Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Aug 1913, p. 1

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**<> /iesl^ertcrn TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PBINOIPLEb NOT MEN. 1 ?OL33 No. 7 Fleslierton, Ont., Thursday, August 21 1913 W. H. TflURSTON EDITOB tod FBOP Wodehonse Doings Harvest is well advanced in this vicinity and never was grain housed in better condition. Though we have had an exceptionally dry season, the crop nn < average is first-data. <Ve are sorry lo report Mr. Will W;trd still confined to his bed. Since "iirliist writing he has undergoue a second operation which his many fin-nils sincerely trust will prove to be successful and that he will soon be re- stored to health again. Master Harry and Miss Edna Cherry are holidaying with their aunt, Mrs. Chis. Brouclebank, at Hea'.hcote. Mrs. Drinkall of Collingwood is visit- friends here, the guest of Mrs. Geo. Lawson. A number of our young men intend taking in the excursion to the west on Tuesday of this week. The Misses Abercroinbie of Thornbury were the guests of their cousins, Misses Nettie and Ella McArthur. We offer congratulations to Miss Klla McArthur who was successful in her recent High school examination with Entrance Lo Normal. Mr. Robinson of Brooklyn is the guest of his brother-in-law, Mr. Birch of this place at present, Miss Gladys Bridge of Markdale is holidaying with her brother Will here. She also spent a foiv days with Mrs. Cherry and family. A number from hero attended the Iwrn raising uf Mr. Bert Thompsou'si Sligo on M< mdiiy last. Mrs. Thompson, sr. , is still veiy poor- ly, the old lady, who is in her eighty- second year is getting very frail. She has been con lined to her bed the past twu months but up to that time enjoyed good health. Four of her daughters from a distance are with her at present. Mines Sadie nnd Maliel Hawkins of Fevarshani were ihe guests of their aunts. Mrs. .Toe. Si|UH!8 niul Mrs. Will Ward, the past two weeks. Mis. Jos. Cherry spent a clay during the jmst week with hor sister, Mrs. Allan of Moaford. Miss Annie Allan accompanied her homo and spent a few days with friends hereabouts. Mrs. Khoon and daughter of Owen Sound visited recently with tha former's sistur, Mrs. R. H. Wiley and family. Mr. and Mr8. Jacob Loughced spent a few days with friends iu Youugstown, N. Y. Mrs. Thos. Uawkius -i Upping spent Tuesday, the ((iiest ot her daughter, Mrs. Murwood of this place. Mrs. W. Wrd and son, Jos., leave shortly tor a trip to the west, where they will visit the former's sou, Alex and other friends. Victoria Corners This Week's Items Miss Jessie Warner, Toronto, visited her brother, Mr. Hugh Warner, last week. Miss Henry of Markdale visited her aunt, Mrs. Win. Heard. Miss McLoughry of Markdale visited her aunt, Mrs. Win. Heard. Miss Lizzie Robinson of Bethel spent H few days with Mrs. Milton Bunnon. Miss Emma Robinson and Mis: Thompson, Owen Sound, visited at Mrs. Milton Bannon's. Mrs. Wm. Fatten is improving. Last Week's Items, Mis. Alfred Tucker, Dromure, is visit- Ing at Mr. Jas. Best's. Mrs. Large is visiting her sister Mrs. Win. Patton, who is still on the sbk list. Inistiogo boys played Eugenia at 8th line two weeks ago, as their pitcher was absent, they were beaten by a score of L'l to 6. Eighth Line, Artemesia Mrd. Gibs, Bailie and family are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. George Lawlor. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson and sou and duughter of Weston are the guest's of the latter's paren's, Mr. and Mrs. Win. C. Hanley, Mr. and Mrs. -lobo i^'wlor of Berkeley visited with Jk ind Mrs. Win. Lawlow. Mr . iWney Mngee happened with an ascident on Sunday, when his horse took frifcht and ran away. Tho horse o'aifne off Safe, but the buggy was badly damaged. Mrs. S. Hoy and daughter 'Sre visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr. Jacob Parli- mtmt . Kimberley Budget Harvesting will be almost finished in this vicinity by the end of this week. Mauler Thos. Nealy of Beaverdale visited with his cousin Stanley Reid un Saturday laat. MINS Edna Cainack is visiting friends in Toronto at present. Master Esmond Walter of Fleahertoa^ who has been visiting friends in this vicinity, returned home one day last week. Mr. Jaa. it. Fuwcett via.'ted t In; past week with friend* in ColliiiRwood and Dundalk. Mr. J. E. Hammond and sister Edith lefc one day last wusk on a trip to the prairie provinces. Vandeleur baseball team