Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Aug 1913, p. 3

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s ^ ' a> % * ." - 4 VOMEN NEED A SAFE TONIC i * Inil. There is Nothing Better Than flr. Williams' Pink Pills for ' Toning Up the Blood It is said that woman's work is h|vr done, and that it is a fact that whether in society or in the Mime her life is filled with more otres and mofe worries than falls V> the lot of man. For this reason women are compelled regretfully to watch the growing pallor o'f their theeks, the coming of wrinkles and the thinness that becomes more dia- .tressing every day. Every woman knows that ill-health and worry is *a fatal enemy to beauty, and that good health gives the plainest face ^iftn enduring attractiveness. What women fail to realize is the "if act that if the blood supply is kept 1 rich and pure, the day of the com- ^ ing of wrinkles and pallor, dull eyes and sharp headaches, is im- measurably postponed. Dr. Wil- Hams' Pink Pills are literally worth their weight in gold to growing girls and women of mature years. They fill the veins with the rich, red blood that brings brightness to the eye, the glow of health to sal- low cheeks, and charms away the headaches and backaches, that ren- der the lives of so many women constantly miserable. Mrs. William Jones, Crow Lake Ont., says: "I feel that Dr. \Vil lianas' Pink Pills saved my life. '. was so badly run down that I couk hardly drag myself around. I was eo bloodless that I was as pale ai a. sheet, and you could almost sci through my hands. In fact the doctor told me my blood had al turned to water. I was takini medicine constantly, but withou benefit. My mother had so muc! faith in Dr. Williams' Pink Pill that she bought me two boxes ani urged me to take them. How thankful I am that I followed he advice. Before these were gone began to feel better, and I contin ucd using the Pills until I had taken five more boxes when I was again enjoying the blessing of per- fect health, with a good color in my face, a good appetite, and I feel sure a new lease of life. I will al- ways, you may be sure, be a warm friend of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." If you are weak or ailing bejrin to cure yourself to-day with the rich red blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make. If you do not find the Pills at your dealer's send 60 cents, for a box or $2.50 for six boxes to the Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont., and they will be sent you by mail, postpaid. aid private collection*, were man f act u red by this little community n .England. They consider their ainesH entirely legitimate, and in way it is, for it is the shrewd, un- scrupulous middleman who sell* for a goodly price these valuable an- iques to the innocent. A great many schools and public education- al institutions are supplied, by these mappers, and, whether the objects are known to be imitations or not, Jiey are much more valuable than diagrams or illustrations in the Beaching of history and geology. Highland Blood. Lord Strathcona is. ble&sed with a remarkable constitution, for, in spite of his advanced ag, he is as well able to get through a day's work as any man in his prime. It s several decades since he entered the employment of the Hudson Bay Company, and he has rendered val- uable service to the country that >rought him wealth. As a patriotic Scotsman, he re- call* with a chuckle an incident which he witnessed in his early days. A fellow Scotsman, who was working with him on the same sta set of bagpipes playing ' 'The The Indians _ who gathered round were delighted with the per- :iou, produced a and commenced Highland Laddie.' and Esquimaux luHTlY P1PIES ON FACE Sores Spread Until Faca Was Cov- ered. So ttchv Could Not Resist Scratching. Cured Entirely in About Two Weeks by Cutteura Soap and Ointment. Clachan. Ontario. "My troobto etorted. .TiiOj sore* brealdng out on the face. Thay! came as pimple* and were urwlulitJy . Than aorea seemed to keep preadlos until my fane wa oarered. They were ao itchy that at times I could not realct scratching them. Aft'ir trying two or three dlffnent aalvoa which did not atop tbe aoroa breaking oat. I' tried a calm of Cutleun Boap ajso Outlcurm Ointment. I found that tliay cured me entirely of the tana la about two weeks." (Signed) Fred E. Meyer. Feb. 12, 1012. A STRANGE TRADE. Manufacture of Bogus Pre-Historic Toi. Is