Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Oct 1913, p. 4

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October 30 101:5 rilE V L E S H E R r O N A U V A N C E / Icfihcrton C An Imleiwndent newspaper, iiuuliithed every TMin.dy at th 1 " o(Bc, Colliiiirwood Street, Kli"<liert<>n. Snlwri|itioii price tl i*r annum, when, paiil in :idv nu'f ;$!..> i when not an paid .Vli criiiinif i ;u. on application. Circulation 1.100 weekly. W H. Thuratoii- Editor Flesherton Methodist Church There will IK- supply in this pulpit next Sunday, morning MnJ evening. R. J. Wood will I.I.-IP-II FOOLISH ARGUMENT Toronto Saturday Night is usually sane on most ;.-!!:-. hut when it comes to i. m j. i din, it can ta'k more slusli in a K'lli) t-iii paragraph than BIOS' of the .-mi i-!.- il option editors can grind out in a whole page. It pretends to IN n . nil the im and outs of the illcj >1 traffic in <>*,.., Scuiui and airs its knowledge in Uil wjek'a iuue. In all itt arguments a^aiohl local option it ignores altogether ill- conscientious scruples of the lar^e mi] nity uf rate- payers who object to Iw mm^ pirliiciu in the soul dc&lroying trartic. Proptbly tin; editor cannot undci&Und what these scruples mean t men wl.o potse.-s such atruples. His early training we jirob- .-.ably neglected ,.!,,ng this line nd as- . oociationi in Inter y,ars have debarred him from close coiiiu.iiiiinti wi h those s.who ate endeavoring lu nuke the worid M better place to lue in. II .s distinction between the criminal clnsi *ho run blind -pig in the cities and ihe g. ntlemen who break the law in luc.il option districi" ' rich. Just to let our readers > . 4VO a pi-Op at the farcial ai>'uinuut ' '. n . I tins ueubially - .refutable mid in- ereltu.u juuiual, wo npenq r iu t*- , . , ,." :ni; from KM UWt HBrll s r-ue; 1'hat the atu m;.t to nuke any town of L- ii-id-.-ralili- dimension* "dry" 1ms never uucc.-eUtd Ucenain. T*ke, fur instance, ithe lidirg of North Grey. Wi h the exception of one niniH v..li_-- that district i.s entirely under lctl opt on, in- cluding the pro.sper.iU3 town of Owen sjou.iil. Vet to iUy there are in llmt municipali'y more places where a bibu- lous |i 'i~.ni can obtain liquor thin there w.-ii- In f.jn- local option went into foice. A murder in i held lliefe lust bpnng brought, a Urg<! number of lawyers, jurors, reporlerH and other visitor) tu the place. Nobody who wanted H drink had any difficulty in netting one. The noelty of "beating the law" was HO Bthnu'ating to some of the isitors that _*hy literally drank the town dry, and had to let up for it few houis while supplies were brought in fiom anuther municipality also under local option, it i., ,y I . -ID I. The chief evil of tuch conditions IH tbht thuy convert (be beer drinker into a (pii it drinker. K> i. be- ing lju ky, is not easily handled in an illict way. Proof Bpiritu, which may be made (he Lasts of a compound that pites fur whisky, are, on the other hand, smuggled into local op' on municipalities waluul tlitticulty. The drinking man nets his liquor a before, but it is bad liquor, that pioduces very deleteriuus N i . ou hit constitution". The net re- nult of local option in towns* however it may work in purely rur.il inunicipililies - is to make the hotel lucointiioJotioii abomiiiable. It uccoinplnluH nothing else. '1'oioi.to, wi'h itN regulated In t. I-, is Til 1 better ott' than lons where* no bars ar.i suppoiel to exist. Hiro tin illicit .selling of liquor is chiefly ^confined to tlie ioreigti populitmii und t<i the ciiinii-.il olutw, "The hydro is tbe friend "f Ihe o diii.uy e er/'Iuy ciiu'u, All thv IJH utnv,n<pt; - no dl.d blattering of the locil Libel* 1 squill gun will not influence the coming of hydro to Owen Sound, and ihi.i i.s com- pen.s<tt on for the si^ht of their feeb'e wu!. lowing in the muck of niiHrppresentulinii.'' Tho OWPII Sound Council hold a con- tultttion wi'h a number of prominent manufacturer and UiMiiei!* men on Fri- day evening l.i.