Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Dec 1913, p. 7

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r I 4 Household ISiiiS to In laying a table the. sharp edgeo of all knives should be turned to- ward the plato. For cleaning windows a new dish mop, kept for the purpose, will .be found useful. Windows and bureau drawers that open stiffly should be rubbed with dry soap. A dash of ground cinnamon ad- ded to chocolate ice cream gives a Selected Broiled Steak. Only tender cuts of meat {therefore high priced) may v**"* ua> be cooked quickly in their own' **ave a glass cut to fit shell on juice. While these do, not have which plants stand, and it will greater fod value than the cheaper 8ave the *** tough cuts, the flavor is so fine that ^ a small child does not like wa- every housekeeper wishes to in- te* * r y flavoring it with orange to dulge occasionally. A T-bone, por- give it a pleasant taste. terhouse or sirloin steak is best. 1 To utilise an old flour sifter, boili That . ni( - allt Have, it out thick-two inches if it eggs in it, simply setting the sifter <l ul ' >' * "<*" excursion with can be afforded-wipe with a damp in a kettle of boiling water the lancet and permanganate. The PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE. Au Uni-an Traveller's Experience With the Natives. As r.iighfc be expected, the African native is a person of great "sug- gestibility" in respect to health and disease. If he thinks he is going to die, says Mr. Stewart Edward White in "The Land of Foot- prints," die he will, and very promptly, even if he has the most trivial complaint. If he thinks he is going to get well, he is apt to do so in fate of extraordinary odds. Three things were likely to be the matter: too much meat, fever, or pus infection from slight wounds. To these, in the rainy season, would be added the various sorts of cnldfi. Nothing as a. lining for bureau cloth, grease a wire broiler so the meat wifl not stick. Have the coals drawers is quite as good as pure in a red glow or use the ga.s oven white paper, frequently changed. Bugs will not slip on a- polished hot. Sear the meat on both sides to keep the juice in, then turn every floor if a strip of rubber is sewed ten couotfl so that it moves back underneath them at either end. and fortk in the muscle tubes. The Boil new earthenware dishes be- (ength ol time for broiling depends fore using them, and they will lose upon the tliickness ; the meat should a- good deal of their brittleiiess. be well browned on the surface, but- When young children grow rest- , pink and juicy at the centre. For less let them string things-beads' * steak two inches thick allow fif- or cut straws or short lengths of teen mirmtes. After th meat is macaroni. ' oooked season it and rub with but- Save hair ribbons ; wash and iron **r. them and they will be found good l.amh Kidneys Witu Bacou. -- for occasional facings for collars Split six lambs' kidneys, remove au .^ uffs \ the .skin, season with salt and pep- . Coffee . ?'"""