November 13 1913 THE F L E S H E R T ON ADVANCE ' B THE ESTABLISHED W SENDING money to any point in Car-ida, the United States or Europe is safe, economical and expeditious when this Bank's drafts re wed. TORONTO __ FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, BOB Branch** .Uo at Dmii and HairkUn. C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : Going South 7.43a.m. 11.41 a.m. 4.17 p.m. 9.12p. no. The mails are closed at Flesherton at ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south Rev. Mr. Miller, a missionary recently returned from British Columbia, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church both morning and evening on Sunday . The Going North , evening discourse deilt largely with con- ditions in British Columbia and the foreign element there. Speaking of the Chinese he said they were the most reliable workmen in the country. 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south | Though a few wera addicted to opium mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g VICINITY CHIPS j they did D0t drink intoxicating liquor ' and in that wre in strongly favorable ; contrast with the Anglo-Saxon. It ! a poor commentary on our '. civilization. M boasted Mrs. R. Best ia in Toronto under- going treatment for her eyes. Mrs. Mclvor, Port FJgin, is visiting her couin, Mrs. H. Wood, who U im- I n>ving from her illness. Mrs. Dunford and Miss Campbell, Died Dt'DUEOX In Flesherton, ou Tuesday, Nov. 11, Joseph Elgin, youogeet *'Q f Rev Jamea Dudgeon, agod 4 yean and 5 munth*. WYVILLE At Vndeletir, on Monday, ' | Nov. 10, 1913, Aaron WyvaU. aged 48 yeaii Stratford, are spending a few days with j _J their cousin, Mrs. Harry Wood. The Women's Institute intend holding! a bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 29, all day and evening. Watch for particulars j Tha raoat important temperance event Timely Temperance Topic* next week. in this Province in the netr future will ... ... i be the voting on the Canada Temperance A bee last week succeeded in getting , the rafters placed on the new cement driving shad at the Methodist church . If the winter weather continues it will be difficult to get the roof put on. Thanks We wish to extend our sin- cere thanks to our many friends in and around Ceylon, for the many expressions Act, which ia announced to take place on Nov. 24th, in the counties of Hurun, Peel and Wetland. In all of these counties the temperance workers are well organized. In every case they secured the signature of more than the twenty five per cent, of the elector* ' which in necessary to bring on a contest. of sympathy we received from them, owing j The Dominion Government to the loss of our daughter, wife and M-ter. Mr. and Mrs. Ashdown and son, Walter If aloney. The case of Hawkins v. C. P. R. wa to have been tried at the Orangeville Assizes this week and several witnesses in this district hsd been summoned to In* passed an otder-in-conncil directing the taking O f the vote and detailed instructions will be sent to the returning officers without dly. A simple majority of the votes c** 1 '^ d P* the Canada Temperance Act in the P 1 ***' in nttL attend, but the case was settled out of \ The Legislature of the Stats of Aikao. c.urt. Wm. Hawkins of this township | sa has enacted a law providing that was knocked off a sleigh by a freight | hereafter any application for a liquor train at the station list winter while ; license must b< accompanied by a peti- crossing the track, and claimed injutus tion sLn'd by at lMt fifcy par cent. therefrom. '' of the white adults 1.1 the district in Winter came down like a wolf on the ! which th license is to take effect. There fold on Sunday, when a 50-mile g!e '" ver y 1 * P 8 coloted population ia the brought a thick mantle of soft snow 8Ute wbich d to h bee ' rj along with it to the depth of about four spbls for a great deal of the drunken- inches. The storm blew itself out Sun- 1 n w nd disorder which exists. Th day wight but wintry conditions have i ob ) Mt ofthe Uw P" tl r to prevent tl e since prevailed. Any thipping on the ! "P*"'"? * loons in which these people lake* Sunday would have a hard time of 1 co " ld bt in Ii( l aor - A* lha anti-licenso it. The storm caused a