Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Nov 1913, p. 7

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[HE HALF-SPEED MAN AND WOMAN What It Means When You Feel "All Out of Sorts." You know -what it means to feel "all out of sorts." Most people; have felt this way at some time. Nerves out of order, irritable, lan- guid, depressed. An aching head, a fagged brain, appetite bad and | digestion weak. With some people ' this condition comes and goes ; with , others it is chronic; they can't shake it off. It interferes with busi- j ness, spoils recreation and robs life of all its joys. These men and women are only able to live and work at ''half speed." Half speed people have lost t/hat' abundant natural vitality which en- ! ables others to go 'full-speed- ahead" through life. Their energy and nerve power 'have evaporated they cannot work long without breaking down. The trouble is nerve weakness and is caused by poor, watery blood. You can begin ! to improve your condition to-day by taking Dr. William's Pink Pills- ; They r*ake rich, red blood once : more pulsate through your veins. and your nerves thrill wifh fresh vigor. Here is convincing evidence ', that ne-w strength and full health ' can be had through the use of Dr. j Williams' Pink Pills. Mr. Xewton ; Mayhew, North Tryon, P. E. I., j Bays : ''I am a farmer and naturally j have to work very hard. The re- j suit was that I found myself very : much run down. My blood became i thin and watery, and my muscles j flabby. I took doctors treatment j but it did not help pie and I grew so weak that I could scarcely work | at all. As I found the medical treatment was not helping me 1 decided to trv Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and in these I found the mdi- J cine I needed, as in a short time I ' was restored to my old health and ; vigor. I shall always recommend j these pills to all sufferers." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers, or will be mailed, post paid, at 50 cents a box ' or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. : Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, I Ont. work. In another recent report issued by the Forestry Branch on the Wood-Using Industries of On- tario, birch ia reported as being used in the manufacture of over one hundred different articles, ranging from ships to spools. Afl & fuel- wood, it takes first- place, and it is also one of the principal woods ud in wood-distillation, while its only objection as a pulpwood is that it is too heavy to be readily floated down the streams to the nulls. Birch also formed 28 per cent, of th square timber exported from Canada in 1912, according to the bulletin on the production of lum- ber, square timber, la-th and shin- gles for that year, which has been prepared by the Forestry Branch and will shortly be issued. The re- mainder was largely white pine. Until 1912 the export of square tim- ber had steadily decreased since 1877, but last year showed a sur- prising increase, the quantity ex- ported- in 1912 exceeding that ex ported in the previous year by al- most 90 per cent. PRESERVE BMSSQN With CUTIOJRA SOAP Assisted when necessary by Cuticura Ointment. They keep the skin and scalpclean and clear, sweet and healthy, besides soothing irritations which often prevent sleep and if neglected become chronic disfigurements. Cutienra 8049 ud Ointment *re 'told t&rouctoout *BI wond. A Utnl Bmpte of ot>. with 12-pu* fcockl-t an tt oar ud tnmtmmt at lt <tln and calp, ami pot-rrm. Addreaa PoCMr Drug A Caea. (Tup.. JUvpt. IX. Baton. U. 8. A. BIRCII LEADS. Its Use in 1912 Was Greater Than Maple. The popular idea that b*c*,use Canada is the Land of the Mopi>, the maple must necessarily be the hardwood of first importance in Canada is incorrect, judged by the data gathered by the Forestry Branch of the Department of the Interior at Ottawa. There are three species of birch of commercial importance in Can- ada, the black, yellow, and white, or paper, birch. The former two have the more valuable wood, but are confined to eastern Canada, whereas the paper birch is found in every province- of the Dominion, ranging to the limit of tree-growth towaru* the north and growing well within the Arctic circle in the Mackenzie River basin a-nd in the Yukon. It is this wide rarge which con- tributes largely to its present im- portance, but the qualities of the wood promise a still greater use in the future, for it is a strong, hard, fine-grained wood which takes a hifrh