* may b ! . . rcn ' - -- irom table linen by rubbing pure glycerine then washing in hike warm water. In papering bedrooms it is a good safe general rule to choose light papers with scarcely any de- sign at all upon them. Curtains will han< straight if a small lead weiuh: is fastened in the African traveller gets to be a very proficient medicine-man within those narrow limits. No matter wlxat the matter was, tho proper thing for the sufferer to do was to throw a red blanket over the head and to assume a.s miser- able an attitude us possible. A sore toe demanded jut>t aw umeh concentrated woe as a case jf pneu- Our London Letert Princess Mary Earns $1,250. Princew Mury baa earned 81.250 In sU-von uumlliM with her wwn little h.inda In tho cause >) charity. Several vharit- :ih *- IriutltutioiiH nre heuolHiug by the labors of tho young Pnncrwi. and one portion of thu monoy line been expend- ed -in two hundred pairs of bootu, -which BhC Will L'.vr tO >lh*-l - .I'KIVMIi.! I .II1H thifl Chriaunan. What PrincpsB Mary, who in only six- teen, has earned by her own unaided of- foru for olmrity within the loot half dor.un years would muk a very comfort- able amount. A largo proportion of the money wa* nuwln by ;'' eil of Venetian -lass bead uerklaceci which Princess Mury mude. She WH (riven a quantity of Verie- titiu fl.it-i. beedii by the Qjeen. and with th<-.. ah started to make necklaces. Princesn Mary worked with u will, and by her iuduritry t^oon made a number in a wide Tiirlety of designs and style*. These were soon sold for wnm ranging fivm half a dollar to a dollar and a half. rUiMi. of the ii"< ,,.'.,...,. took longer to m; ke than others, but on ail average eaoli oo- cuiiied Her Royal '! r 1 ,... - two hours. But Princess Mary'n work did not Btop with the toad*. She Is a. youthful v;ve- president of the London Ne'sdlework IKSIOWWlflllESSOS INTERNATIONAL LE&MOA, DKCKMBKll 28. XJ11. A Day of I)<-ri_:i.ii Hoview. Uolden Text, John 3.W. the School. Frank C'uvhrane, Minister of Railways and Canals. fiuch u the Character o f these lo* .sons, and pa great is the amount of material in them, that almost anything in the work set down foi classes may be used for the gen- eral review. Do uot fail to provid a map for tracing the journeys oi Israel. As the various stopping places are reached a pupil may give a brief recitation of ,vhw. h^p- pened here. Tho leading theme* duced by an ordinary hen of no par- ticular breed, fed on corn and kept in a confined enclosure. This, how- i ever, is not a daily performance. per and on a hot broiler and cook for ten minutes, turning oftan. Serve on toa.it. alternating the kidneys with lice.-> of bacon. Pour over them a sauce made of melt-ed batter, k'.non juice and minced parsley. Ham Pic With M.-u-ariini. But- . . The fowl referred to i a black hen, cried after the^ day -; lvsc . mll i iuK u Langshan. Hhe lays 1 hen M g.-ing.i. uu e gg weighing four ounces or over our head man, lifted up his voice. ; at j^,, (nery <lay fof aboiit a w<;ek "N gonjwa! n gonjwa : t>r ,.,. dll ^ v]t ~ u tlm . e ,. clirs an ed ; and at the shout the ow a i ntervul ut - tvvo OI . , hrt . e days jn,..^ gathered in front ..f the tent. I w]lK . h n<( t , ;d T ,- They all s-iuutu-d m:era , y oh egg, avemS a* *0 tlu- pound. The -7 miserably, in a row. ihe head ,. ..,.,.= ,.,,. . ^ considerable time in sawing for the pofir. BfltU tli Queon mid IIT dauchter !i*v< in.,.:-- a l.i rn<- number of 8 UK- hod - m:- ted gaj-mentH for them. Whvii any Important ceremonies have tukrn up most of tin* Queen's tizuo Priii- i>s Mary had matlo it a point of work- in? harder <i that the guild should not MUlfor. Th< youthful vioe-nresident. UK., j nut only maker, Uio gurmenlM but ib iiuitf pi-'ilic'ient in tl;< -ut-ti!ig out pro- cess, and <*mi, moreover, imtkp a tir^c. rat> t'hoi<-(i of mul.-i Kiln to I'- nt-.-'i. Til '>" ' offi.