Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Dec 1913, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLED NOT MEN. 1 VOL 33 No. 23 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday December 13 1913 W. H. TEDBSTON Kimberley Budget Beautiful weather for this time of year. Mr. and Mrs. Rand Brady of Cherry- grove visited at D. Weber's on Sunday. Mr. Sloan's auction sale on Wednes- day Ust wan largely attended despite the inclemency of the weather. Mr. George Ball of Toronto in visiting friends in this vicinity. MI--S Edna Camack has returned from an extended visit with friends in To- ronto. Mr. J. R. Fawcett and Heury Kurd made 'a business trip to Rocklyn on Monday . We are sorry to report the death of ODE former pastor. Rev. Stanley Trotter. Death was caused by the dreadful white plague. Mr. R. D. Carruthers took the topic in the Epworth League on Sunday even- ing last. Mr. Albert Smith visited Thornbury friends on Tuesday. We are glad to report Mr. Thos. Reid t>n the mend after a somewhat severe at- tack of typhoid. Mr. Emerson Wit-kens of Fleshertou was .1 caller in our burg one day last week. Congratulations are in order to J. A. Myles of Heathcote and Frank Brownlee of Ravenna, who were successful in car- lying ntf some of the prizes on horses at the Guelph Winter Fair. Mis.- Alma < ' mmck is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Thos. Xeely of Buavcrdalc visited friends in our burg recently. Mr. <!. II. Walter of Flesherton was a caller in our burg on Wednesday last. Mas Sandford Knott of Thorubury vis* ited at R. J. Stuart's on Sunday. ( )ur two teachers, Messrs. Leslie and 1',-Utcrson, visited at the latter's pnrental home, BLintyre, on Saturday and Sun- day last. Feversham Too Late for Last week. Mrs. A. Davidson arrived home -after an extended visit with her daughter.Mrs. J . Stoutenburg of Culling wood. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Col.-iuelte visited with Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Stewart a couple of days last week. Mrs. D. W. Wideuian visited her sister in Thornbury over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bovair and Mr. IJ, Kindesly of Angus visited with Mr. and Mis. H. Alexander on Sunday last. Miss Fearle Whiteoak and Lylu Alex- ander spent a couple of days with the former's sister, at Ravenna. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Win. Meleu, mi Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1913, a daughter. Our continuation and public schools purpose uiving a concert in the public school room in this village, on Friday evening next A first class programme will be given. Come and hear the best of the season. Toronto Line North Wedding bells are sweetly chiming. Councillor Fred Brown attended the i' iti.|iict in Guelph last week. Born On Saturday, Dec. 13, to Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Luver, a daughter. Miss Klva Levor has returned homo from Hanover, whore she ha* attended Model school since lat August. Mr. C. N. McFarland, D.D., Montreal visited his friends here one day recently. Mr. Charles Perigo, who is homo from the West, is visiting with his sister, Mrs. A. Stewart. Mr. Win. DavU lias been at tending the sick tied of her friend, Mrs. Hurry Wood*, of the village. Your correspondent wishes the editor and all the readers of The Advance a merry Christmas. The largest bby probably ever born in Bruce County certainly th largest in thi district, saw the light of dy last Wednesday night at tl e fmiiona Oliphant Summer Resott aud weighed exactly 14\ pounds and the proud father is the Rev. Mr. Dauard who at the age of 82, must b a man after Ex. President Uoosevelts own heart. Seven years ago Mr. Danan! was married for the second time and he has since a happy family of fildKU.-- Port Elgin Times. Eugenia Paragraphs Miss Barbara and Henry Thompson visited in Priceville recently. Heury underwent an operation on his throat and nose and is now much improved in heilth. Mrs. Laberty and son, Melvin, of Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. Tom Fenwick. Mr. Angus McLaughlan and father, cf Priceville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Park's. We were all surprised on Wednesday morning of last week to hear that our skating rink had caught tire by some means in the night and was displaying a beautiful lustre of light over the sur- roundings about three o'clock and bunit to the ground. A number of buggies, cutters, wagons, etc., belonging to difierent people, all went with the build- ing. Mr. E. Morgan h*s returned home from the city and las taken up house in his resilience here. Don't forget the Sunday School enter- tainment to be held in the Methodist church on the -t'.ch of Dec. and on 30th the Presbyterians hold theirs. Mr. Adam Smith, while crossing over Sloan's dam as he had done many times before, slipped and fell a number of feet head first into the water. His brother, hearing the splash, looked arcund but A. wai missing. His brother went hick and assisted him out. He is pretty sore aud used up, but fortunately no bones were broken. Sacrament will be dispensed in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath. Prepiratory service Friday at eleven o'clock. Miss McMullen and brother, Uus ..!. visited