Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Apr 1913, p. 7

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Items of News by Wire Notes of interest as to What Is Going on All Over the World Canada. Hamilton's new Waldorf Hotel will be twelve storeys high. H. R. Parsons ha* been appoint- ed city engineer of Peterboro. John Pitcher, who lost both legs in a car accident at Brantford, is dead. A crude copper hook, possibly of pre-historic origin, was unearthed at Fort William. Hon. Colin Campbell will likely retire from, the Manitoba Cabinet because of ill-health. Rev. Dr. W. P. D.ver has resigned the PrincipaJship of Albert College and may be succeeded by Rev. Dr. E. X. Baker. Farmers in Sydney township, around Kingston, report that rail- way surveyors are busy and think tho I.C.R. is behind it. Montreal Chamber of Commerce will ask the Government to compel banks to establish a fund to guar- antee deposits. Ottawa hears that F. W. Gutelius may be made general maneger of the I.C.R., replacing the present Board of Management. The body of James Moore, a mine foreman, was found in his sha-ck on Elk Lake with a bullet wound in the heart. Miss Lena Roy, a French-Cana- dian girl, aged seventeen, was mar- ried to Hon. Huno Von Holstein Rathbone, a Da-nish nobleman, at Prince Albert, Bask. Thomas Riley was found guilty of manslaughter in trial at Hamilton for killing of his wife a couple of months ago, and was sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary. Great Britain. Lady Pitman, second wife of the inventor of shorthand, is dead at Bath. Heavy rains have aggravated the flood situation in the middle west ern States. Suffragettes are blamed for a small fire in the Free Church at Hampstead. Incendiarism had been threatened. The Rothschilds have subscribed $15.000 of the more than $100,000 which the National League has raised to oppose woman's suffrage in Britaip. United States. Thousands of school teachers are needed in China. Connecticut woman suffragists have lost their fight in the legisla- ture. Glenn Curtiss, the American avi- ator, considers an Atlaiuic flight possible. MR. GODFBEY ISAACS. Mr. Godfrey Isaacs ia the brother of that brilljant lawyer, Sir Rufua Isaacs, the British Attorney-Gener- al. He has also proved to be a very capable business man, ajj ho has placed the British Jlarconi company in a very different position financi- ally from what he found it. He was the subject of a good deal of outspoken criticism from Mr. Maxse, whose strong Jine of action was the subject of so much comment LETTER FROM THOiTOl WHAT IS BEING MOSTLY DISCUSSED AT THE PRESENT TIME. Rev. John Coburn at the Star Theatre Plays are Censored -World's Big- gest Cross-Toronto Crowing. When Her. John Coburn donned whis- kers and heavy dark blue spectacles and bought a aeat for the "gode" at thu Star theatre the other afternoon ho made a hit with the youue "sports ' who freuueut the burlesque hou Even if he had Grain, Cattle and Cheese Prices of These Products in the Leading Markets are Here Recorded BraadstufTs. | 70 to ><. Buckwheat. No. 2. 56 to 58o.l n^_ i Fluur. Man. Boring wheat patents, firsts. Toronto. April 8. Flour 90 per cent. 'ti in j , t r ,,,i<, h - ' '* * ' natcnts. 83.90 to $3.95. Montreal or Toron- come to spy on the performance, they ad- j to freights. Manitoba* mired hiiToriginality and tin, manner ivj Jnu, big*; S5.aTVeV"o~nd ' D ~**u?*~.