Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Jun 1913, p. 4

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June 12 THE F L E S H K R I N ADVANCE lc&licrton An in.lejwndent iiewptt|>er, published every Thursday at l\f office, Collingwood Street, 'Klmhcrtim. Subscription price 81 iieranuuni, whn |>aid in advance; 31.5J when not so paid Advti'tisiuK 1 ratt;s ou npplinatiou. Circulation 1,100 weekly. W H. Thurstoii - Editor Court of Revision The tirst Hitting of ihc Court of Ite.isioii uf iho assessment of 1913, tonrnihip of Arifmusiu, :w held oil ihc 7t!> day f June. Tin- membeiB uf the council were all present, ilie reeve in tlie chair. Appeal from Nul.suii F rowing as to lots K.H :uiU Hilt, C'.n. '>, S. \V., to h.-ive the purchitM-r, It. K. McKay, entered on roll, grai.tt-d ; Win. Stewart, at ngent f. i Mrs. Johsion, h|i[K>nled against a; t-ssnifilt of lots 111 KtlgrllM, SMH) I'D wa.i deducted from the assessment on account of these having no buildings ; John Burnett .ijip ulrd auninst his assessment of lots (i, 7. >\ '>, con. :!, S. D R., as being loo high. The as- susMiu'iit was reduced 100.00 ; Tho. Lever appealed against his assessment on lot 14'i, con. 1, S. \V.. as being too high, reduced SKHJ.UO on lun.1 and $50.00 on building* ; Mr. S. P. Kmbury appealed against DM assessment on lot 117, 1 N.K. , AS lieim; too hijih. The assessment on land was reduced SKW.DO. M. O. Orr appealed asain<t his assessment on 174, 17.), IN. K , s being too high. The assessment wax sustained ; Joseph Park appealed against his HKsi-MMiieill on lota l85, 181. and 182, C'.n. 3, S. \V., as beinu too hiuli. The Assessment was net lined ; L'>t 14. H million survey was assessed to John McFaydrn at f85. 00, lot 8 2 and u, con. 2, S. U.K., were assessed to A. H. Hiiigh, insttad of Arthy McLe.in ; lets 21 2'/ S. Simpson St. , Eugenia, were assessed to ,1. A. Williams; lol '_".' Caurobert N., Eugenia, was assessed to Robert Haiiry ; E. A. Graham was entered on roll as tenant for It Plntt' properly in Eugenia, instead of Kev. P. Campbell. F. Brown A. D. MeF.-o.l Tmu 'he Assessment Roll uf 1!'13, as finally revised by thiciuit, be ihe Hsstssment for nil [.-urjiose* for the year 1U13, sub- ject to any cnanges wliicli may be made by tlm county judge on appeal to him. Carried Aitcinesi.i Council met at Flesheitn. in I he town ball, on Saturday, .lune 7, 1'Jlll, after the adjournment if the Court of Revision, for general busmesi. The members were all present, Ihe Roeve in the chair. The minutes of last session were, read and confirimd. Communica- tions, etc , were lead an follows : Sam. McMullen, claimi for sheep killed by do;js gtO.OO; Win. Chard, claim for sheep killed by dojjs, 8<i 00 ; Sawyey- Massey Compiny. account for grade.' tiUde ami bolts, S9.~f> ; J. 1. Graham, an account for it-pairs for Rock crusher from several parties, $23.51 ; Marshall Baird, notice of damage* to wnnon, *tc., on town line, Artt-mesia and Kuphrasia, to the extent of $15 '.>'>. <;.':iliun -Ciwwcll That the bill for damages presented by M. Beaid, l- referred to commissioner for Eugenia w.ird. Carried. Graham - Brown- That the reeve, when meeting the representatives of Euphrasia township f.ir setlleniiiif, re- <)iUHt that a better price be allowed us on the over amount of sta'ulo l.ibor performed by the township.--Carried. Brown C,isrell That Mr. Grihiun be refunded $23.51, being amount Kf'iled bv him for repairs for rock crusher. Cairied. (irahain McLeod- Tint the account of the Sawyer-Mas<-y Company for yi.ider bit and I. oil-. ?'.'.7"' be paid. Brown --McLi'oJ That Win. Chard lie pai'l $4.00 for sheep killtd by do8 a i-fitih'rd by James Fisher and .Ins. Slvei -i 'trried. Mrl.eod -Brown Tint Samuol Mc- Miilli-n I e pud iW (>0 for sheep killed by dig', us certified by Jos. Fenwick and John Becioft. Carried. Caswell Graham- That we grant .