Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Apr 1913, p. 8

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April 24 1910 THE F L E S H E R T N ADVANCE 'Advance' Small Ads. . Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU , BUSINESS CARDS -< . - . 4CUL1A>UGH A YOUNU Hanker* Maikdalo geueral banking buiinem. Money loaned . at reaoualile rale* Call oil UH. TCHI8UETT, Poftmaiter, '>ylon. Commli<Umer Iu H. C. J . Convovancer, deedn, mortaKe, leaso, will* etc. carefully Brawn op olUrctioun iua.1?. charge! reasonable. Alto rocerio. flour, leed etc, keptlu stock, Prlcot iRht. DM. I'HAIU. Uwnaeii Auctioneer for Mie County of Grey. Terms moderate uo atliacuuu guaranteed. Tho arranseuientu da u'i of il can be made a', THE AnVAM'K JX* Keideuc* auJ P.O.. C.yloa. Tel.phoue sn EVERY GRADUATE 1 PLACED With tho larvest attendance in its hittorv, Thu Collingwood Businets College has placed in a good posi- tion, every graduate of the present year. Winter term from ^Jinuary 2, I'M.:. Send for handsome Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins, Principal lii !-rJ Farms lor Sale 5O Acres West half lot W, con. 11. Township of Ugproy. .'0 Acr.-n-Kast lialflot H, con. 11, Townaliip Of I li-i'ii.,. HO Acre-Wost half lot 7, con. 11, Towiubiii Of Osjil't-y. 30 A:his EaathUt lot 7, cju. 11, Township of Odprcy, 10U \.-n-" I. ni r. 1 . dm. 10, \i tuni(>iiu. 10U Acres hot XI, Con. 11, Artemuala.i JOO Acres Lot a. Con. l.i, lot 4, Con. lOOAcrn- con. 14. Artemcsla. loo Acr Lo' , ciiu. 14, Artuisia. 100 Acre-Kt half lot 7, con. 2, Kiii>braia. 'J l-J ACrfcB I*ots 'Jl unit 'J't, coll. H, Ai ti ini'siii. 1 '.) Acr Part Lot 144, Hi, 140, Con. :t, N. B! 'I'. K. K., Ar oiuRla. 200 Acres Lot 3 an. 140, con. 12, Artemesia. .. Acrei ., . con. 12, Ai i.-i.i. MS. ^ K CA iS'L I 'v K *F Out Pbysiolan. Surgeon etc \V. A. AHMSTKONG, Fleshert(.n , aSl "*"- l'tr .1- Fletberton , June 1:)t , P OTTKWKI.l. fi d v" >M ,t7oet" CO Tlili iitreot rau. sobtb i Charch. DENTISTRY i c MitDUAY I- 0. K , rtentavl iurneon ) r 'hono. : i!rartuate of Toronto fun-emit) -and LEG ;AL VCAB, ItASEY * hKMtY.-RarrUter, L BOlicitori-etc -I. l. }|="' h ,J A '.'om'oc8; Kaoey. h. C. !W. '- S\*'uit iilione jEi^^ss^^ W R WK10HT TKI.FOHD A MtDllSALD Ha Tui-i -/Solicitor-. Ac. <)*., (irev . "cfc<iwen Bound. <>"*. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in Hdvnncu suhscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Klesherton Advance 9 Youths Companion Toronto World, daily Toronto Daily News Weekly Globu Mail-Empire Family Herald & Star Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun .. !) Farmers Advocsta 1 50 Weekly Witoeu 90 Saturday Niht I! 00 Home JiuirL'vJ !*) Poultry News . .-.. 2i> Poultry Hevievr 40 !! ! 1 and (iun magazine - 111 1 00 2 (X) :i 00 1 50 90 75 IK) SOCIETIES H. ALEXANDER A *J&&&iHSaS&R MERCHANT TAILOR (la> ton ball F^nerton.^ at 8^ l'- 1 ^,,",,^: I Feversham - Ont. i Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO A ling of Ready-Made Clothing Which ro put alterations in free cf >, if required. IttplS nuiN'cr AIITHUK LODGE, No. :*33,A.FA P K A U. u,t. i" tbt UMoule ball. Am- trone Block.Klwborton every * tlday on or.berorethe full mocn (.. A. Vk atton, W. U.; Tuo. Clayton, Becre'.ry. , 995, I. 0. F. ireetiln c. Kec. be.or. th. Hr.1 K1 n,r pa^'d'u.",' to- day ot the mouth. FklF.NOS Klcfliorton Council .B Wd. me-a; In l>ton-.l,.llr.t and tliira \Ve<lno.day of uach mouth ft 1>. m Kv a.imeott to the Hecorder on orb. ore tMflretiUyof ach .nm.t ,. rinef Councillor , T. Hlaklev;Kecorder W. 11. Hunt. TI,. Kariiirr'nriiih meeta In the liih cho(>l "hmVliuL- ".. tl, nrnt lliurHil.y IN '1, . . Sec.