juurneyed over to our burg on Saturday evening laat and played a friendly game with our local cracks resulting iu a victory for the home team. The Vandeleur boys were handicapped somewhat 113 four of their best players were absent. Mr. Stanley Wallace of Collingwood visited at his parental home here a few Jays tha past week. Mr.aiul Mrs. John Wyvillo of the town line Euphrasia visited at the "Travellers Home" on Sunday last. Mr. Wesley Lea:h of Hoathcotu visited Kimberley friends on Saturday last. Kimberley L. O. L. No. 1340 march- ed to the Methodist church on Sunday morning last where the pastor Rev. Mr. Sinclair delivered a very forcible sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hammill of^'ever- .-liaiu visited at Mrs. John I'l . - on Siiini-iy last. Mr. R. MuK.ee of Ponltw was i caller in our l>ur<< urns day last week. Miss Elsie Plewes of Colling wood visiii il at In'i- ji iii-ni'il home. Mr. Clarence Cruckshank of Heiithcoto visited fiiend b in this vicinity on Sjitur- day hist. Mr. and Mrs. John I'Viwccli ami son Cecil are visiting friends in Bayvi>jw at present. Mr. Thos. Smart visited Miirkdalo friends cue clay lat. week. Thi>. Week's Items. ,Vi3 Tana Knott of Thornbury is visiting friends in our burg at present. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Sinclair, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist churuh on Sunday morning last. Mrs. Jas. Hall spent a few days the past week with her daughter, Mrs. l\. JfcKea of 1'urtlaw. Our baseball team, accompanied by a goodly number of routers, journeyed over to Flesherton, on Thursday IriNt and played i nine innings game with i team from Dundalk, resulting in a win for our boys, the sc^ro being 17-1W. Kim- berley star slugger was Victor Ellis who made three suckers. Mr. Geo. Mitchell umpired the game and save ucucral satisfaction. After this game our young ladies' team played a three innings game with Flesherton, resulting in a victory for the Flesherton team, the score being 18-5. Mra. Thistlethwaito and two daught. era of Fleshertou are visiting friends in this vicinity at present. Misses Pearl and Mubel Reid returned home on Monday, after an extended visit with Rocklyn friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McCullou^h and family of Markdale visited with the former's mother, Mrs. Jos. McCullough, on Sunday last. The Kimberloy Women's Institute will meet, at the homo of Mrs. Jasper Stuart, on Thursday, Aug. 28, at 2.30 p. in. A full attendance is requested. Miss Alma Neely of Beavordale is visiting with her cousin, Miss Maggie Reid, at present. Fred Beaton of Markdale was n caller in our Durg one day last week. Mr. Harold Ball of Toronto is visiting frieuds in this vicinity at present. Geo. Stuart of Fleshcrtoo was a caller In our burg one day last week. Feversham Items Mrs. Win. Brown of the tenth line left on Monday to visit her daughter Mrs. Noah Jeftbry of Kelso, New Ontario. Mrs. George Ellis returned home after a week's visit with friends in Braeebridge. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hamtnel and two children spent the week end with friends in Kimberley. Mr. and Mrs. N. Battersby of Dundas are visiting the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul. Lieutenant Cowan of the Salvation army here has been called to his home in Ottawa to the bedside of his father who is very ill. Mr. John Sample who has been sick all summer is very low at present. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevens and family of Singhampton visited at Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Colquette recently. Quite a number of our young people attended the Rockvale garden party last Friday and all report a good time. Mr. Wm. Osborne jf Badjeros spent Sunday with his family heie. Miss Daisy Kermihan of Collingwood spent Sunday at her parental home. Mrs. Harte and four children of Barrio visited her .sister, Mrs. J. Sample. This Week's Items Mrs. Wingtield of Cleveland Ohio, it. visiting her mother Mrs.R.Bruckenbury. Mr. and Mrs. Loui.s Pedlar of Rock Mills visited with ihe lather's parents Mr. and Mr--. Thonms Julian. Miss Uita Buskin of Fleshertou visited her friend Miss Lyla Alexander fur tlie week end. Mr. Fred Brackenbury uf AV.kerton is visit jug friends hen; at present. \Vo understand that the Northern Brokerage Co. have disposed of Liieir stock to Mr. D. W.Wideman uf Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. \Videman arrived on Monday evening. Mr. John