Kra.iuate ot Toronto University and LEGAL L UTAB... BANEY, * ^.K^jr-Bijrister,. .anef T.ador. phone WB.WRIQRT. TEI.FORD A Hamster. HollcltOM. Ac. Offices. C.rev A- Hruc. block, (.wen Bo,,,,d. *<$}"* }* Hlock. Kleaberton. (8alur<Jav.i. .H. Wright. W. I'.Teltord J'.,J. C. McDoual-1. U L,. .B. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in iidt - nce suhscriptionsonly. We ! have no accounts with other papers. Flenherton Advance ff I 00 Yo'jthn Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily Toronto Daily NBWH Weekly Globt! Mail-Empire ..... ... Family Herald & Star. . , Toronto Star Farmer Sun !K) Farmers Advocata 1 -~>0 Weekly Wit.ies? 90 Saturday Niht :! 00 Home Journal !> Poultry Nuws . . , , 26 Poultry Heview 40 Hod and (iun magazine '"' .'! 00 1 50 !K) 75 90 1 50 SOCIETIES J W meets ou ihe last Monday ,D each luoutb, in their loog.roou, n ., K. J, Sprou'le. Visiting brethren DKISCB ARTHUR LODGE. No. MS. A.F.4 C A U, meets In the Masoulc ual . Arm- troDK' Hlock.Flestiertoo. eery Friday on ,,r, before the full moco O. A. W aUou, W. M.; Tbos. Clayton, Becrotary. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. . we. i. o F. u-eeti [in A e la.t W edneidav "'"! , . KI AJS'^ 'du to"Vin. 8.C. before tb. first day of the month. -ALSO line of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alteration)* in fnc of uliais/i 1 , if required. lasplS THOSEN FhlENDS-Fleaherton Council t Choaeo Friendi meets in Claytou'shall flr.t and third Wednesday of each mouth 8 p. ui Pay ameMinenta to the lleronler ou or bf<>rd tri- nr.t -lay of each month. Chief Councillor T. Hlakelev;Kcorder W. H. Hunt. Tin Farmer's Club meet* i the hih Bchrxil bull.li.rn on the ftrnt Thursday in Men mobtb at h o'.-l,Kk- |>. i". Youiiu '""''tr'" auei-lally invited. K.Chard Prenident. < . W. llellsmv. Hfc.-Tivsn. Tamworths for Sale Hotli ** neatly ready for breeding. I'lices r "" 11 "" """ " -OK,,. W. KOSB. M.zw... H. O. Boar for Service A larae wl-He \okthini Hoar for service oulotl(M.:trd raiiR W T. A: . II., AftMOWWi ll.WALI.KIC. CEYLON'S Meat Market For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas. McClocklin's BUTCHER SHOP Ceylon, - Ont. Bulls for Sale Pure lirrd Hfrffnrd ImlUf '! (--lie on lot 171, :i . w.T. & S. S., Arleincwi't. 1 Mrcli l:l - T. A. J. WATSON. Proton Station. For Sale '.MO <!' Lot 8ti, roii. 0. .VIM ,,.,, i'5acres cleaiod, TiO 'iciH under iulliv-| tion, lnl.n liinl--"" I ui i hMHinp, Wfllj fnice<l mid TvuUreil. good houKe, new I frame )>arii itli Hlnli!in^ under, also pi|( pfii, liciilmusi- anil slu-fp pen. Kuril miilUelive-y. Apply lo ALItKRT ItLACKIU'RN, Rock Milk p , R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cocksliutt Plow Cos' Full Line of Farm Implements- Wii^iuis, liiitfjjie-', C'u'to r, S'.tVgfa*! ai,d Gasoline l-injim--, Mvlo'tu ('rojin Sepiir. - itorn, Hiiknr Wind Mil's, Pumps, Piping and Pipe F.ttinus xlways on I .iii.l Healty Hi, nf Fergus I'.. M n Track*, Li'ter Can icrs and stable imm Cockshnt and Fnmt iV Wood Repair* always mi hind. Wareroom Wellington Street. Feversham, Ontario. International Stock food D c kON'T I.I your horses ? nut il ,wii diirinfT ll'.r winter nnd ret soR-*ft tlu.t liny will lose- Hi vll l;i<Uv wt-.t n yoURtart yo-.tr,,;:rini' idowiup. If linrHCA in, not wrl i<l regularly iluriiu- lh<r wintir. they ncd the splendid Ionic effect, of INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD, In 1,-nr lip lh<r dipr-uivr orf<ati!*. ennhle ihcni ti> pet nil tbe jfooa (>itt of tbeir feed, pnvnsl Ihf MMI-<| frnni beaming overhtated, and t !m uuM <H iliHcafte. I.A-.