Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Sep 1913, p. 4

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September 4 THE F L E S H E It f N ADVANCE Til K / Icobcrton T An independent newspaper, imliliiihed every Ttuirmlay at tli' 1 office, Colllngwood Street, Klesherton. Subscription price 11 iwr aimuiu. when |i:u'l iu advance ;$1.5J when not n |>aid AdvrrtiMiii; rate* on application. Circulation 1,100 weekly. W H. Thuratoii- Editor Flcsherton- Methodist Church Next Sabbath the ten-ices will be in charge of Mr. S. Cole, and Mr. McKcn rie representing the Gideon society. Mr. Cole is (.ecretary of the society. The services will be interesting and everybody is cordially invited to* be present. How I Raised My $1,500 Oats J. C. Hill in McLean's Magazine. I and my sons came to thia part of Albert* in 1903, locating on section 2-50-27- W3, in I'.HM. At that time the call from the wheat field seemed the uppernaojt voice to claim the attention of incoming settlers. Everybody was after wheat, reuardlesg of the preparation of the land or the titneas of ihe climate in their prticular section. In common with the rest, we prepared for a crop of wheat by sowing 20 acre* of our first breaking in 1905. The harvest that year was easily attended to, for the wheat was all frozen and we had only the Blraw for our pains. Despite this set- back in our personal experience we ntill listened to the popular cry for wheat. So in 1OG we found ourselves with CO acres sown and at the harvest s%w the same catastrophe of 1905 repented. About this time we began to feel badly about wheat. Still the wise heads sid, grow wheat, as once winning would make up for a number of times losing, and the prospects for a good year at hand looked alluring. Accordingly we ventured on 70 cte of wheat in 1!X>7. The harvest was another sad story for the whole crop was frozen again and we had only an abundance ot straw for our trouble. In fact, thene were literally the last straws un the camels buck. We wen- complete- ly broken. The third time of being down and out had cured us completely from growing wheat. -' Beaten but net discouraged, we began the year 13CH by getting seed grain from the Government. Nearly the whole district bad to do likewise *> we did not feel that we were alone in this experi- ence, but we resolved lo change our farming. This time we secured seed oats of the Abundance variety which was brought from England, and Mensury barley. In 1909 we hud our first success- ful harvest. The oatn turned out very well, although they were not quite as large and plump a* the feed we had -own, yet we thought they would improve when they had become acclimatized. We began to bieak more prairie and .ucceeded in getting 70 acres turned in June. We plowed the first time about 4 inched deep and in the 'nil ws disked this Und five times going with tbe plow- T^g*lKfl?e times, and across the furrow, *ice. After thi we went over it with lie float or plitnkur. Now, the planker is a home-made im- plement made by spiking six, fo..t I iece, 2 by H, upon four poles. The 2 i y six pieces were spike.i on a pole so hat Ihe front was about 8 inches higher than the back. This implement made u k ood clod crusher and after gointf ovi-r he Bold twice with this the soil Jiist class condition for the snow winter . The next spring we sown! to our Abundance oat>, and dragged it once when tbe oats where about 4 inches Jrgh. We had a magnificent atand and it w*a some reward for our long wait lo i the threshing machine turn out the ot 90 bushels to the acre of oats liat weighed 50 pounds to the bushel. <)ur tbrel.erman, who happened to be ,i American. id that in his thirty years -f experience he had never seen better .it, or as good, and that they would win out at any show. ConsF<iuvntly we tried our local show and jiiHtitied his re v4U*jrk l>y securing first prize. We fallowed this win up tt CUiy mid llrmndon and won first at each place. We ior*<li'il Ihu fairs uf tin! I'nili'd , utes in February, 191 l.mid t ('olonido, Ohio, w wtm > fo1 tne ' irHl tiliu '' ' ll0 (>ltl Trophy. These wins drew our attention i the ?