Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Dec 1913, p. 1

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I TRUTB BEFORE FAVOR." PRISCIPLEb NOT MEN. ?OL3:J No. -24 Fleshier-ton, Ont., Thursday December 25 1913 W. H. THCRSTON Feversham Items Too Late for Last Week. A number from here attended the- anniversary services in the Methodist 'church in Maxwell on Sunday lat, and ! .the eold meat supper given on Monday evening and report a gt>od time. The *Rev. Thos. Scott, M. A., of Meaford. a . Juimet pastor, preached eu Sunday naorn- in? and evening atd gave an address on Monday evening. Rev. Sfco't was greet- ed by a Urge congregation. ' Miss Scott of Mclntyre and Miss Hatn- '"mel of Singhampton visi-ed with the litter's cousius, Mr. and Mrs. El Ham- rael, recently. , A fox hunt took place not far from thi villige the other ereoing and ended up ' rather poorly for the hunters, who, arm- ed with (ruu and shovels and crow-bar, hied to what they considered sly reyoards den to dig him out. After some time spent at that laborious work one of them ' who wis using 'he bar encouraged the . ethers by telling them he was sure he could touch him with the bar and they * would soon have the fox, but whea they Rot it it proved to be a poor little bunny <. \ and they had all their hard work for * ^'nothing. Mr. Richard Heron, Mr. and Mrs. .Alex. Hudson and Mr. and Mrs. Hartley ,, (uee Miss Eva Heron) of Ogeim, Sask.. * arrived on Monday last to visit friends in ^ this neighborhood. This Week's Iteun ^ Out teschers. Miss Bruuk*rd and Miss "\ McFarlauJ, are spcndm? the holdays at their respective homes. Mr. U. D. Col.iuett of Guelph O. A.C. * is spending the holidays with his parents here. Tho. Uawtou of Rob Koy has return- i el home aftar spending two weeks with % her sister-in-law, Mrs. John liuckingrunu of this village, t Will Peri^o f Kirktield is visiting ft u n is in this village. * Kllwoud tfcborue of \\Vyburn, Sisk . is here on a visit. , The concert iu the school on Friday evening was a .Kid one. The teachers nd pupils d. -serve grev. pi-vsts for the trouble they wen: to. A rose dull by U'> school girls was especially good. as indeed was all the programme, aud every t>n wh-) attended it went home well pleased. Don't forget the entertainment in the S. A. Hall on Wednesday night. Wodehouse Doings A Merry Christmas to Ye Editor and s'.aff and to its many readers. Splendid wheeling though a liaht skiff of snow has fallen. Let us hope for sleighing for Xnia*. Mr. Markl<>, our teacher, is spending the holiday with friends in Toronto. Mr. John Lawson has finished his con- tract with the Hamilton Brow. c Berkley and returned home Saturday last . Mrs. Proude who has been engaged keeping house for Mr. VTill Woods left last Saturday for Lindsay. Miw Rena McNevm soent prt of last week in Markdale with her sister Elsie, who h had an attack of tonsolitis but we are pleased tn say ia recovering. Mr. Ernest Morwood wms in Meaford on Thursday. Miss Maud Hawkins of Eppina Ls spending * fortnight with her sister, Mrs. Morwood tnd other friends here. Mr. Stewart Thompson armed home from the West on Wednesday. He is spending this week with friends at Max- well. Mis* Ver I.ank'ree is spending sotna time with Mrs. (Rev.) \Valh.