May t 1913 HIE 1< L E S H E R I N ADVANCE Til I / Icsljcrton An independent newspaper, ptiMiiihed every Tr.nntday at the <>jtic, CuUingwood Street, Klmhrrtnn. SiiUcriplinii price 91 iwr annum, rli'-n paid in advMice; SI ..'>,i wlieii imt > pniil Advertising rate* <m Application. Circulation 1.100 wpokly. VV. li. Tliuratoii - Editor THE SUN RUNS WILD The Owen Sound Su.i prii.ts a all m^ly worded ariiclu rastitaiinx Tl.e Ad'uuco tor ita Uraerity in taking tlmt paper to taitt for attempting to cieat a ftlse ,y m pathy in thu Love cse. The |>osi- iou taken I>y the Sun and sumo other l>,i|Kr in absurd in the extreme. The iiest ciiminal case which urn) s up in i hi- county should b.- tried before the SSun and its staff of repmtei.s. There is no need for judgo and jury. The methods adopted ;t the trial did not appeal very strongly" to the Sun. That paper also hy The Advance 'Fri>ets to mention the only hanging that ever took place in O*en Sound, in which, as wa discortred years after- wardi, an innocent man suffered. That man, too, was convicted on circumtUntial evidence." Tho Sun tdionld bruin up its knowledge of crimnology iu ihw cuunty. Its iUteuient is incorrect. The Sun. with other pper. ne of whom "did not follow the caae very closely," and know nothing of luca) vircumM incea, still believe Love to be guilty I. ut should not hany. This IK omething of uu anomaly. There is only one penalty in this country fot nmider. The judge evidently thought there wai more than enough evidence t" convict, and the jury .took cry little time lo come to the s UK- conclusion. Yet the Sun has decided on ihe evidence of a cub reporter who "liilei.deJ the trinl ' and W.-M "not Wished with the methcds' adopted,' that judge and jury were nil wrong. The verdict tin u d he been u acquital nrcordin-( . the >.n. ind this man allowed to go free: Failing tli-- the accused bhould have been committed to life imprisonment fu r win', let us ask ! If he n not Kuilty wf murder he was not wnilhy i'f life imprisonment, and should have been allowed his freedom. The \> hition liken by the hun i- must unsound ni d baucd. The Advance, let the Sun undentand, di i not enter upon a newspaper c:unaign to ii sure a hnntiing in this cnse. Our HJI;K.M| wai to allow tin- UupWluieiit of Juttice t d.:-il with tin- i ! without having any diis*. thrown in its eyc by iiuch hiiiti-mi-irs ai the Sun hmteun promulgating. The Sun even goes FO lar in i'r- h. -u-ch for fm-l that it nccusrs thf pi'.ipl-i li --ri- "f lir. nix found Love Ifuilty before tin- Tliii 11 ubwlute- ly false, :t> mi! imnyofns nthor tnte- BMUta and inuendcM. ' >n Hie ci,ti:iry_ tht re wcti- vi ry f.- proplo -wi< kowu "f not mi" \\h-i .l:.l not think thnl wou'd lift cle.-ir V. hU tli. I. Aftera'aid- , they considen-d tins vcidict ju-t one nnd now resell' tli. (. nipt of tho Sun to defeat the ends of justice. Let til remind ilia Sii", ,n n,;iny u jury lia bc.-n ri-niindod Ivf.-ii- io, >hHt I' I ..' nrrrssary to show II Ill'jtlVO fill' H Ctllnr, Mi li 11^ ;i~ .-V I'li'n. -i- i.| I lir Clillli) itself i- i V'ir. Wi- |inl'^.' from nvr iz cli IIIL;."! Hint few of them bclivvo in LOTUS innocence, und a di<s>-it:ktion on "na^^ing" has been indulged m l>y iO"i.- thin one i-diVir, who efi'K-ntly tbiuka the crime was induvd by i!n. Then, if they b.