Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Dec 1913, p. 5

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December 25 1913 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE * i t t I 1 THE ESTABLISHED 1*78 @F (gAJNAJBA O ENDING money to any point in *} Carada, the United State* or Europe is safe, economical and expeditious when this Bank's drafts and money orders are used. TORONTO FLESHERTON CEO. MITCHELL, BEE BRANCH Manager* Branches also at Durham and Harriston. J. C. Later C. P. R. Time Table. The funeral of ihe late Solomon Da- Trains leave Flesherton Station as j mude took place to Flesherton cemetery follows : I on arrival of the noon train Friday last, Going South Going North i under the auspices of Prince Arthur 7 --J 3 a - '" n ,; 4 ,o *'"' ' Lodge, A. F. and A. M. In the early 4.17 p.m. !>.12p. m. i , _ J _. . _. , . days of Flesherton Mr. Damudo ran a The mails are closed at Flesherton at * ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and | tannery here m partnersh.p with 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south aj Griffiths, now of Owen Sound. 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south the partnership was dissolved, and still mail close at 9 p. in. the previous ev'g j lafcer th(J tannery was burnei i down and " vns never rebuilt. Mr. Daniudn wai prominent in Artemesia municipal iiiat : fi 1 twenty years ago. The engineers at Eugenia completed an outline survey of the pond or lake that will be held back by the big 35-foot The radius of this water storage is thir- teen miles, and it will cover one thous- and acres, and maybe a Htlle more. Work has also been started if the dam. Piers are being sunk and the foundation plan prepared. A largo number of farms in that section will have to be wholly or partially abandoned. The artificial la!< will have an average depth of 1- to 15 feer. The new parcel poat, which it is expect, ed will be inaugurated in January, will not be an unmixed blessing if this coun. VICINITY CHIPS Miss Laura Henry returned from Pet. erboio last week. Mr, Frank Tait of Lucknow called on friends here last week. A Merry Christmas to every one of our three thousand readers. Dr. Em Armstrong of Cobalt spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Gladys Cornfield of Toronto Col- legiate, is home for holidays. Nominations will be held ou Monday J next and elections the Monday following. ; Mr A. Stanley Thurston of Winnipeg j is spending a few weeks with his parents | tpy h(M t<) pay an adjitiouill threa w iu ion ^ ere - dollar as a solace, to the railway coiuuun Mr. Bert Magee of Ogema, Sask., i es f or loss O n expreas business. The c*me dowu last week tu spend the winter I government might with equal justice dis- with friends here. ! tribute another three million dollars Mr. Sam Paul and bride, of Saskatch- among ths amall merchant! of I he coun- of Mr. and Mrs. R. try for log: of business which will inevita bly result owiiiK to the facility with which business can be transacted by mail, much justice in en, are guests Benthaim. Mrs. A. Brooks from Canniugton vis ited the but couple week, with her sister, There would be quite as I one as the uther. After paying our taxes last week w wondered where on earth our Christmas dinner was coming from, but the per- Mrs. John Bellamy. Mi-. Clitf Blakely, who has been taking a cutting course in Toronto, returned home Saturday. Misses Minerva and Valeria Stafford are spending the holidays >vith thuir father in Montreal. >lr. Geo. McTavish of Regina is a Holiday Rates Between all stations in Canada, Fort- William and East, and to Saulc Ste. M.H-II-, Detroit. Mich., Buffalo and Niag- ara Falls, N. Y. .Single Fare, good go- ing December 24, 25, return limit Dec. 2<j, I'.H . ;, also Koing Dec. 31, Jan. 1. Return limit Jan. 2, 1014. Fare and one third, good going Dec. 22, 23, 24, 25, return limit Dec. 27, 1913, Alsb going Dec. 2, 30, :il. Jan. 1. Return limit Jan. 3, 10.14. Bracebridge butchers advertise that "owing to the change of tariff and scar- city of beef cattle" they have been ob- liged further to advance the price of meat. Some of the (inures given are: Loin and porterhouse steak, 25c a pound, rounk ateak, 25c, loin roasts 20c and 22c, rib and wing-end roasts 20c. shoulder and pot roasts 18e,beef boil 