I 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 32, N Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, April to, 1913 W. H THUHSTON KDIT)R and i'KDP Kimberley Budget Everybody is busy making maple syrup, but thus far the flow of sap ha not been very good. Mr. John Taylor of Rocklyn visited at Mr. James Lawrence's on Sunday. Mr. Ashley Fawcett of Callander vis itcd at his pirental home rn Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Mr. W. 8. Bishop visited Markdale friends one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Fxwcett, r the Traveller's Home, visited friends in Clarksburg a few days last week. A number of our local iiimrods bad quite an exciting chase after a tine speci men of the mink family one day last week. It seems that after running it around for a while it ran under an old stump and they thought the game was up, bur alas ' the elusive creature ran out and disappeared into the water. One young fellow declares he shot it, as there was blood on the ground. However, we were not there, so can neither corrobo- rate or refute his statement. Mr. Ashley McCallum of Duncan vis- ited at Mr. Donald Wallace's on Sunday. Mr. Silas Shunk, insurance agent of Flesherton, was a caller in our burg one day last week. Mr, Harry Baker of Vandeleur visited Kimberley friends a fi-w days last week pricr to his departure for Saikatoou. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKnight of Dun- can visited at Mr. James Fawcett's on Sunday last. Mr. W. T. Ellis, who was visiting friends in the Parry Sound district for a few weeks., returned home on Monday. Vandeleur Mr. Cochrane of Brockville is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Davis. Mr. Sam Buchanan, who has been at- tending business college at Owen Sound for the past six months, has returned home. Mr. Harry Baker left on Tuesday for Saskvoon to try his fortune. Hearing of his intended departure, the young people of the neighborhood met at the linuie of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Baker, one evening last week, and pre- sented him with a gentleman's dressing ctie at a token of their esteem . We are pleased to report Mr. Sam (filbert able to be about again after be- ing laid up with a aevere attack of rheu- matism. Ceylon Miss Coleroau tpeut over Sunday with her p%rent> in Owen Sound. Misses Jean and Sybil Collinsoii left o i Monday morning for Saskatoon and their brother, Alex ., left Tuesday. Mrs. McMillan and babe, who have been visiting her lister iu Owen Sound for the past mouth, returned home Saturday. Mr. Frank Colliuson left Tuesday with a car of horses and effects for Tatty. s.,.sli. Mr. Geo. Snell moved his family to town on Monday, occupying the rrsi lUuce lately vacated by Mr. Cairns. Mr. Bates moves this week to Dun- dalk, where he has charge of the section for the summer. Mr. Forbes Rutledge visited his aunt, Mrs. S. Thompson, Meafoi-d R.ud, the past week. South Line, Artemesia We are having changeable weather at present. Mr. Jim Oliver had a successful wood- be* on Friday of last week. Mr. Jos. Ferris has sold his farm to Mr. Will McMillan and is having a large sale on April 14h. Mr. Ferris thinks he will try town life fur a while. Mr. Win. Williamson has returned to his farm, after spending the past few years in Cobalt, bringing with him this time, a help mate. We welcome Mr. and Mr*. Williamson to our midst. Miss L. Diogwittl returned hcme from Owen Sound, after a few weka' visit with her sister. Mr. .tiiJ Mift. Aili-n McKinnon have become residents of our line. Mr. Me Kinnor. has rcaled his brasher Donald's farm for this year. Mr. Frank Mooio is busily engaged t xii'g the ri'i'f i'f his bum, which HIS damaged by 111 severe wind storm of Good Friday. Eugenia Paragraphs Price vi lie Joltings We are pleased to see Vf. G. able to be around :i :i.i. Miss Clara Litimur of Fleshetton, spent Sunday with her parer.la. Grahnm ! ^P r '' h"wern are supposed to bring May flowers, but they have been very chilly so far. A great de-il of d tmai;** has been done The Artemesw Council met in the hall here on Saturday last. Mrs. Wilmer Turni couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. to standing timber, by