UU(1 Relic*. In the low country about Ely, a town within 72 miles of London, Eng., there is carried on a flour- ishing industry which the world in general knows little about. This is the manufacture of bogus prehis- toric implements and relics. The workers at this trade are known as "knappers," or flint clippers, and they use the same tools and work in much the same manner as the men of tho Neolithic age. The knapper of Ely, says Har- per's Weekly, finds his material ready to hand in the extensive strata of flint lying amid the chalk beneath the surface. Shafts are sunk direct to the floorstone, and from these burrows are made into the chalk. This mining is al.1 done in the most primitive fashion, as tho men, for the most part, work singly, without fear of syndicates or corners. Each has his own claim, his own workshop. Quite often, though, he employs help 4 n getting his wares ready for market. The claim is about a man's length and three feet wide. Generally he digs down about 35 feet, and thence in a horizontal or slanting line, as best suits his purpose. His pick is shaped like a figure seven, and he goes down the shaft by toeholes, as- eending by the same means. His workshop, like his mining, is also primitive, being a rude, cheap shed In his garden, the only fittings of which are a block of oak tree trunk, rather smaller than a butcher's block, a seat, a little stove to dry tho flint, pails and some old tin " It might be supposed that flint- locks went out of use about the close of the Revolutionary War, but these kiiappers still find the steadi- est and most important branch of Uieir industry the supplying of 'flints for this old-fashioned fire- II HI Where do these relics of bygone jays go'f To make muskets for the negroes in Africa. Some are ship- ped to South America and China, ks yet there has been no decline n the demand Another odd ship- rnent was ma* during the Boer War, when 14,000 tinder flints were ieut to British troops so that they pould get light when wet ruined the matches. ,, "Remains of the Neolithic age, low to be found in many museums LEGS BURNED AND ITCHED Sourls West, P. E. Island. "My Uttla girl, aged four vaam, was troubled with a painful rash on her logs. It began In a dry rash very hot and Itchy and after a. few ctayi ie looked Ilka little plmplea with a white top on them. Her legs burned and Itched very much and (he was very restless and waa also cross and fretful, tttio used to scratch and make sores when I was oot watching her. I bad to leaTo her stockings; off her aa they would Irritate her legsj I used to bathe her legs with worm waterf and use the Cuttoura Boap freely, then dry) her legs and rub on the Outlcura Ointment! and she was cured In one week." (Signed) Mrs. P. J. Mullally, Aug. 1. 1912. Outlcura Boap and Cutlcura Ointment ara sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. For a liberal free sample of oach, with 32-p. book, send post rard to Potter Drug At Chem, Corp., Dopu 51D, Boston. U. 8. A. URIC ACID NEVER CAUSED RHEUMATISM I WAHT to pro It to your aattafaoUon. If you har lUieumatiam. acut or uliromo 'or my FREE BOOK on I8M Iti Cauie tuid Cure." all it "The moat wonderful book ever wr)ttn.' Don't Mud a itamo it AB- LY FREE. JBBBB A. OAiffl. 76, Brockton. LUi... U.8.A. COREAN JUSTICE. The Judges Hare a Poor Idea of Adniiiitatcrin!; It. The Corean judge dispenses jus- tice in the open, and by etiquette only the judge can sit ; everyone els.e must stand, excepting the pri- soner and his friends, who are 'orced to remain in an humble cneeling position with bowed leads, says the Wide World Maga- zine. Until quite recently these ;rials were always very one-sided and shockingly unjust. When a man was brought to a judge, it was taken for granted he was guilty, and, if he did not confess he was tortured and made to do so. Wit- nesses, too, were openly bribed. In fact, giving evidence for or against an accused person meant a living to a portion of the cqrnm unity, and these witnesses naturally favored those who paid best. Punishments varied. If the prisons were too full, and the condemned could not pay a fine, they were often given a chance to escape, or disappeared by some means. Though these are things of the past, Corean judges, like those of China, possess a poor idea of the sense of justice. WOMEN WHO WEKE SPIES. Many Who Ilave Found Out the Secrets of Nations. Women from time iminemoria have been the greatest