Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Dec 1913, p. 8

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December 18 '191 3 THEFLESHERTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS Wll WKIGHT, TBLVORD * McDONALD Hrri*ter. Solicitor*. Ac. Offices, Urey A Bruc* Hlook, Owon Bound. HtaniUrd Hank block. KlMborton. (Saturday*). W. H. Wright. W 1' rllordJ--.,J. O. McUonaH, b. L,. .B.. k . SOCIETIES AO U W meet* ou be ! Mondaj in eacb month, In their loage room Clayton-* hall FlMb.rtoo. at 8 P-- : ; W J Kellaiuy ; Kc.. C. H. Muosliaw, yin., K. J . K^oVle. V..iti B g brtbx.D Invited P RIN A C ! .tron R l~k herton. erery KrW., on er t.efor. the lull mocn H.rbSuiith, W. M ChM.Munatiaw, Becretary. Pi.aj. pa'y-du^ "to" Fin. Bee. befor, tbe Bt ay of the in' .mi. . HBOSES FKIEXOB Fleiberton Council C H Ch!.en Friend, meet, in f >'" b 1 ' flr t Ch.en Frend, mee, n T. Blkelev;K>tder W. H. Bout. .emM tl tT^"M C ^ "o.te.^can be tri * i*-v n;<Je at Tbe AdTmce. o 09 MEDICAL .. Offlce and ,e.idnce-Peter .t.. Ple.hton etc OTTEWELL Coll... hrehbyteriau Chnrch. DENTISTRY tt ^6 C MURRAY L. D. 8., dental .urgeon ~ nono. graduate of Toronto OolimtojUli Koyal College o! Dental 8urieon. of Ontario, lu aduil.iiii.trd 'or teeth extract on ,,,... t rL-sideuce. Toronto btreet. Hei^ertoi !!... at i . -nli.-in.i-. Torou LEGAL , UCAB. BASEY * bESUY-Harri.ter; L< rk>licitor,etc.-I. 1. Luc*s, h. J.;Tjr. );>.. v K. < . ; W. D. Henry, H. A. O iijfcin 14l'-'- Mrkdle I-.UCB.B Ulock, Phone 2 A Hrautli o'nice at DuuiUlk o|ieu every Saturday BUSINESS CARDS ' CULl/OUGH A YOUNO Hanker. Markdale ueral banking bu.lnen.. Money loaned leaaonable ratvr Call on us. DMcl'HAIL, Llci-nwd Auctioneer for th Comity of Orey. Terun mcxlerate all u. action guaranteed. Tn.. """"'''"' I late, of tales can be made a', Trm ADVAM nittice. He.idence and P.O., Ceylon. Tele|Aou tounection. Dec. 0.07. \\rM. KAITTISO, Licensed Auctioneer to > "he counties of lirey and him.-.* F.riu ami Htock *alos ft HpecUlty. Tcrui jio.U-raU- lltctioll (!iiranltl. Arraugi uieiitit lor 'ImlM may bo in'le t tlio A.lvnc ..Ills.-, or rnlrl tclerli""" oll.co M** 1 gr by Kldresillig uie t Fmrtbam, Ont. Pure RreJ Hulstcin Hull Chan^elinii Prince Jo iinil by Clnnni'liiiK Hulter Hoy or Tuly Abbtkark Princess Joiephinc I !,,- .-n-iili-hl liullor iniiUiiiK (train known Tc-iin of service W for graded, for tmri- liri'il. OK), MimliK \ SON. 1'iop^., TCJlIBLKTT, j-o.imaBU.-r, Oeylon, t'omiiilMloner in H. -I Convovancer. deo.l uiortaceii, lea, wllln etc. carejullv drawn u Ollectlou. mad?, cliarci rtMODWle. Al rocerlen, llour.leed etc, ke|illn Hock, I rlc WEEKLY REPORT FLESHERTON H. S. Form 3 Geometry M. Stafford HO, Hazel Shunk 88. Gladys White 82, Dell, 'hurston 77, V. Scilley 70, V. Stafford 3, K. McMillan 51, L. Beatlie 48, . Wright 46. R. Spencer 33, M. Boyd 25, Harvey Shunk 22, A. Richardson 18, M. leudersan in. E. Spencer 5, P. Beactie, '. Orr and S. Orr absent. Form 3 French Stafford, V. 71, Beattie, L. !