-t. when they got soine- thiiw of a jolt in tho dincovery tliat these bii.siuebs men were practictlly unanimous in a demand that the Council get Ln \ at oi>co and .sign up with tl>e hydro. Mr. Lemon dutifully promised tlni tlie . ... . ,ii-.iii would be signeti at the council nirrt in ; i n Monday evening of tin* week. Thu* the contioreny over hydro for Owen Sound, and conse'juently for the county as well, is at an i nd and develop- ment will be proceeded with forthwith. But the Council of Owen Suund yoes on record as a weak-kneed aggregation afraid to bind thu town to anything, though given full authority two years ago to go abea 1 by those who put them in office. They held hark development until practi- cally forced to act . It should nut tell well for some of these men in the coming municipal o!oction. They carried their Opposition jusl n lit'lc too far to make it appear ythiiiu but what it was, polit cal luS. Mi.ss \Vulliice, t!ie t> v ar-. Id of of Buiolugl MilU, had l.er thumb lilfr- a'ly torn from her left hand o i Suii'lny ov. ninsj last by ac:ideirally coming in contact with a alowly revolving are ant separator. Tho accident is m.-m the little girl great jw n Dr. G. C. Me- (Jibbon of li'inoywood is in attendance. Free Press. Highest Market Prices For Cream Farmers having cream to sell during the fall and winter mont.s cn secure bes results by snipping to tht> WulkerNm Creamery. AH Express charges paid. Kvery cm carefully weighed tnd tested. Sfini-monthly payments. Write for cans, to tho WALKERTON CREAMKHY, 1 Doc VValkerton, Hruce Co., On'. I A COUNCIL FROM MISSOURI The Owen Sound town council IIHH keen making a "holy show" of itself over 'In- hyi'ro-electric p opositinn. Two years x tbe pi.-ople of that town vo'ed ou 'li- i|UCition and gave the council a li i' to to ahead and procure the hydro, Uut the council hemmi'd and hawed, duck- od this way and that, procrastinated, x:iid they did not Le'ieve lh tonini!.->si >n could su|i|ily enough power fiom Kii^enia, imy- > i\ , and liku the man fiom Mis-ouri, wanted to be thown. The cnmmi.s^ion joi b isy at the bfhest of these doi.l.iui Toiiiiny-roti and foi two mm; iitcra has tikeii mu'iaurements of tho water, with tho ntult that all claims for thu Ku^ema watcrpuwer have been innru than uph'ild. This disjielled tho last excute, but the muckers dug around and discovered an- Hn i in the name old rubbish hoap. At (he council meeting 1 1- 1 week, wlu-n it was expectid tho matter would bo closed, this excuse was Hpruii{ on an amazed public, to wit, that i.s toxiy, Home of the old (irit grey benrdN,and at least one red, decided that thry didn't want to bind thu 'own to any thirty-year agreement! In other words (not theirs) thny i|.> n >t wish to have their town mijoy for t.liiity years a good thing discovered by tlu> Whitney gorernnient. It wonbl U: ti.o ironi; a I ml i lira I le^er. Everybody understands the loiisoti for delay novr, and the dispky i.f partizin zeal is i ninttor uf disgiiit to all right thinking tilix.'iiH. The Tiinea ithly Hcotes these microb'nn politicians, ,unl winds up ils Kcathing ri'iimrks with th- following sentence. UP TO MR. WHITNEY The fighi is on in Onawf, and the Ontario (ioveiument will be obliged to uphold its own regulation regarding the teaching of Ei'glish in the French schocu of ib" 'j,io,'inc.o or go down to ignouiini- os defent. The Separate gjWil boird i f Ottawa lm thrown do 1 u the gauntlet, and the other day when art Engli-h iuspcc'or v si'td one of the lirge Dt'awii t-chooN,'lie childien obeying instructions, all *lkeil out. The Separate School Hoard claim that clause 17 < f the Public School Act i.s contrary to the B. X. E Act, and they propose to sue the govern- nieut for the grant which has been with- held and thus bring the whole nrt'trr before the couit*. Tliu.s it will lie seen that Mr. Whitney has some real work cutout for him in the near future work which lits I een lU- layed too long work for Ihe neglect of which the Ontario Government has been taken se/erely to tank by the people of this province, who think Mr. Whitney ba.s been even too patient and long suffer- ing in his leinpori/.iiig with the small efforvcKCeiit element which would try to lead us 'til by tho nose with its cty of persecution. It i.s high lime the miller w.ts Histled good and solid as to whetlu r this provii.c.