-iul capacity, too. Princess Mary, in a.ld^tion, liiib <-illeet*<l thr.-e ilmui-unil gariucntti for riietrihiit'on this I'lir^nuci H<;iuw of her own work include* a <lo-ii daiiitv littlo woollen pcttlc'.atti <-ro-hei.vl by herfiflf. The*o pretty littlo pink and blue uarMK-nte uiv to I>H wnt to an many .-hiUlrmi'H hospitals a- ihrro art* P.-:::- ly. We plutivelv. ! un . 1)ini< - o ved tho lot colitem- j heaven that was goiujr to turn up. One of th tent bo.vs hovered in til" back u round as dis- pe>isiliit vhf'llli-t. Well," sakl F. at lust, "what's the matter with you ';" Tin' man indicated p>, :i; ni Other hens bought in the market 1 white <jr brown .'giis, there being no -tiunlard. of cnnr.se. What i lit'jis < uiltl t!o if fed and cared for - ; .- '! iiciiHy <M'inot be told, but , tin . .should do wo.id.TS. t l It is common to buy from Chinese avi-iage six to the smaller ones are Cupid at South Pol. ter he bott-jm and s-.des of a deep lower corners. For silk curtains, _ __ _ then pie dun. 1 with .1 mix- use a weighted braid. i |,; s head and the back of his necJ . J '-'- illil t fcure made of the following ii;jre- l',.. SW eet milk and ammonia a and roaii"d. If he hud a wlis'-'it pound, OJeuta: One cup cold chopped ham, teaspoonful of the latter to a quart headnehe. he Kr...wd just as much -' li -" plentiful, but the chicken busi- o cups macaroni which ha 1 * been o f the former for clcuniii'tr unite,.,.; if ] us head had been splitting. V. '"'ss is not yet under -.tond \>\- tin- boiled in sal tod waur aud cut up enamel woodwork. i asked a few questi,.)!?. and took boa I Chinese, and the hens get practieal- m inch pieces, four tablespoons of It *av- a great deal of time on temperature. The clinicnl tlier y no care or attention. They for- ?nrt'il cheese and nn)k or cream to ironing day if children's dresses are niometrr is in itself i-misidered big ;'-'<' nixl care for themselves. They tnako it moist. Stir well together, ma dt) to open all the way down, medicine, and ufu-n docs much . pret little protection fi-oin a temper- add pepper and salt if neces-sary. Then they can be laid out straight good. am re frequently falling below zero Cover with a rich pie crust which un the ironing board. "Too mn-'li men;. m\ fi-irml.'' re- (Fahrenheit) and occasionally in h, r n been rolled quite thick. Bake Potatoes boiled in their s k:;is arc 'marked F. in KML:! ; S!I. :i)nl t" )i s <t-p;v,.eu or even 'JO degrees below ubwly u-ntil the crust is done. vvry nearly as good as baked p- , boy in Swuhili. "Kriii',' th;- cup.'' Drawn Ratter Sauec. Three ta- ' * :a ' oe! ' 1 *""- l >il " ls n "-':t- be taken t<> ; He put in the eup :\ triple duse of i The larareM opps I have seen hero blespoona butter, two 'tablespooos nuvn tiiem taken off the fire at pre- ; Epsom salts. T ; ie African ^requires I averaged four to the pound, some, flour, oae-fourth teaspoon sait, one cwoly the right moment. three times a while man' 1 ' dose. ' being slightly below four ounces ;up boiling water, one-half table- 1 &BS woman whose work requites Thi-=. thernpeuticnlly. was ail that ; and others slightly over, some even 8p..iii temwn juice and one-half much Bitting should wear an apron i was required: but psychologically, four and a quarter ounces. These f,easp<stn chopped parsley Melt tna * X* around the back as "well the, job was jiist begun. Vour Aln- we re from ft hen kept, by a man in tho butter, add flour and 'salt, then a8 t }le fronL Uiuvk satine or ai-| a canjlo wonderfiil things wiHi ; Antiing. whose hem* get, moro wuter, gradually, cook un- I ja< " 1 arp S ood materials. The trftsrt-dy of rlu. * x>i'_ .