-I.II \M. SASK ., Jnn. .Mh i<jia. "I lint-eft il INTHRNATIONAI. STOCK I-'OOI) for many years, lalwayshave a 25 pound p., I iiandina in my barn, f botqitlt a Mlrof Iliree year old rolls nnd they were go worked down tliat my neigh bora said 1 find lirru beat. When I lr>uj;lit Hie cnlta they weixhed jjoo I ha. I pli>|{li<-d as mi-en nml they weighed *' " thi'ii I barveiitrrl i6j n>rt-s ami threshed and nnuled one carload lo lown, (> niilt-s. 1 wtlnned them iiKiiin anil llu-y t\t-lnhed JHy> and I tai,l "Tin y ^llall tvcigh 3 lie fun- spring". Now the \i l(ihlK>r -:-.iit Iu buy them Inil thc-n-'s noflmncc". J. G. KHMI'l-.l.. FfimalebyiU-alrra everywhere. Our Jl.ooo.oo Btoch Book sent [res) when we receive VMII name and n Mr, ss. INrERIHHTIONAI. STOffc lOflD IO.IIMIIII). 1UBUNTO. 79 For Sale by John Fisher Flesherton, - - Ontario New Ontario To Old Ontario Written For The Advance- Throughout all sues the individuals who have become notable were recipients of a call from wi hin or without . In Biblical l inn-- it was Paul who heard t In voice say. Come oer into Macedonia and help u. " In the lime of the war ia Franca it WHS Joan t Arc who heard the mysterious voice speak urging her to lead her nation out of the chaos of defeat into victory. And those individuals obeyed the voice. To-day Ihe same nature of calls exist, and oneot these is tlmt which c'rnies from the fortsts wild and rushing streams of New Ontario to miike itMel; he-trd among the youth of the. slumber ing South. Taking agriculture to be basic to all other industries, let us first consider thr advantages New Ontario holds out in this one industry. From Lake Aim ib to Lake Ntpegon stretches a territory ol not include merely producing melali wnrth mill ions of dollars. The perma- nent wealth of a country lies in the unioi of alli's industries. But in Ihe metal mining of New Ontario Canada holds no nii-in place. It is but a few years since o first heard of Cobalt, the primitive cttntre of New Ontario' j mineral wealth. Sine* then the work hat progressed rap- idly and now we ee the pioneer Cobalt H thriving, active town of 5000 population, connected by means of excellent ra Iroad tervice with North Bjy, "the Chicago i>f he north," and with the like towns of Flaileybury and New Liskeard by a street cur line. Add to these advantages Sud- iiny'-i nickel industry and the birth of jowganda, Porcupine and South Lor- tine, and New Ontario becomes the min eral (join of our fair Dominion. But wi ne not , ii Mi'-'! wit!) the advancement D this line. We have faith that in the uture i '.in. i'li is going to find fully twenty million ;a-iv.-, 35!) miles in length and on an avemge of Kin mile* wide. And [the ('e -elopment^of this it- yet in its infancy. Actual tests in dif- ferent parts of (his " tableland of black soil " hnve proved it to be equal to any productive soil in the world, and al though our creat. Northwest h<is won a reputation for its agricultural advantages this " land of opportunity " opens its doors wiihtho promise of equal progress to t) e aspiring youth. We have not the least h.-sitancy in saying thtt in thi greitt alluvial cluy belt of New Ontarii the youtig man will find advantages aside from the agricultural which 'ho West ha* n it | o sessed, is not possessing or will net possess. With ici bracing cli.nate, UK enchanted lakes and stream!, its g'oi- IOUH forests and mineral wealth, these should make it the fulfilment of youth's a land of beauty, comfort and But no doubt it would be wel ideal, peace. for us to quote the sentiments of some of the inlmb.iauts to show forth the faith they have in their new environment. An acquaintance of mine writes : " We be- lieve the fanners of the country have fully satisfied themselves that in the large tracts . t good land which .