>, Wright, E. 69, Spencer, i. (17, Boyd, M. 53. Field, H. 52, taflord, M. 53, Thurston, D. 42. Form 3 -Latin Ua-<el Shunk 85, luth Spencer 07, Minerva Stafford 02, Valeria Stafford dO, Elsie Wright 55, Harry Field 53, Lolita Beattie 53, M. Boyd 50, D. Thurnton 50, K. McMillan i2,. 50 per ceut. and over, count as mnus on other subjects. Form 2 Geometry D. McVicsr 100, McPhail 98, F. Bunt Stc, M. Me- Arthur, 89, M. Legate 85, E. Whituker 4, E. Wright 73, S. Smart 57, E. Mc- ..eod 54, W. Scilley 48, A. Gaudin 41, M. Winters 37, W. Buchanan 30, O. Walter 29, C. Dudgeon 28, M . Knox 27, P. Carson 20. Form 12-French-F. Bunt 92, D. McVicar 85, G. White 85, P. Beittie 78, W. Scilley 73, E. Whittaker 72, H. Shunk 02, E. Wright 62, C. Dudgeon CO, M. LegatP 60, O. Walter 55, '/.. Benti...... M.Kuox, 45, P. Cr8oii40. W. Buchanan 33, A. Gaudin 23, L. Mc- Phail 18. Form 2-Grammar F. Bunt 85, E. Wright 82, D. McVicar 81. W. Scilley 77, < >. Walter 75, C. Dudgeon 74, L. Me- I'hiiil 72, X. Bentham 71, M. McAithur >8, M. Legato G3, E. Whittaker 5!>, M. Knox 57, S. Smart 57, K. McLuod 54, M. Winteis, 53, P. I'n -in 51, A- Gaudin, 4H, W. Kuchanan ,'C.I. Form 1 Giammar D. Wilson 76, E. Karstedt <>7, M. Legate (H!, 11. Sharp Hi, M. li -win 113, G. White (i2, L. Muir 58, C. Lever 5l>, K. Lever 54, F. Parlia- ment 53, W. Harrison 51, E. Casn-ell 4H, P. LeGard 48, W. Pattisoii 40, H. Moore 37, D. McMillan :'.:(, M. Mc- Millan 30, M. Wright 27. French Authors II. Spencer 117, M. Stafford 114, S. O,r ill, L. Itcattie 55, II. Field 55. M. Boyd 52, E. Wright 52, V. Stafford 4>, U. Thurstoii 4(i, T. E. Orr 4(1 Small Farm For Sale Purl Lot 'J, con. 4, Euphuism, br faced cotliiu, fr.Hiii^ larn iih ( bimumont ; snmll nrohard, oherrlM, J I inn.., -np'jInH and numll fruit. l.ol nnuiliw 44 MTM. will buy it. Apply to \VM. SI.OAN Dec. .'>, III Kiniln-rley J). o. Boar for Service A lario wl'lle \orllilr Hoar for .urvioo lllotHVI.:<ld range VV T. AH. H., Arteuiw-ia T " r "" * l ' W U. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Tashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO A line of Ready-Made doilnm; Which wo put nltcratioiiN in free of if rwmired. Farm For Sale KM) icrvi, lots Hi and IK, Ut con. H- D. K . Aiti'invnia towiihliip. Itural mail, conveniont to ichool, gooil Imild inui iiliMity of \vir. Will null chenp. Ill (ill WA'ITKKS, Deo. 17 I'lioeville p.o. Bill NOR SI-RVICI- llfgiMteivil llolslein Hull, Korndyku I'ietertju (,'loihildc, No. 14780, whose dam, Trisle's Clnthild* I'ietortju 'Jnd.Nu. 21>HW, hat pniJnced over HO DM. milk per day. ^. Tormt Orade cowa tl.OO, pnro brd if, , -i,-, >;:. All cow* not returned will be 1,-n-il Yorknhire boar, No, 1IKNUV HOLMAN I'oi-tlnw i'.<> County Court in Session The county court was in mssion here th'.s week from Tuesday till yesterday. A number of cases were up for trial, tho most important lieing Smith vs. Smith, Itirh-irds vs. <i.T. H. nnd l'.i.> i lln- 1 1 vs. Gardiner. S'nitli vs. Siniih wan an action for 'hi- rerovery of damuefl alleged to be ituo owing lo a slander perpetrated l>y the de- fendant. Tim emu excited considerable interest and tho court was packed with j.. --ij.lr from St ulhiiinp'on. Mrs. Smith i-h u^ed lit'r Ino-hei -in-law- with slander. In- having ml that slio forged her hint- i.in l< name to a cheque nt fnun t'uli- I'lrniii. She sued for !?.