October 301913 T H E F L E S II E R T O N A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS WH. WKIQHT, TKLFOBD t. McDONALD lliriti r. Solicitors, &t. Offlcei, Gray it llruo* Block, O won Bouud. StaDila.nl Hank lllock. Piiburtoii.(Haturi!vt). \V.1I. Wrigtit. W. 1'. 1'eltonl J'.,J. C. McUonal-J, L,. L,. B. SOCIETIES A W. O 1} Vf meet* ou (be last Uonday in etch month, In tbelr lodge rouui o'i ball FlesDertou, at p.m. M. W , J. llellauiy ; Kec., C. H. Idunibaw: . . ; ., . . .i:. K. J, hproul*. ViaitlDC bretbrcc luvitud DhlSCB AKTHUK LODGE, No. 33,A.F.di r A U, meats ID tb* Masonic hall. Arm troDR'a Klock.Klaaherton. every Friday ou r belor* tb lull icocn Herb Huiltli, W. M.; L'hM.lfumhaw, , 996, I. 0. F. marts In Clayton's Hlock the la,t Wednaidav aveuinR aaeh montb. Vigition KorcBtorn beartily Icoine C. K., O. Ilellnuiy ; fi. B., (1. CairLn; o. Bc , W. Xuikio. J'l. am- pay due* to Fin. Sec. belore the flrit v ol tbe moutb. PHOSEN FhlENDB Flcrterton Council i FrluDdi meet* In Clayton's ball flrt and third Wadneeda* of each month 8 p. ui Py aoaemuianu to the He<-order on or before toe Aral i lay of eacb month. Chief Councillor T. Blakel*r:B*coidr W. H. Buut. RUDD MATFIE'.VB. Markdala, Llcanwd aucMonaarlortDo county of Grey. Goo? ervicu at ramtnable rata>. Datea can be made at 'lie Adraoce. o 09 MEDICAL DR CARTER M U F & S dot, Pbyilclan, RurKeon etc Office and residence I'eter it., Fleehertoo f f OTTEWELL ' Veterinary Surgeon jraduate of Ontario Veterinary College residence lecond door south weet.on k*ry atreat. Tljiu atreet rani south Prettytoriaa Cbarob. DENTISTRY Dr. E. C. MURRAY I.. D. fi, dental surgeon honoi- graduate of Toronto Uuiveraity and Itoyal College of Dental Snri;. "in of Ontario, (ia adiuiatniatared for teetb extraction Ft MMnce, Toronto Street. Klua^ertoa. lltASEY * hENHY-Harriitom, ^ffJor.etc. l. 11. I,uca, K. C. ; W. K. if K. C. ; W. I). Hcni), H. A. OUkes, X>6iito. HOC-U Ttadcri Bank Hlilp., phoni ' n, HIM Ml-2; Markdali) I.ucaa Itlock, I'lione 2 A. branch ottlco at Uundalk oi<eu every Saturday. BUSINESS CARDS f CL'LOX)UOH 4 YOUNG W Hankera Markrlale l^eiieral banking buaineiR. Money loaneo at r t-anonaulu rat?* Call on UH. TCHIS1.ETT, I'oHtmaitrr, Ceylon. CommlHionor In H. C. J .Conveyancer, deedi, mortgaiten, Ivaoen, will* etc. carefully drawn nn Ollectloua mail?. oliar;- ranouali!u. AUo rocarlea, flour, feed ate. lre|it lu ktock. 1'rlcei lubt. , M.i'HMl., l.lciMiMo.1 Auctioneer for the County of (trey. Teruit uiodxrata and thTMtiioii cnaranti-i-'l. Tin- arrangement!) anddatt-iof nlucm I..- ma/le a*. TUB ADVANCE office. IteHiduucu and I'.O., Ceylon, Telephone ronnctlon. Doc. C.07. \V'M. KAITTINU, ML-OIIHIH! Auctioneer foi ** the Counting of (iroy and Hlincon Kami ami Stuck ftnluH a Hpcclalty. Turum oiodfirate. catlMfaction Kuaranttttd. Arran^c- uieutn for ilnluB may buinaduat tho Advance .illluc. or Cuntral tulephoilx nttico l-cvurnlinm or byaddre*iiiK uin at Kuvurnlmin. Out. Pure Bred Holstein Kull L i .ni'..chii!-. Prince Joe Itiul liy (,'linnm-linii liii'tci- Itny out of Tidy Alitiekerk l'iiiicus Jotr'ihine. Tli , i'..- 1 butter unikinn nlrain kinnvn. Term nf Kurvico $2 for uniili'H, $5 for |iur' lin-d. UK). MtHlUK \- SUN. r r ..|.. EVERY GRADUATE PLACED With tho laii/ost iti lu nilanco in iiH hiktiirv, Thu (Jolliiimvoiid llosine^s I'.illc^.