-.\iicdif.oii hap ben followed hy a ni-rliv! cji.diMUK' ol urvcyorn. Sis or sovcn .f tin- nav..| potty nlBriTH and mm ot the T.-i ::. Sora liav lrn uturriinl and nut.' .1 number of , .r.iii-rs havtt h(-..!n<- ."!.';.'. .1 i-in,-.. their return from thu polar 32,250 Umbrellas Found. '.o be a sroTTiritf ' li:i ; i.t Hi L .inlon. for tlif r.-Mor: ! 19] li;.' ' '-JIi'Ht .-r.' ,.Tr Of P ' ' ' MI.IWH t'.iat :hu )~t art !<!> sent to 8 il im.d V;ir<l iinmix-reil . . i 1 I <m th pi. The ar;.i-!( intliulrd: K:IL- . Id '': rj !, . ..era glarae lurecs, hi'ckri, J.u'j; tnasr-'lu^, 32 I; wau '65. Of th -f ;.<i-i'j Articled rnlued at $200,260, wt-rw rwitori-d to :lii':r .nvnrrr. Bars Moroanatio Marrlaccs. The vifit of tho Arrhilukp Krancn* K. r [lilKilill ;;i'tl hl^ ."i.fc^.rt. tlio l)u. ' Iloiii -nlH-rit. h:iH wt ovi-rv oiii- tall.itii: "I; thu < M-r fuKiiiatniK hiibjtitt of morganatic . ... ' . Though morff.'iiiRtU- n>&rriagM arc not fM-rnnUi-d hy Knclish luvr Lundon luis bwxuuo tarniliHi- with iho id(-a ,iy tin- I-L- sidom-e in thiH .viuntry of tlm nran.l Ditke Mlohael ami Uio COII'IKI-* T..rhv. proniinnu in Ijoiulon f:uih.oii.ibli> o:rc!e. I 'Hip Counn>^n T.T'IV lirrtfif i tlu- off- I spring of unot-hrr niorganiui.- man -.ii" it the ilaii|(htr of inn Into I Niohola* ot Nuitf.-au aiul the I'ounti^e .,1 same way, ;is also certain psaljni and Mich jineins as ''By Nebo'i Lonely Mountain." An entire pro- ffraiiiin.i may be made up thus, and il will be found of unfailing inter- The Hlackbojird. JyOoking back- ward, wo havo five scenes in the life uf Mo^es liere, and we may aln look forward over tho life of J.h- ua, the stmly <>f which wo havo bo- Kim. ('oiintint^ the alternative les- hon t'or ( hrislmas day, we have live Mcenes in hiK life also, (.'all thc-, nut by question ami answer, oon- iMch with its numerical ICK- ;uid ad<iiii)r the remaining . Have the <J.i'(!<-n Text i-i-ril ed in concert. shelves have no sb;t<le on a rol- thick as cream, then add lemon 1 lf the I iallll ', v juice and parsley. One hard-cook- doors put : ed Kff may be chopped and added ler in front of them and pull down to the sace. i the shade when not in use. ' make a real protection Unking Pwwder Biscuits. Two up* floor, four teaspoons baking powder, oa3 teaspoon salt, two ta- r>lspoous lard or butter, to make soft doush (about three-fourths THE G1EKAK MUCEMAN. <:up). Slfk flour once before, ineae- uriug, then again with salt and bak- Photographer Gets Montli in I riwm ing p<jwder. Out in the fat with tor Staring at Him. two sharp knives or rub between A rMnurka blc vam is reported g" i i dnds ""SP lt c f'" 10 * , be seen ln from Urvslau, wher a. photograpli- the flour. Then add milk, cutting it in with a knife until the whole mixture is well moistened, but still oan be handled without sticking. , TOSH ou a slightly floured Iward and ' roll enthr or pat smooth with the i pria;ng in GerinanV; wh ero oflUial his imagination. Therefore the Mention and bettor food than the white man de>ir-s not <.n!y to en- ehiucse kept, h.-ns. Tho best, hen referred to wan bought in tlm mar- Superintendent. \Vhat is the Title unil tjukien T- .\t i' I.-- 'ii li H<ivs. .M< -si'a' t r: fur H.-'n. Tin- .