Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Dec 1913, p. 4

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December '25 1910 THE F L E 8 H E B r N ADVANCE r H K An independent n. [.. II-T. tmhliiihed every Thnreday t th* office, Colliiigwixid Street, Kleahertnn. 8iibcrii>ti"ii price $1 IHT unmiin, wln'ii paid in :i<! \ mo- ;|l.ft.) when not so |>aid \'hriti-iiik' i-.i:i-* on application. Circulation 1.100 weekly. W H. Tliurton. Kditor Baptist Church R. C. Kerr, Pastor. Siuiday School 10 H. 111 , Service at 11 a. m. Subject for Sunday, Dec. 28 : " Life's llcview." Methodist Church S inilny, pasti-r wiil preach (it both 11 i. in., children's service. "! p. in., "That B",y." You are invit- 1 to atti'tiil. Artemesia Council be refunded 81 (111, oven-barge in taxes lor 11113 Carried. Maxwell McLeod Brown Tint Frank Sulli-' KKRTON-FISHK < van to refunded $250, being ttatute j A " extremely pretty weldi.iv; t'k labor of 1!1.'J, charged, the pathmaster , P laCJ "" Wednesday evening, the '7 h having certified that the work hui aince, inst - at (i "'duck, lit the home of V r . bteu perfot ined Carried. and Mrs. Hubert Wisher, Rock Mills, McLeod Unnrn-TlM P. Sullivan be j whe " tlle "' dttu * hl01 '' U-rtude, was unit- refunded <i.Do of tox-s for 118, being I ed '" ' arrl ^ e l " " Mnrahi.Il Keiton on account of difference in hi. assess- ' "* 1e Kev.J. Phimiste.- per- assess- ment Carried. Brown- (iit>.luni--Thtit F. Jamieaon and F. Pedlar bo paid 1 each for doub- letrees futnishcd by them fcr road rid. r Carried . McLeod Caswell -That Kdward Sar- gent bo paid five dollars for stone sup- plied for sidewalk at Ceylon in 1'JIO, and the amount be retained f r< m cnmmuted statute labor due Ceylon division west in 1!13 Carried. Brown McLeod That (he m.itter complained of by \V. C. Wilcox as to ob- formed the ceremony, which took place under a floral arch. The bride was ;-.- n uwny by her father, and wont an exquisite gown of pile blue silk, with pjurl girniture and honiton lace, and bandeau of pearls. Miss Nellie Fisher attended her sister and wore blu* velvet with touches of white and corsaao bou - cjuet. Mr. Louis Kerton, the gnom's cousin, w.is best man. The grooiii'.x favor to ihe briue was a hmidsomc en- graved bracelet, to the bridesmaid a brooch, and a signet pin to tin best rmn . Immediately after the ceremony Mrs. structions plaoi-d on the town line by J ! Fisher held a Urge lecep lion to eighty M. Davis, Mr. Gralum ia herthy ap- 1 guests. The bridd was llm recipient of pointed to meet a representative of Ku nuny beautiful and meful presents Artrinesia I 'oiincil mil on Dec. 15, nil the members jironit, tliu Keeve in the chaii. Minuti.s of list meet'nu were read nd confirmed. CumniunicationB, etc., were read as f.dlows : Sti-phun Murtir. as to fctiitute labor (if Frank Sullivan, lot 1, Cm. 7 ; R. J. Coinott, certificate as t<> expenditure town line Artenieiiu and Melincthon ; C. K. Wutson. complaining <if timber burned on lot 157, - S 1) K ; A. White, us to overcharge for iloas ; W. (3. I'ickell, i rder to |wy T. Lever coinnuitcd statute labor lot ]4<i, 1 N.K. ; John Cae. ar, account for gravel, jfl.ln ; II. H. Walden, uccinint repiim foi crusher, $1.7~> ; <ieoii>i I'ritclnnl, lepiiriii',; jiraci- cr. $1 ; F. 1'ccllar, account for doubleirce fuj- eiajer, SI ; Jacob Williams, account for repiiring Krader, S4 ; S. I'edlar, ac- count for graved, S-' ; L). Mc-I.eod, "lind- inc Kradi-r blade, $1.110 ; Lucas Kncy & Jieniy, account for legal services, $4 ; O. ColliiiHon, BCCfunt timber fur bridge, <17 -Ii ; S. Heiuphill, ccuiiiit for cement fur sidewalks at Ceylon, fli) .Mi ; H. Johnston, claim for sheep killed, $-.~i ; James McKee, claim for sheep killed, 4524 ; Dan M . I'.-IIN]-:. i 1-tiMi for sheep killed, fr-4 : Johnson (.'ullen, claim for sheep killed, $19. 50 ; T. Atkiimon, claim for (-hfi-p killed bydoi;s, |15. 1'anwell McLeud- That S. Ilemphill be paid $10.50 for cement nd the am- ount he charged against commuted .