-Tieaa. Tamworths for Sale Both wx nearly ready for bi' "' IMcci r ""' 1 ' r " Uirk ",',7.0. W. HOS8. U.xw-l. R O. Boar for Service A lariio wl-ite Yorki-lilro Hoar for service Blol,rlraog W T. AS. H., ArUinosla. | Ttrun 1,00' CEYLON'S Meat Market For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at -las. McClocklin's BUTCHER SHOP Ceylon, Ont. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt (Mow Cos' Full Line of Farm Implements. WajptiiH, ISuxviu", Cu'to'F, S'e'i/h-, an Melo'tu liaker Wind Mil's, Pumps, Piping nnd Pipe Fittings xlviays oh liand lieutty I'.i . i FcrgU", IJnrn Traiks, Litter Currier* and stable ir i in Ciickshu t and Frost it Wm.d l:i-|i 1,1 - always mi hmid. \I I'lKKT III. At 'K 151 ' It N Wareroom "~Wellin(iton Street. Booh M,iu,, .o Feversham, Ontario. It. WAU-b'H. Bull for Service Pure bred slim I li'irn bull f.ir s nv nil lo' -Hi, con. (I, AitmpsU. Terms tirade* tl. pure lredn |3. All c.is niUHt : ) retunmd or w.ll be charge.!. 2H May 0. ATKINSON, P. op. ',11 in For Sale 100 acres-- Lot lilt, ion. ("., Ancmou i'lai'it"* cl'HM'd, 5O 'kcicK under .-ullu.i ti.iti, lulai e hardwool aii'l sani|i, well fenci-d nd w.ii- 1. '. -;".i.l b.-ii-i-. new frame Imrn ilh s'tibling under, alto pig pen, licuhoufte and she p pen. Rural in i 1 .1- I'M-- v. Apply to Details of A Successful Career Tlmt yunr- 1891 lie nmdo H tleitl t<> \\lnrh In- often referred with consider- le | H hi.-, in buying the 1, 0. H.ikn & Co. I.IIMII.- . in Kurt I'., ni. .11, lie often claiinud tlmt he could rightfully clnim to ' tho ilircc'i NiK.'uuMHnr of John JMOD Astor in MontHiui. Tlmt deul wiis hut the til-tit of many others which Mr. Strain in.-i.lr in expanding Ins I " Shiiw, ( 'liarlti.ii t Co., the Hame inter- Biography of the Late Herbert Strain of Great Fall*. 'I lie following ili'i.ulril biography of thrUte Herlxjrl Strain, whose death KHtM f( " ' '"''" Mr. Ktrniii luul worked in was announced in lust week's Adviince, P,iihiiiu, Dakota, h>ul opened a. limiich is taken fnmi a Great Falls paper nlu | store in Great Falls, having their ( ( uar- will IK. i-eail with intercut, ters ' tlla McKnight liuikling mid IHJ- l|.-il" i: Strain was born infjrey coun- ty, C'anada, of Scoth-lrinh parentage, on August i7, 1804. He was the second of Mr. and Mrs. William Strain, who were milling the pioneer reHidents of that coining diKeoiirnged with the uuUook made a profHiKitioii to sell out to Mr ' Ht "" n "" to the latter. This deal was made in 1892 and he moved the stock from tho store l>aek of the Miuphy-Mlielay com- pany i" the new stand. In t he "sucfewling year- -1803 he en- tered into a contract with J. H. Mc- Knight for the latter to build a business riMim Mutable for the drygoods business which Mr. Strain wanted to carry on and thu result was the storeroom in which DariY jewelry husiness is now conducted- Strain's Ht<ire in the Phelps' l>lock was proved fatal, his tight l)oing Ktich aWopened there in February, 1895, where a could have been made only l>y a limn very prosperous business 1ms been con- who had lived aii exemplary life, (J&IItlqg'duoted up until the present time. thereliy-greiit power euduranoe. In lis Mr. Strain's ambi- ions found vent in younger days lu WHS a lover of and par- ,, t | lel . vell t,, ros . In February, 1SJOO, he liriiuiitiiiiilliaanlys|>orts, Uing one f !