the wind storm on Kiid.iy, when valuab'e trees were i broken and splintered ten or twelve f eet Mrs. \v timer Turner apent the past , .. , , r . , i from the ground. There is more torn McKee, of Portlaw. Master Edgar Liutou had the mis- fortune to cut bis foot badly, oae this week. Mr. Robr. Williams has returned from his visit to the city. Meaars. White and Brown of Fleaher- ton, took charge of the serf ice in the Methodist church on Sunday evening. j work iu it up than if the I turned up by the roots. trees in were j W. A.ilcoru is putting a new roof on '*' bis burn, where it was blown off by the ' late windstorm. Daniel VYbyte and S"iv.i who bought the "Bob Reid" farm on the O.D.R., are preparing to put in it crop this spring. Jos. Ferris, South line, baa sold h s farm to W. McMillan and will probably Rsv. Mr. Campbell is not yet able to move to Toront , )( !lfter h 8 M i e on the '" 14th. the work on account of East Mountain take up health, i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cairns of Ceylon j riaited friends here the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson have re. turned from their wedding trip and are Too 1 .are for Last Week living in their home in Eugenia. Mr. Charles Martin had a wood bee Mr. Laugblin of North Bay was the ''' Thursday and nave mi enjoyable guest of Mr. and Mm. Mi-Muster the par'y to a merry crowd in the evening. Pt week - Mr. Henry Goheen was a cal'er on Miss Hals: end of Toronto is visiting .-it friends here one day recently, the Eugenia Bouae. Mbw Uver taURht ^y, of d . yg ; Easter week and spent the remainder of the week visiting friends in the neigh- Dundalk borhood. Mr. Fred Martin of Clarkiburg visited at his parental home the latter part of the week. Mn. George Uarbottle Diet with a p:tinful accident last week, when she fell on the back of her head on the tee and An honor taa come to Duodalk in the election >'f , Rev. James Rucnanan, of this place. as President of Ou'ario Educa- tional Association. The annual conven- tion of the Association is held in To- ronto last week . Rt>v. Mr. Buchanan, we feel assured, will creditably till the office. George Dale It erpi a number of fow 1 was unconicioua for Home tune. At time of writing she is soim* better. Miss Alma Huniberatone left for Trav- erMon on Saturday to take charge of her Inch have been kepnig him plentifully ichool. supplied 11 winter with good fresh egg". In addition to the fowl ha suapected that > Mr and Mr *' W J " Martin of re's from children lelt this week and two for Dundalk, le was feeding a number __ his grain bin. Be set a cagu trap the where *'' , wil! bt>come Ie8 ' dent - other night and wa delighted in lhe ( hve spent the past ei K ht yoars in thm morning to find theaccomniodatioD of the vlelll "y tap almost fully Uken. He got no less hau ten rata in one haul. Police Magistrate McGregor has in- strutted Magistrate Trayuor, on advice of the Department, to confiscate the case* ' Walkerton Being subject to epilep ic tit*. Andrew f liquor addressed to Wm. Golt ai.d McManu... an aged intimate of the House Bert Hagen, which were seized a couple of Pefu K e here, was suddenly seized by of mon.hs aso, by High Contable Cook. one of these rtt - s whlle K olna down tta ' rs The case addressed to Thom* S Scott 8" **! ni * ht and WUn forwiird o Thorn is o bo it-leased. HeraH. A. G. McKay in the West Special to The Advance Edmonton, AlU., April 3 HOD A. l>. McKay. K. C., member of the Ontario legislature (or North Orey, who was loiuinated on the evening of March _'('. as ot.e of the Liberal candidates to con- est the Edmonton rovincial election called for April las been a prominent figure in the public .tt'airs of AlherU since coming to Ed- tumbled down a )>- flight of stair?, badly injuring his head. The iiged m.ui remain- ed in an unconscious condition until his death on Wednesday morninv. The de- ceased, who was in his 87th. year, came to the House about 1\ years ago. Huuh Campbell, * high school student here, is p!avin in hard luck these d<ys. List summer he broke his leg just before the exams , while playing futbll, and as a consequence was unable to write at the great an nua'. meutal test that was re- mton constituency in the ' , .. . , ,, , . shortly afterwards pulled off. On .