-tut - ute l.i'i i- in Ceylon, east division C'jrried. McLeod (Jrahsni Tliat the account of Lucas & Co. for legal services, |4, be paid Carried . Caswcll - Giahan; That K. J. Cornell be paid $ 5. Oft, Arteinesin'a share of work on town line Artemesia and Mrluui-thon Carried. Caswell (jrahain Tint Gibson Col- linson be paid 'JIT -'" for limber for cul- vert at lol 153, east back line Carried. Brown MrLeod That the caretaker's account, $5.25, for tervicea in connection with holding courts and concerts in the hall, being his allowance therefor, be paid Carried . Brown Caswell That the uccour.t of \V. K Itichirdson for|stationery lupplicd the Council, 95.35, be paid Carried. .1 limn McLeod That 81. lio re- funded to W. (J. I'ickell on account of overcharge in his taxes for HUM Carr'd. Graham Caawell That the Treasurer uf Mukdale be paid ; I - . being Arte- mesia'a pri.;n n t ,"ii for rent of hall for Division Court purposes for I'.lll, 1!>12 and l!ll:t- Carried. McLeod Brown-That Alex. White be refunded $.'(, being for dog tax paid on account of eiror in his assesoii-nt, I'M; Carried , .">!. I. ) Graham That ihe accounts for gravel as follows, certified by over uettf, be paid : J K. Wright 0c, 8. Pedlar $2, John Carson $1.10 Carried. McLeod- < i.iliiin That U. Haney be refunded 50c for <iven:hai((e uf sta'uta Jalxr returned as unperfcruiud- Carried. Graham Brown That the following accounta be paid, : B, H. Walden, re pairiug crusher, 81.75 ; Quo. 1'ritchard, lepaim for grader, )1 C'arried. Oiaham ('itswcll That the accrunt of David McLeod, -'it." for nnding ft idrr blade, be paid- Carried. .McLeod Brown That the IViceville ,_ .'cii'i m;il Hocialy be granteJ 130 for 1013, on account of having received in grant in li12 Cuiried. Brown -Graham- That ihia Counci grant the East Grey ngricultural socieiy $15 fur the year 11)13 Carried. B.-curn- (iralnuii -That the following j,.n t ,ci be refunded the amounts unmet: nx refund on account of dogs chargid ii error : John Divis $2, C. Irwin ?4, Ed. Host 91, I'. Teeter 81, James Mage. i?:t, Win. Taylor $1, A ('iiesar $1, A, Blackburn *1, S. Martin 91, F. Juimr on til- Carried. Bniwn Mc'Luod That J:.cob Will iam'>' account of |4 for ri>|mirinu grader l- i id- Carried r.su.ll McI.eod-Th.t Joseph Turk council to invistii; ite and report thereon-- McLeod Graham That the apuhi'ii- tioiiof C. E. Watson for compensation for timber alleged to be turned by fire from highway Ix; not entertained, UN this Council is not in any Carried. Grah.-un- Brown- - way rcspoiisib!t> That the ulain:a pre- The happy couplo left by early traiu for Toronto and other points, tho bride trav ellinn in a brown suit with hat to match, and sab'e furs. Mr tnd Mrs. Kcrton will reside in M-ixwell. Miss Jessie Morrison of Markham spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. J. Kerton, and also attended her Cuusin's wedding on the 17th inst. She returned home on the 20 h. sent -d for Bheep killed and worried by dogs be passed upon in order of dates i On Nov. L'ti Hobert Gordon was sen- and the treasurer iiroiecd to pay accord-' triiced at (ioderich to six years in Kin- ingly as soon as funds are on hund for) S ' (jl , penitent iary for the killing of his the [.in pose, as follows: Dan MoDon-j father. The lita feeling prevailed be- ald flli, a!ued by W. 1'atton and D. | tween the fir her and son They had McMillan ; S. Turner S.~> :, valued by heen plowing on the day of the affair and (. Turnurand J. Parliament ; A. Dunlop, returning to the barn young Gord.m 130, valued by J. M. Davia and T. Free- struck one of the horse*. The fath-r mar. ; T Mercer 8811, valui-d hy II. Shaw and C. W. Bowler ; T. Atkinson $1 v titled by J. Milne and Geo. Johnston became lingered and attempted to chastise M nday, J.in. 5th is the re-op in day the young man who was 'M years of aye The latter in defending himself seized an T. Ell'ott $14.66, valued by T. Mf rcer I { ron bar tvod dealt the blow. The charge and .1. Foster ; II. Wnlki-r $30, vnlmd | WIIH manslaughter. The f-inuly live in by T. Mercer slid J. Fubtor ; T. Mercir M^Killop township. $106 GO, valued by J. Foster and T. Klliotl ; H. Johnston $lfi.C(i, valued by M. Nii-hoiN and \V. ,1. Nicholls ; .1. Mc- Ki.