-ire to lie found litre, the veiy best samples of all kinJs of cereals, roots and vegetables, can bo grown." And for injrself.a visitor to this great clay twit in the fall of Iflll, I may write aa Napoleon spoke, " Veni- iiiUK, vidimus, scivimus," and since see- ii g is believing wu MO convinced tht this land stands foremost in Ontario, and the Dorth, let us briefly mention mining. The essential meaning of " mine " does eat of profession* of a greater mineral wealth .liar, the world has yet seen. The thou- sands nf miles of rocky territory in New lit ITU . holds yet unseen, undreamed of wealth. Listly, among the material things of his country let us not forget the sports- HUM. We have roami d in her forewti, we have fished in her s'.reamt, we have bathed in her trysUl waters, and in in it til we found an answer to the adventurous pirit of youth. Truly said, it Ihe sportsman's paradise. In the f-ir<ists are ound the lordly moose, caribou, red leer, black be*r, lynx, porcupine and '/he MII ill. -i 1 animals of the f portsman's i inuil'.Mi ; while in the streams and lake? nuy be caught.'salmon trout, bass, pile*, lerring, white fish and speckled trou', '. ttu ill one amusing experience in th : s regard, where eight of my companions and myself were storm stayed on an si. ui. I While here, we engaged in torch-light fishing, thus ?ucceedine in catching no less than 10<l pike and bass, during our three day.' sojourn here, hese were our chief sustenance. \Ye >ad MM butter, but in our old camp pot re boiled them, and we could ay at the md of i- n-li meal that one of the c, urses is fresh fish, in fact the only course t But before concluding I would c*ll your attention to 'the fact that I have dealt with nothing but the ma'eri*] things of this country. If -. as x country, must see the material uir duty as Chivtuns must not let us Forget that the apltitunl is vitally im- portant. M.iny of the u.i-.-ioim\ equal in ngi icultuie a'one lo "the la>-t circuits in New Ontario., are in F great west." {deplorable sUtu. Wo demand of thr Next, lake into consideration the lum- South - P 1 '*?"- men lllld ">ney. Let and for nso who cannot enter the grand- prayer and money. coroee the call t God Kimit that the will waken and see ! And that tl e call will be answered. Remember, readers : Religious advancement begins ,tt home. Enter then iho "Land of Premise" for the advancement of God nid country. -G. His Conquest He was a slmon pure, edition de luxe ladjr killer. Tbe girl In the seat opposite him was easy to look at Farther, she looked demure and shy and Impressionable. It wasn't long before be bad things going right-be thought He had raised the window for her and readjusted tbe blind; he had fished her bag from under tbe seat where tbe porter bad shored it: he bad placed her pillow In a better position for her; he had handed her a magazine; be bad looked after her comfort In every way be possibly could, and she bad been rery sweet about It besides. He thought he was coming along splendidly. She started to get off tbe train before be expected her to leare, but he carried her Ing- gage to tbe platform for her. Then she turned aod banded him a nickel with a sweet smile and tbe remark. "I think It Is so nice of the railway company to furnish an assistant por- ter." Argonaut A Grim Superstition. A curious superstition prevails in Morocco. If u man has a grudge against another he procures some hu- man bons and grinds them into lino Bour whioh he mixes with his enemy's bread or other