Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Dec 1913, p. 4

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December IS 1913 THE F L E S H E It T N ADVANCE i, TH K /IcQljcrton An independent newnpaper, |>uMiiihe(l every Thurnday at th p office, CollingwfNid Street, Klr-lu-rton. Subscription price fl per annum, whrn |id inadvHnce ;$1.5J when not so paiil .Vilvertiain? ratea n application. Circulation 1,100 weekly. W H, Tliuretori- Edltc r Baptist Church R. C. Kerr, Pastor. Sunday School 1(1 a. m . Service at 11 n. Subject for Sunday, Dec. 21. Virgin birth of Christ." The Flcshcrton Methodist Church Thursday evening Prayer meeting. The pastor would be pleased In see the iiasement filled at this, tho last ptayer meeting of the year, Sunday The ptslor will preach at both fervicen. II a.m., Good Tidings. 7 p.m., If There Wns No Christmas. Sabbath School at 2 p.m., Bible Class nt 2.45. Monday Kpworth LCHKUO at 8 p m. The topic will be, " Woman in the Home." You are invited. THE MUNICIPAL POT The renurkahle ^piing like weather up until the present time has made it difficult to realize that the hulic'uys and elections are so near. Perhaps this also has had somethii-g to do wi'h the paucity .f election rumors. No ri'iilly definite announcements ha\t- yet been made by aspirants to the village council and the surrounding township is pretty nearly on the same plane. although there are a few things that are practically ceituin. Mi- Jonathan Latimer of Kugenia Hill be a candidate for councillor. Mr. Alex Cameron's name has also been mentioned to us, liut his candidature i not cenain. Councillor McLeod is positively out of it for the coming year, his husinusts re- i 'in nil! his h ! attention. He wishes UN to make this announcement as clear as possible so that any aspirant in the West Ward may have no hesitation in coming forward. Wo have not got Reeve M- K.-I./-I- .. sanction fur the statement that he will ask the penplc to elect him once more, but believe ho will do in, nevertheless. Mr. McKenzie is a ctrc- ful, conscientious ollicial and we believe the big majority of electors are quite satisfied that lie hai done his btst for the welfare of the township. Nominations will lie held mi Mondiiy, Jan. 2'.l, and electiutu on Monday, J in. 5. Hydro-Electric Banquet Glolie Rupoit Uuelph, December U. Two hundred and fifty delegates represent inu twenty- livu muiiicipHlitien of the counties f Wellington, Grey and Simcoe interusted a good foundation. We hava an instanc not far from London, where fanners g*v a light of tray mil subsciil*.! thousands of dollars of stock in cash just to have a company RO into liquidation und nn- other come alonu and take it up at lo s than value. Where it tlie beneKt the in the proposed olectric railway scheme I farmer if to get from cheap tranipoiU I from Hi-speler through to various points on the tieoigian Uay, held a banquet to- night at which tho plan was d it cussed and heartily approved. A resolution w.ts adop'ed amid i-ni IIM-. iastic cheers asking the aid of the On- tario Hydro-electric Commission in the project. Alderman Haunigan presided. HOD. Ailam Heck was given a inaxnHicent re- ception, when he, with Mr. J. \V. Lynn of Guelph, President of the Ontario Municipal Electrical Association, entered the banquet hall of the new Y. M. C. A. bui'dmy. Mr. Beck frankly informed tho delegates that there was no use of' raising fa'se hopes abtut the road. The engmeets were going to i>o over tho tion? I believe a bond with tho security wr can otter should sell at 8HH)insteid ..f 883. If we have honest and decent ai.d effective administration- ud that i* your affair tho benefit will BO lo the people. We placed i route before the niuncipili- ties to-day of a road which can be main- tained for 874,000 per annum. 