- lian pUei'il . i. a yooil pmi- lion, every urudiiute of Iliu pri'-ent yer. Winter term from .lanunry U, I'M ; Send for handsninu Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal K DR. BURT i I In ,11. i. i of i ho Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat Office-30 10th it. eaat, Owen Sound At thu I. 1 . , .!, liiiime, Miukdalo, '..'ml Thurmlay nncli nnnitli fioniHloH 1'J'i m I)uinlilU,lnt, Wi>ilm>Hdny of oncli nionth . "Looking back* 1 see I never I saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. \Ve have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong, MUSINGS OF A Probably the most unique farm in the world ii located in Missouri, seventy-live rr 1WTDV MCDr U * NT !att ul ' der K r " u d.near the city of Sunny L,UUN1KI MtKLHAINl tic]l - True, there are small caves in I France devoted to the growth of muih ! rooms, but the Missouri cavern produces "Yes," remarked a country merchant, "I certainly h<ive a snap Wholesale houscHsend duns every munth and draw "n mi- at night, but if 1 send a bill to a : -.. ni' : he U'cumeH swearing mad und <iuita trading at my store. While I am hard up for money, mauy <f those who are owing me are sending money in advance to mail-order houses. If I con- tiibuie money for any cause, people say I am bidding for trade ; if I don't they bay I ;t'ii a hog. Every day I am expect not only" inushrooniH, but rhubarb and celery in ijuantilier, to <ty nothing of fro^i in season. It is owned and fannM by Robert Smith, who finds hij labors highly profitable. Thtoughnut the year thecarorn, thiouyh which a gentle stream, maintaiiiK a temperature of sixty decrees. It In devoid of undue dampness and i - frethened with a steady cumut of nir. Twelve ye%rs ago Smith, then a reaideut of St Louis, went farm-hunting ,. land finally selected the property which Bd to dig op for something that comes j , u he lias MIK-- made one of the exceptional places in ihe world. It was necessary ti carry great quantities of rich e-mh into the cavern uftit the. owner decided to go in for mushrooms. This venture proving succeesful.he experimented with rhubarb, and yet ;_-,-t cash-in-advance busmues. , , ,....., , t , snd then found the uoderground farm an If I sell a pair of pants, I must treat the t , i i it i '.I excellent place in which to bleach celery. family with candy and cigars ; If I buy i ' , . , .. ' Both rhubarb and celery are transplanted a load of potatoes, I must do the Bame. i IP along, Ir'.m a raffle ticket to a church fund, by people who, I claim, ought to Jo part of their trading here, but our friends, Robert Simpson and T. Katon, neither buy tickets or help church funds Customers who are able to pay, hang on ! after obtaining a good start outride. The , .. , . I frogs are caught in a netted pond at the to their money, while I pay 10 per cent .... i u t L ) mouth of the cave, at the bank to gel ready cash. 1 have a big business during hard times and poor'^ A rather peculiar accident befell the crops from those who are willuig to trade nine-year-old son of MM. F. Peake of iling with me, provided that 1 can duplicate catalogue houses pricex and wait until harvest tor money. My ccalua weigh to ) much when I sell sugar, and too little when I buy butter. I am a thief, a liar aud a grafter. If I smile, 1 am a soft-soapy hyprocrite and, if I don't I Owen Sound. II- was playing at school and t,li on a block, his throat striking the corner of the piece of wood. Though not apparently seriously hurt the hoy begin lo strangle and was taken to the the honpit.