~iOU damages ami, w is awarded l?2."iU and costi liy the J'lry. Mr. II. (i. Tueker appeared for the plaintiff ilid Mr. C. S. Canieien for the defendant. Tlie next cast' wns lh om- Itiehnrds VH. tlu-(i. T. It a unit (o lei-m-er theilam- iiH'-* for lliu II.KS of asloi-i on ing to hav- ing I.eeli inn into liy a C. T. K. tl.illl on the Idili of Dee. I it year. E-irly in the morning it appear* 14 hind of cattle, be- longing lo !{ich:;ids turned off the road aud started down the truck. An eil'ort H-IIS inii'le appHrently to stop them but without .11 nl owing to Ihu niiij{!i iiHuven nature of Ilio urouml on each side of the Hack. Thero wm no t-iltlo pnird along l!ie 'i.i. 1. nl the OTO*|]ng where the cat- tle are allegeil to ha>i> turned onto t ho truck, i; in - mi ilili- to he-id tho i-atile oil, Itlrliaiil followed ih. -u, in. l wai> with i hfin linn tho lighl tritin struck. Mr. Cameron u ho a|i|ieaieil for the, ili-fon- il.int company, milimiliid that the plain- till' lm<l no suit under llui luulimi of lb act under which ho wa* suing ; for while the cattle wore on (lie track tic man was also them uml driving Ihem as well ami at I In- time at leant not mak- ing at any ellorl lo gel ilium iway. Fnr- llieiniorn all Iliti cattle uero at tho lime right i- -,.,. the rails. His worship rti'liln-1'l il. . .- i..n on ill.- pit nl. A iloi-isnni wits given for J27'',00 the am- ount of the, suit. Mr. II. (i. Tucker i|.|.i in l for lliu plafntitl'. Th last conn taken up was the one of llro'idhciul . i H Jin. , |., m" MII Hi-lion In lecover (lainges lor nijuries received last , I line in wliich I lie plainlitV . htimed that ho was injured owing to n run nvvy of the .1, i. n |.-m -, ic mi II. T, llroad- head (he complnintant, WIIH ilii\ing south on 4th a. w. and was juxt approach ing the Hiook bridge. Hi) ehiiniud that at I hit time he saw Mr. Gat-dinar's run- away leant appronchiiiK him ho was nllueii or twenty fiel innid* the fuuo-s on lliu north Hide of tin- bridge, U it nesses for (ho defence however ttniil that lllfy thought 111) niys ..nl-. ill,- I ii,- iii-lin^ when Ins wagon upset. Mr. Uroadhead said that he .-aw the loam comiiig and attrmptrd to turn around to g.t out of FINANCIAL STATEMENT Of The VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON Receipts From Dec. 15, 1912 till Dec. 15, '13. Juo Wright, taxes ..- 375 00 J DO Wright taxes 28000 Jno Wright, taxes 140 00 Jno Wright, taxes 6700 J no Wright, taxes 60000 Jno Wright, taxes 24500 Jno Wright, taxes 180 00 JDO Wright, taxes 130 25 J DO Wright, sidewalk and wood..., . ... 4065 loterest on sidewalk debenture 1 04 Interest on fire debenture 485 Jno Wright, taxes 2 10 Robt Wilson, taxes 1624 Standard Bank loan 25 00 Mrs Geo Moorehnuse, taxes 8 14 Standard Bank loan 25000 Standard Bank loan 20000 Jno Wright, taxes 22600 Jno Wright, taxes ... 80000 Jno Wright, taxes 180 00 Juo. Wright... 