in Priceville over Sunday. Say, why is it that a community always delights ic scandal I Why, the woman in her simple white uniform is a credit ; her sex, but behind the noble pro'ession she adopted lies a broken heart wrapped in a life's tragedy. Even so, every dark cloud has its silver lining, and may joy and good luck attend her in her futme career. Walkerton Roy Van llorre has laid an informa- tion against two farmev boys residing east of Walkerton, charging '.hem with the theft of seven of hi* minlc (nipt*. A search warrant was sworn out and Chief Ferguson weut to the boys' hoine on Friday and discovered the missing traps. Of the five cases on the docket at the ! iifi-al session, which are beinn held he- fore Judge Barrett here this week, that of McArlhur vs. McArthur has been settled. This wa an action brought by Mrs. Duncan McArthur of Lovat, against her neighbor and nephew, John Mc- Arthur, who she alleges, assaulted her on the highway near her hoiae ou Oct. 8th, aud for which she asked $500.00 dam- ages. The case was settled here out of court by the accused paying her $273 damsges and signing papers not to mo- lest her again. Not since the pardoned thief weut to Paradise has a robber been living in greater bliss than the culprit who broke in^o the heu-roost of Mrs. Thos. Coats of Bract and annexed one hundred and twenty-five of her spring chickens. For a one-night haul and a successful get-a- way this probably takes the caku even in in these days of big tilings. Chicken dinners aud foul suppers on such a scale, especially in this period of bard times and tight money, is enough to tempt the honesty of the travelling public who drive by and smell the broth, aud who have themselves probably dined on nothing healthier than fried crumbs and liver. The party who "lifted" her chicken 8 wanted also to sample her turkeys, as two young gobblers mysteriously dis. appeared a night or two later, and the fact that one cf them has since come back lends her to believe that the thief doesn't live over a thousand miles away.- Her- ald and Times. time and K'Ui 9?lil 1C Win. Dwinnoll, of the Penetang Koad, two miles f'om D'lston, was convicted of Stealing turkeys from I, is!mrn Currie of Oro. He is said to have sold some of the turkeys to IWcmfeldt, the junk dealer, and in lh tneintiuic Dwiunell will be (liven a chance to repay the $9.52 he icceived for them and return four now iiinU'i his bam. The case attracted considerable attention from resident) of the district. Ceylon Miss G. Fee, Milliner at Mr. J. Patti- son's for the past season, left Saturday for her home at Omemee. Mrs. Will McFadden of Wi'ders Lake, visited at R. Cook's last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. McLeod and three children of Calgary are on an extended visit with the former's mother and sister. Miss Lilly Muir spent a few days with Priceville friends. Miss Helen Gibson left Saturday for Toronto on an extended visit. Rev. Mr. Dyniond, Markdale, was > caller in town or. Friday. Miss Ella Martin, Vandeleur, spent past week with hot sister, Mrs Me- Clocklin. Mr. White, Dundalk, visited his son here the past week. Miss B. Thompson cf Eugenia also was a visitor at Mr. White's. Mr. Chas. Chialett took a trip to Cooksville last week returning Thursday. Mr. W. White spent several days of last week in Owen Sound. R. Cook paid Conn a busioesl visit last week. Mi . D. Wilson arrived home Wednes- day af.er spending several weeks with Creeniore friends. Miss Effie Chi*lett has gone to Toronto where she has accepted a position. Mr. John Stewart has been laid up the past week with tonsili is, also his young child being very ill. Miss Myrtle Hempliill is this week vi.it ing Vaiideleur friends. Mr. Jap. Sergsnt and his mother visit- ed Miss Lizzie in the Owen Sound hospit- al last Friday. Mrs. Sergnnt remains for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J;u. McClocklin and Mis Mabel left Saturday on an extended visit with friends at B. C. MIJS isuait and Gertie will remain with their grand- parent.-, Mr. J. \Varhng at Vandeleur. Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. White and child- ren jf Proton, spent the first of the week it Mr. W. White s. Mrs. Wilson McMull. n and Mrs. .1. Chialett re on the ick l:.-r. Mr K. Bates arrived Mondiy from Dundalk to work on the section here for the winter months. Vandeleur Mis. A. Johnston has returned home after a nth's visit with friends at Sirnia. Mr. Will Lov* of Toronto is visiting his daughter, Kdna, atj. H. Holley's. The school children are making great preparations fur their Christ -nut tree and entertainment ou Friday (.