small church sentiment of the white population U very attendance here. At the village council on Wednesday evening of last week several accounts were passed and also a resolution similar to that pasted by the Artemesia town tthip council on the Saturday previous I asking the Hydro-Electric Commission to look into the feasibility of building an i electric railway by way of Mount Forest or Arthur via Fletherton snd the Beaver valley to Thornbory or Meaford. We understand that Collingwood is moving strong, it is expected that it wilt be practically impossible to secvre the necessary petitions in favor of bar-rooms' and by January 1st next, the St te o! Arkansas may be absolutely dry so far as ths Isw is concerned. The Field Day work of tha Dominica Alliance in Toronto last Sunday wca very successful, although a number o churches had to defer their services to i later date. Alliance representatives either on Sunday or the deferred dates of about This Field Day work is having a great effect in the development of public sentimsnt against the liquor traffic. in the matter for the terminus and this j bad P Q to th m the P ol P its would find favor wuh th. people of this I n9 hundred aod I-"*-*" churchw district, who are quite well enough supplied with sufficient railway facilities to Owen Sound. There is no railway connection with Collingwool, thirty miles away, except around by Tot en to, and such a connection over He proposed route would fill a long-felt want and be well patroniied by the travelling public, as well as open up country wbich is urgently in need of lailway facilities. No other route can be taken that will at all compare with the needs snd the com- mercial value of the proposed route to tenniwfite at Collingwood. The British shipbuilding? firm of Arm strong, Whitwcrth & Co. is about to <M- tablish s Canadian plant. Mrs. J. Bowler and little daiighre Norah, are visiting friends in Dundalk I this week. It will require 3U Jays to repair tin ' damage caused to Montreal's telephom , system in the business district by a three tniuute fire on Wedn csdty of last week Two families in town have been ; R^. . V . Collins, Baptist minister quarantined for diphtheria for r-early j Wj hwn> re . iROed ^^^ ha had three wheks past. It was not absolutely ceJTed 8eyer<il abu8i , e anooymous letters certain until last week that it * ; Th . revetend gent l 9man told the congre diphtheria, but so soon as the Board of ion (here WM || Ac , )an jn (he Health was notified, nearly three weeks sn ^ [n (|w Rnig(i % deyi , in ^ .go, it lost no time in quarantining the ^ h(j propO8d , resiKn suspected families, with the result that j there bave been no further develop-! A serious shooting accident occurred ment, nor are there likely to Le. The ! Berkley recently when Mr. Robert Mc- family of Mr. Will Field, who lost a Fadden of that village was shot in the little girl from what the Dr. thought at h d - A young Englishman wss hanil- the time was croup, will be released ng hot gun which he did not knew this week. Several members of Kev j loaded and pulled the trigger. A gang of thirteen Italians came to town on the noon train yesterday, and ere met at the depot and conveyed with /heir baggage to a boarding house in the West End. These men are said to bave en working on the fort McNichol branch of the C. P. R., anl rumor says :hey are here u> coramencs work, on the liont for the Baxter-Collingwood branch. Collingwood Messenger. Jos. McConachie, Amaranth's farming and threihing magnate, turned over to George Gamble a bunch of 12 cattle 3 years old and rising 3 years, that brought turn him $1140. Here is one good ex- >lanation of the high coat of living. Three-year-olds at about $100 a bead is pretty f air r rice. Grand Valley Star *C Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Two Jack Screws to rent. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Oxford down ram lamb* and Ewe amba for sale . W. J. Heads, Price- vilie p. o. Telephone connection. A few choice R. I. He I s.c. cockerels or sale good enough for show birds. W. H, Thurston, Fleshenon. Legal Blanks For Sale R . J. Sproule eps constantly on band and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will rind it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy terme. Lot 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 scree. This is a first class farm and in a good slate of cultivation. Good Lank barn ind new rame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Mesherton. For Sale Good 9-roomed frame dwell- ng and stable, all complete, in first class condition and repair, with hard and soft water. Will sell very cheap if sold this month. Apply R. J. Sproule, Flesher- ton, Ont. N*o7t Pure bred Oxford Down ram for sale, ,wo yean old. Alex. Cameron, Eugenia. MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL" Some intell'gent laborer wanted for all ye*r work, in our different departments, men who may grow quick- y into better than common laborers' pay Enquire for particulars and send qualifi- cations to the Collingwood Shipbuilding ., Collingwood, Ont. $2000 private funds to loan on farm mortgag* security at lowest rates of in- terest. Apply R- J. Sproule, Flesherton . All aecoonts due J. & W. Boyd mu. t >epaid at once. Notice Re Taxes I will be at Port law a Friday, Dec. 5, and at Eugenia on Friday, Dc. 12, to receive township taxes, from 10 to 4 o'clock p. m. Do not overlook the dstea. Jas. Carson, Collector. An excellent line of A 1 toilet goods and household necces**riei at raascnble prices will be for tale every Wed. evening at M <- NichoUous (good for Km as Boxes) all Xmas ordtis mint be in by Dec. 10th. A credit suction (ale of farm stock will be held on lot 29, con. -. Artmesi4, on Wednesday, Nov. 19. the property of Joseph Hswkins. Usual terms. Sals at 1 o'clock. WOT. Kaiiting, auct-ioneer. Dissolution of Partnership Notice ii hereby givin to all parties interested that the Partnership hereto- fore subsisting between Henry J. Guheen, of the Township of Proton, in the County of Gray. Farmtr, and Williaai J. Martin, of the Township of Artenesis, ia the aforesaid Count v of Grey, Farmer, hath this day teen dissolved. Hsnry J. Goheen Miuines and will liquidate all partnership, liability and accounts, snd collect all accounts in favor of the said partnership. As witness our hands and seals this seventh day of November, A. D., 1913. Signed, tealed and delivered in the presence or B. J. Sproule. HENRY J. GUHEEN. WILLIAM J. MARTIS. Highest Market Prices For Cream Farmers having cream to sell during the fall and winter monts cn secure bes results by snipping to the Wlker ( on Creamery. All Uxpresi charges paid. Every csn carefully weighed ttid tvstm'. Semi-monthly pttymeuts. Write for onus, to the WALKERTON CREAMERY, 1 Deo Walkerton, Bruce Co., Ont. Jas. Dudgeon's family have had the disease in a very Ulit form, with the exception of the youngest child, a little bi.y of four years, who had very strenuous and lusing 6ght for life. The disease left nn aftermath of double in the throat which could not bo cured, notwithstanding the efforts of four pbjsicians who wcto calUd in coi>sulta tion. Deth came on Monday niglit. after three weeks' illness. Fifteen grains of sbo^ pierced McFad Jen's scalp and Federal of his teeth were ki:ock- ' ed out. He will likely recover. The Grand Trunk Pacific now lias less than 240 miles of rail to lay before east moots west. The district still under construction is from Kidd station to : Princn Guorge, a fairly leval country, and it is believed that the golden spike will be driven during the summer <f i 1914. 60 YEARS- EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. ttoiw tnctl M.t fro* "Piieiiu tatoo throokh Muun * < wciol notice, wttbont ch.rve. In tba JdellicjinericaN. >l7 Illustrated in'Ckly. Ijirgort ctr- oiilatlon of An? sclentlflc Joiirnal. Termit for Cuiada. txte a year, pootnicu pr|ld. Sold by ll newdUera. * sJt, WuhlBKtoa. D. K HILL BROS., HARKDALE. ~- y-T T- T -T With the cold weather comes the call for Heavy Winter Clothing, Heavy Rubbers, Furs, Underwear In fact all lines necessary for one's comfort during the long winter to come. We have these lines. Our store is full of seasonable Merchandise. Our prices are right. We can save you money if you deal with us. Special Values for This Week MEN'S PANT5 50 pairs of Men's Pants in Tweeds and Meltons, from 32 to 38 size, regular value $1.25 to f 1.50, Special Clearing Price 95. MEN'S UNDERWEAR LOT NO. 125 dozen Heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers, regular 73, 85 and f 1.00 values, while the lot Uits clearing st per garment . . 