1 am not saying this it a betcer district but you intend traversing a district m t nearly as well served with tailways and you have a ual justification. This report is us valu- uable to yon as if made for you. We have passed the pi'ineer singe. What we propose is to Usue 40-year gold deben- tuies to be placed in the hands of the commission in trust, to guarantoe the bonds of tho municipalities. You go into the matter with your eyesupen. In case taxation ground and only on the basis of the feas j of a deficit you must raise by ibility of the line Incoming self-fuat.iio- j yourselves just as the city of Guelph lin- ing would they content to the work be- j dertook to do if there was a shortage on ing proceeded with. The Hydro-electric, hydro electric. As it is you are piling up Oontmuaiuo, from what th.y knew of the a big asset; there has never been a road to be constructed under their an- Rp'ces out of Toronto to Newmarket and thought that we would ever directly tax anyboiy. We appoint engineers to I'ort Perry, believed thtt the proposition! survey ihn best routes considering neon- would be a paying cue. They did not, omy of construction and the municipah- snticipate that there would lie any netd tics requiring it. If you think it too large :i vrHturc, do not venture. lo resort to taxation to muke up a short. agu. At the same time the municipalities, sections so feel, you must concerned would have to take thU lisk. [ section?," It several drop these A STANDARD OPINION, NO LESS The Maikdale St.inrlard still thinks the other villages in the Kidinu of Eait Grey are green with envy at Maikdale, and calU tin- little cantigation wu K ave him two wteka ago "childish, idiotic rot." We must ha\e hit pretty haid in order to bring forth tucli a torrent of opinion from a source where people have ceaatd to look for editorial opinions of of any kind. When we said there was no one X'' oen with envy around here we spuke for our own municipility. Perhaps Thornhury, ClarkNburg, Ueathcote and Chatsworth have the envy diiease in a viiulent form, lull there u no lign of it here. Tli fact that we find it ncceaxary < caaionally to knock thu eslernied editor of the Standard over the knuckles just to keep him in his place, should not be interpreted as an evidence that we liar- \n>r any animals of the Alice in Wonder- land variety. Maikdale has a monopoly of all the curios in ilm line, and the " Jobberwok " who wrote thatKilly item nbout envy is not the least of i IH-SI-, by any me.tin. In tho wordi of the little children well, seeKccond King*, Hecond chapter, and twenty -third verso, latter l> o i of the verse, please. Uut ptihaw ! we don't propoou to fnl low I'll-. <|ue*lion beyond legitimate boun l mi-v or deacbiid to vilitieation in order to bolster up the artfument. If ihe Stan dard thinks wc> tre green ha U welcome to the miaconception. He evidently struggled hard lo give birth to Ilia atomic opinion, and he is welcome lo feud it anc rear it to Standard microscopic propor lions on blue vitriol or caustic teda nnur iahment if he m deiires. We have m wish to deprive him of his bran new bauble, no doubt most fascinating an opinion of his very own, which nobod; hares with him. At tho same timr, and for his own fu ture guidance, we would recoinnicm 1'ope'a immortal couplet : ''All seems infected that th' infected spy As all looks yellow to thu jaundiced eye., W. II. ll.in. U. near Klmvale, loit live dorses by poisoning, resultim; from tin drinking of impure water from Ihe civ tern. The |OK wns nearly one thousam dollar*. Mr. Handy's neighbors tiiincc out and liiinln-il his full plowing. A Newmnrkut woman is chained will Aillully and BMliciotlsly kicking a chick on." Ono may censure her cruelty, lui must admire her dcxlerily, in i li se doy of toothpick ;<k ; it-. I'g ket. Mr. B. ck informed tho delegates that he thought they had ;i wonderful dis- trict to put a line through, one thai was at present not served by -iny other line, i The following resolution was passed: - "Moved l>y (i B. Ryan, seconded by Geo .1. Thorp, that this ineetiun, repre- senting some '2a municipalities of the countirs nf Wellington, Grey and Sun.- > ;md extending from the village of II., pelur through the city of (iuelph to var- ious poin'a on the Georgian Bay, which in 1111 iu publics are vitally interubted in an electric railway system through t In-, dis- trict and having regard lo the great and satisfactory work of the Hydro-eli-ctr.e Commission in the province of Ontario, realizes that no organization in the prov- ince is better equipped or ha.H belter facilities fur carrying out such a project. These municipalities, therefore, having long felt the need of reasonable transp il- lation through i In-, ili-'ir-t and now realizing that through llie passing of the Hydro-electric act of 191,') their ureat op- portunity of securing laid electric rail- way