-li-vc ilie verdict win a correct onv, wlmt i. tin- n . nc of cniiininn Henie nro lln<y ft<-r' Wlmt end uiu they trying loservul It it one "f two things : they ;uc tijinn lo diitciedil our courts of justice, or itrc Kimply tilling Kp(l' Wl'li .1 I'.! if full I li talk. Iii i '.i.i.i- li.. n with the Hun's aiticle, The Advance hiis ifceivd n lett T frmii a nun in OHIMI s,.uii.l which wo to i-1-i'whori'. HOW GAS CAME TO MEDICINE HAT Kuuyiuil Kipling spoke of Medicine Hut i "ihe town Unit was liuru lucky" ui'l qualified (his aontMFhat 1'iii^ title by saying thnt it possessed "til Hell fur a 1'ascinon 1 ;." This description of M. .'.. id.- Hat is mi Hpprnpijiitu out', fr the city is in iho centre ( li it in lit |i;isd>i the l.-iim-si na'iiral -.i< fluid in t lie world. A short inscription nf lio\v i In 1 ','ts was disc-iivi iv 1 may biMutereotii.g to I In- render. In thtiyear 188;! the t'.m- i. r.u-ilu- Railway while, boring fur water about 40 miles nm-ih-west of Medicine Hat, btruck n small flow of j.i> which WIN utili/.i-.l 1,1 light and heat the section hnuse. Ktrly in the year 1891, Sir Will am Van Home, then pres- ident nl the <' .11 nil in r.irih,' I; iilw.iv, ottered to loan the city a drilling nut n't as he believed the city was underlaid with valutble -mis of coal. Acting on hia suggestion, the city commenced drill- ing pe.rit'ionH and at a depth of 650ft. a flow t UHH a btruck with 250 lb. 10 a "..I i- .- inch but as the gas contained a percmtaqe of moisture it was necewary to install interceptic tanks in order to remove the lame before discharging the gat into the distribution mains. In I'lDfi tlm city determined to dii> deepei in the li-ij.i- of securing a larger drier How. A I y i money, was jwissfd to raise the necessary and as Medicine Hat was then He who has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might huvt prevented it. Examination free. Satisfaction guarantee! W. A. Armstrong. Flesher-ton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Btsket leaves Tuesday noon, delivery Friday eveni-ig. CLEANING and DYE1NO We are cgenls for Parker's Dye Works Cl<>tltea al.-uii-l and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. t>n M'.nd'iy evutiiiiK the annual buii- neH.s meetinu nf llm Kpwurlli Lunt(uc> wax held. Keporlx ]. rnceivod from acli olticer, which showed t ^OIK! yenr's wurk. Tho election < f office fur tlm coming > 'i ilnMi took pUco, tlm n-hiilt <if w'ni'li in ns folloW4 : I'roiidttnt, Mi, II. Wallace. ; 1st Vice, M. .1.. .. Clinton; 2nd Vice, Miss F. Thuraton ; 3rd Vico, Mr. II. D. Brown ; 4 h Vice, Mr. R. Wilcook ; nth Vice, Mm. W. A. Arm- strong ; Hoc. Sec., Mr*. K. Moore ; Cor. Hec., Minn V. Nichols in ; TroB., Minn K U KirHtedt ; <>,..,, ,.,.. Miw> A. Ileii- derHor, Sixty dollnrii WHS reported at rai-ied in iho Forwmd Movemeiit for Sjir.tK 11^ III I! u i I. 1 Oil tll OCCIHillll llf t'n! fonuitl introduution f II/dro-Klec- tric power theru, H n Adam Beck taid that the coniiniMiion i* now negotiating with Owt-n Sound to tupply them with ]K>wor fi'iin Knyin.1 K.vll -, nd the Com- miwion IH figuring on aiuheme to liuild big utorauo dam, which couhl bo con- nected with Barrrio transmission lines to relieve the pe'< l"d or in ciuo of no- cidenl . There WAH n full of 450 foot and plondid fncdift f'ir devnlopmont. This plant could 1 ii-cd ns mi ntixiliitry to lh Sinn:.* Hjsli'in There aru t " v n-m i. in Proton township council ne cusd by tlm re- n oval of Councillor lli.rkridue nnd tho other ty tli.! 