|, img ] lt ,, u t the business of the Choteau the best bus-hiill players in hi.s hoHu;| M( , lxHlllt i lc c<ml , B i nyi w ) lit .h l.iiKinenH j s town as well as one (,f the most cx]K-i't stlll ,,..,.),.,! MlltV e^Hftilly at the county swimmers. .... ,.r n\ August he would have l>eun but.4!l year* old. liurriiig the irtiu trmible tlmt cost his life, Mr. Strain was a malt of large pb\ sical vi'^.n and mentally in his prime. His hardy constitution and In- tine physical condition was forcibly cmpha- si/.ed in the great endurance he shoWod in battling with the disorder which HelvunUgeuuH terms From his very childhood Mr, Strain comity. In l'.)0:i the firm acquired the drygonds started hi.s c.-ireer as a business man aiul st<K . k ,. f , he A i M . UMK Mercantile company from thu age of eighteen years his history ' Hllll Clins( ,lj l l 1 ,tiii ( hi. s with their own". is a history <>f a hiisy .-,n.l PPoa^ v riK^ Mid btutt the 4BBMM up to IHJHW.H, never content with the Hicy'it* present proportions at the c .rner of which believes in "letting well enough^,,,,.,,] HVelllIU am | Fourth street. alone" but always eiuU'ilvoriiijr to ae'i * H may be said in passing that Mr. eoinphhh more so long as that accomplish- ., .. . Dtrain was a self-educated man. having inent could IK: obtained along legitimate, , . . . . ... hail limited school opportunities in ex- lines. As a l>y of 18 years he bought'. ... , . . . . jtent of tune, but he was as keen a stud- and xlnuDed farm product!) from Ins 1 . lent as he w:is a business man and in the hometown, Flcshcrton, ( anada to St.l ., . , , . . , . . years that had intervened between the Louis, Mo., iind also to Philadelphia, , . , , , , , %, day when he left school as a pupil of Mr. I'a.. making three trips t> ht. Loins ami ,. . v 'i * Ti Me.Mastcr, the fehoolnniNter of hw one to Philadelphia in that year. This. . . , , .. . . . J boyho -d, up to the time of his death, he was the initial step of the mnn, who, , , , ,. , , . . . hail read and studied and traveled ex- after the batile of luisinefs for !>1 years,, . , , ... ,,, ., . / I'enxively and might truthfully l>e class- result,,,,-.,, the aa,,,mlat,on of vast a nmn <>f ^ interests in this city with branches in .^ <(f ^.^ )m( , other point* and who had seen laooeM ,, - 'culture. . perch mi his standard was forced to sur- . . .,, He had ever l>een identiHed with the render tu an invisible enemy, disease. mural uplift of the community in which I ,,1H7S he entere.lt he employ of R- !,, ]iml It ; ,.^1^, ,| IK t while con- I. Spi'oule. merchant of Hesherton, al ^.^ }ftwinvm in n te ,, t , W illiHt,,n. an apiiientiue. It was with Mr. Sproiue' , . . . . ithen but a tent town on the (Jreat thathe laim- native genius of the bus,- 1 .. . .. . . .Northern railroad at the tune of railmad ness man which the hoy possessed, wMUjnatructi-n mid while vice in iu most given cue n rage, next and cultisated in hideous form wns rainpiint, he closed his right directions and which later in life re.'iehcd out to cmnprehond the large interests which he built up. For two years lie I'ontin, led with Mr. Sproiilc. After his uxi>ericiii'e of shipping pro- duce to the I 'nited States, he entered the employ of M. Hieliardson cf Flesher- ton