-'i i C. i .' "it prayer .if a > limn : i eth'm . Ii ' I! - ,1. -aii.Ui-y and Knvy [iiili- . -: J. (,'irls. Love ciiv'eih not; love vaiuit'-i'ii ii.it itself, is not pMi'f-<l up. <lotii ii.it behavi' itself mi- <l OMllv. Supi !.."-s.. n III. I!..y-. T!ie l?t-)Kin .-i the - < Jills. If G-od l<e fur us. -.\ !i- lie agaiiiM SAI|II . l.es.s. n IV I H. \ 9. The -in f \i<'S<-s .'tnd Aaron. (Jii-U !j't !h words of my moutli a'ld :!n^ meditation of keb for killinir. bin. e>caped that a 'oervi ro- liven his pati'-iit's internal economy with Kpsoin's -alts, but .r-o to arouse his faith. To this e'ld V. ad f al<1 (ln<1 llas ded to that- triple d.'e of medicine j oo( . ( j a Bp^i.inful of chutnoy. one of \Vor-; cestershire sauce, n tew grains of j * qxiinui and n e-rvsnl <-r so of per- j lilMTISU PAI'PEUJSM. tuHJiganatc to turn the mixture n beautiful piuk. This assortment How the Old-V-r I'enmnns Have the patient drank with gratitude DeeWWWd S<niurge of iii-i the tears running fortaaV ; iso ,, iuKMl( , for ill811 ]ti ng a polic*- * , s|ftri at )lim in a vexa . down his "he returns of pauperism issued A~b?g Kaviroiido rose to his fett . ! rooontly, have been supplemented "Homa- fover :'' whined the man. I by the annual rei>ort of the Local Boiird of Poor La-w u, tMiys tlie London cheeks. - . . F. clapped hia hand 011 the back j Government. Th<) im , itl ,, nt u bv no mealls ' and cut into biscuits. Baku in a hot o^en for twelve or fifteen omnit3. of fie other's neflc. "I think/' he remarked, contem- J Post. Tho hoard points out that platively in English, "that- you're I tho prosperous trade and oompara- out i'f car- lively small amount of unemploy- ment, recorded in the year ended in March la/st, a-r i-eflectel in tho re- liur, and \\:nit to ryiiig your load.'' Tho clinical theruntiiirl.M' showed turns of pauperism. On tho first, of n January, 191U, the rte of pauper- ism to population wa-H. ai.7 per into re c.illcd biscuits. i mi ill n pans. These drop" or "emergency" l'ookic8.~Ono cup fat (half lard, aro riot "servants oi the public," no evidence of temperature. her* the official grado is di- j "I'm pretiv near sura you're by a sharp line from that ofjjiar," observed F.. in the pleasant thft ordinary civilian. There are i fis f. conversational tone, and stiU in j j.000, a. rato lower than that of any reckoned to be about 3.000,000 ofll- j English, "but you may be merely a ; previous year. The mean, number cials dn Go run any. or, ay, fl per ; poor diagnostician. We'll see'' j O f paupers of ;iil claswws relieved cent, of the population. The. law i< , So he mixed a pint of medicine. I wag 738,910, O r S1.5 per 1,000 of thw Tho !UK Huk.i ol Twk. Quwi Mary - fu- tlii-r, nan thi> only son of Uuko Ali-i:uidcr of \VurtinburK and hi* morgana tlo '.it.. tho i.'uuutmv I'lauilliio Bhedey. Tin- r marriuj lifo ne iihort, for Uin hridr ,1 sd nt th cu.l ill 'ivi- yer; hut it .\a- bi'- Heved In Wurttnubrre to liavn )>.-. n i.lo.il- ly happy. a.nd ait<-r i hi- <l<-.th oi hi wifo Duko Alexander Hvl ; iviU..w-r for nearly tlfty yeari. Thu present roi|fiiin Frlnoe f LippO U* i,-.. '' eon of a niorganatio iniirrlngt., thoiiKh i'l ''is i-ajr, n.itithtuniliiiu tliifi impwliuiout and in pit of tho opposi- tion of ft vory oialtod pnoni/<-, ho -*u* ullowril to *u<-<wwl to the throun of tin- pvliKiipttllty- a livlnir proof '.hat ni.,'tfu- natlu .i.v-.-nl '.