~n~~)*K j '& E'Vtf *HoUed "aw" barr^' %' which he carried out his plan. bags. $4.80; strong bakera . iu ji" ' ! LWl Winter patents, choke, $5.25: straight rol- IITH. 44.86 to *4.90: straight rollers, ba -First patuuu, in is. in jute the~ show "was ",mtle,T'l5am' Daugh-lwEbY " "' " JUt " ***" j &&'*> '"S-^ ^"^'^t^'Va?' tere.' though in reality it wad a made-) Manitoba Wheat-No. 1 Northern. 97 !-2c. I ^"^l 10 * 8 - $25 ' Mouillie. to W5. Hay. over performance of tie "Darlings of on track. Bay ports; No. 2 at 95c: Xo. 3 at Paris." which got no much notoriety 9tl4o, Bay port*, through the expotiures of Rev. R. B. St. Ontano Wheat Xo. 2 white and red Mr. Godfrey Isaacs. Clair. Mr. Coburn wan aware of thin fact and decided to eee the first performance, i to 88c. So he donned his disguise and headed for O.ita Ontario onts. 33 to I4c. oxitside, the gods. His blue ifla.w* were so opaiiue and ut 37c. on track. Toronto. Wosteru he could hardly Bee. and he had difficulty j Cauada oa;s. 41 l-2c for Xo. 2. and 391-2c Retting up the alairs. The theatre a 1 .- for No. 3. Bay ports, tendants put him in the buck row and Peas 50c to 81. outside, wondered why tho box office had fiid a BjrU-y Forty-eieht-lb. barley of eood ticket to a blind man, as he ntwme I to quality. 51 to 62c. outside. tied. 40 to be. Then* they got BOBpioioUi T!n-y knew 50c. what "Dante . i Daughters" n-ally W:IH and C.-rn No. 3 American corn, 58 !-2c. all- were on th look-out for clergymen nies rail, like Mr. St. (lair, who visited ihe pro- live-Prices nominal, duct-ion last year. They euuninod thi-ir Buckwheat -No. 2 at 5? tn 53c. outside, blind man c!cely. discovered his dUgu>e BraO Manitoba bran. SH.50. in bags, To- and tried t<t eject him. But he s:ood his ronto freight, rfiiorts. 322. Toronto, ground, and they had to leave him for the whole performance'. As stated, the crowd Country Produce, admired his i-'.irenioutiiiess and pluck. It is possible Uie end of the Star luuutre Butter-Dn:ry prints, choice, 26 to 27.-: is in fight, though it is too toofj+t to (l " I '- jhli . ^ * 2k: inferior. 20 to 21,-: prophecy. An .iiualsrauiation of what tiiey ejeazuery, to jJc for rolls, and 29 to call the "whet'lH." that id the management OUl ' " of the .-irciiit-, sumlini: out burlcgftup i>er- h f* s ~ to ' ;l Ijbbtag way here, form u n;. I,.-- resulted iu the ,Siar t.'.c.a- a -0''. outs-i tre, Tor..u- ... bemg " frozen out." nd af.'T <-he.-se-141.2c for large, and 14Mc for tho pr-i'!:t -i-.ison ii wl! nu lunger be i ll able to _- .-.r:ictio.iM of any kind from i Beans-nand-nirked. *2.25 per bushel: its presc.:; ^nin-e. The proprietor i try- nrimi-H. KB. in a jobbing way. ing to ..r.Tiiii/1' a wheel of his own to Honey-ExiracU'd. in tins. 12 l-2c to 13c No. 2 per ton. car !ot. 111.50 to $12.60. Cheese, finest westerns. !"<: finest ujutt- erns. 121-J to 123-4c. Butter, choicest to ilc: sec-, nds. 27 to tSc. wheat. 94 to 9fc. ouudde. and sprouted. 75 SSTSih.V'Zo !. TJ^oes. per bS car lots. 60 to 70c. Winnipeg Wheat. r Winnipeg. April 8. Caah prices: Wheat- No. 1 Northern, 875-Sc; No. 2 Northern. , W7-8c; N->. 3 Northern. 81>8c; No 4. 78J-4c; No. 5. 731-Sc; No. 6.-671-2c; food. 59c: No. 1 rejected swdu, 793-<c; No. 2 do.. 77J-4r; N.j. 3 do.. 743-4c; No. 1 tongh. 80J-c: , No. 2 do . 78j-Sc; No. 5 do.. 751-fc; No. 4. |711-8c: No. 5 do.. 661-2?: No. 6 do.. 601-2c: feed, tough. 5'.c; No. 1 red Winter, 896-ac;, No. 2 do.. 867-8c; No. 3 dc.. 835-8c: No. 4 ! do.. 80 We. Oui-No. 2 C. W.. J3S-3c: Ho* I 3 C. W.. Sic; extra No. 1 feed. 32c: No. t fi-cd. 31c: No. 2 !.-!. 27c. Barley No, 3. 473-4c; No. ). J5c; -fjei-tt-d, 41c : feed, 40o. Flax-No. 1 N.