May 22 1913 THE FLESHERTONADVANCE m THE ESTABLISHED PT CANADA v<e>o OF|B /c^ TORONTO FLESHERTOJN BRANCH C A VINGS deposited in thi. bank >J draw die highest current rate of interest. Withdrawal! of put or the whole amount may be made when- ever desired without delay. IS CEO. MITCHELL, EBB Branch** abe at Durham and Harrtiton. Manager. Trains follows : Going South 7.43 a. m. 4.30p.m. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as The mails are closed at Fleaherton aj follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at i 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south , mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'gj Returning Officer Thos. Scott was in town on Tuesday, posting proclamations for the East Grey election nomination Going North j June 2 ' 8lecti n J^e 9- 11.28 a.m. j Rev. Thomas Rodgere of Knox church 8.58p. m. I Owen Sound, ban declined the call to VICINITY CHIPS 2 Mrs.(Rev.) W. Ayers is visiting her daughter, Mrs Blackburn. Mrs. T. Carter left lasc week to vitic her mother and .sister in Woodstock. MisH Fl.irem:*) Thurston left last week to visit for a month with Tara and Lion 'a Head friends. Mr. J. J. Tilleyjof .Toronto came up last week to spend his usual summer on the Beaver. Cowan Avenue church, Toronto, and will remain in Owen Sound. Tho First of July is likely to be cele- brated in Flesherton this year. A rueet- i iug ia called for this Wednesday evening ' in the town hall at 8 o'clock to discus* the matter. An exchange says bananas are likely to be 25c. a dozen this year, owing to failure of the orange crop. They were never leas than 25c. in Flesherton. Miss Gladys Cornfield, who is attend- ing Harbord St- Collegiate Institute, Toronto, won the stiver medal in an or - tory contest last week. Congratulations Gladys. The Annual Meeting of the Liberal Conservative Association Grey will be held of East and in the Town i v,emre vjrey win ue neia in tne rown Mr. James Fisher has secured the con- Hal] Markdale . at 10 :w< a> m- | on Tueg . tract for the rural mail rDUte from ) day June 3rd> 1913 A picnic and pub . Flesherton to P'jrtlaw. Miss Edna Moore of Toronto U (lie guest of her cousin. Mrs. C. Munshaw, and other friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Loucks of Meaferd spent, the week end with Mr. and Mrs. P. Loucks. The Advance had a pleasant call from Mr. A. Colgan, foreman of the Herald office, Dundalk, on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Bowes of St- Vincent spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. J. H. Heaid. Louis Pivinic was up be fore Magistrate McMullen one day laat week charged with peddling without a license. The case was dismissed. Messrs. Joe Clark of t he Toronto Star and A. H. U. Colquhouo, Deputy Minis- ter of Education, spout Saturday fishing on their preserve on the Beaver, return- ing Monday. A special meeting of the village counei was held Saturday evening for the pur- pose of appointing a Chief Constable, and Mr. John Hales got the job at a salary of $25 and perquisites. The next step will be the p.wing of a public mor- als bylaw and when that U done there will be a possibility of controlling the un- ruly element which const itutes a prob- lem as it stands to-day. There are a few youngsters in thi < town who appear to be beyond parental control and the interests of the town demands that they be con- trolled in some manner. When the machinery gets iuto working order con- ditions will improve. The boys had better begin to get good right away, le- fore the curtain rises. Sunday last was known aa Peace Sun- day throughout Great Britain, Germany and the United States. In the Metho- dist church here at the evening service Rev. H. E. Wellwood preached a sermon fiom the text : "Blessed are the peaco- niakers, for they shall bo called the sons of God." The rev. gentleman did not confine the application to international peace, but included all str.'fe between man and man, in church and out. The stimuli was timely, instiuctive and in- spiring, s At the Women's Institute meeting held recently, in addition to matters re- ported last week we are asked to say that the following members were appointed to attend thn district meeting to be held at Kimberley in June: Mrs. R. Best, Mrs- B. WiUock, MHS Brown, Mrs. E. Wick