187 97 Expenditure (From Jan. lt, 1W3, till Dec. loth, 1913) S J Parker, county rato 9 21250 Jno Wright, salary 10 OU W N Fields, work W H Thurston, salary W H Thurston, printing ami advertising D McTavish, refund on dog tax John Nuhn, tylo Mrs R Cook, tire debenture J & W Buyd. supply 6re debenture J A- W Boyd, drain aiul sidewalk repairs 5 7 50 II! 65 2 00 41 05 115 V.i 38 73 IX) 25 Jn<> Wright, salary mid postage 11 (10 " ' miithing, 112 13 HO 1) McTvih, bliicksmitliing \V H Thurston, salary and postage JOK Blackburn, salary lieo Mitchell, .salary < W A Armstrong, Continuation tchool , W A Armstrong, 10-yunr debenture, sidewalk Jno Hrcen, shovelling snow TlioK Clayton, over-payment Thos Clayton, sulnry W H ThuiTton, printing .. .. \V H Thnrstoii, salary and gasoline . l>an Leitch, shovelling show \V A Armstrong, for township share f village .Ins Fields shovelling snow !' red Mat Ill-son, work on grader Jii. Wright, salary and postage Jno Tee; IT, Jay and thrce-<|imiters, man itad horse W H Thurstoii, treasurer public lilirary \V.I Tallmtt, day and three-quartiTs .,n grader S Me- Mullen, day and three-<nmrtei> on grader D.4H Lc-itch. work on street ... Ezra Fawoett, four and a half days' work lieo Mee.-1-oft. fourteen and alialf days' work on grader Dan Leitch, work on atrest Oliver li win, shovelling gravel .Tas Cargo, twelve and a half days' work spreiti'.ing gravel. . . .1 l) I'atton, thirty-two hours work with snow plough Ceo Myres, work, t* days shuvelling Harry Wood, work, two days and a half ('has Mosier, live days and a half W 11 Tliurstmi, printing W II Thurstoii, on salary II LcCard, work, one d-iy and three-quartern .1 MM Hales, salaty Ins Tlii'inpsoii, wolk Lini Fisher, Work <! A Watson, gravel JnoBreen, work (ie Kei'croft, ti-iining Jno Niilin, tilt 1 Hairy Howard, work Hurry Howard, work Wottloy Ituskiu, grai.t, Kast drey AgrioUltunu SooWty (Ktoni Die.. !.". IWl'J. to Dee. .'list, 1!U2) Jno A Itoyd, Ivisl (ire\ '.\grii-ultural Society Harry Wilson, pick handles w .1 Bellamy, Continuation school \V A Armstrong, puldic school debt-iitme liy-law W J Bellamy, public aohnol. 8 50 5 00 5 00 10i 50 8HK 50 75 2 <>5 10 03 is 30 7 HO 75 u:\ 77 75 T -';> 15 .'{'I 4 :t" ID m f, 1:2 (i !_ 12 mi 7 H7 4!l 00 !l 87 1 75 1M K7 5 IX) .! 50 :i 75 H 75 20 20 S 75 _' 112 5 00 i ; 75 L'5 40 2 50 10 _;, :t x> 81 50 .1 (H) 10 no 10 00 50 141 SO !(.! 80 1052 HO A Tra mm m:n d VViU-ni chillenged another man l > a battle in the back yard. When the smoke of buttle lua cleared away, Wilson was found to have a broken leg. Fifty-three new post-offices were open- ed in Canada on December 1 . Eighty- seven were closed on the tame date, of which seventy were discontinued owing to the inauguration of the rural free de- livery system. The attendance at the Uuelph winter for the four days totalled 41,1X10. Fleslieirtoii Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday evenhg. CLEANING and DYEING We are agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, PROPRIETOR Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance $ I 00 Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News 1 50 Weekly Globe 90 Mail-Empire 75 Family Herald & Star 90 Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun . . 90 Farmers Advocate 1 50 Weekly Wit.iew 90 Saturday Night 3 00 Home Journal 90 Poultry News . . 4 26 Poultry Review 40 Rod and Gun magazine 90 60 TEARS* EXPERIENCE TRAOC MARKS DEMONS COPVRIOHT* Ac, Anrone Mndtnf a > et cb and tfMertpttou mir gnteklr Mewum our ooinion tn* whUir u: . lnvotkm u pro lion* .metl y ccm OldMt UkMi Mot free. OldMt PaUoM probtblr piUMilll*, Co ccmaunl li . HJUU80IH o rouifc jerm alatloa Qiuda. . dr- Mtaotlflc joornaL Term* tor a 7**c.poau pnpakL 8oU br II the road, [n attempting to tarn around his wagon upset und he w.is thrown to tin' ground bulling his knee. Dr. Cooper wi-.s c.-ilh-d to testily us to the c 'million of lirouJheiid's kneo anil taid tluit il was suvorely s-niined and that his leg would never be tho suiuo .igiiin. Uiinlinrr claiim'd tliiit his teiim was prop'i-ly tioJ nnd that he was therefore lehovuU nt nil resuonsiliility. The jiiiy retuini'd Ji verdict in favor of the clikiiiiunl, itllowing him hoe\er only !?7r>. Tho aniwurti cf tho jury were soinuwhat inconsisti-nl nnd piiyment IIHS not yet been ordered. Mr. II <!. Tucker upprnred for th def.-nil in' niul M'. Wii^hl for tho plnintill'. Adveitiser. A few line* at low price*, Pocket Knive*, Razor* Scixori, Pipe* Clothe* Bruihei- Hair Bruike* HARDWARE HOLIDAY GIFTS Crockery & Glass* Jardinere*, J u g . Salad J >*:>, ruit Sett., Water Sett. . Table Setti. Toilet Sett* Autumobibe Skates, Pucks. H'.ckey stick*, Strapi nul ankle Supports. CUTTLERY Catvinz Setts, Berry Spoons, Pickle Forks, Pie Forks, Butter Knives, Knife and Fork Setts, Celluoid Knive* and Forks, Rnsewood hiii.dle Knives and Forks, Steel, Gold Medal Pocket Cuttlery, guaranteed. CUT GLASS, ASSORTED PIECES Made from the best crystal, cut and finished beautifully. A MOFFAT RANGE FOR CHRISTMAS A better Christmas Present cannot be bought, guaranteed to give $ isfaction. OTHER TSEFl'L PRESENTS Food Choppers, Dustless Mops, Giiinite and Tin Kitchen I'tensih*, etc. A full line of Shelf .sod Heivy Hardware. Sherwin Williams PaiiitK and Vnrnishes Frank W. Duncan FLESHERTON, ONT. 1 The Farmer's Christmas Stocking From oast to west dining 11U3, tho Canadian farmer, as a rule, has had a goid season in production, with a keen demand for his output. The people of the frm home will, therefore not have, an empty Christmas (ten-king, ami one of the first things t > g.> into it is the hand- koine HH) pngo, annual Christ mas Number of "Tho Farmer's Advocate and Home Ma/mine," 1 .n,', . Out., which this ye:ir has surely set its stand- ard of variety and excellence, higher than jover. In wealth of articles relating lo Dominion wide 'agriculture ami beauty of illustrations, the issue is a maivel but Unite in keeping with the paper, which mauds in a distinct class by itself, and is now entering upon itu forty-ninth year of publication, with every promise of being more useful thin ever to iis groat and growing constituency. The sleigh- ing party scene on the colored front cover is a rare work of ait that will Montreal 7. '-'5 p.m. arrive St. John delight .everybody. Tl,e tact that Ireland 11.00 a.m. sud Halifax 10,20 p. m. Ob- i in tho world', eye to-day HS perhip.