-W.. S1.B71-2; No. Z C. W.. 81.043-4; No. 3 C. W., 97c. United States Markets. Minneapolis. April 8 Wheat. May. 861-!o: July. 333-H-; S.vteuiber. 891-4 to 893*.-: No. 1 hard. 88c; No. 1 Northern. 86 to 871-2c; No. 2 do.. 833-4 to 851-2c: No. i yellow corn. 491-4 to JOc; No. 3 while oatti. JO 1-2 to 31c; No. 2 rye. 54 to 56c; bran. at the sitting of the commission which invesuated the graft charges in connection with the Marconi con- tract with the British Government. Mr. Isaacs is contesting the Mid- Essex division in the Liberal inter- include other cities and Toronto, and he ~ T 4 ' b - fo . r N<1 - wholesale: >l. -=<> *'J- to *17.l . Kloor pricei iiuehangod may be <in-cesgful i i" * J Der damn for No. 1 and 82.40 for No. Duluth. April 8. -Wheat. No. 1 hard. WliMe IIITI. -II-B two hnrleniio thentivo * 'MM to 847-8c; No. 1 Northern, 80 3-8 to- "-' -Well-fatted. clean, dry-picked . 8?7-3c; No. 2 do.. 82 3-8 to 837-8c: Montana. in Toron:. i, soffco eoinment has heon caused stock.- ( hickens. 17 to !9c per lb.; fowl. ' So. 2 hard. 67i-8c: May. S7i-8c: July. 89o bv the fact tiuit the cunpaicn for elaao- ?;" '": "". -""' -, " ru - , "' >' ine up th- thButroB. whi< h found its chief " '' 'incks. 16 to We p<'r lb.: (MM. Md. Linaed on track. 81.23: to arrive 8 inKpirutioi: in Rxv. R. B. St. Clair'a reve- lations a lid chnre<>f>. has been aluioa: en- tirely directed againwt the t-tar. A Newspaper Censor. Sine** the 17 . 18o; t.'keys. 20 to 21c. Live poultry. 125: May. $1.241-4; July. 8L26 1-2 askd: Si-p- f >out 2c !o ir than the aboro. Limber, 81.28 1-2 nominal; Octolwr. 81.28 Potatoes Hori Ontario oux-k. 60c per bid. bag. on track, and Delawarea at ZO to 72c iwr bas. on track. Provision!. Baron-Lon? -.-lear, 141-2 to 14 J-4c per lb. in -as<> lots. Pork Short cut. *26 to $27: MRS. PANKHURST'S SENTENCE Noted Suffrage Turned Pale When She Received Three Years Hard Labor A despatch from London says : Mrs. Emmelino Pankhurst, the leader of the militant suffragettes, was on Thursday found guilty and sentenced to three years' penal servitude at the Old Bailey sessions on the charge of inciting persona to commit damago in re*pect to the bomb explosion at Lloyd Georgo'a country house at Walton Heath. The trial had lasted two' days and when the judge, Sir Charles Mon- fcaguo Lush, pronounced sentence his speech was received with Loud cries of "shame" from bhc militant suffragettea, who crowded the court. Th jury had added a strong reco-mmemlation for morey, and when die judge pronounced sen- tence- the wojnou rose in angry pro- test. As Mrs. Paukhunst stood in the prisoner's enclosure, hr sympa- thizers cheesed wildly and then filed out of court singing "March on, March on" to tho tuno of the "Marseillaise." Mis. Pankhurst, who acted as her own counsel, said siho did not wish to testify or to call any wit- ne*fes. She spoke for 50 minutes, at times wandering so far from the matter boforo tho court, that the judge severely censured 1 her. Speak- ing with much feeling, Mrs. Pank- hurst fiercely criticized the man- made laws, and said that the di- vorce law alone was sufficient to justify a revolution by the women. In impassioned tones she declared that whatever might be her sen- tence she would not submit. From the very moment when she left the aprointment of Wm Brnka. j est. The Marconi works at Chelms- Sen., to th- position of cenjor. there have. ! ford are in the centre of the dm* %%?% .'HSL.JSS, ,, ye:^' 1 ion which he h->pes to represe'lt. etandine. a prominent member of the do., mess. S21.50 to 822. Hums -Medium to 1 rr At- T na U Globe staff and foremost in various fr.iter- light. 