CDH and Mrs. R. Richardson. The man- aging committee ia as follows: Mrs. R. Wright, Mis. McTavish, Mra. Phillip* and Mra. A. Stewait. Mrs. Goldhawk favored the gathering with * nicely rend, red solo. May Rod and Gun in Canada (publish- ed by W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock, Oat. ) is out with a varied list of con- tents. Among the articles noted are, A Blaze on a Portage, which will strike a a responsive chord in many hearts ; After the Giant Masculonge of Anchor Bay, an enteitaining tale of the St. Clair Flats; A Canoe Trip to the Great Opeongo Lake District, a >vcll illustrated story of a some- what strenuous trip in Algonquin Park ; lie meeting is being arranged for the afternoon of the same day. Several pro- minent speakers of the party are being arranged for. Full particulars next week. The annual election of officers in Prince Arthur Lodge, A. F. and A. M.. took place on Friday evening last aa follows : W. M., Bro. Herb. Smith ; I. P. M.,W. Bro. G. A. Watson ; S. W., Bro. Tho. Henry ;J.W.. Bro. J. A. Cornfield; Treas., W. Bro. J. Blackburn ; Sec,, W. Bro. C. H. Munshaw ; Chaplain, W. Bro. M. K. Richardson ; Auditors, W. Bro. F. H. W. Hickling, and Bro.Jl.H. Goldhawk. Monday evening was social evening in the League at the Methodist church and a very enjoyable time resulted. A de- bate among the younger members wax very interesting and amusing. The sub- ject was: Resolved--That music is mora powerful than oratory. During *he course of the debate one little girl on the affirmative side ui>ed the mother as an illustration how music soothed the baby to sleep. A speaker ou the negative knocked this argument into a forlorn wreck by asserting that almost any min- ister could soothe a whole congregation to sleep by his oratory. The negative won. Luncheon and candy was served to the large number present. The annual meeting of the teachers and officers of the Methodist Sabbath School was held lost Wednesday. The report was presented by Mr. W. H. Bunt, which showed that the school is in a flourishing condition in point of numbers. Tho papers and periodicals and new lib- rary books have been paid for and there is a surplus in tho bank of over one hundred dollars. A donation of 95.00 was voted to the S.S. Aid and Extension Fund, $5.00 to the Forward Movement for Missions, and 2.00 to the Prov. S.S. Association. The following officers and teachers weie elected: Supt. Mr. vV. H. Bunt ; Assistant, Mr. Robr. Richardson; Sec.,Mr.S. Shunk;Trea>.,Mr. T.Clayton; Librarian, Mr. T. Blakeley. Teachers-- Mrs. W. A. Armstrong, Mrs. R. H. Wright, Mrs. R. Beutham, Mrs. Georgo Mitchell, Mrs. W. Moore, Mrs. W. Thurton, Misses K. Bellamy, H. Wal- lace, L. Armstrong and F. Thurston, also Mrs. G. H, Walter and Mr.H. D.Brown aa assistant teachers. Organist, Miss Lillian Armstrong ; Assistant Organist, Miss Maud Byd. Reform Convention The annual convention of East and Centre Grey Reformers will be held in Clayton's Hall, Flesherton, on Friday, May 30, at 1.30 o'clock p. m. The busi- ness of the meeting will be the election of officers and deciding the matter of placing a candidate in the field for the impending election. All Reformers are urgently requested to attend. Victor Brewer, five years old, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brewer, Gal 1 , fe'l into an unprotected mill race and was drowned. Rev John Johnston, Presbyterian irir. A Southern B. C. Goat Hunt, an account i ister - at Lynedocn, was killed l-y a fall of a successful trip into thu Cascades; Fox Breeding in Prince Edward Inland; from the roof of hia burn. Milton Chatters, a former Fast Luther Died On Tuesday, 13,at her home, Priceville, Jean Fiances, widow of the late John McAulay, at the advanced ago of 86 years. Mrs. McAulay was one of the early settlers in these parts, having, with her husband and young family, made the long trip through the forest from the township of Caledon in the year 1857. A few years later she took up her abode beside what is now culled the Old Durham Road, and has resided there during the last fifty-tour years. Mrs. McAulay has always been a faithful attendant of the Presbyterian church until sickness rendered her incapable of attending. She was the mother of a large family of seventeen, eight of whom are