12$c,and 14c, shanks and soup bones DC. Commenting on these figures The Gazette says: ''In Ireland it was customary for the mother to tie a atriug to a chunk of pork, attach the other end to the baby's tiig toe, and let the little chap play with the pork. II he t> wallowed it, the choking would cause him to straighten out his leijs and out would pop the pork. At present prices it looks as if we .should just have to use the Irish way of )ili:ig our oesophagi und till up on bread and potatoes. . If the prices go much higher, wo shall simply have to drop the use of individual oilers. Who says things are not coming the farmers' way. Recently a cow belonging to Mr. D. O'Leary of Albion vo With to three calves one male :ud two females. Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Frame house for sale at once 20 x 24, scantling framu, timber sills. Appiy to D. Hincks, Ceylon. was coming plezing problem was solved in a hand- some manner when Mrs. C. W. Bellamy | walked into our sanctum with a parcel I carefully wrapped up and marked, , " With compliments of tho Women's In- Chilstmas holiday visitor at the home of , & titute." What do you suppose that his parents here. 'parcel contained? Right! It was a goose one of the fattest, finest speci- mens of this domestic bird that has been put on the market ihis year, weight 11 pound*. There will be eighteen diners at our banquet board on Christmas day but that goose ought to go round, or ut help out amazingly, and our Loom For Sale Fly loom, foot, power in good order. Will weave fourteen yards per day. Apply to Ann Cn.iper, Eugenia P. O. 25Jan Two Jack Screws to rent. Apply to R J. Sproule, Flesherton. A few choice K. I. Ke-1 s.c. cockerels for sale good enough for show birds. W. H. Thurston, Flusherton. Legal Blanks For Sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will rind it to their inter- est to give him a call. Miss Mary Wilson is spending Christ- mas holidays with friends in Toronto and Bracebridge. Mrs. Nixon of Mono Riad visited he r mother here, Mrs. Alex. Stewart, who is | unwell, during the past week. Mr. H. S. White, principal of the high ! . , , ., f I grows warui towards the Women s Insti- school, and wife, are spendmu holidays,'* ... I- . 1 1 t i feute tor their munificent and timely gift. at their respective homes, Port Hope and ' I 'I, . . , ,. I* . ... 1 1 li 11 nil n>iiur\nt>lf n Will U6 tllB Blenheim. Mr. and Mrs. R. Shsw and children of Lious Head spent Chi-istma* with Ye Advance household staff, also Mr. Arnold Thurston of Toronto. Misses Switzer and Malcolm of the public school staff left for their homes at St. Marys for the holidays. The latter does not return, Miss Beatrice Thistleth. waitti taking her place in the schoul. Miss Hulse of the high school is holiday- ing at her home in Orangeville. The Advance had a pleasant call o n Their health and prosperity will be first to be drunk from the flowing wassail bowl. An Excellent Concert The concert given by the Baptist people in the high school auditorium Friday nigbt last was generally conceded to be one of the very best entertainments ever afforded the people of Flesherton. The program was long, but interesting from beginning to end. The artists from Friday from Mr. S. Mclnnes of Brown- f Toronto gave excellent value in the gen lee, Sask. Mr.McIunes went West from Osprey seven years ago and is prospering in the land of the bread basket. He will spend most of the winter with his mother, who lives on the homestuid near Intyre. The case of McDonald v. Milne, which was tried at the last Division Court here erous quantity and quality of their num bers. Mr, Ellwoud Genoa U exceedingly popular here, this being his fourth ap- pearance before a Flesherton audience. Me- j aQ (i Wi iii growing favor each time. His j rendering of Dickens Christmas Carol | was n master | -live, as alao was his " Last | Portage " by Drumrnond, in fact all his ; numbers left nothing to be desired. ' Klocution as pourtrayed by Mr, Ueuoa is something that no audience cnu get too has been decided by the judpe in favor of the plaintiff, who gi-ts judgment foi $49.84, the full amount of his claim, together with costs. Tlie sluim was for i much of. Miss Winnifred Parker eharin- balance due for building abaru. ) r ,i her audience with her rendering