* llloni 'y ll(1 we d"** 1 ''" 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' tlit in order to win pri/m one hsd to l _j g well, paying .-|ifri,il attention tu H d. Tu ilo this il M fuiiiiil Thus wo live the plowing and harrowing done at iln .un i in:,, aii.l the nui'htuie in retained in the anil fur use at the proper time. Between haying and harvest the fields are harrowed itgttin. Thu summer fallow are then lef. till spring when they are dragged, planked and .seeded. All riflds are also dragged when the grain is about 4 inches high which operation kills great nmny of the young weeds. This ha* been our method of firinii g since 190!) and we have never f tiled in a crop since. Referring to our second win at the Obio fair I may say lhat there is no money pn/.e. Many think we have won f 1,500 in money. Instead it in a mag- nificent silver cup valued at 91,500 and wu have to win it once again to become the permanent owners. This we hope to Jo with this year's crop. To win this prize the oats must be of the very best, well Hcreened, cleaned, and selected. \Vheu we came home for the second time with this trophy the Lloydminster Board of Trade decided to give us a ban- quet together with a re-union of a num- ber of original Barr colonists. The hand- some card will ahow you that mtny prom- inent men had gathered to do us honor and celebrate this event. Among these weru the Premiers and Ministers of Agri- culture lor Alberta aud Saskatchewan, as well as the representives of the railways. This to me was one of the proudest mom- ents of my life, in that I and cny sons had won a trophy that was bringing credit to our adopted count ty and to the "i 1 ' country because the story of our farming operation reads a little like romance when' it is known that I was born in London and spent the most of my life in city oc- cupa'ion. When we came to this country in I'.' 1 i.i we had absolutely no knowledge of fanning and what wuhaie since learned is from experience and farm literature. Al the present time we think we hare one of the finest oat :tnd turley sections in the West and we still are content with our Canadian home and land of our adoption .ind with our prospects for the future, but we are not confining our attention to grain-growing. We are now going largely into hogs and are increasing the dairy stock that has done " much for us. I Lave a pickle and smoke houxe on the farm arid make a good deal of money by turning obt a good ()uantity of bacun for the Western market, there being a good local demand for all I put up. I have made a success of i lui because this wai my tride. We also have a bl.toksinith ehop on the farm un my eldest son's trade was that af blacksmith, general smith and finicr. Another con in a carpenter by trade, and the thiid nun in m expert in electrical work and fittings. We sre all London bred and born and therefore, purely city people and, of course, in the opinions of a great many people, totally unfitted fur farming opera- tions, especially in the Went. But 1 am thoroughly impressed with the fact that farming, like all otht> r husinense.9 has to be learned and whetiver you come fi un the city or are born in the country, nil experience has to be learned. A little bit of personal experience will lj pardoned since it serres to illustrate the pusaibilitieH that lie in farming oper- ations for even the uiixkilled. ANADIAN PACIFIC. Canadian National Exbibitun TORONTO Return Rates from FLESHERTON $2.60 DAILY AUO. 23 TO .1.. a $2.00 AUG. 25-28 SEPT 2-4 All tickets good for return until Sept. 9. ASK FOR OFFICIAL PlUXiRAM Coutalna list of daily (vents at tbe Fair. Special rates and train service (row all Stations. S. Rand - - Agent Ceylon