still living, also twenty-eight grand children and eighteen great grand child- ren. The members of her family slil living are : Mrs. John Melia, Ceylon, Ont.; Walter McAulay, Belliugton, Algoma ; Mrs John Burnett, Priceville; Mary McAulay, Toledo, Ohio ; Mrs. Alex. Fiudlay, Vancouver B. C.; Alux. McAulay, Cleveland, Ohio ; Mra. Chas. Savigne, Detroit, Mich.; and Duncan McAulay, Stevenson, B. C. The funeral service waa conducted by her paator at her late residence, on Thursday, May 15th, and the remains were interred in McKechme's cemetery on the Durham Road, near Priceville. < Odds and Ends> ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sale A quantity of good potatoes. if, Fenwick Eugenia. For Sale Two fresh cows, 2-year-old tiliy colt, and a quantity of White Daubin Oats and a few tons good buy. Apply on lot 175 Gravel Road M. G. Orr, Fleshurton P. O. Article 4 of Small Fur Bearers and How r boy, is now an alderman in Flint Citj\ to Take Them; The Diary of a Canoe . Mich., which has a population of 42,000 Trip in 1854 (oonclus'on), etc., etc. For Sale Seed Buckwheat (Prolific). Good clear seed 1.00 per bushel. T. Henry, east back line, Fleaherton P. 0. Pure Bred White Wyandotte eggs for hatching W. A. Hawken, Flesherton. To Rent Port'aw store and dwelling to rent, or will be aold on moderate terms. Possession can be taken at once, For particulars apply to Geo. Thompson, junel For Sale cheap and on cany terms.good 9-roorced brick dwelling in Flesherton, with aood brick-lined stable or poultry hiiuHi 1 , and two good lots with same, young bearing orchard. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. IMartf For Sale McCorraiok binder 7-foot cut, just cut 30 acres. Will be sold cheap. W. J. Meads, Ceylon P. O. For Sale Good 9-rooraed frame dwell- ing nnd amble, all complete, in tirst class iiilrii.n nd lepair, with hard and soft water. Will sell very ?heap if sold this month. Apply R. J. Sproule, Flesher- ton. Ont. NovTtf Whith Leghorn, single, comb etfgs for hatching, $1.00 per hatching. Eddie Ottewell, Flenherton. P. O. For Salu One good Brood Sow to farrow May 29. Apply to Jas. Genoe, Fleaherton, pn. Fresh Lime for sale, on and after th 30th of May. Apply to W. J. Meads, O D R. MISCELLANEOUS Markdale srerfmerv commence! opera- tions on Thursday, May 15, with Mr. R. J. Sknlton of the O.A.C., Guelph, in charge Mr. Skelten comes highly rec- otnended, and with the co operation of the patrons a successful season ia pro dieted. Thos. Elliott. Found Around tho 4ih of May, young tan collie dog, with a strap around its neck. Owner will find same at D Bentharn's.- R. Painting and paper hanging orders left with me will receive prompt attention. Contracts taken. C J Bellamy, Flesher- ton. WANTED a man who knows the ilisi .id. well and has a good connection by large Western Healty concern. Good commission. Apply stating full particulars to H.Butterworth, 3!) Gros venor St, Toronto. $2000 private funds to loan on farm mortgage security at lowest rates of in- terest. Apply R. J. Sproulo, Flesherton. Farm to Uent East half lot 33, con. 4, Artemesia, 50 acres ; frame house and frame barn. Foi further particulars apply to R. Little, Wareham, or Mrs. Wellington Badjerow, 23 Charles St., Toronto., Flour! Flour! Don't scold the ook buy Five Roses Flour per bbl. |6; Hamilton's White Lily 95. Sold by S. M. Osborno, Maxwell's cheap csh store. For Sale- The undersigned offers for sa'e throe lots in the village of Ceylon,on which are erected a good one and a hall frame dwelling, 8 rooms, with MO,,, cellar, and a good frame stable. This will make an excellent homo for any person. Terms easy, price right. Apply W Ja. Ashdown, Owen Sound, or W. J. ;..'llun>y, Flesherton. Wool Wanted Highest price paid foi all we can get. N. McCunnelt, Prjton Station. Roofing toi* Sale Braniford Crystal Roofing, Asphalt Hoofing, Rubber Hoofing, Steel Hoofing iiml Siding : : : : : JOHN McDONALD, Ceylon 1 June 13 HILL BROS., MARKDALE This week we are showing many new lines in Hosiery, Linoleums, Curtain Nets, Wash Dresses, Women's Shoes, and Gent's Furnishings. Our stock of Summer Goods is large and the assortment is good. Look our values over. They will please the most exacting in every line. Hosiery Specials We make a specialty of the Hosiers