of a We have an apology to make our es- j generous number of solos. She haa a teemed Eugenia correspondent. Last ! sweet and powerful contralto voice that week an item was sent in by another i ensures her a good reception should she correspondent and was thoughtlessly ad- ever return. Miss Uulse, ded at the end of Eugenia items. It should be clearly understood that our Miss UnUr, ou her be witching violin, was greeted with per- fect storm of applause, as she aiways is regular correspondent was in no wise re- j here. One number from her deft fingers sponsible for this item. In tho light of is always considered worth the prioo ol admission. Misses Ida Osborue anc Allie McDowell on the violin, with Mus Ina Smith as accompanist, played very nicely an 1 were given a good reception. Mrs. While accompanied Miss Paiker knowledge sinci gained we regret that it appeared in any form. Some new postal regulations have been sent out that touch eveiybody. After the tust of January postmasters cannot allow any bills to be posted in thuir oftioes. The postottice department has a monopoly on that sort of thing, and they Hi-e a department: jealous of their rights. Notice has also been sent out by the j postoffice department that after Dec. 21, j 1913. couriers on rural mail routes will j not be allowed to deliver mail to any per- son who has not got a regulation b it. The notice is givon early MI that those who have bemi using wooden boxes will In. time lo change tlu'in before their servi > is cut o.i'. For sale cheap and on easy trrms. Lot , cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. Thin is i first class farm and in a gord state of cultivation. Good Lank barn &iid new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. For Sale. 4i yaid> of linoleum, 4 yds wide, 1 extension table 8 ftt lone, one healing stove, 'ill nearly new. Apply to E. A. Graham or Robert. Plautt, Eugenia MISCELLANEOUS Lost A red hound dog, near Proton. Any person detaining him will be prose- cuted.- G, S. I'uiui.is. Markdale. Lost on Friday evening, December 1'.), betweed Flesherton and Eugenia, a ladie'i black fur scarf, Persian paw. Finder please leave at this ottice. "SPECIAL" Some intelligent laborer wanted for all year work, in our different department*, men who may grow quick- ly into better than common laborers' pay Enquire for particulars and send qualifi- cations to the Collingwood Shipbuilding Co., Collingwood, Out. All those owing accounts to Jas. Mc- Clocklin, Ceylon, are requested to please settle same with S. Hemphill, Ceylon, by February 1st, 1914. $2000 private funds to loan on farm mortgage security at lowest rates of in- terest. Apply R. J. Sproule. Flesherton. Property To Rent Good G 'roomed brick house in <he llnge of Flvsherton, with woodshtd ii'l well, also good lirick stable for 4 horses, with hay Imrn and 5 ID'S. IWsi'ssimi about 1st of January. For particulars apply to MR8. S. COLyUETT, Fle*h<?rton p.o. and Miss Hulse. She is an accomplished piani.st and has already made fur herself a warm place in tlia hearts of tho deople of Flesherton. Every number on the program was a gem, and, altogether, it was ths most successful and enjoyable concert ever given in Flesherton. A Nownurket wmnsn is charged jwilh " wilfully mid mil.ciously kicking a chicken." On- 1 miy censure her cruelty, but must admire her dexterity, i i these days of toothpick skirts, Onllm Packet. 5peclallit In dliouei ol the Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat Off ice -30 10th it. east, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a.m Dumltlk.lst Wednesday of each month.. Teacher Wanted Piottstant., dialing qualification, ex. perittiicc ; Stliry $600 per autium, dut. ies to commence January 5, 11)14. Apply o VV. 0. Jnmieon,Port Law, Out ecy. Trons S. S. No. 8, Attomesiv Steer Strayed Strayed from my premises, lol I'M, 2nd E. T. A S, 11., Artcmesiiv, about Nov. 15, one grey steer, yearling. In- fomiat,iu as to his whereabouts thank- fully received. PKICE TEKTER. Fleshertou, Dec. 14. HILL BROS., riARKPALE. This Week We Offer Many HOLIDAY LINES FOR EARLY CHRISTMAS BUYERS These lines are much below our regular prices. In our store you will find Gifts suitable for Father, Mother, Sister and Brother. Remember there are only twelve more business days before Chrismas, and the newest gifts are picked up quick. It will pay you to get your needs Early. See us. We can supply you. GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR FATHER Fan-jy Felt and Leather Slippers from 75 cents to 8200 Ftney Shirt* from 1.00 to S:5.oO New Neckties from 25c to T3c New Soarfs from L'5c to $1.