SEALl'.D TENDFKS addressed to tL. un- dersigned, and endorsed " Tender for K viaiiKi.in and repairs to Kevetinent Wall at Meaforri. Out.," wi!l be received at tbis office until 4 1'. M .. on Monday, Reptember 'IS, l''i '. for the construction of an Klt.usiou and re- palri to the Revetment Wall at Meaford, Grey .. HM'ltV. "t . I'lang, tipecifloatioD atd foi-ui of contract can be sn aad forma of tender obtained at this Department and at thtt cdicee of J. G. SiuK, Blip., District Knitiueer, Confederation Life Ruildlnv, Toronto, Out., J.H. Armstrong, I : -,|.. District Knglnenr Midland Out., and on applicatiou to the Postmaster at Meaford, Out- Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless ina^e on the printed forms supplied, and Higoea with their actual signature*, stating theiroccupatiouiand places of residence. In the case of ttrius, the actual siRiiatare. the nature of tue occupation. and placnof residence of each member of the firm must be Riven. Each tender must be accompanied by n ac- cepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of tbe Honorable the Minister of Public Work", equal to ten (10) per cent, of the amount of ch tender, which will be forfeited if the person tendering declines to filter into a contract when called upon to do so, or fail to complete the work contracted for. [f the ten- der be not accepted thecheque will be returned The Department dors not bind itself to ac- cept the lowest or any tender, itv order, 'H. C. DRSKOCHF.Rfi, Secretary. Depart Hunt of Public Works. Ottawa, AiiKUst 27 1913. Newspapers will not be paid for this adver- tisement if they insert it without authority from the I., p 'ii tin "nt. i MI i. MAIL CONTRACT SKAI.KII TKM>KRS addressed to the Post- master General, will be received at Ottawa mil il noon, on Fridny, the 12ih Sept. 1913, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mulls on a proposed Contract for four years sii times per week Over Markdale "Via Irish Lake Trarer- ! ston and Ebordale from the Postmasttr General's Pleasure. I 'inn '.I notices containing furlhei information as to conditions of prnposi d Contract may IK.- seen and blank forms f Tender may be obtained at the P"st Otticesof iMiirkditle.Irish Luke.Tr ivers-on, F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. This week we place in stock the first shipment of New Fall _-_>. <JKM I Coats for Ladies. The prices are moderate and styles just right. Come in and see them. Coat Sweatersi2LCool Evenings Just Received, a big selection of these popular garments for Men and Women, Boys and Girls, new Colors and Styles ; all reasonably priced. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS GOOD LOCAL AGENT At once to represent thn Che Old and Reliable Font hill Nurseries Splendid IUt of fruit and ornamental str.ck for Kail delivery 1913 and Spring delivery 1914 : : : : Start at once and secure exclusive territory. We supply handsome free outfit and pay highest commission*. Write for full particulars. 1 Jly i:i Stone & Wellington TORONTO, - - ONT. Notice To Trespassers Notice is hereby given that oil parties interfering with the fencinx around the Flesher properly will be held responsibla for damages. luio. JOHN HKARD, Lesee. Jas. Pattison & Co. CEYLON, ONTARIO. The place you can get nearly anything you want in Dry Goods, Groceries. Boots and Shoes. Also Hardware, Hay Kope and Bindertwine. Brant- ford Bindert wine 650 feet, and 600 feet, can't be beat. Also Canadian Portland Cement at $1.50 per barrel. Paris Gieen in 1 pound and half pound packages. Scythes, Blades and Snaths, Scythe Stones and Rakes, also the best machine oil. Remember we pay highest market price for Butter, Eggs, \Vool, Tallow, Skins and Hides. was in of the Held Go to The Fair There i - no sluck seaton on the fnnn to-day. Tho grain liarvust i.s followed by |iiv|nrnii./ii of the land for next nuson'i* crop, the c.iro <>( Ihe hoe crops and the i|i|>lf harvest. Still even in the midst uf nil this hurry it will pay to : ik.