.April 1(1 1913 HIE F L E S H E R r N ADVANCE TH / lcoi)crton An indeiwndent HPWS|>;I[IIT, puMi^i. .1 every Tr.itrwlay at tii" urHci', C'niliiigwniKl Htr>, Fleshertuii. Siit^'riptimi price *1 |>rraniui:ii, whrii paid intdvnee; $l..'i.l wiit-n nut no |>il AtivrrtiHiuir i.itts> mi application. Circulate n 1. UK) weekly. \V. M. Thuratoii - Editor ?" I m LET JUSTICE ALONE A portion of i li<- OPII Sound | ]>CIH we apparently cu^Mi'id in an n'lm p to arouse sym| ,vliy for Heniy Lave, ilie nmu who is under HI nti-nce cf death t the county tnwu fur tlm Imital murtlrr of liis wife. In order to do tlm tlii- meth- ods of Duti-i'M'e Reliuin are attucked very vijj'iruusly, and it 1ms been stntnl tjiat " they sm.tck strongly of tlu- Ir-qui- hit ion " Such ht noun-lit.* as> lht are untrue and nii.-l.-adin^. Tin- ci>iif<--Mnii was not " wi-ini!! " friui the boy, who told hi? story 10 IVteciiic Kehurn with- out hesitation nfter he had oiica com- menced. \Ve believe Detrctivr Helium acted eminently lair with the boy in ev- ery rrsject. \\hiit the object of tl.e prw* of the county town ciui bo we can only Miring.-. The cnine s u rue of supply informs us lint " a ve of sympathy is sweeping o\vr the community, epeciilly around Ceylon. *here Love win well known." Where uch iuforiiHlion could I'timniite is a conundrum. II. ul such been the ca k e The A iv.iiice wuld haie been first tn pulil ..->h t, but this " >v .\i ' ii unobservable lii-re. The- press of the county town .should not iindertiike to re- try the- case on us i.wn responsibility, especially before any iiinvt-niftit is nude towards niitigatii n or reprieve in ttiu di- rect locality where the accused is butt known. We have yet tn timl a iiiiin in th HT- tion who does not believe tlmt the ver- dict was a just one or llwt tin- accused received as fair a trial as could |>.-siUy be given under British Uw. Taking into consiJf r' ion tin- hnmMy brutal nature of tin- crime, tbo.se in clos- est touch wiili the cast IVul that while capital punishment .HIM , it-net of British justice this ciiinu ilcin-imN the full penalty att:i<.htd to auch n crimp. The 111:111 who coald calmly butcher a woinanibtiotaiiorinaln.au, but a pr> . jLuctVci. **trf parallel to the beastn thai rend each other ni.d gorge un their own kind. Sentiment it out of th <|uefctii>n hn it !.,. to deicidiirj thepenalty to tit such a mm--, anil the cotniiiiini'y feliouid bo cautious how i'. coiidonos uv ieiiienlly trc.itN the crnuinal. The lirouli-r <|iiustion of whether vapital jiiiiii.-lini"iit -h'/ulil runmui upun our stn; utes, or give place tu life iui- Ijrisoninent, ihould not be entered inlo here. The elimination !' capitil puniiih- incnt does not appeur to I., inakiiig mud) headway tliroughout the world. The Biblical verdict that " Whoso ahetl- detb man's blood, by limn n\\t\\ hi* tlcmd be ahcd," appears to tc accepted literal- ly iia authority for the legal destruction "f liim wlin hl-tyH. The enormity and brutality >f the crime under cnimiderat ion c.illfur juxtice, and no maudlin Heiiliiiiunt shoulii lie nllnwed to inteifi-ie with it course. To thoie who SHW with their own Htartled ye the horrible result of the crime, no uch advise need be applied ; In othera, including the piuss of I In- county, we appeal in the hope that they will h-nve the mutter wholly in ill- IniiidH uf tin- authorities and the Department nf Justice, wbo are quite com pettnt to deal with the mallei without advice from those who appear tn bo desirouH of interfering. The man who killed tint little woman is certainly deKcrvmg of )iani(in|; if ever man was deserving. The jury said that I,cvo is the the man. When the evidence is weighed by the Department of Justice that tribunal, which is ini.l. will decide whether tha jury wax juitilied in bringing in uuch a verdict. Any attempt by ihe iiewx- papers to create a tictitioui sympathy and cast broad false impressions, ;m we believe hax 1.. > M done, is must uimeemly mil ill ;i'lvi-eil . and it dnei not all fall on the n um, : The prnilucer has to liar I. is sh,iro in uur prices, ami the dealer also suiters, M-ii:y more cg<js wouli! be coiifuinod nt certain SIMSUIH of the year wero the coii- s uiu-r certain ihnt ho was buying fresh goods, but in Ciiud.i to-day the house- wife knows tlut at le*M twenty