Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Sep 1913, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRLSCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 33 No. ft -Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, September 4 W. H. TECRSTON E S D ' T P O H B , and PKCP Eeversham Items fn- List Week. Fuvorshain Continuation school i-i open wi h Misti Bunkhai-d as teacher. Mis. Huh Davidson of Cullingwooil is visiting friends here. Mr. Robert Allister SIH- r a few days at Toronto last week. Mrs. Sandy Davidson r.f tl.ia place is visiting her daughter, Mr*. J. Stouteii- burg of Collingwood . The funml of the la'e .I"hri Simple, who died in the Collinx'""J hospital on Aiy. 24, took place from his late resi- dence to the Feversham Presbyterian cemetery Aug. 'JO. Much sympathy is extended to the widow and family. This Week's Items. The Misses Viva and Emily S.-i!ley of Hathertou visited a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. J. Arnott. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and two children of Flesherton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Col<iuett. Miss Keta OsWiie spent Saturday and Sunday with her friend, Miss Dora Ped- lar. Rock Mills. Miss yueenie Kaitting is visiting her sister, Mrs. Irwin McKeown ( Duncan. Miss Annie Knglish spent a few iiny s with friends in Markdale last week. James Davidson left on Monday to take a position in the flour mills at Lind- say, Ont. On Thursday before he left a surprise parly and presentation took place at the home of Mr. H. Alexander, nheo the choir ami youni< people of the Tillage presented him with ihe following address : MR. JAMKS DAMHSHS, \Ve, your friends and members of the choir, have assembled here this evening to express our deep regret on learning of your de- parture from our iiiiJM. You will be missed* very much in our social gather- ing), and especially in the choti, wheie you have alnys been willing to help. We ask you, as a slight token of our re- spect, to accept this suit case and shaving set, and we alt join in wishing you every success in your new surroundings, and trust you will not forget the many happy hours spent in our midst. Siguod on behalf of the clioir and young people of the village Arleen Buckingham, Lyln Alexander- Ceylon Portlaw Mr. Albert Thompson was Uken sud- denly and severely ill last week and has been confined to bed since Dr. Rusell has been in attendance and prevented a thieatened attack of appendcciti 1 !. He n >w appears to be in a fair way to re- Mr. James Cornfield is recnveriiitf from in injury to Irs shoulder received from a all while taking down an old l.uiKliii'4- ie has his new barn well on towards onipletion. Rev. Mr. Dudeon of Fleshortou reached in Mount /:on church a week ago Sunday and dispensed (he Sacrament. iis sermon was much enjoyed by the onsjre^'ation. Mr. and Mrs. Mclutoah of Toronto isitetl with the former's sinter, Mrs. W. A. Morton. Mr. Edward Jamieson, wife and two ons of Buffalo were v.sitora at the home of the former's brother, VV. G. Jamies.in. The Misses Grierson of Aberdeen have returned home after spending ome time with their sister, Mrs. G. Chapman. Bush tires have been causing some an- loyauce, but no serious loss. If tli-- weather should permit, a few cays more will complete the harvest. The Saugeen bridge waa completed oine weeks ago with the exception of some finishing touches and traffic is passing over ic. The structure is a titell girder span with concrete abutments and Moor. The girders are forty feet l<-n, he opening beini; about thirty seven eet. U is the only one of its kind in \rteoienia and is pronounced by com- >eteut judges to be first class in every wrticular, and to all appearance is there o atay for generations. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell anddaugliter.Geor- gina, returned tv Toronto after spending a fortnight with her sister, Mrs. Frank Cairns. Mr. James Phillips. ChictK> was a caller at K. Cook's Fridny. Mr. Joe Sin-11, who has been working at Bowtiianville, has returned to town. Miss Georgina McLanchlan spent a pleasant week with Mr*. U. Stewart, Miss K.nmn Whittaker and niece, from the West, are visitors at D. Whittaker's, Stone's Line. Miss Johnston, who has been visiting her friend, Helen Gibson, for two weeks, returned to Toronto Saturday. Mrs. J. McMilleo left last week to visit her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Holmes, Owen Sound . Mrs. J. Chislett visitedGlcnelv friends the p-st week. Mr. Fred Chislett, Shelburue, spent Sunday with his parents here. Mr. 8. Hemphill and son, John, spent the paet week in the city. Miss Wilson, Chatsworth, arrived on Monday to commence her school duties. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gilchrist, Mr. and Mrs. White, and Misses Millie Cook and Gladys Cushnie are among the vis itorn at the exhibition this week. Miss Edna McLeod is spending a week with her sister in Toronto. Mr. Pattison of Owen Sound spent Sunday at Mr. James Pattison's. Dundalk Mr . F. Hibbert, of Mayburn, lost i valuable colt on Tuesday of this week It was running with seme others and was either staked ou a fence or hooked by a cow. The Continued dry weather has had the effect of lowering! the water in the wells about town and many have ROHO dry. It has been a good time for denning thorn. Mr. J. F. VauDusen is this week luisy fitting up the shop in the Bell block next to Howe's tailor shop, preparatory to 'reopening in the jewelry business. Herald. Toronto Line North Harvesting is almost completed and .nine of the farmers have already tlireth- ed. Mr. Alex. Smith of Thornbury i>* visiting at Mr. Fred Brown's. Miss Klva Lever of Hanover visited >ver the holiday at her parental home. We must congratulate the people of Eugenia who huve secured Mr. Wm. Din- woodio an pastor for their Methodist church. Miss Bella Brown is ou the sick list at present. We hope that she may soon be tble to get around as usual. Mr. Carriugton of town is engaged helping Mr. Tnos. Lever at the harvest. Mr. Fred Brown made A business trip tu Ku^enia vicinity recently. Mr. Lloyd Wright has returned to his home in Hamilton, after spending his vacation at Mr. Chas. Stewart's. Misses Clam and Florence Lever are attending high school in Flesherton. Success, girls. Eugenia Paragraphs Kimberley Budget IFlesherton Planing f And chopping Mills J e w e Iry Walkerton Provincial detective Ileburn of Toronto is here this week investigating the incendiary tires which occurred ** the Queen's hotel last week. Last week we reported two incendiary tires which occurred at the (Queen's hotel during Tuesday evening. Shortly after going to press nn Wednesday a report of another blaze reached us. This time the tire was in the cellar of the hotel, but as on the two former occasions was discover- ed and extinguished before any damage was done. Since then there have been no further attempts to set fire to that building or any other in town and the citizens are beginning to breath freely once more. Telescope. Killed at Riverview A fatal accident took place atRiverview Tuesday forenoon, resulting in the death of an old resident in the person of Mr Robt. Nixon. The accident happen e< between 8 and 9 o'clock. Mr. Nixoi was engaged drawing in grain, and was taking off the load with slings in the barn He was in some way knocked oil the rear of the wagon by a bundle iit the sling?, lighting ou the barn floor on his neck and shoulders with groat force. When Jvhli Mclntush, who was working with him, reached him, he found that he was com- pletely paralyzed from the neck down. Dr. Smith, who was at oice summoned from Shelburne, found that his back had been broken hivli up between the shoulders. The injured man succumbed to his injuries about 9.30 p. in. He ws conscious until nearly the last but had no control of hia muscles. Deceased was in his (59th year. Economist. Master Wiliie Walker gave a birthday party to a number of hia young fiiends. All ri-port a good time. Miss Annie Duckelt entertained' a re.w of her girl friends one day last week. Mrs. Merce of Toronto is the guent of Miss M. DuckeH. Mr. Harrow of Priceville and Mr. Cut- cbir. of M-initoulin are yucsts of Mrs. McMulIen. Miss Etta Latimei- and Miss McMulleu spent the past week at Priceville, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Genoe visited friends at Feversham recently. Miss Jean Graham has gone to Bridge- port, N. J., to take a position as nurse. Mr. Card. Graham his returned home rorn the West . Miss May Jaiuieson, Ed. Jamiesou and Mrs. .Strain of Porcupine were gutsts of klrs. McMaster. Miss Annie White of 'Jeylou is the guest of Miss Barbara Thompson. Mr. Fred Smith gave a flying call on riends here recently. Miss Delia Wilson haa gone to a' tend ligh school ii: Flesherton. Mr. Joe