'luiith 'f l^'uncillur (Jillis- pie. only a - . > n of a couple of thousand |ieople the cipenditure wits a great drain in their finances. A< the well sank deeper and deeper the money grew imtlltr. The citizeni and the members of the cuun cil gathered by t li little pipe day 1 y day and watched the drill lower and lower without reaulr. Filially the money wit* exhausted i.d the town was face to I ..-. I with bankruptcy or a tenons tax rtte. The c no. i I..- - went home sadly nmi'1 the muttvrings of the peopln. That night it secirt se.wion i'f the council waw con- vened, 11. .1 the tien'urer showed a.i empty pu'tu-. The driller begged to be allowed it few ni'jre feet. The nntyr considered, ml with the inspiration of a prophet turned his back upon thd If^d tuchnicilities and ordered tli- well ImrinK to proceed It was n terriblu lisk to spend in.. re money, nnd <|uite illegal, but he took the risk. Next morning the mirncle huppuued. To thii d>y they teil of it. At nine o'clock in the morning tin 1 citi/.-nv weie electiiliod at tin- i.lii of the iii.-tyor, coatlehx mid hatli-s>s rush- ing from hi' 1. uu- -- (tore up the cenlre of the n :i.l. v.-ilnly endeavnlin^ lo o\er- tike .. \vnrkiii.-tn in l-'l-r training Inn (lii-d y.iii]- ahi|. The ciliz-ns joined in the chase. At tlm well everjlhint; * .- _.. n; up iii the itir. A. jusl ono tliolHnml and li'M li'i t a tt'liilio llmv if -, i luiil ln'i'ii slruuk a lluw lliit iv^is. tiTi'd, when they got it under eoniml. a Inn, ill.- I poiiiHls |in s in',- in IS sri' -ii'N 1.VI pi.iii'ds in -10 sec nid", 250 poumNin nun ill nulu 'iliil twt'lve focnuil", an 1 filially slopped at (il|0 pounds to tin- N |ii.ire. inch. Tli;il in iyn|- is livinj; yel In. I smiles li- n yon n.-k him what would h ivi- lii-eii liis cliMiceK ', t-sc.-ipi- from ilio infuriate. I cit i/enc, w.ihic.i- train n d.y out of MciiicMii- Hit, if tl.exns had iv t c uny. This in mi-rely one of the chances l hoy lake out in il.i- \V, s-, here. "Medi- cine Hal News". T FISHER, PROPRIETOR An Opportunity to Toronto Visit To Acoomnednt* UICMI wisliin^ in \i^it Toronto for '.lin N.itiniinl Hnrsu Sh'.w.thr C 1'ac fi-.- H ihv y will issue leturn lirkt-ts Ht singlu f'ire, plus iifiy criiis fur kdmiarlou to II" . Show . (HUM; From r. i i-i i...i. . Hamilton, Tiini'ikip, Milvcrion, Kl-mi, Ixi-i.ilwurth, Prut op, Mm .sfmil iurl mid ini'diiiie "tulidin, in i-'dnii'. 1 mli (In IM..I.M, Tiii'Hi);iy.\Ve('ne) - iKy, Thnifdiiy, Kridny iiml Suliin'iiy, April '.'Hili, IMHh, May 1st, 2nd ai.d Urd. From ill other xtati ma in Ontari' , ..: I,, I..-. Iti-nlri'W nnd wont, Imt not west nf Sudhury, Tuoidiy, Apr. S'.ltli, only. Hrtiirn limit en nil tiekits Mniulki , My r>lh,l!i:. 'I'iii-. is mi excellent uppnrtuniiy to visit Tcrnnlo. Si-cure t : ekets f nun uny 0. P. H. Aicenl. MAIL CONTRACT SKA I.EII TKNliNHN addressed to iho Poi-t- niHstur (leneral, will lie received nt Ollnwn until iinnn, mi FriJny, tli* (ilh Juno lOIII for id.- conveyance nf hit M i|." I )' ,M ul . MM i propoStul (', mi in, i for four yenrn HJI linie.s pur week over Rural Maii Route from Proton Station, via Wareham, Ontario from the Pot- 1 mint vr (fiMiernl'i Pleamiro Printed notices containing fiirthur informniion ns tn ennditioai nf prnpnHrtl i mi i ii l in . y ho sei'ii nnd lil. i nk forms nf Tender niuy I>P obtnined nt the PcKt Oftioi'H nf 1'rotnu Klutiiiii, VV.ircliiini mid nt. the Oltico of the I 1 . .1 Ollieo t Tnronlo. 