-J i i si i toward building n cement side- walk on Kdgar St., Proton Station, pro- vidid ratepayers and oihurs provide liihin e of cost to build tlij required distance and the commissioner approves of the. work when completed, and report in writing. Carried. "f receipts of egg.s which are bad and unlit for food. Accordingly at the conclusion of the lust meeting of the Association nf Pro- duce dealers, it was voted tl|at on and after .lune 1st, 11)13, that three grades of eggs only bo considered in the pur- chasing of eggs by members, vix. : New laid Eggs which are sound, full stveet and not more than live days old. Firsts Eggs which are sound mid sweet, but having a limited shrinkage. Seconds-- Eggs uf inferior <|uality, but not bad. The association also agreed that for hid eggs they will after thai date jmy absolutely nothing. It has also been pointed out that any one guilty of dealing in rotten or decom- posed eggs are liable, under the Adultera- tion Act, to a penalty of from $300 to $500, and imprisonment or both. Better Farming Special The better farming spuci.il which will be at Fleheit'>n station nil day on TUBS day June 17, will be well worthy of your attention. This is the only place at which the special wiil stop between Cliatsworth and Woodbridge. The (.([iiipment will consist of two coaches, o ic for the transportation of typical animals of the va iuus classes of live stock produced in Ontario, including hi*:ivy home?, beef and dairy cattle, poultry, swine and sheep. The other coach will ivint-iin illu.strMivc and demon- strative ni'ttetial, covering seed improve- ment, iduiitttication of weeds, testing ' seed, diniiiagf, soil moisture, alfalfa, en- siUne, ii. sects, diaijinj, poultry raisinir. etc., e'u. Kveiy farmer, no iivitter wlrit lines he my be folloniuj, will lind more or lest- of interest in tlu demonstration curs. Throughout the day instructors will in- in charixe of the e<|U'pment, pre pared to answer ijiiestions ai.d distribute literature. Competent men wiil also be in charge of the Lie stock and will demonstrate the characteristics of the various classes represented, and gi e instruction in judging, breeding, feeding, etc., from 1(1 to ll' . in. and 2.30 to O.tHI p. ir. The leai-lit is and irustees of public aitc high srbools me le (iiesied to allow the pupi's :o visit the demoustration cars, say betwt-en eleven and one, or three and in f. and the public ottici.its of the various pi ices to be isited aie requested to fiiinish a hall for an evening meeting free of cost to the Department. Where this i> done, lecturers from the staff of instructors will be prepared to give lectures illustrated by lament v.ews in the evening. The stuff uf im>truetors will be drav/n from the Agricultural College, the L)epnrt- meiit of Agriculture and the regular Institute suit'. Only men with specisl training an-1 experience will be engaged to give instruction. The horse breeder, the beef cattle man, tlu sheep raiser, the poultry man, the bee keeper, the general farmer mid nil who an; interested in any ppeci.il feature of fanning, will bo benefited by visiting the train to take advantage of the lectuies, uimvera to questions and ex- planation!- {hen by instructors. Tlie litorHture to bo distributed and the even- ing lectures will be most valuable. Egg Trading New Basis The produce iiierchan's of Ontario and QueU'c will, "ii Monday next, inaugurate H new system of purchasing eggis with the view to improve (he quality of in.ilkrl eggs. It has Keen pointed mil repeatedly that the "caHo count" system of buying eggs has been largely I ho cause of the general unsatisfactory condition of the tr.'ule. For mar y years eggs have teen pur- chiised by number without regard to quality. This has been decidedly unfair to the farmers and other producers who have taken pains to market good, clean, fresh eggs, and though placing no pri-miiini on good eggs, the isystem referred to has really become an incen live to the continuance of cireleis nntl <liluloiy methods. Eggs have been shipped to consignees in all stages of decomposition and, us, tlu buyers had no redress, the farmers havt 1 > n encouraged to hold eggs at cu-rtain Reasons of the year when they have had no nat Ufuctory place for storing them, with a consequent deterioration, whih juices were rising. While it m.iy appear that the farmei has reaped an extra profit by including inferior eggs, the real facts show thai the wholesaler has lo\si.