-e $11), valued by J. lilair nnd S. Speer ; J. Ciillen $13, vain* d ly Stewart an 1 \V. J. Talbot C irried. (Jraham C-iswell That the ticesunt presented by S. Sheardon n for diguing ditch be referred to commissioner of Div. 4 to recommend the nituru of .settlement in view of the contract, and the belief! > t-> the township Carried. ii: i' .in Cuswell That the time for tliM collectors lo return their rolls he ex- tended lo the 24' h iiist., but this exten- sion <lmll in IID way alffct the uul'ectors Milt-ties Ciriied. Canrnll Oitham That tin; lleeve be paid $i'J (iii 'Jli daya' overseeing work on 1'iyloi'o bridge and other work Carried. Graham McLeod That Mr. Cuwull'* report on expenditure .if ?.">24 13, 81(72. 88 of which wa* expeiuUd by cominis- lioti, and $151.25 by 23 J days' ovaraeo- ng, bu receiied and hu be paid $37 2H commission and $47 for day woik arried . Ciswell Graham -That the report on expendilnie of Mr. Brown in Div. 4 be received and he be paid commission on OWKN SOl'ND, ONT., Kvery graduate giiHrantord position. '.''.'> Suooesaful YIMI-S. j Large Kiatl' of Specialists. indvidiial instruction. i free. J C. A. FLKMINO, F. C. A., M Sv Principal. X<5'L) FLKMING Seo'etary ^ OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO A S g .ifti IHE mini Carefully Corrected Eacli Week Wheat 85 to 85 Oats 33 to .!.{ Peas 1 12 to 1 12 $4art 11, amounting to *45 80, and 8141^'^^ ..... 12 00 to 12 IK) for seven days' (,veiiieeing work Catr'd. j Butter 23 '.c 23 Brown-Oiahain-That the report of ' ^ a H - f '' e(lh ; 4 . () l ^9 Potatoes per bag c> to 1.1 Mr. McLeod on expenditure in Div. 1 be ] Q eeso ] ( j;j received and he be paid f.'il{.85 cninmi.s- Ducks 15 .o 15 lion on $338.52 eipendsd Carried. Fowl 11 to 11 t n il'.nii -Caswell That Mr. McLeod !iaving signified his intention to this (,'ouncil of not seeking re-election, we de- sire to express our regret for auch action and express our appreciation of his aor- vicea for the pa*t three years, rcali/ing I hit agreeable MtOOiitiOQ with us and his earnest endeavors to conduct the buii- ness of municipality in an able and ettic- ient MI. i n in i Carried. Krowii (' iswell- That the thank!) of; ihd members of this Council are hereby i extended the Keeve, Mr. T. R. McKen- ' zie, for the able and impartial manner in which he has presided at the meetings for the year now about closing, nnd al-n for the rilii-n-iii manner in which he Ii i discharged the duties of the otlice during his incumbdiicy. This motion WHS put by Mr. Grnham and carried unanimously, after which the Council adjourned nine die. Chicken* Ill lo l.'J TurKeja 18 to s!0 R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent (or the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implementa. Wagons, liuggies, Cutters, Sleigh*, and GaKoline Kir-m.--, Melottu I'M- i in iSeparatorfi, Itaker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittiinjs always oli hand. Buatty Bros', of Fergus Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittinus. Oooklbutt and Frost tV Word Repairs always on hand. Wareroom Wellington Street. Fcversbam, Ontario. 