ami continued in the mercantile linei wiiu | ( | i,,, ,, t | h . ,,||, store on the Sabliath day and gathered the few children of the town together and conducted the lirst Sunday school in thu history of the place, while 'n nearby tents could lie heard the clink of the poker chips and a medley of lilmldry that was gruesome. Hut let no one think that he was of the type that if smitten i one cheek lie lie was a man of until March, IKS!!, when he harked t(i,splci](li(l physique, extremely active and the call of ill.- west and cast ing his lot in Western Canada, lie arrived at Keyinn in that sanu- spring. Following the ex- ample nf many ot hers he selected home- stead in that vicinity. After short pjrioils on his homestead and ill the em fearless and under provocation was likely to retaliate in true primitive fashion He never compromised on principle fur pecuniary gain, holding his ground when convinced he was right regardless >f the financial loss it might entail. From the time when he joined the ploy of a merchant 0! Itegina, he weiit|*"ns of Temperance in his home village of Fleshcrton until the day of his de- mise there was never a time when then 1 t Medicine Hat and secured a re- sp uisible position hi the construction wax an\ doubt regaiding his attitude department of the C. P. H., remaining towards the liquor traffic. His life hai with the con, | Kiny until the road reached! 'wen an inspiration. He demons! rated Calgaiy. jthiit a man can be successful and yet opinion was unanimous that legis- lation H!I mid be secured to prevent the sale of Mirli products and full approval was given to the proposal to adopt a new -,--!. 'in wln.reby duediscriminationshould bu made between good and bad eggs. The following resolutions were unanim- ously adopted: Resolved, "That it is the c incensui of opinion of those asembled in this meet- ing that tho greatest need of the Canadian egg trade at the present time in the passage by the Federal Parliament of an E<<<{ Marks Act, similar to the Fruit Marks Act; such act to make unlawful the Imyiiii.', .selling or trading iu roMen eggs and to include such other regulations as may be thought advisable to prom >te the best intoresti of all concerned. Resolved. "That the egg dealm-s assem- bled here unanimously approve -of the proposal to change on June 1, I'.ii:;, from. the present system of buying eggs to a system of baying only on thu lu-s di '|ii;ility, and further, we disapprove of paying for any rotten eggi in our receipts after that date. . Resolved, "Thut. the phairman appoint a committue to draft a constitution and to i ikn steps in conjunction with the trade in other provinces to form an a>- sociation to ba known as "The Canadian Production Association" with a view to brii.ging together the city and county wholesale produce dealers, and further, th.it a meeting be called in Toronto at an early date to eif'e effect, to this' resolu- tion. Representing the Fd-<r.il and Provin- cial Guvorninant the following officials attended at the request of the trade: Mr. W. A. Brojvn, Live Stock Department, Ottawa; Mr. J. H. litre, Live Stock DepartuiHU, Ottawa ; Mr. F. C. Elford, poultry manager, Experimental Farm Ottawa; and; ProfessorW.lt. Graham, of Guclph. The efficacy and the imperative need of n system of payment based upon quality was set forth by these speakers. Thiir proposal was followed by continued nnd animated discussion, but through it nil was clear that the niiijority of the meet- in-; was heartily in sympathy with this or any other measure thai would enable tin.