- not un alMflluto l<ar - HlltvnHK'il auiollK Ui-rniaji royalty. Ab*rdn le Honor Byron. AtKirileiin i to do honor to Kn-.n iiy rrmtinv *tatui) U" hi* meniury. Thonitli lio wild tmrn In I^indou in llollrb Stroet. r tTAndUh H<tur tho n-jt early dayu wr apent, lu Alwrdeoii; mid h ma* al- way vroud of IIIB oooiraotton with thu }ordoni". Loniton, Dw. '.6. !13. . (;,. .,,.^[,,,,1,10 in thy sight, O Lord, Illy Strength arKl Iliv Mupi . Boys. tJirls. . - , severe in regard to offence against j "There's Epsom's salts for tne 'population. This number is slight- half butter), two cups brown sugar, them, because they are held to re- real part <>f your trouble, and j y j n CJtcess o f |,j )e jmiulx.c for the Swo eggs, one-third cup milk, three present in their persons the dignity here's a few things for the fake." j p rw .pding year, but the figures for fceaspoouB baking powder, flour to' o f the State. This applies to post H* then proceeded to concoct, a Jnly wef<> excc j )t ^, na> i ,, w i, lg to t i ie poll (about three cups).. C ream fat ,,, railway officials, clerks, and. mixture, the awniluesK ot which was fK . ( , l)rronco wt l)lat , tiule of ^ trou . *nd .sugar antil light and foamy. i a f^t u ]i t ho pewmncl of the i the exact, measure of Ins imagino- 1 blo m th(j tmj , rt fc j Th A J J ._ J L i_ i.l. 1.7.- A! ._ .. v.*i r+ I i. J . I^V.^. I,r_>h*ii^i.*.i lain u Ottly Add eggs and beat, thoroughly, then' bureaiicratio ayBt'cm. The tierman j tion. The imagination was oiuy ; f, )rtunutt . jj *dd mil-k ATM! dry ingredients sifted brought up under the official system limited by the necessity of *MUlg ooftl (i . )uj(% together. Have the dough as soft; M |io.s.sib?e without sticking to the board. Tni in ice-box to harden fat, tlun take a small jiarfc of the dough at a time, roll lightly until about one-eighth -inch thick, cut .Mid bake quickly ill a hot oven. Try accepts It placidly, regulates him- self by it, takvR everything as ''nacli v<.rs<'hrift,'' and, though he encourages "officialism" by his rea<ly acceptance of it, he finds it no inconviMiioncc because lie keeps well within the code. the mi-xtnre harrnl"-s. biting, nauseous horror in went- into that pint measure. 'There," concluded F.. "if you i drink that and come hack again for treatment. I'll believe you Such a system is bound to havo its amusing side, ivnd innumerable instances might be nuoted. The Ltiivaria-n. police la.st March threat- ened to eject, u. man and his wife- fro'in a, train because on nine ling they kissed each other in public. e un- CH m thi* and the. ...... .... . n,.^,i took pliid*. a little ^ ' enr)ie,r, made th year very dim j cult one for many Boards of Gunr ' diiuvs. The. uionthly returns of ]>au- ow that from April to 1912, when these disputes , ' i '""" in progress, the niimiicr of ' Vithoui undup ..ride. I should , Paupers exceeded those at the cor j like to it-cord that 1 was the first to I responding periods .-{ the, previous; think of putting into the drajt a pc- ! 3" y f ''"' 1;j -"'" <" -' culiarly iiftuseotts I acquired a rej tremendous are ! Jul - v ' ! were . .. oil. Thereby! Mt.ch ofitiwdeanwa ii M>e nun, on o - f making I"** 8 <? { relieve.! E(,'S IN CHIN V. by t h i Kuardiaaa i*- Htiel t lie due i<. i the operation of the Old ARC Pen j s^ion Act. The diminution is main i ly in the number of persons <iwr to roll one piece of dough as little M pDssifek) ; repeated handling caake'< it tough. Do not have, loose flour on tho board or rolling pin. Tlii-i m.