<J New Sweater Coats from 1.2."i to 8:5.00 GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR MOTHER New Handkerchiefs, a large rnuae, from uc to 50c. New Gloves from 50c to $.'5.00 Fancy Fult Slippers from 75c to 81.75 Fancy Sweater Coats from 81.25 to $4.1)0 Fancy Hand Bags from M5c to So. 00 New Waists from l'.25 to 82. -'o New Waist Lengths in Silk for ri.OO New FL'KS, many stylos and priced. Heavy Rubbers For Men We have the largest stockof Heavy Rubbers in town. We have anything you can ask for in this line and can save you money on your wants. Special 12-inch leather top, best rjuality, sizes (> to 12 at 84. DO Bottoms for leather tops, solid heel, sizes to 12 at .' 1 . 7:, BI )YS' sizes 1 to 5 at 1 ''5 YOUTHS' sizes 'J to 13 at ....*.'.'.. '.' 1.00 Special Showing in Women's Fine Shoe Leathers We have just received a shipment in Women's Fine .Shoes in Patent, (iun Metal and Vici Kid, made by bet Canadian Shoe Manufacturer in the trade. These Shoes wore made to sell at 4.00. 4.50 and ?5, all Good Year Welt goods in the best leathers procurable, just the Xuias. box, Special this week thing for a nice Special Showing in Wome rTs Fur Collared and Fur Lined*Coats We have an extra lurye range in Ladieb' Fur^Col- lared Coats in Quilt and Niggerhead Linings, mr- inut nd sab'e collars, moderately priced from 14.00 to 18.00 Louies' Fur Lined Oo*ls from :!7."'0 to (iO.'JO Grocery Department NEW RAISINS 3 Ibs. 2f>c. NEW CURRANTS 3 Ibs. LT>u. SEW Peel, mixed, per Ib. !.: Our new Special Blend Tea at 30, .So and 40c a lb., put up in 2, :! and 5 Ib. tins, cannot be beaten. Every tin guaranteed. HILLBROS, - MARKDALE I! L. W R I G H SUCCESSOR T<> .1. & W. BuYD FLESHERTON FIRST MONTH IN GENERAL BUSINESS A SUCCESS ! Sales in every Depart- ment far exceeding expectations ! No old stock all new and well bought ! Realizing the Proverb " Goods wWI bought are hall sold " Mrs. Wright has just returned from Toronto with renewals of stock and can now offer a LARGE RANGE of DRESS GOODS with LATEST NOVEL- TiES in BROCADE VELVETS * * (I <> I 1 DRESS GOODS All Silk Dress Gdnds in Black and Colors -Speiidid Values. Plain Broadcloths in Blues. Browns and Greys NEW MANTLES -First Stock being almost s.,ld out. This is the nglit. place, evidently, t > buy mantles. Latest styles of make-up. FURS A new line we have not before h.-indled, but we have a stock will sell iiuick. The price will set thuni gning Some of the Newest, Choicest things for Ladies \Ve* r A few Men's Fur Coats, Right values We handle Siaiidtield'n Unshrinkable I'ndrrwtar in nil linos. BOOTS AND SHOES In this Department our aim is to buy the Best to niter goods Well Made in Good Styles of Best Materials- Goods that, will bring purchiis^rs back vears hence. Groceries oo Fresh in Good Supplies 'HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE^= 1 * 'A\ -' 4' H! 4' 4' 4. 4 M 'i 14\ f 4 S I III ITT The Gift Makers Great Opportunity Our New and Beautiful Line of Holiday Goods, full of Choicest Selections for the Christ mas Trade is now ready for the inspection an: I approval of all who know a Good Thing when they see it USEFUL PRESENTS - BEAVflFUL PRESENTS - APPROPRIATE PRESENTS We hae New Novelties in nice but inexpensive goods. Wo have choicer and more costly gifts. prices we can supply you with The Nicest and Most Appropriate Gifts for LITTLE 01 BIG, But in ALL gradus and at OLD or YOUNG DO NOT FAIL TU SEE Ol'R SPECIAL ATTUACTtONS IN TOYS, BOOKS, DOLLS AND NOVELTIES FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC. Our Stock is Generous in Variety and Includes Only Goods of Approved Worth ^Superiority You can not Help being Pleusail with Our Well Selected, Popular and in every way Desirable Line. OUR VEKV REASON ABl^TRICES~\VILl7 DELIGHT YOU Select your Gifts from our I" p- IV Dale .Stock and you will act the Best nni Must Appropriate Vrescnts at the Fairest WUM y HI havH ver knuwn. W. E. RICHARDSON & SON, FLESHERTC

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