Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Mar 1913, p. 4

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March } 101:5 THE V h E S H E It T N ADVANCE s L An Independent iu-w|paiT, |mt>lis!ieil every Thiiwduy at thf <>Hicu, Coillngwuod Street, "Klt-nliertwi. .SuliHcripiinii price Si |K>rauiinii>. wli.'ii paid iiiii.h mo ; >!.'..> when not ,. p:ii<l .Y.lurtiniiifr rail's mi :i|.|,li,-.iti m. Circulut n l,HMIv,.kly. W If. -riiuraton - .Editor TEMPERANCE SENTIMENT GROWS The-D.miini ni \H: in, h.'i-i ml"ised Mi Kowoll'tt pI.i'f.'Mi unanimously, itnd Will llllllll.lll !y : . vi |>l '!.' (.'l(isill)( (if I lie li.irs lit linhu:<U wlii'M lit; lii.ils liin Kt'lf in H pn-.li I'll tu 1:111 I I!K' l"i >n. J<ai*t wtrk H ill- 'ration of militia nrli- .-, I-, wail. -.] i i. ill Miiu-i.T of Militia al "iLawn mill :is',inl th .t the came n lu- re i-.sl -tbliiilivd. .Mi. llu^hc-' in!d '.hem ill pl.iin. uir. :ir:.i-ln- 1 nnN tlint tl.i- oi.ly way f jr tin-in d> ;M l>a,k llio o,;iiit.-eii vk- 11 liy rirsl )>i-ttiii^ n new Minis er of Miliii i. It lias l/i'i'ii in i].,- air fur Pim.e time lint I ln> pros M'. Oiititii-i "iivtfrinnc would this MS>-:IIII introduce ivitnin ainei.dnifiiU tu the lot-ul option law. nut] thfsr tmefldnteati n.ny yo further than erao the temperance pe..|le Kd hoped for. .A lining t lit* ii in \ali"ii-i lrnu-d at are the cl> sinn if l-ar.s ,-n il >lm|..s tliruitxh but the province at 8 o'clock in 'he e>- eniiu ami nl n on c.n S.iruruiiyi. I'.utlk Helling 1>\ In ti-1- n, !> 1 ii hiw attention. Tliis i- cue i.l tin- ^ii-atiMt troubles tlmt liK.il o|i(inii ili-niit.s have to d'lile with. In tins re_'ii,l tin- Mail-Umpire which bluilllll ru H ti'llikltle |ir-i;,het, says . " The elimination if Lottie M-llin^ l.y hotels will pai-niu'iulv 1 en "Ii: tin lurnl distil .-i- in wli'di local o^timi i. in foico Tu quite a iiiiinlifr i I 1 Ckl option muni- cipalities where tin law is strictly en- forced there i, ui>Yi>r:lifirss, a ecititin amount 'f iliii.i, in;>. -mil iiiuMi^i'im) has thrown (he \\l..,ln i<->|>m Mi.ility on 1 /nttle selling liy liUblfi in ne u! y IUI-IIM il pliii-e!-. \\hcri' . li-'tel in i li.-.-n < nni n i- [nl ly ii Ht ..Ii n l.i.-il option municipality the b.iill.- n,:,l i.- ofu-n heavy, mn! a ^rvV ile.l -f th,. K" '' ' !''<' t < f i!ie wijiini; out f !'n I us ii nullified. Tlk're si-i'iir- ti, l-.-l til) .l.'il.i I Ii i! !,_!>- l.itioo to lirins! tli '. -I >: n! '/ill 'nis lo a:t t .. 1 will he in'T' I'M ud. of this Council bu huld Ml Iv - .vni-i Carried. Council iidj urnrd. Fred Si'tgut, .lark IK Henry, J.ihn iin.'ii, Hndoiirk McKunz o, K.Swinitnii, 1C. Ii iitliiuii, Kubeit Kent, Geo. 11. White, Ililuh Wiktncr, W. T. MOD e, A'iroii Gordon, David Foster, Ii. Shaw, Thomas Whilton, Jacob Holli-y, Wm. fon, .Inliii IJ.'ccriift, T. Hemy, John S I!. ,,*n, \V II. McNally. .1. H. \\:it 'ii, \V. J. L')v-, Joseph Hkdjoi-o, A>a Hill, Wesley McXicln.il, John Uoyce, (l.'o Sncll, lM:klciiliii