-tion called for April 17, . . covering he changed hm ways and stancu to play baseball, and wi'h what success may be gathered from the fxct that he now conb'ued to h s bed suffering with a sprained ankle, the result of a oiishap uu the diamond on Monday. Frank Knming of the Township of uooton last April. Tho other Liberal andida'e in the constituency is II n Charles W. Cross, Attorney Grneml. jon. Arthur L. Sifton, premier f VI >erta, it highly pleased with the recep- , ion accorded to Mr. McKay, saying he C * riick> wl ' WM *< > foM did excellent work here in d.aftiug" thu ' Ma^i^tra-e Toltou heie on Friday u. r..- wm machinery, the direct lenislalir.il '"it lt on the charge of seducing a ir l nd the elevator bills. uuder sixteen years of age, as sent up for tr'al. The accused was granted his Mr. MacKay i a native of Ontario, liberty on producing Iviil for *1000.-- born in Sydenhan- township. Grey Co., Herald and Times, af Scottish parentage. He was ji.i.i . ted with honors at Toronto univertiiy. After ac'ing for four years SH bigh school >rincipal in hia nalne proviucv be en- ered law, taking an hoiinr and scholar- hip course. He was ci n attrney of <r<*y county for eight years, resigning at w.ll Mr William C. A. Moffalt. kupwn n"wpapcr man of Owen Smiiid has iccoived the appointment of publicity Hud industrial commisMonci of the thriving youu:.' city of MacleuJ, Alta. The appointment was iimde by the Hoard of Trade ot ihat city uu Tuesday . t evening and Mr. Moil.ttt ws noli tied by wire on the. following day. For near'y he rr quunt of the Lilieral yarry to con- eet the riding of North Orey. which, except for one term, had stood in Conservative column from 1{W>7 10 I,,. i M . M i- J u ' our years Mr. Noifalt has had chargtt of hen Mr. McKay carried it by a narrow .. the cdi tonal deptrtment of the Herald lajority. and in this capacity ha* shown exception- He became Minister of lands. Forests ,j .hiliiy. Mr Moffetr. who is the aud Mines iu the Liberal government in second son of Mrs. Wm. MonVt, 16 h 904. In hv elections within ten years St. E., ba been a res dun: of Owen Mr. McKay carried North. Grey with the j Sound for 17 years. lie matriculated oltowiug majorities : 5, 71, 269, 27S. ( tl >m the Collegiate Institute iu 1904 and aud7 - n. After the defeat cf the gov- graduated from Sandwich Coll.-g-j iu eminent he wai leader of Ihe Opposition, iw>>. Mr. Motf.tt expects to leave (or In 1902 he was created Kings' Counsel ' the West in about two eeki to take his ] for Ontario and in 1910 wa elected high- J now position which carries with est iun as a benchor of the Law Society -..ii- ir y of $2,000. for the Province < f Ontario. He came to Edmonton a year ago and is now tl-.o ' An Assyiiuti pedlar, Mike Garos, <as head of the law firm of McKay, Stanley tillttl *' 2>i for ki >ns " l'le U'll t O.ven .frKovd. S.iund. t a Wodehouse Ui.i a t.the high winds thu have been prevailing the past week, together wiih so much r>iu, 'he repairs 10 damai;- ed liuiidiiigs, et'. 1 ., are being but slowly made, and with mu-1 g-tlo:e, everything in general louks pretty dull. Mios Kernah*n returned te r.suui e duties as teacher in our academy, after spending the holidays at her home near FeVersham. Messrs. Gto-ga aud WilUrd Wilev visited the lirst of the week with friends it Thornbury . A few of the neighbor men gathered together on Thursd < y aflernoou and aided iu the renovating of M - John Ward's barn, which ws deprived of its roof aud teceived a i;euera. bad shakine up in (he recent wind storm. Much sympithy isfelt for Mr. Ward, who is feelihg r .e inrit unties of his seveuty- tive years, together with being s deaf, unkes h:s trouble a heavy one. He is at presen' under the doctor'* care, though fur soim: tune previous he has bteu enjoying fairly g--od health. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Erntst Morwood spent Sunday with the lalter'j grandparuuts, Mr. and Mrs. J<>hu Ward. Messrs, Fred Cullis and Robt. Brown each hd successful wuodbeiM during the past week. Mr*. Burr of Port Perry is visiting her mother, Mn. Thompson, sr. >li>s K1U McArthur ol Meafurd Hijjh school, spent the holidays at her home here. Messrs. Roy and Jim Kirk pa trick apent a few days recently, wiih friends at Goring. Miss Annie Wiley of Vandeleur, spent Sunday at her home here. Flesherton Planing f . And Chopping Mills J C W 6 I Artemesia Council Artemesia Council met at Eugenia on Saturday, April 5. 