food. It is universally believed that the man who eats this tiorrible compound will 'begin to fade away and eventually die. Juggling With the Language. Scott Jons says that he cleared between five and six hundred on that stock deal of his. I wonder if it's so? Mott Oh. yes, he made between $5 and $600. The exact amount. I be- liev e. *8.75. A Calamity. "My son, remember this marrying on a salary has ben the salvation of many a young man." "I know, dad, but suppose my wife should lose her salary?" Tit- Bits. Individual Instrr.clion it the baring industry. This is tint with which the pioneeis of soul hern Ontario are well n -i M n ni d. itui lumbering of New On- tbej ijuote from a letter received fiom a Ne Ontario missiomir}-. He writes : "It. i> il. III. -ult to know what to tell you almut the work. There OWKN SOrXD, ONT., is so much of it ! we need men and tario presents a different aspect to pr. Kent gu 'han in the pioneer days of| And " h ! ' 1JW " iue * the south. Before an industry can be inone y lo s * rt 'J " n lll work - Here I BID c-uiied on with success there must be a nin 8 *rnund tiying to do two men'- dcniMiul for tho finished product. Besides this we must use such modem conve-n .'u' ' us to ccoiioni /.e timo mid effort. !"' J Wu hine to-day loth the market :unl Ihe modern couveniuncen. Is theie, tin n, any SHIIU re.ison why this industry, cur- ried on in New Ontario in its infancy can net be proiii'ited to greater advantage I As wo are all awnio of the great mineral wealth that exists in New Ontario, so is this selfsame land tlitt possessor of one ol tlie richest forests iu tl.e worM, uu- touched as yet i,y ilie wooiLsmim's axe work. I no on a double circuit all ii'.n I I n .- , i-'.lit places, six regular ones, am i- in i"! u rl half the work 'dour. My Held is over t-ixty miles long." This 1 s where ir hikes nifii of stout hearts lino ip'iinistic outlook. There's nut much lu'lp IM.I very 'i f ten not much sympithy permits Mii'li-nUto brgin with us any dity. Positions ^uranteetl to yndiMtev. S'alf of pecialiK'H Infornmlion free. C. A. FLKMINf!. F. C. A., I'-rincipHl. C. L>. FLK.MINU, - Secreiaiy. OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO for the missionary. t dbooursging. At It's times ilu it it worst place for feud mid backbiting you evei of Thil's what nukes il 10 ut times. But those in- the things that test what is in a man, s il Uuiing ihe I..HI dominion election wt ,|you Hiit to show up what kind of iitufl could not fail to lier consideralild cm- iiient on the fai-t that " Aincricans want our pulpwood." Without reference lo any pulilic..! Hrxmnun:, I do not iue how Ainoiicans, an wiso b sinvss men, could overpower I|IM desire. The <|iiHlity is equal i . iliu KuropeHii rmiety, (lie i|itn- tity inexli.uistibli'. When pulp mills, ppiu'- mid woiKl-wiirkiiij niii:. have been erected at convenient, plncos, em- |.i' \ mi-Mi Ciin be given In all young net- yon me maile of, cime t'i Noithern Ontario. I'utlhisis its negative s di.-. It 1ms its positive. There is a freedom, iK.'. of cor.veiitiiHi'ilily, a joy .ml . uh-irni all its own the j.iy of accotnp lishiir.' It is up here tlmt we "d" linn-!'. 'I n.'ii- .in- churchei to IK- CHEAP FARM FOR SALE 82500 Uv.nty-Hv liundred d.ilhirs ill luiy the west half of lat No. ' itnd iin't of tin' inir'h wtst i|iinrter of No. 1. ill mi ilr- 4 h c-'ii. of Kuphrasia, contain- ing ubout l'J5 itcies. Thoie is Mipposed t,n Iw ninety arr cleared, the l:nlance 4111 d h.ivd >v in d liush maple, bevrh and lin Thore i< 011 the prt ntrty n frame mil . .ui 1 kilcln'ii, a frame burn, straw i 'inimti with siiuxt founOiilion under it, 1 Isiwdol shed, diivini{ shi-d, pi pen i ind lien li'-H-i'. There .