Williams and Mrs. .Tom Fen- wick have returned from their visitTi Mr. and Mrs. Gibson of Michigan are uests of Mr. Tudor. Mrs. George Parsons of Et Aurora, N. V , visited her cousin, Mrs. Jake rVilliam*. recently. '.'mil- a number from here are attend- he Ex. this week. Miss Mary Turner of M irkdale spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Hillock of Maxwell were he guests of J. K Jaiuieson. Miss Mary Jaiuieson has gone ou a 'iiit with friends in Maxwell. Mr. Hatziu has resigned his work here mil gave an interesting farewell termou 311 the Strength of Souion and his fall >efore Delilah. Hi> many friends regret leaving, but were much encouraged on iis vacancy being ably filled by Rev. Wm. Dinwoodie, who gave an excellent sermon and made quite a favorable ira- jression upon hi hearers. Miss Ada lialstead ha>> returned from Kimberley and is now at the Eugenia Bouse. Miss,.- Jennie nd Annie Carson have lone on a visit to the city. Miss Delia Magee of Vandeleur spent tho pant two weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Munahtw. Mis-. Nellie Wickens, who h is been on an extended visit with fiiends at M"0se- jaw, Sask., arrived home one day last week. Mr. Georjje Thompson of New Hamp- shire, U. S , in renewing old acquain- tances in this vicinity. His many old friends are pleased to see him looking so hale and hearty. Mr. W. Buchanan of Vandeleur occu- pied the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday murniny last. Mr. Buchanan s a clear, logical speaker, and made a avorable impression. Mr. P. McCullouch of M.ukdale via a :illcT iii our village one d.iy last week. Mr. Htrvi-y Cruikshank of Hvaihcotc isited at Mr. S.S. Burritt's a few days he past week. Mr. George Lunny and John Hill of tolling wood wera guests at the Travell- r s Home on Monday last. Mr. John Plewes, who has been in Saskatchewan for the past four or five nonths, returned home last week. Kxlali; Walter and Stanley Lawrence visited Flesherton friends a few days the last week. Miss Hattie Fawcett, who HUM been spending the summer vacation with her sister, Mrs. Charles Hug<>aru, returned Mine this week. Mrs. Henry Ellis and daughter, Nellie, of Powassen are visiting friends in this vicinity. Lyness Fawcett visited Th'irnbury rieiuU this vveek. Mr. Waller Elliott and wife of Marlt- dilo visited wi'.h the latter'* mother. Mi- Neil Boyle, Dn Sunday and Monday Isct. Mr. J. E. Hammond and sister, Edith, h<> have been spending a few weeks with friends in the prair,e provinces, re- 11 rued home one day Itst week. Mr. Taylor of Buijnor, accompanied by iev. Mr. Price, mo'ored through our (urg on Wednesday. Durham Rats Move Westward It is interesting to note the .slow but iteady immigration of the rat westward. \ few years *uo the citizens of Fort Will- am wore shocked {o rind a colony of rats n their midst. About a year later they were found in Winnipeg. Xow we read n a Westein paper that while removing an out stack on his farm near Carman, Wilson Koblin discovered a large colony of rats. With the aid of pitchforks Mr. Koblin and his hired man were able to iill eighty six. This paper says as Car - nanio 50 miles west of Winnipeg this iscon- clusive evidence that unless drastic and determined effort U made to extirminate them it will be but a short time until thi a pest spreads over all Western Canada. I am now prepared :> do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in Uie year. Bring along your grists. Our sii.sli an>i door factory is alway- .1" your disposal lor anyt hin.' you iv..nr in our line- -planing, matching, otc. Fl.ior ill'.', sash and clours, and all bouse fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- unable rates, Gel estimates. T. Blakeley, Prop. 13 ly Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are date* for 1913: Vednesuay, Feb. Ill Dundalk Vednesday, April Hi Fitsherton Veduesday, June 1* Dundalk Vednesday. Aug. 27 Fltaherton Vednesday, Oct. 15 Dundalk Saturday, Dec. H Ftesherton \V. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, Flesherton, Out. Tlii'iv were fifty tickets sold here by the C.P. K. for Winnipeg Monday morn- ing, one more, ^-e understand, than were sold foe tho h'rst excursion of 1912. Wo congratulate Miss Marion Gun, who has been accepted as a member of Dr. Vogt's choir, better known as Th Mendelssohn Choir, and organized Am- orally as the greatest muxical organization on the continent. It is always a pleasure to learn of the literary or musical achieve- ments o( our yoinii; Jieople, and as Dr. Yogt accepts nothing but high-class tal out, her acceptance as a member of this world-renowned musical organization is tho strongest testimony we can give o Miss Gun's ability. On Saturday evening last, while Mr and Mrs. James Tucker and daughter, o Egremon", were driving to town in buggy, the horse took fright at a camp alongsfdo the road about a mile ou of ton n. The horse became unnruiage able, upset the buggy and pitched the occupants out on the hard road, inrlictin serious injuries to Mrs. Tucker, whosi leg was badly bruised and required med ical attendance. Mis* Tucker's knee wa injured to some extent, but not seriously and Mr. Tucker, hu fared better thai the other!), escaped with slight injury t one of his arms. The horse continue! his race till stopped at the entrance o the town, this side of the C. F.K. bridge Th<5 buggy n d hap>c>*J Were badly used, up, ud ot>.&r means had to be procured j and the result was the arrest of Russell This is a case where J to-day. Tho detective is uot satisfied Youthful Walkerton Firebug Walkerton. Aug.*-.'S. - Wesley Kussell, IS yean of age. a graudson of Constabli Russcl!, of Walkerton, was arrested a '2 o'clock yesterday afternoon by I'rovin cial detectectivu Keburn charged will setting tire to the stables and barns o the Hartley Hotel on August 11, and t the Queen's Hotel ou August 18 and I '.' Russell was lodged in the Walki-rton jail and after an examination by the detectiv confessed to having started the Hartle; tire, but denied all knowledge of th tires at the Queen's Hotel. Foe the past month Walkertou ha been in a state of fear owing to the num i-rou.s incendiary tires throughout th town. The most serious of these was th Hartlely tire, when, on Monday, Aug ust 11, the stables and barns of the hote were entirely destroyed. On Monday August 18, two attempts wore made t set tire to th Queen'* Hotel, and th following day another attempt was made All, however, were discovered before th dames could gain any headway. The local police were unable to rind an clue to the perpetrator, and finally th peiiple of the town asked Crown Attorn ey Dickson to place a man on the case. He notified the Attorney-General, who Defective Ueburn on the case, A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. for the return trip, we think the township council could be held responsible for allowing such an out- tit to camp near a public highway. Durham Chronicle. John McCannell, Ins-lewood, threshed 225 bushuls of alsike off 37 acres. Ho sold the entire crop at $8 a bushel, realizing 81,800. that Russell was the only pyromamac, and is still working on the case, and ex- pects to make another arrest shortly. Russell, who claims to have no motive for the crime, told tho detective that he went up into tho loft of Hartley's stable and threw a lighted match into the hay. As soon as the hy caught tiro he ran away. FRUIT, FLOUR & FEED ! Fresh fruit arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. "We can sure please you. Five Hoses. Five Lilly, McGowun's and Eclipse, I'-istry Flour. All kinds of feed always on hand Get your Binder Twine. Machine Oil. Coal Oil, axle Grease, Jem Jars. I'.rcad. Biscuits. Xo. I Groceries in all its lines. ICE CRE AM WHILE WAIT. AT THE YOU FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN Drop in the Price of Boots To clear out balance of Summer Goods, in men's Wear. We have some Velour and Box Calf sixes ^ and 9. Kegular price $L'.50 to $75 to clear at $1.1(9. and a good line of Men's Gun Metal Button worth ,J.50. clearing at $-'.90, sizes 74. *. 8, 9- In Women's Dongola. Oxford, a nice straight toe, sixes :>. :U, 4, 4i. Kegular price $1..~>0, $1.75. Clearing at$l. 19. All Women's Patent and Tan Pumps at greatly reduced prices. In Misx-s and and Children's Chocolate and Dongola Oxfords Must be cleared to make room lor Full Goods. TH08. CLAYTON REPAIRING AS USUAL BOWLER. The Tailor- French Cleaning Done Every SATURDAY Get your old Clothes r e n o- vated ... makes your Su minor-Suit from the Choicest line of Goods to be found any- where . . . Our prices are right, workmanship the best. us vour order Our Givt- J. Bowler,THE TAILOR BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT. I

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