-ikeu .y^okies pale and tinat- (ractjve. l!l-e I \I-NI .i.ni I'lldllillg. OjIC- fouri.h cup rice raw or three nuar- j and in Berlin only last February a br left-over cvoked rice, two cups code of police' ruleK was issued milk (hot), two egg yolks, cine-third, regulating house-wives' shopping oup sugar, one-eighth teaspoon ' eustxnn.s. I'nder these rules it is *alt, two cgK whites, one-half ten ! forbidden to loucli ciirp to see if poon vanilla. If the rice is r:iw there, is any roe or (o handle a fowl boil it until soft in a largo amount to te*t the market - woman 'K praise of silted water, then mix with the milk. This is an excellent- way t->|year ago a thi''f <iressetl as a gen- ! seem U> figure in tin so 'alciiiH.t.ioiis. i lishiurnt, of Labor bureaus, l.lio '. age up a, small amount of left over |darme- |-,iesenti-<l himself nt bho jyst if the beBtiinony of toniista and ] fseding of school ehikir. ti. the rice. Separata the eggs, mix the public treasurer's ofliw and de- j rc.sklonls t Cluun is reliable tho j mcdica-1 inspection ami breabmentj sugar \vitli the yolks and add the j mandoil (*> iiii)ect, the aoCOVOlts. I beat eggs are i-i }>* luul in thai re | <,f school children, ami the unerii ' hot milk slowly, then cook in a Thc f ..\ wore submitted, a-nd, after j g\^ n , M least in souit.h Manchuria. ' ployment. aiul health insurance' double boJWX until tho custard declaring that they -wore- iuoorrpct, j 1 have frequently heard visitors re ! schemes, have in some degree m<xli ! thickens, reove from the fire and hr. p/-,ckeU'd $100 and fold the chief | majk that Uio eggs served in *outh ' lie.d tho problem with which the} add UK- beaten whites nud flavor- official to appear next 4ajf * Heil-; MwicbttJTa are, twice as large as ' guardians haw to deal, but for the Ing. When cold servo. Cocoanut M:u<aroons. Sift to- ll... ,|. Hens Lay Them That Weigh ^^..o wrem rooeipts of ont ,,. , ; door relief. ajii a. comparison ..t the five to the 1'i.iinil. | flguWH of Maix . (l ^ wjth ihf ^ t'liina IKI^ long been known ns an j for .Tnmi.iry, UU3, sJiowwa rcdiic egg -producing coun-l-ry.- write* j tion of 'M )ier cenl . Other recent , United States C'onsul Williamscii legislative chauceR, such a-s the I'n of its plumpness. At Bilc.iiKbiveh a. [vom Antiiug. Manchuria does lint. , emplovcd \V<irkmeii A<-|. the e-iali one scant cupful of flour and, on the road, and with this evidence one of granulated sugar. Add ;of identity pas-stnl several danger 0aokage of shredded cocoanut. Mix spot*. After releasing the tramp thoroughly and fold in tho white* [he went ( (..'cu pen bach, where ho of three eggs, beaten stiff. Flavor i informed iho police that he \va,s on with almond oxl-mct. Drop with a J tlir track -<i the swindler, requisi- teaipoon in small c:ikcs in a bakin;? tioned the official bicycles, took tho pan *nrl bake in a moderate oven bo.st that was offered, and disap- bronn. He then decamped, hut on ! tho.'o of south China, and I have j most, part, if. is as yefc too early 10 \ being r>urMied he arreste<l a Inimp . inrcstigalc-d tb" ix of tho eggs '. Ira^e their eff.-H, In the stat.ivlio ,,|' " nad of a golden ! pearcd, never to be heard of again, ,'old here. The. hardy hens of this pauperism. region lay pggs that average. cording to tho hens, from five t .show neven to the pound, and six < t-hc pound in common and usual. Hi may be of interest to breeders n.nd ttgg farmers i<> kuiv thafc I furnislif<l in Iho repuri inl, on the 1st of last Ja?ii)ar\ havo seen within the ln.