I'Vrjjiisi.n, II. Meu- ^ilt, Hohert \'-'hite, S. Uitclieler, Geo. ISlikvl. y, Poli>:o Trustees, A. McDonald, .lolui Willi.iiii^on, K licrt 1',11-sl'i*, Jos. Oliver, Ki'L-il Iliiuiali, John I'.iirmil, Win. Uiniiwull, (li'o. Ilud.ly, U'.hort V.iuse, A. Carson, D. Hincks, A.'Gil- christ Win. Jninit's ..... J. J. Lynesn, Edw.ml I'urJy, .Siniuel Shire, Jnlm Uiidjfro, JauiCB I'edliir, D. \Vl.iii-, James Williams, \V. T. Peillar, S. Gilbert , Krcd Pi'dhn-, J. Carson, Win. Walker, Uavicl GCIKH-, 1'oiter lieird, Win. Ilirc'iiiismi, Cu.iiU-s Timi-r Jr., M. \\ il i'lin.s, 11 l'nn|ifr, O Walker, Wm. H -uli, Thorn is IMiillips. A. Citirulbors, Jonathkii Liti- mer, J. 1. (iialiain, S. Howli s, D. Mi- Luiohlaii, It. C-ii<k, J. (.'. AdHins, lire. lli'lli-y, (ik-o. lU-i', .John J'ar.<ons, Alfrr(' I'lki'trid^'', Win. SiMnple, JiMt-jili Ferii- 1 . Kol.nt Atclits n, Fred Holand, Uoboit Xi'i!s..n, .). J. Thompson, Wm. Hisln Steve Miiitin, Th(imas On e well, I K.M r.MKWI.KS A. Mcl(aN 1J. Wlntuker, U. McM Inn, Jainc-.s P.'.-iir, John Bnlnnd, Alex Henry, Davul Kister, <!.-or^e .M, on Wtsl-y IJr-en, J. A. McMillan, A. CV ni'liors. \V. II. lle:.i|.hill, Kulit. P.antt PUVNUKBEPEBN Wm. Abidii, D. I). McLnuglilit' Kiel A. Yolk, J. A. T: ,oin| ,-, in, M, (j. On-. .Ii n.ith.-kii Latum-r U. Jt:c!i,udsi,|i, !,. T. \Vr yi.t. Artemesia Council T'IMII-! i|" ' l! Illt't Ikt Prieerille oo Sdtnnlny lust i'li .ill tli>- i present, tip- IS--i \ i m i M.II i in . .1! mid 1. A I' Illll HI-!' it. 'HI W .- H ,ll fruin Al. .x. Mill C'f Hi ' '. Soui i! ic Mi-rl fur I i i'i_"-. .1.1! ;i | r ii i n :'ii<-il liy :-i:iin- .'I'l, I , : . n'ril a.VKil ' . < 'niiiu '.'. !- i'1-l-iiu ill 'I :ln % |i.r ir (.'lurk. \'\ -law No. 7-'.';. ' - ; .j.| uii ' i- .i'l uii'i M -i'i , t- n \ ;i u. !* - ui'l |> uiiclkuep IK was inl n/i|uci <1 ikiul H' nl In ' -mil H c- mill t'.iin' i- il !,u 1 i.ii-i uiiiil in M in i'- tiii-^ of l mil, ril (ii k!i:iin i'., -.A. ll Thai vthereno it in .v.'iU'il I lir llydiii Kii'utiic t.'i 'iitiiisMiiii IN likely In I uy til'- |m*rr n' Kutji'l.iu fi mi ill Ilio i:\i-nt of it lii'in^ s .la tin- culic. s iooi MCtttcd t<i iH liy M^ici'tiii'lil \\ith llie tiunrgiilil liay I'I.IM-I < 'i.iu| -my cuanp, wi! ill-Hire to niter protect 'i- Mai I su'c unless an ci|iiiviklt'i)t i< nr.nli-il tin iiiunici|iKtity f. r the conditiuim wo wi'ii> to ii'ruivc, iuclii l.i L; i.-iv. ' '. n Stlkll'tl If-SCK-illlfllt nf l'l, 0011 lil.il II IX'llllC- t ion on 1 ! 'IN- I I.M'.I. .. mid H cnpy of ihu rusoliitii.ii l> K'Uk.udul tn uur iv|in -.-1,1 I'm- ill tin- I,. ^1,1. it in. . !h. lion. I. I'. Lucas, with -k i,-i|in -.1 that In- in--- our fluiiiis-C.'krrioil. Krown Mi. Tliut this Cuiincil call for ti-ndtTH fin mi i -in i. I'm nil tin- grailer for tin- (imiini; iscuhnii, I In- ti'inlurs to IHI in liy tlie th-Ht ilny of Mny, pi'ox. Cikri leil . .Mi l.i i. il Itrnwn - That I, rir, r, llirru is ik l.i ni-i- in 1 1, is iiiiii,!' ipulily on H Ii .nl ni'/ loud from ( '..l!m ;.