8aran.il (Mich.) Sun. --He told his 12- j year old .son to milk the cow, feed the! horsr, I.I the pigs, catch the colt and/ put it in i In- atable, hunt the rggs, f<ed the calves, cut oine wood, split some kindling, stir Ihe cream, pump some fresh water in the creimery after tupper, and b sure to study his lessons haforu j hti went to bed. Then he went to the Farmers' Club to discuas ill quiMion " How In keep the boys on thi farm.' The province of Piince Udwaid Island has Hi' i ML , lici-nai'H. In Nota Scotia- there is no lawful lii|iir sell n^ outside the city of Halifax. There are only 137 j licenses left in the whole of New Brunt- w - !. i; ii in-, bus pi-ohibin'on in 85!) parihe>. Hulf of Munitola is dry. SashiUcbewun h.i , started a Oanish-the- bar campaign. In Ontario 502 munici- p.ilili'-H have alre-idy lined up on the idd uf prohibit inn. A MERRY CHRISTMAS -AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! F.H.W.HickIing FLESHERTON, ONT. WE congratulate our customers on the measure of prosperity the year has brought, and the promise of still better things for 1914. Our own trade has been big and most satis- factory and in extending the Compli- ments of the Season to onr friends, we add a hearty "Thank You ' for your generous encouragement. T 'f T r BULL I-OR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull,; Field Marshall - 90091 will be for service on lot 170, T. S. K. Aitemeiiu. Terra* fl. AUK JAS.'STINSON, Prop. Do You Ever Sleep? | If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Boils. The original of tlic picture given at the head of this advertiscment]will only cost you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 (jet something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Hanitnry Beds such aa everybody wLitii-i. Springs and Mattresses to tit all In- I-;. Examine our stock any way, before purchasing your sleep iudticers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. An Army Stands Ready to testify us to the well-proven merits of the I II C line of gasoline engines. Once tried you will never be without one. Combining economy in price with strength and safety in con- struction and simplicity of parts, the I II C engine is ideal as a power producer for the farm, shop and dairy. Saves time, money, trouble, nnd patience. Can be put to a hundred uses. Always ready. The I II C engines are made in 1 to 25 horse power sizes in vertical, horizontal, and stationary or portable types. See us for particulars and catalogues. S- Hemphill, Agent, Ceylon i f * Sales man Wanted ! For every town and district, where we are not represented. Fruits are bringing high prices, and Nursery Stuck is in demand. Make bin money this Fxll aiH Winter by taking an agency. Experience, not necessary. Free rt|iiip- inent. Exclusive teiritory. lligliost C immissioi s paid. Write for full particulars. Stone & Wellington F o n ih ill Nurseries TORONTO, - - ON 1 March 14 " Looking back-1 see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. EVERY GRADUATE PLACED With the Unrest altendanco in its history, The Collingwood Business College has placed in a good posi- tion, uvevy graduate of the present year. Winter term from 'January 2, 19l;t. Send for handsome Catalogue. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE Photographs For Christmas ! rSZte CAMERAS >* ANDjT SUPPLIES T. L Hawkins* Principal TT7K HAVE just received an assortment of the Latest Styles in Mounts and Folders, which will mnee n Christmas present that will be appreciated by your friends, also all sizes of KNS1GN CAMERAS, a nifty present for Young : : : : and i Id. : : : Come Early before the rush W. A. HAWKEN PHOTOGRAPHER FLESHERTON ft ON Dr. J/ Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH | Office and Rn9idonce-4f>8, 9th St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hours to 12 a.m., 1.80 to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other IIOUVH by appointment. i i T t t ^ Bull for Service Thoroughbred American bred Here ford bull lor service on lot 161, 2nd W. T. and S. H., Artemonia. cnsh. Terms $1.00 Tamworths for Sale Hotli aex nearly ready for breeding. Prices tight toi quick 9%lo. GKO. W. ROSS. Mnxwoll R O. -JOHN ADAMS, Prop, 'office. Farm to Rent or Sell 100 news near Kimt>erley, nearly "" cleared. Would rent to suitable te"'"i r who will have the option of buyi"t( ou ensty t.Tins. Apply at The Advance

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