per cent. of tliocL'KH .she buya are stale and unfit for boiling ot for unjt hing except house- hold baking. As a coniei|uencu ' Ii > egg is not as popular iu the summer tcason us it ought to he, or us it would be under a |>id()er m-'de ;>f mai ketitij;. This state )f alfairs has been t7X'mimai\ for a long time and people have lieen at their wits end to tin, I a remedy. Tlie only remedy in sight is prompt marketing nrnl ni'irk- ing uf t'ggt by the producur. To uivc MII idea of the immense mi- portiince of this ijiiusMon and the intor- i-st tliiit attaches theroto, we iii'^lit re- mark thut Tlio AdvauuD publishod obout a year a<^o an uitiulu suggestive aloui; the lines now advocated. This article was copied in the press from Newfoundland to Vancouver, showing conclusively the widespread interest that attaches to the (juestiou and the importance of the subject from an economic standpoint. THE BURDEN OF BAD EGGS A convention uf produce deiler* met in Toronto list week to diicusn mat- lr pertaining to their Imniness. The egg i|uilion WBK lhn moat promin- tint matter du^ucaed and it wan decided Co ask the government for Iditislatinii covering the question of marketing malodor-: ui eggi. The loan entailed on 11 hands by the careleu handling and marketing of eggs in Ctnada is lomething enormous and it ia felt that tha time has rrived when tometliing will have to he done Ui item thin waste. Prof. Gralum of the Ontario Agri- cultural College, UN recently been study- ing the egg problem abroad, and has found that Denmark Bella eggt in tha dinburg, tilasguw and London mArkets under guarantee. He ala-> belinves that the only aatisfactory way of marketing eggs it undei the co-operative lyitem of nurkiug and gathering. In thin wy (be highest ptice is ucured and good cgun are iniured to the (.-oiisumor. All inferior " fiuit " c ui b traced tu the |>rducer, who is muloUid in a 16 fine if be attempts to do siookud work. The burdrd of Lad rggi ii becoming too heavy to ba burne in i hit country, A Lot for a Little \Ve are pleased to announce tlmt we hvo iMide arr:in2eni"iits with The Mail and Empire whereby weaieablcto offer The Daily Mail and Umpire 15v M Only from now to Jusuniy Is'., 1!>14, for 5J2 HO, and the weekly for .'55c. Send vrden to The Advance cilice. Ho! ert I ' i ' of ' " ,.n tin: died on Sun day l.'ttt at the great aw of 101 ymr.s Hut then, he wan never married. " Looking backI see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of .satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. Flestierton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction H-skct leaves Tui-sduy noun, di'livrry Fii.lny oveni-ig. CLKANING nnd DYEING We are gents for I'ark.r's Dyu NVorU--Cl.it lien cltwiied and dyuil, f.-iithers rejuvrtiatml. T FISHF.R, - PROPRIKTOR F. H W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Spring Suggestions ALL NEW GOODS-ALL REASONABLY PRICED The Itnm mentioned l>e!ow ju*t liint t some of our New Showings \Vo shall I'O pleased to have you come in ninl si-o tl.eni. \Vu ure Mire .you will lie pleased. D. & A. NONRUSTABLE CORSETS \i'\v 191.3 Model perfect fitting-- Stylish and Comfortable! All sizes from IS to 30 waist 1'riccri from .")0c to $3.50 Smart Foot Wetxr* \\Vi-H showing a ve y Hlti.ictive rnoije of Spring Footwear tor mtn and women this season. Tan, Gun Metal ni-.d 1'iient Li-a'.hi-is me the favorites the high toe snd the new receding roe are both represented. The :i--i.i i in, nt of M/. i is complete, -ml i<nr i>urchasts were nude In-fore the recent advances in leather. Our values are exoorilinc'y g<'d. See OIK LadiiV Special at $3.00 See i.iir Men's (i-ciiil lit $4.50 The Smuttest Fuotwriir for Little Folks ever shown here. You must see them. LADIES' WASH JDRESSES New Styles made up in Prints, Xephyra, Perhsles and Chain hrays Colors include light, medium and i'.rk Hues, LT, vs Macks and whites, tan, red and pink, beautifully finished stylish fit and cut. Site 32 to 42 Bust. Prices 81.00 to.. . 83.50 new Ulall Papers This wo k pl-o our 1!U3 selection on rale V'ou'il tinj i|iotf inuxuenMvu and very artistic. New Designs and Colorings. Prices from lOc '. 51 'c per double roll Curtain muslins and Bungalow Rets Our L.-W patterns include the prettiest designs in white cream and drab shades. These goods are in great demand . Prices from lOc to 50c per yard. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Look ! Listen ! MAIL CONTRACT -l:\IJI. M MIM;-* u.l in- . I to :..! r liiusti-rlioneral, will t> reculvml u( Ottawa until n,, ',n. on Frid&v tlm .;!,! MHV, I'M '. for theconveyanctt of His Majoiity'** Mail* on u pr|iOHi)<l Contract for four t^kra nix tinio |MT Wmik .1- M W I) Over Rural Mail Route, from Fleiherton, Protlaw way.Ontario, to commence at tlio r..-;t MH- of ttiu i'ohtinastur (it-aural Printed notice*, t-oiitalntnfifiirthur luforina- tion utt to uonditioiiB of propum-d ( 'untracrt may \>a nt-i'ii and blank forum of Tanilt-r May I'D obtain-' i at tne I'OH-. Oflli-m of I'ortlaw, Klunliertiili. nlKl nt tin- ODlcu of tile PMtOBM llibjit-frtur at Tin onto, I'oitOITiira Di'piirlim-ot. Mill Krrvico Hraiicli, Ottawa, JOtli Marrli, I'.il.l. O.C. ANDEIISOX. Super in tonilunt.- MAIL CONTRACT SKAI.I.IiTKNIiKlis aililrofilto the l'otin ter (lanural, will linrceiiiveil at Ottawa in. til iio:>u, nn Krlilav, tliu '.i.t of May 1UIM for tlio oiin vevaiicoo' Hi. MnJunt^'K Mnil on a propofled Coutract for four yeara oix tltuuK pur wojk Over Rural Mail Route from Hopeville Eaat, Ontario, to commence at tlie pleantire ot tbu 1'u hnu-t.-i (It'iiorat I M nl'- I n. , Mi ! i runt in inn/; lintlicl Illforllia- ttoh a-t tJ Milieu . uf propoHutl Contract ma y liu veen and lilank forum of Tumlur may b* obtalDCd at the Tout nn... of BopartlM mi i at tii ' .it.ii' MI i :. i 1 .,. i MI..... bnpwtor, at Tin onto. f . '..MI . t>i>r>artmoot, Mall Horvicn Itrancli, iittawa, r.ith March, r.u ; (i.< . ANDKU8ON. Supei iiitiitiilt'iit. MAIL CONTRACT HEAM-'.I) TKNDHItS ail.lrolsed to tlm I'.ml. lilftNtur do. ii i 1 1, will bo i-iMlv-.i at Ottawa until noon on i 1 1 L,. tlm anil Mnv. 1UI:I, for in.- . .... ,n,, . of ii, Mm , . iiDila un a proposml co'itraut *>r four yuan*, six IIIIIIIB |n.i wmik Over Rural Mail Route, from Priceville, Eat, Ontario from lli I'lixtiniiHtiii Oonural'd plnasure I 1 .' mi.., i u.. 1 1,-,., r, ui iii n, 111 : further Infill iim- tiou H> I,, . ., .. in rtir. . .1 propORed Contract may , ..i,., i, i i.inii. foruiH of tender inav 1 oli- tainiiil at tho I 'out i M !...... of l'i i'->. vi Mo, Cttylon, i i ,n Htatlon and at tlio oftico of the i ' i Utlticu Innpoctor at Toronta, PoKtotlia* Uepartniant, Mail ServiouHriuon, Ottawa. March liO, ltll:i. G. C. ANDK.H8ON, HuporiiitiniilBiit. MAIL CONTRACT Sr.Ai.Kn Tr.Nnnw addressed to the I'of-t- inaHtor tli-iirnil, will he received at Ottawa until noon on Kriday, the '.iih May, 1013 for the conveyance of hii MajeHt/'a Mails on a propcmed Contrnct for four yeara aix time per week each way, betwren Kpping and Fairmountand aix limes per week over Rural Mail Route from Meaford, Ontario from the Poetnmitor General's Pleasure Primed notices contsining further information M to conditions of proposed Contract may lie Been .mil blank forum of Tender may no oblainrd nt tho 1'oot Otticenof Fairmounc, Eppinir, Oriorsvillu and Moaford and at tlio Ottice of tho I'ost OIHoe I <id,iivi i .T at Toronto, Pot Office Deprtir,c'nt, Mail Service Branch, Ottawa, March 25th, iwi:i 0. C. ANDKH80N, HupiTintendunt. Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will he wise to pay attention. I am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The ordinal of the picture given at the head of this advertisc'tiient will only cost you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Got something mco and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. (If cotirfiu wo liavo olber beds at other prices, all equally low in price Hauittiry Beils such as everybody wantH. Spring and .Mattresses to lit all beds. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sluf ituhicers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. Just received i .ot of Tine ig Suitings. $^3.00 Suits selling at $19.50. Also a new range of Overcoats ami Spring and Summer Pant ings. Come early and get your new Spring Suit at the I'p- To- Date Tailor Shop C. BLARELEY Flesherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building I'THE HABIT OF CAREFUL DRESSERS' MEN -YOU NEED NERVE WonUeri ul N.F.OU. Sritem EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- MINED YOUR SYSTEM Thn HIT vi-q control alt actloni of th* body K that any- thing that debilitates them Mill weaken ull organi uf the xyatem. Eulr lndicriion and EXCMM* have rulnnU thousands oC promising young men. Unnatural Draini nap their vigor and vitality and they never develop to u proper condition of manhood. They remain weak- HnRS, meutally, iihyaicully and Mzually. How you flT Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, weak book, kidneys Irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, debilitating Jreams, sediment In urine, pimples on tho face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn ex- pression, poor memory, lifeleas, distrustful, lock energy anil strength, tired mornings, restlesa nights, change- able moods, premftturedecay, bone pains, nalr loose, etc. This U the condition our Now Method Trestmeal is GUARANTEED TO CURE We have treated Dlmama of Men for almost a life- time aud du not have to experiment. Cooault iu FREE OF CHARGE and we will tell you whether you ara curable or not. Wo luarantea curable cases of NERVOUS DEBILITY. VARICOSE VEINS, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, GLEET. BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Free Booklet on DUeases of Men. If uaable to eall wiU for QUESTION UST FOR HOME TREATMENT DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. ,M ATI ftaP A11 letters from Canada must be addressed HU I I Vb to our Canadian Correspondence Depart > sisjsssssjsjsissssiisssi mi-lit in .Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute iu Detroit as we see and treat mo paiioats in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters M follows: DRS. KENNEDY * KENNEDY, Windsor, OM. Writ* foe our pfflvftto ddroMt FARM FOR SALE In lln' IIIA n>.|ii|, of \rliMii' M i, ill the r, iin.i v of i . i.-y. lot 13, con. 1', and lotH 12 and IU, c.m. I N.I) R , cuntaiuiiiK 1*") BcroH ; ti um liu*e. Apply to N. Me- Kaydon, Uno Pik, Out., or \. N. Mor- pan, N, w lank can), or John McKaydc", Ceylon, Out. 1 juylS Pure Bred Holstetn Bull Changeling Prince Joe llrid by ClmiKfliiitf Uirtcr Buy out of Tidy Abhekoik Princess Josephine. Tlio ','ivnin-i butter making ttrain known. TorniH of Horvico f2 for grndt-o, fu for pun; brocl. OKO. MOOIIK A SON, P.opv, lf'eb.14 Protun Stntiou. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 60 acre*. Lot 132, con 3, Artemcaia, novrr fsilini; spring, well funced, 16acri-8 of Timher, th rent in pttoture over 15- yuitrH, cood aiock farm. Would Nell on o<y IMIIIH for iiuick nnie. Apply to .1 mu's Nn'ii, Irish Lb, P. <). Or, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Rusidonce- 468, Oth St. Kant, Owen Sound, Out. Hnurs-9 to 12a.m., 1.80 to 430 p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment j |H$ CEYLON'S STORE Spring Millinery Opening Friday and Saturday March 28 and 29 and Following Days You are cordially invited to attend. MISS FEE, MILINER IN CHARGE Miss Fee has been visiting millinery openings and wholsale work rooms, triiiiniing and copying from the latest Imported Milioery from Pui is, London and New Yoik styles, therefore we are prepared to give you the very latest styles in millinery and price* will be fully 25 per cent, less tluui in larger towns. Jas. Wattison & (? o .. eyt on J. & W. B O Y D GENERAL MERCHANTS FLESHERTON - ONT Notwithstanding tlic fact that we are selling out still we continue to receive shipments of goods that havo been bought for Spring Delivery and which we aru putting on sale at very close prices- Every departu^nt fully sorted up with new good*. Fur the next thirty days we are offering goods at prices never before heard, of in Fleshertcn, Everybody come and get a share of the bargains at Boyd's closing out sale NEW DRESS GOODS-Some Extra Vain, from 25c to 91.35 Abo Ginghams, Zephyrs, Oalate,, Foulards, Prints, etc. Ladies' one-piece Wash Dress, :$4 to 42 ............ .98 to f 2.35 Dhild'a Dre.se., 2 to H years, 67c to ............. . . . . $2.60 Ladies 1 and M i,, e K.in CoaU, Eitra Special, *....[ .,..',. 94.1)6 Lace Curtain Specials 2J yards long ............... 2J yards long ........................... Abo Curtain N.t*. Bungalow Nets, M.dra'.'carpei., ' Oilcloths, all at Reduced prices. Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Prod " uce. J.& W. BOYD FLESHERTON, - ONT.