-,- .-I to Durlmin, which in "\IT ::IMI (.-, i Inn';, ikud will havu in In' limit HOOII, inn) that ^rrnt ilt'ikl uf the irnvcl JN l>y pikiticH of othur inun cipulilii^H, mid win ii- i . -|n n il Ii ".!, J'ktiou WH jiikiittil to [mrt of our Inwn- li.|i ! form it ],,, .i. inuiiici|ilily, wo wi. ulil a-.k Hint our llmi. Mcinlirr of Iho l,i-:'i-! .; ni ' wou'il imk for i m.il.l,- grant tu rubtnl'l ihu Hume Carried. (ii;iliiiin I .I-\M-'| That wlii-niis I lii'i'o 18 l.n l:i tu n _;ul iV I In- a-,- i -in.'iil (if UUOfoipftlilili upporllng coiitiuuittion M'lmiil.s siiniliir tu i In) fur union jmlilic ncli ml tOtiuiu, our iloii. Muiulirr foi the I.i'niMliiliin- I ' f |U' ' i. to look i. it., the niikt tor with llio Minuter of I.I,,. lion niiil lixvi' MH Ii li-gisl.it inn uitncti-d HH will meet llm ii'i|uiri'ini'iits nf Ihu emu C'arried. OrthjMB Ouwtll Tlmt thu lU-ovu is licrrliy appointed lo I il Iri'iil mlvicu it) thu ip^oifleftUoni mi iliii i .IM I i- i l iin-li. and li'Hal o|iinii'ii besei:iifed ,md |ilniil lii-f.,11' tlm nii'iiiticrn nf tlii-i Council mon M poHfililr, if ni'i'i'si-ary. I 'itrriud. (imliiiii C.iNWrll Tint this Ciailitil |in |i'iii' a liyliw to n|i|i,iint u Cli-rk and fix his Milary C.ialmm Th .1 the tlnnksc.f thin (.'oiin.'il I.'- f ndei'i -I Mi. M.CJnuh fnl- 111:. :.'! I H 1 - ' ll'''l I'l ' I'-' 1 ' |l " ' I" , , . unit in- th'nl( 'ill" i I- i- turn I"'' '!" n i. " ' ' ' 'lined. d, n U*ll Thai I he next F. H. W. HICKL1NG When Doctors Disagree Consult an Optician Nervousness headaches sleeplessness and di/xiness, often puzzle the bust physicians, Nine times in ten eyestrain is the direct cause. Nothing can cflVet a permanent cure that d.ies not remove the cause. That i:- whnt our scientifically f:tt?J g'asscs dj. W. A. Armstrong. Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Kniiro .Satisfaetioii LATXpUY H.sket lenes Tuesda); ni-lit, delivery Fi id.-iy eveni-ig. CM-:AXISG and DYEING \\v me BgcntK for I'arker's Dye \Vorks--lJlotbeK cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. fISHER, PROPRIETOR 58 Tin's week we place on sale the first arrivals of our Spring Goods. We think you will be pleased with our selections and the good values we offer. By all iiKMiis see them. PRINTS A big range of new patterns in a 3^ inch wide, soft finished, English cloth, free from dressing, fast washing, in spots, stripes and fancy designs. The colorings include blacks, whites, reds, blues, greys and pinks. Special 10 and 12ic GINGHAMS A wide choice in Anderson's Celebrated Scotch Ginghams, '27 inches wide, fast colors, beautiful colorings, in plaids, large and small checks and, pl-iin colors, greys, blues, pinks, tans and fancy designs. The cloth you usually |i;iy lr>c for. Special 'L^c. Dress Goods and Suitings This season corded effects are supreme. The new patterns we show are largely of this design and include Bedford cords and diagonal weaves in a great variety of colors and