- > day or t<ro off lo risit the KU fair in Toronto, mid tht- > in illiT I Hi s in (he neighborhood. The m.iti who remains too much at home becomes rusty, narrow and loo often ill- tempered. A day Hpent amid the scene 8 offered by the fair brings a man into con* tnct with !n . fellows, mind it brightened by contnct with mind, the body in tit- freshi'd, a broader outlook i.s obtitinrd, and new ideas are obUined, which nre of actual value lur in exceia of that ri- preiented by the time and money n|>mil on the outing. By nil menus take in ti.r fur Weekly Sun. and at the Office of the 1'i.sl Office Inspector at Toronto. Pod Office Departn.ont, Mail Service Branch, Toroi.to. August 5th, l'.'l;{ G. C. ANDKKSOS. Supfrimendent. Dates of Fall Fairs FU-eherton Oct. 7-8 Ayton Sept. 2:i -'2-1 Coldwater ?pt- 18 -W Dundalk <>et.!> 10 Durham Sept. 23 '24 Ffverslimn Sepl . W, Oct. 1 Markdale Oct.H - 15 Mesford Sept. 30 - Oct. 1 Ml. Foreu Sept. 17- 18 Owen Sound .. iM.7 Priceville Oct- 2- 3 Uocklyn Oct. 2-8 FlesHerton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAl'NDRY Bjsket leaves Tuesday noon, delivery Friday eveni-ig. CLEANING aud DYEING We are agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - PROPRIETOR Fur Sale by Tender TERMS CASH AND TRADE JAS. PATTISON & Co. i ;l GENERAL MERCHANTS ~ I CEYLON ONT. YOURJLOOD IS TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE * NEW METHOD TREATMENT Tender* will lie received by the under- signed at Port McNicholl up to 4 o'clock p. m. Friday 15th dsyof August for the purchase ot the solid brick store and dwellinx oppisite Fl>ur Mills in the J village of Feversham, also for the , .- purchase of the rouxh-cast dwelling and J Shelbiine Sept. 23- -24 property on Wellington St. West lately s , 30_.t)ct. ij owned by John Speers. Tenders to a ,,, . 'state their own terms of payment and) Walter's falls bt-pt. 11. intere%t Lowest nor any tender not Wiurtmi s P l - 2:< ~ - 4 necessarily accepted. Woodhridije "ct. 14-16, I. HAKVKY PERIGOE. Last wouk the Grand Lod^e of Ouebic of i In' Independent Order i Oddfellows put a clause into their constitution de- barring any hotel-keeper who sells spirit- u -us li.|'n i from joining the order. Why i . this, when the business is so eminently "respectable"? It is evident thitt uven n government license can't make thU bu.sineis ducent. Guardian. " |'lvttii/.o i lui clnds and lo rr<W lny timus. Tim plunking down <t the winter is the lust thing that is done. It i " lir l"'" ;l " ' " ""' '""'"t'r ftllow idon. ti 8 tM the woods BgHinln-fui-e plowing in I nt We pl w w ' 1 '' t '" 1 "' '" '' sos """ .,.,'and another with four oxen on a whilu one Imr-e pulU ..n.' s,.i->ii.n i't' htrowi " d an ox IHE UHEIt Carcltilly Corrootod Each Wooli Wheat 8") to 85 Oats..- H3 to ,!:i Peas 1 la lo 1 12 Barley &5 to fio liny 10 00 to 10 (Hi Butior 20 'i -JO I . , fresh -"- i -'-' Potatoes per bag I to to 40 Geexo.... I-'' I" II Ducks IS .o II Fowl 10 to H T .n r> , 40,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED FOB HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA "OOIN TRIP WEST." $10.00 TO WINNIMQ eitf&Lm&ter " RETURN TRIP CAST." 918.00 FROM WINNIPEG Flukaif 'mall points Mit** GOING DATtTS From all stations Hhss*n to Renfrew Inclusive aad nit tbcraof lo Ontario* __Vivuu Toronto aad Wed no Grand Trunk Malo Line to Sarnla Inclusive __Fron Toronto nd North-\Vetcrn OnUrlo, Notth o( but not Including Gtaad Trunk Line Toronto to Sarnia and East o( Toionto to Kin|ston, Gharbot LaJw and Rcnfrrw, Including thce point*. SI rrryRKR 3rd _ From Toronto iii"l all eutloni In Ontario Eut ol but not Including si.n TMKH. ora GraBj Tjunlt Line Toronto to North ^y. *rfPHiri fith _ From all >t itionson Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay lncluiv<\ sr.rir.Bor.i. ,. . andw-t Uiereo ,| n Ontario. Includlo "-to 