- producers and handlers of this pioduc: to curtail, <>r if po-,sil>'e, entirely eliminnle, the eivirnious and needless loss due to the marketing of bad and detjrioMtel Had Poor 1 at. J "That's a valuable dog of yonrg." "Yes, but he doesn't know he's a valuable dog. Look at him, will 700, scratching yonder In that cheap dirt when be might as well be up tbe boule- vard scratching in ground worth $500 a front foot?" Washington Herald. Difficult Tongue to Matter. A cynic who says he speaka from ex* perience declares that a linguist may be able to master all tbe modern, tongues except his wife's. London Standard. When It Come*. "Does your wife raise a rumpus when you stay awny from home at night?" < "No, but she does when I get home." Houston Post He that well and rightly conslderetb bis own works wilt flnd little cause to judge hardly ot another. Thomas a Keinpls. ., .. . , Let not hard luck In any case Your countenance distort. For when a man has a long face- We know that he la short. Cincinnati Enquirer. Kind Lady-You look tired: Itnilroad. Conductor Yes. madam. I'm troubled wltb insomnia. Kind Lady Poor fellow I Why don't tbey f\it you on a sleeping car? Stan- ford Chaparral. The "only girl he ever loved" Uazed deep Into his eyes. And. though he was not then reproved. She fathomed all his lies. He swore his love would ne'er grow cold Despite misfortune's frowns. She wondered If this suitor bold Could buy her 1m ta and gowns. Hartford Times. "1 am very, very fond of you," n whispered ID her enr. . "Xheu we shall get along splendidly. I am very fond of myself." she an- swered. Browning's Magazine. The winter girl la happy now. That's she who gently purrs. The winter winds have brushed the smell Of camphor from her furs. Bunker's Statesman. "Is it expensive to send a boy to college?" "No," replied tbe father, who had Just received another request for funds, "but I flnd it's expensive to keep him there." Detroit Free Press. Cautiou*. "I Mrs. Pretty face Iu mourning for her husband Y" "Can't say. Only now shb'a.ln black for him." Baltimore American. It ws fuither pointed out by certain members present that it would certainly he unwise n.ttotake advantage of (he experience giined by a number ofthej Sta'cs, notably Kinsos and Michigan. What was propoied at the meeting liad , i'i. .i'ly been woikeri out in n practica' way in these Stales with the result of very great fly conserving this valuable product hy eliminating r.eed less low and thus making the poultry enterprises more remunerative for the producer and the price cf the product cheaper and i'H ipm'ity morj dependable for the consum- er. It Is difficult to rest If you are doing jothing.-ltomao Proverb. Bull for Service Pine bred shorthorn bull for fervice on !(. lti!-70, 2 E. T. & S. R., Ar- tcllli'sil. T.TMI.s 9\. -RICHARD ALLEN, Prop. 'maintain the highest moral standards. I, cuving falgary ini(l after a brief stay! He joined the Methodist church at an lte;hm, h pmeeeded eastward to early age and whilst his religions views Winnipeg and crossing the international broadened and became more liberal as International Stock Food DON'T let yourhortei run down clnrliiE Hit- winter and get no soft thut th. v will t ... iL h Imilly n-lirn ynii start your spring plowing If horses nre not worked rrgnlnrly dutinn the winter, they ni-H lha iplendid tonic effect! of INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD, to tone up tlie .li,.