textures. Tans, browns, blues, greens, reds and greys are all represented. A large number come in individual dress lengths, no two alike, and all are moderately priced. ;~)0c to $ per yd. YARD WIDE SILKS This is a most popular width as it cuts to such good advantage. \\e show all the popular shades, black, white, cream, tuscan. champagne, tan. brown, navy, sky grey, etc., in a Paillette, non-cutting silk, rich soft and lustrous in an extra heavy weight. Special $1.00 per yard. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS MAIL CONTRACT si:\i.i-:iiTj-:x,M it tor (iunorikl, will L " Hi, !'. ' ' < ddr ...... totlio , ,, e.-. ved :< iic.^wa m.iii ll.ii '."h'-ll Jluiel . I'M M.I- U'.llViu I', l:.- :.' Hi- ' hi I ,t \ '. Mulls on 11 j-i . ipu- 1 .! ('.nit i iii-t Im ' mi ii:jn H I't-l u ,- Over Rurid Mail Route No. 1 from From Clarksburg, Ontario, tocommenc: nt IP p .1 .in-, .it the I'n t-iiu l.-r C. 1:1-1,.' I'l ;i ' ll ii i; inithi i i: ti'Hi :i T t. t'.ii -llli-:i.. i.f I'l ii|ni-,,-il ( ..iid.-tt-t l&ul r Tender iniiy ! lililHil,|.| 111 In,- I'll-l H!'i ' I . 11.1 111 till- OIIU-I' 01 tllL' I'.ist f >lfiaff tatpector. ! Tt-ionto. I' ;'' - 1 "i i inti ''-lit, M 'ii j -rrw-.i I'.riklli']) 'itttuw, 11:1. (i.e. \M)i:i:sox. - lll.tl I ll -lit. Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to |i,iy attention. I am at tin' ]".x'f=cnt time innliin^ n Specialty of iron Ucds. Tlio original of the picture given at the head of tl:is iuUvrtisi-ni -ii! wiii only c-)t yon $5.00 5.00 $5.00 . r'... ,^ &Hi I -^_"" '.M MAIL CONTRACT SK\I.I I, TIlNDTItS ii,lih,-.M'.l tn III.' l'.),l- i (.. !!. il. will IT ni .'.ii il nl Ottawa Until noon, on Kii<lay thr^th Mtu.'li. i!ii;{. for thu oonvuvaiiuu of ih UaJoity'iiM&llBon A |ini|.ii~,.i\ Contract fur foul j'.'uri. six tiuu'< pi I U ft k fl.L'll \VH i Over Rurnl Mail Route, Lily Oak way, From Berkeley, Ontario, to commence at tlir, I'lcamiru of the rofitmnktm (imicral l'iii;t."i noilow, oontalnlng f arthair in forum lion HH > OODdlUoni nl i'i ] - '! < tract inny I.- .. ii M.. I l.lnuk I. .run <>l T.'ii'li , i.mv I,,. nl.tiiiiH"! nt tu* I'"-- iiili.-.. .'f lifi-ki'lity ut lln> (lli I tlii' l'.t uilicv Injector nt Toronto. rout Olfi.'.' I). I'li.iiii. nt, Mai; Hcrki.'t- Urin.'li. Otliiwu. II I'c' |IIIMI-\ . i!n:i. Get Bomctluiig nice niul coin on which t'> lay ymir xvcary lieacl. (If course wi: liavo other beds :it other prices, till P'liitklly low in price Sanituiy Beda such ns everybody \vanlH. Spriiii,-.-! mid M:iilri'ss<'3 to lit. ;il! I). -.I--. l'>x:uiiiiic our stock utiy- wny, before parcUaeing your sin [ indncers, W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. Look ! Listen ! Just received :i lot of Fine Spring Suitings. .SL':!.