18tk AU0WT 22d AUGUST 281. . i C.P.R. UneSudbury toSault St. Marte. Ontario, but not Including Aild and Wet. skooioMuu nans win u sou TO wuwirio ONLY One-way secoad class tkkcts to Winnipeg only will be sold. Each tlckeC will Include yerlflcatlon certlfleate, with in itwiiuii coupoa. Whrn attnilon couiwn h> been nigned at Wliuilpoi by a farmer, ,<h, wlna be ha en|fe>l the hold.r to work M farm laborer, the coupon will be honored up 'o Seottniber 30th for ticket at rate of one-half cent iwr mile (minimum Bfty cents) to an> station west of Winnipeg on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian Northern or Grand Trunk Pa.-lfk- R.illwy In Manitoba. :>*akutchr*u or Alberta, but not west "I Edmonton, Caltary or Mai i < ml Alt*. A certificate will be Issued entitling pnrcbjuer to a second-clais ticket good to rfturn from any etntlon on Oie Canadian Pacific, Canadian Northern, or Grand Trunk l-ncific Railway. In Alberta, Saskatchewan od Xlanltoba east of MacLeod. Calgary ami I'.ilmonton to original artmi point by ihe - n route as trayelled on going journey on or before November SOth, lll. on payment or one half rent ner mil. (minimum fifty cent.) up to Wlnniivg ailill to 111. 00 from Winnipeg, provided the holder depoult* the certificate with (he tli ketigent on arrival M di-Mjnntion, oii.l works at le>t thirty days at harvetUng. i^jjf dilbctrtlcaUrs set ne*K <t C.P.R. Agent, or write O. HUIPBY, D.P.A.. I.P.R.. l,,r,.nto A(JEM\ - FLKSllKUTOiN, - We dNlre to call the attention f all thOM afflicted with any BU*4 or SUa\ Pin air to our N.w M.iKod TratssH as (uaraaMtd cure for these complaint*. Tbwr* U no x- cuse (or any person haTinc a diatamd fac from eruptions and blotch**, no rnattsr whether h.nHlltarv or acquired, our spe-cifle remolies and treatmmt ocutraliM all pot* sons In tne blood and eixpvl them from th system. Our vast ezpericnc* in the treat- meat ot thousands of the most aerious said complicated cases enable* us to perfect a cur without eiperlmentinf . WedobualneM on the plan-Par Onlr lW tfc. .> Y*si D.riv*. If you have any Blood diisas*. con- sult u* Fn. of Cb.r. and let us prove to you how quickly our nmedle* will rttttov* all evidences of disease. Under the Intluenea ot the N.w M.thod Tr...m.t the akin be- comes clear, ulcer*, pimple* and blotches heal up, enlarged glands arc. reduced, fallen out hair grows la again, the eye* become bright, ambition and enercy return, smd the v ictim, realizes a new life bas opeoM up to liim YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AJTOt YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREK SMM! fsr Bo*U.t *. "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" If usabl. to call. writ, for DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold Si, .Detroit. Mich. V ^ U Ietter * from Canada most be addrewed' to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- Hie lit III .Windsor, Out. If YOU desire to us personally Call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat o ..*i*U in our Windsor offices which are tor Correspondence and laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters M follows : DM. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ot, Write for oar private addi BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Holstein Bull, Kortdyke Pittertj* I'loihilde, No. 147i*>, h>ae clam, Trizie's t'lotliilde Pietertjw 2nrl,No. 2t>SS, lias proiuced over 80 !!>*. milk per day. TerBia Grade cows $1.00, n\ro bred cows fc't. All cows not rcturnod will be charged. Also registered Yorkshire boar. No. :ur.si .Termafi. HBMRT HOLMAN Lot 40, Con. 4, Artemesiit, I'ortlaw i'.t> (iiinttf Tamworths <or Sale "Mil * nearly ready for breeding. 1'rloos lit lo> quick uile. CIKO. W. nO5S. Vaxwoni'. O. Boar for Service A '^rije Ml> \,>iV^|]iii> Itcar for service nlntivi ^liMtirfo W T. A-S. It., Artemosia H. NVALLFK.

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