-il where en examination, it ROMANCE OF PICTURE. Alex. Crawford of Toronto Finds a Precious Heirloom. A short notice in a Toronto maga- zine a few weeks ago In regard to the "Line of Mar" led to & search in an old sea chest belonging to a gentle- man in the north end of that city, ;ui 1 the finding of a letter of January 1, 1870, from the successful posses- sor of the ancient title of the premier Earl of Scotland, thanking the father of the Toronto citizen for a complete list of the Mar pictures and family relics, and the impression of old Mar 'ills. Further search resulted in finding the list referred to, giving the names of the different members of the Mar family, whose features and fig- ures bad been emblazoned on can- vas. in oil, by some of the celebrated artists of the time, such as Rlgaud. Lely, Knelle-, Kaeburn, Jameson and \llan. On looking at the wall of his litt.e D mi in the city the gentleman re- 'erreJ to found banging there a minting representing three children, which he bad Ueard his father say over -sixty years igv. was by Sir Peter Lely. court painter in the reign of Charles I. and Charles II.. being the olcture of three children of the Mar family. If suet, was the <ase. how ?ould such a claim be proved? The oresent Earl of Mar and Garioch had i bitter fight before the House of Lords, but succeeded (he being the nephew of the Eai'l of Mar who bad at tin tattle of Waterloo), the msuccessful claiman. being given a new creation by Que^n Victoria. 'IC owner thought It would be as was fuund that the laryni had been hard a lie" 1 *" P rove tne 1-ainter of in grump. You, certiiinly this is R | crushed to and that^he had ^ lost the snap." And he looked over 10,000 worth of accounts nil <,'""d, and wonders how he cuuld raise .100 to pay a draft due to-morrow.-- Kxchan"e. On Thursday <>f last wtek Arthur Brookes, of Dm bam, was tuutented t> s. 'veil months in tin: Centra] Prison, Toronto, beiny iinplic-ited in a highway hold up ut that pl>ca some time ago. The sentence WHS muted out by Judge Sutherland. Lint August during the of nn evening Albert .Iniiirs Lewis of Durham win hultl up at the mu/zlu of a revolver and had his watch and all the ever regain it. th> picture; but by a close examiua- ion of the oil painting his fears were power of articulation ami was also being dispelled, and. in place of a portrait smothered. Dr. Gaviller made uigrou,) by Sir Peter Lvly, he found incision in the thro-u below the larynx! nimsell to be the fortunate possessor and inserted a silver tube through which; of " l "?-;i' (i ful work by Sli Co'lf.cy i the injured boy breathes quite freely ' CTic'lcf, v. bo flNWcde '. to the title of Ho, bus not recovered the poer of ipeechro. t painter on t!i' ;"eatu . f Sir ' ( and it is considered doubtful if he will'er Lely in 16SO. In 1692 William III. knighted Kne'.ler. and In 171? . leorpe I. made him a baronet. His Do trig cities Cl'ow big men ( The best known productions arc "The Christian Gnardinn recent'y made in- Beam k. of Hampton Court," paiuted vustiga'ion as to the. birthplace of lliojby order of William III., and his por- meniiiers of President Wilson's cabinet, j traits of nine sovereigns. Charles II. and the result* of their analysis i* all inj- o (leorpe 1. 01 Englan-J. Louis XI' favor of the country. With oiiu ex ' cep'.ion the president's advisers all lii-gati life in tin- counliy or small town. In the pd to Kn^llor in Westminster Abbpy. Dominion cabinet, out of IS members, all itii a highly laudatory Inscription but on-j werj him in the rural MOtioni or' >y Poni. money lie li;ul taken from him. liroukes Peter the Great and the Emperor 'harlfs VI. A monument was erect- in small t"wns. Of the present Amidst a lot cf old pa,t?r Mr. Al-'< premiers in Canad-t not one was city'Hrawfotd for IIP Is 1 he fortunate , born. It would seem that a childho >d ivner- found a contract of 1(197. be- aud another named McLean were arrest- spent next to Niiture inculcates IIUMV of 'wlxt Anne Noble and Potent Karl, ed as beiiiH the principals in tho hold-up. ' the attributes that lead to uru.ttiifss than tohn Kt rl of Mar and i ho na.. flau- The trial :i jury Mr. Wm. Noll. ial nf MeLutm will come up before do clnldho.id d.y* spent in the ruh and -boo. for thp building of un arch to ..i t n MI- ' roar of the city. , rtillihody Krlde". .1 the fall ,,8s,/.,s.