|vd Ihe price paid the farmer the season when the eggt usually como forward and advanced then to Ihe retailer to make up his loss. Tin loss, therefore, has been borne l>y tlu fanner and the consumer. Several systems have been trii-cl ii various localities uud been Ktudiei from every point of view but govern men! officials and produce men-hauls, (he one method hieh has .-.cnni'il mosl satisfactory to the produce dealers of tl province* of Ontario ,md i,nrhi-c soem to bv tin- "loss oil" buying, whioh consists of m/iking ilediictions fiom tin- .sum lota Victoria Corners Held Over Krom List Week. \Ve aro surprised th.it Proton's correspondent did nit mention the ba.se- liall game pl.iyod between the pupils of No. 4 and the Proton pupils, when ll.e laMer visited the former on May '2'J, Mnybe, however, since the results were as they were, Proton felt it was too much ike boasting to have it put in the paper, so we won't boast of it either. Hut sonu! day we'll beat Pro'.on yet. See if we don't. Miss Louie Coibett \L-ited her aunt, ilrs. Lockhart, Mr. JHS .Slinson had a bad fall from a irse, but we believe he is tiutl'iuit better Mr. Thos. li-inidi h id a wood beo )ne day i Ins week, CEYLON'S Meat Market For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas. McClocklin's BUTCHER SHOP Ceylon, - Ont. Glasses That Cure. #* Eysstrain causes many serious ills- Nervousness, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Sleeplessness, headaches baffling the skill of the best doctors. We adjust glasses that remove the strain give a lasting cure. We guarantee satisfaction. W. A. Armstrong:. FlesKertora Tonsorial Parlors \Ve Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LU'NDKY Hisket leaves Tuesday noon, delivery Fii-biy eveiii-ig. CLEANING and DYEING \Ve nre ngents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyeil, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR F. R W. HIGKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Summer Specialties Middy and Norfolk Blouses A big rtinue of th Hiiih>fi hrouijhout cadet blue and t.-in tsfl popu'ar aiid serviceable garments just received from makers. Full fitting - beautifully uride of extra i|iiality . Indiin Head suiting - linen finish - piped iuil faced with red, navy col rs will not run in waihim: - All sixes, 1.00, 1.25, 1.45, 1.85. Long Gloves Our slock is complete in the Popular 16 Butfon length it: silk and lisle "loves for summer wear - colors are white, biown, tan and black - four dome fuslnen - double tip fingers Prices, 5O.:., 75c., and Sl.OO. Li iiu l>id ulovts in whi'e and hlack. Sizes, 1> to 7. Special, &2.50. Lace Collars A sj ec -il import purchase just in Specially piicnl for iju ck set i"g. i new shapes and designs very 5c.. 40c., Me., 75c. and 1.00 olo-rs.. Wliitc, cveani ;md ecru Ladies* Summer Hosiery Kwything you need for summ-r wear - Lis<ht weight cashmere - Llama finish, Sou.. :;."">.-.. .i,.J 50c. I'l-iin tan. white or black lislt). ,')5c., 40c. and t>0c. S[.,-cin' p'ain, hhck e<i ton, shiped lez, seamless fet, stainless dye 2 for 25c. Specialiies in Men's Wear Fancy Hosiery, Negligee shirts, Wash ties, New neckwear, Linen and Pique collars, straw hats, Light underwear, Summer suits. Felt bats, and work shirts. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will he wise to pay attention. 