58c. LOT NO, 2 10 dozen Shirts and Drawers, regular HO and 75e value, in plain snd ribbed makes, clearing at per garment 4dc. MEN'S HEAVY TWEBD SHIBTS We have 10 dozen Heavy Tweed and Knit Shirts, sizes 14* to 17V You will and shirts in thu lot that you have paid f 1.50 for. SPECIAL CLEARING PRICE '. 9oc RUBBER SPECIAL This week we offer 10 cases Men's Pure Gum 1-buckle Rubbers, new stock, sizes 7 to 12, the kind you pay $1 7T> and $1.83 for, SPECIAL THIS WEEK pet pair $1.43. FURS I FURS ! PURS ! Our stobk of Furs is complete in Mirmof Hare, Pieced Persian. Mink, Wtllaby and Goat. .See them the v will please you. SPECIAL FCR OFFER FOR THIS WEEK -26 Ladies' Throws in Hare, Opposum and Dyed Coon, values in this lot up to 13, just the thing to save zood furs in rough weather, SPECIAL CLEARING PRICE $2* 73 BABY'S COATS We have 25 Bay's Coats io Bear Skin and Tweeds, and to clean out quick we have made the price right, Special this week only $i. :5i HILLBROS, - MARKDALE yy-yy^yi'^'i^ HE ttiUIl Carefully Corrected Each Weekj Wheat 85 to 85J Oats 33 to J3, p eM 1 12 to 1 12| Barley 35 to 55 1 Bav - 10 00 to 14 00 > i. *** Butter & * Eggs, fresh 32 A Potatoes per bag 75 w Geese 12 to Ducks ... m l Fowl W to Turxvys 18 to >> 32 73 l:i 13 H 20 An editor wrote a nicj little puff for a millinei in which lie said he was glad to, see her "stocking up." Meeting the scribe on the street she soaked him with her parasol and ihreatened to tell hit wife. The unsophisticated editor hs never been able to find nut what was wrong with his item. FARM FOR SALE In the township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, lot 13, con. 2, and lots 12 and 13, con. 3 N.D R., containing 100 acres ; frame house. Apply to N. Mc- Fayden, I'no Paik, Ont., or A. N. Mor- gan. New Liskeard, or John McFayden, Ceylon, Ont. 1 juylS Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office snd Residence- 48, 9th St. East, Owen Sound, Ont. Hours 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment.: WE WANT YOU to examine the Corn Kins? manure spreader. Wo want to show you the many superior features found in its construction. We want to explain to you how GJU v and how convenient the working parts are arranged. We want to show you the substantial construction. We want to show you how by using the Corn King manure spreader, your boy can do as much work as a man. You will be surprised at the substantial construction. You won't find the Corn King manure spreader like other spreaders it is in a class by itself. Call today. We are reserving a catalogue for you. It is filled with valuable information on soil maintenance and fertilizers. It b yours for the asking. If you are not ready to buy now, call anyway. We want to number you as a friend. Bull for Service Thorounhbred American bred Here fold bull lor service on lot 151. 2nd W.' T-nndS. R., Artemesia. Terms ?!.< 9 cash. - JOHN ADAMS, Proj.. S. HEHPHILL, AGENT, CEYLON. OWEN SOUND, ONT., <yglmlmilu;il instruction 5|j:W yeai sut-cess. A Every graduate guaranteed a ^ A I T position. 5>f lirform.ition free. S^ C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., M* ejr OP Principal. *2 5s 6. *& ',. U. FLEMING. - Secretary." K OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO j5 CANADIAN PACIFIC BEST NEW TRAIN FOP WINNIPEG and points East thereof GATE CITY EXPRESS Commencing October 2tJ'.h LEAVE TORONTO - - 2.30 p. m.1 -. . 1T v ARRIVE WINNIPEG . 8.00 a. m. | DA1LY (Second Day) THRorGH EQl'IPMENT: Compartment Observation Car, Standard Sleepidg Cats, Tourist Sleeping Car, Dining Car, First Class Cost-ties. ColonSBt tar. VANCOUVER EXPRESS LEAVE TOROJvTC - - 10.-JO [>. m. ARRIVE VANCOUVER ll.Mp. PI. THROl'UH ByriPMENl': Conipurimciu Observation Car. Standard Slep- idg Cars, Tourift Sleopinn Car, Dining C'nr, First Class Coaches, Colonist Cr. General change of Time October 26th Pwticulars from Canadian Pacilic Agents or write M. G. Murphy, D. P. A., C. P. "Ry . Toronto. Tamworths for Sale neirly rdy tor breeding. Trices S. HAINU, AgCnt, Flesherton. tor quick s*le. c; KO. W. HOSS, iiaxwD'.l P. O.