(>O , Suits selling at $1'...">(>. Also' ;t iii-w ran.Lr 1 ' "1 Overcoats- and Spring and Summer Puntin^s. ('(inuM'iU-lv and <^et your new Spring - v nit ;vt tlio I'p- To-I'iiitt' Tailor Shup C. BLARELEY Flesherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building 'THE HABIT OF C4REFUL DRESSERS CEYLON'S STORE Special for This Week in Furs ! Mon's Kin < ', -ts, Ses.i'ii) for *>> CO L lilies' Fur CW, STO. GO f )r .. , . SIM n) BuflkatHjfeolw, 88.50 f.,,- ?3 - Uuil'-i a:id St .!.?, S7.00 for S3 CO Hull'-, iiiut s ,,],'*, $0 ;,o f, u . 450 n-u-k Fur cuvly Op- !;..>-. : f,,,, lt , j |, f -, t ir t-nN , -, fur.. ?4 ..-,y "' fur -' 89.00 * v "i ?' " 'if "W 'f 'tif htvocior uew Clover and-GraMSed in now. Got it utrh and get the lie>t. Mutr, MAIL CONTRACT KKAT.I I) THNOKUS iKl.li-iiRBCil to thn l'.*l. IIIMitltr (l.).ll'IMl, Will III. ll-C.'iv.'ll Hi (ItlllWU lllltM IIC10II III! l'i.il.l\. III! ^Ill M.II, ' Ull:!. for Iho roiiviiyKiu'tMif Hi MajtiHtyV inailM on a propi.rio.l iio'itniut for four yciirR, nix tiniuri pi'i- wi.ok Over Rural Mail Route, North-Eait, from Holland Centre, Ontario, to commence nt MI.- i ii,, in,- of tin' I '. . T MI.I-I , t i,,.t ,, ,,i I'Hiitril nutlroH uontniiiliin fnrtlinr infcn inn. iion ,. to oondliloni of propoaod Ooolraot nmy |'I-HI!IIU nii.l l.lank forniH of tru.lor nuiv l.n oil- tillllinl Hi I hi. I'nitt OIllccH of IlollHh I CtMitrc, Slnillnn, n. U'Hlt.-l 'H KilllH nii.l ut ili.- i.lli. .- uf Ihu roMOIIliu. f nsiuiiitoi' nl Toronto, PfiHtoMiQu !)<i)HirtniGiit, Mail Hcrviou Ilrancli, (ItUwa. Illlnlay uf I'nhiiiiu y, l'.ll:l (I. C. ANOKKSdX. Hli|H'i hill-mil nt. MAIL CONTRACT SKAl.KD TKNDKKS ik.|,lri'ss t 'd in llii' l'<is'nii\iti-i ( itimirnl, \vill lin riH'tiivwl al ( iluiwH iiiilil NIH.II, mi Friiliiy, tlio 'JHlll M:ircll, I'.M.'J, fur ihe OODVaf AIKM (if His MaJMly'l Mail* un a |irn|M.srd dm Hurl for f.Hir yi'iii'f, nix linn's pur week Over Rurnl Mnil Ronl.fi No. 1 From Eugenia, Ontario, tu commence HI. 'I'lie |iK'ii-iiiri' i if i lie PuBtmntol iM'iu'ral. I'liuted in.) ii- - i-i.nl iinini> fnrllier in. f H-Mlilll 'II :H t.l ClillllilinllN nf |.|u|l.,M,ll Cnniract tuny lie M'i'ii niiil l>!ank fnrms I T.-i .l.i ni:i\ I . n!. I. mied ill. llm Post of KiiL,'i'iii:i, Keversluiiii, nni| Mi' ll.-l Inn, Illrl -ll 'lie I >lli-'c nf I lie I ',,- I Olli. e 1 1 s|n->l ,r nl 'I'm, ir. i I 1 , si < Illii'i' 1>. i , lilni ii , M .11 Sort iet; niiiiii, i:i (I. 0, A N Ni!|ierinlen,'eiil. SOWING HIS WILD OATS REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW How many young men can look back on their early life and regret their misdeeds. "Sowing their \vilil oats" in various ways, lixcesses, violation of na- turf's laws, "wine, women and song" all have their victims. You have re- formed but whnt about the Beed you buvo sown what about the harvest? Don't trust to luck. If you are at present within the clutches of any secret habit which is sapping your life by dk-ijrees; if you are suf- fering from the results of past indiscretions; if your blood has been tainted from niiy private disease and you dare not marry; if you ore mnrric-d and live iu dread of symptoms breaking out HI;. I exjiosing your past; if yon nre suffering ns the result of a tnisspont life- DPS, K. A. K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your case before them confidentially and thoy will tell you honestly if you are curable. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED We Treat and Cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAIN TS, KIDNEY and BLADDER D,.. eates and all Diieaiei Peculiar to Men. CONSULTATION FREE. Boolu Fr.-e on Di,,<-. of M.n. If uiubU to call. writ, for . Question BUiik for IIOM 1C THK ATM ICNT . DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griawold St., Detroit, Mich. 'NOTICE All K-tU-rs from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Department in Windsor, Out. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patient* in our Windsor offices which are u-.i-il for correspondence and laboratory for Canadian business only. Addrcsi all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY. Windsor, O,.t. Write for our private uM , Jas. %>attison cP- Co., vylon r * ~ r i FARM TO RI;NT Lot '.', Con. I!, S. 1). U. Artt'im'Mii, eiinliiniiiiL' HII ii.'ies of land in vimil sf itc of ouUiviition, Bnt'oUn wat r in drilled well, ".. 1. 1 liuililiiic, mil- mil" In un 1'iioovillo Apply '" MUS. DONALD MeMM'lll'l!. TuWliIlM'. I', lei'villi! 1'nrc Itrud Iliilslcin Hull Chan^clin}! Prince Joe I'.inll.v Cli inneHiiL 1 ISil'ler I!"V o'll of Ti.ly Alit.elii'ili I'limr-.* .ln^.'|iliiiu'. Tim i;lv.-ili"'f l.nller in 'l.i, I i ,i n klmn-n. 'IVr.i..-, of s.'LMiv JL' Inr KlvnU'.t, tf.'i loi jiuvi' IM-.M) iK.n. MIMIISK .\ SON, I'mpv, I I'Vl. I I IV,.-,, i Si FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 50 acres. Lot K52, ci It, Arlouicsiij, never failing *pring, well feniM-d, 1,'iHcrt'^ uf TimliiT, llm re.sl in paslnro over l,"i- J'C'Ikl'H, UlKlll Nloek fnl'111. \\IHllll SeH (III OIHV icrii's for f|riek sale. Ap^ly In .1 lines Nik-h, IiisliLaU. P. f), Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH ""'' ' '"'I ! Ivist, OH, -n Soiitnl, Out. H"ins M l,i |-.' a.m., I. Ml (,, .(.;!') p ,. T IK S [".in. Other limns l.y up ( . ntini'iit Clearing Sale * * CONTINUED ! We still continue to sell at greatly reduced prices. We havo a lot of stock that must go. In crock- ery we have a large stock of staples which we must sell. DinnerSetts, regular $16.50. tor 12.00 Kegular $13.00, for. .$9.00 .Regular $10.50, for j 8 50 Cups and Saucers, regular $1.00 per do/., for 80c. Also Vases, Pitchers, Toilet Setts, all kinds of Fancy Chinaware. Prices reduced acpordingly. This stuff must be sold. A large stock of Stoves also must go. We arc bound to sell the goods. We want the money and must have it. WA('('orATS-A lot of people pay little or no attention to repeated demands for settlement of wouiits. Please don't RIH-,. us waiting any longer. We n.-rd the money, need it badly, A word to the wise is suflicieut. J. & W. BO YD FLESHERTON, - ONT.

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