- Times. Thi , r(1 ,, em h , Ftory of tho Mar faB1 . r. Wm. Noll, left Owen Sound on , l *" ' 1<>usl " d 1 1 I "' W8 "" ' ," f l wrk i"y would b- in'orestlns pvon to _, 1 wn sliiuuhlerud Hiul binned on the farm;, .,.., i in _, RP< >ine that on the death Thursday last f..i liuiks K Is <.n a motor- , ,,f MI l.,l.n Whit., i-ir Cr mmi-lv . Oi MI. Joiin "tutu uaai 1.1 iinanj, on )f .jof,,, Francis Ersklne. Earl of Mar cycle, lleitopp-d at Onllia I Imnday j Monday of last week. Mr. \\hite pur j in( j Ko i lv ( W h 08 p coun'.rss was u and on Friday he started for Murks i c'' 1 *^'' 1 Cltr " f '""-"""'"'e tim Hgo.Komrxjontpi,),) n t-laini lo tho enrUom Fall.. Once, while going at a live!, clip, " f w ! lk ''' w> ;, r '' f *^ " ilh . '"'7 Mvr " va^julvanced by a Kentleman of the h ir irk . f 11 ttnt " K "" le ' '" "' '"' '" bu " < * H 9* 1 "> n m of-Krf k Ine. residing near Carle- he struck a pile of sand and ws hurled , Btlllllp (IU , ,,, diwB!le . . Qn p|n( . p Vlnhrlr,',' to bp a son of (he down a steep embankment nd Imd ii not , ,, ; .. . ru ,^ >nrl who died about 18CC (thp coun- ground twenty feet in front of the motor- , ) rlllt!l!v ille cement company recently cycle ho was on hm back facinij the ho'c't a stormy nuetini;. The cono-rn machine. Arriving at liraceliriili^o, he deoidttd to run no further risks on known lie. not lici-ii |i ij in-; itiul I ho sl want to l.n.,1 tho reason why. mill boanlul the nnrth-boi'iiil , A scrup tnnk pliinn list Friday night triiin for Murks KalN where ho | between Win. Wiggins and W. J. arrived At K p.m. with his motorcjclo ar. !_\ tiu-keil in tho l-i , .. car. Hu inailo thu ti-p from Owen Sound via 'rhornlinry and CnlliiiKWiind and how ho cxme tlu-.>u<li it uiiNCtt ho.il in it inyntory to UK. Win. IM not Hcnr.d llmt's i-ert:iin. lfurk Arrow . easily Fulls Hewitt. It wiis vont.ilati'd before Irate Telford Saturday mornim;, when pleaded polity.. As hi was the r of tho fra -in he was taxed 95 and i-iHtt for his htilo diversion. Clin micle. H. S. Commencement Margaret Seanloii, tho l.'l-yeiu-old ' Tlie i>n'ertikinineiit in the aiulitorium of]ihitn whose i-sute ii- worth l?l:i,()(XI, I of the hijjh school on Kiiday eveiiint; Ust lolil Jinlue Clinilwifk ilnl sho preferred I " IIH Wl '" "' tended, notwitlistandinK the In live iili hi'i imole, I. !!,. SciinKin, jdark, disani'eealiK- ninlit, nnd over $2"i of Ailhii 1 , Out., uii'l she is placed in 1m w a addi'd to the hi^h srlioul fuiids. ciiHtody. .lu'iien t'ollee, iinother uncli-, 1'iincipil White occupied the chair und |HO applied for cuntndy of the child. Tho culled on IVincipil HolUnd of thu public present the certilicateH to pupils of the junior form. little i-iil WIIH picked uji in the si reel H of rchoul Arthur vi:|uxe list numniii HIIU tki-n to Rueeovsful This Mi. II Uriiceful speed tilt* Luriitto Aca lomy, at (iiielpli. did, IIIY! uvtl by H pupils, of Do You Ever Sleep? uloi'y to |inrenli and teaclioi-H. !!,-, fclluwud by Rev. Mr. McVieur, who picNenled the cerlilicateM lo siitTussful pnpil.s in the lii--lici form. Tho presentations in I!M- ease were I|MI pi-ecedod by H newt liltle. Npetch, winding up hit roinarkH l-v tin- very uppi-opiiato lines I A |il,nr in the i.mi. awaits you I-' u-li man has n pil'l to pi u ; Tho past and I ho fu'uru are nothnik; In tliii fco f the Mtorn tti-dty. 