polish and can be stained to imitate the more expensive woods, such as mahogany, cherry or wal- nut. "Wavy" birch i* an acciden- tal form due to cross-grain, eomo- wh&t similar to "curly" maple., and is highly prized for ornamental Princess Eli/abeth. A new picture of the Crown Prin- cess of Koumania, who ha-s been mentioned as a possible bride for the Prince of Wales. fc ILLS OF CHILDHOOD. Every mother should be able to recognize the symptoms of tlie little ailments that attack her children. She should also be in a position to treat them promptly. To do this she should kee<p a supply of Baby's Own Tablets in the house at all times. The Tablets never fail to be of help to Httle ones. Mothers who are- anxious for the welfare of her lit-tle- ones will receive free for the asking a valuable little book on the care of infants and young children. Concerning the Tablets. Mrs. G. L. Bonham. St. George. Ont.. saya : "I can recommend Baby's Own Tablets as a safe and sure medicine for little ones. I have raised four babies with their aid and would not be without them.'' Sold by medi- cine dealers or by mall at 25 cent* a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville. Ont. THE HE A BIN U OF ANTS. A Scotch Scientist Gives Results of Experiments. Prof. Pringle, a Scotch scientist, is quoted as saying that ants have the most perfect sound-producing organs yet discovered in insects, and that they are extremely suscep- tible to sound. He claims that these organs are situated in certain segments of th<- .-lidomen and that sounds are brought forth by rub- bing, but no one has ever heard them, as they are too faint to be detected by human ears. Attempts have been made to hear them with the aid of the. microphone, but the only sound detected was thait of the crawling of the ants. Again in regard to the hearing of ants, careful and exhaustive exper- iments have been conducted with six species from this country and England, and it was decided thait these specie* could perceive sound*. How they did It was more or less a matter of doubt, as some scientists A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY An eminent ctentlrt, th other day, gar* his opinion that the moat won- derful discovery of recent year* was the discovery of Zam-Buk. Just think! AJ soon as a sing:* thin layer of Zam-Buk U applied to * wound or a sore, such injury la Insured against blood potion! Not one species of microbe has beta found Chat Zam-Buk does not kill! Then again. As soon as Zam-Buk Is applied to a sore, or a cut, or to skin disease, it (tops the smarting. That is why children ar such friend's of Zam-Bak. They car* nothing for the science of the thing. All they know ia that Zam-Buk stops their pain. Mothers should never forget this. Again. As soon u Zam-Buk is ap- plied to a wound or to a diseased part, the cells beneath the skin's sur- face are so stimulated that new healthy tissue Is Quickly formed. This forming of fresh healthy tissue from below la Zam-Buk's secret of healing. The tissue thus formed is worked up to the surface and literally casts off the diseased tissue above It. This U why Zazn-Buk cures are permanent. Only the other day Mr. Marsh, of 101 DelorUnler Are., Montreal, called upon the Zam-Buk Company and told them that (or over twenty-fire years he had been a martyr to eczema. His hands -were at one time so covered with sore* that he had to sleep in S'.oves. Four years ago Zam-Buk was Introduced to him, and in a few montihs it cured him. To-day over three years after his cure of a disease he had for twenty-five years he is still cured, and has had no trace of any return of the eczema! All druggists sell Zam-Buk at oOc. box, or we will send free trial box If you send this advertisement and a Ic. stamp (to pay return, postage). Ad- dress Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. NEW WAI OF USISG SHOES. Missionary's \Vifc TrUa of Amus- ing In- 'ill. -in. Th wife of a missionary long stationed in Africa confessed re- cently that she became hysterical with suppressed la-ughter at the first service that her husband held at the station after bringing hr out. She had, indeed, to leave the chapel lest she should disgrace her- self by an outburst of an unseemly mirth. The cause of her discomfiture was an important convert, an aged and venerable chief, with snowy wool and a countenance of ferocious dig- nity. The young wife had thrown away the day before an outgro-wn pair of her tiny daughter's ankle ties. They were of a gay