<>< also t or- ' :h;t r di on the f.uin (jrowin!; dirterent <iiuls of fruit -apples, pears, plums tiers who naiil it, i . i i u.ri- lo you, Is this not i great Mr. seftler, which would MI ike your lifu a .iiccxss and in so doing catch a little if tlie dtegs of the cup of prosperity, comfort and true r.herries ai.d This frm is well tmilt iiil missions to I t'stablished, and many lom-ly colder* to .be visited. It is the joy ot the ir.issioithry lo carry the news In these, nml occasionally oiafjiiiutts a hungry soul thit refreshes one's li, HI for days tu come The The work, the church, the Muster needs you, n mi- ! But come with a bravcjl In-, ui, a strong i nili and a ready hand. So we see the last great call cms to 1 1. 1- younu men of the south lo give their An now to ii.lviince our firm opinion of . .-. ,, . . . , . lives in answer to (Sou s call in this 1 .n,l . 'diced with wire nnd patent fcncint!. It s aUo well wn'civd with water in nearly overy field. Theie is i ne\er-failing -p'ing within M MI. I- of the h"ii-e This htrni is wilhin o-if mile of Ilie thiiving ville of Kmil'-rley. liutiUrs -tpply 1 A pi For fnHhot lAMKSSTI'.AUT Kimherley P O CANADIAN PACIFIC EXCURSIONS To Manitoba. Saskatchewan, Alberta Homeseekers L w Hound Trip Hates each Tuesday. March to October iiiohislre \\ nmi|.i": and Hntuin - - f:t5.(H) Edmonton and Return - - #4:; l)i> Other |',,nr in pi-op mi n Hetuin Limit 110 ilayr. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS | Settlei'8 and fnmiilM~"^tiw~ur~ul on all SXcBVatOOS. ('nuifortahle berth* i . , , ,, fully ri|iii|ti>e<l with beiltlin?, can he secured J 1<1C!K ' " ul11 u ' at inwierate ratos through loeal ueiit. REGULAR TRAINS Through Colouint anil Toniist M ....-.. T.n-oiiRli Tiains Toiouto to WU.nli CR n,l \Vt. C il.ml t,< i:r< on all Train No tlia-t,'u for Ik'itlis. Settlers For settlers travelling with live stock and I'lV'T'N SPECIAL TRAINS Will |.'Hte Toro'iio EACH TUESDAY, MARCH & APRIL in I'll p. in. AROUND THE WORLD via " EMPRESS OF ASIA " STUDY AT HOME I ' ->e your H|juro time and tiet'iiuie a ptod BonkkwpW, ir a Strnograplier, <ir learn tn i >i.i\- .mil I >, I^M, or take :i coin-He ill Htiiry Writing or .Joiirnalinm au.l i|iialify to earn a -ni'il salary. We cull ^u , yuu ItMt the right C-mrHe. Write u Inr Cutaliiiie. W. H. SHAW, I'resiilont, Slmw's Schcn'1*, Titronln. TlMDlMMHU PIMM Sdentific Hmericatt ------ Ulnatmted weekly, LanwiM fcay scleoUflo Jonrual Terma Toe ayw, pottle prepaid. V ARIZONA BRONCHOS, ij Like the Little Qlrl With a Curl In ths> Center of Her Perehea.1. Wbtu tbe Arizona broncho wisba* to be safe for you and for himself b* to tbe safest tblog Iu the world, aod when be wishes to b* unsafe life to a merry chance. I went up nnd down trails in Arizo- na which were almost perpendicular and rough and stout) strewn too. But there was little danger, for tbe broncho has, not tbe "ten pound," bat the "thousand pound" look. His nose to to tbe ground, bis eyes InttnuA on tha> trail, his footstep the most beautifully careful thing the mind can conceive. One foot placed before tbe otber ease* snd preserves tbe balance, adjusts) tha- w-eight for another, and all this won- derful machinery of equipoise, stabltt- ty and safety you feel working onder yon like a delicate machine. Yet this sage pioneer ot tbe trail, with his meticulous care of yon and himself, was Just a wild range pony, humed down by the range rider, drlT- en, coaxed or duped Into a corral, broken, saddled, bridled and ridden an In one hour; wrenched out of bis wild- ness, having his heart broken and- made Into a slave while yon would eat your breakfast He Is not a bounty; be to just a mongrel. But bis legs and his feet art- made of Iron and steel, aod the wort be does over awful trails. In a rough; and ragged conn try, strewn with, stones and flints nnd bowlders and lava and scrub, week after week, month after month and year after year. would spoil the tegs of a thorough- bred in three dnya.