- Bjrvation parlor and dining car Toronto to Montreal, standard sleeping car, Mont mil to St. John and Halifax. Excellent Service to St. John, N. B. and Halifax, N. S. Following fast time and moilerp ei|iiip- iii -ni frotn Toronto to St. John and Hali- fax, via Canadian I'acilic, iillordi-ig ox service to and from Canada's Winter Pi'i-i-: I.euve Toronto (I'nion Station) H.OO . m. daily.arnvo Montrenl 7.05 p. ni. loavo Jas. Pattison & Co. CEYLON, ONTARIO. WINTER GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ! Winter G.u.ds at greatly reduci-u pricts. Just at the right time if year yon don t need to wait untill near spring to ge 1 these winter tooil* nt little over half Prices. We h-ivo on sale for this week I. -idies tweed shirts 25, rog., for $2..">'t Ladies' Tweed Skills 82.25 tor $1.70 1 only, l.-idies' Tan Suit, size 34 lust, ivg. f 14.00 for $10.00 Girl*' Coats, reu JM.tK) for f-_'..~-O 1.,-iiiii-s' I'oiiH. 88.00 for f 1. >0 and #;>.Ci H iys' Oxeicoals' reg 84.'- > 5 and 4.50 for 82.tH It>y' Pea Jacket*, ieg. ftl.OO for $2.25 Men's Overcoats, rog. ?t> .IK) for $:l.yo Men'* Winter I 'tips 25c and 50c fur 15c Men's Winter I'.-ips .XV to 75c for 25e Ask to see these Bargains. we will be pleased to show you them. Millinery at a Little Over Half Price ! ! J AS. PATTISON & Co. | I GENERAL MERCHANTS ~\ CEYLON ONT. Flesherton Tin Shop- ntn or tu)f>re, It-lids the charm of timeliness to the popular article by Mi. t'hiinncy (!. Jams, on "Tho Achieving Sona of Dining car Montreal t,. Sberbroko (dinner Ireland." Everyone, will linn nerved from 7.0(1 p. m) and Mattnwum- koa^ lo Truro. Equally good aerviuo returning an follows: Lwve Halifax H.OO a. m. daily St. John 4.65 p. m. arrive Montreal 8.;>0 a. m. leavu Montreal i.05 .m , airio Toronto 7. 10 p.m. Standard sleeping CVH Halifax and St. John to Montrcul. Dining car Tiuro lo Muttawninkeag and Sheib.oke lo Mont real (Break fast served coming into Montreal.) Observation parlor car and Dining Car Montreal to Toronto. TickoiH rfftorvationi lc., from any 0. P. K. Agent also lo IVii-i Mi- Arl Inn's Clii Talk ami Mulile dsgooil >Vrigl\t's brilliant article : "Sung llirds The banner anl llm Wife." The introductory mtii:lo is i ion. | in- one, drilling with tho remark- able agricultural terminology of the best- rend book in I ho w.-tll. The lit re productions in black and white inohule several of the n.-il.l - best moilein paint- ings. There are in all over sixiy beauti- ful i-ii.-.i.i\ini,v The publishers and editors of "The Farmer'* Advocate" re to )<e nmgrntulatcd upon thtir achieve- mont, and its reudert U|ion receiving Mi.-h a publicUiou, I have just, placed on tho shelves a full line of Tinware, Nii-kolware and Apitware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Kavetrougliing, Stovepipes ami Stove Furnish- IIIJJS. Furnaces Furnaces. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. I'ipetitting, including pump work, installed. Agent tor Clare Bros. D. McKILLOP CHRI5TOE BLOCK FLESHERTON

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