scarle* morocco, and when they reappeared at church buttoned neatly through the distended lobes of the old i chief's ears and dangling conspicu- ously against his withered ebony shoulders the spectacle was TH-> . much for her especially in combi- nation with the rest of his costume, which, consisted of a dirty blue loin cloth and a headdress made of fea- j thers artistically combined with imported shirt buttons. Choicest fruits etc. . perfectly balanced ready to use. Saves endless labour. The Reason. the Husband (sharing) Bother razor ! Wife What's the matter, now ? You're dreadfully ill-tempered" Husband The razor is so a-bom- ' I inablv dull ! Wife Dull! Why. I ripped up 1 an old skirt with it yesterday and it cut beautifully. GOT A COLD YETJ If So, Try the Deep Breathing Cure For It. Expected Death From Dav to Dav It has beta v horsemen, nariaas and ers lor 3J . aud it hi* "* itswurth in hi;..- . of thuusanus of ca;-. . Bidcerdike. Alta., Jan. S9, IT "t have been using Kendall's Sprr i. fora good many years with good rcsu!. fact, I am never without It," H. NKinon:- 81 a bottle <t for 15, at druggists ,r *-: copy or our boot. "Treatise on the Horse" ir Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY Eno.bur* Falla, Vermont. U.S.A. ! m- "I asked the young woman in front to remove her big hat so that I could see the stage." "Did shj do it 3 "Xo ; she said if she held her hat in her lap she couldn't see) In the season when coughs and Another Ca8( . >vhere Life ** & ^ a * e herself." Saved and Health R.-toreil by Nerviline. We have all read and heard of the agonies of sciatica, but only those who Minarets Liniment Curt* Dipntherta. beeQ by dread It's difficult, for a newly married man to generate much enthusiasm over his bride's beautiful hair afte* he has seen her pile it on the bu-~ reau for the night. colds are prevalent any method of presenting them and checking the first symptoms without drugs may be of inestimable value, says a physician. When vou find you have a cough, , .. , j i iiate U-C-LI tuivuicu uv uiia uitruu UIAI- and before it gets to be deep-seated, ady can fully appreciate whal , t must go into the air and practice deep mean t o be cured after years of suffer- breathing. Draw air into the lungs Ing. until they are completely distended, I It is because lie feels It his solemn raising the arms above the head duty to tell to ^the woHd^his faith in during inspiration to more fully x- f en l i pand the chest. Hold the air in the ,,' . j *trarS 1 ivo lu LUC t\uy cu .nan ?*~i tvc, lungs for a few seconds; then an(1 , Q all Wnds of weather had to breathe it out slowly. Repeat the meet tne n igi, t trains. Dampness. Minard's Liniment Curet Garget in Caws. operations a dozen times or more, | cold, and exposure brought on sciatica and aft-er an hour try it again. jthat affected my left side. Sometimes Persistency in this 'treatment will an attack would come on that made USE LIQUID SULPHUR IN YOUR BATH. P A thing of beauty may be a forever. EDUCATION. often newlv^oontracted me Powerless to work. I was so near- ly a complete cripple that 1. had to job. I was In despair, cast down, because the up of -hearing, while others that it was through a sense of touch, excited by atmospheric vi- brations. Prof. Prin^rle incline* to the opin- ion. When they were even violent- ly shaken they did not s-em to b* disturbed in the letust, while at the blow of a very shrill whistle close to them they were seen to be per- ceptibly agitated. , . . , T . ., u cough in a few hours. If the cough is of long standing, pain may be , felt under the shoulder-blades and money I had spent on trying to get ^ ^ ^ ^_v^ across the chest during the breath- well was wasted. I was speaking to through orgTn* ! ><* but, as this is caused by the my chemist one day and he reco ther* dJrn 1 tearing awav of adhesions of the mended Nervlllne. had this good Toasted to a Golden Brown ! 