18 to 181-4o: heavy. 161-2 to 17i- ; He IS the Son Of the. lite .Mr. Joseph na , ,, wn . la , ,, rKamrat : mi! ,. :!,- ie a ^ll^. !51-2c: breakfast bacon. 19 to 191-2c: Isaac?, a well-known London mer- eannv Scot of nuick i>,-rcvi)ii.m ami hrew-l_b:u-kf. 22c. judgment, with a will to back up his opin- Lard Tiercee. 141-4c: tube. 141-2c; pails, ions. So when he iays something han to 145-lc. he cut out. it is cut ont. And that's the '-. end of it. In his work he M ass ; ute<l br f wo other newspaper men. who devote M-, inlay af- tenn>p8 and several evenings a week to . visitiiiff the various theatres and seeing b >' ' auoted. at K.M to $10. that everything is on the level. .. B J.'l ed Str: > w -S8.30 to *9. on Much of the censors work d^iw not ap- in-ar on the surface. For exntnple. it 19 snid that he virtually prohibited the ap- nearaiu-e here Uiit* sc. n *on of (Jertrnde Tl-iff- Tcan. n f.irii"M:- dancer, who reduces wear- minninium. The storv chant. CANADA'S Douiiniou Fiiiant-cs for the Year 1U12-13. Baled Hay and Straw. Baled Hay- No. 1 st 812 to track. Toronto; No. 2. 810.50 to routo. S1125, on Si:. M.icd traok. To- A despatch from Ottawa says : statement of revenue and ex- inz' 1 'ppareT'to ' court she would refuse to eat and ' npmf'riire of thi- Dominion f >r fhi> '" th:l ' he " nt his f<x>t down and said if No. 3. 39c: extra No 1 feed. 40 would, she ; i-aod, come out of prison ; P er "_ L she oiit on her act here he would put. her , Barley. Manitoba feed. 51 to 52c ; malting. I o.b.. and 810.15 off car.. drad or alive at the earliest possi- ble moment. Justice Lush, in summing up, told the jury that fiscal year just closed, as by returns in jail. Anvw:iv sh,. hnen't furnishHi to the Department of Fi- j put "Jtne yet. Montreal Markets. Montreal. April 8. -Corn. American N.v 2 yellow. 611-2 to 62 l-2o. Oaw. Canadian No. 2. 411-2c: Canadian feed. 40 to 401-2c. Live Stock Markets. Montreal. April 8. Sulw'of choice Btoers were mado at 57 -M to 87.75: good at 87 to S7.2J. fair at $6.50 to 16.75. and the lower K-i-aiifs at Ir.-m $5.25 to $6.25 per cwt. Choice but<-hi-r COWB. $6.25 to $6.50. and common an li>w as $4, and bulls ranged from *4 i $6.X) uer cwt. Spring lauiba from >6 to 88 each. Inferior calves. II to *3 cai-h. but the better Block Bold from S5 to $12 each. Sciccu-d lota of hogs bold at 810.75. with a few lots bringing as high ap $11 per rwt.. weighed off car*. Toronto. April 8 --Cattle Choice butcher $6.50 to $700: good medium, 86 to $6.50; common. $5 to $5.25: COWB. 4.75 to $5.65: bulls. So to (5.25: canuern. $2 to 82.50. .- 25 to $3.75. I'alvi-H tlood veal. S5 to $9.50; common, $3 to $3.25. Htockern and reed- iM-t. - Steers. 700 to 1.000 pounds. 04.50 to $5 76: yearlings. $3 10 to $3.50. Milken ti.l springers A: from $50 to 872. Sheep a:"i lambs Light ewes. 86 to $7.25: hev I to $6: lambh. $C.25 to $10; bucks. t*.:0 to $6. llogs J9.35. fed and watered. 8S.50, slio liad incited to the perpetration of illegal acts. Mrs. Pankhurst almost broke down when the jury pronounced its Mr. O'Keefe's Illness, nance to the night of March 31st, ' Mr >-? o'Kwfc. who. at th.. time of , , u writing. . stricken with a Beruiux i!lnes. It SHOWS tnat tor in one of the prominent citizens of To- ubly the foremost Roman revenue totalled ' ^"" """"" n '" "" Pr " vll "" > i . lias been !ssue - Mrs. Pankhurst's speeches were an admrission that | " nseal - vear *?