-e in Mark dale. Mis IJ* Thompson of Fairmont visited friends here during the week. Mr. Will Buchanan <>f Vandeleur oecn pied the Sew England pulpit on Sunday afternoon. The Kev. Mr. Cowley. form erly of Cobalt, has arrived to tke charge of che circuit. A number fiom here amended the Xmas Tree at Eppin* on Tuesday even- ing. A successful wood-Vee ws held on Tuesday last, to furnish wood for the church heatiti!:. Mr. Ted Uustel kit Tuesday bst for his native home in London. En-land, where he will visit his friend* for a time. We wish him bon voyage. Word has been received here of the death by tuberculosis of our former - t u- tor. the Rev. Stanley Trotter. Much sympathy is felt for Mr*. Trutter and littla son. Mr. Kay KirkpatrtcV is ei'ir^cd cututii; lo-jj of (J Lee him who hath hid pler.ty share, And him wh-> lacks, his lack. Give, each one, what he may. nor o W bat recompense cornei ba<:k. If only lore his heart shall *we!!. And kindness guile his band. His Christmas he shall keep ;n well As any in the land. ' Hit areed ! t >ut guile ! Uut jealousy ? <>ut enry ! C ut despair ! - Come hope : Com* faith : C. me charity And ease the pain* of care. Come Christmas, with thy message dear. Aad all thy gentle mirth. To teach that love shall east our fear And peace shall rein ou earth. Fleshcrton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping erery day in the week except Sunday* aod every week :n the yenr. Brina alons your grists. Our sash *nd door factory U always at your disposal for anything you w*nt in <mr line planing, matching, ere. Fluor in^. saaii and <lov>, and all houso fur- nishings supplied promptly ;ud t reas- onable rites. Gei estimates. T. Blakele;-, Prop. Jewelry Febl-> 1:5 ly Kimberley Budget Vandeleur Happenings Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are dates for 1913: Wtfdnesuay. Feb. W Dunda^k Wednesday. Apnl 16... Fltsherton \\ eUaesday. Juue lj< Dundalk Wednesday, Au-. X Ftesherton vv eunesday. V-t. 13 DundalV Dec. 6 Fleshert W. J BELLAMY, Clerk, P.esherton, Oct. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT Oh fur a little uivre snow to uiat sleighing. Miss O-lessa Walter of t'lcihcrU'ii vis ited friends here this week. Mr. Herman Smith, whi his bee hciuestejulir.? iu Saskatchewan, is visit her Miss Irene Gaadin of Wuitby co is spending her Ljlidays with frienJ, Miss Tillie Bachauaa. Miss Mary BeirJ. whj is business college Owen Sound. sptut '.h-.- weekend with friends here, Mtss Lilliau MoG :o spoa; a few ing with his piu-en's, Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Jays Us: week with her niudnij:lier. Smith of East Mountain. Al"- CUrii. a; Wodehouse. Ceylon Mm. J. McMilU-n of Uuelph college ia visiting her |>*reiHs mid little son here. Messr-t. J. Cook of Caruieu. Man., and Thomas look of EbouUle were callers at R. Cook's Saturday. Mr. S. Rands spent a couple of days the p.tst week iu the ',>ueen City. Mrs. Cieo. Mitchell ami daughter. Mro Geonjiua, are visitors t Mr. F. Cairns . Mr. Puttison aud Miss XelU McLeod of Toronto arrived Monday to spend the holidays at Mr. D. McLeod 's. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas \Vilcnck of Saskatchewan, Robert Wilcock of lutt'- alo, Willie and Kate and Mrs. Ottewell of Toronto are visitors at W. Wilcocks'. Mi Migsjie Ferguson, Torouto, is ; the holidays with her parents. i a number horn here attended the Baptist concert in Fleshertou. Mr. Ceo. Suell has moved from J. Cairns' residence to the. dwelling abov* J. B. Finn's slorv. We are sorry to learn that Mr. M. Ferguson is quite poorly, but hope to noon tee him around again. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Mc.Mullen, .!or- dou, Fred, Stanley, Austin, and Vera, of Toronto, are. spending the Yuletide under the parental roof. Victoria Corners Mr. Max Rauuon is homo from ihe West . Mrs. Oeo. Ludlow and children have tone to Clinton for Chiisti"**- Rev. Mr. Diiiwoodie preached a very i Christmas sermon on Sunday t Toronto Line North H*il the Christmas puddings. Hail the Christmas pies! H.iil the dear old Santa. Mever tells us lie< Hail the Merry I'hrlstmas'. Shout the Jubilee' Merry. Merry Cbritui\s, Happy, will we be." A number fromthis conrnunity attend- ed the Baptist concert held in the audi tcrium of the High School. It was i We notice amou^ the name: of the successful c.iudidv.o* who wrote at the Model Schot>l. the name of Miss K!.,i M. I-ever. All the students from hei~e who wrote at Hanover pas*e\'. First get a model training at the V U.H.S. then et trained t Model, at the H.M.S. The jolly Vxiys of this vicinity, led by Captain Kobt. -Brown, supported by Capt. Lewis Te-eter.Kwt Back Line, and his men, indulged iu a scrub hunt one day recently. Capt. Brown's side won, let* inn the other follows to ;wy for trie supper. Supper was cerved at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Kred Stuart, where lh lii;ht fantastic step WHS trippod until th wee sma' hours o' moruing. Mr. Robt. Richardson is Christmas with friends in the city. Mrt. >' Allen and Miss Hel .: Mountain were callei-s in our locality one day lt week. Mr. and Mvs. James Lever of Mark dale peut Sunday with friwnds here Eugenia Paragraphs Miss K\ln Acheson visited fuw dys t kr wndfthev's, Mr. Geo. Moote's. W wi.-h to congratulate both Mlas Walker *ud Miss McComb ut the two >plendid entertainment* their pupils K ve on Wednesday evenim; iu No. 4 and Thursday eveiiin in t'roton school. We r \ toud of the generation which is now >'vlu;od nd look for great things our ui'uitj me-n and women. Mi>s M. Leslie lef: ou S. to spend tbe bolitiiiy with her mother a; Markdale. Mr. A. E Mv'.ts of Kitcber'.y .jra rairie provirces for some time, returned ijgj. Slstcr JJ^g Ed^a Kells. renewed ouie Monday. We re glad t i acqiiiiti'.auees here oa Saturday. 1r*. M. R. Hammond on -.hi meed after Mljs y oKeoh(lie of Gleuel? visited 5e,,r..C r-.rielacf Edm,.ut,,D. Alt*. 1 v ..it.u j frienis iu tbU vicinity. wh luw been i m nea W.ll recent illness. h e r v - ,l:ss Mte Hut.-hms..!i of the Dand.ilk Uss week, mblic school staff is spending tbe Christ- lias holidays at her parental hu ue. Misses Belle C.ilbeit, Mudo Flewes. Elsie Ferris and Wm. Hammond, who ere attending the Menford lu^h school. i am j Ce:::re re spending hohdiys at their repectiv* Friday. M'is Atnelu H'.itcbmsou, Mr. and Mrs W. A. Hatehiosou of Markdale visited the latter ' father. Mr. \Yiii. Culli>. rto y Mr. aud Mrs. S. \Varltug cfUul- viiited ftieuds i 1 A Merry Christmas -AND A Happy New Year To All Our Customers ! here. The Method st Sunday sc!u>l Chnat mis nee, which wjs iifl.i on Monday IX e. --. w*s a decided uuccess. noncilly and otherw <e. U.-v. Wilkiu- ,,n of Hol'.an d Cei.ti. 1 -c'ed as chairuiu aud -ive * iood pric'.ical talk on Sunday ltf hoolwork. Rev. IVnwooilie cf Eu Iti.ui itve two very appropriate recita- ious. An excellent po-gram was isu- dered. consist in? of dial^ues-recitaiifus, and a tableau. After the progrnm .hey pro.-eeled '.. unload the Christ mas tree, which ** heavily laden with presents. The nietins: clo*ed by singing the National Anthem. J. E. H.uiuuond. coinmercul sp-.