8undg "smacking good," dovsn't it I That's Post Toasties Tender, thin bits of the bet parts of Indian Corn, perfect- ly cooked at the faetory, and ready to eat direct from the paekage fresh, erlsp and elean. There's a delicate sweetness about "Tousties" that make them the favorite flaked cer- eal at thousands of breakfast tables daily. Post Toasties with eream and a sprinkling ef sugar Delicious Wholesome Easy to Serve Sold by Grocers everywhere. Canadian Poitura Cereal Co.. Lid. Wlodaor. Ontario. FOXKS WORTH A FORTUNE. Shipments of Cubs From Alaska Said to Be Valued at $100.000. A shipment of 126 cub foxes, es- timated value $100,000, recently I arrived in Vancouver on a Cana- !dia.n Pacific Railway stesarner from '. Skapway, Alaska. Included in the ! lot were red, black and silver gray ' foxes, one pair of black foxes being estimated as worth $10.000 when jfull grown. The owner, who ac- j companied the shipment, collected them in Northern Alaska and Yu- , i kon Territory, purchasing them i from the white and Indian trap- ! pers. They are being shipped Eat ' to the fox farms in New Brunswick, i Prince Edward Island and the East- 1 j ern States. It is reported that since the : opening of the season 219 live foxes, ranging from silver grey to cross, '. valued at $320.000, have- been ship- j pod from Edmonton to points in ; Eastern Canada and the United States for breeding purposes. In- ; I eluded in this lot were 10 young ; j black foxes which we-ne sold to a i ! New York firm for $30,000. Many j j young foxee die soon after capture-. Several black pups have died after being sold for $1,500 to $2.500. A Western raw fur company, which j has been supplying the Kaste-ni j markets with young live foxe>, an- i flounces that it will discontinue j Eastern shipments, having decided ; to establish a f&rm In Western Al- : bert-a, where 40 foxes are already i domiciled. It is stated that a decrease of 23 to 50 per cent, has taken place in ! the prices paid for these animals, which is attributed to the large number which have been supplied frmn the entire Northern country of Ala-ska, Yukon Territory ami the ; North- West Territories. The sup- ply has been plentiful ou account of the young foxes being diyt out of their holes before they were able to I escape. In a short time the- young ' foxes will leave their dams, and it; i will then be impossible to catch them other thai singly in trapa. wliivh will then, in all probability, increase the price of thM auimals in the Eastern marke-to. rubbed on times a 1J* LLIOTT S Bt'SINESS TOLLE'IE TO PARKS POM tAH. H. W. DAWSON. Ninety Colberne Sire*!, Torfifo. ^^ IF Yor \VAVT TO BfY OR *FT.L A Fru t. Pt-<')i Grain, or Dairy fa"t wr'ro H. W r>:wti<in. Brampton, or '. Colborne St.. Toronto lung tissue, it will usually pass nl " , ', , . dav. and got relief, i \.uuuuucu u.o away in a day or two, and the fact tn ; atment four montha an d was cured. M. w. OAWSON coiier,,. St. Tororr. that it is felt shows that the lungs ( j nave uge( j a u yrids of liniments, and need thorough inflation. can truthfully say that- Nervlline is far stronger, more penetrating and Infin- 'Itely better than anything else for re- llevlng pain. I urge everyone with NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. _ Lugenies. Susie (aged six): "And when we lumbago, neuralgia, rheumatism, or grow up we'll be married, won't sciatica, to use XervUlne. I kaow it we. Bobber Bobbie (sadly): No. Susie, I your family, cant into to-dav. large family 50c . triaj s , le , 5c . . dealer9 marry lour papa has weak or Tne catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Offensive Breath Caused Usually By Catarrh A Simple Remedy Diseoyered That Cures Without Drills. The American peopln suffer more from Catarrh than from any other disease. It undermines more consti- tutions and creates mere sickness than all other diseases combined. It Is, therefore, very dangerous. You can't successfully treat Catarrh by Internal dosing you must In some way send a purifying, healiug agent through the breathing organs, so that the germs can be reached. This you do every time you inhale Catarrho- zone.- It's rich essences and healing eyes and your auntie has spasms. CCir-NTRT WEKKLT NEWSPVPKT C ''-'S Bale in rod Ontiro t-ii. Eic- '! opnlng- for man of n<"-^T. Write ..KJB PttMuihln I'ompnny. Toronto. TAMPS AND COINS TAMP COLLKLTORS UL'NUBKD l)tT- ferent Foreign Stampi. CaUVgaa. Albnm. .mlT S*oa Cnu. Hark* Stamp Company. Toronto ARE HARD TIMES COMING? T*. for the man thit er tight but hta corns are" rel>Tl quickly Y., and Kingston, Canada. HK^ELLANfeOUS. Tempo. I wonder why that girl next door ipon playing the piano day Putnam". Corn Extractor. No oln. and and night?" said the old fogy. ''Oh, just to kill time. I suppose, replied the cheerful idiot. ,/~1AXrKR. i V Different Adornments. "We're going to put a high cu- pola on our house." 'We's going to put a higher mort- gage on ours." . TUMORS. LfJaP8. KTC, Internal and external, cured wlrla. cut pain by onr home trea'rnent. Wr!t r. bofore too lt*. Dr Be"Tin Medical Co. LtTnU>d rolVigwo^d Ont GALL STONES. KIDNEY AND BLAT> der 8tone. Kidney tronhl*. 