-OUbert Parker la August Metropolitan. ,- \ A FORTUNATE BLUNDER. The Result of Putting a Couple of Wires In Wrong Terminals. A large number of the world's greatest inventions hare been the re- sult of some accidental onion of forces, tbe nature of which the person who started them neither understood nor suspected. Tbe working of dy- namos at long distances apart when properly connected was discovered by; accident A scientific Journal says: "Soon aft- er tbe opening of the Vienna exposi- tion, in 1873, a careless workmav picked op tbe enda of a couple of wires which be found trailing alone tbe ground. Be fastened them tn tba terminals of a dynamo, to which ne> thought they belonged, while they were really attached to smother dynamo that was running In another part of tbe grounds. "Tbe dynamo to wblcb be fastened tbe wires was oot running, bat a* soou as tbe wires were placed In Its terminals it revolved as If a steam eogloe was driving It Tbe workman was amazed. Tbe engineers and electricians were astonished by tne> dlscorery that a dynamff electric ma- chine (turned by steam power) would turn another similar machine a long distance away if properly connected to It by electric wires. Thus origi- nated one of the most revolutionary applications of electricity. 1 * Tbe fact that power can be trans- mitted for miles by electric wires to one of tbe most Important factors In modern civil engineering achievements. Foiled. Tbe lovers whispered together before tbe doors of her father's hangar, planning the last details of their elope- ment "Hurry, dearest," he urged. "Wet will wheel out your runabout mono- plane and together we'll fly away on tbe wings of tbe night, nevermore to be separated!" "Walt" she exclaimed. "I have a better plan. We wilt run it out and hide In the old stable; then we will walk to tbe trolley and papa will nev- er suspect 113." They were hardly half a mile on their way down tbe road when from overhead came the roar of tbe triple propellers of the racing monoplane as papa dashed oat Into the darkness In hot pursuit Puck. Solid Gold. For many years tbe term "solid gold" has been a commercial misno- mer. Some of tbe ancient Roman Jew- elry as well as that of tbe renaissance period was Indeed made of pure gold, worked op by band with the crudest of tools, but since tbe old day there has been a constantly Increasing em- ployment of alloys, for tbe reason that Jewelers found that tbe harder the gold was rendered by good alloys the greater Its wearing qualities and the more secure, therefore, was tbe set- ting of the gems It contained. Argo- naut The Hard Part First. "I hear you're got a government job now," one man said to another. Tbe otber answered gayly: That's what" The first man gave an enrlon* slgb aod asked: "Is It hard workr "Not after you get It," was the reply* Her Poss.sion. "1 bare two lovely little puppies.* said Mrs. Tawkley. "I bare met your husband." replied the mnn. "Who Is the other oner*' Exchange. Final Decision. "I see that Counselor Ddbroke to courting a rich old widow." "He seems to he up against a court of last resort"- Boston Record. Accept ftO obligation without being a stare to tbe glrtr or Insensible to Us) klndnNa,