- as a people is obliged to p-iy towards the propagation of a foreign tougue in our mic'.st, or whether English shall be the reco.niz.'J language. It is up to Mi. Whitney to take a slrnigh'. i "id now and uphold his own If^ul nion, and any'.x dy who Knows that genlleinin wou'd feel themselves safe iu wngerilli> that if the Separate School Hoard at Ottawa watit to tight the in itter in tbe courts Mi. Whitney will accom- modate (hem 'o tho limit, nnd the people will c itamly back him up. A pi' pBiudn has of recent years I een started in (Quebec to |>n Itx' the Fruncli UngungH from f.xliiii'lio.i. It was recog- ni/.cd ilia' it was beii g swallowed up in the Saxon si a, winch wi 1 <it least main- tain i'srlf on this rolitii out I Orlli of Mexico, and a strong e'li'oit, fn.m s, nt: ment il motives, is being made t> inmre its continued cxislerce. Our postal dep.n tinint even i.s bring used to that i ml. Tlie other day Tlie Advance le- cviveil a goi eminent notification cnid on which tho iea<liiig mat'cr was a'l French not a word of Engl'hh in it. Some time ii/n an a'tcnipt was made to givo to some of our post illices French names, but we heliuvu thii suheme was fi us) rated. Thi'Ht' '1. 1 1." show nhich way Ihe winil li'.. . aid L'O to p-ove that men witli back bone, are needed at tlie helm at tlie piv.-i'iit inonii'iit to ci'iiti'ol our destinies. Accidentally Shot A vi>i y fail affair I>II|>[M ncil on the ": I line of I 1 , t ' \Va\vainmli recently when Mr. Ilarvoy McOowoll was accideiitslly shot by his daiiohti!!-, I'eiii-, m-d eij;lil years. Mr. McOowt-ll had been alono all week and aloni; with aim! her man had been coon hunting in the evening*, and on .. lion... home Saturday fveniii|{ took his icvolvor to pieces and left it lying on the i..li!r Sunday nioniini' bo wunt to bis fnl IHT in law's, Mr. Campbull, to l-i .1. Iwo of In little il.iii^litttrM h'imi' in iho riollilr; Wellt UpltailS to i-liin^r III* clothes, lii the meantime, one little girl answered Ihe | lion. and the other, iKiticing thu revolver on the table, and hivii'K previously seen her falbi-r tixinu it togi'tht-r, and just 'ts her father ciiino downstairs slie HWIIIIK ipiickly round in such a manner us to cittmti the revolver to KO (ill 1 , the bullet stiikinu Mr. Mc- UoHfll JUKI, below the heart. I'r Miluo, of Klythr, and Dr. Weir, of Auburn, wt'i'o huiricdiv Kiunnioncil, but dcspiio a'l th t medical aid could do, tl n wonml- c I man passed av.ay on Mon.lay mornini; linut t! o'clock. MAIL CONTRACT TKNbKltS adJreiseil to tlio Post matter i..- .- n '. will lie rtx-eivad at Ottawa jntil i. i MI on Kriday the !-".li December 11)1:1, fur tbe conveyance of His Majt-sty's mails on a proposed contract 'or four year?, tix times pet- week over gliam|iton(vii Feversham) and Rural Mail Route from tlio 'I'o8tinnter Goucral < 1'lonsure P, Intwl notion containinit further lufoin>- tiou as tOOOndtttOIM of proposed Contract may bu seen and blank furins of tender may t>e ob- tained at the !' ' t Oflicos of Hinghampton vi a Feverslmlil and at the orhco of tilt) Porft OtHcu Iu|n'ctor Toronto, Post otl'ice Ins lecto.'ii Office, Toronto, Got. J.th l'Jl:i A. Sl.'THKUI AND, l*oH Olfice InsprCtor. MAIL CONTRACT SKALKIlTKNDKliS R.l.lreHBBdto the I 'jst mas- ter Ouunral. will Ijo U'ce.vofl it Ottawa in. til noon, on Fri'U", tlie l'2tli of Dec. 191:1 for tlie couvdvanco or His Majo4t>'.4 MaiU ou a l>ropooil Contract for four years nix times pr week ea:h w*y Over Kivfiina (Vi) Ktlop.ire and Rural nuil Route fi'OintligPoituiaiter Oneral'< pleasure Printed notice* cout&ining lurtber iuformt- tion a to co -ilitioui of |.i,.