spies in his tory. Their charms and resource! adapt them to every line of appre hensive endeavor. To those wh< are acquainted with the history o espionage, this statement comes a; no surprise, for nearly all the mo8 sensational spying cases of receu years have been engineered by un scrupulous women. For when 1 comes to trickery there is no mate! for a clever woman, especially if, as is often the case, she has natural beauty allied to her powers of stealing confidences. Only a few years back an import- ant German fortress had to be en- tirely rejniilt owing to France ob- taining extensive and valuable in- formation regarding its armaments and the geography of the import- ant portion of German frontier that it guarded. And this act was made necessary owing to the rami- fications of a F.vnch woman whoee j Booth will be presented with a num Brbrine Belief. Everything that goei wrong is at- tributed by the Berberinee, a tribe of the Sudan, to the devil. Ethi 8. Stevens, in "My Sudan Year," quotes a story told her by Bishop Gwynne of his "boy's" coming to him one day and announcing, "The devil is in the house." "Oh," said the bishop, "that ia very interesting .' When did he ar- rive t" "He came in with the cook from the souk market yesterday even- ing." "Really?" commented the bishop, puzzled. ''Yes, and in the night he came out of the cook and passed into me." "Oh, and what did he do?" "He went to the cupboard and broke a plate and the top of the jam jar." A light broke in on the bishop. "Oh, he was after the jam! I suppose he ate some V ' "Yes," said the boy, "he did!" The idea of devil-possession i* not merely an elaborate form of ex- cuse ; the native servant really be- lieves in it. POTTED MEATS- Full flavored and perfectly cooked The child's delight. The picnicker's choice. Everybody's favorite. W. CLARK. M'fr.. Montr*.!. make delicious sandwiches. FARMS FOR SLB. ON THE MARRIAGE DAY. Romance ceases and history begin* and oorne begin to go too when "Putnam B" is applied it takes ont root. branch and et-em. Nothing BO eure and painless SB Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor; try "Putnam B." 25c. at all dealers. H. W. OAWSON, Ninety Colborna street, Toronto. F EDIT, STOCK. GRAIN AND DAIHZ Farm* In all aectioni of Ontario. IB inapt. FACTORY SITES. WITH OK WITHOOl Railway truckage. In Toronto. Brrmntnn and other towns and oltlee. RESIDENTIAL Brampton and PROPERTIES IS a doien othfr . vn%. H. W. OAWSON, Colborns St., Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS O TAMP COLLECTOlW-UUNUIlKlJ Ul- IO lerent Foreign Btampi. C*i*lngaa. Album, only ftoven Cento. Uarkf tttams) Company. Toronto. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE. Minard's Liniment Curia Colds, Eta. Too Good Thlnzs. There are ten things for which no one has ever yet been sorry. These are For doing good to all : for speaking evil of none ; for hearing before judging: for thinking before speaking ; for holding an angry tongue ; for being kind to the dis- tres.sed ; /or asking pardon for all wrongs ; for being patient towards everybody ; for stopping the- ears of a tale-bearer : for disbelieving most of the ill reports. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHI- BITION. We learn from a reliable ' source that the Auto-Strop Safety Razor Co., One Woman, One Carriage. "Men are really too mean for anything!" "What's the trouble now?" "Why, I aaked John for an: automobile to-day, and he said j that I must be cxmtent with the , splendid carriage that Nature has given me '.'' Minard's Liniment Co.. Limited. <-ntlemen. I hav used MINAHD'S LINIMENT on my vepscl and In my fam- I ily for years, and for the ev<>ry day ilia | and accidents of life I consider it has no LAROE 40 H.P. TOURING CAR. COST 84.000. Will cell for $800, or will ex- tange for a few town, horses, hay. or feed. This is a beautiful car and if ia first-rinse running order. Ap|>lv Box S.P.. 73 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. Ont. MALE HELP WANTED. MEN WANTED TOOIG MAX BE A BARBER. I TEACH you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly anj furnish tools froe. We. give you actual rtiip experience Write for free <-a'.a> loguo. Holer College. 