1913. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. Theminutcs of laat session were read and contirtmJ. The [following coinniunicatioa.i, etc., were presented and rad : W. J Mead", protesting against placuiK his lands iu another rod division; Robert Gorley. complaining ihat Ribt. Williams hud not yet removed his fences from certain streets in Eugenia ; John Parsons, claim lor ciwge)of $1. fof a dog assessed in 1912 ; W. H. Wright, account for legal advice, re Melia claim and Xeibitt's taxes, $4. IN) ; Robert Campbell personuly waited en the council. asking compensation for right-i.f- wy through Ins lot 24, con. 12 ; Kobt. Urahaiu waited oti the council, asking compensation for right of way through his lor, 23, cull. 12. Caswll Brown That bylaw 7*'.. appointing municipal otKcers for ll'l.i. bo new read a third time, signed, sealed and t-nurid iu bylaw book. Carried. Brown McLei'd That John Partlnw be refunded jfl.OO. being d. g tax charged in 191- ; the assessor certifying that the charge was in error. Carried. (iiaham -Caswell That a byUw le introduced nd passed to reduce the Treasurer's MtUry in proportion to the letseniu* of his work, ..ise-1 by r.he in- o >r|toiitli(.>uof the Village of Fleslierton. Carried. Brown McLeod- That the account of \V. H. Wriitht. 4.00 for legal advice in the Melia and V .! - cases, bd paid. Carned. McLeod-Bi-omi That lots 29 aud 30, n>n. 1, N. D. U. bo placed in road division No. 39.-- Carried. C swell- Graham -That all panics .ire hereby named that this council will hold them liable ("i 1 any damage* which m tv result tbiough tho plHcing i inral mail delivery posts or boxe* on tho highways of this municipality. Carried. Caswelt (.irabaui That the thai.ks 1 1 this council are hereby tendeied to the Crai^e 1 retheren fi-r use of hall for this session of council. Carried. Brown McLeod That ibe uext mod i ni; of this cviuncil \be held at the town hall. Kit sherton. -Carried. Eighth Line, Osprey Mr. i :.-.'. Madden is visiting in Chi- cigo. Mr. and Mrs. Knnny of L>uiuUlk, visited with fiic-iuN here, recently. Mr. .John Madden oi Orr Lke, spon^ a few days with his brother. A number I'roui here at units! Mr. J. Barber's m -j on the 28-. h. Mr. L. McCleui of Koversham spent Sunday with I'liviu'a hero. I am now pn-pared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week :n the year. Bring along your grists. Our sasli and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you w^nt in- cur line- planing, mutchiuu, etc. FloorJ i ins, sash and ilonrs, and alf house fur" nishings supplied promptly and at icas- onab.'e rates. Get estimates. T. Blakeley, Prop. Feblo 13- ly ' Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are datea for 1913: Wedncsoay, Feb. 19 Dunualk Wednesday, April 1... ... .Fltsherton Wednesday, June 18 Dundalk Wednesday. Aug. 27 Flesherton Wednesday. Oct. 15 Dundalk Saturday, Dec. Flesherton W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, Flesherton, Ont. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. CAR OF FLOUR COMING! I will have a car of Five Roses Flour, Bran ami Shorts about April 1st. Come and get your supply off Cue cnr. It will pay you. _ Did vou see our Xo. 1 lied Clover Seed. The W Government Inspector stated I have the best display on his route this year THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN TRAVELLER-NOTICE!! For a nice assortment of Suit Cases, Telescopes, or a good neat, strong trunk, suitable for travelling AGENT FOR EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS. TH03. CLAYTON Flesherton, Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. Our Spring Stock Will arrive on March 1st. when we will have something worth showing you in Spring Goods : : : Think overyour wants iu New Spring Suitings and come in an<l see the New Patterns S. J. BOWLER The Fashionable Tailor BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.