*?.? . a *J ate f,th..li,- i-rman in the Pr.,v,n as Augustine Seminarv. which > now on compared with Sl3-2.715.38U for the $ftjS? 1 'j fc 95 t l i>^ndiA sit, , . . .. . BJiiiu-,. about ten miles e?flt irvm TOB i-,u-- fiscal year ended March Jlst. 191'2, ner of King and Yonire street^, will stand an increase of 832.7yj.751. The in- .nionument to hia public spirit and for his church. His Bift to the YIELDS 75 CENTS TO PAN. Miners in British Columbia Find Good Gold Values. A despatch from Vancouver says : The prospectors in the new gold field at Silver Creek, Northern British Columbia, found gold in ** J**J r v "^ *.u.v*^v MW | i . i mf L nun -ii. n IB vj i<nt* verdk-t Laninir over the front crease was general m all sources oflnrojMi in i?io of 8i50.ooo mad the enur- of the prison^^s Enclosure and ad- 'nue. In Cust,^ there was an ^ H^'SSi STWAf^!JS l -jLS i ^ sentence, she said : iudisc bofure ho juugie Dliore e "'creaso of . , .'20,391 : in excise no means the total of his tteaeronity |an increase of $2,238,300; in post- M.yJ^church.^h^ haa * y..r *rut*-^>*| is-tt^j f*t^. . . , M wiitM-vim MI --i mi - r in all ftepur 'If it is impossible to ur.o! a dif- ^mce receipts an increase. .f Sl.abb,- On one occnion he prc s ontod a , 717; in receipts from public works i'AT 1 " ' - '< > ' T .' 1 " R <'.. 1 ^ *-" 000. to the Roman Catholic Episcopal Cor- . , It will take several jnontns. how- ever, to prove the ar*'ld fields, for on the claims water and ice forent verdict I want to say to you and to the jury that it is your duty as private citizen-s to do what you can to put an end to this state- of :, . uuu. to ti and railways and canals an increase ; poration of $2,037,882 ; from miscellaneous sources an increase of $213, -131. The - a/fairs." Sho then repeated her P"** <-' ,i^t. j u, J account tor tn consolidated funda Chambirlaln to the Pop*. Iu recognition of his ervice and char- determination to end her sentence as soon as possible, saying: "I do not want to commit suicide. Life is very dear to all of us. I want to see the women of this country enfran- chised. I want to live until that has been done. I will take the des- perate remedy other women nave taken and I will keep it up as long as I have, an ounce of strength left in me. I deliberately broke the law, not hysterically and not emo- tionally, but for a set and serious purpose, because I honestly believe it is the only way. Thjs movement will go on whether I live or die. These women will go on until wo- the fiscal year Mr. CVKwfe is now a very oUl man. be- now prevent the miners from reach- ing bedrock. COW SOLI) FOR $1.5(MI. Ever I'.-iid for One in Belleville U, _<:. ,. *'J5.C25,013, as against SS3,560,5rj {{j^JJ h' e a 7 k , l . for the preceding vear. an increase finaucial circie""h'e 'iii" n pp>'m'int>ut?'beini| .f 4io iw;i jon On mnitil i.- -i.,t President of the Ilome Bank, but it in the of #12,061, J.O Un capital COO t busjno(jl) of brnwine tn:U har) fur,,!,!,...! A despatch from Belleville savs : there was a decrease of Sljl.529, him with his life work ind has been the, u t) ._ ,,,] TO9 985 to .*>- """.'-rce fit hio wealth Originally a bank /U tne annual sale Held here on V * *'*-'V V. V f M - i ATi.i.1. Vv* f\r>rra II f BII J In 1lUI1 ' i .. \ '..,, r- -. \\7ow I * . . _-j ( 1- llfrtjlur* lla i . Breeder-,' Club the highest price ever paj<J for a cow in this section or possibly in Canada, was paid when Mary Echo Verbelle sold for ?'