|... I i m tract uiay bo >an and blank foniM iof Temlur iuay lie ' .1 1 n i lat tlie 1'ost onice of Kavmiiia, Kolaporu an J at thu Office of tlie I'oit OlUcd lu- upector.at Torouto. Postofrice [uspector'n ofti : Toronto Oct. 24tb 1913. A. SUTHERLAND, P.O. Inspector. MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDEHS addressed to tliH 1'o.stniaster (Jenenil, will he received nl Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 14th Novinilier,!!)!^, for ihe convemnce i.f Hin Miijestj 's nniils on a proposed con- tract for four ji-arc, six limes per week each way Over Singliitmp'on (via Osprey n.ul Ml':. ) Kuriil M ii Itou'e. at the pleasure of the Post Ma ter Oi-neral Printed notices cunt lining further in- f iruiuii n a!) to cttnditions i.f proposetl I'ontract may l>e seen and Wank forms of Tender nitiy Le olitaiiifd at the Post < Mlices of Singtumpton, ( (spicy, M-In- tyre, mil at : he t )llice of the Post IMlico I'.spector at Toronto. 1'ost Oltice Depart m- n'. Mail Sen ici Uriinch, Ottawn, Octolier.Sth. I'.U'I. G. C. ANDHUSON, Sii|)erintendei,l. MAIL CONTRACT BBALUI TBRDIBB addrrned to th Post- master (iiiiernl, ill l-o roceiied Ottawa niriUiouii. on Kiidny, the 1 1 li Nov. !!)!,'!, for the conveyance of II Majesty's Alailsoii a prop sed Conine! for four ytars til times per- week I'licli way Over Rocklyn Via Beaverdnlo nnd Wodeliouse fru'ii I In 1 Postiua-tilr (ieneral s PldWHtlfi Print, d nolic s contninino fmlhri informal ion ,is to c <ni!itionH of prop IH. il (' ntiiirt may In 1 Het'ti nirl li'ank forms of T' ndi r may l>n o'l'ainul at tin- |'..M t Itli'TMof U .icklyn.Heaveidale, Wodi-hmiRi- and at I he OtlicD of the Pi.si Ollici- IlMuMtOT at Toronto. Povt Ollicn Di'prtn,eiif, Mail Sen ici> P.raiu-h, Toronto, October 7th, 1!U!>. (J. C. ANDERSON, Hupi't-inlendent. MAIL CONTRACT SKAI.1I> TKSDKHS adilrcssBil to the I'oH iiitHtnr OiiiinrKl, will bu ractnvml at lutawa Until niiiiii. on Kriilay tliu rj li Dr. lj|:t for tin 1 . : . .'"'.. HU Majnhi \ 'M MnilH on a propWttd OontrHt for four J-JUI-K M\ timun |>i>l' work frtrll WA\ over Kiui'i -rtey (vi Huat'tcotr) niul liui-al Mail 1; .11 frcm tlio r.'..i ii.. .1 MI., i 1 .. ' . ; i (...uoi'ftl. Printiiil iioiii):>n, (Mkiitatuin^ fiirilior iiiforina- tlon an t'ioo;vlitl'<n^ of propoK 'il I ' > I runt, may In* utM'ii HIII) blank fovuid of 1'tin.lcr T,mv IIH ohtahiuil at the I'OHI II,H ,n lumino ii.y Hi ii'licnte, mill at llm Oillou ol tin- I'unt IMlUiu lUKpuntor it! Turoiilo, r.. it nilii'i. Dnpavtine-it, Mails r . i lliancli. 'i i . i.i ... i '. i, '< la*. (!, C. \NI1KHION. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Ladies' Fall Coats Some Fresh Arrivals Just placed in stock some of the Latest Styles in Ladies' Fall Gnats, right L'p-To- D^te, but not t-m extreme in style. Prices $6.9.~>, to $18.50. We carried noth- ing over from last season. Everything is new. Ladies' < ' .n Lengths, no two alike, a selection of this season's Cloths that will ;.!-., you, naw weaves, new colorings. Prices from fl.50 to $2 86 per yard. Wool Blanke's Flannellette Blankets, Chintz, Muslin and Sateen Comforters 11.50 to $2.75 each. The New Niagara Cotton Batting for Quilting. All one piece, the iza of the quilt. Best you ever saw for the purpose. Men's Furnishings Shirts and Collars Hosiery Tivs and Mufflers Fall Oaps GI .vei and Mitts Felt Hits Sweater dials Ui derwear T p Shirts Oveicoats Always something new in our Millinery Department see our displiy. Fall Suits Odd Panta Overalls Smocka Suspenders Drop in at any time and PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS CASH For BUTTER AND EGGS At The Egg Warehouse W. L. WRIGHT GENERAL Flesherton M. Scully Co. NEW CONVENIENT TRAJN TO WINNIPEG CANADIAN PACIFC The pupula i y of C ma linn Pacific ser- vice, and the excellence of lint road's equipment, has been so RtMllf H|>reciat- el liy the travelling pul>! c th.it il has been found ncci'ss.iiy to | ut into service an entirely new Through Stand*) d EJS- press Train between Toronto and \Vinni- l>t'X. Comniencini; Sunday, (Klolter UTth.tln 1 "(jate C'ity