1 am at tlie present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at tlie head of this advertisement will only cost you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and comfortable ou which to lay your weary head. Of poursu we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds auch as everybody wantH. Springs utid Mattresses to fit all borls. Examine our stock any- ' way, before purchasing your sleep inducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. JUST THINK What we have in store for you some of the nicest goods in Grey County. Don't fail to see these goods.. Every- thing Tp-To-Uatc as usual. Pressing and Cleaning done in the most satisfactory man- ner : : : : : ; C. BLAKELY Hesherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building Wool Wanted ! \\ e u-i nt unlimired quantities of Heeco washed and unvvaihed Merchantable Wools. The price this year will be n little higher. 1'lense don't forget that the highest price is yours if you sell at Hoyd's. NERVOUS DEBILITY OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you ond make a man of you. Under Its influence Iho bi-.Ju beco lies a-Hive. tho blood puriliea so >*tau . . pimples, blotches and ulcers ho:il up; .._'_*, ___ i ---- 1 ,l.... An ,l tho nerves become strong ua stefl, > that disappear: tho eys and fakir's rob you o your uard earned dollars. IS" NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter E. Summers relates his experience: "I was troubled wi h Nervoiu Ueblllty for mnny years. 11 vlt, to indiscretion and excesses in youih. I became very Ucspondeut and tlldn't care wh.'thcr I worked or nut. I imagined everyboily who looked at roe guessed my secret. Imaginative dreams at night weakened -my back ached, had pains In 4U - cof H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO A line of Ready-Made Which wo put nltrrationti if required. Clothing in free of EVERY GRADUATE PLACED With tho lort'i'st attendance in i(H history, Tho Cnllingwiiod Miisinesti ('(illege has |ilcoil ii: n |(uod jiosi- tion, ovury graduntu of the present yer. Winter tt-rm fmin January 2, 1013. Holul fur Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins, Principal back of my bead, hand: the and feet were CFOIIC TNCATMENT AFTER TREATMENT cold, tired In the KiorninR, poor appetite, fingers wero Bhoky, eyes Dl;irre<l, Imir loose, memory poor, etc. Numbness in tlie tlnprera set in and tho doctor told mo he fi-ared paralysis. I took all kinds of medicines and tried many first-class , physicians, wore an electric belt forthreo months, but received Iktle benefit. I was induced to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kennedy, though I bad lost nil faith In doctors. Like a drowning man I commenced the NEW METHOD TREATWKST and It saved my life. The improvement WAS like maelo-I could feel the vigor ROing through the nerves. I was cured mentally and physically. 1 have sent them many patients and continue to do BO. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We (real and eu VARICOSE VEINS. NERVOUS DEBILITY. BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and UDeew. peculiar le Men. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. V uaafcle to call write for a Qaettion Blank for Home Treatment. DRS.KENNEDT&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. I f|T I f* C A n letters from Canada must be addressed II U I lift to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- inrtit in Windsor, Out. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat o piienti in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY A KENNEDY, WiniUor, Ont. New Arrivals and Wool Goods Ginghams in in Checks, Plain and Slripes. Galatea ic Strip and Pl'iin, Tail and Blue. NEW PRINTS Some ery proty Patterns. STRAW AATS-A11 the new slyKs for this season, just arrived. BOOTS AND SHOEiS We have received some new shipments of shoes, including all the new styles ;ul at prices which will astonish you. Ready-Made Clothincr KM* is the t : me to pick your spring and summer suii. Also Youths' and Bows' clothitfs! in all styles and at very close prices. Boys' work suits in stripes with sailor collars ; Bloomer pants, also plain . check, trimmed with blue, at 7c., 5>8c., aud 81. 50. Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Produce. J. &W. BO YD FLESHERTON, - ONT. Tarn-worths for Sale Hotl\ sex nearly ready for liruediiijt. Prices i..' 1 1 1 for quick sle. GKO. W. ROSS. Maxwell P. O. Boar for Service A largo white Yorkshire Hoav for service Blotl68,8rdrang W T. AS. R., Avteuiesia Terms 81,00' H. WALLF.K. .Writ* for oar private address. FARM FOR SALt In tho township of Artemesi.i, in the County of (irey. lot 13, con, 2, and lots 12 ami 13, con. 3 N.D.R., containing 100 acres ; frime house. Apply 10 N. Mo- Faydon, 1'no Paik, Out., or A. N. Mor- pan, New Ijiskeard, or John McFa.ulon, Ceylon, Out. 1 juylS Pure Bred Holstein Bull Changeling Prince Joe Brtd by Changeling Bu'ter Dy out of Tidy Ahbekerk Princess Josephine. The, greatest butter milking strain known. Term c'f service-- >2 for gr (Irs, $5 for pun; bred. GKO. MOOUK& SON, Pi..p., IHE mim. Careiully Corrected Each Week Wheat 85 to 85 Outs 33 to "3 Peas 1 12 to 1 12 j Barley 55 to 551 . . , Hay 10 00 to 10 00 1 n ' nt: ] W ' of the same family Butter 1U E'jgs, fresh 18 Potatoes per ("ll'B.SO. Ducks Fowl :::. to i:; to 1H .o Id to 'JU to 21 18 40 HORSE_ROUTES PROHIBITION KING THE TROTTING COLT Breed to trotters and get trotters, and ti> show horses to get show horses. I'rohibition King a em-oimcn No. 975 has been enrolled in accordance) with Chapter 67 of the Statute of Ontario 2 Geo V. Prohibition King in his two- year-old form is n nice clean, jet black colt, standing 15$ hands high'. He is bred to go fast and is certainly gaitedtogo fast, being one of those high going, open gaited trotters and we may well expect this colt to step fast in another year, as he is bred and paitcd f -r it. He has made liis first appearance in the show ring, defeating such horses as Red Top, Ummia, etc. Wliht wi'l this fellow do when he comes to liis growth. Prohibi- tion King has the fast connections and reading over his pedigroe yen will 1 he ia of tha same family as Minoo Heir 1.59, tha only horse, living or dead Mint ever beat Dan P.-ktch, Lady of the Manor 2.C4 Dare Devil 209, Reir 14 i at Liw 2.00J, Lo-d Derby 2.06$, Xight- 14 1 inflate 2.08, Muckinit Boy 2.081. King U\ harlie 2.0K, The Abbott 2.03], Shadow MIPS 2.r>, 'Hie Monk 2.li:, ( ', ainl uiuhcf t, c others with very low records His sire, Lord Koss 35673, A. T. R. was one ot the best bred horses in Canada and was a winner whereverho#n and also won sweepstake f ( ,r best Stand- ard Urud Stallion and three of his colts : and sired by a full brother to Dnre Devil 1275), by MamVrino King the handsomest horse in the world. His dam.Nettie, F by Prohibition 2.211,21812, by Pctoskey 3933, ho by Geo. Wilkes 519, was one of tht tew to have 15H Hist prizes and diplomas to her credit, and that she speaks for herself is the be<it evidence that can be given. Monday morning Will leave his stable, Meaford, to Clarksburg for noon and to Chas Hill's for night. Tuesday South to John Uobson's for noou, then by Maxwell sideroad and H. Guy's, Maxwell for night. Wednesday By gravel road to Thos. MeArthur's, Ceylon, for noon, and Mark- dale tor night. Thursday Berkeley for noou and to Wra. Geo. Dixon's 10th line for night. Friday North to Bognor for noon. DON CARLOS The Sweepstake German Coach Stallion will have same route and glands. This horse has been enrolled No. 1047 under Chapter 7, of the Statutes of Ontario 2 Geo. V. The above stallion was under said Act inspected by the officers of the Board and found to be free from the malformations ami diseases named in the regulations of the said Act. Arrant;- incnts can be made for living colts by applying to the manager. JOHN FINDLAY, Manager and Collector, Menford, Ont.

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