.. '"Hi. It was consigned by F. R. Mallory. of Frankfort, Hastings County, anil the purchaser was Mr. Allison, of the Allison Stock Farm at Chesterville. UIOWVS SHAKE $1,337.370. Uritish FxcUcqiuT'-* Windfall From Estate ni Sir Jaiurs Coatc. A despatch from London says: Tin' Exchequer gota windfall .on Wednesday in an estate duty of $1,- 3'J7.370 <.ui the estate of the late Sir James C'oate. who died on Jai 20, namely, from 758,!5U. in Brewing Co., afterwfiriltf merited Jll coinpa . County. Ireland, he hnt lived in Toronto pany. In the Thouith Ixjrn in Cork ho organ! ewln preNep County. Irelai . since he was seven ycare old. Biggest Cross In the World. *t. Augu.itine Seminary le to furnish training institution for and who was for manager of the many years the famous thread Wednenday under the auspices of ! fi rm ' 8 " , Vmeric.in business. His es- , the . lief. -lot- Ut..in Holbtein | tate was probated at GKIKSOMK DKTA1LS. Uu\v the Scott \ntarctu* I'arty Met Death. A despatch from London says : The Imperial Merchant Guild of Liverpool has received some details . . . , , 1_ C1 ! t ,- 'OUV'H VIKVH 1^ IIHIIID itlltl lil, IIU UUU'll, of the death of the Scott Antlirct.O be impressive. It ii said that it. will be ChnTclL. H is to be ^uruioUnt^cTD*';! /TtTCJ crVfc. 16 feet hwh. with a cTOftT^prpce of 9 feet. This cross will be 500 feet above he 1*JM of L.-.h? Outnrlo. fs comp he 5M feet eTevutloB of th6 Weathi u 8t. Janice' CatuedrAl staple. JMOWED DOWN TO A MAN the th o ared to tanio. or V Th Montenegrin Bomb Throwers Sacrificed Their Lives men have obtained the common i nartv from Caotain 1? J Watson tlle lar t"<t illuminated orcus in the world. riirhts of citiyoiiatiin na fliov koll u -i i- J \\- 11- ln ootmei-lion with the lighting of this lints <.! CZi lll the guilds agent at Wellington, crews there may be an interesting con- \cw Zealand Canta'n \Vat>ou troTere3r - !< is said that the preont plans - _____ <-T i.--l.i t- _. - '.u:_ ...... .'. ._ of thtl <Turch are to light it ouly on cer- riirhts of lignts <.! na as koll shall have over the civilized world before this movement is over." SUFFR4GETTES ON WAR PATH To Make Way For Infantry A despatch from Cettiuie says : nths has held the allies off Scut- following close upon th^m, charged the trenches. The Turks held their liivunil and a desjierate h.-in T 1 / I hand tight ensued, lastins an hour, Railway Stations Wrecked and Trains Blown Up By Explosives In London Suburbs . , , ,,! M ^ S^ff^^thT^iSS "'' s | and ending in victory for the Monte- ;*,; .'i-'ii tiie Governir.?nt to 'pay ro^the of the Xlonteneatrins. thanks to the i nogrins, who lost COO killed. Tier A despatch from London says : Tho Suffragettes continued their "reign of terror" on Friday. They burned a large unoccupied houfee at C'harlcywood, in Hertfordshire. Only the walls of the building were left standing. Tho usual cards hearing tho legend, ''Votes for Wo- men," wcro found. Tho loss is $12,500. The police believe that some of tho rooent acts attributed to the Suffragettes, principally tho at- tempts to destroy railway property, was the work of men engaged by tho womn. AH the railway stations and tunnels aro being patrolled in order to pre-vc-nt miscreants from daanaging them. Warnings were sent out oa Friday by the director- ates of th railroad systems throughout the United Kingdom to the offect that militant Suffragette had threatened to burn stations in various parts of the country. Pa- trols wore o-rdored to be organized al all station* and in tho tunnels. Some empty trains were greatly damaged by explosives uoar Stock- port, Cheshire, in the courso of the night, and Suffragettes are- sus- pected of having committed tho outrage. A canister of expU^ves had ben placed un-i'.r a seat in one of the cars with a quantity of resn fire lighU'M saturated