-ci-list of the Meaford high schoo', is spending the Chi-istun* holidays at his puwtal houie here. Charles Stuart of tbe Y.M\ ro puM school staff is renew iti< o\l opiuituce in this vicinity. Died At Kunlxrley, ->u Fridaj-. Pec 1!>. Thomas Rtid. aijed M years. The funeral took place to M*rkdale publi cemetery on Sunday last, when a lanje i number of friend* paid theii last tribute. ' Mr. wid Mrs N. L- Curry of Kocklyn were callers iu our bur recently. Knnberley L O.L. met on Ttuirs.? iv. Dec. U. and appointed the following officers : W M, J T Abercrombie ; S M. W A Walters ; Chap. K W Lawrence: R S, W C Burritt . F S, H A Smith : Treas, W H Sloan ; Sec.. T Allen ; Coin, J L Lawrence Bisil McCoiiiwIl. W Fawcett. Howarvl Smith. F. I F.iwcett. Married Mr. McKec^ie of Manitoba is visit- ing his uncle, Mr. Geo. Pritchard. jj t ._ \V-n. B-.tchauan spet't li:o week eud witli fiieuds at Owea Sound. ^ ^ Rjoharusot of Chatsw irtl - ae-iuaiutances here. ^^ ^ ^.^ d Cbnsnwa HM in the sthcol Uoi:- Kriday e%ruin|[. The rv>ul< >?rv ia nno diti->nf'-'r hlinj{^'! ^ '^r<;v t Mr I'hulen .'f M.i-. > ohair. I The puoils and i'ther who .is>itevl were in tin* fortii and pnwtfut**! A pr"%;niM! \v!iic'i '.A^I" i c'l tifarly tlirv* h"'-'.r. -iftrr nhich "xtnt* ' ".!;< i'rewot;* to tin 1 : i?c'e : Ik-*. l>uri!i|C :?-- 'd Santa. < l i: .vh.tif . t the impil-s pn^fnted the teacher with .1 witch fob IV t- neatlv M. A. .K'ha*ton ha- nturue ju e\t^iull >iic with friend* at JvirtiU. Miw Kiwie tiilbfrt -sc<ut a ftw Uy- i oMitiy ith fnem'.s it Meafcrxl. Mr. tVu BHohanaui. Mi. \V I.. (.-.!lis . Turviito university, ir.d Miss Jrjm Wright Harb -el i.''Uri:*. arrivevl on Friday t holiday:* at thfir respective hou'e W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. Now Is The Time To Leave your Leather Tops to get Rubber Bottoms sewed on. Custom Work and Re- pairing as usual, Agent for Dominion Express Money Orders **** Thos. Clayton IViru In Traito, No\. ,'-'th, U> Mr. au .Mrs, Cbrle Jones, on. Mi. nJ Mrs. Will J;uiie-on wen Mr. Mi-Matr. Mr. ami.l Mm. K, Talk visitvl friends fricvuW recently. Mr*. Johnston ot i;rirrs\ill is tho guv of Mr*. L. l..tiin?r. A lVl>yterin ron;rt<atioiial meeting U to b held .Ian. 2 at S oVlovk iu the church. Mr. aud Mr*. Hu(th Obocii* i>i Alberta \v*r the guesW of Mr*. H. Williatm, IVnt tor^- lh>- Mrthovti.t cut"tauiuifiit Viiuay tvniinf of ihU wek. -Mr. W.t! to Mis* Myvtle Pavlinmeur, on Pecembei- <- H'lo, ;>t the home of Mi. :ind Mrs. Jacob Partuiiuent. The young couple left on Wednesday for trip to Toronto and Buffalo. A man about titty years of !{*. guve his name as James Fierce, by County Constable Thos. Guud.>y ' beggui,; among th-> farmers near Godot ich, was found to tww over $V>0> en his person when searched on enterini! the county j*il. The money was principally in bank bills, the smallest being bill. Several St"0 bills wero f.'U.ul atnonxst th u-11 Ho '* being held on vagrancy charge while Crown Attorney I'harles Scager inrestigates liU Pierve clims hi- home M Montreal. Flesherton Bakery ^ TMECOIPLIMNTSOF TMtSSON Just Arrived Fine Stock of New Over- coats, New Suitings. When in town leave your order for your Winter Suit with J. Bowler >THE TAILOR French Cleaning done every Saturday Get Vyour old clothe* renovated. BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.

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