- tr organs, rnal.lr them In act nil the (.'.ml nut of their fred, prevent the hlmxl from 79 l.i i . .in inu overheated, and limn ward off disease. I. \M.H\M, SASK., Tim. X-th. iqia. "I linvr fdl TNTBRNATIONAI. STOCK Kool) for mnny yrnrs. I .Iway. h a 25 pound pail tandina in my barn. I bought a tioir of three year old culls and they wtrt eo vrorKed uowti lnal niy ncifihlmrs Kaid I find been bent. When I bought the coltn, they vrt-iirlii-il I4"o "'- I ploiiBhecl ss ancs and they weighed zftsi> tin n I linrvested lAj Here* and threshed and hauled one rurlon.l to town, o miles. I weighed tin in iiyjin ami Ihry ,vi ii<]ie(l 2^50, and I Siii'l "They shrill weigh jnoo before M'rillg", Now, ilie NelxhtmriivAutto buy th. m l>ut there" no chance". J.O. UliMrlll.. I'./r ivile hy denlerrt everywhere. -Our #^,'v>o.i " Stu k Hook j*ent free when we receive v .ur U.-IMIC and a.MrcM. INrKRNATIONAL STOCK fOOD CO. I.IMIIM). TORONTO. For Sale by John Fisher Flesherton, - - Ontario the. years i-i died by, yet that eolitinned to b inndiry [trie into I tide Sam s domain i ^^ c i, ul . c ], I,,- ; ,s.M,,, : ,t,d l,ims,lf it |, 1 1,,, tin,, of ,! ,';,,,.;, , OIls i. stl , ll( ^,,,,1,1^,, Shaw, Charllot, A ('(., HUoeefU|Mnoe becoming an Ameriean citizen. nierelniiits of I'mnbiiia, Dakota, then a He had held no pnlitieal ottiee, feeling that he K.>iild best assist in promoting the pnblie welfare in hi.s capacity of After four years of faithful service to private pel-son. bis lust employers, young Strain ever itiiibiti. HIS and yet but '2',\ years of decided In- w.iuld no longer work for HE ItlttU Carefully Corrected Eacli Week Wheat iC> to 85 i )ats :<3 to J;j Peas 1 I'-' to ] 12 Bui-ley 55 to 55 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 ! Butter. 23 'c L'.'i Eg!i, fresh 18 t 18 ' Potatoes per but; 50 to 50 , Oeese 13 to Ducks '. 13 . Fowl 10 to Turneys 22 to ()\VKS SOI ND, ONT., The Case of Eggs Tha t thu sytom known us the " wso mil which has pievailed in the egg trade for a number of years provides no discrimination whatever, and tint under t the piodncer, with no icllection on the n limn fuc |i i \ mid lluit he would l.-unu-h in business fur hiniNclf. Aecordini/lv lie , H J , c.iunt which tins pievailed in lhe vm I" Minot, Dakota, where be (>|>ene"' t _..j_ , , , _'. . . , a store fur biinself, and in Mny of the HkineyuurhiH bnither, W. .1. Strain e.tine to ji.in him inul later tho siiine , ihen, IN not enrour'iged to mnrke' an arli- BUIUinerJ. II. Strain eiiini- t.i the foTCwJ , ,,- . ,.. .. , . . cle (if l>i>;li (|mility, was t lie decision come Hilt the iniiii irt the h'cliii, Herbert . , ,. ... , , to yesteidny iifti-rnoon :n tho rooms of iln> otrain, dooiden bu niiaht <l<> better by n , , -n \ , ' Board of Tilde at a largely attended .hifting Ins l,K-at,,,i, t,, \\ illiston and d,dj meo|ii|g <)( |||e ^ trnj(j ()f tha p roTincw so, though net for long. The autumn f , ^ tftri() llndguebec . The r, niedy for 111 ; Siiine yiiitr found them linek ill Uino. Lui , t tr , . > , nlmm live Ol nuUII was snggr.steil ns Ink .tii.llhulu-.i.lnf thetirm. tlmt autiimii,! Dg |he forn) ( , f (m ^ ^^ ^ Ivid a very n.mou , scape fr,.u: death ' imi | Rr lo llle act R ,, vl . niing fnllt . T ,, e tl,,. rrstilt of ,,,,,,,i m fcvor. forumtioB of a new produce association The put wliijh Mr. Strain WHS to pby ">" also propped. 