facilities iiin eight, andfurl her belie-o their interest will be best erved by an electric line built and operated by the Hydro-electric CoiiiiniKsion, do here and now urge upon the Hon. Adam Beck and his colleauues of said commission that they Kive these municipalities their kind axiiHtancc in compiling all the neceisary information n.s to cont of const ructiyn and operation, method of financing and moct Biiitable location of -. n 1 line, the people if the district. And in return they guarantee them their eurnet co-oper- ation and support in the building up of uch a hydro-electric radial nystem as hall I HIM" the greatest development, irogreBs and prosperity of the whole of Ontario." (.'has. Parker of Cheiley was unfortun- ate to lose a viluiih'.e horsa for which he [aid fSi'io few years ago. The horse got loose in the stable, pushed over an oat box that covered a 40 foot well in the stable and fell into the well. ^Monday, Jan. 5th is the f ins day OWKN SOl'ND, ONT., J Kvcry graduate guaranteed a j ? position. *J p 33 Succesxful Years. <& t Large Staff of Specialists. ,f findvidual instruction. j (Information free. Jj \ C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., ^ Principal. *S Sco-etary.i* 3- D FLKMINO OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO Ill UUHi .Carefully | .. ' , Corrected bach Peas 1 , T r . Week Mayor Carter welcomed Mr. Bi'clt_ >ther pt>akr. and they were all heart- ly in favor of the railway scheme and promised to stand behind it were: G. I Barley .................. 55 to B. Uyan. (J. J Thorp, Guelph ; George 1). Forbes, Henpeler . W. S. Middlebro, K 8 g H( fresh ......... 40 i M. 1', Oven Sound; Joseph Roach, ! Potatoes per bag ........... 7<> cu Arthur ; John Birnie, CoUingwnod ; A. A. Arniitrong, Fergus ; J. M. Kilbourne Owen Sound . J. E. Biasell, Klora . J. W. Lyon, (iuelph ; Udney Hiclurdson, M P. P., Elora ; H. W. Ironsides, Pus lu.ch ; C. VV. Hartman, 'Jlarksburit , Ueeve McNiven, Mount Forest ; \V. C. Clumbers, Hitrriston ; S. Bell, Dund<lk; R. J. Ball, II ;.. A list of ..II.'-. i -. was read ly Mr. Mid- dlebro and elected on a ballot, which the meeting ordered the Chairman to Geese. : Dncks Fowl.. 85 to 85 33 to .'3 12 to 1 12 55 12 00 to 12 00 40 75 ia |B 11 12 to 15 .o II to Chickens 13 to 13 Turneys 18 to 20 R. J. COLQUETTE cast, as follows : Lion. President, Hun. Adam Heck ; President, J. W. Lyon ; Vici-Piesideni, Mayor Carter ; Secntid Vice -President, G. H. Ryan ; Third Vice- President, T. (!. Ilannigan ; Secre- tary, G. 1*. Hamilton, Guelph. The lust nail had been opposition collin when Executive : K. W. Ironsides, Guorge D. Forbes, Joseph l;.. r h, Adam Arm- | strong, W. S. Middlehro, M.P., John | Hirnie, K. C., M. K. Richardson, Floih- erton, S. Bell, Dundalk, O. J. Thorpe, Alex. Simmom, G. J. Ball, M.P., and l Richards Hi, M.P.P , together wiili thu Mayor or Keevo <if rm-li inunicipaliiy. The ofticeis hold otiicc for a year. Mr. Heck reviewed brit-Hy aoiuu of I ho hydio cfnmiisaion's work. Nothing was left to cimibat. driven in tho \Valkerville, notwithstanding unique con-i .hi i. in-, voted for hydro The minister gave interesting dotaili for the Toronto- Whitby radial, "I hops," he said, "this movement will make lifeless burdensome on the farm HO thst young men and women will be attracted to nnd not from it. We can carry power twenty miles on each side of the line at 13,000 voltsga or aa your mayor IHH said eight miles at tho 4,40O voltnge. You my build the line or the commission might do so, you may operate or )ve iniy. You have the much- inury and it is not ini\ke liolicvo leuis'a- tion. It is nut legislation to jolly v u along while tin corporation out distances you. TI..-II- li . i .i-.-n n '|M.-"i MM as to the principle and policy embodied in the power commission Act, so you mu-.t ha.vu Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implements. Wagons, Huggies, Cutter?, Sleigh*, and Gasoline Enuines, Melotto I'II-IIM Separators, Haker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. Realty Hros'. of Fergus, Horn Tracks, Litter Carrier* and stable fittinus. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs always on hand. Wareroom Wellington Street. Ftvtrsbam, Ontario. F. H. W, HICKL1NG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Only One Week Till Christmas DO YOUR SHOPPING NOW. Don't wait until the last week, when everyone is in a hurry, but make your selections NOW, while you have the beet choice of quick selling merchandise. Our Christmas assortment is uow at its best. A FEW CHRISTMAS HINTS ! Hockey Skater, all sizes 7. .72c to 84.00 Hockey Boo's. all sizes 81.25 to $3 .00 Sweater Coats, all colors 75c to $5.00 Wool Toques and Avia'ion Caps 25c to $1.25 Silk ai.d W,,ol Motor Scarfs 50c to $1 .50 Lidies Kid Glove*, all lengths 81.00 to $2.50 Knitted Siik Neckwear 25c to $1.75 Mfti's Kid Gloves and Mute 75c to $2.50 Initial Handkerchiefs, Silk and Linen 25cto 50c Fancy Lawn and Linen Handkerchiefs 5c to 50c Lace Collars and Fmicy Neckwear 25c to $1.75 Ladies' Wool Shawls 50c to f3.50 Meu's and Boys' Fancy Suspenders lOc to f>0 Fancy Silk and Ciutlunerc Hosiery 50c to $1.20 Silk, N'e>, and Lawn Wi s r $1 00 eo $5.00 Ladies' Fancy Slippers and Pumps $1.50 to $2.75 Fiiney Linens. Tray Clcths, Towels, Centre*, etc ~. 25c to $1.75 FANCY CHINA A beautiful assoitirent of Fancy China, suitable for presents Cups and Saucers, Fancy Plates, Ben Bon Dishec, Celery Dishes, Spoon Tray?, Cream Pitchers, Berry Dishes, S'ilad Bowls. Biscuit Jars, etc., etc , Special Prices lOc to $1.50 Our Grocery Dept. is Ready for Christmas. EVERYTHING REASONABLE PRICED. Special Reductions on Millinery for December. BULL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull, Field Marshall (HK51I1 will be for service on lot 170, T. S. R. Artemesia. Terms 81 . Ai. a JAS. STINSON, Prop. You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of tin' picture given at the head of this advertisement]will only cost you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Deds such as everybody wantd. Springs and Mattresses to fit all beds. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep inducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. Good Sales man Wanted ! For every town und district where we are nut represented. Fruits aru Winging high price*, and Nursery Stock is in demand. Make big money this Fnll niul Winter by taking an agency. Kxperienoe not necessary. Free <i|uip- ment. Excluiive territory. t C mimissiorM pnid. Write for full particuluis. Stone & Wellington F o n t h i 1 1 Nurseries - - ONT TORONTO, 1 Match II " Looking backl see 1 never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. EVERY GRADUATE PLACED With tho laivast attendance in Us hiitorv, Tho Collingwood HnsinesH Oo'lege has placed in a K""d posi- tion, every graduate of the present year. Winter term from Mnnuary 2, 1913. Send for handsome Catalogue. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. * Principal '.*"" -j*:.-- Sat-"-""' An Army Stands Ready Lo t23tii'y aj to tho well-proven merits of tho I II C line of gasoline cnjinco. Once tried .you will never bo without ono. Combining economy in price with strength und safety in con- struction und simplicity of parts, tho I II C engine is ideal as a power producer for tho farm, shop and dairy. Saves time, money, trouble, und patience. Can be put to n hundred uses. Always ready. Tho I II C engines are made in 1 to 25 horso power sizes in vertical, horizontal, and stationary or portable types. Sco us for particulars and catalogues. S- Hcmphill, Agent, Ceylon I Photographs For Christmas __ SUPPLIES TTTK HAVE just received an a.saortmeut of v the Latest Styles in Mounts and Folders, which will maee a Christmas present that will lie iiptm>ci>ited by your friends, also all sizes of KN8IGN CAMERAS, a nifty present for Youni? : : : : and oM. : : : : Come Early before the rush W. A. HAWKEN PHOTOGRAPHER KLESHERTON ONTARIO . ,- < Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Oftice and Residence 4B8, 9th St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hours 9 to 12a.m., 1.80 to 4.30 p.m. to B p.m. Other houm by appointment. Bull for Service Thoroughbred American bred Here ford bull (or service on lot 151, 2nd W. T. and S. R., Artemeaia. Terms ijl.00 cash . -JOHN ADAMS, Prop, Tamworths for Sale X Hoh sex uearly rady tor breeding. 1'rices right for quick a.le. GKO. W. KOS8, Maxwell P. t). Farm to Rent or Sell 100 acres, near Kimberley, nearly all cleared. Would rent lo suitable tenant who will have the option of buying on easy terms. Apply at The Advance office.

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