219 Queen St. Kant, Toronto. MEN WANTED Id not Btart on tt rryiige without it. If it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. H. DES.IAHDIN. Bchr. "Storke," St, Andre. Kamounska. s Him. "Lie still there and I won't hurt Ltd., of Toronto, who are well-known i you. All 1 want is your money and throughout tlie world as manufactur- your jewels, and then I'll git." ers of the Self-Stropping Auto-Strop " . ^jj r ig|,t. old man, and while Razor, hare arranged a -.ovel and at- vou - re sett rdung for the jewels if tractive method of advertising which dress-shirt I will be demonstrated at their booth ; ^" h ^"J, -^ put them on the dresser. I haven't been able to find them f>>r a month." MISCELLANEOUS. STRAWBKKRY PLANTS CHDICB thrifty young plants from Morden Vinos only, now ready. Price tt.03 jier !00. by mail, ixmt paid. Riverside Nur.er- ien. Central West River. N.8. CA.NCKR. TUMOUH. LUMP* hi 1 "- Internal snd external, cared WIT v oot naln h onr hom <retment n* before too Ists Dr. Tlellman fi Limited folllnywonrt Ont Uedtoaf IU,AlV t el Canadian National Exhibition This demonstration will be con- ducted as follows: Each visitor to the j Lord Strutlicona. formance, and expressed their joy in their customary fashion. A dis- cussion afterwards arose as to whe- ther the Esquimaux were of Ice- landic or Mongolian extraction. "Hoot, mon, yc're a' wrang." exclaimed the enthusiastic piper. "Did ye no see the chirls this morn- ing whilst I was twirlin' the pipes? I've nao doot nac doot ava they've true Hieland blud in their veins True prayer brings our wants to heaven and leaves them there. "Waiter, this coffee is nothing but thick liquid mud!" "Yes, sir certainly, sir ! It was ground this morning !" Post Toasties for Lunch and whole- hot Summer Appetizing some these days. No cooking no hot kitchen. Ready to eat direct from the package fresh, crisp and dainty. Serve with cream and sugar and sometimes fresh berries or fruit. Post Toasties are thin bits of Indian Corn, toasted to a golden brown. Acceptable at any meal Post Toasties Sold by Grocers everywhere. Canadian Foftnrn C*rl O>~ Ltd. WlndWT, Ontario. attractive personality enabled her to worm these secrets from import- ant Berlin officials in whose home she was implicitly trusted and en- tertained. Kecently a charming woman who posed as a governess was sentenced to four years' penal servitude for spying. She was employed by two European powers, and by acting as a governess to the children of na- val officers in Paris and Berlin she paved the way to acquaintance with those holding responsible po- sitions. With remarkable audacity she annexed charts and plans and sold them in the right quarters. This she found an easy task, hav- ing, in her position of governess, ample means of learning in what part of the house such documents were stored, and it was not until a bunch of duplicate keys of a num- ber of Admiralty safes were found in her possession that suspicion fell upon her. Every one remembers the sensa- tion several years ago when most complete plans of the interior of the first British Dreadnought were published in German newspapers. About this time an attractive "wo- man of German descent disappear- ed from London's society circles, where, by reason of her charming personality and apparent wealth, she had been given a hearty wel- come. An enquiry was held on the affair, and it was suggested that this woman probably knew a good deal about the leakage of these important plans, and probably fur- ther groceedings would have been taken Tiad not the honor of several officers of high standing in naval and society circles been involved. bered badge, which will be issued In duplicate. By finding the person bear- ing the duplicate number and pre- senting same to the Auto-Strop Booth each holder will be given a $5.00 Auto-Strop Safety Razor free of SUMMER Via TOURIST RATES TO THE PACIFIC COAST. ChiriiRo and North Western Ry. charge. It is safe 10 say that this will prove? one of the most attractive at the Exhibition. Cowardly. Asking permission of a girl before % .ou kis her is cowardly. It is putting the responsibility up to her. Hoard's Liniment Cura* Dlstamptr. Anurli-x, San Krnnrisco. Portland. Seattle. Vancouver, Vietoria, Edmonton. Caluary. Banff. Yellowstone Park. <tf.. during AUK- ust and Si-|it<-mbr. E--cllrnt train BIT- I vice For rates. illTtmrated folders, time BOOth table* and full particulars a<ldr<*. H GALL STONKS. KlUMliY A.NU d*r Stonei. Kidney trouble. Ort LntnhafO and kindred ailmenti Doiitt torcrt with tho new German I "" yj Hanoi." price ll.M. Another new romodr for ttlabetct'Mwllltn* ft on sura m r " v BanoV* Ann Diaheter" Pric. KM lro orniritiit' or direct. Th Banol llanufaj. tnrine Tomnanf ol Canada. Limit.