>t. week over four OUIK-OS, pro 661.664 persons were in receipt, of relief, these figures being exclusive of paupers clunked as insane ..r CASHII! pau.|u-rs. which bring the tu- tal up t<i TiH.i'siT ii. di'/reaM? of 7.654 mi the previous year-. vor MVK A cv,\n iiv; TliinU* It IH liy Difficult. The dt>c.reat*ei in tiie death- rate during the last century ha* beeti re- markable, but'-, a every woll-in- formed physician will tell you, it ha,s been brought, about chiefly by lessening tho Jiumber of deaths among intants and peraunn under 35 years of ago. Aftc.r tho Latter ago tho danger of death ift greater tjian ovor, in spit* of all that .medicine and surgery can do. Tho famous British physician. Sir James Sawyer, believes it i* by no means a difficult matter for any human beiug io live to he 100 years <>ld. He hns recent.lv declared that anybody can att-ain this ago, unless killed by accident, if he or h will religioiu-Jy observe tho following eighteen " comniiindineius u( health": I. Kighl. hours' sle<-p every night-, a. Slue,p I>H your right ide. 3. Keej) vnin be<lmt!ii window open, ^. Have a mat nt your liedri.iin door i). Seep vour lie<! ,-f.Mn limn the wall. (i. No <-old hallt in tin-' m.iriiinx but a bath nt the teiil|n>r:mire .if t,iu> bidy. 7. Kxereise rieforo breaki':i -! f*. Ku-t. little meat, ami he Mire tlmi it is vvell cook.-*! 9. Iirink no milk. (Tlii;-- njtp ,- to- jKlnli.s milj ^. 10. Kafc plont,y .if f.-ii ;-. feed th cells which dentri.\ <liwa- germs. II. Avoid inVixu-ant^. v\i'ich de- stroy the ee}) tJuvt coiubii^- dis. aae 12. Allow no pot animals in your living r-.oiiM. for tliev --IIITV <l : -ea-i' geasn - 18. Live in t-hp eoiintr.v if \..\i can, 14. WaU-h tho thre,< D's drink ing w utor, ilam)i and Ifl. Have change ..f 16. 'I'ake fr.'((iient and short holt 17. Limit vour ambition. 15. Keep your temper. \' ' Kalak and Baianm. A dmibleminded mini in all his ways. Supt. Lebson VI i Hoys. Abstinence for .if Others. (iirls. It if tlt-sli. nor to drink ihiiiM; \\ln'rel)i , ihy ble.th. Less., u VII; Tho J)eath_ Procious in the sigia is the death of I.,SM,H VUII JoHtlua. tho New Leader He strong jnul 'f ' Hu]Jt . I5.i\> Supt Hoys. Girls. courage Le-Min IX Hiv. <'ro%sing tin- Jordan. tiirU. l>ur not, l\ 1 am with thee. v * Jsupt. Lessou .v, Hov-., Thu Fall of JVricho. (lii-'iH. All thinga nre ix>8ih'.- M him tliut belie vcth. Supt Lewion XI 1 Boyrt. The Sin of Achan. Oirl. Be sure your sin will find you out. ' Supi. XII! Boys. The \Yord Made Flesh (jirU. And the Word was madu flesh, and dwelt among us. Origin of Diamond*. Kvceiit scientific authorities are inclining t" ih belief that all dia mond.s came to the earth in meteo- ric shower*. Tho theory is the dia mond fell to the earth as a meteo- riie at a lai.- periixl of the _ e.arth'u I'.iriuatioii. I'liices where diamolld are f..unl contain meteoru ma.-^e which have penetrated the para) more or ',.-- deeply. Ewsen; dii covories in tile \\i-sti-ni states, o^pe cially in Ari/.-.ia. seem to indicate t'urthr tlio bf:i\i-iil.\ .'iiiil ' ol ..ur iiii.tl- livi'.l-iint Mtoii.-. for over the hroful and <.pcn jilains f.v art-;i ,,, r miles in di'imeier r.5\i'r:i) tUOUt and niiissi-s i metallic iron have been M-nitered. These mas- 1 - li'^.i nJ..ulitedlv lie^n meir'-rir iOW> ST'Mit Constobh 1 : "Wei 1 , my buy, you seem very inten--.tv.l in nut. Aro you thinking of ; ..iniii(r t ( 'a ' pcriijt.

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