Sample who has been very ill all sumuii.'i- bus gone to the G. and M. Hospital, Collingwuod. Born On Aug. 18th 1013, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Conn of thn tenth line. laughter. Miss Liz/.ie Hale left on Monday for tlie west where she has secured the position of teacher in the school of Strongtield, Saskatchewan. The school board have secured th services of Miss K. Brunkaid 'if Alma ''MI. for the continuation school of Feversham. Miss Brunkard comes highly recommended and M;ss M. MJ- Farland of Hockley will teach the pub- lic school for the coining year. Ceylon Jas. Patti- i daughter. Last Thursday' a painful acci- dent befell Ml'. J. Johnston, of the sixth coric^rtion of Minto, which will prove a nefcVy handicap to him during a busy season on a large farm. He was assist- ing a neighbor to draw in his hay, and was engaged in unloading, when the guiding rope broke, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the floor uf the barn, breaking his collar bone and Other- wise severely injuring him. Born To Mr. and Mrs. son, on Monday, Aug. 18, Congratulations. Mr. Ciilcman of Owen Sound and Misses Crawford and Hutton of Durham are guests of Miss Nessa Collinsoii. Mr. D. and Miss B. McKenxie of Feversham visited their sister, Mrs. S. Hemphill, last week. Miss Zill McLeod is spending a week with her paren's. The Misses Wading of Toront", spent part of the past week at Jas. Mc- Clocklin's. Mr. Win. Muir of the West visited his sistsr-in-law, Mrs. P. Muir, the past week. The Misses Baxter of Caledon are visitors at Mr. M. Ferguson's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McOlocklin spent Sunday with his brother, Jas. Me- Clocklin. This Week's Items Mrs. W. Mcllae and daughter, Lillian, visited Owen Sound friends last week. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell and daughter of Toronto are visitors at Mr. Frank Cairns. /ilia McLeod who has been visiting her parents, returned to Toronto on Saturday. Mr. Dargavcl and men are busy work- ing at the mill this week. Ida Rutledge, Toronto, is a visitor in town. Mr. Robinson of Toronto is a visitor at Jas. Radley's. Mrs, W. McRae and daughter, who have been visiting at J. O'Molirt'n and other friends for the past month, leavn this week for their home in Cleveland. Master Harold Kamage of Durham visited his aunt-, Mrs. R. P. Legate, on Saturday. Eugenia Paragraphs Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Uarlmtt, Sirathaven, Mr. and Mrs. McLoughry and daughter, Millie, .Markdale, Mr anil Mrs. F. G. Karstedt. Flwberton; Mr. Glen 1'etch, Toronto, ttpent Humiav with Mr. and Mrs Fred Pedlar. Mrs. Joe Williams and Mrs. Tom Fenwtnk and children have gone on a visit with fr-i.-nrls in Paisley. Mr. Walker Slo:-.n is spending a week or so with his wife and children who are holiday- ing here. Mr. and Mr.i. Hammond of Priceville, visited friends here, Mr. and Mrs. KerriRan and Miss Sadie Kerrigan of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Hnllingftr of Toronto are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred .lamioson. Campers are still moving into our beautiful village for their holidays. Mrs.Hayward and daui;litu-,Mai-joric,Mrs. Creighton. Mr. and Mn. Allan Conev and Mrs. Peck of Toronto, and Dr. Hill and son, George of Riantford are gue^to of Mr. and MI-P. Jake Williams. Dr. Hill will return in a month's time to meet his patients who are under his treatment. Misses Atliu and Ncali Williams have returned fiom their visit in Owen .Sound. Mr. Levi Duckelt, is iimler the weather at present. We hope he will oim recover. Miss Annie Carson spent the past week in Owui Sound. A number uf fishermen of Toronto are now on their reserve on the Hcivne. .Mrs Stobie iiml children of Toronto are gUfitls ' f .Mrs. Koht. (lorley. Mrs. Purvis sr., Airs. Win. I'urvis, Mrs. las Purvis and children huve returned to the city. Miss Mei-thii Williams is home on a. vitit. MM Mui-jorie Park spent a few days the paM \vnek with her aunt at Ceylon. Littli- Mary MrLunghlun returned with her for a visit. A Gruesome Find Near Markdale While in .-.filch ui stray cattle >n Monday lakt, the John McFadden family cair.e across the skeleton of a man iu a swamp across the road from their fimii, which is a mile from Markda'o. Othei members of t!u> McKaiulun people vu wed the remains, the authorities uvio notilied, -ind on Tuesday morning tho coroner, of Flesherton, accompanied by Dr. Ego, of Murkdalt*, visitud tliu .spot and found tlio skeleton of what appeared to have been a man "f medium sine and probably 00 years of a^e. They f n- sideral tint death ha 1 taken place fully a year .igu, :ts the clothing fell ii.to pieces when handled, an evidence o' bjini^ thus e.