with and oil. The force of the oxp. splintered the s^d?s of several cars. a number of doors being hurled long distances. There was also aix attempt to blow up Oxted Station, iu Surrey, on the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, but the damage caused by the explosion was inconsiderable, only the win- dows and doors of a lavatory being shattered. A travelling basket wa-s found in the lavatory containing a clock timed to go off at 3 a.m., and some cans of petrol. A fuse had been set into a small package of gunpowder, which evidently ex- ploded without igniting the petrol. A revolver was found outside, which apparently had been dropped during a hurried flight. Mrs-. Pankhurst has carried out her threat to go on a hunger strike. The last meal Jw took was lunch- eon before sentence was iaiiposcd upon her on Thursday. Since she entered Holloway Jail .sho has-con- fonned to all its rules except that sh refuses food, Mr, Pankhurst will bo removed, to the women's penal establishment ak Ayliot'ltury, where any stei>s tha-t are considered uecessary to feed her will be taken, . T i If 1 ' v ' ituivu u v i*j itjiiiL ib \juiy vii vi* i says: '1 heard from a shipmaster tain -xvinions. governed by the church Great Tarab'isch fort which for who had a conversation with Com- c-i"i>nitions. But there wiu. :K> doubt, be , r , a demand on the part of sailors on Lake Iliaiuk'r EVOJU at LvtteltOll that at Ontario to ha_ve it Lighted coutiiniously. i the time when Captain Gates left the others in the tent and went out- ._ side he had no feeling, having to8t!fiJ 1 "^^^^j^^^^J**J*'^gJ2fc BM'ifice f -t) bomb-throwers, after tier of entrenchments had to his feet through frostbite. Some arise if'aie* Uovernmcnt pays for W thVliB*ht- v ry one of whom lost his life in , be t;:ken. but the tr<>oi>s of the time previously I also heard that j'j.',/^ ll i t ' L ' r i" 8 so'eugv h ror K iii? n " vl'i'' 11 -" 1 -' " ' nst desperate effort to o'.ear the S.-mhern Division, under Cieneral when the party set out to look for drop Into reHKio^s" controversies^'' J way to the town, for t!ie j.-ss.-s?:on . Martinobitch. t.> \vhcm tin- task had the Southern party and later dw- ' Tlu ' s< '" n j"'- v ^ , to ,. b . e i ," 1>el ! '" All us ' 'of which Montenegro is ready to -been assigned. o\eiv:tme all ob- covered the bodies." they \M-re so at- ' rouJryTo 'theiite T ArchChop M,-Kvo.v."T,i ? lve "P everything. TK^ i^,,,,h. These bomb- teiiuated as to be uiire-vi'ni/.able " LOSSES BY TUF. FLOODS. ch.ircc us Presideut. Dr. Kidd i-< an 'on- throwers were all picked men, ,.,,-M product, a nati,e of Adjala town- ohoMn from sevcra! batUli.-ns. Toronto still Booming Aions. i Clambering up the mountain-tide Toronto's growth shows no sisn of 8 I.-\ok- ! under a murderous fire from the ' riaiuiple. But in the advance ol stavk's. The tactics followed, par- ticularly in regard t<j the use ,if bomb-throwers, were similar to those adopted in the capture of Ad- VI .'I .1 H II i i >k<i 4 imi III .n i n t i L i, V-iWJViUWf 11 Lives Lost, Honns Oe^iroyt'tl and comnai-ed to $1.500.000 in March. 1912. Th '"Vooo 000 >n as ! Turkish guns, they cut the wire en- ! Adrianople the soldiers who cut 'ind f M.ircli totnllwl practically ' Include th A despatch from Washington, D. thn north^i C., says: Ohio's loss in the recent, is estimated in a t<' the charge at C'olumbus, as follows: 400 lives lost. 4,200 homes destroyed. 40,500 persons homeless. 