'I'll-' i cord for the nohool wi '.';! who wrdto in Form U. 18 ji lliioo lakini! honors; of 11 who wrote Ol If you do you will In? wiso pay attontion. 1 am at tlio present timo making a Hpocialty of Iron Hods. The original of the picture Riven at tlio lioad of: thin advoi-tiseinont^ill only <mt you' to in Ki inn III. nil |m.ssed, three tnkin^ honiiiH. Three wrote on MatricuUlion ud all passed. Of all the pupiN wli wrote in t hit school there wnru only live $5.00 5.00 After IN,' pri'soiiUtions i i rendered by I ho |m|>il , _ A $5.00 P>"'"> 'I""' l>y Maud Hoyd and Valuria r\ ^ .1 ,11 'Start'onl, a violin HO!O and oiu'ore bv Qt lometulng moe ftod oinfortable... on which to lay your weary head. " 1K> IIul ; e - whui!l WHH worlh th * J >r '" Of course we have other beds atflther o( ll '' ll '" ( ""' : >' by Hverl K irN. prii-es, nil equally low in price " So 1 "" l! - Ml 'y." very funny burletque; Siuiitniy Doila such us everybody ; A ch->rus by thn boys, "R*rain<M*noM," wants. ''Bpl'incfl Mid .^^tHt^B^e8 lo,'" very nming ; a roadinK by Mmn hi to. l^xawino our stock any- .Kldn Kai'otodt, and n amusing farce to liofore W. H. BUNT fit nil b way puiclmRing your sleep 'wind up with, called induce. dimVultien." Wooing uiiilpr FLESHERTON, ONT. The school h.i |mrolMHtxl a new rUg which will ba floated to Ihe hreeKeinme of these day*. on -f Hilrion Pa" 4 ' . .pnr Montnouth v have an only clillii. a son, Lord Sarloeb. AilnV T.-\t I.lino Jtilce. Chief Analyst A. McUlll. of Otta- wa, ha? lieei collectlnc samrle" of Mmc frttlt juice on u laige scale In '"oronfo for tho ptirnosp of unalvsts. ind proaeciitlon will follow whore he cross iiilnltprntlon .histinos It. l.lnie fruit .iulce Is the fresli fruit luloo obtiilnptl from the llmo fruit, nd has cpeeitir pravltv of 1.030 and not Kreat"r than 1.(UO. un.l contuln- 'nn not 1^83 "inn t>n per rent, of ;nlldF and not loss than seven per em. of froe cltrl.- acid. Only live samples out of HIP thirty olK>oted reer-tly fully meet the re I'.ilreinents of thp law. Over 80 per ent. of tho s-inplps give untnlstak- il le evidence of being adulterated with wnl.T. It Is th" purpose of the lepartment to imiaonito larrely on th' colle.'llon of sample.', now being 'aken. us warnlnR has ">.eon givpn In 'he last bulletin font out. Many uiniples lake-i In Toronto, some of 'hem labelled "pure." have been 'mind adulterated. Offenders, who - e guilty In this respect, may be nore harshly I'eult with oil convic- tion for manufacturing adulterated lime fruit juice. Itelmloer Have K.scaped. ^f Th. efforts of the Interior Uepart- r- in to propagate the raising of rein deer In the Peace Hiver country have not been attended by much success. The animals ha\v stampeded and, 'ti'te . to the tall limli.-ts Fifty were brought from Labrador 'he suggestion originating with Dr. 5re.-fell. It was thought they would be of utility for transportation and lomeatlc purposes. A report Just re- I'Ui'il states that twelve (iled -n oute and twenty-six broke away from the corral last year an.l eight this .ear. Only four remain. Efforts are heing made to ratch some of the deserters and place them on an Island. Money Kor Harbor Works. Thirty-live million dollars worth of harbor Improvements at the different ports of Canada are nov underway, and the 1914 estimates lu coarse of preparation by the Dominion Public Worka Department provide mainly for these undertakings. Mr. M. P. Davis recently signed the. con tract for the Quebec Dry Dock. The cost Is $2.721,116. Slamp.s Nought 90,740,000. The pontage stamp revenue of .Can- ada for the tirsi six months of the fiscal year was $6,749.690, an in iTease of $50 1,1 C 4 over the same alx n,, mil-, last year, and $4.112.000 greater t'.ian the half year ten years igo. The September receipts lnctea- d by H.'S.UI.', to K total of 11,188.538, New Hardware Shop New Hardware Stock We have just placed on our shelves a bran new stock of Hardware, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Wire, Hope, Nails, Granite and Tinware' Lanterns and Globes, Lamp ( 'himneys, Oils, Gasoline, Paint Oils, Highest Grade American Coal Oil. Pratt's Astural Salt and Cement. Sherwin Williams' Paints Vainishes, Moffat's Ranges and Heaters. Frank Duncan * ONX. M II ! Jas. Pattison & Co. m i r i l i I! I I! II II 11 II II i! 111! (ill CEYLON, ONTARIO. NEW FALL GOODS JUST _ ; ARRIVED ! I'.'iiiiket.s, Sheelsjand Comifnilefy. >iew CVa's for Men, Boys, ^Vnmen iiiu) Girlsfiko for the IUb;es. New Drets Good*, New Collars. Yokes nd Fncy|Gotds, New Shitts, Tits an-1 Collars for the M. n.fi Underwear of all kinds. New Boots and Shi es, trunks and Suit Cuses, Huts and Caps and in fact almost anything you require. Special for sle this week in Boys' Overcoats and I'eajackets. st prices that can't be beat, also some Boots mid Shoes your choice for 75c and 50c a pair. Live poulty liken on every Wednesday. Dressed, any day. Highest market prices paid for Poultry, Butter and Fgs;s. Best glides of Vlour alwys nn hand, Five Hoses, Cream of West, Purity, IVionto Pride and Milverton Flour. Everything Reason a hie. t it'll MOTTO IS : "Sumll 1'rolits and Ijuick Keturus." JAS. PATTISON & Co. r~ (GENERAL MERCHANTS CEYLON ONT. w : II I ' ! ! II II II I ' ! Flesherton Tin Shop. 1 have just place* 1 on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nic-kelware and Ajratware for domestic u>t\ Call on me anil ijet your supplies. ing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish - Urpairin^ ot'all kinds promptly attended to. PipeHtting, .including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. FnrnacTs. I 11 D. McKILLOP CHRI5TOE BLOCK FLESHERTON ^ ONTARIO. II II i ! i ! 11 ii ii i 11 i ) i i i i ii ii ii it U ii ! ! i i'~'-~-t*~--~>*~-.-~.<-r\*~*~.-~m~~**-~*'~~-~..^^.^?^?^.^:^^.if t l tf^*~*~r^?^r^*^*^*<^~~?~***f^***~^.~<^^*^"^r^*:m!*SfSfS!f^S\ H. ALEXANQfiE MERCHANT TAILOR FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lot 141 142, ytn\ range K. T. & S. K.. Aitemesia, brick houw, good outbuild- .-, . ^P^ | ings and on-hard, well watered. Apply Feversham - Ont.! tu ISAAC SINCLAlR,Flesherton. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. -ALSO A line of Ready-Made Wlliell i- put ,il!i-r:lll.'ns in tiri- cf if 1 S?pt. Boar for Service A larg wi-.r. YorlMliir* Hoar lor ...vica ukunn. 3V.I range W T. AS. K., Arteu.esla Term* l.W K. WAILBK. STRAYED Knmi the pri'iiii'mi'I h unilemi^nul ulnmt firatwrekiif lVU>X>r, live- Knulf ewes, <> lm\iii|{ points of crs eli|i|il iff. Any infnr- miii.- i i , .; < i .iiiu: i In'ii WMNkbOMtJ will U- thankfully ircvivrd. 1. J. .^U-tiKK. i ' Klvubertun U.K. -', I'h.me (Ml L'll Small Farm For Sale l*vt Lot S, con. 4, Eui>hiHsm, brick- facvd o<'.t.in'. t'r.ioi 1 )>krn i'!i Imsi-inont ; xinoll i>rvhrtl, cherries.' c'lim-i, |ni|i-< and Niimll fruit. !.<>! (HUH kill! 44 acr. S,-\.-,iteen hnnilivd will l.ny it. Apply to W M.SLOAN Dec. ^0, 13 Kimberley p. o. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCK . AnTon* aandtaf a nk*(rh and iiBrtptK-m nut VU.-IIT u.-*rinn our oi-mu'ii (na whtitht-r ar punlca- Fataou Mata, nvalra UOIMJIWMUMMMnlfil. ... wnt f r* t >i,tMt iftenvy h> r "j f*i*ut t.k^n throoih MWM VMM wiMM, wlthoM vitMi*, la . adwau toraaV tnaa tor a yaar. pua>a)a ptanahi. (tOSt to as*