Business. We buy the best makes procurable in the 25, 35 and 50c. lines, an J this week our showing in lace, Hale, and colored hosiery will be ex- ceptionally good. 100 dozen in the lot. All one price, per pair25c. Special Showing of Children's Fine Mercerized Hosiery, all sizes, 4 to 7 ',. A. 1 value, at per pair 25o. We are also showing special values in fine all wool cashmere hose at per pr. 25 and 50c. Linoleums This week we placed in stock 25 n <;w pieces of Linoleum. All the newest designs are shown in our stock. We can show you i -yd - wide Linoleums, per running yard from $1.75 to $2.50. Now is your time to pick a new floor covering for your kitchen. Come early and get first choice. i I Wash Dresses We are doing a large business in house and street wash dresses. Just think, you can buy a house dress for one dollar. Why speud your time making them '.' Street Dresses moderately priced from $2.00 to $6.00 Ask to see them ; they will please you. Women's Low Shoes and Oxfords This week we are clearing oat many odd lines in Women's Strap Slippers and Oxfords. There are values in this lot up to three dollars. Special clearing price, $1.48 HILL BROS. CHEAP FARM FOR SALE 82500 twenty-five hundred dollars willjbuy the west half of lot No. 2 and part of the north west quarter of No. 1, all on the 4lh c.m. of EuphraHia, contain- ing about 125 acres. There is supposed tx> be ninety acre* cleared, the balanca good hardwood bush maple, beech and elm. Thore is on the property n frame house and kitchen, a frame barn, straw house with stunn foundation under it, hlso wood shed, driving slit-d, pig pen and ben house. There are also two or- chards on the farm growing different kinds of fruit apples, pears, plums, cherries and grapes. This farm is well fenced with wire and patent fencing. It is aloo well watered with wnter in nearly every field. There is a never-failing spring within 40 yards of the house This farm is within one mile of the thriving village of Kimberley. For further par- ticulars apply to -JAMES STUART 1 Apr Kimberley P.O. Agent Wanted! FOR FLESHERTON To sell for "Tho Old Reliable" The Fonthill Nurseries Orders now being taken for Spring delivery 1913. Prospects bright for the < season's trad 3. Experience TQnDir34i*.-y. We instruct our salesini howt o sail fruit Stocks in the cojniry and 3rnmntal trees in the town. START NOW and have your tenitory reserved. Weekly Pay. Free outfit. Write for terms. Une Stone & Wellington MARKDALE. m l*,f CORN ! CORN ! Get your corn for planting. I have on hand a large stock of all the favorite kinrJs, including Couip- ton's Early, North Dakota, Whitecap and Improved Leeming. Dwart Essex Eape seed, the best to sow; Mangels, Sugar Beets and Turnip Seed. Get your supplies from the Old Reliable dealer in Flour and Feed Ogilvies Flour, live Roses, Dundalk White Rose, Ford's Pat- ent and morning Glory. W. L.Wright, Grocer, Flesherton. TORONTO. ONT. I>R. BURT 5pccUlltt In dlcoues of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat) Office-30 10h at. east, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursdiiy each month from 8 to a 12a.m. Duiuhlk, 1st Thursday of each month. Farm for Sale Lot 134, T. S. R., Artemosin, 50 acres, about all cltmrcJ, good friuno barn, no bouse, small orchard, gooi land, w!l fenced. Will bo sold cheap and on easy term!). Apply to Fred Mathew.son Flvsherion. Uune 12 Careful! You better be careful in the selection of your twine this year. Be sure you get the best. Beware of mixed twines, which are really composed of low grade manila. They are unsatisfactory at the best, and they will annoy you to death straightening out tangles and picking up loose bundles. Buy good sisal, standard sisal, or high-grade manila binder twine and save yourself annoyance. When you consider the satisfaction that sisal, standard sisal and high-grade manila binder twine will give and the amount of extra labor good twine will save, you will more fully understand the value of McCormick twines. McCor- mick binder twine is made in four brands sisal, standard, manila, pure manila. Every brand is up to the McCormick quality. You will get perfect satisfaction if you use McCormick twine. Don't be misled, come direct to us and we will explain the twine proposition. S. Hemphill, Agent, Ceylon