0-il. Lumbafo nnd kindred ai'm'it po^''-ely curd with th new German rc"i1y. "Sai-ol." pric* It. 50 AiMlver new rp~-<1y Tor Diabetei-Mollitu*. and anre, cure. ! "RanoVl Anvi-niahet** " Prir K froi i1ruirit> or direct. Tbp Runol M>n-.if tnrin Comnany of Cnnadm. Limit** Winnlp Man. LIQUID SULPHUR curts rough akin. Co.. Linltd. (Jentlmen.-J hare ued MLNARD'S LINIMKNT on my Temwl and in my faar.ly for vi-*m. aad for tOi rery day Ills and cuviJeutB of lif 1 ootiaider it hn no Judge : "You said the defendant turned and whistled to the dog balsams are breathed all through the \Yhait followed f ' Witness : ' 'The nose, throat and lungs, and effectively ' j o ,. " destroy every trace o! Catarrh. This is a proven fact. I endorse Catarrhozone because I know of six bad cases of Catarrh, In- 1 , euufcl. I would not ttjirt on a voyage without it. if it oot a dollar a botU. CAPT. F. B. DESJAHD1N. Schr. "Storke," St. Andre. Kamouracka. Mlnarif* Llnlratnt Cures Dlstimptr. , i v klcker ' bad nou e:h, but he Th* Soul of a Pla.no Is th Action. Insist on the -OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action LIQUID SULPHUR ourti itching piles eluding my own. that It ha cured. It . is a sensible remedy because It is ca- i " as several advantages over pable of going where the disease is. I man who whines. believe it cures quicker than other remedies because It gets sooner to the source of the disease than anything else I know of. I had headaches, bad breath, and much stomach trouble as- sociated with my Catarrh, but they have disappeared since using Catarrh- ozone, which keeps me free from colds, headaches, catarrh and all win- ter ills." OTTO E. KRAMER. Belle- Incurable. Proud Mother Such enormous sums that we've spent on dear Clara's voice Sympathetic Visitor And you can really do nothing for it ? One enemy will give a man more ville, Ont. I'atarrhozone Is needed in every home. Large size lasts 2 months, . , price $1.00: small siise, BOc: trial size, "ee advertising than a dozen 25c. At all storekeepers and druggists friends. or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo. N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. Hi Could. "Can yon support my daughter and give her everything sh wants 1" "I can support her and give her her principal want." "And what is that?" "Me." KIDNEY PILLS Try M urine Eye Remedy If yon have Red, Weak, Watery Fve or Granulated Eyelid*. Doesn't Smart > Soothes Rye Pain. Druggists Sett j Marine Eye Remedy. Liquid, 25c. 50c. Murine Bye Salve In Aseptic Tubefl, 25o. SOc. By* Books PY* by Mail. An *> VMto far H av Uwt N**4 Cw Murte* ET ..*>. <lr Co.. Chic.** ED. 7. 1SSIK Expert She (after quarrel) You were a struggling youth when 1 married, you ! H I'll give you credit for land- [ ing me. LIQUID SULPHUR ! a disinfectant. The new Duke of Conouuight sch<>ol was opened at Regiua, with t an attendance' i>f 400. HIGHEST PRICES FOR Raw Furs W. C. QOFFATT ORILLIA. -- ONTARIO Mlnard'* Llnimtnt Cures Colds, Ao Viet Grounds. An Irishman was fishing in a river when it began to rain heavily. Pat, not desiring to get soaked through, sought shelter under a railway bridge spanning the river, ami here he plied his rod with true Wnltonic zeal, utterly regardless of the trains that incessantly thundered to and fro overhead. Presently another individual ap- peared on the scene and politely a*ked Pat what he was doing. ''Fishing," was the laconic retort. The stranger laughed. "Pray -what is the use of fishing under the bridge while such an infernal noise continues?" "Oh, shut up, man," replied Pat, indignantly. "Sure, ye d.-n't know these fish They'll come undor here to git out av the rain:" Now Is the Tim9 to Think About your Mapla Syrup Business Consult any of your neighbors who h^ve used the *'Ch:*inpion'* Evapor- ator. They will tell you to install before the snow Is on the ground. Cost* no more to buy now than in M.uch. Write for free booklet. THE C3IMM MFC. CO . I'UITED 58 Wellington St.. MONTREAL, QUC. Why we pay more for your RAW FURS W art tin oldMt RAW FUR HOUSE t wall ! th* largatt collectors of CANADIAN RAW F'.'RS In Canada. That maans larger xporKnse, largtr markata and a LARGER PRICE to you. Ship dir.-ot t us, Riturns mad* ajm* day fur* art rc*lwd. Shlpmants held separata on request. Fall prlo* list now ready. Write lor It HIRAM JOHNSON LIMITED, 494 St. Paul St. Mail IV!.-.. "C" Montreal.

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