\ posed for a considerable length of time. Of course, not a particle of Hush was found un tlie boms Tin 1 lioily had evidently lain undisturbed- had on a -suit uf blue serge with striped vest, gray overcoat, gurnsey, and wool slurt, black full hat, pair good laced bools not much worn. There w.-ia found in llio pockets a pair of apex, with cover pipe .mil matches, catarrho/.ono pip*' t ooth pick, piece of comb. Tho Coroner considered an inquest unnecessary, so the remains were hurried where found, by Chief McCutchcou. There is no clue to In.-, identity, neither has any portion of the community dis! appeared mysteriously, so that the case fails to even arouse any suspicion as to wh-> it might be or the cause of death. It was certainly a gruesome (ind. The above is taken from the Markdale Standard. Yesterday the Times was in conversation with a Markdale man who said tha 1 it was possible the skeleton was that of Alex. Urahnin, a rather peculiar clwrauter who had been about Markdalo about a year ago and who had disappear- ed. His going bad aroused no comment as he was a lone mail without kith or kin apparently. The supposition is that ho went to the swamp and died there. His mama was of a religious turn nnd lie had attracted much attention by publicly praying on the streets and predicting dire caUmities f i r Markdale. O.S.Times. Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping fry day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along 'our grists. Our sash and door factory is always at )ur disposal for anything you want in mr hoe planing, matching, etc. FloorJ iif, sash and doors, and all house fur- ishings supplied promptly and at ieas- mable rates, Get estimates. T. Blakeley , Prop. "eblo 13 ly East Mountain Harvesting is the order <>f the day. Almeda Ferguson of Kimberley visited with her cousins, the Misses Allen. Mrs. W. Humberstone and daughter. Alma, are visiting relatives at Manitou- liii Island. Miss Hazel Allen, accompanied by Miss Elva Lever of Flesherton, left on Monday to attend Hanover Model School. Success girls. Little Mrytlc Teed spent the past week with her aunt, Mrs. Cargo. Winetta McMullon spent a few (Jg with her grandmother, Mrs. Chard "f .Rockmills. \Vo hunt that Miss MO-HI of Keady is to wield the birch in our iwllool for the Coming term. Mr. Jack Cairns of Eugenia visited R. McMullen's one day lust week. Miss Nettie Martin of Markdale 3pn the week end tt her parental home. if th Division Court County of Grey Following are dates for 1913: Wednesday, Feb. 19 Dundalk Wednesday, April 10 Flesherton iVednesday, June 18 Dundalk Wednesday, Aug. 27 Flesherton Wednesday. Oct. 15 Duudalk Saturday, Dec. I) Flesherton W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, Flesherton, Ont. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. FRUIT, FLOUR & FEED ! Fresh fruit arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. -We can sure please you. Five llo.scs. Five Lilly, McGowan's and Eclip>t'- Ptstry Flour. All kimls of feed always on hand. Get your Hinder Twine. Machine Oil, Coal Oil, axle Grease, Join Jars, Bread, Biscuits. No. 1 Groceries in all its lines. ICE c !rr M AT H TH! YOU FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN :J ^o^^^^cB^re^o^o^^.^^^^^.^. Drop in the Price of Boots To clear out balance of Summer Goods, ii. men's Wear. We have some Velour and Box Calf sixes ^ and 9. Regular price $'J.oO to -$75 to clear at $1.09, and a good Hue of Men's Gun Metal Button worth ^;UO, clearing at $2.90. sixes 7.1. \ ^.l. 0. In Women's Dougola, Oxford, a nice straight toe. sixes 3, '>!,, 4, 41. Regular price $1.50, $1.7."), Clearing at$ 1.1 9. All Women's Patent an^'Taii Pumps at greatly reduced prices. In Misses and and Children's Chocolate and Dongola Oxfords Must be cleared to make room for Fall Goods. THOS. CLAYTON REPAIRING AS USUAL BOWLER. The Tailor- French Cleaning Done Every SATURDAY Get your old Clothes r e n o- vated .... makes your SummerSuit from the Choicest line of Goods to be found any- where .... Our prices are right. Our workmanship the best. Give us your order , . , , . J. Bowler,THE TAILOR BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT

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