*. WinnilieK Man. The Soul of a Piano Is the Action, Insist on the -OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action keep Twinkle! Twinkle! Wilbur Do they always that big bell on the cow ? Papa Yes, Wilbur. Wilbur I suppose it is to keep Bennett. Beneral Ae.nt. Toronto. Outurio. 46 VonKu Street Maybe. Ga-be-Who was it that said : "It is better to give than to re- ceive " Steve Some bachelor who was buying wedding presents for a friend, I guess. Mlnard'i Liniment Cures Garget In Cows Very Good. A Highlander fell into a river, her from falling asleep in this quiet j and after desperate efforts manag- place. Minard's Liniment Cures Dlnhtberl-. Grains of Gold. A man never rises so high as when he knows not whither he is going. Oliver Cromwell. To be- 'free-minded and cheerfully disposed at hours of meat, and sleep, and exercise is one of the best precepts of long lasting. Bacon. Wealth is honorable, and may be used moat blessedly when men re- gard themselves as being what in- deed they are stewards of it, and not the owners. Farrcr. The middle class i ,large and important class of the population, which is often over-looked, which has to bear a great many of the burdens of the State in almost un- due proportion, and which does not in these days receive either the sym- pathy or the attention or the cre- dit which it deserves. Lord Bal four of Burleigh. . ed to reach the bank in safety. His wife, who had been a distressed on- Try Murine Eye Remedy ^^L ^VrJiiewi" 1 ' Ah" Donald, If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eye* v(? ^^ be v erra thankfu' tae or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart p rovidence { or Bnv i n ' your life." or Granulated Soothes Eye Pain. Dniggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubet. 25c, SOc. Eye Books Free by Mail. An ! T nle Qood for All *v* ih.l N.rd Car* Murluo Eye Kemedy Co., Cblcal* Pearls of Trulh. Speculation is a word that some- times begins with the second letter. Chatfield. , The virtue of prosperity is tem- perance ; the virtue of adversity is fortitude. Bacon. Be not curious in unnecessary matters, for more things are known unto thee than men understand. Ecelesiastacus. I think you will fiud.it true that, before any vice can fasten on a man, body, mind, or moral nature must be 'debilitated. The mosses and fungi gather on sickly trees, not thriving ones. O. W. Holmes. Donald was somewhat aggrieved at what he deemed an unequal appor- tionment of the yess,' 1 he replied, verv good, but i too, whatefer." credit. "Yess, 'Providence wass ferry clever b th best* remsdy known for sunburn* beat* rashes, eczema, sore feet, stings ana blisters. A skin food 1 All Dntttttt* ani arM.-4fe ESTABLISHED 188*. Bt Ua to dtCour. I dlvld-ial In struct! i . Writ* tor C.ita'ogu MtrW. > FOR SALE Pulleys & Shafting Sultabla for MHIs, Manufacturing Plants, Printing Hojsai, Eto. , J B Wood Split Pulleys, 12^ x 48 iaj for 3 '1(5/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 12>i x 48 ia^ ' for 2 IB' 16 in. shaft. 1 Wood, Split Pulley, 18% x 28 ir^ i for 3 7/16 in. shaft. I Wood Split Pulley, 10% x 36 inj ^ for 3 716 in. shaft. i Pulley of smaller iz8 aaJ Shafting of various lengths an<X lixea to be sold at very low fig\ireVk Box 23, Wilson Publishing Co., Toronto. An Irishman complained tha.t his doctor kept stuffing him so with drugs that he was "sick for a week after he was quite well." ^DODDS KIDNEY '/ PILLS .13 nt. ISSUE 34 *13. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO TRINITY COLLEGE _._ ^ . .^ ._,._ ^....^ u,,,,,,,..a aaaaaa..a..a.a.r,.a. . ^- ^ ^ Full Courses In Arts and Divinity Landing to tho U.A. (7i>0i-o and to */ B.D. and O.O. Degree* mHH excellent Staff of Trinity College and the whole resources -- of the University of Toronto, with many exceptional advan- tages, ar open to Students of the University of Toronto who enrol in Trtnlty College. Students of Trinity College achieve notable suc- cesses In the examinations of the University of Toronto every year. Correspondence Invited from Students^ooklng forward toTSwTTrfwalcuWi Teaching or Holy^Oriers. A RESIDENTIAL COLXKOC OF O YEARS' STANDING NOW FCDCRATCO WITH THE UNIVCRSITV OF TORONTO Ftr CaltnJar i"<a Illiutratri Btittlti, *ddrtu REV. DR. MACKLKM, TKI.MTY COU.B(iK, TOHOXTO.

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