9,000 families outside of Columbus and Cincinnati of rehabilitation. new Koya st corner of King nncl YOIIRC Ii is to bo 20 Htories liisrh. anil *~... ... round tiguriM a cool million from dollars. There will also bo a new 1300.000 ..theatre, the new Dominion Bank building Jgeilt in |ttlld olhor important structures. tanglements, and getting to close I divided the wire entanglements sur- r|unrters. threw bombs among the ! rounding the forts were elad in Bank building at Turks, thus opening the way for the cuirasses ami provided with shields, storming party. Not one of the At Tnrabi-seh the rough moum.ii:i- bomb- throwers returned, but thev in Hon. W. T. White. Toronto people, regardless of party poltiCB. are following the Finance Minis- ter's career with tho keenest interest. Hon. W. T. Wbita is a real if.itivc ^,,11. mid he IIKS been Niii.-i.-liiin. whiskered axioms, s.i why shouldn t they bo taking an interest neeii, in him? He line proved for one thing th.it to be A Miniaterinl snocosa doeo not imtily ' a previous training as a profMlonaJ poli- * 1 1 -:! i u. Aud that IB a good thing for * r i i r- t 1 1 , the country to know. As Finance Minister MonteiK'gro has doGed the great! ho ha not been revolutionary. And To- towers of Kurope ] ronto thinks that ouuldc Mr. Borden >ie ! le the strongest man in the Cabinet Two suffragettes were silenced at I signs of tho strain. Hyde Park meeting by rioters. i His friends note with some anxiel? 1'iat ., , ,, , ,, 'hia hir turning grey and that the fi>r- Montenegro has thrown Clown CAO rowt on his brow are deepening can- ada lonils up her Cabinet Ministcri with a tromouilouo nraouiu of detail End at tho same time demands scrupulous e in tho dwpatch of ch trivial Item of business. And tho position of Minister of had and aocoinplislied their object, j tenegrins to disp.-:i-. the Montenegrin infantry, . pedimenta. side made it necessary for the Mon- wiih al! im- GERMAN AIRSHIP CAPTURED riachinery Of Latest Zeppelin Goes Wrong Andt She Lands In French Parade Ground A despatch from France, says : One of Lunevillo, tho great jears. and sentenced to ton I Uatetton of thoeu things iu tho gauntlet to the six great powers. -.,. ., t j i t i -i, , ; tromoiniouo nraouni or detail inn at tno i /-<_ T \\asil Boyko was found guilty of j same time demands scrupulous cxactltud* German KepMUa air cruisers land- man*!-aughter iu connection with I}" tho ileepatch of ch trivial item of ed on French territory on Thurs- ., , .,1- . ,-, j T i i , . -business. And the position of Minlvtcr of i -i-. tho killing of CaAinwr LuiklOWltZ at | Finance Is probHbly tho most outstanding | 'Vi <N'll'-'a OOWn on tho military parade givund hero at mid-day, while a brigade of French rillenieu was drilling. It \vs seizexl by the French authorities'. Six Herman oflWrs alighted from the gondola. in:d explained to Mrigftdier- General A Brockville clerk in his father's! The German ship Columbus with store loft on Monday for New York ' a cr cw of '25 and s.OOO barrel* of oil. to wed a young widow reported to wn i c h left Bayonne, N.J., Dec. 20. be worth fifteen to twenty million f or Bristol, has never b;>on heard dollars. 'of. up, that tho motor of thi> airship had di'M-'ofii-d a <lcfec. The rank- ing Crerman <-flicer ui'<l they hail departed fixnn Fruxlorirhsliafen, on l.aki- ( ' 'iist.-u:cc, at 6.40 o'clock Thur'day morning, and hnd lost their way in the clouds The news of the descent of the (ininan mili- tarv dirigible was tfli-graplied to iho Minister of War i;( Paris, and !'. litu'iine. the Auti d-j L?on Loscot, who galloped i War ordered it to be >i/.od. f

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