14 14 13 22 Krery gradmite guaranteed a pusition. Thorough coin -(<. Lii'ne ftalf of Specialists. l'..'..t , -,ni| ;.. .1 ( 'ill 1 .-;,' in i ' la.ul.i. Knter any day. C. A. FLKM1SO, F. C. A., Hrincipal. O. D. FLEMING, - Secreta.y. OWEN SOUND ONTARIO BULL FOR SERVICE Uivd Holstein Hull, Konnlyke Pitteitj" (.'lothilrle. N... 14780, whose, dmu. Time's ( '|..| l.il.lc Pie'ertjo 2ii(l,K. ' 2U8S, h.ts projuoed over 80 ihs. milk |rr. day. Terms Grade cows $1 50, ) uie bred cows*. 1 !. All cows not returned will b- charged. Als.i reuMsfered Yorkshire bar, Ho :U581 .TermJl. HENRY HoLMAM Lot 40, On. 4, Artvmtuia. Port hi* i'.(>. Otnarlf SHAW'S SCHOOLS Schools.' All r ..._ leading to good salaried position!!. Free i-stiiloj;iif on renutwf. Write for it. W. 11. SilAW, President. Uea<t Otficei", Yiuige & t!errarAHt., Toronto, i i i li mercan'ilc liintnry of Great Kall opened in 18(10 in the month of when ho miide a trip to this city and, Determining means whorebv consunu-is >ind mercli i.ts coula be pru the nui-kuling ofs'ale and roll ea!I< was docidim to locate here, rented the rooiujtho primary ohj->c' of thf m -elini. 1'nder lit tho rear of Murpliy-Maclay's hii'dwarcjthe preirtmt sy.<:e.u wh-n hid o^;s ai'e htoi'f now used by lite bardwaie com 'fmrid in thj ci'e^ tluu 1 is n i t\>c >u s for pany us ;i piit. of its CKUblishineiit HI d tho dealer to take, and the opini'i'i of the i.]M'ii.'.l a business thuvo late i.i M n.-i. of IS!).. 1 . Success crowned Mr. etl'.ii'l from his in th 1 ? city. meeting \\* that live ''cae count" whcrj a llal rate is ijuotod, stdj nnd bs.d eggs ciiininandini' just i s l price HH Hy the end (if the first yunr lid W.is ii^-eil- those of the l.rgh'St made is ei|iiiveliuit ing moi'c room and 11 more diMiradlu lf>- i<> placing a prcaii-tm on eirjl.-.ss and. cntioti HI h rlrcided to rftnt)ve lo < Yntia'ldilatory niethnds' in' thu |>rnte -lion and avenue. He si'Ctiicil a le.ist: on ihu Diiini ore i.f this product. Mireover.it was pointed out that tin cottTitry-ktoffc*por8 b'o 'k ,iinl opriu-ii his shortly thereafter ho lilt ) new territory. thora and I i branch out CANADIAN PACIFIC EXCURSIONS To Manitoba? Sas HOMESEEKERS Low Round Trip RatM each Tuwday, March to October Inclusive Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Other polntt In proportion Return Limit two month). TOURIST 3LEEPINO CABS on all excursions. Comfortable brrths, fully cquip[)C(i u:','i bxlilinu. can be vecurcd ut inn.! i.ii i- rotes through local agent. catchewan, Alberta SETTLERS For settlers travel- line with live stock and effects. SPECIAL TRAINS Will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY HAKI AND Ami 1O.20 p.m. Settlerst and families without live atock should U8e REGULAR TRAINS Leaving Toronto 10.30 p.m. Daily Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAIN* No charge for Bertha Homo Seekers' Trains Leave Toronto 10.3O p.m. daring March, April, September and October, aud at 2 p.m. and 1O.2O p.m. during May, June, July and August. Through Tralna Toronto to Winnipeg and West Full particulars from any C.P.R. Agont or write M. (.'.. Murphy, PistrU-i. Passenger Agent, loronto received no 'ncouri;pniriit to tr.arkit n attiu'e of S. Rand, Agent, Flesherton * or

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