Eipresi" will lexvo Toronto at 2.I1I) p. in., and w.ll run daily there- alter, arriving Winnipeg at 8 'J.'i n. in. second morning Tho train will con- it of tht! hi^'i-i-e's i inoiU-ro npiip- inonl: O Nuivaiioii Coinpartiiifiit Ctr, Stai dird Slerping Ons, Touris'. Sleeping Oar, I)in>nt! I'l'', Kiift-e n*.s Conch and Colonist Cir. Thi-i will he found the most convenient and Ihe le.sttrain be- iwueii Toionto and Winnipeg on account of the d ly light d 'parturi' from Toronto at an hour Alien tlu Union Ktation is not Imd'y congestnl, and aUo on account of the early hour of arrival at Winnipeg. The present "Vancouver Express" will continue to lenvu Toronto at 10.20 p. m. daily and will con.sist of the s-ime eniiip- inent as the "G.ite Ci'y Express." This tiAin is the ln-t to take for points west of Winnipeg, but for Winnipeg and east ihe "Gate City Exprees" is tlu- right train to travel l>y. Kull particulais from any Canadian I'acitiu Agent or write M. G. Murphy District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Have you yet paid us ;i visit and inspected our splendid new stock of Dry Goods, Readymade Clothing, Boots and Shoes. If not it will pay you to do so. t I still sell Groceries, Flour and Feed. Our lines of Flour are Purity, Five Roses, Royal Household, White Rose and Morning Glory. Bran, Shorts, Chop and Lew Grade Flour for feeding purposes. We pay the the Highest Market Price for Butter and Eggs. Flesherton, Ontario. GOOD LOCAL AGENT At one? to represent tli.< Che Old and Reliable F o n t h i 1 1 Nurseries Splendid li-t .f fruit anil ornamental stock for Fall delivery U>i:5 :ui'l Sprinss delivery 1914. : : : : Start at oneo ami secure exclusive territory. We supply handsome free iwtlit Hiul |iay hiuliesl coniniissioiii'. Write for full particulars. 1 .lly i: Stone & Wellington BILL FOR SERVICE Registered Ho'stein Bull, Korndyke Pi tertje ("othilrle. N*,.. 14780, whose lUm, Tri/.ie'.s (.'! tl ilde Pie'eitje 2nd. No. -'.IS. 1 -!, lus produced over ?0 I !>.). milk per day. Tormg GrarV cows $1 (iO. ) ure lred cows $.'!. All cus not returned will ba Als > ri'.'i.-.tert i l Yoiksliir- l>oar. No :U5S1 .Ternm ?1. HEXkYHOLMAN Lot 40, Con. 4, Artemesia. Portlaw ?.() rtf F*lesiieiton <^" Tonsorial *V- Parlors \\e Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction TORONTO, ONTl iY- Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday eveni-ig. Docherty rpright Organ for sale, good as new, can he bought clioa 1 }). Apply to K. ('. WALKER Flosherton, - - - p. o. CLEANING and DYEING We are agents for IVker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned anil dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - PROPRIETOR BULL FOR SERVICE Tho thoi-i nglihved slioi thorn Imll, Fifld Mur-lrill !Hi'.H - will lie for Hi-rvice mi l"t 17l>, T. S. II. Aitemeiia. Terms- S-l . Aug JA.^. STINSON, Prop. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implement*. Wngons, liuggies, Cutters, Sleigh*, and Gasoline Knuinei, Melotto i H. no Separator)), Itakor Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always oU hand. Bealty Bros', of Fergus, Hani Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshu't and Frost \- Wood Repairs always on hsnd. Wareroom Wellington Street. Feversbam, Ontario Our Clubbing List The following prices sre for strictly paid in advance suKscriptioi.sonly. We have no accounts with othei papers. Flesherton Advance 9 I 00 Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Dully News 1 50 Weekly Globe !>0 Mail-Empire .... .... 75 Family Herald A btar 90 Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun . . W Farmers Ad v v >c*t? ... ..... 1 50 Weekly Withes? 90 Saturday Night 3 00 Home Journal 90 Poultry News . , ; 2d Poultry Iteview 40 Hod and Gun magazine 90 Ram Lambs For Sale Some nice fine brtd Oxford Down Uam lambs with good breeding and luality M right prices. Richard Allen, U II. No. .'), Meslierti n. Telephone in connection, . . >

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