1'oat (Mlic-o Di'pnrtn.enl, Mail Sorvice Uranch, Dlliiwn, Apiil 1'Mli, l!>l;i 11. C. ANDKUSON, Supi IDK F. R W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Specials In Waist Silks This week we place on sale a big range of Fancy Silks in the correct lengths for the purpose of making up Waists. These include Sh:ts, Stripes and Fancy Patterns and more than a doxen new slmdes of color. No two ends are alike, so a wide choice is assured. Price per length $2/J'), $'J.;')0, ^2.85 and $3.50 New 4 yard wide Linoleums N^w Floor Oilcloths New Velvet and Tapestry Squares New Curtain Nets. Prepared Paints for inside and outside use, Floor Paints and Varnishes, Raw, Boiled, and Machine Oils, Turps, Brushes of all kinds. Boys' and Men's Clothing, Felt and Straw Hats, Overalls and Pants, Trunks and Valises. See our New Spring Footwear Styles for Everybody. Pi-ices Right. HIGHEST PRIES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Do You Ever Sleep? It' you do you will bo wise to; pay attention. I am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement will only cist you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice aud comfortable on which lo lay your weary head, (if Roni-Rv we have oilier beds at other prices, nil equally low in price Sanitary Hods such ns everybody wsntH. Sprin-iB and Mattresses to i fit nil be I*. Examine our stock any- way, before piirchaHitit; your slur;! iudui-crs. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. JUST THINK What we have in store for you some of the nicest goods in Grey County. Don't fail to see these goods. Every- thing I'p-To-Uatc as usual. Pressing and Cleaning done in the most satisfactory man- ner ::::: ; C. BLAKELY Flcsherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building CEYLON'S STORE 1 1 u .- you :;m all the Clover and Grass Seeds you require, if not, gut the I'..-: Grades at IVu-i i.'- . Ceylon, at prices you can't heat, i-oiisiderinn quality . We have also Dutch Setts, Potato Ooiont, (anlen Tools, Poultry Netting, Black and White fenco Wire, Spades mid Shovels, and Forks Et-ety.ning required for spring work. A'so fancy tiling" for decorating up the house, such as New Wall Payers, Floor < i! Cloths, Liuoleums, Curtains, CuiUin Poles, Paints mid Varnmhet. For the Ladies and Girls N.'* Suit Lengths, Dress Lengths, House DreKscs, Embroidery for Dresse-, Princess Slips and Corset Covers, Lace c>dlais and Cutf Si-tts, Inmoy Waists, I'liderNkirts, Spring and Summer I'nderwear, Boot* ami Sh"p, in low or hi.jh tan. Patent or Don?olits, Kid and Silk Glo'-fs, Hose in silk Lisle or Cotton. For Men Spring Caps Fel- Hals ami Xew StyUi Chritties, also Panama* and Straw Half, Uain Cunts in dilTeretii styles shades and prices. Kill Gloves, ai. <l I'nil.ri'llas, Suit Cases and Trunks, fancy Socka and I'un. Mnplu Syrup for sale at SI. ."HI per gxllon. DfU M< TTO -"Small Profits and l^uick SOWING HIS WILD OATS REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW How many young men con look buclc on their early life aud regret their misdeeds. ' 'Sowing their \vill oats' ' in various ways. Kxccsses, violation of na- ture's laws, "wine, women and sonj;" all h.ive their victims. You b'ive re- formed hut what about the Bcctl you have sown what about the harvest? Don't trust to luck. If you are at present within the Clutches vf uny MX' ret hal'it which is sappini; your life by drgroes; if you are suf- fering from the results of past indiscretions; if your blood has bei-n tainted from any private disease nnd you dare not marry; if yon ore married nnd live in dread of .symptoms breaking out and exposing your past; if you are suffering us the result of a misspent life-DRS. K. &. K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your case before tin-in confidentially and they will tell you houestly if you are curable. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED W Tre.t and Cur* VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY aad BLADDER Di*. eae and all Diieaiat Peculiar to Men. CONSULTATION FREE. Book* Fn*on DUeuu of Mm. U to call, write for QIW.UOD Blank for I1OMK rill: ATM i:i\ I - DRS.KENNEDT&KEHNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. 'NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Department in Windsor, Out. If you desire to nee us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we tee and treat no patient, in our Windsor offices which are used for correspondence aud Laboratory for Canadian buaineM only. Addresi all lettera as follows: DRS. KENNEDY A KENNEDY, Windsor, Oat. Write for our private oddreu. Jas. Wattison & Co., '--^ <"->. V FARM FOR SALE . In tin- lowDNhip of Ai ii-nii- 1 1, in the Cniinty of Urey, lot. 13, con. - , and lots 12 and IS, con. :; N.D.R., coxtniniiiK ItH) (\ci-eM ; fnine |IOIINI>. Apply lo N. Me- Kiiyilon, I'no I'nik, Out., or A. N. Mor- van. New l.iski'an!, or John McKnyden, (Vylon, Out. 1 .jnylll Pure Drcd Holsteln Bull tltaiiiiclini-: Prince Joe l!r. il liy ('Irinui'lititf liu'lcr Hoy out of Tuly Alihrkoik I'rinryv* .Imophine. Tin 1 Ki'i-ati-iit liuttor nutkiiiK 'train known. Ti'i-in of R.irvico >2 for gnitlm, f. r i for piiif lirrd. C.KO. MOMUKA SON, Pmpn., IKrli il I'loton Slittion. FARM FOR SALE OK Rl NT CO scree. Lot I :'.-.', o m 3, Artemeniit. DT*r falling pHn|[, well ftmcrd. l.'i.-ui.s "f Timber, ih rest in (WHlure over 15- yt'urs, HOIK! stock farm. Wmild Hull OH onsy icriii-. fur (iiiiek ritle. Apply to .1 'lines Nnth, Iiish Luke. P. O. Dr, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH onicoaml R-siilonc 4(W. Oth St. Kast, j Owen Sound, Out. Hours to 12 11. in., l.Jtdto 4.;iO p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Other IKUUR hy J. & W. B O Y D GENERAL MERCHANTS FLESHERTON - ONT. House Cleaning T * lime . . Now is the time to buy fine Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, etc., Notwithstanding the fact we are selling out, we have received the spring ship- ment in these lines and are therefore marking special prices to clear them. i"| i Tapestry Brussels and Wool, g'zes 2J x3 to 4 x 4. Price ".HO ........................... S< o () 00 Carpets in Brussels, Tapestry, Wool, Linen, and Hemp ' at' prices from 26c to . . . ........ ....... 81 '(5 Linoleums x 4 and 12 x 4 widths "so'iue'ver'y p're'uy patterns, best . , E'!g>'h LM.oleun.1 ........................ D0c e , A.NO Oilcloth UfttliDffl ac reduced priceB. Also Mats nd Di'or Mats in Cocoa Mattiiisj Wire. Lace Curtains. Bun K lovr Nets, Screen IHuslini. LHCO Cuna'ng fur 43o to ........... *4 (>0 Bungulow Nets from 15 to AO~ Muslins from 12J to ........ '.'.'".".!.'.'!.'.!! i Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Produce. J. & W. B O Y D FLESHERTON, - ONT. !!*!^ - <> .