-veiling next. Miss Hempliill ,,f Ceylon is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Warling. Miss Vnra Wintcrburn of ilnllmul Monday with her si-ter, Mre. Chas. Holley. Miss Lillian McGee is spending a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. Clark, of Wodeboufje. Mrs. Geo. Waning spent a few day? last week with friends at Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Holley of Meaftid visited friends here recently. Victoria Corners Mr. Harkeus of Castorville is visiting his .sister, Mrs. H. Warner. Mrs. W. Heard and son Burrows have gone on a risit to the former's uncle, Mr. Wm. Hoard, of Keppel. Mr. Milton Bannon is on the sick list. L. 0. L. No. 244, Proton, Kid their sixty-fifth annual meeting in their hall, Proton Sttiou, on Tuesday, Dec. 9th, when the officers were elected as follows: W. M., J. S. Corbett ; Dept. Master, Ernest Achcson ; Chap., John McMillan; Rec, Sec'y.. Chas. Moore ; Financial Secretary, Jerard Lyon.s : Tvuas., A brain Shearsou ; Director of Ceremonies, Jas. Lock hurt ; Lecturer, Herb Ctrbett. Committee Jos. Blakeley, John Lyons, sr., Robt. Best, Win. Davis, .las Morrow, The C. P. R. has sold the 45 airs of coal, ooiisi.jne i to the Superior Cement Co., and standing in the Oraugeville station yard since last July, to the Dur- ham Cement Co. The coal is being shipped to Durham at the rntti of six car- lo.td* a week. Riverdale Now is the time to do your Christina, shopping. Mr. A. Tory of Stralhavon, made his regular official visit to our uurg ou the first of the week. Mr. F. Cutting, our professional viol inist, attended it monster "Butterfly Whirl" at Orange Valley on Wednesday night last. The best hag yet to come. Get in on a good thing by :kttendin? the enormous Christmas Tree entertair.inent in River- dale school on Friday evening. If you canuot come you should worry. Misses Kuphemia and Nellie .Stephen- son returned home fiom Owen Sound on Saturday. Our professional fur trapper, Mr. Kirbys captured a precious specimen of the mink tribe recently. A number from this vicinity attended the neck tie social at New England on Wednesday evening uf last week. We understtud that a grossly iufaiuoub rumor of which a couple of Rivrrdald cit izens are alleged to have been the author?, has recently been circulated in this vicinity. This malicious report .s entirely fictitious and the disgruntled hoodlum who originated it is requested to apologize immediately or he will be obliged to appear before n tribunal not wholly crmposed of the long suffering citizens of Riverdale. A Big Cheque The Provincial Treasury is something r two million dollars richer to-day than it was at the beuiuniut; of last week. The cheering difference is due. to the receipt by Hon. I. B. Lucas of a cheque for $-_M34,OXl> from the Federal Govern. inent, representing the Tin iskamin^ and Northern Ontario Railway, indorsed by the Dominion Pailiameiu last session. The money will MtMM a part . f the consolidated revenue fund, and will, of course, be applicable to anything for which the Ontario Government may desire tu UNA it. The receipt of the c!iei|ue, however, opens the way for the reconstruction of the southern portion of tin- T. \- N. <> to reduce the grades nearer t > those obtaining on the noitht-in section, and 'tlnn^ the Triuiscontiiiental The surveys and estunites fur the work have all been ready for some time, and all that is iicuiluil is din decision of tl e Goveiiuiieiit ti< go ahead. Consul Wesley Pros', stationed i t Charlu'ti'town, Prince K.I ward Island' reports that a small Hock of karakul is to be imported into that p:ov- ince from Texas. These are the sheep from which Persian lamb is made Prince Edwunl Island has recently achieved considerable mtoiiely through its remarkable lucrative fox -breeding in- dustry, and lending raisers of foxes are backing the new enterpiise. It is pro- posed to cross the karakul .sheep with the long-wool khei'p of the IsUiftl, which are celebrated fr the tine luster and strong fiber of their wool, in the expec- tation that a ktrtin of hybri'ls will re- sult having the Ughi curls ot' 'he karakul at birth together with the gloss and strength of the local breels. Flesherton Bakery * * * Will have on hand Christmas Cakes, Mince Pies, Doughnuts, and all kinds of Plain Fancy Baki ng. W 1 1 ite Currant & Brown Bread always on hand. WISHING YOU ALL THE COMPLIMENTS OF THESE4*ON R. H.GOLDHAWK. Flesherton Planing f . And Chopping Mills J 6 W Clf V ep8red to ** . matching, etc Floor sash and door,, and all house f r . A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. b'ifth Division Court County of Grey Folio wing are date* for 1913: Wednesday, Feb. 1 Dundalk W A. v\ ednesday, April Iti Fltsherton " i ednesday, June 1H Dundalk Wednesday. Aug. 27 Flesherton Wednesday. Oct. 15 Dundalk Saturday, Dec. 6 '. ". . "Flesherton W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, Flesherton, Out. I Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. See Our Christmas Stock of Currants and Raisns Figs, Dates, Prunes, Peaches, Peels, Spices. Five Rose Floor, McGovran's Pastry. Fancy Biscuits, Ciinneil Goods, Honey, Syrup. Cranberries, Lemons, Onuses. Grapes. Oysters, !Nuts all kinds. Candies -all kinds. Holly and Decorations lion- lion Boxes, Tobacco and Clears suitable tor Christmas. Come in and we will tell you the rest at tke Vleshcrton (Irocery. W. BUSKIN in J Now Is The Time To Leave your Leather Tops to get Rubber Bottoms sewed on. Custom Work and Re- pairing as usual, Agent for Dominion Express Money Orders VJ.-NM va> sa. T'TT"*' Thos. Clayton Just Arrived . . . Fine Stock of New Over- coats, New Suitings. When in town leave your order for your Winter Suit with J. Bowler >THE TAILOR French Cleaning done every Saturday. Get your old clothes renovated. BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.

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